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i want you to get your bible to go to the book of first samuel the 16th chapter in the first verse and i want you to listen very closely we hope the lord allows to take our time because whichever way the lord want to do it he's all right with us amen that's first samuel 16 and 1. and the lord said unto samuel and the lord said unto samuel along with the most how long will thy moon for saul sing sing i have rejected i have rejected him for have provided me a kingdom among his son amen now we thank god for the reading of his word and our message coming from this first verse and the lord said unto samuel how long was thy moan for saul seeing i have rejected him from reigning over israel now the message there what happens to a man when god gives him up what happens to a man when god gives him up now you know we're living in a day in time now that people think they just play and do anything and put anything off on god and god have to accept it but i want you to stop and think we are serving a holy god that hates sin will not put up with sin in any form but the good news is that if you want to be delivered from sin he will save you and deliver you from your sin now god went to a lot of trouble because of the love he has for mankind now we're living in a day in time to be all god love he's a lovable god he wouldn't do this he wouldn't do that and you know this is what we hear now it's all love and financial blessings but i want you to know it's another side to the corn the silver dollar has one side some on one side then the other side of the coin is something else i want you to know that god is more than a god of love he's a god of righteousness he's a god of holiness and god is not going to put up with any field now you can't even come and stand in the presence of god amen except you be justified that's why we've got to come through jesus pray that through the shed blood of jesus christ we'll justify to stand before a living and a holy god now we're living in a day and time people taught my relationship relationship with god how in the world can a filthy man have relationship with a holy god amen i don't believe in the entire everything saying they say but just because you say you're saved doesn't mean that you're saved see you have to pray god get delivered according to the word you have to pray to be saved according to the word it's not what you said amen and when a person gets saved he's going to talk it he's going to walk and he's going to look it am i now i know we're living in a day in time we run over and get one little scripture isolated scripture then we want to say one save always saved amen no matter what you do if you ever been saved you're going to heaven well if that's the case everything belongs in hell will be in heaven [Applause] and that's not so see the bible say you should know the truth and the truth shall make you free now break it up you god will deal with you god loves you i don't care what state you may be in i want you to know that god loves you am i and he have provided a way for you to escape the damnation of hell for god so loved the world now god went to a lot of trouble to keep you from going to hell god went to a lot of trouble so you could be delivered from drugs and ungodly and all the filth that's going on today amen but if you think god is going to indulge and put up with food you are sadly mistaken and i mean that god's house should be a holy place don't tell me that a holy god gonna live in a filthy tabernacle you believe it's amen amen now the lesson today was a man that god had chosen and anointed to be king over israel amen now praise god the israelites pray god had come to son it's a song that you done got old and what are you just about gone you just spent the best of your days and your son they won't do right so we want a king like other nations we want such a king so we want and the bible said it grieves samuel for them to say that now isn't that just like the world today am i looking out into the world today so now we want to be just like the world amen god told someone said they have rejected you they have rejected me and when i look at the church so-called trust today it's just like israel we wants a king we want to be like the world and they're bringing all kind of filth and ungodly stuff and supposed to be the house of god but i want you know god is not going to live in fear you believe it's a man pray god other words we want to go out break it our trust and look like they'll be dies and deans amen we wants a king like the world and god said they haven't rejected you samuel they have rejected me and look at what's happening today amen bringing what we call the house of god today is just full of fuel bring it all type of crap and mess into what they call the house of god amen but i want you to know god's not going to heaven i i firmly believe praying the house of god should be a holy place you shouldn't do anything in the house of god you shouldn't sing anything in the house of god you shouldn't send it and you shouldn't wear anything in the house of god why because it's supposed to be a holy place you believe it's amen discipline where you can find peace you can find joy and happiness and deliverance [Applause] so god told samuel they haven't rejected you they rejected me now he began to remind the samurai so now i brought them out of israel brought to my region what miracle after miracle and after a miracle now they are rejecting me they want a king like the world many of