FOUND! Incredible Veins of Blue Azurite! A&FP, The BEST Abandoned Mine Exploring Channel on YouTube!

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[Music] when searching for remote abandoned mines i often come across interesting architectural structures such as this mercury retort mill built in 1906. [Music] with its bricks typically hauled off and used in other structures this mill was a rare find and interesting curiosity as we made our way deeper into the remote desert wilderness [Music] today on abandoned and forgotten places i take you to a remote copper mine filled with snake tracks and poisonous spiders before eventually taking you to a mine with the most blue azurite i have ever seen [Music] now come with me on this two day journey exploring the copper cup and the baby blue mines [Music] [Music] well hey everybody welcome back okay so while mr m and i are working out a few minor bugs on the schnozzle later we learned a lot from that experience it was a lot of fun but we knew going into it there was going to be a few things that needed to be critiqued and that's what we're working on right now waiting for a few parts to arrive etc etc so in the meantime i've got this really awesome mine here i've always wanted to explore the reason why is this whole hillside is just covered in quartz there's quartz veins poking out everywhere and behind me here is the main haulage at it so just like all the others we explore you got your haulage at it going into the bottom and i would imagine once we get inside this thing then they're going to start stopping those veins up into the surface or up here there's another big uh waste rock pile but i think that that's an ore pass where they were taking surface materials dropping it down an ore pass so that it could bring it out to haulage at it here it's a really neat location actually it's a copper mine but with all the courts in the area you'd think it's a gold mine but i'll bet gold is a secondary commodity at this one with copper being the primary all right guys let's explore this old mine okay starting things off we have a really nice rock wall that the miners built this is what i like to call exterior gobbing that they stacked up here to keep the sides from sloughing in to the uh to the portal we got to work our way around a little bit of this foliage here there we go and here's our portal right there looks real nice now when i was here earlier i noticed something down here on the ground i want to show you guys take a look at this here let me turn my lights down just a little bit you see all them squiggly lines in the in the light dust right there okay those are snakes those are rattlesnakes okay and uh if i can put my hand down there maybe you can see one there's one there there's a little squiggly line there yep and you can see that the snakes were coming in just a little bit probably during the summer to escape some of the heat but not this time of the year though nope wrong light there we go okay let's continue on yeah there's uh all kinds of rattlesnake marks down here on the floor yeah that's pleasant gly well you know we uh wait here let me here's some here's some better ones mr ram look at here look at this see that see them all look at this one yeah yeah those are all that's all from rattlesnake no yep that's horrible yeah all right well you go ahead okay well i've always wanted to run into a den i've been looking for a a rattlesnake den in these mines for years and i've i've yet to find one okay so we're going through just a bunch of worthless rock here yeah because that's what they're attempting to do they're they're going to want to get up here and intersect with the vein and hook it right here look at that isn't that pretty wow we've only come in maybe 75 feet look at that beautiful that looks like um that's a that's a type of sulfide that could be silver right there it sure does look like it i'm going to go off to the right and explore this first mr m okay this looks interesting this makes sense because there's a vein coming out of the hill off to the right and that's probably why they dropped this this cross cut in and oh just stops right there okay all right turn it back around let's work our way back to the other one nice oh that is just super duper huh isn't that pretty look at that vein ain't it worth nothing otherwise the miners would have taken it but sure is pretty for us uh rockhounds to look at neat all right let's see what else we can find in this mine oh hey we've got a bat monitor right here yep so let me show you what this is all about so what they do is they'll drill a hole bolted on a chain there's the monitor and see that little round i believe the little round thing right there is the sensor and that'll tell you how many bats are coming in and out of this mine boy when they get that data they're gonna think a giant bat went by there [Laughter] look at this hanging wall off to the left here but we're still not really into any uh minable ore through this section this is just country rock now it's starting to look a little bit nicer oh look at that vein well that's a pile of quartz but the miners left it alone so it couldn't have been very valuable little thing went off that way but stops right there okay turn it around here see what else we have look how blue all the rock is yeah hey we may oh for a second there i thought we had a a an incline shaft that's something yeah what do we got going on here yikes okay as we have a pretty big room um i'll tell you what guys before i point the camera that direction let's start down here so you can gain perspective on how big this is looks like whoa looks like oh right over here does that go anywhere no and if it did it's all chock full of debris okay turn it back around now on the drone footage i think i showed you guys what could have been a shaft coming down from the surface and i believe we just found it right here we got a ladder