FGHT Dallas: Jesus Is Coming Again

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I wish I could get somebody to throw your head back and call his name Jesus good [Music] they told him to call Jesus he'll answer your prayer I just believe something that it called him it he showed up that versus seems like the glow I call them the better I feel I wish I could get some batter throw your head back reach way down deep and call it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] the spot in the satellite Treach of the fifth [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my favorite teacher makes everything alright [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] flip your hands just get me the prettiest lift your hands everybody oh he's here he is here the SC is come on [Music] Oh bless His Holy Name [Music] [Music] sweet anointing in the sanctuary there is a stillness in the atmosphere in the sanctuary God is he come on help me there is nice we yes sir no I think in the statue there is the sage who Aragon let your hand slip your hand speak Lord speak they speak Lord feet oh I feel him rising in the house speak Lord speak yeah begone speak to my mind my mind or speak to my spirit chief and let me know it's gonna be all right cow speak about situation are I know that - hey well yeah sure [Music] sweetly sweet Jesus so bottle if your hands up and ask him speak to me and you don't speak to me you don't speak to Behar long no that's been to around him [Music] where else can I go speak loud [Music] speech in the speeches calmly now [Music] piranhas you have carry this too heavy buddy and the sanctuary [Music] he is he Oh calmly now you may be seated take your seat buttons you have Kaveri for him the statue god he's here Oh calm down [Music] Brown until you have Perry [Music] and the santuary oh I feel him in the room he/she whatever you want and me leave your hands ring see he's here right now oh I feel it my feeling what ever you want and leave live your hands wreaths [Music] I can't be down to one it feels his presence in that house whatever you wanted me [Music] all of your hand [Music] he's here oh I'm feeling moving in the room in the room [Music] all if your hand [Music] started a easier oh yes he as he is for air see hey he's here right now Oh placed and see that the Lord that the Lord is good he's here right now well ah he's here he's here he's here right now how do you know easier bishop I fill him on in the soul get them all on the inside or is he as he is he's here right now [Music] [Music] let God arise let his enemies be scattered one more time he's here I'm now whip your hair bring [Applause] [Music] somebody just look up toward heaven and just tell the lot of things tell em I needed that wouldn't thank you lord I needed that touch god bless you you may be seated I believe somebody's ready to hear what God is saying I believe that's what singing should do should prepare the hearts of the hero [Music] get them in the mind to hear and to receive what God is saying swanny we certainly honor hear men we give honor to whom honor is due thank God for saving me and sanctifying me to the truth thank God for the baptism of the Holy Ghost anybody been baptized with the Holy Ghost now let me ask you this because a whole lot of folks saying that do you have it like the Bible said a whole lot of folks been baptized in something but they ain't got it like the Bible says he meant but I think God for the power of the Holy Ghost and certainly one of the Lord for first lady today lady Danielle a man we appreciate the Lord but dr. Shirley Murray a man thing not for you to all of the wonderful men and women of God that are here into our visitors a man Seattle is here god bless you amen our friends from Seattle a man I believe Chicago is here amen and Illinois a man god bless you amen so happy or whatever you're from amen we appreciate the Lord for your coming and being in worship with us today this is four gospel holy temple a man we believe that holiness is still around don't we look at somebody until our neighbor holiness is still right a man that's what we believe and we govern our lie according to that a man that holiness is still right look at that same name and tell them there is a word from the Lord a man there is a word from the Lord and I am a lover of the Word of God amen I love it so much I brought mine with me and I hope and pray that you got yours with you you man come on hold that power up in the air thank God amen because everything else is going down but the word of the Lord amen the book of st. Matthew's Gospel can I just talk to you today a man st. Matthew's Gospel the twenty-fourth chapter and I want to call your attention to the 36th through the 44th verses amen st. Matthew 24 verse number 36 through verse number 44 a man and we appreciate the Lord for His Holy Word when you have it say man read what the Bible says but of that day and hour but up that day end of that hour knoweth no man no not the angels of heaven but my father only but my father only real but as the days of Noah were but as the days of Noah were so shall also the coming of the Son of man be read it for is in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking they were eating they were drinking marrying and giving in marriage they just continued old as normal until the day that Noah entered until one day normal was no more in one day everything that was novel ceased to be it all came down to one day until the flood came read and knew not until the flood came mm-hmm and took them all away breathe so shall also the coming of the Son of man so shall also the coming of the Son of man be read then shall two be in the field the one shall be taken and the other left read it two women shall be grinding at the mill the one shall be taken and the other left what's there for watch therefore for ye know not what hour your Lord does come read it but know this that if the Goodman of the house had known and what watch the thief would