THIS IS CRAZY! Driving My Jeep Into an Abandoned Mine

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on this episode of abandoned and forgotten places this is crazy this is crazy glide glide [Music] [Music] well hey everybody welcome back yeah welcome back so we're in tarnation are we this weekend mr graham so it's a lot better than we were last weekend that's all i know is it possible that we can find ourselves any deeper in the middle of nowhere we're in the middle of nowhere so i mean if the middle of nowhere was this big and the middle of middle of nowhere was maybe this big we are literally in the middle of the middle of middle of nowhere this weekend through that and uh yeah i tell you when you come this far out it is a little bit creepy because you're so far away from any civilization we've got a great big mind today guys we're headed up here um massive mill site and we're going to see what it's all about well i'm scared we're going to run into some crazy person up there you know you've got a then there'd be three of us you gotta wonder about places like this because you know if there is a uh you know somebody sleeping in the old buildings or whatnot science says keep out these all these keep down keep out well that just means drive on by yeah i don't know you just got to keep your guard up let's head on up here and see what we can find [Music] this is great i mean seriously this is thinking great well we moved a lot in the meantime and we're just getting settled in and this is nice to be back out and after it already and actually on to something where it looks like yeah there was certainly a lot of mines in southern california that we found and we just kind of decided to wait and save those for a future date when we can get a little bit closer to the area the commute was a bit much oh my god so we're going to put them on the back burner and that's why we're exploring a different area this weekend [Music] well definitely a lot of people know about this mine wow look at look at the crazy artwork on here nice that is really super cool mr m i thought we saw cool artwork at that at that one mill site look at this let's get up a little closer [Music] [Music] wow it's a miner with a drill no that's a guy with a gas mask and a machine gun wearing a miner's hat he's wearing a he's wearing a world war he's got a drill just like there's a pickup truck right here that guy's wearing that guy's packing a drill too i guess is that is it the drill yeah that's really cool huh see the little clamp that holds it in the whole bit oh yeah too cool wow what do we got around this side over here yeah the plasma cut the tin out and then they painted it here i'll kind of circle around this direction and give everybody oh i thought it was just painted but they actually plasma cut it out yeah they did look at that and that's a drill what do you think of that guys is that cool or what that's just gorgeous now the the dark areas or the black areas that's not paint they actually took with a torch and cut it out yep and then painted the white and he's a skeleton these are all um these are all the the the skeletons of the miners see his arms oh yeah skeleton that is super cool and the way they did it i mean look at that yeah oh my that's brilliant let's see let's see what's around this direction yeah well too cool well we'll be sure to uh walk around in here guys and give you the full view is that portals take a look at this mural right here guys is that a goat yeah yeah somebody took a plasma or cutter to that wow some of the places we find i mean that's some labor this is going to be fun to walk through look at that oh look at the ball mill is still in place yeah nice yeah very cool okay well before we come back and do the buildings um i want to just kind of get a lay of the land oh my god what we're going to do now is we're going to head up to the portal or at least what i think is could be the portal in this area um if they're going to build a mill site like this and i can see all the crushed rock the portal must be right up here wouldn't it be great if it's something we can get into [Music] oh oh hello oh hello oh what do we have here are you even kidding me you know that feeling see that feeling you're getting right now look at the pipe look at the side diameter pipe going into it are you gonna be able to poke the jeep at it oh my gosh this this is this is oh look would you look at that how do you do that blind how do you do that i love it look at this look what we found guys i'm gonna poke the jeep and point it right at it see it no they can see it there you can see that oh yeah there it is now let's go see if it's something we can get into let's do i knew there i knew there had to be another you're good at this guy well all you got to do is look at the lay of the land it just makes sense yeah from a geological standpoint yeah all right let's see what we have here [Music] all right everybody let's explore this old mine so you can see like i said we have a modern mine here and uh that's all concrete you see around the portal that's called shot crete they spray it on is what they do i'll give you a close look at it see how they spray it on it it kind of goes on and glops like that okay there we go headed on in mr m is already down inside a little ways i wanted you guys to see the portal on this one it looked kind of interesting and like with any other modern mine the portal is or the uh the haulage at going in here is probably about 20 feet across on floor and uh 15 feet tall at least it's a big end it's a big one yeah you know what mr m what a lot of people give me a hard time for saying across the wrong way see i'm from the midwest and if you're if you've ever been you've been born and raised in the midwest we tend to put a t on the end of a cross yeah and uh so many people call me out in the