FGHT Dallas: The High Cost of Following Jesus

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what a mighty God we serve or angels bow before him [Music] come on say the cheese just me [Music] [Music] oh say it the cheese [Music] carried [Music] come on clap your hands everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] alright Rehoboth own hands together real good tonight after that [Music] rather [Applause] [Music] sorry [Music] yes sure like a read I'm sorry [Music] one more time to read tell somebody [Music] [Applause] come on with those hands together breezes tonight hey man god bless you take your seat if you can hallelujah oh look at somebody telling you easy to love now lean over and tell somebody else I love you and I'm praying for you hey man I want you to know it I want you to believe it hey man I love you I am praying for you Amen I believe God on your behalf man I know there's power in agreement and I stand an agreement with you tonight amen that every prayer that you prayed every desire of your heart and God's going to bring it to pass you know he promised to honor every right desire I believe he'll do that hey man if we ask according to his will he hears us the thing about God is that he's not just a prayer hero he's a prayer answering God if you believe when you pray that's the only thing you say when you get down if you're gonna praise you gotta believe this and don't doubt it in your heart but if you honestly believe that those things that you ask him for will come to pass you can have whatsoever it is that you say a man and I'm just a man I'm just crazy enough to believe that the worst is over and the best is yet to come hey y'all done got quiet I wish you you hear what I'm trying to tell you look at somebody tell amoeba if you can believe it the pastor said the worst is over and the best is he yet [Music] hey man believe in the Lord your God so shall you be established believe in its profits so shall you prosper I believe in some batters don't feel better in your body that you have ever failed you don't renew your strength like the ego yeah pass it out and get to the place where when I walk my feet drag the ground or know you can high step in your old age God did your leaves in spring I believe I believe what he said [Music] man a man a man a man a man yes long some of you thought you done past you look your time do you know God can turn around and bless you and your winner is yes he can god bless you and your winner you you've been faithful holding on to God serving them in spirit and truth I want you to know God is not unrighteous as to forget your work and your labor of love a man you spent your time telling other people about the law hey man you go through pains to spread this gospel you taking hits for what you believe but you know God is never gonna owe you anything a man so many people say well I can't wait when I get over there let me tell you something over there is already there ain't gonna worry about that's good but I'm gonna enjoy it right here and then I'm going over there [Music] folks talk about all in the streets our goal over Dallas streets of holdover the hats of Crystal River I put my foot in it the trees back route every season that's good can't wait in heaven is a beautiful place I told him but God didn't he didn't spend nothing when it came to earth either now a man there's a whole lot of beautiful stuff down here I'm gonna see as much of this beauty as I can and then I'm going over there man I tell you living this life is a beautiful life living save is where it's at I don't know what people are thinking hey man hanging out with the devil you doesn't write of all these years you keep doing your dirty a man after a while you gotta have some sense and come on over here where the table is spread and the y'all trying to church on a Tuesday and the Feast of the Lord is going on look at somebody and telling me what there he is a word from the Lord let me hurry up and get in this cuz you know act like God been good to y'all man [Music] all right all right now because you know if you get too far in this week we won't be able to come out of this a man praise the land can I talk into your heart amen you know the reason why we praise him like we praise him a man what I'm hearing is a sound from people who have had an experience with him a man you know why there is an excitement because God has a history with us and we have a history with God and we know what God can do anybody know what he can do you know he can heal can he make a way out of no way and when we hear stuff like that we get excited because we know what God can do and the fountain that he'll do it again Lord it gets me excited to think about what he's able to do I don't care if I'm not sick when I think about the fact that he's a healer just in case I get sick I get excited about that a man a man if you lose all your money you ought to be excited now why you got money that if you ever find yourself in a place where you ain't got none that he's still away maker Amen it's just good to know before you ever get into a problem that he's already the answer isn't that wonderful that's why we get excited about God and that's the spirit that I want you to always have when it comes to God knowing that he's able if there's never a need in your life you can praise him because he's already the answer to whatever could go wrong even if it never go wrong he's already the answer the apathy that might happen stuff that ain't gonna happen to you it's just good to know that if it did touch a man and