come he would have watched and would not have suffered his house to be broken up my god read therefore be ye also ready for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh read that again therefore be ye also ready be ye also ready for in such an hour who in such an hour as she think not as you think it's not going to happen the son of man coming that's when the Lord is going to catch you unprepared touch somebody and tell him he was talking to you he said be ye also ready y'all go help me for a moment or two and and I'll work my way through here if you pray touch the mat on the left and the right and tell him Jesus is coming again that's what I want to talk to you about Eve man it wouldn't have been wonderful if I had one of them three-tier topics and all of that fancy wording a man and all of that stuff that makes you jump up and shout but if you can't shout at the fact that he's coming again and that's a good indication you may not be ready for the Lord to come he's coming just like he said that it was not only they're coming but he's coming again which means he's been here he's done a work and I keep trying to tell people everywhere I go Jesus is not coming to establish a church he did that the first time he's not coming amen the next time to build a church but a rather the Bible says he's coming to receive unto himself a glorious church without a spot or without a wrinkle or without a blemish or anything like that he's coming for a hole and people somebody that have made themselves ready for his return amen thank God for you hey man we're looking now at an age a man that is quickly coming to an end we're looking at a generation that for all intents and purposes just might be the final generation amen to live and to occupy this world before the coming again of the Lord when we look around and we see the things that are taking place now anybody that is sober minded anybody that is clear thinking can understand that what we are looking at are the birth pains a man of something that is just over the horizon we understand Amen that even though the times are very serious that we are living in a generation that just loves to play Amen a generation that cares nothing for the time they men they have no real understanding of the season in which we are living that's the reason why a man beans are continuing just like they have been when we look a man at what's going on now we see a member love a mini waxing Co we see earthquakes in diverse places and it seems like these things are getting worse and the worst y'all gonna get quiet even I'm a preacher in a way hey man seems like hey man these opportunities amen for God to speak by coming away too often now but yet and still nobody seems to be able to read the handwriting on the wall what we're hearing now and what we're seeing now a man is a people who love to explain away all of God's Moving's and his feelings are with men but we're seeing now a man is what do they call it a mem the weather patterns that are just going crazy now global warming is responsible for all of the things that we're seeing rather than saying this is God trying to wake up a sleeping the humanity but let them know that Jesus is coming again so you've got to understand that what God has done God has commissioned of the church now a man he has commissioned every one of us to do the work of the kingdom for go out there and to compel man the man to go and make disciples of all men I want you to realize brothers and sisters that it is so easy now for us to want to travel around the world and carry this gospel but might not share with you that there are people in your house and in your family and on your job that needs to know that God a man is able to deliver we're trying to go and be missionaries in other lands but I'm finding that now amen we need some folks from other countries to come to America amen and bring the loss back to a right place and I don't care quiet y'all get up appreciate that you've got to understand this is not the time to play this is not the time amen to get last a lackadaisical and your walk with God this is the time now to look up because I have a Redemption the drawing nigh the Bible says it like this for now is our salvation nearer and no when we first believed Madame telomeric Jesus is coming again yeah our job now is not to make people get saved and you know I used to struggle with had enough I still have issues many times when I preach the word and that's the reason I tell you all the time don't come the church without a Bible because I need you to know that what I'm preaching to you is found in the Word of God you know I approached your friend of mine told me said Bishop I was at a church for nine years he said I never once even open my Bible we were never even told to turn to this scripture he said we took the preachers word for everything that was supposed you can never take a man's word for what God is and that's the reason I don't talk about holy food talk about a man for a gospel they do this and they do that in the preacher this and the preacher that listen but the one thing you never hear them say is that that man in preaching the truth y'all gonna get quiet man you'll never hear them saying he lying and folk I'll tell you why hey man because if I can't prove it in the Word of God I don't preach it hey man you know what God is saying he's coming again [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] the Bible said he would leave and [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] because we're right here now we have a place brothers and sisters amen when the Bible man correctly characterized our generation and said that before the coming of the day of the Lord there must of necessity be a great falling away that's going to be the character of the generation amen that precedes the revealing the revelation of the Lord amen CAPRISA matter what we're in now we are in the midst of a wicked generation this generation now they want to do everything must