FGHT Dallas: The Pressure to Conform

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what a mighty car we serve or angels bounty for him heaven and earth or what a mighty God verse number two just Amen one verse of scripture you're hearing for now he meant that's Romans the twelfth chapter and the second verse and when you have its Amen read what the Bible says and be not conformed to this world not now hear what the Apostle is saying and be not conformed to this world uh-huh but be ye transformed but be transformed by the renewing of your mind how by the renewing of your mind that this this command amen this verse carries two commands first of all be not conformed to this world secondly be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove that you may prove what is that good uh-huh and acceptable and perfect and perfect we love God we love God amen and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that he may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God I want to talk to you tonight about the pressure to conform amen the pressure to conform just to see that to somebody the pressure to conform I want to talk about that because we're living in a time now when everything is coming in orders seem like we the room that the walls are closing in all around us there's pressure everywhere to get like everybody young and quiet now Amen everybody the problem is God never intended for us to be ordinary that is not what God designed for his children his people ought to be special people that when he said I called you amen to be a holy nation a peculiar people amen I called you out of darkness into a marvelous light and Pat's who God had always intended for his people to be in every generation and in every age God has always required that his people live a separated consecrated sanctified life and y'all gonna get quite already Amen do you remember Amen it was the children of Israel after a while after God had been so good to them you know the Bible tells us about call that God did on the behalf of the children of Israel the Bible said that God brought them out you know the story amen how that he laid Abraham bound one night Amen in tow Abraham that your people your ancestors amen your children rather hate men pay will be carried into a strange land they'll serve them for many years but then after they have served them I'm going to bring them back to this place and they will inhabit this place according to my covenant with you the Bible tells us amen that God did just that went down to Egypt you know the story half a row became a hard past master amen after he became a hard past master the Bible said they found themselves trying to make bricks without straw hey Ben look mommy just came in to apply the pressure to the children of Israel but the more he afflicted him the Bible said the more that they multiplied the MB Group God's hand was still on bill and then God said amen when it's time to come out he sends a man down to Egypt and tell shadow that God said let my people go we know how Pharaoh's heart got hot amen and God through a multitude of miracles and wonders brought them out the Bible says with a high hand and then when he brought them out just like he told Abraham he said I'm not going to bring them out empty-handed but they're going to come out with treasure the Bible said God fulfilled his word but then after all of these miracles after the Sun is darkened and after the lights and the locusts after the river turned to blood have the God parted the Red Sea now amen they come out after God has been so kind to them they look up one day and they say you know what we want a king to rule over us just like everybody else we hey man we walking around in the desert Amen talking about we hear a God we can't see Emma we want something to represent this nation just like Kings represent every other nation and they forgot that they had the greatest King that anybody could ever have but because they were not like everybody else they felt like they were in the adequate and into the point of fact that even now amens you got people that still desire to be like everybody else come on now amen touch them at each of them but God told you to be different yeah that's what God did God called you to be different he did not intend for you to be like everybody else you didn't in for you to walk like everybody else we don't go where everybody else go we don't do what they do we don't look like we don't talk like up we don't trash like if we are the proud out people of God and it's when we desire a meant to be like everybody else that we start to mess up and falter that's because now amen the pressure to conform overcomes us and then here we go forsaking the God that brought us out amen and living according to the standards of a world that don't have the power to keep us the devil is a liar I keep trying to tell you that when God brings you out and God changer when God deliver sure hey man best don't even you've been saying and being ashamed of what it is that you have that's why the Apostle said I'm not ashamed for the gospel of Christ because it is the power of God unto salvation okay after what that believes it but now you can't be saved and be sorry about it you can't be save and scared to stand up and tell the world that you know who Jesus is if you're gonna be saved you are owning every Roger goal you ought to be proud to be a child of God fold your child in your home right now the street the family reunion y'all gonna get quad home vacation at somebody else's wedding you ought to stand up and be proud to be a child of the king I wish I could look through this house tonight and finally Shipton I love you I'm not ashamed to be a holy then huh Amen I'm not ashamed to be holy Amen you got to understand that we were never created to fit in with a free party Alex God never wanted us to be a part of the in-crowd cuz somebody cries the whole crowd going to hell y'all gonna get quieter tonight Amen God didn't call us amen to be like everybody else but God said I'm Oded she when I created you shun to you to be a special child of the king that's what you are you are a special child of the King and you know when you see Kings kids royalty they don't look like everybody else [Music] Roy your kids don't they they don't dress like everybody else they don't eat where