The Largest Ballroom I've Ever Found, The Killer Hill Mine

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previously on abandoned and forgotten places episode 94. oh let me get my camera here and then just slide on down yeah this is just a bunch of fun free climbing okay i'm gonna get down to a safe spot here nice tada all right okay [Music] [Music] now here is a great spot mr m for the 360 camera and this is why i thank all of you for contributing to the tip jar helping the channel out because it was you guys that ultimately purchased the 360 cam for the channel and these are the cool things that we can do with it look at the size of this cavern fantastic okay let's turn let's look over here now we've got uh an ore chute coming down from that upper level and the drift keeps going this way oh that looks like so much fun a ladder with one rung on it yeah yeah you know i'm gonna set the camera down here for a moment right there i want to see what's up there let's see here i get my footing here if i can no wait let me get my angle here i don't need that thing just not as slimpy as i used to be geez that's straight up for the most part oh wow okay see we have up here holy macaroni you're not going to believe all right give me a second oh my gosh my god would you look at that i can't i'm a flunky down here holding the camera oh this is just incredible is it huge it's absolutely huge wow all right i'm gonna give me a second here unbelievable look at this all right i gotta see if uh is can is there any way you can hand me that cam more than likely okay all right so that's just that's just too darn awesome not to have it okay i gotta show everybody that hey you're good there okay thank you sir you got it yeah nice all right i'm clear okay head back up all right here we go look at this guys holy cow oh it gets better all right now here we go take a look at this i'm just gonna pan all the way around this is going to be another oh i see sunshine uh up into the right open stop open stop yeah open stop and uh again this is going to be another great uh shot for the 360. thanks guys i really appreciate your help um okay i'm gonna head back over mr m has to see this i'm gonna give him a hand so he can get get up here you have to experience this there's just no way you have to see this here let me set my stuff down hey give me a second here i'll wait and see it on saturday oh no no no no you've come this far there's no way that that you're gonna come this far into an awesome mine like this and not experience this level of goodness oh come here how am i gonna get down i'll help you what does that even mean it's the buddy system okay got it here got it yeah good job wow head on up in there wow yeah keep going if you would if you go a little further oh yeah head all the way up into that saddle if you can go there good job mr m all right let's head up there and uh i'll show you guys what he's looking at see over there okay i climbed up into the next uh part of this giant honeycomb of a mine what do you have over there mr m look at that well there's a leaf pillar they left that pillar here yep so that this whole roof wouldn't come down on us and uh and then somebody came along after the fact and hollowed out some goodness out of the middle of it right there they sure did so that's an indication to us guys um to show you what they were mining in this mine because you have to leave some of the goodness behind and they do it in the form of these pillars okay so let's do a nice little close-up shot for everybody here it will show everybody what they are mining okay let's see that's a little bit bright that one too there we go okay mr m you can turn your light off yeah perfect all right maybe just one there okay now if you look in the lower left hand corner of your screen you'll see you have some uh silver running through there mixed with some galena that's that dark stuff okay as i pan off to the right here you're gonna see more of that silver right there see that okay it's uh it's not a well-defined vein it's all interdispersed throughout this pillar but that is what the miners were going after okay now turning around here yep down in the bottom down there you'll see mr rims camera rig he left the light on that's what you're looking at and all those aren't glowing eyeballs those are just his rig okay he's taking a break over here yeah now let's uh let's look at this room okay let's start over here see if we can find some interesting stuff gonna turn my lights back on the the right ones there yeah that's better there we go oh and i do believe i might see some sunlight over here okay so let's go check that out what is this we have an artifact really yeah nice we sure do it's a hood and it says on there the bull the the bull something i can't read the third word what is this thing yeah it was the hood off of uh something or another i don't know um i'll let you guys try to figure it out down in the comments section now we've worked our way kind of back up the hill maybe 50 feet and as i pan around yeah here's another we can get back outside right there okay all right what do we have over here anything off this direction let's take a look nope it just goes right there and stops okay all right turn it around yeah this is a this would be an easy mind to get turned around in if you were a person that's easily disorientated now i thought i saw where did i see that drift nope wasn't this direction i believe it was this direction yeah here we go we got a drift going off here let's check it out oh look here this circle's down and that