Firearms Expert Reacts To Battlefield 2042’s Guns

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Blessed by the video game world’s version of Gun Jesus

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/mus1CK_Rx 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Highly recommend this series of videos. The Tarkov series especially goes from very realistic depictions of normal firearms to absolutely mental attachment abominations.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/KiiWii2029 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal armies museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and on today's episode he's going to be taking a look at more of the weapons from battlefield 2042 we can't of course have a near future set game without some completely new guns and this is one of those so it's a bit of a head scratcher but it looks suitably futuristic and it seems to set itself apart from the other weapons in the game pretty well for more make sure to check out our previous episode on battlefield 2042 and if there are any other games guns and mechanics that you guys want to see jonathan break down let us know in the comment section below and of course if you'd like to help out the royal armies museum and continue to support jonathan's work check out the links in the description of this video right over to jonathan what would be potentially a bit of a bit of an older design by the time frame of this game the fn scar we have an example here so the one we've got here is the scar l for light just found a bit less favor than the scar h the heavy which is in 7 16 nato the proportions to me a little hard to see without a profile view they look a little bit more like the 556 gun this one there's a fair it's obviously has a longer receiver a longer ejection opening but it's the same design might be somewhat controllable and controllable in automatic fire just because you're losing some of that pressure the pressure drops off as the as the bullet leaves the short barrel which limits your reduces your your ballistic effectiveness but would has also in theory reduce the recoil somewhat although it would still be a real handful because it's such a short weapon it has an automatic function you wouldn't recommend using it i don't know how well it handles in the game so the battlefield tradition of inserting some unexpected guns continues with um something that's called the v-car car for carbine though i imagine which is actually a kel-tec design now kel-tec are a fascinating american company that come up with all sorts of weird and wacky designs and this is a carbine spin-off of their pmr-30 pistol and so we're expected to believe that this is this has been adopted from military service which seems unlikely especially in the cmr-30s caliber which is uh tutu winchester magnum now that's quite a high velocity cartridge for a pistol cartridge but it is still a pistol class cartridge so it's perhaps questionable in terms of lethality then again in the game it's clearly meant to serve as a sort of lesser weapon anyway i suppose in the context of the game we have these sort of semi-mercenary characters so the fact that this is not a military firearm per se isn't really a showstopper for this game this is the uh carving i think it is um it's really a designated martian rifle dmr which is mostly how we see it used there although oddly it has the same smart rail system as all of the other guns in the game so i'm somehow all of the nations of the world standardize on this future rail system it's not too outlandish we've all managed to standardize on picatinny rails can't really speak to the effectiveness or the realism of this i've only seen pictures like most of us various export bands and sanctions and things mean that we don't get our hands on the very latest russian firearms worth mentioning this is a kalashnikov i mean it's not it's not an ak but it's a pr it is a product of kalashnikov concern uh one of a number that they they've been working on to sort of well diversify and future-proof the business because they can't rely on the good old ak forever so a nice futuristic looking real world gun pretty well represented it's got you know it's semi-automatic it's powerful i think they've done a good job on it [Applause] well i like what i'm seeing of the saiga 12 in this it's got some good punchy rate of fire and sound effect and effectiveness as well what seems like a a reasonable range for shotgun for buckshot people are getting taken out in fairly short order so we do have a um a couple of saga as well actually this it's quite vanilla though compared to the one in the game owls has got a short barrel and a breaching attachment on it makes it look quite purposeful i think it's the word but it's otherwise pretty standard the one in the game is i believe based on a a more modern variant anyway and it's looks quite well a little bit three-gun so a little bit competition it's got the rail system on it it's got a side charging handle with the big open slot in the side probably not ideal for for military purposes it's got a receiver that takes a ar-15 pistol grip so you can swap that out for different things and the buffer tube on the back for i'm not i can't recall if the if they're compatible with actual ar-15 butt stocks but it's it's of that style it's got cheek riser on it so uh tricked out but not too tricked out doesn't even have an optical sight on it in this configuration that dave put together but he has put a little charm on there just to uh just to remind me right this is um this is a gun that actually exists both as the pkp passion egg which is a sort of lmg specific variant of the pkm and then this fairly wacky looking bullpup version of the pkp that also does exist it's not a factory produced gun i believe it was invented by all four a certain special forces unit that wanted an even more compact assault machine gun and it achieves that of course so it's not it's not a future weapon really it's something that's in use now it might still be in use then maybe a trend starts for doing this maybe maybe the pkp supplants the pkm around the world and so bullpup versions of it become more prominent it's um not unreasonable to have it in the game um it's nice to see incidentally that the muzzle flashes aren't crazy in this game they're quite plausibly sized and and rendered we've moved away finally from the gigantic multi-star flashes on absolutely everything that actually made it harder to shoot in the game never mind if you're shooting the thing in real life things are looking a little bit more plausible now i think this is the what used to be the tmp and is now the bnt mp9 with a few tactical bells and whistles i think that might just be the latest version of the mp9 actually but what i what keeps distracting me is the charm hanging off the side which which i couldn't spot what it was at first but it is in fact a glow stick so this is a machine pistol for a 90s raver i suppose might draw unwanted fire in your direction if you have a glowing item hanging off the side of your gun and pretty distracting as well while you're shooting so sometimes games teach me about guns i say sometimes all the time when i was younger one of my main main ways of learning about firearms until you realize there's a whole wealth of books and uh trusted sources and contacts out there but um occasionally something crops up that i've not heard of and what is actually a dsr precision rifle it's a modern cnc machine desert tan tactical looking sniper rifle with some charms hanging off it but what's interesting about it i think or visually interesting about it and also in terms of gameplay changes is the fact that from first person view you would be forgiven for thinking this was a conventional rifle with a magazine and a magazine well in front of your pistol