comment section and say there's not a t at the end of a cross well my tongue is broken i can't fix it i'm sorry guys all right what do we have down here so they're running a uh what size pipe is that mr about eight inch yep that's eight inches you know a lot of water is running down this over the years that's a compressor pipe isn't it i believe so but uh rusted well well-rusted compressor pipe i'm already starting to feel a little bit of humidity i hope we don't get down here and it's all flooded well we'll find out huh yeah let's keep going and that's what i was afraid of shoot i'll be darned i can't believe that the water table is this high being where we're at ooh yuck that's just nasty oh let me show you guys how'd you like to go swimming in that huh let's point out there a little further there let's look here here we go oh that's some nasty stuff it sure is so if they were pumping this out it would continue going down at the angle we were just walking but this is what we have this mine's completely flooded well too bad okay well that's how it goes sometimes this is the life a day in the life of an abandoned mine explorer let's head back outside see if we can't find something else or we'll head over to those buildings and get a closer look at those see you out there [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so do [Music] okay guys we're back over here by the buildings and i just wanted to show you how this process works quickly i'm not going to dive too deep into the process i just want to give you an overview overview of how a crushing uh how they crush the ore and then how they bring it into the cyanide leaching and then eventually uh keep condensing and condensing it and concentrating it until finally they have a finished product so let's where we're standing right now is a a long tunnel that has a conveyor belt in it right up right here this leads up and out over to a whole bunch more conveyor belts coming from a big jaw crusher that's up on the hill i'll show you that in a minute but we're going to start here and move forward come on check this out oftentimes they did this they covered the conveyor to keep it out of the elements um keep the belt out of the sun etc you can see with there's another input right here coming in from from the crusher this drops down onto another belt and continues to flow out here and we have a third coming in from another conveyor belt from the the jaw crusher and this one falls out on another belt until finally it all funnels into one long stream out here to the ball mill let me show you this so if you can imagine you've got a whole bunch of rock rolling up the conveyor belt right here okay and now it's going to go up and it falls right down here into this big ball mill let me show you see this hopper goes right there funnels straight in now i'm gonna walk down here mr m kind of show everybody giving them the the size of this thing take a look at the size of this ball mill guys it's absolutely huge look at this here let me just kind of stand up here there now you see all these holes those are for agitators now i know they have a specific name but there's actually a rail that runs inside there and then they bolt that in so as it's turning round and round and round the medium that's inside the inside here is these uh steel balls about three to four inches in diameter and because there's these hardened steel rails bolted on the inside that's what gives that its agitation and it crushes that rock up as it goes through here then once it reaches a certain level then it comes out this side over here before it's then taken off to the primary uh cyanide leaching tank let's head over there quite the operation here just uh just it's this is really impressive no kidding okay i'll tell you what this is all about in a minute we'll come back to this let's first go outside i want to show you where the process goes next okay we've got one big tank here all right and this big blue one over here i'm fairly certain that this is going to be your primary okay and then off of that they're going to pump it up and it's going to leap frog from one tank to the next to the next i'm going to walk up here and show you [Music] right over here so after they get done leeching this one then it'll go into this far one over here and leap frog from that one to that one to that one then probably back down to this one i'm just guessing guys but that's how it works that that's how the cyanide leaching process work they condense it from tank to tank to tank to tank now if you look down into this tank right here you can see the aggregate is about three quarter of an inch minus that's the optimal size that you want when you're when you're cyanide leaching ore three quarters of an inch or minus now if you look on on the tops of these tanks here you can see there's a uh an axle what that does is it leads down to a fin and it agitates and spins okay oh it's windy out here let's head back inside all right then now we're getting over here to the final process of everything okay then then the slurry is brought back in here and it goes through these okay so if you can imagine what you have here is there's a frothy bubbly slurry it kind of looks like like bubbles on the top of a glass of chocolate milk and that slurry is slowly coming across and falling into this long trough right here see this real long trough right there okay all the way down and then it goes to a collection point so right here that that slurry is slowly hitting this rail right here and then bumping off bumping off they're only collecting the top maybe inch to two inches of that froth and it falls down then after it gets collected out of this one as well as over here you've got a collection point here and another one there then after that it goes into this thing that uh the the best way i can describe it is