tell him he's everything I'll ever need if I never go hungry I just praise him cuz he's bred in a strong Bentley if I ever run into it I don't have to worry and guess how I'm coming out he's already everything that I will ever ever need amen tonight I want to talk into you into your heart you got your Bibles don't you come on hold that power a bank guard because everything else is going down but the word of our God in that good news that everything else is sinking Sam but on Christ the solid rock I stand in that good news to know you can build your whole life on the word of our God I wish I could find at least about 17 the y'all to get excited right now he's before you hear the word just just excited that there is still a word from the Lord ain't got seventeen radical focus just somebody to take down [Music] it's good to build my whole life hold this Saint Mark chapter number 10 I want to call your attention to the 17th through the 27th verses and then I want to call you away if you would to st. Luke chapter number 14 and I want to read verse 28 29 and 30 st. mark 10 verse 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 and 27 and then st. Luke 14 verse 28 29 and when you have it's a man read what the Bible says good good master what shall I do what do I need to do that I may inherit eternal life uh-huh and Jesus said unto him why do you call me good there is none good but one you know who you're talking to nobody is good but God and if you call me good that means that's a tacit acknowledgment that I'm God why are you calling me good do you understand what you're saying and if indeed you acknowledge me as God in the instruction that I give a words of life it's what you should live we now know it's the commandment huh do not commit adultery do not kill do not steal do not bear false witness defraud not honour thy father and mother and he answered and said unto Him master master all these have I observed from my youth the offence for a while then jesus beholding him loved him and said unto him one thing thou lackest uh-huh go thy way sell whatsoever thou hast and give to the poor and thou shalt have treasure in heaven and come take up the cross and follow me he was sad at that saying sad at that saying and went away greek went away grief for he had great possessions he had a whole lot of stuff read and Jesus looked round about and said unto his disciples how hardly shall they that have riches into the kingdom of heaven 3 and the disciples were astonished at his words but Jesus answereth again and saith unto them children children how hard is it for them that trust in riches to have let me clarify how hardly shall need that trust in their riches not a sin to be rich but how hardly shall be that trust in riches uh-huh to enter into the kingdom of God we it is easier easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God come and they were astonished out of measure saying among themselves who then can be saved who can be saved if a rich man with all of the pleasures and the ease that he has in life if somebody who has their bills paid don't have to worry about anything they get whatever they want you know you can get so rich and say you don't even have the bottom and people just give it to you because they want you to have it but if somebody that enjoys that level of can't make it in then what about people who struggle and people who don't have much of anything people who are wondering where they're gonna get this and the temptation to take this because you're hungry and the temptation to steal that because if the rich man can't get it right the old man can't be saved ring and Jesus looking up on them says Jesus looking on them said with men it is impossible thank you mom but not with God for with God all things are possible all things are possible Luke 14 28 29 and 34 which of you for which of you intending to build a tower uh-huh sit it not down first and count it the cause counted the cause what do you have sufficient to finish it three less happily after he had laid the foundation lest after he has laid the foundation and is not able to finish it all that behold it began to mock him say saying this man began to build this man began to build and was not able to say and he couldn't finish what he started which of you intending to build a tower will not sit down and first consider what this task is going to cost you less happily after he has laid the foundation other people won't die and see no tower only a foundation and they mocked that man and they say he must have run out of money he had enough to start it but not build it to the finish I want to talk to you tonight about the high cost of following Jesus should I say prize of following Jesus look at somebody and just ask him does it cost more than you're willing to pay now Y always shouting a moment ago and I just thought that your heart would have rang happy when you realize that you decided to follow Jesus look at some matter on the other side and just tell them so you want to follow him so you really want to follow him that that's what you telling me that you have every intention of following Jesus and I love it because whenever you ask people questions it forces them to think I don't have to force you to do it but if I ask you what color shoes you have on I already know your mind just went to your feet because I can't ask you a question and you not feel inclined to answer it if the answer doesn't come out of your mouth it's swirling around in your head what did you eat today don't tell me but you just thought about it