you understand my voice god has healed your body god has delivered you and set you free numerous of time and now you want to go back in sin and yes say you're a child of god and you want to drag all that mess into the house of god and then say we're free to do these things but oh no not so am i so god said all right i'm going to give them a king but tell her what the king will do to them and i don't have time to read all of this he went on to tell him what the king would do this that another am i but he said they have rejected me all right god picked him out of man and anointed him king over israel and pray got it fresh saw break it he walked up right before god he could prophesy he was anointed and the bible said while he was anointed by god and was serving god he put all the wizards of warlocks to sue cells fought and tell us out and when you on fire for god and when you say you stand for righteousness you'll be with say man you'll be believing holy god is a holy god and we will cry wholeness you believe it's amen but you know what not everybody wants to serve god am i in the bible declares in genesis 6 and 3 he says my spirit will not always strive with mankind many of you are the sign of my voice the grace of god has appeared to you am i god i've been dealing with you to get saved to come out of your sin to turn around and live right now you cannot be saved and practice sin every day you believe me say mine now as soon as one and practice sin the bible declared matthew 1 and 21 the verdict is to bring forth a son thy shall call his name jesus he shall save his people from thy sin romans 6 and 23 says the wedging of sin is death but the gift of god is the eternal life god loves you i don't care bringing you the crackhead dope head i can hardly god love you but he's provided a way for you to escape the damnation of hell you can be saved you can be delivered but you must accept christ you must come out of your sin and leave them alone now jesus said no man can come to me except the father draw him that's the holy ghost many of you are the sound of my voice you used to be in a hole in this church while people preach holiness you you pray with your first prayer met the lord you pulled off everything we're not like god but now you you heard another gospel with paul says there is no other god we're living in a day in town that's a man i found a new way but i want you to know ain't no new way when it comes to wholeness there must be standing in the way so you can act for that old path and when you're fine and walk there in your bbc man god got a way to don't change well glory to god but we're living in a day in time we want to be like the world we want a king like they got we want to live like they did we want to go to the thing that they go to we want to dress like they dress but god is a holy god and god don't dwell in a filthy temple you believe it say man god's house should be a house of pride it should be a holy place are you listening to me but down through the years so heart drink from god he will begin to do the thing that displeases god like so many of you on the side of my voice god has been dealing with you to get right with god to get saved it's not that you don't know if i was about hard condemned or not then we have faith towards god but now you you want your cake and your pie too or you wonder what a name that you're saying amen this code is coming in time i pray they say all that ungodly rapping music prayer god come at your shame but the bible said if any man be in christ he is a new creature now if you save your life has changed if you're still doing the same thing you used to do you still need to be saved you'll even say man you can't play domino's pregnancy die suck sing out hold chase and say you're saved you'll be retired [Applause] many of you don't backslid didn't you boast about where the bible said he's married to a backslider yeah a lot of women married to some man but they don't have a man some other woman got the man you believe it's a man just when a man's name is not enough you need to get the power of god in your life but they don't quit pray that preacher you got to be filled with the holy ghost that's what they say you shall receive power after the holy ghost has come upon you once you accept christ then you let christ baptize you with the holy ghost and that would fire you'll even say man no no just speaking in tongues doesn't mean you got the power just because you got a drum in the church doesn't mean that it's a hole in this church you even say man just because you screaming in highland does that mean you're anointed anointing breaks to you you'll be shaving what happens to a man when god gives him there is such a thing as god giving you up you walking around here on this earth giving out can't even get in touch with god are you listening to me when the true divisions were coming out of egypt they they came across the emma kite's land and they treated the israelites so bad the god told moses and record this when i get you all over into the promised land i'm coming back and i'm going to wipe that name over the face of this earth and king saul was the one that he gave the the authority to do so but in the place of obeying god we think we can just play with god run in and out whenever we get ready but that's not so you shouldn't be bragging about being up backslide if you've got your hand in god you better hold it there [Applause] you're not always that you make it back to god you believe in shame you can be confident in this time i'd want