Firearms Expert Reacts To Squad’s Guns

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Literally just got off YT having watched this.

Wish he could have seen the zeroing mechanic on some of the weapons, because I'd imagine he would have appreciated how most games just have you aim in the sky to get rounds on target whereas Squad actually lets you adjust your optic or sights.

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/Auto91 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

“I particularly like the sort of little dancing”

He gets the wiggle. Well done video!

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/RigorMortisSquad 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

shoulda shown them the zu-23-2 techie, militia airforce

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/MyXFoundMyOldAccount 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

"ahh yes. The cha-cha-slide. A rather common issue morale exercise used in most conventional forces that had replaced the older Country Roads. Another example of the focus on realism. "

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/TravelinStyle 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

The most unrealistic in squad is the HAT can carry a carl gustaf, 2 at rounds and 2 smoke rounds. Realistically he would just carry the carl, and a helper would carry 2 rounds

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/clean_squad 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

He’s like a real life Q from James Bond.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/GobblersFastFood 📅︎︎ Jul 05 2021 🗫︎ replies
this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal armies museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and on this week's episode he's taking a look at the military sim shooter squad and meeting a few fans along the way [Laughter] if there are any other games guns and mechanics that you want to see jonathan break down let us know in the comment section make sure to subscribe for more videos like this one and if you'd like to help out the royal army's museum and continue to support jonathan's work check out the links in the description of this video right over to jonathan thank you all right quick pause there so far so good i do like the look and feel of this i'm intrigued by the realism aspect which this already looks to have a lot of so we're not we're not really running and gunning very much we've got the rpk 74 m quite a good implementation of it i like the the gas that's jetting out of the gas block although that might be a little excessive i don't know that i've seen it do it to that extent but i like the sort of awareness that that's something that happens the actual usage of it is good but one of the first things i i see is a bipod being deployed brilliant we've talked before about how light machine guns has to be fired from some sort of a mount for to be truly effective if you can if you can fit the feet of the bipod on it you're going to be able to use that as a stable firing platform to actually provide not just accurate fire but suppressive fire which is the purpose primary purpose of a machine gun we have the the pkp uh the petroneg as as it's called which is essentially an assault variant of the pkm entirely appropriate to see it in this game of course and what i'm what i'm struck by here in the loading animation is some really nice attention to detail where the player character lifts up the feed tray and checks visually checks the chamber to see that the gun is clear which is something that video games don't normally trouble themselves with but in any kind of armed force is absolutely essentially part of the drill part of the manual of arms so that right there tells you that you are playing a milsim i really like the reloading animation in general here because it feels the gun model feels like it has more weight it doesn't just feel like one of those um belt fed assault rifle like machine guns that we get in first-person shooters it's more kind of he's having to manhandle it turn it over fit the ammo box put everything back into position it looks like it might weigh something which i think is it helps immerse you in what's going on [Applause] we've seen the player get killed a couple of times clearly very few bullets required to kill anyone and i think i'm detecting a suppression mechanic here whereby bullet cracking past you which you can hear and although i've never been in any kind of combat thankfully i've spoken to plenty of people who have and that that sound is pretty distinctive um you've seen it in more realistic movies like black hawk down you can tell from the noise a bullet makes how close it is to you and we also get it we get a narrow narrowing of the vision and i don't think that's from a bullet hit i think that's from a bullet nearby and again all accounts from veterans say that your your focus narrows maybe not maybe not with a black tunnel but the effect is the same you become hyper focused on what's directly in front of you because of the you know your essentially your fight-or-flight response is kicking in because you know that you could die at any second that's almost impossible to convey in a video game but an effect like that comes very close gladdens my heart to see the um the poor old sa-80 in a video game generally so this i'm afraid this just this isn't realistic because the sa-80 hasn't jammed once um i just had to throw that in there before someone in the comments did in reality the l85a2 is an extremely reliable and very accurate infantry rifle of course famously the a1 was not great there hasn't been any any serious issues reported with uh since the very beginning with the a2 version i don't believe we get stoppages modeled in this game i could be wrong i may be proven wrong later on so it's kind of irrelevant anyway but there is there's a very strong meme effectively of the sa-80 being just the worst rifle ever it's not the worst rifle ever by any means currently as it genuinely is as reliable as anything else in nato right now so we need to move past that meme i think now i think what's really nice to see and i think we're seeing both here because it's a demonstration but we see accurate aim semi-automatic fire which is how how modern rifles are typically used in combat and that is clearly more effective and then a couple of times we see some bursts at sort of medium range something like that and they just they're just totally ineffective automatic fire from a rifle is not useless but it's rarely used