because questions toss you into consideration and that's why Amen Jesus many times would ask questions and that's the reason why Amen so many times we can get people to do more thinking by asking questions then we can by arguing with him sometimes you just simply have to help people to see the sense of your side of the argument amen sometimes they'll never get it until you put it right before their eyes amen does following the Lord cost more than what you are willing to pay because the acrobatic and start to build this tower the question is do you have what it takes to see this process through to the end people love I mean for solutions they love coming finances they love seeking out amen what it is that they don't know and others around them I was I was in the discussion today and it came up eight men one of my conversations and conferences that Warren Buffett one of the richest men in the world every year they auction off a dinner or lunch with him and and one of the businessman there said it used to be sixty five thousand dollars for thirty minutes just to sit down and have a conversation you can ask whatever you want to ask and then we went to google it and we googled and found out that the last time they auctioned it off the going price was three million four hundred you're getting quiet here and fifty six dollars three point four five six seven eight nine million dollars to sit down and have a conversation with Warren Buffett ask whatever you want whatever you need to know I'm here it's a business question one of the most successful men in business you can see whatever knowledge it is that you want and you know what some people would say I don't know what kind of dinner or what kind of lunch they'll be serving that's worth three point four five six seven eight nine million dollars and you know what that's somebody's problem you're looking at the dinner but what they are looking for is the opportunity to sit down and get the information for some people information means a whole lot more been in it figured on that grind now hey men been in it have you noticed when you call a lawyer amen a lawyer charges you by the hour some of them have prices two hundred three hundred six hundred dollars an hour just a sit-down and counsel with you information is valuable because if you want to know how to get something done you go to somebody that's try proving somebody that's been tested and somebody that can give you what it is you don't already possess this man came to Jesus and he said listen I want to know from you good master what do I need to do he could have gone to anybody but why not go to the most trusted source and Jesus began to talk to him family amen this is the time now when we must integrate away examine our own priorities amen we must check to see a matter whether or not our motives are pure and whether or not we have the commitment in order to finish this race we talk something about the race before us and listen let me say this to you in order to cross the finish line you've got to present God with something a whole lot more than just a lot of promises are y'all hearing me so many people just make God a promise and they promise and they promise and they break their promises you know every year at the beginning of the year people make what they call New Year's resolutions and most times the resolution you made this year what's the one you made last year and fail to make good on what God is not looking for now he's not looking for any more promises God wants a commitment out of you he wants you to dedicate everything that you have everything that you are to serving Him in spirit and true and I say it so often because I've got to pound it into you now a man that God is looking for more than just confessions and rhetoric because so many people are coming to God and this is some we got a deal with now in this generation because this generation how much understand it is that God requires in the process of salvation to the interpret those habits the Lord you've got to wipe the slate clean when you come to the Lord you've got to come to God and not say to God this is what I'm willing to give up but you've got to come and ask God to show me and to teach me [Laughter] I've always always remains the same I got a text message and my mind start turning what I was driving just thinking about this message that I had gotten earlier and you know what we're seeing now we're seeing the rise of a flood let me say this the floodgates have been open and people now want to come over into the Lord's house into the family of God and try to change us fundamentally there's a new set of people that have never been saved that y'all go judge know you know a tree by the fruited bath and if you still doing everything then that means you can't be in him because if any man is in him he's a new creature if you still using that same old language if you still going to those same old places you are not a new preacher why y'all hearing what I'm trying to tell you and what's happening they have invaded the church world and trying to force their way in the church the church because they were God they get over here into the word to the Lord because that's what people get and I wonder I wonder I wonder how to make God feel when he looked around for something to give on your behalf try to find some worthy enough to buy you back you can send no angel down here you didn't try to find a good man he'd turn around and sell his only begotten son Jesus that I had with you before the world even before the does anything else I'm talking