Firearms Expert Reacts To Deathloop’s Guns

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this is jonathan ferguson the keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal armouries museum in the uk which houses a collection of thousands of iconic weapons from throughout history and on this episode he's going to be checking out the bizarre weapons of death loop a game that's full of crazy guns that nearly broke our poor jonathan so we're taking our two recoilless double barrel pistols and we're sticking one up the other one for once of a better phrase that is insanity if there are any other games guns and mechanics that you guys want to see jonathan break down let us know in the comment section below make sure to subscribe for more videos like this one and if you'd like to help out the royal armies museum and continue to support jonathan's work check out the links in the description of this video right over to jonathan [Music] this thing is nuts i haven't really got a frame of reference for it except for this so guns with two magazines basically the only thing that this has in common with this thing the reason i've grabbed it is it has this very funky dual magazine effectively two magazines welded together but um it duplicates the functionality of this gun in that it has two positions you fire the first magazine then you press up on this this catch here which realistically means moving your finger of your firing hand to this position you then push the whole arrangement across and then you fire your second magazine so enough of the real world let's look at this thing so what we've got are a sort of double decker arrangement of magazines here and an auto eject feature so so when one magazine runs dry the gun automatically ejects it from the weapon auto ejecting magazines are not a thing generally you need to retain your magazine lessen an emergency the logic here seems to be that you can keep up you can keep ammunition in the gun a bit like topping up a pump action or a lever action by shoving in a fresh mag whenever an empty one pops out which leads to this slight this slightly comedic reloading animation of just magazines popping out the gun and you slap another one in and another one pops out you slap another one in i like it it's interesting gameplay-wise because it does allow you to sustain fire which i suspect is why they've toned down the rate of fire for what this thing would do i admire them for essentially not caring at all about mechanics and how this would actually work where's the bolt in this thing how is ammunition from the bottom magazine being fed at all nobody knows and i imagine i'm about the only person who cares as well another interesting design the so-called four pounder i assume because in real life it would weigh four pounds because it is a big old chunk of steel and it kind of looks futuristic it almost looks like the blade runner blaster was combined with a bergmann and a luger because it does have the mass a massive set of toggle ears on top of it and it's toggle operated although i don't quite know how there's no obvious way that this would function the toggle does pop up out of the gun i assume there's meant to be a bolt that's reciprocating within the frame a little unclear as to how that would actually function the little magazine sort of belies the power of this thing it does say ammunition large caliber the magazine housing looks relatively small i don't know if they've worked out there space and dimensions there i've only just noticed the the muzzle on this thing is in line with the trigger it's very low that makes it mechanically even less plausible than i thought actually so this is possibly inspired by partly by mataiba maybe by the chiappa rhino a couple of designs where the barrel lines up with the lower chamber on a cylinder now this isn't cylinder operated it's operated by a magazine so how that magazine can possibly feed where the chamber is located any of that that there is absolutely no concession to engineering here at all that i can see rule of cool rules this game is blowing my tiny little mind so what's on the face of it a conventional looking lever action shotgun i probably would have guessed but it also fires canisters of goo with a very audible breaking glass sound effect that you can somehow hear over the report of the firearm and then what really is strange is the transforming nature of the thing i'm not sure why you need to transform the receiver and barrel and everything of the gun in order to turn it into a conventional buckshot firing shotgun and if you did need to do that why it would end up looking like some sort of robot mess in that mode if anything i'd expect it to look conventional in the shotgun mode and turn into something wacky to shoot canisters of whatever so it's a little counter-intuitive in that respect as is the fact that it is a lever action what it boils down to is that this thing is mechanically complex to achieve its transforming function if it's that mechanically complex and powered somehow why can't you use that to load the next cartridge why would you need an external lever and it comes down to because it looks cool and because we want to do the terminate 2 john wayne 1887 shotgun flip uh which to the credit of the game is in there um you can't have a flamboyant lever action gun like this and not do the uh spin cocking so i totally approve of that but this is an extremely confusing design from anything other than an artistic standpoint light infantry machine pistol why do i know this oh okay okay for the sake of my sanity i'm very glad that we've uh moved to something