Things Are About to Get a Whole Lot More Exciting, Mr M Get's Upgraded

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[Music] nevada truly is the mecca of abandoned mine exploration over the last two summers i've shown you some incredible locations and i've guided you into the depths of many abandoned mines that did not require ropes and technical equipment to explore [Music] thanks to contributing subscribers via the channel's paypal tip jar youtube ad revenue and merchandise sales being funneled directly back into the channel to purchase the proper equipment abandoned in forgotten places is about to take a long-awaited leap into class 4 and class 5 abandoned mine exploration [Music] dotted across the colorful and ancient hydrothermal landscapes of western nevada are thousands of vertical and inclined mine shafts reaching hundreds of feet in depth with broken ladders busted man ways and disintegrating collars making this type of exploring the most dangerous of all these features keep most explorers out of these locations and rightly so so what will we find in the bottom of these dangerous and inaccessible shafts what artifacts will we find lying in situ after a hundred years and what conditions will force even an experienced explorer such as myself to retreat from harm's way now sit back relax and enjoy the most exciting and most dangerous summer exploring season yet on abandoned and forgotten places [Music] [Music] so well hey everybody welcome back all right are we excited to be back in nevada or what it's good to be here heck yeah we have got some awesome sights for you guys this is gonna be just an incredible summer and we're gonna kick things off with about two or three incline shafts over the next few weekends with this one being number one what we've got over here is an incline shaft that was dropped in right around 1930 1935 in that area and this was worked up until world war ii then they shut everything down and that was the end of this mine now today how we're going to do this as you can see we've got mr m here he's all geared up we have him a harness now a descender and the reason that we're all harnessed up on this one is because the ladders are just they're all shot for about the first 80 to 100 feet down into the mine but after that we think that they're gonna get better and better um mr way we're going to find out is gly's going to go down to like the first level when he comes to and he's going to signal me the all clear that he's doing all right and then i'm going to come down to where he is he'll already tell me about pitfalls and things i need to look out yup we're going to explore that area and then we're going to do the same thing down to the next drift and so on and so on exactly until i think we're going to hit water at about the 400 level but i think so too i think there's a good chance of us hitting water but he's exactly right we're gonna leapfrog this one with me going first then him then me then him all the way down now guys we have a lot of fun getting to these mines driving to them locating them and i highly recommend all of you head on over to mr m's channel abandoned and forgotten footage i'm going to leave a link for that down in the description area head over there so you guys can see all of the behind the scenes stuff and everything that it takes to uh find these minds drive out to them and the fun in between right that was uncharacteristically kind of you gly thank you yeah it's a fun show jump on board with me it's fun that's fun to do this is fun to do uh but let's get after this one now i'm a little nervous are you a little nervous a little bit well look at you all geared up here mr m so you know what from this point forward you are no longer abandoned in forgotten places sidekick you are the co-star are you kidding me welcome aboard oh wow no kidding that's right that's big deal gly all right guys let's get started on this old mine okay mr m so this is how it works this will be a real good line for you to learn on with your descender so what you do it's pretty simple that's your anchor point over there and there's even an anchor symbol right here on the descender all right so what you do is you're coming in from your anchor point and you're going in counterclockwise okay let me grab your rope here um here's your anchor point okay so yeah coming counterclockwise rotate that around then you bring this and lock it onto your carabiner all right just like that okay all right and then when you're descending down you're just gonna slowly pull on the handle just no no no no quick no quick pulls because then if you do it'll lock and if it does lock on you then what you do is you just bring it back up rotate that back up and and then bring it back and then you'll be free again that's that's how you free it okay yep just like that okay okay and this has a an emergency function so that if you if something happened and you slipped and and for some reason you grabbed the handle and went oh my god and you pulled down it'll instantly lock right but i might yell something like jumping jehoshaphat i got a lot of gear on me as you guys can see the same glide down first for stress test purposes yeah cause i'm way well with all this gear i'm upwards of 250 pounds so all right now what we're doing is we're drawing the rope in as we need it all right so here we go into this mine let's see what we have so far yeah it's a good thing we're using the ropes because boy this is a steep one we're at 80 we're at least 80 degrees on this one looking pretty ugly but hey that's what abandoned mine exploring is right mr am i'm guessing so um what i'm doing here guys is i'm trying to uh work my way down to the first drift then i'm going to radio mr m and tell them that i'm in a safe spot and i don't want him kicking a big rock on my head i've got some housekeeping i got to do past a certain point here oh i just you know what one of these days as i'm going down these ladders there's gonna be a rattlesnake sitting right where i don't want him to be okay we're almost to the barbed wire here i did i told everybody one of these days there's gonna be a rattlesnake on one of these ledges okay i'm gonna commence to do a little housekeeping if possible here um somebody threw a bunch of barbed wire in our way got to get that