when I was out of town the campus of God to the church when I stepped in the anointing of God because we don't they love me they love these worldly creature comforts even if it's not don't you the pastor say this like you got nothing better to do then tell us everything that we can do well Yaran Yatta Yatta abandoned behind see the thing about holiness is that he says be holy for I am holy that's the same holiness that we see in the father are y'all heaven that's not a different kind of holiness so just like the son lived holy to please the father we got to live holy to please the father we can't invent our own kind of holiness we've got to be holy as he is holy and so if he has holding this won't let him look favorably upon sin then how can your holiness allow you don't boy y'all can cry now so you think the Lord would look at some of this stuff on TV and laugh about it I told you I was in Jerusalem and I when I was on social media because you know I and I don't do that stuff and folk tell her about me on social media and posting I don't see another because I ain't there so as far as I'm concerned it didn't happen I posted a post and when I got back to America a quarter of a million people had seen that post and shedded between the ones that saw it and the ones that shared it 250 some thousand people so that one post folk talked about me like a but I roasted me this man's hand is this man saying this man is preachers like this I said I just had I said so so let me get this straight you are would ridicule a preacher for telling you what God loves and still call yourself safe we ought to point out people people don't believe in preachers they have no respect for men of God anymore they say anything to you they put his hands on you God said I'll give you pastor's heart knowledge are you that much then what do you need a pastor fur God telling you everything then what do you need a pastor for if he don't talk to you about everything then why do you need and I can tell you now that in God because God is a God of order and God said I'll give you pastors and they will feed you you trying to feed yourself and you just eating Snickers and kool-aid pickles and and cotton candy and all this other stuff it's gonna catch up with you after a while you just force and stuff down your throat that you like to eat but a preacher is gonna feed you with knowledge sometimes it's gonna be some hard knowledge it's gonna go down the rough but it's gonna make you better y'all getting quiet on me but you would be surprised at the people who feel like they possess a special kind of holiness that their spirit will digest anything and it won't harm them and that's the reason why we are seeing such a weakness among people and requires when you come to follow him this man didn't realize that for the cause of Christ the Lord requires everything I was listening when nature to a man of the Islamic faith and he talked and he started point his finger at the church and Christianity he said every day we pray three times a day I don't care where we were in the hospital when they walk in and visit sematic open a corner was a whole group of people of the Liman faith on their knees praying in the hospital having their face to the ground we've seen it in the airport y'all getting quiet they don't care where babe oh they will carry a rug with them and when it's time to pray row later oh god get out on the ground with the hand and the next thing you know they're praying do they cabbage you don't do that you're watching no and the man said they talk about us and they clean our religion is false he said but we pray three times a day he said how many times does the average Christian prayer talk to the God they say they love and we okay with that we're okay with coming to church and just shouted when the mills and starts and stop it with the music stop Lord Yahweh III wonder what kind of praise that because if you really hit it I mean if you really if that praised up around yo waist and that praise going up around your shoulders deep in the Gulf but he can't get so hard cuz your heart belongs well y'all want me to say something ain't gonna say it your heart belongs to somebody else and how would you feel Lord Jesus if you got married and you stood up let out and lag but I mean and vowed before God and these witnesses then I take you to be my loving wife to have and to hold from this day forward for better for worse for sickness for richer for poorer in sickness and in health and forsaking all others keep you only unto thee as long as we both shall live and then a little while later they got the ring but somebody else got your heart howhow how would that make you feel to know that you got their check but somebody boy y'all didn't let me come back over here but somebody else got their heart oh yeah you you you you sitting in the living room but somebody else is sitting on me heart what did they give you things but the one thing they can't give you because they already gave it to somebody else is their heart I can only imagine what God feels when we come to church and throw our tithes at him got quite enough when we throw our offering at him but we can't give him my heart because we already gave it to somebody else in it and and I will never say it out of my mouth but if he preached past 8:45 it takes me 12 minutes to get home and I gotta hold my finger up and leave coz coz coz I can't mister the the beginning of the show I just I can't do that ain't got a DVR and got all that I got to be there when they come on cuz I I almost missed it