to save all you want to and living like today about he that commits sin is of the devil first john three and eight amen so prager saw proceed to obey god he said kill the king kill everything and sod went down there and saved the king and all the fat caledonia he saved him and it displeased god amen and god rejected saul he rejected saul but samuel loves saul and he prayed we kept praying and god said don't talk to me about this man any longer [Applause] when god rejects you ain't nothing the preacher can do you people say mine the bible the clouds in hebrews 6 chapter 4 don't continue lay the foundation of repentance how many times have you been running back to this altar some of you are too stubborn to come back you used to be on fire for god but you set up in some place right now praying pretending that you say ain't no power but god at all nobody getting saved nobody getting healed nobody's getting delivered you don't even say man they just patting them over i've never seen so much crying in all the days of my life and ain't getting nothing [Applause] correct back to church the same way well listen god won't you deliver it the 59th chapter is the first verse said behold the hand of the lord are not short but he cannot say now the word save means that you you're transformed you're delivered if you don't drug when you get saved you don't take drugs no more if you practice sin you're the fornicator when you get saved you don't found a kate no more you've been delivered any man be in christ he is a new creature all things are paddling i think become new [Applause] but no you want to run with the boys i can come back when i get ready oh no not so paul said this will we do if god permit amen so pray god even though god had anointed saw a king he rejected saul he rejected him amen my spirit will not always strive with mankind god's been pleading with you and pleading with you to get right with god but how have you been resisting god let me tell you something if the spirit of god lift off you and quit dealing with you to get saved use a goner you can be walking around here i'm gonna show you in the word of god you can be walking around here and can't get back in touch with god get me praise god romans 6 and 21. preaching you in the old testament i'm going to new now most of the priests are not taking it back on the old covenant anyway what happens to a man when god i want to show you what happened to a man when god give him up there's no way in the world you can get saved when god rejects you will you reject the spirit of god unless and god send that spirit back to convict you again read because when they listen this is what the bible says because that when they knew god because when they these people knew god at one time because when they knew god they glorified him now that's glorified him not as god ain't that's what's going on now a lot of these people used to testify they were saying sanctified and filled with the holy ghost but today they'll found a new way the bible said in their life they would be deceivers they would deceive and deceive you and this is what we're having now come on we got some praise dancers you can't praise god for me you don't know what the lord delivered me from you keep praising you don't know like i know what god did for me i got a right to pray to myself god heal me god save me he's sanctified you don't have no people talking about being sanctified no more the word sacrificed me to be set apart for the master's use for when they knew god they glorified him not as god they once knew god but they didn't verify him as god neither were they give me the backsliders i'm talking to you stand up in some church read neither were they thankful neither were they faithful but became vain in their enough they became vain in their imagination imagination and their food is hard listen to this new doctrine coming out now god it ain't what you got on it's what's in your heart what's in your heart shows up on the outside you really say mine we're not confirmed see the church has being confirmed to the world amen pray what you see at the nightclub you see it in church now supposed to be church read and their foolish heart was daunting and their foolish heart was darkened professing themselves professing themselves to be wise ain't just what's going on now chad we found a new way now we find out they don't take all that my paul dear mother said we couldn't go to the picture so but we find out we can go who told you you could go [Applause] your mother don't believe in holiness they taught homeless i don't know what you're teaching now amen but it's going to take wholeness and make it in because the bible followed people all men holding with god which no man shall see the lord god is a holy god he required holiness when you get saved god requires you to live a life the bible says he that is righteous working righteousness so if you're not working righteousness read professing themselves professing them ain't that what's going gonna let everybody win it till now i'm saved i'm saved but they're doing some of everything amen the bible says in luke 10 and 10 he said put a difference between holy and unholy when you could say you put a difference romans 6 12 said don't let sin therefore ringing your mother when you get saved and filled with the holy ghost you haven't said so long as you in sin the devil you're the slave to the devil but once you get saved and filled with the holy ghost you put your hand under him and look the devil in the face said i don't go that way no