off to the right and indeed wow look at the size of this room mr m i'm coming check this out i'm gonna throw some more light up here's the there's the shaft going to the surface somebody put an american flag in here and a little sign that says fragile handle with care [Laughter] okay looking back up now we can look straight up and out of the shaft we look down on from the drone footage okay all right we have it looks like it continues this way let me peek under here oh yeah yeah indeed it does what do you think mr m want to go this way or keep on going the other way it's up to you i want to save it all right let's save it okay let's turn back around here this is so this is really cool this is the big room yeah all right and pretty rocking here we'll come back to that cross cut let's go around the corner here jeez this stuff cleaving off like crazy in here and then sure is um all right what do we have up in here oh i was hoping that the mine would get larger nope this as far as this cross cut goes yeah okay no artifacts on the floor here turning back around so a lot of you guys watched mr m's presentation uh regarding how how mines are laid out now we're now basic mining terms that's right basic mining terms and so that's what this is technically we're walking in a cross cut here because they're cross cutting the vein before they're going to attempt to stop it out they're not following the vein like as if you would in an inclined shaft all right okay well there's only one way to go then over here all right when you're crawling on this mr m oh that's a big old brown recluse right there don't put your hand on that recluse where oh see him come after me right there oh my god see that right there look see look at how aggressive he can be don't put your hand on him okay and don't get your knees in the cactus thorns man they're all over here there's hundreds of them yeah they're everywhere erica cloose is all over yeah okay let's see what we got what is up in here did you hear him watch out mr m don't put your hand on that brown red close and then i see five others and running off forget it i said you go ahead guess what it didn't go anywhere okay we had an animal living up in here look at he dug out a little hole that one time a little critter scratched that out and that is it for here that's as far as it goes well i was really expecting there to be more to this mine i'll tell you what guys i'm gonna head back to that what appeared to be an incline shaft maybe if i remove some of that debris we can get down to a lower level let's go back there and check it out don't put your hands on that pile of brown recluses yeah i know i'm looking for them oh my they're everywhere no kidding yeah did you see them all run yes i'm itchy now there was a bunch of them i'm itchy why'd you even go in there because it's fun i feel like i've been bit by one on my hand okay guys this right here may used to have gone someplace i just want to clear out a little bit of debris you know maybe maybe i'll get lucky and we can dig underneath it now got to be real careful doing this because this is where all them spiders are going to be down in here plus you could be standing on a giant falls floor right there yeah that could be too let's see here okay see this is why i like to have that flashlight for times like this because now i can get down in there all right let me show you guys what i'm going after let's get down in oh my gosh there are spider webs everywhere okay let's look down in here i gotta turn around there we go that's all false floor you're on let's see here nope doesn't go anywhere darn it i was really hoping i could move a few more sticks that's it i'm sorry maybe at one time it was but it ain't no more not something i can get into i'm checking for spiders yeah i need you to look at my back here's the flashlight look me over here i'm not seeing any spiders no pants legs nothing crawling no you got a bad decision to make good story sticker and a little backpack all right well this one was kind of uh your lights in my eye this one was short and sweet guys and mr m over there let's head back outside see if there's anything else interesting we can show you at this mine yeah this is a nice one i'm gonna grab some of this rock sounds good all right guys back outside safe and sound short and sweet i thought this there'd be more to this mine taking the consideration all the courts along the hillside but they never quite got into it far enough to start stopping those veins to the surface apparently this was these uh these quartz veins and everything else in the area had low grade values and they just shut this mine down we're not done i think we can head off to one more get another one in this episode for you guys there's another copper mine in the area i want to go explore so let's head over there next so what do you think of that one mr m i thought it was beautiful you know it's been a while since we've seen that much color yeah yeah that that had some nice uh vein structure in there i really thought it was gonna go in a lot farther um than it did that took me by surprise well i was surprised too just because the whole the whole layout of the day get finding the place and then the the huge overburdened pile that was outside right or at least it appeared to be a big overburdened pile and there's courts just literally everywhere not not only that but how much work they put into this road just to get to this location exactly these guys tenacity just never ceases to amaze me it's just absolutely incredible and they did it for nothing they had i mean this one here they had to lose lost their tail yeah they no way around it nope they didn't make no money on this one after years of scraping in the in the rock well i gotta tell you that's the most brown recluse spiders i've ever seen in a mine don't even talk about them you don't like spiders do you that was just too stupid i can't wait