grip in front of your trigger but then you realize actually no this is a bullpup with the action and magazine at the back and what's in the faux magazine well in front is a spare magazine so this is not unheard of this is the inverse of the case with the stayer scout rifle where it's a conventional but short precision rifle as well actually and there's a magazine back here in buttstock that looks like it could be a ballpark configuration but it's not it's a spare magazine so the opposite of this it's unusual in that respect which is always good new stuff is is always good whether it's meaningfully any different than an equivalent bolt action sniper from another game i don't know we'll have to see how the gameplay shakes out an interesting trend to follow in the modern firearms is actually a really old trend modular systems where you have like a fire control unit with a trigger and you have like a the slide in the barrel we've taken this idea of a stock to the next level what twice actually firstly mounting the whole gun into a stock like into a chassis like the caa roni we've now gone to the next level with this thing where it's a sig p320 but you get rid of the frame and you replace that with a carbine frame if that makes sense so you drop in your sliding barrel you drop in your fire control unit and you have a little pistol carbine so we get features like a little flick out stock we see the the player hit the button and the stock flicks out for quick deployment so you can shoot this thing one or two handed as a pistol or you can deploy the stock and shoulder it for much increased accuracy it gives it gives options now this is something that's probably of more use to police security forces something like that where they have a limited number of pistols in the inventory and maybe you don't want a 556 carbine for a particular application so you convert like a transformer your pistol into a carbine at least that's kind of what the intent is remains to be seen whether this will really catch on but you know in this freedom of choice environment where we have essentially mercenaries running around with kit that they've acquired you might well want a very bulky pistol that allows you especially if you're using a sniper or dmr as your primary something that can function as a pistol caliber carbine we can't of course have a near future set game without some completely new guns and this is one of those so ac42 i'm not sure what significance that may or may not have this thing looks more than anything like the thales f90 which is the um steyr aug modernized with a chunkier modern receiver with modular features it's got some of the same design cues on there certainly as that it's got a lot of recoil and i think that's because i'm seeing it mostly in burst mode so we've got a very high rate of fire pretty much hyper burst i would say but the weird thing about the recoil is i've seen this in games before rather than going up and right it kind of goes up and left which doesn't really make much sense in terms of how a rifle interfaces with your upper body so it's a bit of a head scratcher but it looks suitably futuristic and it seems to set itself apart from the other weapons in the game pretty well pp19 bison i think is the right pronunciation sorry this is a bit clattery now this is a perhaps an odd choice because as far as i know this fairly famous but slightly clunky helical magazine feed arrangement on the pp19 has been superseded by a fairly mp5s box magazine magazine well so same basic design but with a conventional magazine feed so perhaps this is still being being made and improved upon i don't know but as far as i knew this thing was kind of fading away so whether this would still be around in the future i don't know well it'd still be around it'd still be some in existence but whether they would receive the smart rail upgrade that we see on this one is perhaps questionable now probably more interesting for me than than this gun is the optical sight which has got two well i know some interesting nods toward current and near future tech we've got a battery indicator we've got a wi-fi and some sort of mobile signal indicator which is interesting so it's networked in some way although what features that provides you is not clear from from gameplay the two useful features for gameplay though are a a rangefinder bottom left this is this is becoming very common in sights nowadays and then bottom right we have a much more useful iteration of the good old pulse rifle ammo counter from aliens where instead of having to check the side of your gun it's actually in your field of view in your sight i don't see any harm in having that in there and i i'm sure that someone at some point will have an integrated round counter in your site okay this is an interesting choice this is actually the denelle ntw 20 or it's that's the real world gun which is a 20 millimeter but a shortened 20 millimeter it's not like the spanner around it's truncated to make it possible to fire it from the shoulder now this version is called the ntw 50 implying that maybe it's 50 bmg but the effect that we see it having here on some pretty serious um armored vehicles it's got to be some sort of armor-piercing 20 millimeter round minimum really so the fact the fact that you have a rifle that's capable of doing damage to vehicles in-game it's actually having an effect is a good thing because there's been a you know often your barrets and things are they just end up being used as glorified sniper rifles and they do very little against vehicles in this you really get a sense of the power of this thing which is offset by it being quite slow to wheel it's got a low magazine capacity and of course the scope limits your field of view to try and use it in close quarters and it was all going so well this kind of breaks uh immersion for me i must admit this is a marlin model 1895 with m lock rail system and inexplicably the trademark battlefield 2042 smart powered rail is on there as well at least it's a moderately powerful cartridge 4570 it's got a fair bit of oops behind it but it's not going to penetrate contemporary body armor which should still be in use at this time if not more more prolific than it is now it would hurt but it's not going to penetrate much at all frankly about the only advantage it has is the ability to keep it topped up with rounds which in certain close quarters situations might be an advantage but not really when you see when you see the the drills people can do in terms of reloading now stuff like this to me would make more sense in its like old west trim as something that's just a found object in the level to use for fun or for bragging rights to say you killed someone with it the idea that this is somehow a contemporary weapon in the future is just nonsense we've always got links in the description for you to follow if you wish to go over to the royal armory site where we have the ability for you to donate if you would wish to perhaps become a member and we have our events our social media channels our own youtube channel as well and something i thought i'd mention some of you might be interested i'm also associate editor of the journal rmax which is an academic journal that's not not perhaps for everyone's uh taste but it does cover um firearms from about 1880 to the present day in a serious way so if you really want to deep dive into some some interesting topics around historic firearms but all the way up to the present day it might be worth checking out over on uh there's a link in the description for that as well but i'll see you again next time thanks very much [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 675,872
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Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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