y'all gonna get cried you know royalty a man who lives at a higher level listen that's what holiness is y'all don't get quiet can I talk here hey man somebody came here's ago and they looked at a sectional hey man we didn't even know that holiness churches could have a church we put all holding these churches with storefronts they only had about five members and somebody came here and when they left they rode back and Asia I've been telling everybody that that is my class holiness not that don't mean hey man it's a different time to holiness what they're trying to tell you hey man is that they see that holiness is really a lifestyle you got to look up to because so many times people look down on you that big because you hold it you can't have nothing you can't go nowhere Amen you just bound by rules found by regulation but you know what I tell him all the time it's not about the rule and the regulation I could do if I wanted to do it Amen but when I got the Holy Ghost I couldn't be filled with the Holy Ghost a whole bunch of desires for the other stuff so I gave up all them wallet desires and you feel me with the Holy Ghost now things I used to do don't want to do that stuff no more get somebody look at your neighbor and tell him he took the wall too out of me oh I could still go down if I wanted to I could still if I want it to the problem is Oh see that's the thing when you get shaving full of the Holy Ghost you're so busy doing the stuff that you can do that you ain't got time to worry about the stuff that you can't do you know what I'm worried about now I'm worried about please at the lower that I've learned about lipid hold it we worry about door knocking quiet hey what about going nowhere that ain't got no business going which I'll do for pellet ah speaking culture that's the Spirit of God give the other righteousness holy cow I could joy out of serving no you ain't saying that didn't see we gotta get back for we have to have all this other stuff just got joy out of serving God look coming to the house of the Lord see now that that's how Christians a menu sir I used to have a good time seeing somebody else shaved and delivered that's what we call a good time but now you got to have all this other stuff you gotta have a single's ministry yo in saying that listen ain't in Rome minute Amen of you teaching them how to be single in holy good I prefer minute here Amen but listen if you got all this other stuff and that's what you got to have or else you can't serve God then you really ain't got it like the Bible pay you something I'll be in the car by myself and I'm having the time of my life gotta have a whole bunch of poke organoids I got to do well the Lord brought me what the Lord is doing in my life and I get shy when I think about what he's done what no he got to help God and all I got to have his God and so conscience to never called you to depend on every thing else sin that stuff I'll tell does not validate the life of a child of God if they accept me good if they don't not my problem see y'all can quiet again now this is the generation that just gotta be liked by everybody Lord I'm somebody said it the other night they post a picture on Instagram and you don't like the picture you better not bring it up in conversation I saw y'all went on vacation today you did well that's funny I didn't see where you liked it now we are valid based on who likes us who speaks well of us y'all is anything who comes around us who's willing to hang out with us listen let me tell you something the world don't have to like you yo ain't shame of it and that don't mean you ain't worth nothin either you know what I'm telling people time to teach you what real value is Yahweh's saying that if you gotta sit there teach somebody how you lose you are you wasting your path if they can't look at you and see that you're worth it you ain't got to jump through hoops and turn flips and cut monkeyshine Amen just to get somebody to know this shoot you ought to stop trying to trade your respect for some attention because that's what's going on everybody just won't attention everybody just want to be noticed but you know what I better be respected then the be recognized organ quad good I preach it huh cuz whether they recognize you or not as long as they can look at your life and see that the shut that holy about you that's how that's you underneath it's not whether they pat you on the back or not if they can see Christ in your life then you are successful so now everything is about being noticed be light and being accepted but that's not what God called us to do he called us out of darkness are y'all listening to me he called us out of the world and he shat us apart now when you see that word set apart that word simply means sanctified when God sets you apart that means he has divine in you separated you from everything else and has placed in a category oh by your cell you don't belong to every other category that people will try to put you in y'all ain't saying nothing here none o you that's why I tell them you are a Christian first and foremost stop letting people put you in all of these other categories and Oliver listen I am a Christian I'm a child of the king I am a son of God Loen stand up in here before I'm a Democrat or Republican or independent I am a Christian while y'all hearing me amen everything that I do I'm not measuring Christianity but the other stuff I got going on I'm measuring everything else I got going hoarder my relationship with God an additional conform for the relationship that I have with card and an attached co-payment because at the end of the tape I'm just trying to be shame I'm trying to be holy I wanna make it in so God said I called you out and I called you with a holy coal hold you out with a purpose and you know the sad reality of our times now is that there are people who will not accept a member call of God they won't accept that being separate and being apart from everything else they are still so connected to this world and even though they're sane the world is willin Everman just but Russia pulled them to come back and do pizza the way the world does is y'all get quiet that's the way the church world is now Amen used to be a time when the church understood the importance of been separated from the world you can't expect no matter to get