A Thorough Exploration of the Stateline Cabin and Surrounding Area ... *Popcorn Required

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[Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] well welcome back everybody and as promised remember last weekend I said that we were gonna go find that head frame and incline shaft well here we are we made it drove way way out in the middle of nowhere well heck the hold of practically all of Nevada is them way out in the middle of nowhere you guys are probably tired of hearing me say that by now but anyways we're here at this site and when I got here the first thing that I did is I went up by the headframe because I was real excited that we'd be getting down into that mind today but gosh darn it turns out that this location is pretty pretty touristy so it's either a patented mining claim and because it doesn't look like something that the BLM would erect around the opening of the shaft it looks like something probably the patented mining claim owners did I'll show you folks here in a minute but at this same location there's what I call a tourist cabin okay these things are scattered all over Nevada and what people like to do is Waypoint them on their maps and load up the family and friends in their jeeps and four-wheelers and side-by-sides and head on out into the middle of nowhere and go to each one of these locations and scratch or write their name in to let everybody know that they were here so even though everybody knows where this location is I thought I'd go ahead and show it to you it's pretty darn cool so let's get started with this cabin that's kind of neat look at the somebody put together an old wind chime I found a whole bunch of parts and pieces and this than that and thingamajiggy laying around and made a wind chime out of it couple old boots kerosene lantern and a bunch of plates made out of aluminum that people have scratched their name into and hung them on the wall okay what's over here yeah more of the same we've got 2012 2007 2006 2015 2013 all here's an older one mm mm - okay well let's go inside and see what we can find in there hey old Bob if you drop a piston I know where we can get one right there what do you think press for room service yes sir I think room service is out to lunch pull down to open well the door was already open when I got here so let's just invite ourselves right on in okay well what do we have as expected a whole bunch of business cards oh we have a guest sign-in book huh what's this on the cover bandit in forgotten places wait a second someone else did someone steal the name of my YouTube channel wait we got another one up here in the wall all right what's going on yes guys I was in here ahead of time I had to check it out just fooling with you but all right let's see what's the last entry what's the date the very last entry were some people from Oregon July 26th 2019 what's the first entry people from Las Vegas back in August 30th of 2014 is the oldest log ok we have up here 2010 2013 Oh 8 2016 there we've got a bunch of reading material and off to my right over here there we go if you get hungry for some soup or some sloppy joe we got you covered and then afterwards when you get a good case of indigestion there's a roll of tums what's over here Oh bunch of pack rat traps and mice mouse traps bet if we need it and a case and a half of water good deal ok I see you in your sleep when you're not even looking spooky what's in here Hormel chili that's my favorite hey Bob we've got some sour cream and onion chips in here man nice oh you can even dip it some alfredo sauce wait I think I think Quackers like sell Fredo well hold on a second folks what's the date on that can audist 2016 expiration yeah you eat that and you're gonna need those tums Oh what do we have here I can't show that to you folks we might have kids in the current in the crowd bunch of magazines let me just put it to you this way I just I just noticed a big a big bag of Colorado we'll leave it at that all right well that is pretty much it for in here this time we're gonna what do you say we close the door behind us and we're gonna latch it leave it just like I found it there we go okay well let's look around the outside of it real quick why not there's a door that goes into that bedroom we were just in and let's round over here oh we've got an outhouse okay shall we explore the outhouse okay let's let me guess are we gonna get splinters or something to somebody going to be kind and leave us a toilet seat let's find out oh good deal we're not getting splinters today that's always a good day a one-seater no encouragement there all right let's keep fun working this way and that is gonna be it folks all right well there is a tour of the what's called the State Line cabin now if you folks you folks find this thing at and you come on out here do your best to you know always always leave things that the way the way the way that you found them respect the site please and and yeah so that other people can come out here and enjoy it too that would be great all right well I'm gonna take you folks up to the headframe and show you what I was talking about earlier I'll meet you up there okay we're up here at the headframe and this is what I'm talking about see somebody was up here and they framed it off all nice and neat brand-new lumber and then put the sheet metal across it so at one time that's where you had your your pulleys up there and then mounted back there let me show you so you got your cables running here at a 45 degree angle they'd go up there till those pull to