feel clean but their same still claim and they feel with the Holy Ghost still clean that they're going back with Jesus with a cop but let me pay you some brothers and sisters but you know what we say what he wants me to be God well if God wants you healed and he can heal you then why's that God wants you right but he can't make you nobody gonna be perfect till we get well [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] which is in the heaven is perfect well Bishop are you saying you're perfect we preach this today and I told you this before create immense sense like an apple or an apple tree he says some branches have big apples elder some branches have little apples some of the apples that's gonna be red are still green different kind of apples on the tree now you look at a ripe Apple it's nice burn this red it's great in size but then you look at a baby Apple this green is smaller and it looks insignificant but that says when you look at how an Apple is supposed to look at two weeks old hey man it might only be like this an apple at a month and a half maybe like this but when I measure it according to where it's supposed to be in its stage of life Apple is supposed to be this big at two weeks old when I look at it and it's that big at two weeks old guess what that's a perfect because it's right on course according to its stage of development that's what perfection in the Spirit is it's that we're supposed to be according to our stage you know what the Bible said though he weren't perfect Jesus learned obedience through the things that he suffered now was Jesus perfect I said was he perfect well if he was perfect and still had some learning to do then why can't we be perfect and still have some learning Fidel I'm perfect relative to my stage of development so let's stop talking about that will never be perfect down here but once we get people to believe they stop trying and when they stop trying they stop growing and then a month and a half that the Apple is supposed to be this big but it's only this big it ain't got nothing to brag about for this generation it's falling away from the principles they throw in the pans off and now Hollywood is telling us what's acceptable in the church now let me tell you this I'm starting to get angry and you won't like me when I'm angry I saw a sign the other day that showed Jesus turning tables over in the temple and the caption on the sign said if Jesus did this today Christians would say he wasn't being christ-like and I thought about that if the real Jesus came back now and said the stuff that we see him saying in Scripture a whole lot of church folk was a he's not being christ-like he asked Christ what you talking about nah he was just about love he was loving and while he was calling them Vipers and dogs and everything else touch them how to tell the neighbors something I need to get delivered people I don't want Christ and that's the reason why when he comes they're not going to be ready let me ask you something what do you know about Jesus somebody I'll say he's all right besides that these are besides all that what are you really know about it what do you know about see the bishop he's a hill he's a doctor him the sickroom that's telling me what he can do for you what is it that he requires from you what does the Lord require of you you know what the Bible said God keep this commandment but this is the whole duty of man but these people now we're getting more wicked even in the church and that's why I keep telling you some things if listen if you see some stuff in four gospel holy temple you know I have died and go home to be with God because as long as I'm living this stuff ain't coming up in here [Applause] [Music] please don't hold it if you see some stop you know it's somebody else oh god you're getting quiet so now that's coming through the charts distracting people and their mind there's nowhere even near the fact that Jesus it's coming you know what we acted like rather like people don't be here forever all these from dying around you and we preach to the people like they gonna be here forever God God want you to be rich what God won't you rich huh nice and everybody hey man they're not gonna have a million dollar gonna have a million dollars but that God ain't telling their bad in the house I'm gonna give me an article someone named paying their tires now we gonna get you a million dollars for you to rob him that's what we're telling people now God wants you to have this and God God's wants you to live nice but above all of that God won't you ready so if you go to sleep and don't wake up in the morning all right god that if you're me Cho head why you still trying to build your house huh why you're still trying to get that promotion you know that everything is alright let me ask you something if Jesus was the Poti right now what could you say to the Lord what would you tell God but he says I want you to be also ready Genesis the 6th chapter read read read and he came to pass and it came the past can I read a couple of scriptures alright and if you don't want me to come shut me up ray when me and began to multiply on the face of the earth that when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born into their Reid and daughters were born unto them that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair not listen to some folks still I keep trying to tell you still believe this is the Angels that can't the Bible Jesus said angels wouldn't either created male nor female if they are not male nor female they don't have seed and the only thing that can impregnate a woman now some of y'all didn't pay attention in biology I'm really trying that's why two women angle never get the job done [Applause] we want to have a baby you know what they got to do they got to go get them a man or either they got to go to the bank and make a withdrawal because they can't do this by themselves this ain't talking about no angels he's talking about the sons of God the rights