Firearms Expert Reacts To Battlefield: Bad Company 2’s Guns

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I really don't like these kind of videos that goes

<insert profession name here> reacts to <insert popular media here>

sounds like a template for instant quick views

especially this particular expert is seen everywhere but still good video

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Toghr_37 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal armies museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and today we're back with the battlefield franchise as jonathan takes a look at the weapons of battlefield bad company 2. something else that i really want to to comment on is the weird left-hand ejection on all of the weapons by and large that's not a good idea because most of your soldiers are right-handed and cartridge cases flying out of the left potentially could be a problem if you want to see more of jonathan's take on battlefield make sure to subscribe so you can also check out our videos on battlefield 4 1 and 5. if there are any other games guns or mechanics that you guys want to see jonathan break down let us know in the comment section below and if you'd like to help out the royal armies museum and continue to support jonathan's work check out the links in the description of this video right over to jonathan i couldn't help noticing that what seemed like a an audio loop effect from the firing of that light machine gun which is the the chinese type 88 something from from way back in gaming that you could always pick up on was where there's a wav file repeating where something is firing automatic and there's that ever so slight break in as the file loops i don't think that's what's happening here i think it's been designed to fire effectively bursts for some reason even though it is meant to be automatic i might be over analyzing but uh as discussed that that's what i'm here for there's a strong trend in the battlefield games of setting them in the near future like 5-10 years in the future something like that and so they they have tended to anticipate what will be a standard service weapon in the near future and i think almost invariably they get it wrong which is no fault of theirs really because it's to do with the um political machinations and costs of things and how many of an existing perfectly good rifle that you already have and so the the auk 971 this is a relatively early version that's been depicted here with that green almost sa-80 looking handguard on it and that has failed to become a standard primary issue service rifle in the russian armed forces but it has seen limited adoption so but not in this form it continued to evolve and i think the latest version is now being marketed under the chord name which is the name of a heavy machine gun they must have tested that and decided that it would sell better the uzi appearing in bad company 2 we've got a reasonable representation it's falling into the the classic trap of depicting the weapon as closed bolt so firing from a closed bolt rather than with the bolt cocked to the rear which is how the vast majority of uzis work and all of the select fire ones and this is because you can see the selector markers and markings and you know how it works in the game but other than that it's a decent rendition for for the period of the classic uzi and from memory it does kind of underscore why you generally want an assault rifle because it's got limited range and penetration and therefore damage but it's got a decent capability at close quarters so it's got its place but increasingly on the real battlefield there's not much room for these pistol caliber automatic weapons submachine guns watching this again is like a not only like a weird nostalgic throwback because i put a lot of hours into this a decade ago but also like a weird bit of firearms history as well because the xm8 was like the great hope for a new family of infantry weapons and it looked futuristic and it looked cool and then it didn't go anywhere so this is another frozen in time this is what the future could have been moments with with battlefield which has happened more than once although weirdly the xm8 did see serial production of all armed forces the malaysian navy has xm8 and i think they are marked xm8 as in experimental and it's it had an interesting interface system which is what those those weird socket holes are in the side the idea was you would plug in your accessories to those holes this was before the picatinny rail became truly dominant and so it had a the xm8 had its own proprietary system of attaching everything from the optics to lights and lasers and grips and things like that so a really interesting what might have been preserved in digital form something else that i really want to to comment on now that i have the platform to do so because this used to drive me absolutely nuts back in the day is the weird left-hand ejection on all of the weapons they all ejected cartridge cases to the left now there are one or two weapons in existence that do that but by and large that's not a good idea because most of your soldiers are right-handed and cartridge cases flying out of the left potentially could be a problem and although i've never spoken to a developer i'm pretty sure i know why and it's the same reason that the cartridge cases kind of trickle out of the side of the weapon in a graceful fashion which is not realistic either and that's because they want to show off the animation they want the player to be able to see and admire the detail that was going into these circa 2010 graphics and they were impressive at the time we saw some um judicious use of the noob tube there i'm not sure the recipients would have been overjoyed at that and those were smoke rounds which are used for well in the game they're used for for cover now the ranges we saw there there is not sufficient arming time because a 40 ml grenade arms but in terms of how many rotations it's um described uh before it hits what it's aimed at and at that distance there is not sufficient distance slash time for the thing to arm so it would just go funk and imagine it would hurt quite a bit and if it hit you in the face it would probably knock you out of the fight but uh it wouldn't explode in a lethal fashion of course being a smoke around it's not meant to be lethal anyway but any explosive going off close to you is the concussion of it is potentially going to incapacitate you regardless as it does burst open there will be some limited fragmentation as well although it's designed not to do that would it would it kill somebody let's not find out [Applause] so this representation of the g3 functions a little differently than quite a few of them i'm thinking in particular of call of duty where from memory it tends to be a semi-automatic designated marksman class weapon here it's very much as it was originally conceived so a an assault rifle really albeit firing a full power cartridge what's often called today a battle rifle but i i reject that term it's not a particularly meaningful term so it's a bit too controllable so designed as a select fire weapon so you can fire accurate single shots or you can fire bursts or hold down the trigger and dump the magazine in reality that is completely worthless the recoil of the g3 is significant the intent of of that select fire capability was really for