more i don't do those things you shall receive after the holy ghost has come upon you you got to go farther than the cross you got to go past the cross but you're on the cross you're going to be chairman [Applause] read they became fools they became food and changed the glory of that they became food look at all i can tell what the bible says look at look how many people fool now i never seen so many people fooling all the days of my life calling themselves saved listen when you get saved there's a change in your life now when you can say something that's afraid of you as a prostitute when you get saved you quit that professor pregnant you were a smoker when you get delivered you don't smoke cigarettes no more and when you don't run with the world the bible says come out from among them and be separated says the lord but if you still run with the same old crowd pray that you still belong to the same old crowd and you among that crowd and you like to be saved you believe in saying mine when you get saved you bring it your friend don't put you down you don't have to pray or tell him when you get saved you don't want to do those things you used to do read and change the glory and they change the glory can't you see what's happening now amen look what's happening to the church world now a whole lot of candles a whole lot of seminars ain't nobody getting delivered come to church and cry and boohoo and go back the same way still in sin come on i'm sad and i'm saying brother if you ain't suffering for the glory of god it's not going to help you well but if you come to god god will loose you god will deliver you god will set you free you'll even say man breathe and change the glory of god and change the glory of god into an image unto what into a image made to corruptable man and to birds and forefooted beasts and creeping things wherefore god also gave them up until unclean all right wherefore god also gave them up when you resist the holy word of god you make up in your mind you're going your own way and you're going to do your own thing and you're going to be saving away the bible said god gives you up when god gives you up you is a donor ain't nothing that jared can say ain't nothing the preacher can say ain't nothing nobody else can say amen hold on give me a prayer god hebrews six and one what happens to a man when god gives him up therefore therefore leaving the principles leaving the principle of the doctrine of christ what is the pressure of the doctor let us go on to perfection let us go to perfection let us go on to perfection and not laying against the thousands not just land again to find it but you ain't gonna be coming to church every night letting the founding of repent now if you be on taking the fall you need to repent but now i'm going to go out here and i'm going to do this then i'm going to ask god to forgive me before i go to sleep god ain't going to heal no such thing not laying again the founding of repentance brother we lay the foundation every time we come to church you never will get the house built lay that foundation one time bring it get straight get anointed get saved get sanctified filled with the holy ghost and go and live for god where you can do something of god how can you preach the gospel and you pray how god delivered from nothing read not live again not land again the foundation of repellents from dead works front dead work from dead works and of faith towards all the work you do before you get saved dead work i don't care how you preach how you're saying how you missing it everything you do before you get saved that way you don't get no pay for it read and a faith toward god of the doctrine of baptisms and of the laying on of hands and the resurrection of the dead of eternal judgment and this is what we do this is all we do i don't care how many times you come to this house it takes god to forgive you your sin the preacher can't do it i don't care how many time i lay my hand on your head i leave my hand right here i knock all the hell you're here it's not going to he said this would we do if god permit all right give me romans again wherefore wherefore god also gave them up to uncleanness now this is what happened when what happens to a man when god give him up let me show you what happened to a person when god gave them up he did them up to what to uncleanness through the lust of their own that's why we got all type of sex act and all like a mess is going on now because god doesn't give some of these folks up amen read through the lusts through the lust of their own home their own heart men want to do what they want to do but they still want to be saved but not so oh no when you get saved you got to come god's way about to lay aside everything ever that's what he beset us so we might run this race with patience but when you insist on doing things god will give you up listen do you know when god gives you up in no way in a world you can get saved unless god has a change of heart how long has god been dealing with you to get right with god no i don't want to go to that full gospel to preach against what i'm doing i'm gonna go ahead and join me a church because i need somewhere for them to take me when i die you realize what you're saying it ain't your body you need to be concerned about your soul [Applause] read to dishonor their own bodies between themselves to dishonor to dishonor their own bodies now this is what happened when god gives you up but when you were on fire for god you're believing in living right living holy praise in the