last time and I would have been all the way behind and I can't do that so I'm gonna go to church but if he keep on saying has somebody else here we want you to come they coming hurry up cause the doctor call so I get you don't ask them three times a day but probably would have been here by now shut this altar call down so I can get this why I don't come to church I was there tonight how does God feel when you throw your shout at him boy y'all gettin ya Lord I wish I was teaching a class I guess I could have dug into that coz coz coz coz you know you can be with somebody and not be with them y'all gettin quiet here y'all y'all ready Center you know you you you can you can you can give them your body but your mind is somewhere else and and you that but you ain't there you always saying nothing cuz you're mechanical but you ain't got no emotions you ain't got no passion you y'all gettin quiet here you just going through the motion but you ain't really pass they got your body but your mind is on the you didn't count up the cows and some of you you know your natural marriage you encounter because you don't know that one was as crazy as she is you had no idea she duped you pour the water over your eyes I'm tired of you been on the phone I'm tired a bit of a baby this way who is that car I'm tired you've been on front and you set up the turn around the phone go dead you look around she got some seals then cut the whole card in half I'm tired of you being on Lord hip you didn't know you didn't know what you're getting into and you've got the nerve to sit and say till death do us part you don't know death with a long way away so you found out that you wasn't willing to commit some things to this this young man came to Jesus let me hurry my boy my time I don't even get the half the first page look at y'all scared to stand up now and I were just ruin this for you tonight you better not get up and walk out here you scared how'd everybody gonna think I'm going home to watch them I gotta be Lutz I got you I can precede eleven o'clock and y'all will be sitting right there scared to get up this is the only instance in the Bible and I say this because I want you to understand the gravity of this particular situation the only instance in the Bible where somebody came and knelt down to Jesus and got up and left and was not better for it but it had absolutely nothing to do with his ability it had another do with his power it wasn't a case where Bartimaeus was saying that sort of David have mercy on me it wasn't a case of his power what he shows us is that if we come to him and we leave and we're not better it's because of the choice we made that we got there it was good like the woman with the issue of blood to this side to get up and come to Jesus but he shows us just coming to Jesus it's not enough after you get there there are choices that you've got to make that will determine whether or not you're really gonna leave in a better position then where you started from Matthew 19 tells us that this man was young Luke 18 tells us that he was a ruler and mat 10 tells us that he was rich he was everything this generation is looking for but he was empty young oh don't want to be young a lot of people can't move forward with their lives you 50 years old and getting wrinkly and you still can't move forward with your life because your mind is trying to take you back to your younger days rich don't want to be comfortable not worry but who would want to go pay cash for a car and I don't mean them cause they got with the price road on them and shoe polish I'm talking about a car nobody ever drove before I want to live like that to buy you a house with more bedrooms and you got family members to sleep in who wouldn't want that kind of life who wouldn't wanna be at the top of the food chain don't have to worry about being fired because you the one deciding and determining who gets to work here today he's young he's rich he has possession family it doesn't matter how good you appear to be how likable you purport to be if you don't have God in your life you're still empty and this man understood I'm RELIGIOUS but I'm still out I'm rich but I'm rich I'm young but I'm yearning y'all getting quiet here ruler but I have nothing more to rely on and here is coming to Jesus because he comes to the source to get valuable information and now he's standing there and he says good master what do I need to do just just tell me and he comes and I want you to notice this his heart says I'm not doing enough tell me what I need to do to inherit eternal you know what eternal life is all about have you have you ever said and tried to think about eternal life I said sometime and I try to get my mind to to forward to forever you you you've done I sit that sometime and when I hear that we'll be in heaven and and we'll be there forever I try to in my mind to comprehend forever but when I try to comprehend it after a while my mind always hits a wall and then I unconsciously start to think but when it's over and then I have to remind myself but it's not gonna be over so I got started back up all over again eternal life boy that's mind boggling it'll never end I'll always be there and I'll never have to stop praising God out I'll never have to go to sleep I walk around in heaven all day and you know I mind can't comprehend that because everything that we've ever experienced is finite it has a beginning and it has an end so if you're not careful your mind will even think about heaven in terms of what you have experienced things that have a beginning