well yeah busting indoors jumping into a trench and you'd be firing it from the hip looking where you're aiming in the traditional old-fashioned assault position you would not be firing automatic from the shoulder the player there is doing um good execution as i used to say with his automatic g3 but in reality he would struggle except at close range so this is pretty much the scar l that you see in the game and this unlike the xm8 this did enter us service they are still around in delta force some other units but not the light version this was found to be i believe there were reliability issues it's pretty well modelled in the in the game it does suffer from the weird left-hand ejection issue the rear sight is an odd one as well this has got the the actual fn um back up sights and as you can see it's an adjustable for height rear aperture an l-shaped tiny little adjustable two different sizes so an open and a more open aperture for close range work and a sort of more diopter-esque one for longer ranges and then you you twist it to adjust the height that's not what we see in the game we just see a weird little stump with a v-notch cut in it don't think that's based on a real one i think that was just a bit of a fudge the usas usa s12 fully automatic shotgun is quite well represented in the game if i remember rightly this is one of my go-to weapons when i was playing the game originally 10 round drum magazine on there it's automatic but it's quite controllable in fact it's so slow that you could pretty much just make do with semi-automatic but it is full auto it's not quite iconic but it's got a certain um recognition factor it's got that weird morphed ar15 look to it with the carrying handle and obviously it is an ar-15 pistol grip and this whole part of the receiver is based on the aar it is like a sort of cartoon m16 that fires 12 gauge rounds and the real gun isn't much less ridiculous than that sounds the mg3 makes an appearance specifically the mg3 not a legacy mg42 although i think people would be surprised to know how much the same gun those are this one's a weird one because it's fitted with a russian cobra red dot sight but hey we're meant to be the russians i assume now in reality that sight would not fit the nato slash picatinny rail that you do find on some mg3s on the top cover which is i guess a difference between that and the mg42 and it's one of the only guns in the game that feeds from the correct side feeds from the left ejects to the right because it's a belt fed mg you're seeing the um the belt of cartridges getting fed into the gun from the from the feed device because it's kind of held centrally you get to see them come out the side a bit to the right as well as you can tell it's a bit of a pet peeve [Music] so the sidearm here is actually a an m92 or m9 beretta but the name and the icon are the m93r the uh burst fire stablemate of the m92 um so we've got a full auto m92 i don't remember this but um i'm guessing they ran out of time or changed plans or something and i had to use a standard m9 model for their machine pistol it also shouldn't well look to be firing automatic rather than burst which you shouldn't do the m93r can only do three-round burst as any robocop fan knows and then the the primary weapon there was the big old barrett m95 not the iconic m82 m107 but the m95 which is a ballpark so trigger in front of the breach and b bolt action an odd choice on the face of it but of course it offers built-in gameplay balance because it slows the rate of fire down without having to fudge it in any way so a clever choice i think the mg36 not a light machine gun you see particularly often in video games um so another eclectic choice by the battlefield developers we've got one behind me somewhere that's got a rail carry handle fitted to it this one is depicting the bundesfare standard configuration except that from memory in that short clip i've just seen i don't think it incorporates the dual sights that it should do so the the bundeswear version has a three power magnified sight and a red dot sight and you just raise your head up and down to use both very good for the time or a bit limiting later on when technology moved on and there were better options available yeah it's only at this point that i remember or realized that the class system in in the battlefield in this battlefield game was a little curious the idea of the the medic not carrying a shorter lighter weapon and actually carrying a longer heavier weapon light machine gun which i've completely forgotten was the case is a bit curious because um well for one thing medics are typically armed with a standard service rifle there's then the practical element of your carrying additional medical equipment and an absolute ton of ammo for a quite a heavy bulky weapon so it's it's a real contradiction that you're you're the one laying down the hate on the enemy with a machine gun and then running over and patching them up but hey you know class systems have to work someway all right well um i'm shortly to myself because that was some really well played bit of anti-tank anti-aircraft um i find anti-tank a bit underwhelming in a lot of video games you really don't feel like you're doing very much this game um you really felt like you were making a difference and you felt like the sort of threat that infantry anti-tank weapons really do pose to armored vehicles you know there's a reason why tank battles are much less a thing on the modern battlefield ever since effective lightweight portable shaped charge warheads became a thing whether they're from a recoilless weapon or a rocket launcher you know in an urban environment especially you are in serious trouble if you're in a tank it caused a you know another arms race effectively between explosive reactive armor bar armor to try and keep armored vehicles in the running because otherwise you know any tom dick or harry with an anti-tank weapon could take you out and this game gave you that and it was very satisfying to watch that munition go in a slight arc and chunk and you take them out which is what we saw there and the weapon in question was the carl gustav which is actually quite an old design the original design is uh immediately post-war 1948 and it actually came out of service certainly in the us armed forces and then came back in an upgraded but recognizable form british armed forces are still using it so yeah bit of a legend the old charlie g if you'd like to help us out here at the royal armouries we've got links in the description one of the best ways you can help us is to come and see us because we are open again now if you're close enough to do that we've also got our own series of short videos on some of the objects in the collection here so head over to the royal armouries channel and check those out and i'll see you again on another one of these soon [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 357,223
Rating: 4.9653544 out of 5
Keywords: game, games, video game, gaming, juego, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, battlefield, bad company 2, bc2, bad company 2 gun breakdown, bad company 2 expert reacts, bad company 2 weapons, bad company 2 guns, gun review, weapon review, expert reacts, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts
Id: UQ0T2cGOmJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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