lord but once god give you up did you do what to dishonor to dishonor their own body their own body now look look at the women supposed to pray god be dressed modesty a little modified but look at them disowning their own body now they're spawning so mean can just lust out them you want to come to church with this mess read who changed the truth who changed the truth of god preachers are changing the truth today they're saying they don't take all of that it don't take this it took it back in grandma's day and it's going to take it now whatever the horn is yesterday and holding us now if you want to go back to god you better repent and get right with god you'll be betrayed man who for this call god gave them up for this called god gave them up unto god i don't even see men falling in love with men and women falling in love with but you turn that dialogue what happens to a man when god gives him up what happened to a girl when god what happened to a woman [Applause] that lust of spirit takes them over they'll dishonor their own body we put this course for this call god gave them god gave them up unto vile affections and ungodly yet they cannot like they know god but they've been turned over but i said you believe a lie be damned ain't no way for you to get saved when you believe a lie and be damned a lot of people think they're saved when they're on the way to hell that's the way they seem right until man the way they're in is death what happens to a man when god gives him [Applause] god'll turn you over read for even for even though women did change that women change the natural use to that which is against nature no longer do they want a husband now no longer do they want a husband now [Music] when god turned you old and you start listening after one another turn you into vile affection [Applause] now if you've never been saved i believe god will forgive you but if god doesn't forgive you you're going back in that filthy mess i don't know god will give you up and turn you over now look at him look at him today leaving our husband for another woman two mothers in the house and the child is confused cause dad is gone [Applause] then we've got so much mess going on you ever seen some might pray god kidnapping little girls as we say now this is because of the weaknesses going on in this country demon for us what grown man praise god in his right mind but left off the little 13 year old girl and then something that happened to his mind the lady allen years ago say america is going mad for great sex all over the tv screen we talking about a real religious country and the preachers are not preaching about sin god loves you and trying to show you how you make another dollar well this old boy got a message from heaven either your turn or you were born you get repent of your sins and get right don't god will turn you over quit playing with god [Applause] the bible says it's better not to have no one god to take the heavenly freaking then turn back to your own vomit like a dog this was happening today a dog will eat food pray god bump it up praise god and go back and eat that med that vomit up again it's what happened when god turned you over i'm going to show you about what saul did after a while read and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the leaving the natural use of a woman burned in the lust men leaving their wives [Applause] falling in love with another big old rusty hairy man all the devil don't want you to say nothing about this but god said i'll turn you over it's in the word of god no longer they have use for a woman i don't need no woman give me a man that's what happened to solomon gomer god turned solomon gold mile over told them to get out of the city i'm gonna do strikes brother they took out running for the lie with everybody running did not sincere miss lot was running but she wasn't sincere her heart was still back in solomon gomer and when the fire fails and she heard the crazy tightening froze to a pillow what happens to a man when god give him god will give you out you better quit playing with god you ain't gonna preach the truth get out of the pulpit and quit you ain't gonna sing the zion song and live and get out of the cry and quit what happens to a man back in moses they call on them said pray god god talk to us just like he talked to you and it resisted mostly and god said moses get back and he opened up the ground in a fire come out of the ground and bind them pull them in why because god gave them some people a lie about the orphan and and on sci-fi i pray god the saints were selling what they had given it to them putting it in the apostles feeding it so where we're going to settle out and get part of they won't know anything different but the holy ghost knows ananias came in and said this is what we got for our land let that apostle speaking peter said why you want to lie to the holy ghost wasn't it yours you could have kept it all the bible said he felt dead right in the church look like he'll take some of this and make some of these folks straighten up and brother peter didn't even call for the undertaker he said take him out and bury him into your they had a graveyard church had a graveyard and miss sapphire came in a little late they didn't even notify the nearest of ken coming in and she coming in with the same lie peter said tell me the truth is this all y'all got for it here he said why you want to lie to the holy ghost they bury your husband and they're coming to me and they're coming back after you and she fell dead right and