the pulleys and then the cables would stretch back this direction and here's where your your winch motor would have been located on one of these either right down there or up here drop dropped and bolted down on these big studs okay off to my left let's see oh okay then over here we have what looks to be what maybe this was dynamite storage magazine yeah yep dynamite storage okay and then let's see what else we have here over here oh yeah I got something something right over there I'll just meet you folks over there okay coming up on what looks to be another storage powder or a dynamite storage magazine yep and somebody scratched your initials into it 2001 with a big pack rat nest all right well here's the door what's left of it okay now down below us was the mill site so I'm gonna walk down there and then we'll just together we'll just walk up through the mill site see what we can find I'll meet you down there okay we're further on down at the mill site looking off to our left you can see the the tailing pile okay off to the right here okay well well where have we seen one of these before folks it was a remember the horseshoe-shaped trestle and the the haulage adit standing outside the haulage at it there was one exactly like it and there was another one almost exactly like it down in the bottom of that 400 foot shaft I crawled down into oh I forget what the episode was few episodes back same thing yeah that's uh that's the hold compressed air that's what that's for and these older 55-gallon drums notice how they put the Rings right there so you can so you can manhandle them and roll them around you won't find that on newer 55-gallon drums it's kind of neat an old chain laying there all kinds of stuff it looks like what's left in an old meat grinder oh I see what they had okay so it looks like it's possible they were doing some cyanide leaching see this so they built one two three four five six pylons and then on top of them pylons they had a holding tank see the perimeter of it here that the old wooden ring it was probably the holding holding tank was made out of wood and then we're definitely and though in the real early early 1900s because see how the pipe look at this pipe it's made by flat flat steel that's been rolled into a pipe and then riveted like a candy cane that's really old 1900 shoot 1920s 1910 somewhere in there okay let's get up on these pylons here's another set of pylons we're standing on and at one time this two would have had a tank and then the third set is right above me right here and another tank would have sat right there so we're definitely doing cyanide leaching okay I'll meet you folks around the corner of this big wall here see up there all right made it back up here we're on top a little bit further up on the upper part of the mill site and this offers us a perfect vantage point for me to explain to you as close as I can to exactly what was going on here so the ore is coming up out of that incline shaft over there okay then after that they're gonna carry it take it across you can see the beams up there from where an old trestle used to be somewhere right in this location there was either a series of stamp mills or a big ball mill with ball bearings in it that used to crush up the ore okay and somewhere right in here I'm guessing was probably a place where they can extract the three mill gold and then after that it starts getting really really fine so then they're gonna run the material off here to my right and if you look down you're gonna see a total of four pylon sets there's one two three and four and each one of those pylon sets would have had big big wooden barrels maybe lashed on the outside with some sort of a steel tin perimeter and then a big bolt all the way around it ratcheted down nice and tight and that's where the material would come in and they'd mix and keep it into a suspended slurry and then and then when they aerate it but they're also pumping air into it that's why you have your compressor tanks down here that creates bubbles and brings the gold up to the top of the slurry in this kind of like a bubbly mixture and then you probably had guys down here on some sort of a platform and then know what they would do is they would rake off that slurry that's coming up that the bubbles are making and that's what they would keep and send that over to be refined and then on the last tank there from there that's where everything spit out and by that point there wasn't any more gold so they has dumped it on the ground and you end up with what you see out there a gigantic tailings pile that's slowly but surely working its way all the way down the valley this tells me this was definitely a gold operation probably some silver in it too I mean I'm seeing you look down here at the geology here's some here's some breccia we got quartz and her site not Nami not yeah no not Andrew sight see yeah there it goes again darn word escaped me here's some there's some limonite yeah gold and silver folks okay I'm gonna work my way back up to old Bob and off here to my left there's something going on they were digging after something who knows maybe we'll get lucky and find find a location where we can come in on a sideways drift level to access the incline shaft that would be cool all right I'll be back in a minute look at this folks so I was working my way up the up the waste rock pile and I knew that if I worked my way along where the old where the trestle used to be there was a good chance that I'd find a piece of piece of ore that probably fell off the carts and indeed I did look at this