FGHT Dallas: Satan's Hour

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh hallelujah [Music] yes I'm over lip your hands tonight or come on come on lift those hands and give God some praise like he's worthy like he's saved and brought out hallelujah come on this is the time to praise Him [Music] just to say fake it to the Lord he's been so gracious to us amen second Sunday night around Full Gospel is a special time this is the time that we come together to commemorate the death of burial and the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ if you're saved at all if you've been delivered at all it is simply because of what happened at Calvary used to sing a song that said I will forever lift mine eyes to Calvary to view that cross where Jesus died for me how marvelous His grace that caught my fallen so I'm only saved because he could look past my fault and was able to see and meet me at the point of my need I wish I had a few saved people that I just take a moment [Music] I want you to lift your hands in I won't you from your heart to give God a personal praise come on just make it personal from your heart through your lips all the way up to God's ears just faking for salvation well the baptism of the holy ghost oh he didn't have to do it he didn't have to save you but he's here better and we praise him for it tonight [Music] Wow would we if it were not for His grace and his goodness or we're here tonight to say thank you we're here tonight to show our gratitude our appreciation because in love does enough to deliver us from all of our sin god bless you take your seat in his presence tonight amen it's just good to be in the house of the Lord I'm glad he meant that God gave us an opportunity to come into this sanctuary at this hour and I say it so often Amen if you can only make one service month that's all if they said you can't go to none but one service I believe this should be the service because this is what he commanded us to remember never told us to remember his birthday was born but it did tell us that as often as we do this whether it's once a day with his once a week whether it's once a month once a year he said as often as you do this you do this in remembrance of me remember what it calls to remember somebody laid his life down he didn't pass out he died man he didn't just go unconscious Jesus died he died so that you and I would have a right to that precious shree of life and I'm grateful I don't want to be like the nyan that experienced his goodness and they were just so happy to be healed that it never even crossed their mind to come back and say thank you oh I'm happy that I'm not who I used to be I'm glad I'm not what I used to be but now you can never be so happy and celebrate so hard that you forget who and what it is that you really celebrated we're only here because of the grace of the Lord look at somebody tell him neighbor there is a word from the Lord tell somebody and I'm a lover of his word a man I love it so much I brought mine with me you got yours come on hold that power of a God because everything else is going down but the word of our God I want to call your attention if you would to Matthew the 26th chapter amen and I want to ask you if you were to consider verse 14 15 and 16 and then I want to invite you if you would to the book of st. Luke's Gospel the 22nd chapter chapter 22 and from there let us consider verses 47 48 49 50 51 52 and 53 at st. Matthew chapter number 26 verse 14 15 and 16 and st. Luke chapter number 22 verse 47 48 49 50 51 52 and 53 Matthew 26 14 when you have it's a man read what the Bible says one of the 12 those that were close to him those 12 that he called and sent him apart the twelve that st. mark records that when he called them he called them not that they should go out first but that they should be with him he had many disciples but there were 12 and he called together for a special importation he gives them insight and wisdom that he does not have the opportunity to give the masses he gives them of his heart and of his of his mind he calls 12 ordinary men and inside of each and every one of him then he makes a spiritual deposit but I'm the twelve there was one the Bible says called Judas Iscariot Reed went unto the chief priests went unto the chief priests and said unto them what will you give me what will you give me and I will deliver him unto you and I will deliver him unto you and they covenant with him for thirty pieces of silver and listen to the words that the Bible uses a covenant with him that they would give him thirty pieces of silver he now has neglected the Covenant relationship that he had with Jesus and now he has entered into an agreement with those that seek the life of the Savior Reed and from that time he sought opportunity to betray him the Bible says from that time thirty pieces of silver and from that time he looked for to betray him st. Luke chapter number 22 beginning at verse number 47 read and while he gets paid Wow he was talking behold a multitude a multitude uh-huh and he that was called Judas one of the twelve one of the twelve went before them walked before them and drew near unto cheese and fame close to Jesus free to kiss him to kiss him read but jesus said unto him but jesus said unto him Judas betray us ow the Son of man with a kiss every kiss doesn't mean somebody loves you every petal the back is not an exercise in encouragement every kind word people will speak it's not necessarily intended to build you up Judas do you really betrayed me with a kiss that's reserved people who wish you well do you honestly betray me but you kissed me greeted me like a free and oh wow you got me when they which were about him saw that what would follow they said unto Him Lord Lord shall we smite with the sword is it time to fight you know you always got some of them quick on the trigger I think every pastor got a couple of members we scared them to let get too far from us we need to keep them kind close to us so we can listen hey man love you so much they'll get anybody looked like they trying to hurt you you got a knot now you want me the dorm out listen now let him say that and listen to the word trying to keep nobody out of heaven Lord do we pull