in many armies today so we've got a very good clip there showing showing the use of the ag sa-80 at that's using the sights actually using the iron sight on the grenade launcher almost never that doesn't happen in normal first person shooters put it that way and i've never fired a 40 milligram underbarrel grenade launcher but the the arc of the trajectory of the of the projectile explosion maybe looked a little bit too flamy grenades typically explode without a huge fireball there'll be a flash but not a orange and black fireball which we got there so that one might be questionable but in terms of its actual functionality it's a relatively long range quite accurate limited explosive radius weapon so a real firepower boost to an infantry squad and very commonly used today hey grenade or grenader that might observe any explosives on my observer right there right behind that we've got the g3k a4 specifically here so that's a 762 what people insist on calling battle rifle which i'm not a fan of meaning essentially an automatic rifle in a larger caliber than an assault rifle is typically thought to be chambered in real world consequences of that are a cartridge so powerful that you can't really fire bursts with any not from the shoulder with any effectiveness but it does mean that in a close quarters situation you can flick to automatic fire and put an absolutely devastating burst of fire down this is nicely represented you get the sense of the enhanced recoil that comes with that larger cartridge especially as he's leaning around the wall and trying to put some fire down it's it's disturbing his position and hold every time he fires a shot and he's having to correct which is what happens with something like 556 you can keep it pretty much on and simply keep pulling the trigger and just just as if by magic really illustrating what i'm saying about cartridges like 760x51 being too much for an automatic rifle our player has uh encountered the enemy and panicked and has basically sprayed all around and and not really hit the enemy at all and the enemy has got at least one hit on them and they've had to run and hide and get into cover that's what happens if you can't maintain your composure you can fire very rapidly on semi-automatic and you won't get the same level of crazy dispersion as if you just posed the thing which is what happened there so that makes the point very very graphically hold on wait don't there's enemy btr right well you can't do the british infantry squad in the modern era without this thing the l2 l129a1 sharpshooter so named after the traditional british military role of sharpshooter there was a capability gap between 556 rifles and sniper rifles essentially in 762 something for the middle ground they found they were being engaged from 600 out to 800 meters perhaps and they needed something to essentially fight back with and so it's in the game and it's actually a really nice little show reel there for the capabilities of this this rifle so it's accurate aim fire to 800 meters despite the very short barrel so that allows this to be a relatively compact weapon which means you can use it at closer quarters as well and we saw that in the game which is obviously not real life but it's reflecting it pretty closely because you can simply use the little red dot sight on top and speed up your um cadence of pulling the trigger and you can essentially fulfill the role of an assault rifle and i think i think we get a good sense of the punch of the 762 round there as we see enemies in sort of in the middle distance and when a shot connects with them they drop so quite realistic so this is a very afghanistan war type the hungarian amd 65. so this is one of a number of shortened kalashnikov pattern rifles uh it's somewhat distinctive in that it has its own muzzle device muzzle brake on it quite simply this the pistol grip is duplicated on the front and flipped around to give you a sort of tommy gun style four grip albeit one that juts forward now i couldn't really tell how effective the amd was being there but i got the impression that the shorter barrel was definitely a problem so we were less able to be accurate with that but of course at the sort of distances that fire is actually opened often so 200 meters or something it's perfectly adequate just as good as any other ak so it's easy to get too fixated on the reduced capabilities in this case of a short rifle but in the right situation it's really not going to be a problem i think this is my favorite rendition of the of the minime that i've seen in the game the sound effect i mean sound effects generally are excellent but there's that relatively distinctive high rate of fire and i know i've been saying that uh light machine guns should be used from the bipod but a 556 light machine gun like the the minime or a 5.45 one like like the rpk absolutely can be fired from the shoulder if necessary and of course traditionally you would fire a machine gun from the hip if you're at sufficiently close range so the clip here gives us a bit of both we see the player mounting the gun realistically on on a stable platform on some cover and giving short bursts as you'd mostly expect to do and then we see it giving it some somewhat um more like that sort of assault rifle with a high capacity which in fairness is exactly how the uh the 249 slash l110 minimi in the british service has been used i've got a little clip there of a a sniper in helicopter and he's he's holding his rifle in actually quite a realistic manner with the muzzle down and he's sort of resting his hands on it i've seen that done many times i also know that would get you a severe telling off in many armed forces and is not something you want to do with any kind of precision rifle just in case you were to damage the the muzzle now in this case it's a flash suppressor so chances are you wouldn't do any harm really a nice realistic detail of how people actually handle weapons and then it's kind of up for debate as to whether it's realistic or not i think it is and it isn't depending on which armed force that you're portraying so the rifle we're seeing here is the famous the dragon of the svd we've got two flavors the standard version with the long barrel and the wooden furniture and the svdm with more modern black furniture on it and it's got a side folding stock on it as well so you can make it more compact for transport it's a good implementation of of that weapon it's almost like watch it's at the very least like watching an afghanistan war movie and at times it's like watching