what a gorgeous piece of or you've got everything going on here quartz calcite those are your crystals that are sparkling in the sunlight they're the darker gray stuff is is your sulfides that's your silver that's in through there you see all the rust material okay well the rust is precipitating out the same as as likelike limonite that's why you're seeing rust in there there you can see all by it kinds of sparklies that's your calcite crystals and you're probably well you might see it on the camera right in here I'm seeing a bunch of pyrites so yep that is that is what needs to go to the crusher and get get crushed up in a powder and then put through the process so you know this is this is where the bulk of gold comes from gold is not traditionally something where you can just walk right into a mine and you see it coming out of the walls first of all if the deposit was that rich you're not gonna see it inside of the mine because the miners have already taken it out but the majority of the gold and and and the wealth obtained from gold mines comes from rock just like this and tons of it you got to crush it up and you got to put a through process occasionally yeah you're lucky and you will get into a pocket you'll find stringer gold but that's kind of rare except for some of the real real popular minds like Comstock and up there by Round Mountain yeah Round Mountain Nevada they they pulled out a bunch of really nice stuff with with gold you could actually see a specimen gold alright I was told they take that and they don't sell it at spot value that's the best specimen gold is actually worth a lot more in its natural state hanging within the within the courts for example yeah a neat nice specimen okay back to old Bob and then we're gonna head that direction and see what we see if we can't find a drift level level I'll meet you over there okay folks I didn't drive too far and here we have a powder magazine and you you always know a powder magazine when it's they're gonna typically be buried with dirt okay and then they're gonna have a vent out at the back of it somewhere just like you're seeing right there and the reason they build them this way so that if if there was a problem and all the dynamite sploded at least it would be somewhat contained I say somewhat because this whole thing just goes kablooey and the fly rock goes everywhere and you end up with a big crater in the ground but yeah they know they did them this way so that they could keep the dynamite cool and with a nice nice circulating ventilation that which keeps everything dry keep your powder dry before we go in there what do we have a we've got one vent for this one oh I'm seeing another vent back here oh we have enough oh yeah a smaller one here aha two magazines okay folks so I'm gonna I'm gonna ask you why would they have two magazines nice and tight and close together I'll let you think on that for a moment I'll tell you here in a minute okay let's see what's in here bad snakes rattlesnakes nope okay and at one time there was a shelf that went across there huh okay turn it back around now let's go explore this other one well somebody drugged an old chair in here okay let's look in here if I can't step around the old chair we go and this is where your dynamite was stored there's this old sleeping bag on the floor not sure what was in that box but has a date on it of 2006 okay stepping back out okay so why have two magazines right next to each other all right well here's the answer because this is where you kept your dynamite alright and that one up there that's where you kept your blasting caps you got to remember the only thing there's the only thing that you can use to initiate dynamite well other than shooting at it with a high-powered rifle is you need a blasting cap okay and you don't want those two stored together I mean if the blasting cap is the only thing that's gonna initiate the dynamite you don't want to keep them in the same building that wouldn't be smart so there is where your blasting caps are and here's where your dynamite is all right off to my you're right behind me ya Shack over there let's see what that's all about meet you over there alright we were just right over there by the magazine got a shaft here let's see if we can find a ah let me look BLM's got this one fenced off pretty good here's a place where there's a broken wire yeah there we go okay let's see what this is all about well there's the man way and yeah we're not getting down into that well I see a down in the very bottom there's a helmet a yellow construction helmet down in there and that's it stops right there probably 75 feet down all right let's go over here I'm scratching around these old site old site sure is a lot of fun isn't it okay this used to be here a winch house and I'll bet you yep see on the floor you got to cross ties bolts this is where your a diesel-powered or steam-powered winch is going to be looking off to the right here we've got two windows a smaller one and a bigger one that's where your cables are going to go out and then this one here here let me get over here and show it to you they had some sort of a block and tackle configuration that's what this these cross tires are for that would circle the cable back circle the cable back and then go down into the inclined shaft let's see what that's all about go cool hmm there's anything interesting in there folks there's only one way to find out right that's kind of on a slippery okay maybe if I scoot on my butt get to that point here we go uh-huh yeah the hose down here looking for rattlesnakes not