and things that happen in but he comes to the Lord he says I will eternal life I don't ever want this to end if it goes on forever and ever and ever and ever and ever I want that forever and ever but tell me how I can get it I've been in church religious but I'm not even sure if I'm saying I've been keeping Commandments since I was a little boy and I still don't have the assurance that if I died tonight I would have that eternal life I need you to tell me when do you know how many people right now are in church and have no assurance that if they died tonight they would go to heaven used to be a time when the saints died the Saints we're not in spectacular fashion nowadays when church people died ain't that kicking screaming cussing scratching trying to stay here what are you unsure about about the other side I told you when when one mother thought it passed away the last she I believe it was my friends call me and I grew up knowing this mother wonderful proud warrior and they said when she was dying she wasn't really talking to people but but her family came in and they were all sitting that crying and they said she came out of her unconscious state and looked at her family members I said listen just let me go you don't hear that with people now folks I don't care my head come off putting me on oxygen and keep me alive as long as you can what whoa where's this uncertainty coming from about the other side see you got insurance but you ain't got no assurance you better fetch them out and tell them get you some assurance and some insurance cousin ain't the pastor's job to bury you when you die what I need to do jesus said you know the commandments he said I've been doing this and the Bible says Jesus looked at him and he loved him and why is that important because truth is not good or bad I found that out if I say my foot is hurting that that's not good or bad it's just truth but truth can be hard because when you face with the truth about yourself you're not ready to really deal with that can be a hard truth but the Bible said before Jesus hit him with a hard truth he has to show all of us that would be reading this story that I only sent this to him because I loved him I didn't try to break his spirit I didn't try to ruin him I only said this because I loved him and he says to him in spite of the fact that you have done all of this other stuff says she will little boy there's one thing that'll keep you out of heaven and this is why I preached so hard to you people now I want you to believe heaven is open for everybody that's a lie the Bible says holiness without which no man shall see the Lord I preach to you because I know what the Bible has already declared every that is not going to heaven but you know what he said about Hell hell hath enlarged us there hell getting ready because there's a whole lot of people you've been going to heaven gonna be in hell and I preached to you because he said listen it's not ten things on the list he said there's one thing that you lacked and if that's the thing that keeps you from eternal life then I ain't got time to play with you and sit up here and tell you all these wonderful things you can get mad if you want to you can leave the church if you want to but when you ready to live right you gonna come right back the way you know they're preaching the truth or y'all hearing what I'm trying to tell you because if you won't eternal life there's some things you gotta do there's a couch that you got to pay and he says the one thing that's hindering you sell what you have give it to the poor and you'll have treasure in heaven and I told you this before jesus said that little stuff you got said it and clothes you know sometimes your clothes get a hole in it you have to sew it up what they tell you about clothes shoes get worn down you have to resold them or just wearing with the hole in it dependent what to tell you about shoes money have you ever dropped money have you ever lost money did you go to the store and tell them what I'm telling you I had it what do they get what did I tell you about money and you mean that's what you're gonna make your treasurer you would make that your treasurer and when Jesus puts his finger on this man's pet issue its pets in he said if you get rid of this stuff you know them close it they get holes in them you know them shoes that get worn out under the bottom you know that money that you can drop and lose and the person behind you if you ain't careful they'll step on and wait for you to walk out then bend down and pick your money up if you'll get rid of if you'll get rid of all that then cause that ain't no good now if you'll be willing to walk away from that you'll have treasure in heaven this man could not believe the insult that he just heard you mean I got to give up these clothes that get worn down and get holes in them I got to give up these shoes that get worn down I got to give up a car in a house that's gonna start freaking out the way cracks all in the in the foundation cracks in the walls you mean I got to give up all of that and the only things you offering me is heaven that's it at what point did at what point did you start seeing heaven as an unfair trade for what it is you have so it's not a fair trade you want to hold on to lying and clubbing at 57 years old you want to hold on to that you want to hold on a disrespect in your own self by the way you dress it you want to hold on the out of that and then look at Jesus and say oh you're offering this that's an unfair trade it's not fair for you to ask me to