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okay this is your fault what's it Oh [Music] today's episode is crazy well basically goes to zero to a hundred real quick like real quick but before I explain that I have to say guys that for most for all this video except the intro cuz I'm recording this after because just happened so quick there is actually no face cam whatsoever because basically I wasn't on planning to record that split second it just all of a sudden happened so I didn't have my webcam and all that set up so I'm just letting you know if there's no face cam that's why and also don't forget to hit the notification button because there is a code somewhere hidden in this video first person to get it and Redeemer on the psycho store gets a free mystical charm so don't forget to hit the notification buddy because everyone I see a lot of comments saying like I didn't get a code and it's like an out like one minute like the message was like one minute ago but a video is that like three days ago but also guys I had to take a second to stop here and just thank you I'm Saturday's video where the video where we were getting betrayed I mentioned in the video that and factions on YouTube is kind of going a bit like it's just kind of like leveled out it's not really like blowing up or poppin anymore but a lot of people who still play factions as youtubers now still enjoy it and I think I speak for a lot of faction youtubers at the moment but when you support our faction content it really means a lot because I'm a person I've been playing faction for five years I absolutely love it and I'm not planning on stopping it anytime soon so you can just keep smashing that support that would be much appreciated but before we get into this crazy crazy video we are going to go open up this mystical charm that we have here and see we get but guys this video is going to go from zero to 100 very very quickly but anyway let's just pop these all over because I have one free mystical charm a we're just gonna open you see we get come on come on come on give me some good dude I dunno what I really want to get I want to get a spare anarchist rank so I can base give it to Raven and then he has to make that video about me about why I'm so great because he still hasn't made it so we got $100,000 and we got boom another hundred thousand basically a free two hundred thousand dollars I'll take that I actually needed a bit of money better guys enjoy the video thank you for the support and just enjoy okay guys so sorry that recording randomly just basically started basically we were building the cannon didn't expect to get found oh my god oh my god I'm basically a J Tom army member found us so basically we just have to start firing straight away which is why I have no face cam or anything on because they have my camera on but basically we're just basically nuking walls and I keep saying basically now it's stuck in my head oh my okay this is working pretty well Ryan gonna know something what one of them blew up Oh which one the bottom one yeah my one why could you fire too quick I think so but the good idea is the TMT that I got from it I'm now gonna use to fill TG so we can keep going I'm just a pretty face run yeah this is definitely just going through MIT doesn't miss a few times like it goes into the water because it's just like you need to add to lay or anything no your we dude you've gone through yeah it's pretty good TJ I felt most of it like that's quite a bit of damage done to these walls right now like this will be a bit of a pain to patch and where's this J Tom army guy is gone TJ what you saying come outside my base and Raven look down here look down that wall right down I'm plating now which room it's completely destroyed all this one this one oh my god yo TG the wall is completely gone it's gone that was that are all the walls gone that one this one is the whole thing is gone maybe Michael a bit delay on it I don't know no the whole thing is gone yeah what is yeah that one was a good one I'd say add to labor I'm not sure if it's like her oh this one's completely got it all we actually wore remover utak so anyway the reason why we scattered J Tom's base at was because Raven apparently wanted to and he said it was what he wanted to raid raid it originally him but then he was like nah I'm too lazy and then he looked at the walls and sword at the sides of them were basically dry and then he knew exactly what to do he wouldn't even tell me for a few minutes what are you dude he just kept laughing and then this is what he built basically a massive scatter cannon two of them actually they're very easy to build I know I just felt that if weight was melted that if one of the members oh I see his stuff it is silverfish mask is he just got a free civil fish mask yeah he was in but he was in busy we see because I think where are you by the walls where where it says Trump I'm just saying like guys that's a lot of damn mister oh I see someone open top of the walls up there see we can fly up there well I can't oh it's the naked guy that's the same