Firearms Expert Reacts To ARMA Reforger’s Guns

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this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal armouries museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and on this week's episode he's going to be checking out the weapons of milsim shooter armor reforger okay it looks like they're not yet modeling the actual rocket inside the tube but hey you're only going to spot that if you go into photo mode and look down the front or stupidly stand in front of your teammate and look down his uh anti-tank weapon make sure to check out our previous episode on the firearms of arma 3 and while you're there subscribe for more videos just like this and if there are any other games guns or mechanics that you guys want to see jonathan break down let us know in the comment section below right over to jonathan so right away the realism kind of hits you in the face and the ears because the uh the sound of near misses from bullets it's almost like watching combat footage to a degree as much of a degree as as is possible basically with the game you can instantly tell that this is much more of a simulation than other games like call of duty it's the obvious comparison the rifle i'm seeing here is the m16a2 the actual usgi as it were m16a2 the adjustable rear sights the heavy barrel so the ca2 really looks like they've nailed it i can't think of anything really to criticize here i don't know if they've modeled the burst fire correctly such that if you come off the trigger too soon you'll end up with either two or one rounds in your next burst i'll watch a bit more and see if that eventuates it might not but it's a genuine complaint of this rifle burst fire that's the other aspect of the american issue 1016 a2 so this game i did have to look it up this game takes place in 1989 this rifle was only introduced to the us army which is the the force being represented here in 1986 and even then not every unit got it right away so although whilst we'd probably be seeing a twos if we're gonna nitpick and i have to because i can't find anything else to complain about the wear on this rifle it seems a bit excessive for three years service we've got high point wear on the uh this lump here where the cam pin rotates into on the inside of the gun that's what this is for we've got where on the carry handle where on the magazine well now our example has got the beginnings of wear through to the aluminium or aluminum if you prefer around here and admittedly it's probably seen almost no use but still a bit too warm that's the best i can come up with guys i do i do like the way that this is not exclusive to this game by any means but the way the iron sights move relative to each other as you move around it used to be if you had iron sights in the game they'd be a fixed sight picture and they'd never move relative to the movement of the player it just it adds a little bit of realism and also that's that rear sight so that's the that's the close combat type aperture that is visible just like on the screen both of them are fully enclosed by the sight protectors that's why they're called site protectors but the number of games that get that wrong and have the the m16 or air 15 site sticking above the the ears here is at least several that do that and what would happen if you drop it deform your rear sight and suddenly your shots are landing where you where you're placing them reloading animations absolutely fine as far as i'm concerned a pitfall for a game like this that's going back in time 30 odd years is that you end up using anachronistic animations or all positions and holds of what weapons as well because training has changed quite a bit even since 1989 so you're not necessarily going to well you're not going to see john wick flicks of magazine or even pressing the pressing the magazine catch and letting the magazine fall out i'm sure that was done i'm pretty sure it wasn't taught so you probably would be removing the magazine with your off hand any veterans who surf with these of course defer to you on that one but to me this looked plausible for that i suspect they have looked at the drill manuals hopefully involved some veterans as well all right we've got the m203 our only 203s are on a1s very obviously they replace the handguard and they have a simple tangent sight you adjust vertically and then aim up to compensate so here what we're seeing is the the solder is aiming roughly an angle and i i gather at least in vietnam they would use a bit of instinct and experience in aiming but uh what you're supposed to do is flip the site up and aim using the sight obviously you've only got so many of these rounds and you want them to land where you want them to go so i assume that's a feature that will be implemented later on though that would be too much of an oversight to be accidental we've got the beretta m9 recently introduced at this time came in 85 onwards if i remember rightly to the us forces we don't have an m9 per se annoyingly one of one of many us general issue variants of things that we do have but we don't if that makes sense to you so anyway this is the m9 in civilian form so it's the m92 f and this flush or flat dust cover here is a feature of the usm9 you might be able to spot an m9 or at least spot something that's wrong in a game if it has the angle dust cover of later civilian 92 fss but this is the the broad type and one minor technical issue i noticed is when this pistol ran out of ammunition so locked open on the empty magazine the trigger was in the forward position uh in theory ready for double action fire whereas in fact it should be toward the rear of the trigger guard because the weapons cocked because the slide is over the top of the hammer the reload might look a bit bit janky to those of us used to modern uh call of duty battlefield games and games of that ilk where they're they're using or referencing modern tactical reloading techniques the fact that he is assisting the magazine out with finger and thumb and then kind of inserting it like this unsupported and then slapping it in exactly what you've seen at the time now this is a specific variant of the m14 that we don't