said what happens to a man when god gives them up what happened to a woman when god gives them that you don't plan god's house get new filthy clothes off but this is holy ground get that filthy mind clean bring it to the old watch your mouth with yourself let god clean you with his blood you'll be time is running out jesus is soon to come read roman men with men men with men working in that which is uh that which is unseemly which is unheard of unbecoming is filth we got folks standing up in the church praise god well it ain't no harm to being under father that was what god was talking about [Music] [Applause] changing the truth until i read and receiving him themselves and they are deceiving themselves that recompense of error which was meet and even as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge god gave them over to a republican god gave them over he turned them over to believe what they wanted to believe now these peoples are gone there's no way they can get saved i'm gonna show that to you all right i don't have i wish i had time to read this all these times but samuel did not do what god told him to do as a young man i used to read this i couldn't understand why god was so harsh with saw look like he just did one thing you don't have to do with one thing god does not have to give you two chances he'd put his wood on the line and said moses write it down i'm gonna wipe them off and saw i was supposed to do it so i didn't do it and the bible said god rejected saul the bible says the anointing departed from him that don't sound like one save always say and you pray a song loved her so he was praying he said don't talk to me about saul no longer don't you see i rejected somebody get your hornbreaker and somebody go knight me another king so i was still on the throne but david was anointed king why because god had rejected what happens to a man when god gives him and after that figure murder edema came into saul he tried to kill david he went from bad to worse why because god rejected him how many times god when dealing with you to come to this office how many god god but did you repent get right with god [Applause] some of you walked off and left your dear wife land up with somebody else you know it's not yours and talking about you saved [Music] then went out in the world and got you somebody about said mario only in the lord the bible said samuel died god had rejected saul no longer was his god king no one would he used to god no longer could he prophesy no longer could he pray the spirit had departed from saul why because god turned him over the bible said the philistines came upon them and when some looked and seen all of the philosophy he said he was afraid when he had the anointing he was not afraid but he's afraid he feel naked why because god had turned him over god had rejected him what happens to a man you know what saul did used to be he could feel the anointing he could talk to god and god would tell him what to do or god would visit him in dreams but he said saul was afraid i'm afraid god doesn't talk to me anymore he don't deal with me any dreams anymore bro this is a sad way to be you may be a sinner but the holy ghost deal with you to get right with god but once god rejects you you feel cold and indefinite i'll never forget one night we made an altar call people come down and got saved got delivered but that was a young lady that came down and i laid hands on her and prayed for the place i feel in the lord i felt something cool and indifferent i tried again because you know i heard see that's the thing about man's heart see god's heart is not not like you when god said no it's no samuel was praying because he loves sword give him another chance but god said don't talk to me no more about saul don't you say i have rejected him get up over your knees don't talk to me no more about saul i laid hands on that woman again place of feeling anointing to praying for i didn't says mercy i said do you feel what i feel she said yeah i was going to talk to the lady she said i once knew god i was on a hole in this church but i wanted to have my way so i left i did what i want to do so now i can't feel the presence of god except god come back to you remember no man can come to me except the father draw him are you listen to me saul said i'm afraid the philistines had come upon me the enemy has come up against me i have nobody on my side you should talk to god but god won't talk with me no more maybe you can't see whatever but that's a sad way to be in god won't talk to you god used to visit me when i was on father god he'd visit me and dream i could lay down and dream and god would give me what to do but god won't even visit me in a dream i'm afraid and the bible says that man he put the wizards out the fortune tellers out all him out after he couldn't get in touch with god he went back to those people that he run out of the city he started talking to the dead [Applause] calling people from the dead you want to read a little bit first samuel chapter 28 verse 6 and when saul inquired of the lord the lord answered him not neither by dreams not by urine not by prophets then said saul unto the prophet unto the servants seek me a woman that have a familiar spirit all right now this this is the folk that he put out the fortune tellers the devil worshiped me this is what they'll happen to you when you god give you up your turn i don't have time to read it all i have a track here in my bible a girl 19 years of age one of the holy ghost revival meeting one night her