Firearms Expert Reacts To Hell Let Loose’s Guns

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He is not a player, yet he pointed out the same things we complain evolving the stg 44 debate about automatic weapons availability

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/Digo10 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Love this series. Happy to see HLL show up.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Kardon47 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

isn't it a mg42 on the other player at 02:05 ?

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/TankDuck_1985 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

I wish the devs will take in account the iron sights on the guns one day, giving the M1 a smaller iron site will balance the wep in its self

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/_Cheeser 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Trans-Europe_Express 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

You have no idea how happy it would make me if there was Gun Jesus US Army character skin

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Medieval_Mind 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal armies museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and on this episode he's looking at the world war ii era weaponry of the tactical shooter hell let loose so this is the ptrs 41 it's hard to convey i think how enormous this thing is if you're interested in seeing more world war ii error firearms make sure to check out our videos on battlefield 5 and call of duty world war ii if there are any other games guns and mechanics you guys want to see jonathan break down let us know in the comment section below and if you'd like to help out the royal armies museum and continue to support jonathan's work check out the links in the description of this video right over to jonathan okay pause well we're off to a good start there with the browning automatic rifle the m1918a2 this is well modeled well implemented i think they're running on the slower of the two rates of fire makes you realize listening and listening to that and watching it how you know a well-trained soldier firing rapidly you know semi-automatic can easily match that sort of low 400 rounds per minute or 300 and something i think it was the other sort of minor nerdy detail is the lack of the carrying handle which is also correct because most of the a2s you'll see now as well as probably having their bipods will have a carrying handle on them which is another kind of moving toward like machine gun thing well that feature was not fitted during the second world war so these guys have done their research it's well modeled it's well represented apparent recoil rate of fire all of that seems to be pretty good and the effect on target as well you know firing bursts short bursts of twos and threes as you probably would be doing and the enemies going down so there's none of this bullet sponge nonsense the classic mg34 looking good so far okay so we've got uh two mg34 gunners here i suppose an ongoing quirk of video game bipods is that they don't really engage with the game world as they perhaps ought to um it has to be fudged to allow you to place the gun and move it around so our second gunner that we see here is floating in space because he's he's in the prone animation but he's on a sloped surface and it doesn't quite work but it gives us a good view of the in-game mg34 which is looking good i think looks a little short there i think that's probably just uh perspective the position and hold of the gun which is you know something you've got to pay attention to when you're modeling something like this looks right i mean i don't have a german manual to handle anything but it looks period correct the house these are going up nice right so we're going house to house now or into a house and the gunner is holding the bipod legs together as a sort of improvised forward grip which as far as i know was done you need something to be able to hold on to that cooling jacket isn't going to stay cool for very long not with a 900 rounds per minute plus rate of fire which is um again correctly implemented as far as i can as far as my ear can discern now we've got the the drove machine gun the d p this is the second light machine gun i've seen and it looks like they're preventing you from shouldering the thing from from aiming using the sights while shouldering the gun which is realistic in large parts and prevents you from just running around running and gunning like it's an assault rifle which i suspect is the main reason they've done it so i do approve of that but you will always find stories of absolute units that would shoulder a bren gun or something similar similar size and weight to this and actually use the sights if you had sufficient upper body strength you could fire this thing from the shoulder but i i definitely approve of that as a gameplay choice because it reflects the real world use of the thing yes you can hit fire it yes we're gonna see more hip firing than we should in a game and the primary role is from the bipod and that's what we're seeing most mostly here in the footage reloads look good on the dp all i would say and this is true of almost any light machine gun but especially one with a big cumbersome pan magazine like this is that reloading on the run as we saw just now just not possible you can't run with a big heavy gun like this and maybe unless your assistant gunners running alongside you and handing you the mag and then even then