give up all these little carnal rotten things that's rusting away and wearing out and you want me to give up this stuff that I can't keep and go after something that I can't lose that's not fair and he walked away Jesus says if you're going to build a tower sit down first and determine if you can finish this because if you start it and you can't finish it people who are walked by and said look at that tower that that man started to build he must have run out of money and they're mocking if you're gonna start this life determined when you hit this altar I'm giving off the rest of my life can I give him the rest of my life yes I can give him the rest of my life do I love this stuff more than I love God no I told you Sunday you got to take some things out of the equation I'm not backsliding I'm not leaving the church I'm not going away if the pastor sitting me down i'ma sit right on the front row and I'm gonna show God and I'm gonna show everybody else that I'm serious about going to heaven I'm not gonna stop coming to church I'm not walking away from this for this stuff that don't matter at all this man counted up the cost but it came to the wrong conclusion he figured that what he had was too much to give up for what Jesus was offering him but look at some bad into the neighbor when I gave it up I got back a whole lot more then I walked away from Oh stand on your feet and clap your hands I got back more than I gave up yes it costs me something and I paid it whatever it costs and sometimes the anointing is quite expensive because even your family I turn on you jesus said that's alright that's fine Jesus had to straighten out a conversation he said people misunderstand me and they felt that I came to bring peace he said but I don't want you to think that don't think that I came to bring peace I came to bring the sword and that's sort of divide sometimes husbands and wives for y'all can cry I was still a pastor today I said salvation creates a crisis in your life not confusion it creates a pricess because at that moment when you say yes to the Lord it becomes a life-or-death situation and everything is new and that's why you in crisis mode try to figure out what do I do where do I go because now that I'm saying the things I used to do I don't do that stuff no more there is no normal when you get saved what is normal when he says when you're in Christ you're a new creature if it's no then there is no normal everything is brand new I'm starting all over gotta pick out some new friends now cuz I'm old friends had me smoking dope boyfriends had had you in the club the mole friends bought you liquor and made it convenient for you to live in sin and degradation now you got to make a choice you got to decide what am I going to do counting up the cows and those of you that are here can you say to Nate what he requires of you that you wouldn't appear it happened costs you everything you have right now or you wouldn't appear if it costs you comfort if it costs you relationships are you willing to pay that if you have to hold on to God well everybody that you that ever known goes the opposite way are you willing to pay that price are you willing to be unpopular or you wouldn't lose your job are you willing to walk away from all of these creaturely comforts or does it cost more then you willing to pay can you let go of everything and say I choose you this man knelt down and said tell me what I need to do and the only thing he found out was what he wasn't willing to do are you willing to give it all because if you're not can't be his disciple in a man will come after me it's got to deny himself take up his cross and follow me every day while you cannot be my disciple whatever head is bowed and every eye is closed if there's somebody here tonight I'm asking you make it a personal decision am I willing to pay the high price of following him cuz sometimes following him takes me through the valley sometime following him puts him in a place where my reputation is on the line but I can commit everything I have to him somebody here tonight just needs to come maybe you're saved but you need to make a commitment tonight to him I'm going to do whatever I need to do somebody just needs to come and say to the Lord I'm doing whatever I need to do I've already taken leaving out the table it won't turn me around they will not shame me out of the church [Music] gossip won't take me out people rolling their eyes will not cause me to walk away from church if anybody's gonna leave they are going to leave because I'm going to stay rooted and ground it and if it means nobody wants to sit next to me that's fine I didn't come for them no way I'm willing to pay whatever price is associated with following the Lord come on they're coming somebody else would you come would you come if you need to be saved if you need to be filled with the Holy Ghost I want you to come God is not looking for promises he's looking for a commitment he's looking for your heart you don't just want your money he don't just want your shout God wants you you are what he's after then he'll put a spin on anything that's keeping you from it is there another elders what you come hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] you you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 21,901
Rating: 4.8644066 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: 7jnyDMFIozY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 46sec (4906 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 10 2018
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