looks right down where mr m is how you doing over there good i'm exploring this drift figured that okay yeah there's one that goes this way oh we have a collapse and we sure do here yep we got a pillar that failed oh i know where we're at now if you guys can remember when we were coming down the incline here's a a little uh this was probably like an ore shoot to shoot the ore down towards here to the top of a another ore chute now as i go over this direction there's the incline shaft that we came down right there so now we're back over on the left hand side of the incline incline okay so let's see if we have anything interesting hiding around here yikes that's an ugly looking stall i really don't want to be underneath that rock for very long yeah this right here this is the top of an ore chute that goes down to the level that we came from okay now over here let's go up here boy this is better than uh a jungle gym on the playground um nope i can't get over there without kicking a bunch of rocks down they could possibly find their way to mr m so i'm not gonna go that route there's just too much crumble i have no choice but walk back under this this stall of death right here take a look at this look at what it's holding up you think that little uh eight by eight can hold up that rock yeah i don't think so either so as i walk underneath it i'm gonna do so quickly there we go all right what do we have over here oh look at here look here yep there we go more pillar of goodness look at the vein right there that's what they're mining and over here same thing now as you're mining out that material you're going to end up with scale leftover scale stuck to the limestone that's what you're seeing right here above my head on the hanging wall over here you can see a lot more of it hiding in that pillar right there all right okay this is quite the workout let's look over here guys what do we have big or shoot and up above me you can see daylight i can see sunlight right there okay and down over here they backfilled and gobbed it yep okay as i turn back around i'll tell you what i'm just going to head back over to mr m um and make a decision on which way which direction we're gonna go into this mine i gotta tell you guys this is the most fun that i've had in a mine in many weeks as you know we've kind of been striking out and striking out in the northern northern arizona uh territory and the reason for that is is um a lot of the mines up here are made out of really soft poultry rock and because northern arizona gets a lot of uh rain and sometimes even snow melt that works it's in it permeates into these mines and over the years and centuries they crumble cave and collapse and that's why we've been doing a whole lot of recon and not a not a whole lot of finding a good abandoned mines so this is just spectacular talk about the ultimate payoff loving it yeah i made this look real easy let's see where's my next stepper huh there we go okay all right so uh what do you say we take a break a moment and uh decide on which direction we're gonna go into this mine okay okay guys back over here by the incline shaft now it gets pretty steep through here it's a lot old ladders a lot of stuff just falling apart there's no way i'm going to be able to take my handheld rig down here so i'm gonna i got the helmet cam turned on okay i'm gonna try to angle that the best i possibly can all right and uh what i want to do is it goes down on a steep angle and then it looks like what it does is it plunges vertical i want to get down there to that vertical spot and see if it goes any deeper okay and uh i also want to see why is there wind blowing up from the bottom that's kind of uh interesting so let's head on in there and see what we can find okay here we go so mr m he calls this my gorilla move it's because in the animal kingdom that's the only other animal that does that type of stuff well this is what's wrong with this ladder i mean it's only maybe close to 100 years old don't you i mean look at the look at the string on it there's obviously nothing the matter with that you're on it [Laughter] okay wait all right we got to give everybody a view here yeah all right so the reason i'm doing this without any ropes guys i know it looks a little bit reckless but to all of my new subscribers back in the day i did a whole lot of free climbing and uh i'm real comfortable with my free climbing techniques so for me sometimes it's a heck of a lot easier to just jungle gym my way down and around like so like that okay so you see how fast that was no ropes no rigs just lots of stuff to hang on to and climb all right okay we are getting a little lower here let me adjust my camera it looks like somebody at one time mr m somebody was down here and they did possibly rope into the further into the depths of this mine all right let's see what we have a collapsed or shoot no so here someone dumped all that and threw it down oh yeah okay i'm gonna have to get over here all right let's see if that's something that i can do without ropes what do we have down in there that's a pretty sketchy looking ladder yeah that's ugly um let's see if i can find oh we got a little drift over here and now that looks interesting guys look at this should we go take a closer look at that first hey mr m come down here and look at this come on mr m you can do it forget it all right i don't know if i can gotta figure out how to get around that thing it ain't going nowhere in the world can i step over that i'm gonna figure out my foot placement here oh here we go i can do it like that maybe ha