getting that located on the gun one-handed and properly seated well i'd like to see someone try put it that way we've got the german car 98k as we'd expect to see in a second world war shooter some interesting gameplay there quite a straightforward scenario where you've got an enemy soldier that's somewhat zigzagging toward the shooter who with a bolt action rifle is desperately trying to score a hit of course with a self-loading rifle you could fire more rapidly and ensure that you scored that hit and of course that totally reflects reality this is a limitation of the weapon that's being modeled it's a bolt-action rifle what are you gonna do there's only so fast that you can fire this thing so i'm intrigued to know how it plays perhaps you know let us know in the comments how frustrating it is to go up as the germans against an enemy that might have a self-loading rifle we've got the m1 carbine the recoil looks a little excessive to me the 30 carbine is a sort of glorified pistol cartridge really and does not produce a huge amount of felt recoil even in a light carbine like the m1 carbine which matters of course in terms of your dispersion of fire that might have been done deliberately to balance the thing so something i think i'm picking up on here is that where as you move and i've seen this on a couple of recent games the the iron sights are moving in relation to each other as as they would and i would assume that when you are pulling the trigger the bullets going wherever the front sight is pointing so you actually do have to take account to some extent of what your sight picture is maybe that doesn't pan out in the gameplay at all but it got me thinking and it's one of the main things missing from for enthusiasts like me where site alignment and site well site picture fine you can you can you have to get a side picture to hit what you're aiming at you have to lead your target all of that but site alignment is not usually a consideration there aren't enough controls on a controller or you can't really get your fingers around the controls to both realistically aim a weapon and point your upper body and move your feet and do all of that within a game our old favorite the m1 garand or garand or m1 rifle if you'd rather avoid the pronunciation issue looks pretty good so far but right out of the gate i noticed and i happen to have one of ours here that it's i won't say suffering from but has the same issue as just about every other second world war game that's had the features of the garand in that the rear sight aperture is absolutely massive so the one on the real gun is one and a half mil something like that but it's a much smaller aperture and that is that is what allows you a degree of precision in the use of iron sights it focuses you right down on the front side they they must have done this deliberately as have call of duty battlefield everyone else who's ever done the garand because your sight picture would be so cluttered as to be frustrating i think that's the reason why but it does mean that it's slightly inaccurate a bit of a myth about the m1 and the fact that you can't top it off you can't add more ammunition but i think what they're getting at when they make that criticism is that you have to eject whatever's in the gun and load a complete eight round clip but in fact that's not the case with a bit of practice you can eject the clip retain it in the weapon insert extra rounds into the clip and push the clip back into the rifle what we see here is the well it's one it's one up from the games that wouldn't let you even eject a clip we've moved on from that but we're also throwing away a partial clip to make matters worse actually what's happening is a regardless of how many shots the guys fired a full clip of eight rounds is what's flying out of the gun so that's just a that's just an oversight that i'm sure will be addressed at some point i always feel bad for pointing it out so a you wouldn't waste valuable ammunition and b you don't magically reacquire all eight rounds because if you could do that you just leave them in the gun i think yeah there's a guy in the left-hand side of the tank by trees we have our friend the mosin rifle so the the rifle in its scope looked pretty good to me um there's a glaring issue with the reticle which is correct it's the the three posts one pointed post and then the two either side that's the correct reticle but the fact that the reticle is stays still as the scope and the and the rifle recoil once you once you notice it is extremely distracting and it's just an oversight i'm sure they will improve that in due course but suffice to say that the reticle at this era is on a piece of glass that is inside the scope and should be moving with the scope the i think more interesting than the representation of the rifle here is the way it is the way it's being used so we've got i don't know if this happened organically or if it was planned but we have the sniper with his mosin and we actually have a spotter another player who is working with the sniper lying in the grass with him using much more powerful binoculars and certainly this era they are more powerful than the standard sniper scopes to see what's going on at distance and identify targets working as a sniper spot a pair and the second world war was really the the origin of that modern practice of having two-man sniper teams but it's just nice to see some gameplay that reflects real military doctrine because it works in both realms you know it makes sense low magnification of the scope means you either have to