heart was under conviction tears running down her face wanted to be saved the vows of the grace of god once appeared to all men but you have been accepted now dad was sitting on stand on the outside of the tent looking at her told his friends i dare her to go to that altar she better not go to that hotel where i hickory out over her remember this is individual affair when she came home that night on a conviction the daddy looked and said i saw you tonight you better not go back to that altar i will wear a hickory out over you i'll you better not go because she feared her dad the track says she went to a room y'all don't need to pray the gospel god i don't want you leave me alone don't bother me no no what happens to a man when god give him up the next night in the meeting in a place out bring her kid running out of chicken or convicted she was standing on the outside laughing and joking my dad said boy i conquered her last night but a few days later the track says she took sick they sent for the doctor lived in the countryside for the doctor doctor got there and said call the dad on outside you talk call me too late she's dying her daddy running and fell on the knees and said may may pray pray talk to god talk to god she said daddy won't do any good if you remember what you told me the other night so i went to my bedroom i got on my knees and i said god i don't want you leave me alone don't bother me anymore i said god took me at my word then she began to scream daddy my feet's on fire i want to drink a while out the wheel do you want to get a drink or whatever you come back she will cry my feet's on fire and she slipped an eternity just like that what happens to a man when god gives him up he turns back to his wall he turned back to his vomit start doing the thing you used to do on there do what sir but i thank god god loves you god gives every man a chance to get saved and live in people don't stand on your feet genesis 6 3 my spirit will not always try with mankind you may not know but god sent a message to you today you some of you've been playing around with god somebody sent up in a church one a name that you saved but you planned but i want to tell you today time's out for plan and we had body of our clone i'm gonna count to three you want to be saved when i count to three i want you to be standing here you start coming now you want god to deliver you and set you free one we're coming to god this god does give you a chance to be saved come on backslider i don't care if you're a church remember singing in the crowd you've been playing with god come on in get real with god today you're sick in your body i want you to come god's a healer he's a miracle worker what happens to a man when god gives him up he lost him through eternity esau was a man that stole his breath right read that for me esau hebrews 12 14. listen listen what happened to this man this man wanted to get back but he couldn't you still keep coming keep coming keep coming read hebrews 12 and 14 father peace with all men father people who are all men and holdings with voters without which no man should see the lord verse 16 lest there be a fornicator lester be a fornicator a profound person now for pound person that's esau [Music] when he would have received the blessing he was rejected he was rejected and found no place and he found no place for repentance so he sought it carefully carefully with tears with tears can you imagine the man realizing he need to be saved and can't find forgiveness esau died and went to hell even though he was trying to get back to god i'm not trying to scare you this is the message god gave me to preach this morning that's standing at the need to be here oh i can get by you can't scare me you may not never hear another message what happens to a man you know what happened to a person when he when he given up sometimes they just go on nothing bothered them nothing bothered them but they lost eternity he'll turn you over give you up you can think believe that you're saved when you're not this is a bad state to be in everyone will be saying field holding will step forward right up here we'll pray with you first i appreciate the other side of the coin preacher don't preach this god is a lovable god god's gonna forgive everyone you give your heart to god god gonna forgive you but don't never think you can play with god you're not praying now listen the bible said if we confess i said he's just unfaithful to forgive us of our sin just assure you standing there if you repeat this and mean it from the god don't save you pray god you can escape the damnation of hell you next step to be filled with lift your hands to the lord close your eyes and look past me i want you to repeat after me and i want you to to mean it and the rest of your back there pray that i presume that you save i want you to pray with me that god have mercy on these souls and save them and fill them with hogan said father forgive me of all of my sins come on believe this and lord save me come on say save me and fill me with the holy ghost lift your hand and praise her for it right now [Applause] [Music] [Music] i want you to know he's calling he's calling every day why don't you come why don't you come around oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] hey you
Channel: 214mrobjy
Views: 20,063
Rating: 4.796875 out of 5
Id: 9fOFA9FB5T0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 56sec (3236 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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