of seed read imma prove it and they took the wives of all which they chose and they took wives of all that they chose and the Lord said and the Lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man my spirit shall not always strive with man for that he also is flesh for that he also is flesh yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty a hundred and twenty years there not that that's how long he's gonna live that's how long it was to the flood ring there were giants in the end listen to what he said and there were giants it he never said the Giants came from this he said there were giants in those days and what is the next verse say and also after that after that when the sons of God came in when the sons of God came into the daughters so that means the Giants were already that because the sons of man didn't come into the daughters daughters of men until after that so afterwards when the sons of God came into the daughters of men read and they bear children to them then they bear children unto them but he says after that so stop saying that the Giants came as a result of angels mating with women that's a lie I don't know world I angel don't have a child if that was the case that our Lucifer had to do was get all the angels that fell with him to come down here and have sex and have one child or two children then go back up then have another war listen you think about Hercules and all of their mother for this is the Bible there were giants in that day already and afterward when the sons of God came in to the daughters of that happen somebody tell them do you know what afterwards means people just want to know some stuff read what the Bible says you can't you can't make it true just got that sound good read the same became mighty men which were of old the same became mighty men which were of old men of renown men of renown and God saw that the wickedness of man was great and here this God saw the wickedness of man was great in the earth I gotta go her in every imagination of the thoughts of every imagination of his heart was only evil continually that what we're seeing now people coming up with some crazy stuff men land with animals in brother and sisters two men and two women two y'all getting quiet a bishop they love each other what love is this their hearts that people now just coming up they trying to figure out what is the next level of wickedness they can attain to only evil continually read and they repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth really and it grieved him at his heart and look at it I want you to know sin grieves God that's the reason why you gotta stop this don't be in church I'm not what I should be don't you know sin breeds God so God supposed to bless you and heal you I'm still just a sinner say you ain't no shit'll saved by grace if you're saved you ain't a sinner and if you a sinner you ain't sure I know where I'm gonna be a sinner saved by grace my name is Herman hi I'm an alcoholic it's been 32 years since I've taken a drink that's been 32 years I ain't no alcoholic read what the Bible says and the Lord said I will destroy man whom I have created he says I'm gonna destroy man who I created from the face of the agreement both man and beast and the creeping thing and the fowls of the air for a repeated me that I've made them read it but Noah found grace here this in the midst of impending destruction Noah found the first time grace is mentioned in all of the scripture and it's mentioned in the context that God was allowing a man to escape the destruction to come the grace of God that bringeth salvation has appeared in every one of us and God is trying to allow you to escape the destruction that's coming can I tell you it's coming and he said as it was in the days of Noah it's gonna be like that when Jesus prepares to come you know what happened in the days that were before the flood the Bible said they were eating they were drinking they were marrying and giving in marriage things completed normally and listen to this God tells Noah to build an ark now this ain't like the movie that they got out now everybody talking about this new Noah movie and now the man that gets produced it or whoever is an atheist so he took the word God out and now they just called him Creator the Creator said this and God does not destroy the world because of sin he destroys it because a man has gotten caught up in all of these environmental ills and because man wasn't taking care of the earth that's why God destroy at the earth listen don't that's a movie God destroyed this world because of sin and if he did it once do it again tell me what God that God wouldn't do that how're you gonna say that he already did it one time Oh God is a loving God God would never do that who's telling you this stuff God already a whole world because of sin and he said as it was in the days of Noah and I used to think Noah had a pulpit and that Noah was crying repent but you know I read that know in the scripture the Bible said no it just started build in that ark it never tells me anyway when Noah stopped to give a sermon he's just hammering and maybe that hammer was preaching for him repent rip because the Bible says that they did not know until the flood came and carried them away they didn't know nothing they sit now look at big ol huh ugly man up there on that thing as kids can't even come out and play like everybody else started doing this and look at him he got feel sorry them boys they just they not gonna grow up regular like everybody here they just work hard they building that big old ship not knowing if you had a built it down by the river maybe it would have made sense but you way up here big keep talking and he kept on summer in until one day God said seven days seven days and this go rain and they just kept on eating and drinking and the Bible said they didn't know until the flood came do you know what happened in the can I tell you what happened in the flood the Bible says God shut the dope Noah