to get home and review the footage on that did you see did you see how that one was chasing my hand one there were like five of them there they were rooting them on go go get him insane no way no way there is a lot in that mine yeah they can be really aggressive well yeah can you imagine how big of a a donut you look like that to a brown recluse the upper like look at that one look at that that one's jelly filled he's gonna be delicious yeah i don't know that just no and i was sitting on the other side waiting for you to say hey mr m it goes on for a long ways come on in mr m because i was gonna have to yell back to you hey glide now [Music] okay so here we are day two um we went to that second copper mine i talked to you guys about and it turned out to be nothing more than a a vertical shaft that would require the schnozzle later um we're waiting on a few parts for the shnoz so in the meantime that's why we're doing these mines so instead of uh going to that copper mine we're headed out to a gold mine today um but this one is going to be interesting because we have to walk at least a mile up up this wash in order to get to the mine up a steep angle because the road ends at the base of the hill it's going to be interesting though it looks really interesting on google earth and i can't imagine you know too many people who would come all the way out here and take the time to climb up the side of that hill and explore this mine so it's going to be neat to see what we find all right everybody made it to the top and i did it in 20 minutes look all the way down there in the bottom you can barely make out old bob so i had to skirt the side here try to find the old trail up to this mine but uh yeah 20 minutes from there there to here i feel pretty darn good about that so what do i have for you oh man i'm so excited i can't wait to show you this this is a this is a real rare find ever since i've started the channel i have never seen this much blue azerite laying on the ground super spectacular let's get started on this mine now look down on the ground here look at the amount of azurite in this waste rock pile right here see that now there's some more up here that's even better we'll get to it in a moment there is a hoist or part of the winch that they were using to get the material up and out of the incline shaft and we're going to be exploring that here pretty soon now i think this right here might have been the spindle it was sitting on now in the drone footage i thought that this over here would have been an at it it kind of looked like it but turns out no it just goes right there and stops okay okay turning back around here i want to give you another look at this this hoist well actually the word isn't coming to my head right now you guys know what that is it's a uh just the spool off the winch but the cable is missing yeah sometimes i forget the words you know me i'm getting older okay now coming around the corner here is our incline shaft and if you look down there well you probably can't see it because of this the sun is kind of over exposuring everything but there's a ladder going down we'll get that to a mo in a moment first let's look over here look at this look at the blue azurite coming right out of the wall here isn't that pretty now to give you a sense of scale i try to i'll put my hand up to it here look at that and that's what they were going into now um in the report this is technically a gold mine and the way that they were casting aside all of this azerite tells me that they weren't really interested in the copper that it had to offer around the corner here see they were going into the vein right there so i can see what the miners were doing they were probing this whole hillside probing it probing it then around over here and then at some point in time see this see they probed down and went there and then at some point in time they said okay we're gonna have to go deeper and that's why they dropped in that uh that incline shaft okay but all right next thing i want to show you pretty darn cool let's head back this direction wow what a beautiful view this place has just incredible look at that scenery okay down here oh look at that juicy piece right there isn't that pretty and then it gets better look at all of that isn't that something you know i've been in a few mines where there was i found a little bit of this in the pillars in the past but never quite like this look at that one right here isn't that pretty okay we're gonna have to sample that one that one's coming off the hill let's find another nice one for you guys i'm gonna these are gonna have to be kind of small okay here's another nice one right there and let's grab another one here which one do you guys think looks nice ooh a big one this one's about the size of a softball no that's too big we can probably oh here we go right there that one and this one there we've got four okay let's go over here i'm gonna set these down now these i can get off the hill right to one two three four there all right those are the four i'm gonna i'll put up on the ebay site for you uh rock hounds out there in the audience okay continuing on over here we've got rail and that rail is headed up off that direction so i'm fairly certain we have an at it going right up there here's a place where the miners hung out there's a bed frame looks like they were i wonder what this looked like back in the day and as we go up in here and look at the trash i see a canis is that a can of spam no no but that's definitely potted meat and now here's a can does that have i don't know i thought that had wording on it there for a second but no it doesn't okay so there is where the miners rested their head up here but this up here is what i want to show you next come check this out there we go there there's the gate valve the wheel is still on it oftentimes those are removed and behind it here we have our cistern they even put