our swords and fight three and one of them smote the servant one of them did he wait for an ounce and he just see them in the can you gotta keep close to you just quick on the trigger just what everybody else asking permission he done cut a man's whole it off read and jesus answered and said and then now Jesus talking after he done cut them in three suffer ye thus far and he touched his ear and heal Jesus just pick the hair up and put it back on the side of the man's head and heal didn't know I wanted to preach from that tonight cuz you know the way you look at that I mean he just he chopped a man Josh chopped his ear on the ground Jesus picks it back up it ain't no time to go to jail I got to do this by myself look at somebody and tell him he destroyed the evidence we we should have we should have went on and shouted off because if he hadn't have done that Peter would have got arrested too got charged with assault with a deadly weapon look at somebody and tell him he destroyed the evidence whether you know it or not that's no reason why you ain't in here now that's why you are called a child of God tonight after all that evil stuff you don't sit there like you ain't never did nothing at the whole of stuff you did in your life you just came to the altar and lifted your hands and he just washed it all the way free then jesus said unto the chief priests then jesus said to the chief raise captains of the temple three and the elder they out which were come to him which were coming to him be II come out as against a thief somebody that's gonna give you some trouble three with swords and stabs I've never done anything and you bring all of these swords and staves and you bring all of these people o to arrest me three when I was daily with you in the temple you didn't do our lesson you saw me every day I was preaching in the temple you could have got me at any time and now you come with slots and stabs me he stretched forth no hands against mutant in bother me I was in there by myself you could have gotten it in but you didn't touch me you didn't lay a hand on me you didn't even stretch forth your hand to bother me at all and now you feel justified you feel like you got the upper hand because of that rascal that led you to me now you feel like you can actually take me read what he says but this is your hour but this this this I was in the temple you didn't bother me in the temple there were times when demons would know how to beep and say let us alone in the temple people that were bent over he would speak to him they would strain them he would loosen from infirmity in the temple he moved with such power his words was so potent but now he's in the garden his praying is crying and sweat is falling like drops of blood he says to them in the middle of the night this is your and the power of darkness I want to talk to you tonight about Satan's a lot you could have done it before but you didn't even try but this is your hour you couldn't have done it then because it wasn't time yet but you can do it now because this is your hour brothers and sisters as I hasten I think it's important that we understand that Judas wasn't always this way we've talked about it before and I've said again for clarity because people have misquoted the word they have posited to us that Jesus chose a devil to walk with him but that's that what we read about in the scriptures Bible says that Jesus chooses those that will come and those that will be near him and while he's walking this walk he he even gives them a measure of power they they they might be but the work miracles y'all getting Plateau Vidya they were able to be there to see Paul that the Lord would do as he was marching toward his final destiny he wasn't always like this Bible tells us that there were times with Jesus and His disciples were called in some very very peculiar places he he was even on a ship the storm wanted to take them under but it couldn't because the master of sky was oh he was there he saw all of the life lessons that Jesus was teaching his disciples he was with him once let you see me do you'll be able to do them too because I go to my father Judas was one of the twelve disciples it was a bonafide disciple he was with Jesus he talked with Jesus he saw his miracles son cast out Devils it wasn't always like this brothers and sisters have seen recently and I must tell you that the Bible is right when it says to us that we've got to be watchful that is always seeking an occasion to turn our hearts and I want you to know that tonight tonight matter what your title is license and on Ted in the house of the law the reality is Judas didn't stop walking with Jesus but slowly and surely his heart started turning and I want you to know it takes more than you just come in a church it takes more than you just read in your Bible you gotta make that a part of you but if you end up in church and your mind is somewhere else no God while the choir and the preachers preach [Music] sure was locked and with the law he had a privilege in the flesh that none of us have ever had we walk with God in the spirit Judas walked with him in the flesh but over time something started happening the Bible tells us I was reading the book of st. John the twelfth chapter I believe it's right around what is that the fourth fifth or sixth verse Bible said that when Jesus comes into the house for Mary Martha and Lazarus there's a woman there with an expensive vial of oil she breaks it and she begins to anoint the feet of Jesus the Bible said Judas looks at this 10 Judas makes a statement that's a because this woman is wasting sacrifice Jesus look at what John says John says shoot us he's talking like this it's because he's a thief and he's been stealing money out of the Treasury bag so over time Judas becomes a thief Jesus is preaching consoling the multitudes people are giving in the offering and chilled us is stealing money out of the church you know what that says to me that says to me that Judas lost the fear of the Lord and you know what else that speaks to us that all the time no matter what he saw he's stopped believing in the person of Jesus Christ Jesus His disciples Jesus that would be a woman in another country he believed Jesus