goes with before yeah but check his balance if he's had cells are lost is this 5k you just want to screen it oh okay right well there's no point giving them really ask him to let us into the base okay wanna let us in the base for a double screaming drop stuff on him drop stuff on it yeah make it look make it look like a really rich make it rain rain saying you want more of this kind of stuff well you know what to do what can I give him I have a shovel make it right okay dump okay stop making it right now we need to say I basically Turner I say I do not have access to the base oh do do do please laughing he said I never had a faction so I want to stay can I just say you can come to us we have room we'll let the poor man in I don't think we do Raven no it's 6860 were full we have we have private he will never know it was you let me check my PV let me see I will give you you can have your leaders head my so say basically will will hold them up so he is forced to do it okay say say basically we took one of his heads okay if someone records it know what is recording recording he says okay if someone records it XD we're all recording okay we'll send you in first okay right let's look at this logically TJ's a valuable member I'm the owner you're the minion okay right TP to me said TP I'm so dead I am so dead this is your fault what see you later I'm dead I'm dead guys know like oh free stuff take it easy oh my god no lie I'm actually inside the base wait really yeah I got it I got it I got it oh my god TV except I'm in the base I'm in the basin yikes I was need to go I need to I still have the money pouch did you pee my my he says there's more come no take the boys take the Blazers going on we've just raided J Tom I'd like the worst way put all right look mushrooms to a fish we just basically asked him out of jokes really inside he was like yo if someone's recording he like he'll do it and like we were recording he says he goes want the hoppers yeah we wanna oh my god this is bad like this is really bad guys nice babies what how does this work everything no this is never happening before where I've said like four jokes over here there's are more wait what and there's chicken mask take oh we said mob poppers and I was like wow yo this is the chicken forward yeah it's like a load of p4 and everything like what have I done hang on I'm going home to stories place borders we just got maybe 10 13 placements I believe out of that yeah it was 13 13 I got three holy smokes that's what he's going on can you ask him why he's doing this baby there's a reason for DOS he's probably gonna turn around say I love your vids that's why screen time that's why everyone does anything maybe we should pay him so that when he gets kicked out of these fashion you can start off I think we should pay him okay everyone agrees we should pay him because he's gonna get kicked out of the fashion because of us dude that's pure hatred that's right is that not hate Raven come here do you not see what you're doing there was invited a wall of Legends how dare he no I you sell right I think maybe smallness I think maybe some jammer may have happened because that was a hatred thing we didn't ask him to do that he just did that look guys up here oh my grab it boy something oh there's so many ghosts in it we read these random we need these you need these oh we thought there's a load of horse heads in here in here I'm going to saw in here we got more no no no okay 26 more Raven to leave okay I'm not leaving I'm not leaving the chunk I'm not even sure me yes holy smokes we need these horses we really do I'm just gonna say one message thank you I guess we got so much stuff from this dress we'll pay you a lot we need to give him like I would invite the faction but we can't we have no room like oh my god I would be a little bit skeptical to appointment to a faction cuz he did just like we were messing and he was like okay look you Brian oh I'll be here there's my boy oh hang on wait let's get the horses out and then let's get them oh my god oh my my little helpers okay right time not to mine them yet home base I need to take home I need to go to my unclaimed base check those no bring it back to the base oh I am recording I have permission no bring it back there may provide no I can't this is my challenge I have quit fate I have clickbait in the video like Raven you're like four years later challenge I'd be living like that for like four years and now we finally have a base and you're going do to chat okay well you guys take the spawner x' right okay my box contacts into accounts for the viewers but for my viewers Raven on his YouTube channel is doing a challenge where basically he doesn't live inside our faction base he lives in an on pain thankin base so everything ki rates goes to the unclaimed base so like half of these horse corners please tell me no no no I just put them all in the chest please tell me the place borders are in the unclaimed base no I just put more than HS can you go see Hank and taken back fantastic just over there yeah I got it from just like having a