a little notch in the concrete so it would have overflow and flow down the center but yeah an easy way of holding water in this little spot they even uh whitewashed the sides notice that all the way around the perimeter they laid in the concrete and all the cracks so they wouldn't get seepage okay turn it back around this gives you a really nice look at this mine right there so what i want to do next is we'll head around the corner and we're going to go explore that at it first and then we'll go do the incline shaft if we can get into it if it's not too dangerous oh there's some look at their some uh hawk or yeah those are looks like red tail hawk feathers right there sure does all right let's go up in here and see if we have any mountain lions hiding oh don't want to touch that rock boy oh boy that one's ready to come down all right real careful here let's get up in here [Music] okay before i go any further let me show you what i'm working with here off to my right it goes down that way it looks like it just stops they followed they were following the vein and quit right there okay there is rail on the floor here actually it's covered up now yep all right what do we have up in here i'm just kind of looking over everything we've got some vent pipe plastic jug probably was used for what old water at one time more than likely yeah all right what do we have up in here oh it's a pretty good sized abbott well i'm not seeing any uh critter poo on the ground here that would look intimidating to me lots of pack rat okay looking good let's keep on going anything around the corner no just some pack rat patina up there in that one okay going deeper we have another little thing off to the right here but it stops right there somebody came in and was picking away and they sure were look at that see they started picking on that maybe getting a sample more than likely modern day prospectors here's another one see how as they go along they keep probing they're probing that vein all right okay around the corner we go and it still keeps going the air in here is really nice it's not musty it's not batty look at that guys let's turn that light down a bit so you can see it look at that beautiful vein of azerite right there wow that's gorgeous isn't that just beautiful okay continuing on no nothing hot unless nothing there i'm seeing some beer cans from the 70s so we definitely had modern day prospectors up in here at one time and now i can feel that the mind is kind of twisted back on itself yeah we're making like a horseshoe move maneuver in here lots of sparklies oh yeah i can feel uh the humidity level just raised by about 50 oh yeah because because we're coming up to the end here yep okay what's down on the floor here there's some canvas of some sort uh boards and pieces of wood nothing too exciting up here on the back it looks like a vein of really pretty calcite crystals but notice the plane see what they're following here right here let me point it out to you so this right here is your hanging wall right here and that's why they they went this direction they're following that margin and cleaning this out it's about four feet thick through here let's get a closer look yeah ooh it stinks like ammonia up in here okay turn it back around okay yeah yeah that the ammonia smell is from uh bat guano or pack rat urea okay what else do we have so i'm just going to leave the camera on because sometimes i do end up spotting some things i didn't see on the way in there's that beautiful piece but don't you guys worry i'll get a piece for you uh i'll i'll pull those four that we found out in the waste rock pile because more or less it's the same thing okay still working our way out of here i'm looking all around see if i can see another vein of that nope just country rock through this stretch all right almost to the exit here i can see sunlight you know for a lot of people uh that have ever walked into the one of these abandoned mines i've been told many times that the worst part is is walking back out because you've got your back to the darkness and that's the most unnerving thing for a lot of people so you don't think i know i'll bet you there were some in the audience that said how come you didn't open the lid on that maybe there was something spectacular hidden inside well okay i'll look if i can get it open nothing nothing in there at all what's that smell no they were they were using uh fuel that smells like varnished gasoline yeah okay they probably had some kind of a gasoline-powered jackhammer of some kind now what do we have hiding down in here this is pretty darn crumbly i meant you know the modern miners that were down in here probably had something like that there i can see some more of the blue around the corner there and this kind of more or less angles off towards the uh incline shaft that we're gonna go check out next so okay i'm gonna get back out of this mine let's head over to the incline and see what that's all about i'll see you over there okay guys back outside safe and sound now we're gonna head over to the incline looks like here that's what's left of a uh an ore chute see the gate on the end over there yeah what's left of it alrighty let's see if we can safely get down in here oh boy there's all kinds of rock that wants to come down off the back yikes all right there we go now i'm pointing the camera in the right way yeah hey you know what that right there is going to make a beautiful thumbnail what do you think guys all right back to the show oh yeah this is looking really good i can handle this except i don't want to touch that no i don't all right what do we have here we got a little thing going off that way okay and what is this we have ourselves a tool here right there okay let me turn the light down a touch look at this it's got four three grooves look at that oh i know what that is that's a part of the uh uh ring gear opinion gear see that would that