seeing any okay all right what's back here just a little drift and it pinches off to nothing turning around we've got another little yep another drift thing here now see how they're chasing after this court's you see the quartz vein and then when we get back in here right there yeah but it just played out to nothing all right well let's uh let's see what's down here I gotta find a place to put my feet here folks here we go I'm seeing a snake old dried-up one yeah and this this drift is pinched off with erosion darn it what do we have here we've got an old that's the that's a bull snake or a gopher snake you know hold dead one here's his head dere okay shoot I was hoping that this would be a another access point maybe into the larger mine okay looking back up alright I'll I'll just meet you folks back outside the mine I'll meet you up there all right a moment ago we were just right over there on the other side of that straight vertical shaft with the broken ladder now I headed over this direction and we've got an added up here let's see what that's about oh look somebody somebody was doing some prospecting they dug a hole right there they dug another hole right here that's smart you know why that's smart because gold always congregates into the lowest point of anything so at one time they came in here with a piece of heavy equipment and dug this big trench out to probably sample it and then fast forward many years of rain and erosion maybe some of that gold worked out into the bottom and somebody came along and said hey I'm gonna dig down into the very bottom of this and see if we can't find some shiny let's see what this this added is all about okay here's another one I filled up a fight just enough to fill up a 5-gallon bucket take it back home pan it out uh-huh what's this an open stove yes it is all right no come on get over the fence without cutting myself yeah top part of an open Stolp cool no let's take a closer look at it any snakes nothing there catch your breath look at these stoles now here's a good vantage point remember I was telling you so at one time after they put the stoles in and they run their planks across that's so that men had a place to stand and then they can drill up into the ore body what it looks like right here they cleaned it all out and when they're all done they pull the planks leave the stones because they're too darn wedged in to try to remove that's why they always leave them behind so we have an open stove some sort here maybe I'm gonna peek around let's let's see if I can't peek around the corner see if this is accessible here we go ah shoot that would definitely require a rope rope work to get to that level and even if we went over there same deal hmm that wouldn't be that hard to run a rope down there but as you folks know that's an activity that where you really should have two people with you but all those stoles is pretty cool okay turn it back around we're not gonna be able get into this one folks that's okay I think there's a few more around here I'll meet you folks back outside bye old Bob all right back outside old Bob is oh right over there there's those powder magazines or nine my magazines we looked at earlier now we've got something off that direction I'll meet you over there all right we were just up there there's the the mine site mine and mill site we were over there worked our way down it looks to me we've got ourselves maybe a kiln at one time it did have a door on it this was either a kiln or at one time there was a building right here that we would be Swede be standing inside the cabin right now and this rock wall is all that's left maybe that's just like a fireplace you can see you've got a couple of flus there's a flue and there's a flue right there I'm gonna put on put my money on that what's this here oh just a little little prospect into this shallow epithermal here and that's what this is see this white material all this calcite and sulfides sulfur coming up out of the ground you can see it this is a shallow epithermal wouldn't surprise me if we have a shaft right over here let's go check it out I'll meet you over there okay what do we have off to my right that was the cabin we explored when we first started things off okay well at one point and one time it could have been maybe like a toolshed I'm looking at the the walls and places see if I can't find any scratches or writing not seeing anything looks like they had some flower planters here in the window all right now the reason I'm showing you this this site guys actually the reason I'm being kind of just you know wide open with the information is this is a real well known location but for all you watching this who are thinking about coming out here and exploring it just remember respect your heritage we have enough people in the world already that are doing all kinds of harm to historical and part landmarks oh just uh it's a mini little orb in okay and up top they had kind of think of it like a loading dock and a hopper yeah they would load or what's this over here big water tank look at they lined they lined to the whole inside of it with stucco and of course people have to come out here and shoot the heck out of it I tell you some people just weren't raised right you've always dropped on your heads okay back to old Bob so now we've done run out of places to explore within the general vicinity of the the mind and the the mill site so I'm gonna run around in all these little roads and we'll see if we can't find something else I'll be back real quick folks look at this this is exactly what I'm talking