basically me rev said you know what when Lucas walls have a bit of fun and then we'll go you know do some cube here so I don't know oh no this ain't good like this this ain't good for this guy I feel kind of bad but then again it's his choice oh it's his choice all he had to do was say no like you know we kidnapped his like cat or something and had to you know say you know insider okay we're back I've just realized something what is it Jay Tom's face is like basically right up against the world border yeah easily so he unclaimed it I got the clay we own Jaedong face wait are we over table no no no wait I just claimed the one chunk of his base tell us to give us the whole entire base no this is ezel base no no one trunk is his base no no Claymore this bit this bit right here this whole base I mean more like he son claiming more claim all do we are we up did you we say for the fifty powers fell we're fine we own his base let's give this base to this guy this guy can have that he can now own it he could like represent this base man he says come he says come where are we going okay he said his homes delete its he said go up go up and guys I just realized something like we've just nuked our own base oh yeah you're wrong yo guys I think I found it what way can fly yeah we can also mine now yeah you can mind it now right Oh more spawners over CC what case what is this what what did you find what did you find okay I just found a room if you guys can see my name I just found a room is over chickens I need help with the chicken Joe I just got 25 chickens exactly it's all pains you could so everyone yeah hang on guys I'm just gonna put the stuff away and all they sell chests we can do a load of stuff now oh yeah we can sell chess and everything now yeah he's telling us to go into weather what's in here he's telling us to go into where the M where the chickens are but I think he doesn't know that we already gotten yeah T G we have to give him quite a bit of money like we didn't give him five million I was I was actually expecting to die that's why I was waiting do I wait like him the TP means like I know crossbar claims and then they're all be ready waiting cuz the way he's done I've never had someone just go okay for them I mean what's inside there oh no I just stepped on a pressure plate I don't happen no it's fine okay let's fight computer explosion you stop blowing up our base it's not my fault oh hello I just see a mobile phone I think anything good inside the regions no Ryan yeah the base I think that is default we could we came to the end it's like let's give another guy like who gave us the base well let's just give it stretch of TT oh all right no feels like there's more there's regions everywhere though checking out pickaxes and stuff rabbit stuff over here but decent I found more stuff at the top we're not 32 hoppers from one grinder hole oh you take all the hoppers we can get all the hybrids yeah yeah we need them badly so take all my numbers that's my noise hoppers for you stop blowing up anything what's in there anyway oh that's cows and stuff in their own lies are taken there here's a bit of a leaf there's loads of them you say so touch teaching yeah tip it to me in mind this oh I got him Oh Gigi okay right okay this is an afk place order some hot potato I missed oh it's on top of the base so this is the roof okay so now we're at the top of the minutes okay right there there's more regions that we still didn't look at yeah the bahtman it's a co-leader on guys who is it wait it's our names on he saw me trapped inside the base it's our claims oh yeah I don't know where he is no no no cuz the guy messaged me and he was like he saw me the guy's not taking the smallness what do we do do we get ready but we do do I get the place ready to go we owned the base so like we can yeah dude we could blow up the whole entire yeah exactly that's the point wait is he upstairs no that's TJ I didn't even have time to turn on my webcam today this this episode just escalated oh that's where I put my stuff all right okay right oh yes a foot my stuff yeah okay he said the guy said to message him like law Matt let me into your base long Matt let me into your base yeah like Matt like a guy called mad but we've recorded it exactly so do we just go along with it maybe as a plan I don't know okay well we'll go will respect his wishes and blame someone else no problem I'll wake it up Oh welcome he did say if do you think that maybe he meant I'll do it if you're not recording see that would be really funny because we're we recording yeah but I saw a he said if you're recording no I have the message like it's on recording like what he said what did he say he was like if you're recording but maybe man I won't inside if you're recording but then I replied we all recording so maybe I know maybe he wants a place on us for a little while yet okay let's get this bass rigged to blow in one big succession so don't fix it I'm small one now I'm just a cheap we're gonna use their TT I know what some is at the top of the bass it's like one of these chests here