like you with you already got like you're gonna show them shopping that pain don't happen that's why he says come out from among them and be separate no you you know the importance of being separated from the world people gotta be able to look at you and see something different they gotta be able to look at your that I can recognize that that's something else going hold up but I don't have but when you want that laughing and hang it out rhythm y'all getting quiet here and laughing that they dirty jokes ha and doing all this on the crazy shop and when it's time for you to get serious then you want them to forget about all that carnality and then won't them accept you as a mend of God God is calling boys separated why are y'all listen to what I'm trying to tell you what you know I'm finding out I'm finding out that the one problem that I'm seeing that's coming in so many different situations and scenarios is that we'll just live it in a time where people don't have a conviction somewhere along the line for to call themselves church people lost their connection he never seen so many people don't know nothing is this wrong well it ain't for me to see don't nobody know a burger so he did all of this talking and you clueless as to what he thinks about stuff how is it that you can sit down and say well it ain't for me to say he already said it are you that cowardly that you can't even repeat what he already is [Applause] see that's that pressure Japan poem you don't want to have no matter feelings you don't want to be disliked you don't want to being invited but the question is amen are you doing what God told you to do he said I told you to be light that will shine get the midst of a dark and a dismal well if you can't even stand up a god hold up he said listen if the South has lost its savor it is good for nothing I always say nothing see this where y'all get angry at me because there's a bunch of good-for-nothing people no it cannot preach here Amen too scared to stand up to stand to take a position too scared to say thus saith the Lord because they want to be the knight and they want to be a chapter but if it's around you have an obligation to say that it's wrong it's not a holy you have an obligation flap flip it and declare what a hold of this is huh jesus said if you're so what you have allows your shaver then you are good for nothing now see that's that kind of preacher the folk say that's why I don't go to his change now you know what him by treasure no way so that's where we are people who have no conviction you know what a conviction is it is the state of being convinced of something erroneous or being compelled to admit to the truth that's what a conviction is to know when something is wrong and I don't care what nobody tell you everything ain't right to do see we got this thing going on now hi yo liver that came infringe upon my Liberty have you got the right to do what you want to do I got the right to do what I want to do can I say this to you none of us have the right to do anything that's not right all y'all hearing me I preach that a couple years ago and some of y'all got mad hey man you don't have a right to do the wrong look at somebody tell them neighbor you ain't got a right to do the wrong you may have the power to do it but that don't mean you have the right to y'all gonna get cry here hey man I got the power to run the stops but I got the right to do it when it comes down to rights and powers you may have the power to do something that God said not to do that don't mean you right to do it and so that's where we are people without a conviction who look at life and just right to do this and you know what not everything is right to do Northy in church singing in the choir and she still have no conviction preaching without a conviction you always ending it anything go just got through shouting and go right to your house and then got no conviction watching anything on TV and I see that trying to figure out now all these people shouting and speaking in tongues why did that hold it goes go when you turned it on Cinemax after dark sin a max after dark well was that holy ghost that hat you hold up on the floor music going out five minutes ago you still up there just going just everybody else in town hoping you be quiet and you can still fit into there and you just so full and so on as you go home no protection that boy y'all getting quiet on me you got the power to shout but don't have the power to stop watching online you got enough power y'all gettin quad let's go pick up 200 of them house run a brown away around on this chat but then get to the house and don't even have enough power to stop drinking liquor what happened to your connection what I've been quiet over there let me come back to this side you know what God is looking for he's looking for somebody that has a connection come if you have a conviction then the bridge ain't got the powder you around everything the shades ain't gotta be bad if they don't do it you're just don't do it because he made me it's because I got a prediction of yo e get quite up in here and ask him either what happened to the confection see I'm learning now people think God is taking breaks he meant what he said every other day oh yeah except on your wedding day North they getting quiet now you know st. says that even get married and all this other stuff the Saints got married you knew they were Saints I shouldn't have a Saints you look at a wedding picture they wedding dress had a turtleneck on it [Applause] is walking down a house train just [Applause] sleeves down today risk and then had clouds on but now there's a shall I go naked spirit running through the land [Applause] and stuff that should only been seen on the honeymoon you said it not now see y'all getting that where the Saints gonna help me preach this tonight cousin [Applause] God don't take breaks if it's holiness every other day of the year then it's holy this on your birthday it's how do this hold you'll have a bachelorette it's holiness on the 4th of July look at Joe and Shan nothing here if you would walk up and down the streets of Dallas showing out of your flesh then you are not showing on your vacation either what happened to your conviction [Applause] see I'm done finding out people they got conviction they just scared to get caught so as