finding TWO AFK Minecraft Players inside this RICH underground Minecraft Base.. (RAIDED)

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I finally figured it out I figured out the formula to why my videos go wrong why rates go wrong why everything goes wrong and before everybody in the comments is like well I'm gonna prove all of you wrong today but firstly if you guys are new to the channel make sure you guys do subscribe with post notifications on obviously making sure that you are notified every time I upload a video but today we have a raid maybe right this is my plan I'm gonna time I let you guys in in it don't tell anybody but if you guys get 2,000 likes I'll tell ya I mean I'm gonna tell you anyway if we head over to home rate for today you can see it in my chat you can see I'm pressing enter here we go I'm on the outskirts of our Lane out this lake it has no relevance whatsoever but right now there are four entities in this chunk which usually it's a very very good sign that usually means you found something on a faction server that like it's fantastic but I've basically when I found the entities I've gone to the exact corner of the entities I can't mine iron because too many of my raid two recently have been ruined by more iron too many of my raids have actually been ruined by people coming back taking all their spawn us so if we go to the outskirts we should be able to hopefully okay I already see a name I see two names I see Claire in Diouf and we also have my fruits okay I think it's meant to be moose but you know beggars can't be choosers I won't judge if you guys don't but this is completely unclaimed you guys can see it's even wilderness it even says so if we head all the way down now okay I think this would be a great time take off the good old armor the good old armory of of Raven and we're getting pretty close to the names I'm not even gonna lie I think what we should do is probably go to the side a fair bit just oh okay that's not I wanted to go okay let will block this off so a home raid inside it just in case of a worst case you know but there is okay okay okay there are dat now it's not the time there is fullness from what I can see this is what's causing the entities it's the things spinning around in circles right there what the plan has to be now is we have two very sneakily able to take this bonus without them noticing okay if we make a move this way okay looks like we're doing well looks like they aren't you fully FK that guy's stared at a wall they're both in different factions if I F who know this person is a member and if I fo Federation this person is a manager okay my Invisalign out prepared I promise okay now I feel like this person here both fully FK right it's easy to tell this he's afk he's afk but what we need to now do is sneakily kind of take the spoilers without them noticing that's probably gonna be a bit difficult with you know but that person they're looking at the spawn is mr. moose man is actually gonna be fine because he's staring at a wall mister clear and oof oh might actually be a problem so we're gonna have to take this very very sneaky or so please turn on post notifications if you guys haven't already i upload sometimes obviously this is a raiding server i say every video just in case people don't understand but we have cal spawner have 4,000 cows almost 5,000 cows at here so he's hid behind some glass he is doing nothing and we are just gonna take this pornos and PV them that's the oh okay let's be careful about this let's take run that's a lot of cows bonus these are worth a good amount of money and there is 15 of them that I've just collected I've just collected 15 cows bonus I sell a lot of money okay I think my faction right is a worst case so it's gonna be quite happy about this because like I said last video we did actually get Raiders worth 76 million dollars now our neighbors didn't know that I'm recording I am I am a recording man but what we now have to do is obviously watch our timer for our envious we have six minutes left and we have to hit the spawn as' and then I think we put them down and then we go through the chest I think that's a good idea that way they can't come back and ruin it okay so from behind us we are going to grab those that's eight counts bonus that's a lot of money TNT now is really not the time please stop okay so we have a very good amount of spawn us okay I think we're at 23 24 I'm not exactly counting I can't actually count that high that's at you one of the problems like this last stack is what we need and we do not want mrs. clarin do if I'm saying it's a she you can see has a ski she skin I apologize for not come back while I grab these can I just or 15 more okay that's a lot of cows Warner's we're at thirty eight cows poor news today that's what we have no more room okay let's go back to a home base in obviously five seconds can't do it right now okay but in our base right now let's put away our cows bonus obviously make sure our inventory is fully cleared and let's also put away the ones in the PV as well because we can all see transfer these to the faction once it is done but if you guys do enjoy minecraft raiding if you guys do enjoy minecraft factions make sure you guys do like you do subscribe you are turning on you are doing things you're doing everything to do with the video I think for now that is most of their spawn is actually gone if not all of the spawn is because the only ones we could see were cows Porter's and the only ones we managed to raid a cow support nurse but we're gonna have a look through the chest see if that goes okay let's put on our armor and we are actually going to kill the person I know right minecraft I'm a minecraft murderer okay let's just I'm sorry Clara and doof from uno I really didn't mean this okay listen you can I let you let you go in your own time oh my god they exploded cows okay the cow heads are now mine thanks for the $60,000 I guess a head is well says for $17,000 which is actually a good amount of money I didn't even check their balances oh okay first chest I opened I still touch they had some pretty bad armor on them I guess we'll put away our pots and stuff TNT really now it's not the time let's head over to getting mr. MA through through here hello buddy you are also going to be put down mainly for the fact that otherwise you are gonna sit here and probably annoy me there we go he is gone to his head is worth $1,000 he hurt six cow heads on him obviously not the highest amount of what we wanted but we'll take it anyway let's head back to home base once again and what we're gonna do is we are gonna go put all their stuff away and hope to god that nobody comes back and actually starts swinging at me because I am NOT PvP ready I mean I have a sword I have crapples that's literally about it so let's put all this armor and stuff away I think we actually got some good stuff from this Oh sharpness for I'm breaking three dads were quite good sort the bow way is well and obviously the fishing rod will keep this extra pickaxe in the base just in case we ever do need it but we're heading such back now back to the base we do go we're traveling as fast as we can we can't go any faster what we have to do now is actually just have a look through some of these chests now I can't actually