relatable i suppose would be the word to use so this thing is clearly a take on the vz861 scorpion machine pistol submachine gun or in this case the one i've just grabbed to remind you what a scorpion looks like is actually a very rare prototype semi-automatic version so the idea here was you would have a specific variant of the normally fully automatic scorpion that was self-loading only for use as more of a sidearm now having said that apart from the wire stock and the general configuration this thing is actually quite different they've gone back to the drawing board literally and they've come up with this quite intriguing curve curved look to the thing it's got well a number of departures from the scorpion so whereas the scorpion's got these two little button cocking is on here this thing has a sort of ak style cocking handle definite attention to detail here we see where we're going at kimbo the player actually reaches under to [ __ ] the cocking handle that he can't access with his firing hand because he's using both of them so we may not be adhering to real world firearms here in any way but we are adding to how things biomechanics essentially how the human body relates to machinery there's a lot to say about this one i think my first impression was maybe uh mg0815 first world war german machine gun with sort of aircraft cooling like turning the water jacket into a not a water jacket by cutting lots of holes in it which is what they did for aircraft maxim gun use but actually this is a multi-barreled gun with like a heat shield around the cluster of rotating barrels but a very slow rate of fire for a multi-barreled gun and one of the advantages of a multi-barrel gun is a high rate of fire and cooling that allows you to maintain that high rate of fire not so here though because the way the mechanism works however it works in detail because i can't tell you there would only be one bolt here because there's not a rotating that the barrel cluster does not rotate with its own cluster of bolts like a gallon gun mini gun vulcan so this is kind of pointlessly multi-barreled which would add weight and not much else the sights are really strange we've got a very large rear aperture and then somehow the the front sight that almost looks like an anti-aircraft site in its own right perched out on the end of the cooling jacket pops up when you shoulder it which i cannot understand if the if the gun had a an optical sight as standard and there was a button for the flip up front sight and that would sort of make sense but then the rear sight's always there so why would you have a pop-up front sight and at that point my brain melts except it hasn't finished yet because that front sight if you look at the model is mounted about two inches below the rear sight so how does the front sight even align with the rear sight and now now the brain has gone home another very interesting design i can best compare this to a break open hunting rifle of the late 19th or early 20th century in keeping with what increasingly seems almost a sort of alternate cold war era so we don't have much in the way of accessories or iron sights but we do have quite streamlined looking high-tech firearms it almost looks like an air rifle in its aesthetic but then in the actual use of the thing it's got that authoritative sound and operation much more like it's um probable inspiration the big game rifle it's got a thumb brake lever on the top which is again a feature of a sporting rifle for some reason it operates the opposite way a break open gun for a right-hander the lever operates to the right um here it operates to the left and he's actually doing it with his or she is actually doing it with his left hand which is slightly awkward normally you would assist the gun open with your left hand and operate the lever with your right hand so this is a little bit funky giving you a two-stage operation of open lever break open and they're kind of alluding to the manual force you need to apply to a manually operated weapon to get it to extract and eject as is typical with games there is no visible extractor or ejector mechanism it just kind of magically pumps out of the breach into the air [Applause] this is a good example of what i think of as the decorative scope reticle so we have a very svd-esque range estimation bit in the corner we've got windage like graticule across the across the middle and we've got weird semicircular stuff at the top it's a very busy looking scope none of which is functional as far as i can tell in this game it's just there to look snipery that's this isn't a criticism it's just an observation that we know that a scope should look busy and high-tech and as though a lot of thought has to be put into the shot but gameplay-wise we're not prepared to put that thought into it we just want to make the heads go boom uh the name's interesting uh sapocura seems to be a play on latin for burial effectively i don't know what pratera means it almost looks portuguese but i don't think it is i'm guessing that's meant to be a brand name or something or maybe the whole thing is a brand name don't know very um creative naming along with all the other creative decisions taken in in this game useful for redecorating or silent head shots with pneumatic prejudice we have ourselves a nail gun like even the character here is suggesting that it's a repurposed decorating tool it does have a form of iron sights on it now those could just be for a lining for a to get your nail in straight that's probably what those are in theory meant to be but what they do allow you to do is to aim a shot at distance