then everything must be all right you've got to watch the enemy because he'll cause you to become comfortable even you're wrong - it ain't nobody said nothing because a man haven't expose you don't be God's eyes why not I want you to know tonight he still sees all he still knows how he'll spare me that day hey man when he's gonna reckon with every evil work overtime something that happened in Judas Bible said Judas instilling out this money bad but we come now to the last summer the Passover meal Jesus has rented a room he has acquired the food to make the pass over meal but just like you when you get through eating at a restaurant that trusts you you pay what if Judas started to understand that when it's time to pay this bill we ain't got enough money for this how can I get some some more money to feel this this bag I've been stealing from cuz this is it we want to pay for this we written the rules and order and food and we got this is not a house we rented this place and so we're going to have to pay for this what if Judas just figured I gotta replace this money or the gig is up Jesus understanding he'll shrieky how can i haven't satan is see the thing about the enemy that all of us need to be aware of is that you're not smarter than the devil now your mind i can't defeat his mind the only way and having you are in control it's not gonna be that bad all the while you're walking into a situation that's about to get out of hand the Bible says that Jesus does Judas back to God see I found out you don't match that overnight and the Bible says that Jesus does everything he could do to bring Judas is mind back to a right place when you look at the Last Supper you are seeing Jesus making one last bid for Judas is soul he says to them somebody sit at this table it's going to betray me can you imagine what that meant to those disciples that had been together for three and half years we know each other we've walked with each other we have taken our rest together we have laid down amen in foreign lands together we have together we have suffered together we've been doing trials together we know each other what do you mean one of us is going to the tree and they start saying is it I have my lord and I thought about this isn't it funny that nobody said you gotta be talking about Judas he was so concealed that nobody even thought about his name all of that evil in his heart and the people right around him still thought he was so saved boy I'm glad nobody stood up and grabbed Judas and said what have you done they didn't even know who he was talking about is it me is it me are you talking about me is it is it me Jesus said no it's it's the one that out this bread with it's the one did I give it to he dips his hand in the same dish that I do he's so close to me we share a dish the same she'll betray me and then Jesus says but I'm just going the way that's written if it happens then it's already been written my faith has already been decided but woe unto that man whom the Son of Man is betrayed it would have been good for him if he had have never been born this is some thick atmosphere in this in this upper room this he says he's close enough to me to shove the dish as a matter of fact I'm gonna dip just bread in this shop and I'm go hand into it now understand what's happening that position was reserved for the honored guest to sit that close to be able to dip how in the same dish as the master was reserved for the gas Nevada whenever you would see a host dip his bread first whoever he hands it to has just been privileged by the host shoot us is save it in a position of Honor Jesus gives to him the gesture of friendship he welcomes him to this feast then spare the fact that no matter their new who he was talking about see what the Lord says the Bible teaches us that the foundation of God stands for having this seal that the Lord knows those that are here he knows who belongs to him see even though nobody else knew the heart of Judas the Lord knows those that belong to him oh you may shout and malicious may I'll show you and encourage you in your praise gonna shout honey give it to him he's been good wow you shouted Lord stealing holls holls he gives the Judas token of friendship this is his way of saying to Judas you don't have to do this I'll tell you now whoever betrays me it would have been better for him not to be born that's his way of saying Judas you haven't done it yet you don't have to go through with this I'm telling you now whoever betrays me you haven't followed through on your plans that never brought it to your mind I know he did but what you hadn't put it into action you don't have to do this and maybe there's somebody here tonight but that was been putting some stuff on your mind but can I tell you I know he's trying to get you got him holding is a church all it is about right now he's trying to tell you upfront it'll never turn out right the way of a transgressor is a hard way you in the safety zone yeah it's just about Judas you know roll with it he's doing everything he can do to say to him you can stop you can turn around you can repent of this I put you here to show you what I think about you I love you I dipped and I gave it to you as a gesture a friendship you're still worth it to me you're still worth my efforts Judas you don't have to do this but Judas instead of repenting because he's already devised in his heart what he's going to do he knows where he's gonna go after this he's already got it on his mind who he's going to talk to he ain't gotta go find nobody he knows where he's getting ready to go and instead of repenting he says are you talking about me as if he didn't know what was in his own heart if Judas had to scream that at that table and said even thinking those notes maybe could have turned out different but instead Judas acts as if he ain't got a clue as to who Jesus is referring to and brothers and sisters sons and daughters as I hasten let me say this to you the only sin God will not forgive you are all let me say like this cannot forgive you us is a sin that you don't repent of now I know he said all manner of sins he will forgive us except for one that's his will he has chosen not to forgive for that sin but the only sin