that's enough get in and God you know my god shut the door cousin Noah had to shut it with no hurting women and their little kids out there no the waters climbing no would open the door but God said that so you had a chance and my and he said it's gonna be just like that when he comes again he's coming in the Bible city's coming in the moment in the twinkling of an eye you know how fast you blink your eye now how many words can you get out of your mouth by the time your eye blinking come back over so if he's coming that quickly tell me what time you'll have to repent when he shows her I keep telling you that's quicker than a hiccup you gon come got the Saints but you know what let me ask you this and I'm hastening what is the moment after the rapture don't be like 15 seconds after Jesus come what is what is all that gonna be like when people's mind has had an opportunity to process the fact that I was just talking to her and she don't when people are driving in their cars and that wife that shootin won't go on to that hole in his church it's in the passenger seat with a seatbelt on and all of a sudden Jesus shows up and he's gone and you talking and stare tell us I'm 10 and your knife you keep going to that chest i'ma leave you and look over there the seat belt still fastened and this woman is gone possum area used to tell us what are you gonna do when the house is locked and dead-bolted from the inside and you wake up in the morning and look next to you your wife is gone go and there the baby's not in the career but yet the house is still on there locked from the inside how did they get out I'll tell you how Jesus can have been left what is that gonna be like when folk that's been in church hypocrite try to convince other people now I wasn't a rapture cuz we're throughout - I'd have been gone no you wouldn't what is that gonna be like somebody's gonna be in church shouting and acting the part and Jesus is gonna come all the saints gonna be gone and everybody else would still be there trying to pretend like they were ready he said - we're gonna be in the field can you imagine that on your job somebody's gone and you're still here on an airplane 35,000 feet up in the sky if the pilot is saved and filled with the Holy Ghost father used to tell us it don't make sense the land the plane didn't go back up why are you up there he's gone and if you don't know how to fly a plane you better learn quick because the rapture has come and he would have taken the saints away therefore be ye also many because at an hour that you think not he come in at an hour when you don't think he said listeners if the good man of the house had have known when the people as a thief ever called you said I plan on breaking in your house let me know what time you going to the stove cuz when you leave I'll be over there to get your stuff he never told you when even coming he came without a warning and that's the way Jesus is coming all the warnings you have now is to hear these look country preachers preaching the fact that Jesus is coming again and if you're ready stay ready but if you're not this is the time to get ready having fun it's going wear out one day wouldn't it be something you grew up in church and you and the club and traveling all over the place and you just rocking out and having a good time and then the rapture take place and you telling everybody what happened now I'll see the Book of Revelations saying this and then Matthew 24 says how you know all of that and you got left behind in the world can you know better and not do better you know what I might have frayed up I might afraid that Jesus is coming soon and somebody who knows better than to be where you are he's gonna catch you with your work under and what are you gonna do you know what people say well I just I just get saved after the wrath if the Bible said if you can't run with the footmen if you can't keep up with me and on feet how you gonna keep up with horses and I heard one preacher preacher the other day he said people say that after the Raptor I just get saved he said but now it's not that easy because the Bible said God would give them over to the light so that they would believe it wouldn't that be some if you had a chance that he said because they rejected the truth of God's Word you had a chance before the rapture and you got enough behind in that all you're gonna do the yeah alright I'm down to the why not God I'm ready to live for you if that was the case either told you when he was coming so you could repent right before we come but the Bible said is not that easy he'll give you over to it and you would believe a lot wouldn't it be some after the rapture take place you really can't because your mind does not even own those things you plan with some dangerous stuff he's coming I wish more preachers would preach the fact that Jesus is coming again I want you to stand to your feet I wish preachers all over the country would tell people that the Lord is coming we're preparing them to live on this earth another 50 years when it gets you retirement and get this and that's wonderful to have a retirement fund on it but what if he come back next week you preparing for 50 years down the line of what if he come next month and your money in the bank who gonna spend your money nobody because that's why I'm really gonna be thrown in the street God is calling you to get ready bishop they've been preaching that not granddad and him used to try to scare me and again say with that the Bible talk about you he said there was scoffers and these scoffers would say where is the promise of his coming where is the people been telling me for years Jesus was coming back you know what that means that just means he's closer to coming today than he was when they first told you it's time to live holy it's time to be saved it's time to give the Lord your life as it was in the days of Noah these people were clueless until one day some hit him in the head what is that it's rain and you were not