which of course if the thing is powerful enough would make it usable as an improvised weapon which is what's happening the reload is a little bit comedy with the open up the lid dropping the handful of nails yeah convenient topping up of the nails is convenient for a tool of course just like a magazine of rounds is for a firearm but i would imagine you would at least have them all facing the same way and maybe in some sort of a clip uh nail guns usually work on some sort of strip feed because you like her cartridge you need to align it at least with the point forward so that seems a little optimistic to me as to how you would automatically sort them so they're facing the right way and don't instantly jam the gun hey this this one has pretty much broken me i'll be honest guys again we've got two magazines this time we've got two barrels so it could work but there are no holes in the magazines from whence the cartridges might emerge in order to feed into the chamber so i can only conclude that this thing feeds through sheer force of will because i can't there's no there's no room in the receiver for them to come out of the bottom of the magazines it's a shotgun of some kind turret slash pan drum mags for a shotgun seems like a bad idea even if there what was a way to get them to come out of the drum yeah there's zero concerns were given during the design of these firearms in terms of realism [Music] i can see the word transform so something wacky is going to happen so let's just look at how these things are working right now before i lose the world to live these are the handguns they have through and through barrels like a recoilless weapon and there is exhaust slash propellant gas or possibly rocket exhaust coming out of the back of a pair of over and under barrels so on the face of it these are gyrojet style rocket pistols but instead of just containing the initial recoil the initial launch of the mini rockets yeah it doesn't quite make sense what it seems to be it's not so much a gyro jet it's more of a one-handed recoilless weapon let's see how deep the rabbit hole goes and the answer is pretty damn deep that is insanity so we're taking our two recoilless double barrel pistols and we're sticking one up the other one for once of a better phrase they are then converting themselves and firing a string of shots so effectively a pistol becomes as it said in the menu actually now that i recall converting from pistol to submachine gun i kind of thought each one would convert rather than like voltron style combining them together so we've got we've got enough exhaust ports here for for these for back blast from handgun rounds what what isn't clear is how we go from two barrels to three rounds going off at once so almost like there's a third barrel has inserted itself between the other two barrels and is exhausting out of the back as well there's something else going on here that is beyond human imagination [Music] i've i've almost i'm almost speechless on this one not because it's super wacky or anything i mean you could design a pistol that looked like that and functioned look at the whitney wolverine for example for a sort of 30s flash gordon take on on this kind of layout there's a hint of the luger of the p-38 about it but it's i don't think it's based on anything i think they've come up with an original design some sort of self-loading mechanism goes punting out the back when you shoot it but as is becoming a bit of a theme i can't really see how it would work although i think you could make it work it's conventional as far as this game goes [Music] i think this is an excellent example of real world firearms engineering design history all of that versus what you can do in a video game on the face of it this is a very conventional pump action shotgun but in detail the pump action literally looks too short for the cartridge length you have to be able to get that bolt far enough to the rear for the gun to actually cycle this looks very short quite an interesting jam there so this thing has a great big dust cover slash ejection door thing on the right hand side of it that has to pop open every time the gun is cycled which in theory would keep out dirt and stuff that you don't want getting in the gun but there's a reason why generally dust covers are either open or shut on guns they don't close and open between shots usually because it just adds another layer of complexity and potentially unreliability we saw a stoppage there a failure to eject where the very cartridge-shaped door unsurprisingly retained the cartridge case on its way out the gun and if you were to try and make this gun for real that's one of the many issues that i think you would encounter now rather than use a hand to open that door and assist the cartridge case out as we'd expect with a real stoppage the player in the true spirit of this game simply slaps it on the opposite side until the door opens enough for the case to come flying out not the most practical way to clear a stoppage but it it fits somehow [Music] as always we will be back next time and over on the armory's youtube channel you can watch our series on usually pretty weird guns from the armories collection we've got links in the description as always for donations and you can go from check out our social media our shop and anything else that takes your fancy thanks guys see you next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: GameSpot
Views: 443,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: E9UmB3r1Cf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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