you've got these big mats okay and that slurry these mats are made out of some sort of a carbon material i know that you guys uh know this better than i do out there but the gold goes into those mats permeates into them but and then that's that's where it's caught but now you have to squeeze those mats and that's what we have right over here take a look at this so they take those mats and they put them into these giant presses look at the size look at the size of that press boy this is like something out of a ah careful you don't get your head stuck in there gly this is like something out of a horror movie okay it's a massive press and that ram comes over and just squeezes squish and squeezes out all the goodness and they have another one over here that does exactly the same thing now down here on the floor i can see there's there's holes cut through the okay so at one time they had probably there was something under here that collected it and it goes down and it gets collected somewhere else but even after all that guys after everything that i've just showed you okay you still don't have pure gold you have concentrate and then that needs to be sent off and refined even further until finally you can take it to the refinery and turn it into a gold bar so you're not even done yet you still have a long ways to go before you can actually hold a gold bar in your hand all right well like i said i don't want to spend too much time here because i really want to get over to those great big adits that we saw over here on the hill that mr m pointed out let's head over there next and see what they're all about yeah well this has to be it right here yep this is it there there it is and the angels sing that's cool look at the size of that thing wow wow you can drive old bob into that thing nice and there's more than one if i remember five i just stretched along that hill yeah this is so much fun guys you just don't even know hey are you kidding me running around in your jeep finding cool old buildings getting to hang out with mr m crawling around in old mines getting hang out with mr m looking for old artifacts and stuff that old miners have left behind getting to choose a fat with mr m have fun jumping jimin jimmy did you feel that left rear tire come off the ground he hopped that's what the winch is for fine there's plenty of stuff to winch from around here too oh yeah wow that thing's just oh wow and you see what they did now if you look across there across there you can see the vein is running this hillside that way right you got your foot wall your hanging wall right yeah okay so they're gonna go in a little ways and then they're gonna go left and right you watch wow wow look at that wow cool hey look at here we have a mind you don't even have to get out of the jeep wow keep going check it out hey we need some light there we go guys jeez hey look at there oh oh man hey can we go this way heck yeah all right let's check it out oh man you know we could be on false floor too yeah we could be look there's a lunch here got some launch here somebody living in here oh how you gonna get out of here i don't know what are you this is crazy this is crazy climb gly wow how often do you get to do this never you know old bob is oh you lost the signal on the jeep oh bob old bob has always wanted to go exploring you know he feels bad when he gets left behind well yeah he's felt let me go look up in there he felt left out wait a second wait a second let me get this thing turned around here [Music] look how pretty white yeah we're liking a big cavern we are in a big cavern i know with with like giant rocks and stuff over the top of it how am i looking behind us uh what is this a limestone vine looks like it doesn't it looks like a limestone mine i know oh bob's having the time of his life left turn left all right yeah you're good okay there's a piece of drill still in the ground there bob's loving this isn't he he's having a great day this is like like a um journey to the center of the earth where's this one go this one keeps going does it go deeper i think so no no there's the face hey bob this is what the face of a mine looks like look bob you've always wanted to see what the face looks like look at all these drill holes look at all the drill holes in here oh nice it's all getting ready to get blasted see that i do oh i got to turn my backup lights on yeah see where i'm going oh yeah how are we looking over there oh that's a big product you gotta you got a big rock i saw that okay here we go this is sweet i missed that big rock there okay now you missed it okay i got my i got my super bright backup lights on here nice look they were getting ready to blast more there too oh yeah how cool is this boy where's the out um we don't have one anymore there it is this is it yeah flying you know how often do we get to explore a mine and not even leave the jeep this is something isn't this something i'm going to have some tea now what other drinks can we were we able to go we weren't able to go that way all right bob you had you you finally got a chance to explore that's something we got to explore the entire mine and we didn't have to get out see folks this buying exploration is easy it was fun all right guys wasn't that a lot of fun i had no idea we were gonna find a mine today that we could drive old bob into that was great just we're getting all sorts of laughs about that all right well i appreciate you coming along for another weekend adventure and i will see you again next weekend all right take care everybody bye bye so you
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 71,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: IVtxuZ6TjPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 16sec (1816 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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