ha yeah [Music] there we go grab onto that grab onto that and voila i know i make it look easy to say boy you made that look easy [Laughter] let me show you so if we can go a little further this is where it would go now you can see they're shooting that ore down there then onto that trough well there's only one reason why they would shoot ore to a lower we've got ourselves a holiday at it mr m really so if we go lower on the hill this is going to come out and we'll we will be able to come back in from the lower area okay that's what's happening i didn't see it okay let's look up in here guys oh it might help if i turn my flashlight on huh oh there's an old old shasta root beer looks like from the 80s yep lots of footprints i'm not the only ones been in this mine okay so for all you uh camera nerds in the audience like me right now this image you're looking at is a gopro with the super duper cool image stabilization turned on does a really nice job look here oh yeah there's the vein right there uh-huh see look at look at the silver running through there that could be well lead let's just call it lead because that's what this was the lead mine lead in zinc there's a nice sparkly piece of mica schist in it too right there looking up goes up into one of those stops we just came from all right and uh that's as far as this one goes they let's see if they yeah that's just an exploratory drift that they backfilled and that's as far as it goes all right let's head back over here to the shaft oh that's neat like that wow see look at the drill hole pattern see how it's in a a pattern like a snake so they were gonna blast that and bring it down here yeah definitely the ore body all right here we are back at the crazy crazy laddering thing here all right let's go get a closer look at that guys shall we let's see here ain't gonna be able to see anything unless i tilt my camera in the right direction huh now the only way to get down there yeah yeah yeah see what i can do here if i can put my foot there oh well heck there's nothing wrong with that ladder yeah it looks like it doesn't look very good i mean but as long as i keep one hand let me show you here what i'm doing see as i'm climbing down this sketchy ladder i got one hand all the time on the inclined rail worst case scenario i can quickly jump and grab onto that other one too all right let's see where we're going here oh yeah we're making it little by little that's a good looking ladder so far so good here oh i got snagged up on that nail oh we're coming down to a drift yep okey-dokey almost there and there we are folks what do we have down here well first of all you gotta break out the camera and point the camera in the right direction oh what do we have here some uh grease rpm chassis grease now hey mr m what all right i'm gonna go explore this drift okay i'm gonna take a nap you take a nap smoke them if you got them all right here we go guys let's see where this mine goes huh oh cool yeah look at here it was worth it wasn't it wasn't it guys heck yeah we got a nice ladder going down do look at that goes way down there all right what do we have in here 85 85 jed rd69 someone was here in 52. we have an accumulator put up in here yup and uh well do you think that i gotta get around let's get around this get around this accumulator here oh my gosh i can't believe how hard these miners work to get such a large piece of equipment in here look at that here we go i'm glad i climbed over it it does carry on all right and we have an orc heart with the wheels taken off yeah they robbed the wheels look at there always good to find an orc heart isn't it yup and to be quite honest with you guys this is the first ore cart that i have found since i started my channel now we've found muckers we've found all sorts of other things but we've yet to find an orc heart here's the first okay turn it back around let's continue on up into this lead mine see what we can find yeah we're in another drift very good the direction of travel we're going in right now is back towards the incline shaft oh carbide that's the small one 10 pounds 10 pounds of uh carbide right there okay anything up in here or shoot yeah there's a raise coming from above down this direction anything oh i'm seeing uh mine cat um scat we've got we could possibly have mine cats in here stops right there stops right there stops right there and this right here looking down on the floor see that that's potentially mine cat scat and right here i don't know if you can see him he just scurried away but there was a cockroach small one right there yep it was either a cockroach or a term i bet it was a termite yeah yeah looking at all the sawdust here in that old wood it was a termite okay where do we go from here we gotta go back to that we gotta go back to that ladder that's all there is to it oh here's an idea you guys have always wanted me to do this so let's give it a try okay give me a second here i'm gonna put this light away and i'm gonna turn this lamp off now let's see if we can find anything glowing this is my uv light and uh just working my way back to the to the orc heart here now not really seeing much of anything luminescing in this mind see that where we're going to have a lot of fun with this is some day when we get into a fluorite mine no nothing's really popping out guys okay i thought i'd give it a try all kinds of toys all right here we go now we gotta crawl back over and around the accumulator here there we go okay it was a heck of a lot easier going that way than it was the other way okay before we head down