he cannot forgive you of is the one you won't repent of if there is no repentance there can be no forgiveness of your sins it is with your mouth that you must confess gotta ask for it and shoot us never and when Jesus sees Judas without a repentant heart he simply says to him whatever you're gonna do just do it quickly he never gave up on Judas until Judas showed him that nothing he did was gonna change his heart the only time Jesus stopped trying to the last moment he tried and the only time he stopped his efforts was when Judas showed him that nothing you do is gonna change my mind baba said Judas goes out and he goes and he says to the chief priests because remember he meant him already in chapter 26 verse 14 the Last Supper doesn't start until verse 17 so he's already met with them before Jesus has this dinner so it's not like he didn't know who Jesus was talking to but you know what he does anyway he goes out and when he goes out the Bible said it's night it goes and when he goes he says to them I know where he's going to be I know where he's going and if you'll come and follow me I'll show you where he is he's such a common man try to make big deals about himself you'll see him he walks with everybody else he's not trying to distinguish himself everybody else you wouldn't even know him if he was standing next to you but don't worry I'll tell you who he is when we get there wait until I show you because if you grab the wrong person maybe he'll get away but I'll tell you so you're not sure who he is it's the one kiss the others if you'll allow me others may see me and shake my hand and that's all I do with them I'll shake their hand but but but I know if I get close to him I can greet him in another way I'll give him the kiss of brotherhood and friends the Bible said they came out and when they come out there's a multitude but there's one man in the front they have their swords they have the staffs but there's one man who's bold enough to walk up to the master and when he comes in he comes in and says hey friend of mine Jesus master Jesus healer Jesus I love you and the Bible says he leans in and it gives Jesus the kiss of brotherhood you know you got people how anyway I mean no and in those days whenever you saw somebody that you loved and cared about you gave them a brotherhood and friendship so the Bible even says greet your brothers with a holy kiss and this ain't the Kissin that some of y'all trying to do this is this is that holy kiss y'all gondwana and so Judas comes and it gets him so good to see you and because Jesus knows the heart of every man looks at Judas he's not fooled by this did you really did you honestly just betray me with a kiss now I want you to see the contrast here because the fact that Jesus seated him where he was the fact that he dipped the bread in the Sun and gave it to Judas this is a gesture of friendship in its genuine form Judis now kisses him with a gesture of friendship but it's a destructive gesture he's so backwards he refused genuine friendship and now the only thing he has left it's deception Jesus looks around and he sees all of these people there he says when I was in the temple you didn't bother me when the power of God was on this place you never even made an attempt you didn't raise your hand against me I was healing the sick I was I was I was casting out Devils and and and I remember one occasion Jesus told him he said just tell him how I be working miracles tomorrow just tell him to come on they know where I am you didn't bother me but now your heart is emboldened because this is your hour I had to understand this today I did to read this because God sometimes allows for an hour when it looks like Satan is in control stuff that he couldn't have done yesterday some time God says as he did in the case of job you got my permission this is your hour sometimes has saved as you are God will allow the enemy to put his hands on you he didn't do it Sunday when you were at church with all them Saints around you he didn't do it well he was shouting and you felt the power of God surging through the atmosphere sometimes God gives the devil his hour and in his even when he could not have put his hands on Jesus before Jesus said you can do that now because this is your hour this is the time when God is about to allow me to go through something that I've never gone through before my hour is come when the Son of man must be glorified but before I can be glorified he's gonna give you yours and now remember the time when Jesus upset the people and the Bible said they went to grab him and they started looking he just disappeared they couldn't even find him the waves got to roaring Satan said out drown him he woke up went to the bow of the ship and said please don't drown me on this trip across the sea now this is your hour not only will they put their hands on him but they gonna kill him because God gave them the opportunity to do this but can I say this to your brothers and sisters Satan may have his power there is the afraid but God's gonna bring this thing to a close the way he has desired God is not intimidated that Satan's our because God's gonna bring something out of this Jesus at the time is coming when must be you know and you know the story the Bible says they beat him and they marred him worse than any of a man and you know they made a movie called the passion why that's a rough movie I know people that have to turn the heads they couldn't see it to see bless be ripped off of somebody's to see him not even care well they landed the women to sell hit him hole in the face to see blood stared all over the ground it was horrific in the film but the Bible said it was worse than their crown of thorns on his head Satan is having his hour they slapped him they beat him with reads the Bible prophesied in the Old Testament and said they would block out his beard they blindfolded him and hit him and said of you such a prophet tell us who it was that struck you put a robe on his back he's supposed to be a king nailed in between his hand a nail in his feet Satan's hour in which he afflicts as much pain as he can possibly inflict Satan's Jesus said it's your hour you're gonna get a chance to do what it is that you