soon as they 50 miles outside of the city with no Saints lil then they can do whatever but look at y'all getting quiet and mad at the same time don't jump up now I'm trying to figure out you got people now trying to spin up everybody else split but then they go on to the beach putting on the two-piece what happened to your conviction what now y'all are y'all mad or something well y'all better straighten it up over here I come down now [Applause] what happened see as a pastor it's a troubling thing because you get a chance to sit back and see who feels like because you haven't said something in the last two three months that's your opinion of it has changed listen you don't do it because your pastor said it you do it because that's what God said and I keep telling you stop telling people I don't go there because my pastor said we don't go there I don't do this because my pastor head we don't do that ain't got nothing to do with your pastor do you bet here that five or six years you wanna have a conviction your shelf you ought to stop dog that's the problem you got a bunch of polka trying to please the pastor but they're not trying to please God you pay trees me y'all ways share nothing here because my earnest desire for poor gospel is that she be shaved [Applause] or trying to do it become the pastor dies might follow me and you forget that the eyes of the law in every place there is this pressure to conform you got a whole lot of people that have been operating but have no conviction you know what the problem the reality of the situation he just let me talk them out of some stuff that's all they came over here heard what the preacher said and I just talked them out of doing it but it ain't they conviction what y'all done got quite again they just they heard me and I guess I said it with such force they said I better stop that but the heart didn't change ah so so what what that means is that if I could talk you out of it then somebody else can talk you right back into listen but if it's a what's a manager but if it's your conviction you can go from here to Australia and you go live the same panel holiness okay what shot you go to if it's your conviction when you leave one change up your take that standard of holiness what's your happy where you don't have your share nothing here but what's happening now that's so much pressure well you don't do this freshen yeah well you don't wet it pressure who told y'all y'all had to live like that pressure trying to get you to lose what's so special about you that's why you've got to clean out your mind see the thing is and aw Tozer said it he said that in order to do right we must think right see what what's happening now we have allowed people to plant seeds in our money we done set and gave people a place of prominence and importance that they don't even deserve how did their opinion end up mattering so much to you how did somebody else's opinion change your life people just Bowl like that they feel like you ought to conform to what they think you should look like the places they think you should go the clothes they think you look good it girl look at you you're just 20 years old got all them nice legs and you cover them up they don't even make sense to cover all of them nice legs you got there's gonna be a time when you can't show them like you can show them not so why you gotta you might as well floor them oh did somebody else's opinion cause you to deviate from your standard and the problem is everybody got an opinion so at the moment that you shot reinvent yourself based on what everybody Ashley you will never pick out who you are commands are matter come along they got your changing to do this got your doing that catch up initial got to talk listen after wow you got the shot Who am I going to be you don't know who you are go to God and let God show you who he created shooter never somebody had the nerve to walk up to me one day and says you know posit how Bishop I don't even mean he's funny but now out of a hollow sushi well this one is my least favorite really what out of all the different hairs you got it home in your closet this one now see now so why did your opinion matter but mine didn't so you know what they teach you to keep your opinion to yourself cuz everybody got an opinion you got one of me and I got one of you if you know what to him I keep yours I just just I don't know why yeah I don't know why you keep wearing that tie really so wheezes gonna spin our opinions on each other everybody got an opinion that's why you got to know who you are cuz the reality is I didn't buy this suit to impress you go in salmon I liked it like I smell I bought it because it's what I wrote it and I didn't think about you when I pout it cuz you want that a swipe your card now next time you buy me a suit and talk about the suit you about me but if you ain't dying then why does your opinion matter and listen when they come to live in holy if they didn't bow for you you fade in a hang breathing for you then why do they have such a place of importance in your life turn around how did you end up giving away that much importance pressure to conform stop letting people plant those seeds in your mind something you gotta brush out sometimes you got to put people in they please y'all ain't saying nothing here cuz you got some new demon see these demons are PO demon you know focus y'all get quiet I never seen people as bold as they are in they attack you got pumped that'll walk up to you and run they seen the suit y'all had to try to figure out is it your ass care that no prettier than alright just a ball Damon you're not as a demon cuz he's trying to get you up [Applause] he come the chaos the devil try to get you this strong I don't do this kind of stuff clean out your mind stop like the enemy print these seeds in your head shrim the devil out and kill him I'm living the life that I love and I'm loving the life that I live and I'm not changing because you don't like it I'm gonna shape because holiness saved my life later have nothing to say with you without that with a needle in your arm all night an ally they didn't say nothing when you didn't have a church home and you was drunk every Sunday morning but the moment you clean yourself up and get whole it and get rooted in God not everybody got an opinion as to what church