i'm gonna radio mr m what i'm doing here all right can you hear me up there mr m yes sir okay so i've got ladders going down deeper into this mine uh i'm gonna head down a little bit lower there's air blowing out and uh if if it leads back to the what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna head outside climb back up the hill and come back down the incline shaft and meet up with you all righty all right so just yeah hang out there for a bit um i'll be back okay be careful you're an awful far ways down there from where i'm at if i have to come get you it's gonna be a yep i will i'll be careful these ladders looking real good okay guys now i know that all you just really want to see what's down here you you want to see it as much as i want to see it don't you [Laughter] okay give me a second here there now let's talk about this for a second all right now if you guys saw if you guys were looking at what i'm looking at right now now look look at all of the clues that this mine is presenting us okay number one nice ladder going down number two we've got a compressor pipe off to the left number three we have an ore shoot bringing the ore down to a haulage level and number four we have air blasting into our face so i wouldn't say blasting but moving into our into our face the only reason that you would do that in this configuration is if this would lead down to um an or a a haulage at it and then it would lead outside of the mountain that's why you would do this so let's get down here and see if it's just that let's see here i'm gonna put my camera at a nice angle for you guys now at some point in time i'm gonna run out of battery so i will just meet you folks down in the bottom okay let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay stopping taking a break a second here wow it just keeps going and going guys is this spectacular or what huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay i think we're coming up to our i think we're coming up to our drift level guys i think we are yep almost there how awesome would it be if this just pops right back out of the mountain it has to that's the only way the only reason why you would configure it this way okay yeah it's going to i mean look at all of the uh look at all the bottles and cans here yep and there's just all kinds of air all right i'm gonna have to put that flashlight up for a second i'm on a false floor here i don't like that let me show you what i'm working with here there we go drift level all right we gotta get down to it in order to do that grab onto the pipe and swing our happy little butts over to that ladder like so there we go and we are down and here is where here's where they're funneling all that or to oops sorry right there look at all the they got batteries water bottles beer cans and look up there guys look way up there you can see sunlight all right see when you do this long enough um mine configuration starts to become real familiar oh this is kind of cool look at that there's a lot of logic and reasoning behind what the miners did and how they did it and that's what really makes these places interesting for me if you look on up ahead there you can see all the dust in the air so the wind the air is circulating in a circular motion in this mine don't have to worry about bad air in this one that was a lot of fun i really enjoyed taking you uh through this complex um so now what i have to do is head back up the hill go into the uh primary and meet back up with mr m because after a period of time he starts to get a little nervous for me and that's a good thing so uh i will meet back up with you guys higher on the hill uh heck yeah that was fun ah but now i gotta climb all the way back up this thing uh looks like if we go that way we can get back to mr m pretty quick okay [Music] me [Music] hey mr m can you hear me yeah i can where you at i made it i made it man i had to climb all the way back up the mountain but i'm back at the portal [Laughter] [Music] you're an animal guy a freaking animal freaking animal living life to the fullest man living life to the fullest all right we are standing by at the uh 100 level okay i'm gonna give myself a drink of water and i'll meet back up with you to grab the camera [Music] [Music] [Music] and that is how it's done okay guys gosh that was a lot of fun i thank you so much for coming along on today's adventure what an awesome awesome mine this was but we're not done there's more in this area at least two or three more so i think we're going to come back here for next weekend and do another one so with that again thank you so much and i will see you again next weekend okay take care everybody bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Abandoned and Forgotten Places
Views: 59,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: A&FP, Abandoned, Forgotten, Places, Mine, Mines, Tunnel, Exploring, Adventure, Hiking, Artifacts, Antiques, Geology, Prospecting, Gold, Silver, Quartz, Dynamite, Blasting, Adit, Gly, Bobbie, Quackers, Gly Coolness, Old Bob, Old Mine, Old Building, Gold Mine, Ghost Town, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Abandoned Place, Abandoned Places, Forgotten Place, Forgotten Places, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine Exploring, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Abandoned and Forgotten Places, Abandoned & Forgotten Places
Id: 0yCt5xnndwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 30sec (2850 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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