make do and be less effective or someone helps you out with a pair of binoculars i have to say the uh the ppsh or publisher whichever you prefer what he won looks like a lot of fun to use in this game it's a combination of the the very high rate of fire but also controllability so that 762 by 25 cartridge is kind of the sweet spot for ballistic effectiveness and low recoil energy now i like the fact that the player is actually is cupping the drum off to the side which is how it was actually shot with the with the drum fitted because you can't really hold it otherwise extremely awkward to perform the reloads with this it's always going to be easier to just press a button and watch it happen than to fumble with it in real life so the the feel of this is really good i think the week they've kept the recoil the sort of perceived recall low you can with a bit of uh mouse control clearly keep the reticle on target for an entire magazine which you absolutely can do with the with the paper shirt so that's great but we also see that the player is defaulting mainly to short bursts which is still more effective yeah if you're kicking in a door or something you might you might give it a long burst but for effectiveness and ammo conservation you want to be firing short bursts which in this with this thing is you know delivering three to five rounds of 762 at a very high rate uh counterpoint to the paper shot is the german mp40 which they seem to have nailed i have to say so it's got that slow deliberate rate of fire but very low recoil i mean that thing must be the the lowest recoiling submachine gun that i know of just kind of sits there chugging away largely because it has a big telescope spring buffer in the receiver that slows that bulk group right down it's a good implementation the mp40 is iconic enough that people are going to notice if you if you get it wrong it looks good it works well i am i know i'd rather have the ppsh though so this is the ptrs41 it's hard to convey i think how enormous this thing is and i don't think and it's not the game's fault but i don't think you really get the sense of how big and heavy it is either yeah these these things absolutely did get used against personnel what we see here is a sample sap in the open getting engaged by the ptrs and they go flying like a like a skittle i still don't think that would happen the way we saw it he was a bit too ragdoll there in reality this thing is traveling at such velocity that it's certainly not going to do you any favors but it's going to zip through you but with 14.5 we're getting to the point where you actually are getting knocked off your feet potentially by around that big and heavy it's as close as you're going to get to the classic movie flying through the air thing the stg storm this is looking good except that i've just realized i don't believe you can change fire mode that very good long range shot there so at least you can perform those would have had to have been a tap of the button which is fine but you'd be able to focus a bit more on trying to use it as a rifle if you were able to switch it to semi-automatic only and it would be more faithful to how the gun is actually operated having said that um if it's too good a rifle an infantry rifle substitute you're really going to make the car 98 the players hate the car 98 so maybe that's a conscious choice to make you exercise a bit of your own trigger control to pull off single shots so i'm not sure how the game implements the the issue of this rifle as it were but due to limited quantities and some tactical reluctance for from the german armed forces especially hitler himself the stg ended up issued to assault platoons so so almost everyone in that unit would have a stronger bear now for a game like this you kind of do need to limit the availability of this thing somehow otherwise everyone will just have it and or you have to nerf it really badly because you have to make the other weapons worth using the thompson of course has to make an appearance in this context and we have the m1 or m1a1 in this case though it's wrong because the site protector is okay but the sight within it is a weird sort of square u-notch and i don't know where they've got that from because the sight on the m1 and the m1a1 is a simple l-shaped piece of metal with a round aperture in it it's possible they've chosen this to increase the player's field of view in the iron sights but i don't think so because the sight they've chosen instead is much wider than the actual sight on the gun and if they just wanted to increase field of view they could have just locked the top off the proper narrow site that should be there i don't know if it's just perspective but it seems the gun seems a little small in the player's hands uh scaling is an issue with 3d models in games in the aim this looks about right so i it could well be perspective but the whole gun seems a little slight for me the thompson is is a large heavy gun thank you it should be directly three ton um we've got a series of firearms videos over on the royal armouries channel that you might like to check out as well up in the description of this video there are links to our donation scheme and also our membership scheme here at the royal armouries museum if you'd like to support the work that we do either way i'll see you again next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 917,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: K81e5Q6aY3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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