you ought to go to John I would go over there let him people over ain't nothing but a cold look at how you dress it now as long as you were showing your badge and your brush and your hips y'all get glad they didn't have no problem with you but the moment you stop showing that cleavage got it live it in your scrap now all of a sudden you don't got a hold this up now no something got a hold to me stop allowing the enemy to plant seeds in your mind you gotta clean this coat clean this out because as long as he can fight you in your mind you're gonna start comparing yourself I look at them over there they get to do this look at them they pastor let them do this look at that church over that that pastor don't preach against that stuff and they look like they're having so much fun really we're brothers and sisters it's not about what it looks like see thank god knew and that take somebody tell him not you that I'm the person sitting next to you yeah yeah yeah but God knew some of you can go to no week Church cuz you were to run the preacher over some of you would have been sending suggestive messages for next Sunday up there to the pulpit every week next Sunday I think you should preach about this and I would really love to hear you talk about this oh you have been threatening the man if you keep that up now I'm telling you you're gonna lose this type air but God said nah some ear too hard hit it you discovered you can't go to no church where you can run somebody over God had to send you somewhere whatever the brick Wow go stand in front of you God had to send you somewhere with some other ones scared are you scared to look you in your eye and tell you it's holiness or hell and you are appreciate God can I keep trying to tell you God called me for a reason and God call me with the purpose and my purpose is to make sure that you get to heaven by any means necessary look at somebody and tell her we going to heaven over here and I keep telling you you are going to heaven if I gotta kick you through the day top you don't get pass because that's my job go ahead keep comparing yourself cuz the more you compare the greater the pressure to conform because once you start comparing yourself to everybody else then you're having to compete with the idea that you formed in your own head and I keep saying just some of you in competitions you don't even know about because people are comparing themselves to you and every time you get something new they get some new every time you get your hairstyle done differently they don't get the same thing and you keep looking up saying huh that look familiar you are even realize you in a competition and the devil is trying to show you everything and everybody else to get you to start comparing yourself because once you start comparing yourself then you start competing with everybody around you you want to do what they do you want to look have they look I mean I I seen them shouting so they must be saved really because the Bible said bodily exercise probably what do shouting me everything got breath can not see everything got breath can praise a lot cuz he woke everybody up and if a sinner lifts a hands and say Lord thank you for waking me up this morning he they owe him that praise because he's done it but I'm asking you what about the life what about the relation ship with God what about that see we're looking because we want to enjoy it all of this other stuff these frills and these things that we look at and we say what that's benefit to them why why how important do you think some of this stuff is gonna be if God send Jesus back tonight and snatched us up out of this world and all of this stuff that you wouldn't compromise for how important would that be much importance would you place on going here and going there if Jesus came back tonight you mean you'd get to heaven standing right out the gate say wait a minute hold it can't go in yet cuz I didn't get to go down why heaven is robbery can't come in yet cuz I never got to wear that other stuff I get an angel singing and I see colors that I can't even begin to describe I see golden streets but I ready for that yet until I go over here you mean to tell me that you can look at heaven and then think that heaven is robbery unless you get to do this and get to do who told you that stuff wasn't safe this is the same trick that devil been pulling since the beginning just showing you stuff and making it look appealing - and listen can I tell you the truth some of this stuff you going for you really don't want it you think you do but a whole lot comes with it and I'm telling you now if you could rewind the hands of time she'd slap that snake out the tree and keep on moving not today devil you think you want this but there are consequences that you ain't ready for and I look around and let me hasten I don't even get into this tonight I've got two pages and didn't get another but I look around and I start to look and see how hard is getting for some people to just hold on the god I mean they testify and strong for one body bringing people to church they in the choir they're shouting they come in the sunday-school huh I mean just don't involving themselves past if you need anything I just want to do a work for the nod the next thing you see is them hanging out whatever it backslider that done left the church and it's not gonna take long before they stop coming and you know what some of them are looking at where they left the church and look like they're doing pretty good and God is blessing straighten you out that's why Paul said we don't count gain as godliness just because somebody is enjoying some prosperity what does that mean what does that mean if they died tonight what would that money really what did they accomplish what do they have y'all don't get me got a bank account so poor they have to get a shot good one because the amount they had in the past one wasn't insured up to that amount got to get another one make sure the AFD I see is insuring my money got this one it's stacking this up then you look at him they put that credit cards every time you see them then the mall with a bunch of bags and got all this stuff and you looking at and the devil is telling you they love then doing that they living like petty that ain't even as strict as you are but look God is still blessing them who