have and i don't have any real experience of but it is the m21 about the only thing i can say intelligently about this that isn't readily available elsewhere is that it gets described as the m21 sniper weapon system now i'm a bit of a fan of the main culture and ethnology and words and stuff and i as far as i know that was only applied to the m24 and it's one of these things where this was the m21 sniper rifle and they were looking for a whiz-bang new name for the new program and that's where sniper weapon system came in so i think it's being required applied sorry retrospectively for this in terms of what it is if you don't know the m14 you need to get yourself a gun book it's although very short short-lived only i think seven years in front line service lots of soldiers really really liked it for its stopping power range ability to penetrate like cover and that kind of thing and it made an awful lot of sense to become the next sniper rifle for the us army when you have a rifle firing quite a lightweight cartridge in the m16 to have something more powerful and longer ranged well we have thousands of these things in the armories let's get them out let's get them set up with a good scope and the m21 was born so it's actually an automatic m14 with the selector removed but then nearly all m14s did have the select remove so that in itself doesn't make it an m21 really being selected for accuracy and having the scope mount the receiver tapped for the scope mount having a scope mount having the scope and the markings that's what makes it m21 right we've got the the m249 again but it's in a highly appropriate context as the standard us army scored automatic weapon which is the tactical niche that the m249 was adopted to fill it is a light machine gun in a technical definition but it's a scored automatic weapon or perhaps a light support weapon in other countries terminology in its tactical name well well done as far as i can tell we've got some clipping issues with the the user's face and the stock which is clearly not intentional i'm sure he's going to be addressed recoil looks right the way it handles the rate of fire it's it's hard to get this thing this thing wrong at this point it's it's a video game staple as much as it is a military one although somewhat controversial in military use depending on which armed force you're talking about and when currently not in use for the british armed forces it's still in the inventory but i don't believe it's being fielded and our forces ended up bringing back the the big brother equivalent to the american m240 the l7 at the squad level because the first we tried to replace that with the lsw the the sa-80 the l86 a1 and a2 and then they tried to bring in the belgian minime which is of course what this is and that kind of sort of seemed to be working it was very impressive and gucci but wasn't necessarily as accurate as it needed to be or as reliable as it needed to be in that situation you know us force is still using it it's the latest thing in the inventory at this time or not the latest thing but one of them and it's not the only machine gun in the game so we'll move on right we've got a russian machine gun here should be recognizable to all of you it's the pkm excellent weapon lightweight accurate enough powerful enough relatively low maintenance it's the classic um spitfire measurement argument or you know between this and the fn mag the 240 the l7 western forces will tend to say that the gpmg is best the eastern european countries for example would probably say that the dkm is best and now you can decide for yourself by shooting at each other in this highly realistic video game the the 249 doesn't barely move at all which is pretty realistic it's a not heavy machine gun by any means but it's a sufficient weight to help keep that lightweight cartridge on target stark contrast with the pkm which is relatively light for a full power machine gun general purpose which is what it really is here used in the light machine gun roll and there's a significant climb there the the players having to compensate um presumably with the mouse so lots of lots of climb you'd expect that so you could use this rambo style from the here and the lord knows it's been done many times usually not by trained soldiers but uh you are going to struggle to keep it on targets without a lot of practice and of course not very efficient in ammunition terms i'm sure this isn't the first thing to do this by any means but it's the first time i've noticed it and that's the realistic feed of the belt the belt isn't just like like artificially going into the side of the gun it looks like it's getting dragged into the mechanism which it should be and you see the end of the belt come out the gun and sorry come out of the belt box and go into the gun that might be the most realistic depiction of belt feed that i've seen that's nice i have slightly mixed feelings so we've got the rear sight on this vpn being adjusted so the slider is being slid and the ramp is there for moving up and down so you can clearly adjust your sights in this game which i would expect to be honest with you something a game like this what we don't see though is the hand reach up and do that adjustment we're not there yet not not with this game adjustment of sights in a shooter is very rare sniping games sort of flirt with that but it's pretty unusual to be able to change your adjust your adjust your sights now it seems from the on-screen information there that that is described as just zeroing which is not really the case you're just adjusting your sights you're not changing your zero zero is making point of aim and point of impact coincide so that you can then use your gun zeroing is not adjusting the sights for range or to compensate for other things like wind one i'm reliably informed was nicknamed the pig in service the usm60. iconic cross civilians in all sorts of different movies this is its original configuration as issued back in vietnam and it was still the standard light machine gun although they've been augmented by the m249 as the sport automatic weapon in this time period by this point they were starting to wear out a little bit and some of the