actual footage from theater you can see how effective a semi-automatic scoped rifle of that nature might be based on that footage alone so you're able to pinpoint people at a distance and take them out with a single shot [Applause] potentially i have to shout out for the ammunition system in this game i really appreciate this level of detail so a bit like the old school shooters like rainbow six we've got accurately tracked use of ammunition in each magazine so if you take a partially fired magazine off the weapon it remains partially fired in contrast to any mainstream shooter these days it's quite a clever system so it goes from you have a number of magazines in your in your webbing or your kit they start white they turn yellow then they turn orange the more critical the situation visually the fewer rounds you have left in the magazine now in the british army they always teach count your rounds so this reflects what it would be like to remember vaguely how many rounds you had left in that mag in that pouch or maybe from from the feel or from the weight you might you would know roughly how many were in there quick visual check if you can see the follower you know you only have a few rounds left so that is a really clever system i think yeah it's a rarity to see the c7 depicted in a in a video game done a really good job we've got the clamped on picatinny rail down at the front in front of the polymer traditional style handguard and of course optical sight-wise we've got um in the second clip we've got the big rubber of the sort of armored el original elkan sight the c79 um and in common with all of the optics in the game that i've seen the reticle is absolutely perfect and the depiction of fall of shots and how it all works is excellent so they haven't just reskinned an acog they've actually put in the time to model that optical sight and that specific variant of ar15 so the m4 again we always nearly always come across an m4 in any kind of military-style shooter fps and there's normally something i can point out and say that's not quite right but um not this time i can't see anything i'm sure there's some minor detail of the model if you if you look at it under a microscope but just from watching gameplay clips i can see absolutely nothing wrong with it good job so a rarely seen weapon the c14 timberwolf rifle it's in 338 lap of a magnum which is i think we've said before is a very powerful cartridge uh between sort of 762 and uh 50 branding machine gun and with a lot of punch so it'll go through all sorts of cover so this caliber has become the stan the new standard british army sniper rifle caliber just getting rid of 762. the timberwolf is a canadian design so this is one that's actually seen some some use and hence it's come to us without its optical sight because those are those are valuable and can be carried over to replacement rifles whereas the rest of it is at the end of its useful life so it is becoming a museum piece um the version in the game i think is being the standard canadian armed forces version a little bit different but this is the uh this is the timberwolf mbt right we've got the rpg 26 rocket-based anti-anti-tank weapon and a lot of detail there in the modeling and in the animation so not only we've got the sights being flipped up we've got the safety pin being pulled out as well so a lot of attention to detail there the sights the iron sights function as they should as well don't have a great deal of experience with anti-tank weapons but it's looking good to me something i do notice is that the the sort of longer ranges that these this anti-tank weapons being used at in my experience of first-person shooters you generally use them at a very close range because they're you need some serious skill or luck to actually lob a shot in at longer distance this appears to be flying on a flatter more realistic trajectory and you can actually reach out to i don't know maybe 300 300 meters which is which is more like the realistic capability of the weapon so just in common with the rest of the game they are going for realism first and foremost right a really fascinating conclusion here is the uh the ub 32 and you normally see maybe two or maybe more of these hanging off a hind gun ship and uh if you've not seen news footage with these you might think this is absolutely nonsense it's not aiming them is the biggest problem you can't easily really aim them i don't really understand the first camera view we saw which appeared it almost looked sort of doctor strange loves satir sat atop a bomb kind of thing only you're sat on top of the rocket pod which is clearly not what's happening the exterior view of it firing shows how it would be remote fired from within the cab you adjust the right the angle that you want you know by estimation probably and then you'd fire it either from within the cab or possibly more likely from a disc from from away from the vehicle don't fire it from behind or on top of the rocket because of course it's got rocket exhaust yeah so i don't know i assume it's just because otherwise they'd be unusable and so they need some sort of aiming view i'm sure the comments will explain to me what's going on there so yeah this is an rpg 7 v2 fragmentation rocket propelled grenade short story you don't want to get hit by it hello hi royal armory [Laughter] [Applause] superb so i gather uh our presenter dave has been recognized in game and a bunch of guys are showing off their weapons to him and explaining what they are including an rpg loaded with a relatively unusual warhead that he's explaining and talking about back blast and the dangers of that presumably in the game as not just in real life that's good i particularly like the sort of dancing about i imagine whoever was in charge wasn't wasn't too happy about that little uh mother's meeting in the middle of stay tuned as ever on this channel for more of this kind of thing you can also head over to the royal armouries channel for some extra firearm related content if you'd like to donate to what we do here at the royal armouries museum there's links in the description i'm also going to be appearing shortly on a film podcast with rm military history and the armorers bench both channels worth checking out and they do a war movie review podcast so you can listen to me ramble on about a movie for a change if you like okay guys see you again next time [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 924,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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