there's a cordless game that's the co-leader that's the co-leader I wonder will he said no no don't go break it back because we don't let me know cuz I feel like he would blow off his own bass oh yeah oh he knows he knows he said rip hi family yeah of course he knows he's logged on the bass time I never put faction okay message cordless gamer and say it was mad who TPD us in let's respect him but then again tp'ed sky is basically just sitting right next to us inside the bay so maybe he should leave if he wants to kind of get away with this and jaqen will probably see the video oh yeah um well yeah they'll see the video but for now he's safe you know oh yeah like our man is safe our Inside Man we gotta get an oil rig to go the guys like I feel so bad bro it's too late to vote bad didn't even think about it it just like ITP that was it I kind of feel bad for him but like it was his choice I didn't really expect to get inside right I wasn't planning on doing this no like we planned to just mess up his walls if someone T beats you in a bass I'm not really gonna say no I like I won't use knowledge a time T deal yeah we're using his T and T yeah I defend a load more hoppers by the way so I'm gonna grab Elise this is probably the best way to split a bass the most effective way yeah King nowadays like this is how you do it this is new gen canons this is new tech right here all the legends are the water legends about to go boom boom are you blowing up the wall oh well now it's too late anyway but the wall legend yeah God you can't say not too late now I wouldn't have broke his wall edges because as a youtuber I can understand ur that would be very very annoying if someone broke that I just knew I was like gosh oh my bass work guy just destroyed the wall legends like we didn't do it with him he just mined them all down oh is this dam that goes boom boom I always go oh oh we're gonna like out we're completely lost guy just goes oh my god my bass work this episode went from like zero to hundred real quick oh no wait a second we didn't change the bottom of the bases there might be more boxes yeah there's a more down here these go Ryan go here we go we could have mortar a way is there more there could be I think there either oh one second one second six don't rate don't write guys yeah these Mathias dope Raven these maybe J Tom's of members should be respect James no no but these may be just like member ranks with basically a little look in the chest look at the chest don't blow his up no no no no okay I'm just punching these look like they're just member boxes of people who like have like no rank or maybe just bought a rank yourself maybe they just basically start now I do they these people pray didn't have access in the base you get what I mean yeah so super easy spec these are not leave no no GG rock to blow I tried to be a nice guy it's rainy wants to be a bad guy okay this has ghosts on Raven just let you know I tried to be a nice guy if you want to blow up you blow it up okay we go we gotta save our friend we gotta save my friend yeah he's like he's his save up buddy you save room we save everyone who's will save you alright this goodies yeah because he we might not be at the same name yeah it's the Dib okay well I don't think he's plan of blaming mad is gonna work when he's running around with yeah exactly yeah no Rick it's a blown voice okay sorry yeah are you okay right well I tried to save their base so it's not my fault it's all based on I tried to be a nice guy you protect me Ryan the way you're gonna look at it is now it's our base nothing in there empty okay I don't feel bad blow up this room he's not gonna new yeah we je t'aime I me how much you'd be rated I don't even check to see we're a do he's on 25 minutes to him unless they have a second base which I don't hope they do I feel sure he lives with other a lot funny though Tom logged off for five minutes and he's come back and we've taken his base yeah I'm reviews watch this like you think I can speak for Raven stream like warrant on stream video video sorry I'm GC streaming is what happened what happened I don't know I don't have a clue I thought it was jokes I literally thought when I was t Pete's that guy is gonna die that's why I threw out my horse mask because if I died although woulda lost his prop for and a chicken mask yeah let me know if you wanna set off what I said big girl oh never mind oh wait did you really yeah wait over here wait I think we missed a few boxes whoo we missed a loaded all up its come here Ryan come here yeah I just got this one is there there's some more here what kind are they oh yeah baking sponge pal for Oh we did miss a box we we missed like a few boxes well how did we miss this Oh duties are I'll be dog chess I don't know right look this like sheeps quarters and stuff over here my inventory is so full I don't think there's I need it so you know spawn is on the floor I'd only in the chest don't leave anything valuable unless these are all be tough chest look oh this one has this one has definite silver fish cast so how big and oh it just