problems that this thing is a bit infamous for now we're already creeping in from what i understand you know it's almost like the us ordnance saw two very cool wartime german guns and went what could be cooler well both of them at once and we got this thing which had its issue but it also has has its supporters still around uh we've got them i say we the aria i've got them mounted on as door guns on helicopters or something because they came with the helicopters there are more modern versions shorter lighter more tactically flexible with rails and so on but for me this is a classic this is the rambo gun and uh this is a good good rendition of it it's nice to see a squad of um cold war era us soldiers rifleman popping away with their m16a2s and you've got the squad machine gunner there with his m60 something i've noticed with a number of guns in this game i don't think i'm imagining it is we've got variable rates of fire so you know when you look up at the rate of fire of a gun as you do and it says between 600 and 650 or or even might even be 100 rounds per minute variation well that's because especially with belt third guns i have to drag the belt into themselves there is some variability depending on ammunition consistency of ammunition how dirty they are how they're being held even depending on how they work and so a real gun does not robotically fire one shot every 800 rounds per minute like i said like you know a fixed figure would indicate so machine guns often do give a variable rate even even automatic rifles now it's very slightly barely detectable but i think i can hear it in this game and that would be the first time i've noticed that if i'm right about that that's i think something to something to celebrate right ak-74 we've covered well all sorts of aks by this point including 74s i don't think i've shown you this one before there are many like it but this one is out this one's dated 1983 so that makes it pretty bang on correct for this game still with the wooden laminate furniture i.e handguard and buttstock but for a long time by this point we've got the plastic pistol grip and the plastic follower magazines this is super detailed and very very well modeled indeed including down to the recoil i.e not much because this muzzle break compensator is is highly effective prior to the modern raft of western model devices this was basically the gold standard for recoil mitigation in an infantry rifle little details like the gas block pattern is is correct um i probably have to go in with a set of virtual calipers to try and like find fault with this it's it's spot on right down to the markings on the trunnion which which are correct really really good so instead i'll talk briefly about the sound um design perhaps to be expected but the reports it's you know the guns sound very different to each other as you might expect certainly between calibers and then in and out of enclosed spaces so the the the punch of that rifle report as you move into the building they're audibly very different dynamic sound is not a new thing by any means but this game is doing everything well as far as i can see any like early build glitches and so on notwithstanding okay it looks like they're not yet modeling the actual rockets inside the tube appears to be an empty tube and a rocket magically appears from it but hey you're only going to spot that if you go into photo mode and look down the front or stupidly stand in front of your teammate and look down his anti-tank weapon the law laws rocket and 73 bearing i think well we don't have that but we do have the british issue version rocket 66 millimeter heat high explosive anti-tank l1 a1 identical to the us the original issue us version of the light entertainment weapon law has the same firing instructions label on the side and so very compact relatively lightweight this is fire and empty so even more lightweight but relatively lightweight through an anti-tank weapon keep it in a pack or strap to a pack and when you're ready to use it pull it apart at which point the compact doesn't really matter your rear sight flips up front sight flips up interestingly our front sight is a different pattern i don't know enough about the law to know how significant that is aiming crosshairs wires and then graduated red range markings below it whereas the variant in the game has the full window of graduated range markers another really good looking gun got the svd of course i would yeah i'd like to have a play about with with this in particular just to see how the the ranging system in the scope i'm sure that's all scaled correctly so that you estimate the height of your target but therefore work out the range try and make your first shot count rather than walking them in like i would tend to do on something like battlefield now this is this final shot that we see here with the looking along the rifle from the left-hand side i'm sure a lot of you know this but uh the spd has a bayonet plug on it but it's designed to take the bayonet not unique shall we say two designated marksman rifles the british army actually looked at a bayonet mount for the l129 sharpshooter rifle not as far as i know been fielded but um they did look at it so being not quite sniper rifle and not quite an infantry rifle there are there's an argument for there being a bayonet log on there it certainly was in 1963 when this thing was was introduced thanks for watching as always guys we really appreciate it if you'd like to drop us a donation you're very welcome to do so via the link in the description if not or even if so check out our royal armoury social media channels i've got twitter instagram and facebook and our own youtube channel as well thanks very much guys take care [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 310,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arma reforger, arma reforger expert reacts, arma reforger guns, arma reforger weapons, arma reforger weapons explained, weapons breakdown, arma expert reacts, expert reacts, jonathan ferguson, royal armouries, firearms expert, firearms expert reacts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 25 2022
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