would be in a circle and this is and it broke off see we see the break here and there that was probably part of that winch outside and the gear snapped yeah let's save it let's save that for coming back up shall we all right let me get off this crumble okay before i go any deeper here i want to look at the geology see what i'm getting into that looks so right see i don't like it when the span on the top starts to get too wide because there's not much support the trick is to just be like a little church mouse in these things don't touch anything now look at the blue azerite coming out here oh wow look at there that's just beautiful fantastic isn't that pretty yup you suppose there's more down there well in order to get down there i'm gonna have to hug the wall that's gonna be my safest bet that's where there's more it seems to be more support is along the wall instead of dead center okay little by little working my way down here okay it used to go maybe more that way but now it's been pinched off from all the rainstorms no i'm not on a false floor but there is what used to be a platform here that goes over here into this stop i'm going to show you guys something before we go further look at this thing down on the ground notice how they protected the edges with that metal it could have been a part part of a wind glass i'm not seeing any u-shaped notches in the left-hand side or the right so your guess is as good as mine tell me what you think down in the comments section okay working our way over into a stope we've got another beautiful blue vein poking out here look at that and looks like there's even more going over this direction there's some more blue yep anything up this way let's look i gotta crawl in order to look up in here boy what is that well there's a barcode on it so oh that's a piece of that's a wrapper from a piece of string cheese what do we have up in here okay guys i'm literally almost crawling on my belly here so bear with me till i get to a bigger spot oh wow yeah okay i have up in here it keeps going well if i just get off my knees back on my feet goodness gracious there this thing's only about three feet tall it's really hard on the back there we go okay yeah oh wow what's up in here well we're definitely at the bottom of this mine you can see that see how smooth the floor is from the groundwater coming in and smoothing out all the mud what is that oh that's nothing okay what's around the corner here does it keep going please keep going nice it does oh i'm really happy that we crawled up there just never know what you might find what do we have up in here looks like it's going to come to the end we're going to face out here and yep we're facing out into we got a water bottle there's what's left of a bunch of old dynamite boxes yeah i can i'll try flipping this one over maybe and i doubt if we would see anything that's just too degraded okay well turning back around here nothing too exciting but i will keep the cameras rolling just in case we see something super cool on the way back out yeah there's some more blue and more oh you get a workout in this mine oh my aching back there we go now we gotta crawl back over all that scree wait what's over here oh it's just some gobbing and uh it backfilled it all right back across all of this but hey we were rewarded i mean look at the amount of blue see we didn't see that coming in we get to see it going out all right guys get down on my belly here there we go holy cow yes exploring abandoned mines can be a workout no doubt about it okay all right there we go what's up here anything no just what's left of a ladder [Music] oh it feels good to stand up again all right looking around the corner one more time see if no it may have went deeper one time but now it's all silted out there is oh there's a pegboard you can see they're putting pegs in that board right there to control the height of something let me show you real quick where we came from before i head back out of this mine all right that's where we came from so i'm going to head back up and out but if i do see something cool along the way i'll be sure to show it to you guys okay see you back outside all right guys back outside safe and sound all right i wanted to thank you for coming along on another great adventure we started off by showing you a uh some stop sign stuff of a cinnabar mine then we went over and i showed you a copper mine and we finished the day off with a gold mine that in my opinion should have been a copper mine by the amount of azurite and speaking of azurite so what i just did is i went around on the waste rock pile over the last 10 minutes and i tried to find a piece that looks really close to that that nice blue vein that we found inside the first attic we went into here's a piece that perfectly resembles what was inside of the mine okay so we didn't have to chip or do anything like that okay all right so we got that one there this one looks really really nice and then i've got these four pieces here and these four will make make a great addition to uh your guys's uh rock and mineral collection i'll put these four up on my ebay site it's really easy to find go in down into the description area of this video okay the link will be right there my ebay site is called hidden treasures abound click on the link and it'll take you right to it and as always i will try to have these up on the ebay site by the time that this video airs if not it'll be shortly thereafter all right well thank you so much for coming along on another fantastic adventure and i'll see you guys next weekend take care bye now [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 137,289
Rating: 4.9490504 out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: UUbEtGk2SvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 5sec (3185 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 13 2021
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