open some of these because they are like hidden I don't think anybody would store in the chest they couldn't get you all some obsidian that's that's a good addition okay I can't open this one either nothing nothing okay now I don't want to blow up their base or ruin their base in case obviously they come back and actually want to move back into this base all I'm gonna do I'm actually gonna repair this because otherwise people will yell at me in the comments what I'll do is we'll just put something just took damage I'm terrified I heard the damage sound I guess I'm I guess I'm being paranoid I thought I heard the damage sound like someone take actual damage I guess I guess not okay that was terrifying do in here they actually do have some pots and things they've got some corrupt essences which I will take awesome base armor that's actually pretty good armor we'll take that for ourselves and I think in terms of actual loo this is all the base has to offer I thought it would offer more maybe they've got some like secrets up here maybe some hidden things oh this looks like a place hello anything okay no this just looks like a tunnel they may have made or may have used oh god now a flood of it looks like for the most part their base is actually now empty their base is fully empty I am sorry for the little bit I did actually end up breaking I do apologize now if I have a look at F who know these guys are worth fifteen million dollars and this person is sad living in a small unclaimed base I'm not sure how that works surely if you had the big base you'd want to move into the big base maybe there maybe their friends and different factions that's always an idea that could actually happen so let's put all the new stuff away as well and hope to god that nobody raids this base alright because this is quite expensive but everything in this place is worth a little bit of money now we ought to have like a good amount of cows bonus well I won't actually go to before we end off this video is I want to go calculate how much we got and spawn it so I need to open my phone unlock it let's find a calculator though we got I think thirty eight cows bonus which is a good amount of cows bonus that's most cows bonus I've ever seen in my life okay so cows are worth ninety thousand dollars so ninety thousand is 38 we made three point four million dollars just in cows bonus today that is actually insane that is an insane amount to raid policy I'm very very surprised we managed to make that much money I'm not exactly sure what I want to do with those I'm not sure if I want to give them to the faction maybe I could use them for myself to grind there could be like a load of different ways we can do it I'm not exactly sure oh hello where'd you go how we want to do it yeah I'm probably gonna get in a call with the faction later today maybe talk about some things but before we end off this video you're going to be opening to enchanted charms which you guys can actually buy on the store store or psycho PvP calm obviously I hope you guys did enjoy this raid it was definitely a good one I mean that there was definitely a lot in that base it was definitely a big surprise having 38 cows bonus literally just sat there literally now if there was a PvP fight would have probably been a little bit more fun but we are gonna get ourselves a creeper bundle of bloody notes let's put our creepers in our creeper section and we'll open up our last charm now if you since the last video actually did get slash fly out of my charm now will we do that again I don't know I guess we're gonna find out wish me luck in the comments oh my god okay nevermind it all went down here we got two mercenary coats and money yay but the clearing doof guy is actually back he just messaged me saying got my raid on record home raid hello hi I mean I wasn't expecting this straightaway oh damn it grouper sorry I just told them you had so many cows boners but why weren't they in the actual base why were they in this base this is why I'm so confused Chiron do fight weren't you in your faction babe because I don't know why you'd store it unclaimed you had the opportunity to have it claimed I don't know whether I'm just like I'm not understanding something maybe I'm a little bit wrong but they didn't have access to the base oh my god they said I would get access today minecraft music has actually just started to the background that's got really depressing really quickly listen Claire and doof is that a unicorn I think it might be a unicorn you seem like a nice person I don't have anything to give you unfortunately usually what I do rate I don't give the stuff back I'm lucky maybe you can have you can have some sponge there you go 48 sponge that is now yours you can have it free of charge there's time difference between us so he would have tp'ed me tonight that's so unlucky I feel so bad for you parind oof okay I feel so bad for you but obviously is a faction server this is a raiding server so the whole idea of it is to take things how many cows were there 38 I've counted I've calculated out that hung my hand now I see me and my lovely skin Garfield the cat are probably gonna be leaving now because I'm afraid this person will actually kill me so clarin do Fiji if you are watching this video they said that's a big L for me well now we are gonna open up our bloody notes and hope to god that we actually do get something here maybe a little bit of money okay we got really bad money from that that's like the ultimate karma for Claire and oof we're also at 1 million dollars but I have no idea what to give away what to spend my money on maybe I should use it for ranking up maybe I could give it to the faction I don't know but if you guys do leave me some ideas in the comments that would be very much appreciated but what I'm now gonna do is end this video I was looking to see if I had anything else to do but but I don't so we are gonna leave this here me and let's find a good skin let's find a good skin oh god where's ducky when you need ducky we have this guy who's I don't know what skin that is you look weird you Kenji from overwatch right me and Kenji from overwatch are gonna end this video off thank you so much for watching Kenji I really do appreciate it and I appreciate all of you watching the videos as well there it does mean a lot to me and this guy as well he definitely he definitely means it thank you guys so much for watching make sure you guys you like and subscribe if you guys aren't you be very much appreciated thank you guys so much for watching I've seen the next one he messaged me creeper oh man
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 69,122
Rating: 4.9249477 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, factions raven, factionsraven raiding, raiding in minecraft, mine craft, minecraft, minecraft factions, raven, minecraft video, minecraft funny, no cursing, kid friendly, old school minecraft base, minecraft tnt, 1.8 minecraft, finding TWO AFK Minecraft Players inside this RICH underground Minecraft Base.. (RAIDED), rich minecraft faction, minecraft raiding factions, minecraft hardcore, rich faction raid, spawner raid, factionsraven richest raid, rich raid
Id: cYUtR9XI2Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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