out of our way before we can proceed maybe i can get it over here there we go okay now yeah yeah so i gotta hook this in such a way i don't want it falling on us let me fight i sunk it guys i'm sure you all want to see what the heck i'm doing here so i'm going to hook this barbed wire up like so that'll get it out of our way perfect okay all right let's look down here that's where we're headed guys all right looking good let's see now we gotta you guys can see what i'm doing all right nice and slow trying to work our way to that first drift it's already getting pretty stinky like i was saying earlier you'll you'll catch that on mr m's show um when uh sulfide material comes in contact with water over time it tends to put off a certain degree of hydrogen sulfide gas and that's why we have air monitors with us that detect for uh low or low o2 levels it detects for co2 as well as uh hydrogen sulfide gas and the hydrogen sulfide meter that i'm carrying on my chest is uh set to alarm off at five parts per million which is the absolute lowest setting that you can dial these into because hydrogen sulfide is nothing to fool around with it will kill you quick so you never want to i would never go past five parts per million all right we have a very very dangerous board right here but it doesn't look it looks like let me show you guys somebody threw this down at one time and it's precariously dangling on uh this board but even if i give it a shake it ain't going nowhere it's locked in i think we'll be fine okay we're at a place here i want i want to i want to look down here see what we have that just might be water right there already don't know till we get there now if you look off to my right here you guys will notice there's some pex water line um i think it was back in 2003 roughly about that time frame there was some people down here doing some sampling so that would be modern okay we have our first little drift here let's see what we have um let me radio up to mr m okay i've got a uh i've got our first uh drift right here i'm going to figure out a way to step off to the side so that you can start coming down copy that [Laughter] okay so you're going to be coming up to a log this is where we've named or i've named this the guillotine you definitely don't want to bump it or kick it loose okay it'll be it's it's right here lodged on the uh skip rails that came down on us would be pretty painful but i i gave it a good shake and it's locked in place pretty good as i am stinky down here yeah not too bad so far it's uh nothing to be nothing that's concerning me up to this point no nor me no we've been in a lot of cell free smelly minds and good job fantastic yeah you got it man that's how you do it unlike the marine corps yeah if you want to go if you um well i'm going to head off and explore that drift you can either head over there right now uh or come over where i am it's up to you i'm trying to get over where you're at okay not i'm not trying to swing back and forth in here i almost got killed ah there you go good job nice let's see so the way to get over here like a ballerina neglige do a run and start at it i'm going to go downward ways that'll take up some slack there then we're going to carefully step over here oh you're on a nail yeah i'm going to be going offline here in just a second as i get over here okay i'm already sweating like crazy i got stuck big no kidding let me get my cameras pointed in the right direction like so that's right you want to point them at the co-star every once in a while that's the right direction gotta point them [Applause] point them at the co-star okay guys so there's where we were a minute ago i've worked my way to the other side of the uh skip rail here and let's see what we have up in here so we have some old ladders uh i'm not sure what that thing would have been off of it has a door on it never seen anything quite like that yeah not sure your guess is as good as mine turning back around let's look up here another ladder and uh nothing really down on the floor of interest there okay looking off this direction they drifted up here about 20 30 feet and stopped yeah and they went out that way out that way and stopped okay turning around so just a exploratory that's all this was we just have a little exploratory mr m that's what it sounded like yeah nothing nothing too crazy that's kind of a neat little artifact right there that spring-looking contraption wow yeah like wrought iron and then they curled it okay so back to how to put this back on my clip here not gonna happen without help oh no i can get it i don't think so i can do it i'm betting against it i can do it you got to hold it out from your body a little ways yep almost had it haha look at there nice tada all right yeah we'll clean up this slack here in a minute oops come here we got a tangle there we go boy that is a widowmaker looking thing in it yeah i haven't been looking at it why it's probably best not to look at it you know what the worst part was was the collar that we went past in the first place yeah that big hanging down part that it's got going on yeah yeah i try not to look at that either right you know what they say in these types of situations ignorance is bliss yeah all right okay here we go and away we go um i've been looking forward to doing this mine for a couple of summers now but i wanted to allow the channel to grow organically over time and gain a larger and larger subscriber base so that when we did eventually start doing minds like this more people were there to watch it's been kind of a strategy of mine to work the channel up to more and more complex minds uh so that the channel would have a larger subscriber base that's why right off the bat i just didn't went go out and buy a whole bunch of stuff to start jumping into mines of this level uh when the channel was new well okay give me a second here see what i'm talk as i'm talking to you guys i'm looking at all of the different things around here that can hurt hurt us like being in here in the first place that's kind of like that's why sometimes if my dialogue is is a little bit goofy it's because i have a lot you when you get into these situations wouldn't you agree mr m that there's a certain level of sensory overload yeah because not only do you have to