about somebody came out here and drug-drug their computer see there's there's the motherboard there's the case over here is a heatsink and a fan but here look at here here's the best part let me show you so they bring the computer all the way out here I'm guessing so that they could shoot it with their I don't see any bullet holes in it with them I'm guessing that's why I mean why would you drag your darn computer all the way the heck out in the middle of nowhere well look you know that is that's the hard drive they didn't remove the hard drive from there from their computer if I wanted to I could take that back to the base camp I could plug plug into right there there's your power there's your din plugs plug right in I could find out who dropped this computer out here and darn it if I did I would send it back to your dumb you know what's co D stop littering up the desert alright continuing to looking you're looking around alright folks back at Yan story about that I I get worked up every now and then when I'm when I'm out in these beautiful places and I see modern trash scattered all over the place it just it just upsets me we were just right down over there okay where that the big big barrel was on the computer turning back around we've got one two and maybe a third but I'll bet that's a shaft up there but we'll look at it anyways let's head over here and see what these two are all about I'll meet you over there take a look at all the courts in this dry wash here look at that notice how it looks very similar to that piece we found earlier what a great place for a placer operation but you'd still I mean really you should crush all this up and that's what they're going after you look up on the side of the hill there look at that quartz vein but see this really really white stuff in my experience I've never had much luck finding any gold in that see at bulk bull quartz there there's two more big hunks of it there and there yeah no bull quartz I mean you may have some gold in and around that stuff but it just seems like every time everything I've read my experience and people other people's experiences there's just never been much gold in it but that's why they that's why they put in these addicts here because maybe they thought if they could get down underneath and maybe get into the base get underneath it there might be something interesting what do we have huh I don't get my flashlight to work here we go what do we have in here another tight fit geez all right one second oh here we go right now I'm on my knees and my head is almost touching the back of the mine we've got a drift that went that way and stops and oops let's press the wrong button and they started working a winds going down that way and it's choked off right down there okay oh that's it for this one short and sweet step back outside go to the next one the waste rock piles aren't that big so I'm not holding my breath I'd be real excited just to find a rattlesnake I mean goodness we've been in enough mines already what's that smell and that's uh that's where we just were right there okay and somebody came in here and started a fire see all the soot on the back of the mine and that right here this is where the level of the smoke was somebody came in here and chipped out a bunch of material after the fire see that have you chipped it out and took it took it back and sampled oh well these are modern modern modern timbering here could be on somebody's claim and smell of bat guano YUM oh yeah see look up here so sometime after the fire they came in here and they were chipping away at this quartz vein and sampling it you see here where they're beating it with a hammer there there look at the Wow all right I trying to get a good shot with this camera holding it real still all right see the vein there's a beautiful layer of fool's gold pyrite right there how cool nice vein of pyrite look at that okay and that's the end of this one Wow another angle of it that's pretty cool with the black stuff they're gonna greyish blackish stuff there that's silver that's silver sulfide of course you got your bull quartz here and then scattered in and amongst it is the pyrite neat all right there was a barcode on that lumber I was saying if it might have had a date on it hold here we got some snake tracks look on the floor right there so once littered that way once slithered off that direction we had a snake in here at one time okay well there's one more probably a shat a shaft I'll meet you folks up there okay we were just right down there work my way up this dry wash look at all the courts in that it wouldn't swell see I can if you look right over there there's a there's a claim stake wouldn't surprise me if somebody has this valley claimed up for a placer a potential placer operation but off to my right here look how the miners stacked up all these rocks so they stacked it up so this pile here is what would have been hauled off the mountain to the crusher that pile there is your waste rock worthless material yeah look if they went through all of this work to pull this out of the shaft and they never got it hauled off to the mill what we have here is this an incline oh it just might be yes it is nice watch out barbed wire goodness cool yeah is it accessible let's find out nice hard rock good deal don't have to worry about anything falling on our heads just have to watch out for critters oh that's a nice welcome relief cool cool air okay folks look at what we've got here to the right look at this vein it's uh one to two feet about two feet two and a half feet thick they're