said that's a blessing see what you think is a blessing could just be a bride well y'all insane that you you gotta know the difference between a blessing and a pride now y'all done got quiet the talks about it and tell me but you gotta know the difference between the blushing and a bride the Blackson of the Lord make a ranch and don't have no Sheriff a prime is gonna get you in the end because Shannon is never gonna give you something nothing you'll then walk out of Christ and go out there just because they got a business and it looked like their flourishing they ain't living holiday they used to go to the same church I went to and they left and went to another church now they can dress like anything now they can go anywhere now they can say all of this they listen it is and they got this going and look like God is blessing them you are crazy gonna tell you some brothers and sisters sons and daughters Republicans Democrats and libertarians you don't leave the standard of God and go up you go in sand up no you don't leave God and go up if you leave God you're in sand nothing it I don't care if the wind hits you just right they look like they're going up it's just a matter of time before sin catches up with you unless it as long as you got God why are you sitting there looking at what somebody else got and Biggins you're not blessed unless you're blessed like them and you can hit your knees and gotta touch your child that's lambda shape then you got something big god [Applause] stop comparing because when you compare you compete and when you compete you'll end up conforming and there's pressure to get like every body else oh I see it and it's so sad that people can't stand back and survey the scene because when you're looking at it is clear as day you see I'm about to run into the wall but they can't see that wall they can see it because they're so enamored by what's going on in everybody else's life but child of God God called us to be a holy nation royal priesthood a peculiar people that we may show like the praises of him that have called us out of darkness and into that marvelous light what happened to the conviction the power of conviction seems in so many people to have given way to the pressure to control you look at churches now churches that used to stand flat-footed for holiness now they have changed the whole character of the church pastor's wife used to dress right you should look like a woman of God and now in third Sunday everybody wearing blue jeans and white t-shirts to church and I'm trying to figure out how did the hold of this church get like this how did we figure we have to conform to keep people coming to the holiness listen you don't ever conform the standards of God you you never conform to the standards of the world and leave the standards of God behind and who was it one of the big newspapers I told you this I still got it in my phone because I couldn't believe it one of the largest newspapers in this country printed an article a couple of months ago and the article said liberal churches are dying conservative churches or thriving I said Nathan some God has used this newspaper for once to print the truth liberal churches are dying conservative churches why y'all sit there looking like y'all want me to hurry up and be quiet conservative churches are private and I started thinking about that I'm trying to understand elder what is this why is it that even this newspaper can admit to that what are you saying look and the Lord dropped a thought in my heart liberal churches are always trying to conform to the latest style the latest standard that's the reason why if this generation love t-shirts then we were in t-shirts but when the next generation come in with a different style that church if it's gonna stay relevant it's got to change this whole star why else it loses its importance it loses its appeal but a conservative you're in sin real true churches that are built on the scripture we ain't giving people passion for it's not a poem about in this we're giving you the Word of God and I don't care how fashions change I don't care how styles change holiness it's always I'm gonna be in style with the conservative Church let the start change it ain't gonna bother nobody in here because we're not built on that we're building the word and if the why don't change we still don't stay so why walking for them what change who you are why would you allow the devil to pour you out just so you can be like somebody else I'm sorry this is tried and tested you can't get me somebody I'll thank y'all the only things rain I do think this don't the thing ran one thing right for me this only I can I can't go the way up I'm sorry cuz I know where God put me you may think your church is the only thing right for you and it might be I never told people you gotta leave you'll check the comfort now for a gospel a throne in church that's preaching the truth of the word of God come on now if that was the case then we wouldn't even get the job done cuz we just want we can't reach everybody God's got people all over the world are y'all hearing what I'm telling you God's got people all over Dallas all over Texas all over the world and compared to everything else it may look like it's only a few of us but it's enough of us to get the job done hey man and show it somebody else might say that church is the only thing right for them and it might be but whatever you do you just spit with holiness stick with the standard of God listen we got a stop on it is isolated and check one day you're over here and I said let me keep on talking I've never in my life seen so many older people who are unstable not usually when a person get about 55 and you know somewhere in there pretty stable you look at the people who join churches generally they're about 50 years of age and under because by the time you 55 you doesn't been in the church so long Charlie can't pry you out of there but I'm looking at older people who losing that standard come on all this time you've been raising your kids in holiness and then once they get up and leave God and go out there and start experiencing stuff here you go following your gift now come on now come on you have got to be kidding you you how you gonna dress like your daughter you are 55 years oh come on now how did the devil tell you where y'all