point your cameras in the right direction and all of that you're looking out for all the things that can hurt you ah storm rope i got a broken rung on that ladder okay now we're getting to the sketchy spot here with a bunch of broken ladders because of people throwing stuff down okay let me radio up to these guys they're all waiting on me okay guys i'm about uh 25 feet from the bottom i have to work my way through a segment of nasty broken ladders i'll radio back when i when i'm actually at the bottom all right so to do this to do this how am i going to do this we're just gonna have to abandon the ladder whoa oh that rope is stringy no this is static but even static ropes are gonna have a degree of bounce to them let's see here going on down they're getting there nice and slow nice and slow whoa let's see how am i going to navigate this um shoot maybe if i walk i can walk the plank here this old pirate's going to walk the plank that's what we're going to do down to this point get my foot over that there we go okay well so far so good as far as far as air quality got no meters pinging off or nothing almost there there's an old cone top beer can i like those whoa all right let me back up over here a little bit and okay all right let's get off uh let's get off this rope i don't need to be on it no more okay we don't need mr laser looking up where we came from right there coming down yeah the humidity tends to get goofy with my laser all the time just ignore it so we're down here now you can see that the the incline kept on going but now i'm standing on a big debris field okay right here looking over here to the left-hand side you can see somebody at one time brought in an aluminum ladder those are probably the folks from the uh early 2000s that came in here and did a little testing but it doesn't go anywhere any direction that way turning around we have a really nice vein you can see my laser here pointing it out well it's coming on and off that's a layer of gypsum crystals this here is all gypsum crystals that's why this failed uh those flake off super easy and at one time it looked like there was a drift that did go off maybe that direction but i'm not going to be able to free climb up there it's about 20 20 feet it doesn't look like it goes anywhere maybe if i uh here let me let me turn around here if i get a little higher up on this club where this collapsed then we can peer over yeah see it does look like it goes that direction but uh yeah that's uh 30 feet from the from that point to the bottom i'm just not going to be able to free climb that and i don't want to step out onto that big ledge of gypsum because you know that's going to collapse so the next thing i want to do is right here below the ladders i'm just going to take a small amount of time and remove some of the debris maybe just maybe we can go deeper i doubt it but i'm gonna take a look okay let's walk over here see if we can't get a better look at what might be hiding underneath this debris field see if it's at all possible to go oh down i don't know whoa boy that's wedged in so darn tight shoot yeah it sure is i don't think so guys i just don't think so oh that one's locked in that one's locked in nope i don't think we're going to be able to get we're not going to be able to get around that i don't think i know shoot because this this shaft would have went another 150 let me take that back they said 500 feet so we're down a little work we're about 200. so we're missing out on 300 feet of mine there's no way of getting around that debris if i move some of this maybe no that's locked shoot [Music] at least now you know you know you never know what's going to be in the bottom of these until you climb them okay well at least we tried um yeah i'm just not gonna get be able to get past this debris field that's as far as we're gonna go in this mine guys so i'm gonna work my way back up to mr m and slowly work back out of this mine pretty cool though at least we made it this far and we got some good some good rope work and that's always good okay i'll see you top side all right everybody back outside safe and sound what'd you think of that mister that was great that was great you know i worried a lot more about it than i needed to but yeah that was a spooky uh that was a spooky one because the entire collar that's what you ran into when you got 200 feet down was uh the caller had failed and yeah so what happened guys is this thing was collared all the way to the bottom okay but at some point in time the the top part of the collar slid down and the whole thing went and collapsed like a house of cards all the way into the bottom of the shaft and when it did that when it let go and went down the area where i was at the bottom where there was that collapse there was nothing to hold the sides and so that came in right on top of it and choked off the shaft so we weren't able to go or i wasn't able to go but i think it was 200 200 feet was roughly the number one between 150 and 200 right in there oh yeah but uh there really wasn't a whole lot to see down in there just a lot of debris and the incline was like that oh boy it was 80 degrees yeah definitely one that you got you got to have use ropes for but glad we did this thanks for bringing me with you you betcha yeah that was a lot of fun and we're like i said earlier we're going to be doing a whole lot more of this this summer so um if you guys want to see what's in the bottom of these really inaccessible shafts stay tuned because we're going to have a whole bunch for you abandoned in forgotten places is a great channel and abandoned and forgotten footage oh great make sure you head on over to his site abandoning forgotten footage it's a lot of it's a lot of fun the links down in the description area you get to see all the behind the scenes stuff you see what guys really like yeah i'm a little bit bossy okay guys i appreciate you coming along for another fun adventure and we'll see you again next weekend take care bye bye do [Music] you
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 41,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: mjoHW8n-bR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 16sec (1996 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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