had its just head don't get too excited okay well I have no TT to blow us up so do we leave this part I got a stack I'm gonna go back to my roots you film you wants a screen shot of course that's what one's free go inside for that one that's okay but that's our favorite one screenshot we're gonna give this guy a well off severance package alright someone blow it okay yeah I got it boom voice oh there's water coming out no I was gonna do damage is fine oh never mind this you guys suck they saw no motor there we go there we go well that good no no it didn't no oh yeah down here I did I did it's gonna go now oh there we go oh yeah there we go alright boys all gone this base noise gone I did not expect to rain today yep oh and well that went very well we just got a new base for free and laws now we had this base what maybe five minutes and this is what we did yeah pretty much like that just I guess flare out the base just check if we didn't oh yeah I love fly around guys a flower already that should be living in a homeless base you can have a go into region chess now I'll have a good look at the boys we can use trenching TT on the base oh yeah oh yeah hey guy find a new plan instead of flying it's good TP to TG hey guys oh this is what we did to the voice well all I can say is right you'll upload a TT pepperoni's yeah I know I just don't think we needed it now after hang on Oh more T&T working guys come here we miss this we also to spend more TNT we miss these like we often use be sure that retching T no it's 90 I'm getting is hoppers we need these Oh summer snow bother me I can see exactly where this guy is but I don't know where he's got now he's behind you oh no it's probably the core disguiser it when I seen James whoa who was that let's JT bothers him his head can't sell for money cuz he just basically came here you just said XD he just messaged me screenplay five thousand that's why everyone does anything nowadays there we go right that obviously I must say one of my most entertaining videos ever hey Gandhi do you want it I don't want it but I'm good but yeah Raven tossed me out that horse wife right now yeah yeah okay there you go thanks bye I'm gonna put oh yeah I'm good yep okay good watching us I would say two spaces it's gone oh you Skinner Raymond just killed chorus gamer again yeah yeah he tapped me in the head like turn around and kill okay right let's take us away from here don't play something oh five million oh Jesus yeah that's fair enough that is definitely fair enough okay let's go why let's all go well I'll go there okay right let's say let's sort him out so I'm gonna give us some that well I'm gonna give him these pigs bonus cuz I don't need them anyway give me some of these let's give him sixteen off at least then he can get started with that and also tell him to aage something for five million I think five million names of welfare okay Raven I don't think he has that much inventory space okay now he knows he's a normal human like me and you but it has to work harder look at that face doesn't that face look like inside for you actually if you look at his face right now it looks like what have I done he looks like constantly sad yeah a more like it more looks like what have I done okay do the agent for five mil or we to go back and unclaimed oh yeah we do need to do that we go back it we can do that the best all right did the ace up for five bill I'm Missy so we've troost him up we to stop his new faction met he's gonna go off by himself he needs buy milk five mil is plenty to get started on the base if he wants to do that he's stuck at all them again ok and now is he eating it ok good so we gave him five mils Porter's and a truce if we change us no it's a dangerous thing don't do that all right there we go that's it right yeah I didn't expect any of that I even expect to die I didn't even know that it's just basically Joey just asked for like the crack and you're like basically Oh which is the fun of inside for us and people like yeah yeah and they you know they just keep you too long yeah yeah exactly like that works like this I swear when you said to him he said no and he was like I go on it's like are you recording like a bees like if you're recording I was like we're all recording and he was like okay TPA right anyway well I'm going to end my episode off here make sure to go check out Raven and TG down below if I remember to put you there which I most likely won't better guys thank you very much for watching sorry for no face cam this episode it's just kind of all of sudden worked out holy smokes episode and I will for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: RyanNotBrian
Views: 114,776
Rating: 4.890934 out of 5
Keywords: STOLE ENEMIES BASE AND RAIDED IT, Minecraft FACTIONS, minecraft server, minecraft raiding, minecraft raiding factions, minecraft raiding server, minecraft pvp, minecraft, creepersedge
Id: 2O757HfUDKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 0sec (1860 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2018
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