live never convince some of these people that you look good and stuff your daughter well I mean after you get a certain age you can't keep reinventing yourself you ought to know who you are and and you know that just that kind of make you wonder I ain't saying I'm a psychiatrist or a psychologist or whoever else can handle that kind of stuff but not if every time I see you you look completely different there's something right I saw your Sunday you had hair down your back to thing you got short hair Saturday night is shortened Brown and Sunday morning is going to be shoulder lit listen now and I'm trying to figure out a very politically correct way to say this but not after you get a certain age you can't keep reinventing yourself you ought to figure out who you are and you ought to be stable from that point on why do you feel like you have you know what because you're comparing and you have a whole lot of older people comparing themselves to younger people in feeling like I missed up and I missed out on stuff and now they're competing and they're conforming to the standards of the younger generation listen your grandmother come on me ma come on come on come on up now listen listen God expect more out of you come on now come on a few years ago Holley young girls running black and white stripes with that pink top and you look up and you some 50 some year-olds wearing black and white shirt come on Nana and granny and all these listen with you got folk calling you Nana and then Big Mama and all the cat things you got to come on up out of there come on now you sixty years old walk through the ball and see a bunch of sixteen year olds that y'all dressed just alike somebody pull out your phone pull out your phone cuz this ain't supposed to be well that's the way it is when church people look up and we're trying to be like other people you should have been laughs and says I child that's ridiculous but a 65-year want to be dressing like somebody 17 hahaha well it's just as ridiculous for you to have been brought out of sin by the powerful hand of God and some of you listened don't let the devil make you start thinking crazy and acting crazy you know what kind of deliverance it took to get you say some of that stuff some of us would I listen to somebody's testimony that I'm trying to figure out at all how him be wild hippo talk about shooting drugs and it I heard one man say he shot so much drugs until his veins collapsed and when he couldn't find nowhere else to shoot he was shooting all between his toes and shooting at his navel and shooting in other places that she can't mention on the pulpit and I'm trying to figure out how in the world did she live out there like that what kind of existence was that you see that look at my bank ain't buy one who will what and you were that round but God brought you out you know the strength of the deliverance that it took to get you safe and now you're saved and you're gonna take a chance on going back now you want to be like everybody else listen there's a reason you got saved in the first place that's the reason you might act like you forgot about it there's a reason you came to the Lord but the devil don't put his hands on your mind now print no seeds and now that's this pressure to conform Lord I wish I could have at least got some of these other scriptures and you know what I'm gonna do it get me at you didn't close your Bibles digit oh I thought he was finished I'm oh I'm gonna get her she always hot and preach preaching and she ain't gotta never do after church all right Lord Exodus 34 y'all don't mind do you Exodus 34 in 12 get it and read it real quick take you to thyself take heed to thyself let's not make a covenant till this now unless be careful because if you're not you'll end up making a covenant with the inhabitants of the land with the people in this land and family we are in this world but we are not of this this is not our home and you know I told you I've heard a preacher once say that they hired him as a youth pastor at another church and when he went that one interview with the pastor the pastor tell him this I think I love the way you're articulate I love your presentation you have the job I want you to come on board us as my youth pastor my youth leader he says but here here's my card going buy you some new clothes he said when the pastor told him that he got offended because he looked at him and said what's wrong with the way I dress I dressed fine did you mean it ain't nothing wrong with the way I dress this is just me this is who I am and these ain't no Papa clothes in a way these clothes cost some money he said the pastor looked at him and the pastor said but when I hired you you no longer represent it you now you represent me I didn't bring you over here to dress like you own a dress I need you to look like me and act like me because when you go places you're going to represent me and if I'm not there then you will be the me that I would be if I was there and since I won't be there I depend on you to represent me and not your self and I don't care what you think about what you got going on but this is nice and I listen when you get saved you don't represent you no more you represent God men have to see your good works and give glory to who thank God so you don't represent you in MA so what are you complaining about you are bound with a prize tell me God can't tell you what to do somebody tell you to get up at 5:30 and get the work and you do it every single morning I need you to work weekends I don't want to every good I do it you know why cuz you're scared they don't fire you they control your whole life tell you what a park when parking spaces are stay out of can't park up here you got a point that day in the garage and you do everything they want you to do but then come to church and act like ain't nobody tell me nothing did we get bored now see y'all gonna make me preach again how did we get like this you go to the doctor he'll tell you to take all your clothes up and sit on that table and you'll sit up there and do all that and then come to church came out to tell me what to wear you didn't say that why are you sitting on the table naked now see come on common sense ain't that common read the inhabitants of the land and habitants of the land whither thou goest read lest it be for a snare is