working it all the way down let's see how far we can go [Music] all right looking at the vein what they were going after off to our left look at all the silver sulfides in there right through there this thing probably had more silver in it than it did gold if it was really high value they would have drifted these veins off left and right down here okay I'm going to try to sit on my butt and yeah we've got a whole bunch of erosion stuff going on here it's pinched off that way and I don't know if I get the camera down there but he folks can see nope she pinches out unfortunately years and years of erosion have choked it off darn hey at least we looked looking back up and out you wanna I'll take you back up with me what the heck is that Oh piece of limonite okay pretty crumbly all right and that ends that one well that's it for this area folks so I guess it's time to hop back into Oh Bob and take some of the back roads around this place I see we can find it all right I'll be back as soon as I catch my breath and goodness take a drink of water I'll be back okay back again I thought that since we were driving right past them I'll I'll show these to you we've got a bunch of stone foundations here from the original miners there's some over there another building was right there two more buildings we're right up there and behind me now we're not going to go to every single one because pretty much they're all really alike but the interesting thing about these is that these miners they had to carry these rocks these granite boulders all the way over here and stack them up like this to make a foundation think of the amount of work that took I mean because you know compared to the size of my hand look at the size of that Boulder and it looks like most of them came from well let's take a look yeah there's a pile up in this hill another pile over there and then back behind me that whole that whole mountain or whole hill over there is nothing but granite that's where they got it from ok let's take a look at this yeah it did a nice job click it all nice and straight that is of course right there is your fireplace does get cold in the desert and at night we got one more over here let me quickly show it to you and then we're going to continue on I think I may have found a location that's that we can get to a finished office this episode or of that decayed decaying granite decomposing granite sorry he once you expose that stuff to the elements it just falls apart and turns into sand what's over here well they probably had some sort of a little another room here maybe a pantry of sorts okay well we're gonna get out of this location head back down to the main road and somewhere home I think it's uh it's southwest of us location there's a couple other adits let's go over there and see what that's all about meet you over there okay back again didn't didn't drive too much further from that last location I saw something up on the hill and indeed we've got a another another incline shaft here folks this one's all busted up there's nothing hardly nothing left to the collar not to say you couldn't squeak down in there but turning around look at the size of the waste rock pile there's a little to nothing here so maybe that's that incline shaft only goes down in there probably not much more than a hundred feet and here's where they had the winch motor hooked up right there bolted down that's what pulled to pull the ore out of the Hank line shaft but up here I don't know if this is an adit or if it's a dynamite magazine let's find out might be an edit cool that's a photo opportunity right there I like that okay let's go inside somebody named Lila again I'm I'm not bringing in the fancy camera because I'm more than likely this isn't going in very far we've got a bat up here one bat and a old an old tarp actually it's a tent why would you drag a tent oh I see what they're doing okay at least I think well no maybe I was thinking they late they were just using this old tent is kind of like a tarp you laid it down on the ground and then yeah mr. bet and then they were chipping away at some of the or above our heads here and the ore was falling down on the tarp I don't think that's the case I think somebody just they just drugged it in here yeah just to get it out of the wind okay now we've got to try to get back out without mr. bat flying outside maybe he'll stay right there all right mr. bat come on I'm just gonna stay right here there you go come on come on no please don't fly outside shoot he did darn it I don't like doing that folks because then now he's he could be preyed upon by a another bird okay we got one more right over this direction let's hop back in old Bob and we'll go over there and see what that one's all about I'll meet you over there okay back folks you know immediately after I shut the camera off and I was hopping back into old Bob I glanced up towards that ad it we just crawled out of and I saw that bat fly right back in there so I'm happy about that we're good to go I don't like to see the critters getting eaten on my account so across the valley look what we have here another orb in smaller one and they rigged this one up in such a way where they could paw Park a truck down back up underneath it and fill up fill up a dump truck haul it off to the mill but what's neat about this site it's right over here there we go okay so they add it is right over here turning around they built the trestle right here see if I can get over to that board there we go very cool bringing your cars out and dump them into the bin now they would looks