really want to do it's your power and what you couldn't do last month God's gonna give you a season to do your work but on the third day Satan's hour was over people that were crying because they were affected by the death of the Christ now they come to tune and nobody's in it Satan's hour is over and can I say this to you he haven't had another one since then [Applause] because when Jesus got up he got up with the keys of Penn Hill hem the grave when he got up he got up boasting that our power is in my hand when he got up look back at the grave and said I'll never be back but he'll never have another one victory now belongs to Jesus factory belongs to heal iron a battle set is coming back for people to spit on him praise the Lord [Applause] don't worry about ceilings a cow because even if God allows him a little time he says for us it works for us a far more exceeding way to go don't worry about Satan's Alma cuz it's time gonna run out after a while and when it does everything that he thought he had done so well in his hour God's gonna use that to bless you and to turn your whole life around look at what happened after Satan's the Bible said but when he rose when he got up he called himself and say that Perez no worry Jesus said has got to be this way cuz it's already written I know what's coming but I gotta go this way say there's gonna put his hands on me gods don't give him his hour but God don't mind him having his hour because his hour he's gonna lead me to something so much more so much greater so much more fulfilling the Bible said he got up and he says to us now that if we confess with our mouth and we believe in our heart that God raised him from the dead then we can be saved that's why we are who we are tonight we are here because Satan thought he had the upper hand because the cross really didn't look like victory when you look at that man hanging on that tree that don't look like no victim it looked like Satan won but jesus said if I be lifted I'm just gonna start drawing everybody I'm gonna draw all men unto me and look at what he had and you know what I love about it he's still drawing he's still drawing he still said come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy-laden come on and I'll give you this across these centuries millennia have come and gone he's still drawing his affliction into it but for a moment but look at what happened a greater joy a greater opportunity came and we still enjoy it look like he was a goner looked like he was done but I thank God for that cross let's say Dan honestly thought would have been the end of our Savior and you know the Bible said that had the Lords of this world knew who he really was they would have never crucified the Lord of glory do you know what that shows me that shows me the same name as smart as he thought he was God is always a thousand steps ahead and sometimes in your life you feel like Satan is having his our stuff that didn't happen that you wouldn't happen two years ago now for some reason he feels like he can get away with it I want you to stay encouraged because just as sure as God is on the throne he didn't just give you over to the will of your enemy he mitt it one way but God's got another plan and his will is always going to be done I want you to stand to your feet my time is gone lift your hands and I want you to thank God it had to be rough for Jesus [Music] to stand in a garden and allow the hands of ordinary and model men to grab him and take him into custody breathing the breath that he gave him to come against him the Lord Bible said he humble himself he had to and they said listen don't you know what we have the power to do and he had the straight in the matter listen y'all don't have no more power then my father has given you he said to them do you not know that I could pray and the father would send twelve legions of angels they would come and fight for me I was reading somewhere that the population of the world at that time was such that twelve legions of angels would have been enough angels to wipe everybody on earth out in a matter of minutes jesus said all y'all could be dead in a couple of minutes and usually think that you got the power to kill me I'm grateful I'm grateful that through it all God was still in control they killed him he didn't pass out he didn't go under he didn't faint he died and I could imagine Satan thought he'd won the war but the Bible said that while he was dead he went into the lower part of the earth spa principalities made a show of them openly lord have mercy and look at us now look at us now saved and delivered ever hit bout every eye closed if there's somebody here tonight that's not seen you don't know the Lord in the parting of your sin I want you to come maybe the enemy is tricking you into believing that nobody knows what's going on he's fooling young man like he did Judas you disclose setting up in church they don't know they'll never find out [Music] Judis is said to be the only man that was so close to heaven that he kissed the door and still turn around and went to hell he didn't realize in his portrayal of the Christ he literally kissed the door of heaven and still died and went to hell I'm telling you is worth getting it right with God if there's something out of here you need to be here come on now the spirit and the bride say come hallelu yes lon yeah they shall have will they sell facial hair [Music] everlasting no come on they're coming it's never another come on we got down come-come hallelujah if there's another police car hallelujah thank you Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] if she's a snake hallelujah come on I need you to praise it would you lift those hands [Music] we we would have yes he said we would [Music] [Applause] what [Music] every word [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on somebody your hands and pray them [Applause] last thing [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 32,183
Rating: 4.8388891 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: _8FUlo5xNPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 31sec (5191 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 10 2018
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