going to feel snare for you if your keep trying to conform is gonna catch up with you out the wild read but ye shall destroy their altars haha break their images ah and cut down their groove please for thou that worship no other God thou shalt not wash up any other God for the Lord uh-huh whose name is jealous is a jealous God Lord God is a jealous God God no evil won't you sit listen if you got God on one side and every worldly pleasure on the other why is that a competition in your heart see the problem is not necessarily what do you think about this the problem is why is that so important to you how did all this other stuff come to a place where you're competing in your heart with all of this other stuff God is saying come out and you said yeah Lord but how did this worldly stuff become so important that it's now rivaling the love you got to go how how and so we've got the search God said something went wrong you were in a land and you start looking at everything that's going around you with all these other people and now you want to do what they do something went wrong real quickly let's now make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land huh and they go a whoring after their gods see and once you start making a covenant with these people in the land after Wow you gonna lose your own core beliefs and you're going to start believing like they believe see but I ain't gonna do everything I don't want to do a hold of that I just want to do this but a little leaven leaveneth the whole them and once you start even doing that little bit that just makes it so convenient for you to do everything else all somebody say years ago Charlie possum Erick tell us tomorrow then we can wear this I'm gonna go find me a place open after church and I'm gonna have it on by the time I get back to church Sunday morning well if that's the way you feel about it you might as well do it cuz it's in your heart anyway it is in your heart he said you start changing what you believe read and do sacrifice unto their gods huh and one call thee and thou eat of his sacrifice we and thou take of their daughters unto thy son when you start marrying these Lord that's a whole another sermon cuz you got some folk now I'm trying to figure out what happened to your conviction and the where you end up marrying somebody wouldn't say when the Bible says be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers for light has no fellowship with the it didn't say it had little fellowship or you can behind fellowship he said it has no fellowship with darkness what happened to your conviction you don't believe in doing it but you're gonna marry somebody that'll do it a house divided against itself cannot stand sometimes people come Lea vampires you don't understand he's saying I said but what did he believe man he don't believe like me you know he don't believe in the Holy Ghost in Ireland so so when your your knees praying and the spirit move on you what you gonna do really so you're gonna marry somebody don't even believe in you speaking in tongues and you shave in st. the bank and get on your knees next to the bed have to cover your mouth so you can utter as the Spirit of the Lord gives you come on now what happened your conviction what happened to it you know understand deposit you got somebody I'm 50 years old hey guys know that I gotta hop on the next bus cuz the next one might be the last bus listen I'd rather walk never get on the bus with some guy to go run into a wall come on now what happened with yoga diction y'all stand to you because some of y'all look like y'all don't want me to come on stand what happened to your conviction if you don't do it you just don't do it if you don't wear it you just don't wear and I'm trying to figure out how these folks have been saved longer than I've been alive changing and deviating what happened to your conviction hey people felt like when Apostle Mary went home to get his reward Oh ain't no ending where are no young man gonna pass that he gonna keep the same standard ain't no way into your nobody talkin for me on a radio station they had a hot summer y'all heard it they had a whole segment well none of the postulo be as merry as gone that young man has taken a do y'all think he's going to be able to keep that church with the same standard that it had for the past 50 years why was that even a subject of conversation I'm Carvalho are you listening to the radio huh they saying this what do you hit it jesus said if you don't believe me for nothing else just sit back and watch what I do just watch what I do see that's the difference when you have a conviction then when you're just trying to please a pastor see I didn't live like that because a possum era was looking at me I live like that because it was my conviction he don't have to be here for me to live holy thank God for what he did while he was here but with the Lord counted home if I didn't have a conviction of my own and I just start trying to do some different stuff but I have a conviction and I'll still believe that holiness is still right every head bowed every eye closed if there's one here tonight you're not saved you don't know the Lord in the partner of your sin I want you to come come on hallelujah you need the Lord to change your life I want you to come come some of us don't know what in the world of a leave this one over here he got a good conversation so we believe that today this one over here say something we don't understand they didn't blew our minds so we're going that way next week listen after why you got to get rooted and grounded solid in your convictions so you can go on and do the will of God if there's another I want you to come if you need to hold it ghost I want you to come because the Holy Ghost is that keeping power that you're gonna need in order to live this life come on is that another cup they're coming come on is there nothing you can come now you have a need in your life I want you to come we'll pray with you tonight give me a clean Oh
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 38,399
Rating: 4.8658009 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: hzbo5BEVHzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 31sec (4531 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2017
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