like here there they're sorting the ore out certain kind of or went into one certain kind went into another makes you wonder how they were doing that separation process well let's head back over this direction shall we and see what the what's going on with this at it oh yeah nice and we've got rail going into it folks excellent well I think this one's going to be a heck of a lot bigger so well I don't I I'm gonna head back over here to old Bob and break out the fancy equipment and we'll we'll head on into this one shall we all right I'll be back in a second okay back again we got the safety flag put out let's explore this old mine so right off the bat here see either they're taken out of vein that's on an angle oh I'd say about a 45 degree angle from lower right upper left alright and there's what's left of I think that was the old door at one time okay what do we have in this one for sale by owner now I may have found someone's somebody's mine they're trying to sell I had a bunch of stoles here small little stoped out section okay continuing on yep so all right we're in the main hall added of course looking up to my left here's a nice view of the vein that you're taking out of here yep all right and continuing on boy they could have fun Chise what's this mine for dwarves and like Lord of the Rings the hemming it's only about four feet tall goodness there we go alright choose wisely to the right or to the left well why don't we go to the right oh okay backing up look at the calcite on the walls here folks ain't that pretty it's almost looks like agate yeah okay oh there we go all these darn newer LED flashlights have that strobe feature I don't much care for it a little drift off the left but then it stops that's in the barrel mm-hmm nothing in the barrel the bearberry ba RR Y square I can't quite make it out little drift going off here another one of those sheets for putting or on top of oh okay here we go Larry the Larry square set [Laughter] all right I know the rails go up to this point but then stop okay turning back around back through the Larry Square set okay and we're gonna head back to that to the other drift okay so we were just off to the right there now we're going to continue on this direction somebody got a little bit artistical with the on the post here what's in the bucket at a honey bucket it looks like it was on fire at one time okay our first or shoot so we're gonna have to take a trip up higher up on the mountain folks because we've got ourselves an ore pass and see if there's another see if there's not added above us okay continuing on see you here here they were attempting to make another or pass right there and maybe they missed their target okay looking at geology above our heads take a look at the calcite forming there in all the sparkles pretty yeah another drill a little drift going off to our right okay well let's just climb up in here and see what it's all about shall we doesn't look like it's been used very often because they never never mucked it out what's up in there oh and that's where it comes to an end okay I'm just gonna back on out I'm glad I have a hard hat that would have really hurt okay continue do we have backup in here os rail has more twists and turns I'll tell you okay back to another choose wisely well I can tell you right now this one just goes and stuff right there okay so let's continue on down this one and there's another muck plate yeah right here's where the mine ends right there turn it back around okay I'll be right back folks okay back again do something a little bit different here I've got the camera in drone mode as we work our way back out CEO said II that shot is how cool is that it's like we're we're flying a little mini drone back out of the mine and just like that there we are okay I'll be back in a moment all right back outside that was fun and I did work my way higher up on the side of that hill because I was looking looking trying to find a location where that the top part of that or pass was that led down to the chute and I think it was right up here on the other side of this or bin but it's all collapsed in with erosion rock and it really wasn't an adit I think what they were doing is they were working the top part of the vein and instead of hauling the ore down the hill it was a heck of a lot easier just to carve out a chute down to where the ore cars are running and just dropped the or straight down that way and then run it out through the rail that's what was going on all right well that's gonna do it for this episode things would have played out a whole lot differently if we would have been able to get into that really big incline shaft but unfortunately that's not the way it played out so all right well I'm gonna get on off this this hill and out of this part of Nevada I got about a hundred and something miles to drive back to base camp and again hey thank you so much for coming along on all the unnies explorers I appreciate it so much and thanks to you all my new subscribers hey thanks for coming along I'm glad that you're into this sort of thing too so yep I'm gonna get down out of here and as always hey as I like to say respect your heritage and always respect your public lands okay I'll see you folks next weekend take care bye bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 60,747
Rating: 4.931663 out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: PrVsjOJDumQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 23sec (4943 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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