in the safety zone only those that were in the ark was spared and made it out and only those that are in Christ I didn't say in church because a whole lot of people in church but they ain't in Christ only those that are in Christ will be able to escape somebody's here you are not saved but you need to be the Lord loves you and I want you to know that he sent His only begotten Son to die for you so that you would be ready to spend eternity with God I've told you what God is saying it's up to you you can be like those people in Noah's they talked about him and focus not chide him hold this folk and him keep talking when are we going because when he comes I'm going to be ready see that's what people need to understand Bishop is going to heaven I know if ands or buts about that I'm going I'm just trying to get you to go with me but I'm going to help because I'm gonna live by the Word of God somebody is here I'm calling you every head bowed and every eye closed the Lord is calling you it's time to live holy come on if you're here today I want you to step out into that aisle and I want you to meet me at this altar he's coming he's coming come on they're coming I need you to praise Saints I need you to pray somebody needs to come come on backsliding you can come come on it's time to get this right I preach this because I want you to be ready when he comes I don't want you to look up and say I've missed this rapture but the rapture is not even in the Bible the word isn't but he calls it the kitchen okay I don't care what you called it Jesus is coming and he's coming to get people that are right and ready to meet him in the clouds hallelujah he's drawing them come on he's drawing them he's drawing them come on he's drawing you somebody else needs to come if you need to grab somebody by the hand and ask him if they'll walk you look at him they'll do it they'll walk you this way but when you get hit you got to stand before God come on come on and you know the reality is everybody's not going up in the rapture some people are gonna lay down and die so that means you still can't afford to live a day without him and I asked somebody we were talking last night one sister was talking to me and I said to her I said if people who had gone to this church and passed away since I've been pastoring if God allowed them to send me a message what would they say to me as a pastor that's the kind of stuff that I think about at night as a leader what if somebody who died could come back and say something to me what would they say what they say Bishop I want to appreciate you because you told me what I needed to know to make it in oh what'd they say Bishop I set up in that church I listened to you preach and when I died and stood before God it wasn't nothing like what you told me it was and I ended up going to hell because I listened to you instead of God I know what they would say they say Bishop you told me the truth you told me what he said if I don't live by if I reject it when your vote because you gave me the word and I'm giving you the word somebody else needs to come I feel you and I'll give you a couple of more moments to come and I want to pray with these somebody else needs to be here those of you at this altar I want you to lift your hands down what a mighty God we serve the Bible says he's faithful and he's just to forgive us of all of our sins while your hands are lifted I want you to know first of all that the Lord loves you he's so concerned about you and the Bible says if you come to him he wouldn't no wise cast you out that means you can expect him to change you and not just that but he'll give you the Holy Ghost if you ask him for it that's the power that you need in order to live the life he's calling for while your hands are lifted I want you to open your mouth it's not about repeating it's about repenting which means you got a meanness from your heart say Lord it's too many of you for you to sound that weak say Lord I'm sorry for everything that I've done that wasn't like you come into my life and set me free and asked him Lord baptize me with the Holy Ghost and when you do it today telling me Lord I'll live for you for the rest of my life come on you gotta believe it believe it for the rest of my life come on that's it that's the power of God that you fill it on your now come on let him do it father lay your hands on him now in Jesus name I clean the soul for your kingdom father touch now as I lay my hands on I think you're God and I clean this soul well I got baptized with the Holy Ghost don't let him be the same again we thank you for it now patch in Jesus name Oh God we think you think you're God for this [Music] come on I need somebody to praise the Lord for what he's doing I need you to praise him for what he's doing father lay your hands on him now Jesus and we bless you [Applause] in Jesus mighty name hallelujah god bless you [Music] [Applause] Jesus mighty name hallelujah god bless you hallelujah certainly god bless you amen come come come father in the name just name we pray hallelujah father touched this oil as I laid my hands I pray that your anointing would flow through this battle let it bring healing and deliverance to all that I'd touch and she wanted the faith of your people in Jesus name father lay your hands on [Music] thank you Jesus name hallelujah I need to hear somebody praying I need to hear you pray [Applause] [Music] [Music] and we bless you for it hallelujah bless you [Music] Jesus mighty name I wish I could get you to lift your hands lift your hands lift your hands hallelujah and don't just lift them lift them and praise Him lift them and crazy thank you lord hallelujah god bless you you may be seated in the presence of the Lord certainly we trust and hope amen that we said something that touched you and strengthen you and your walk with God I appreciate you so much thank God for all of you that are visiting with us amen today we love you with the love of the Lord continue to pray for us as we are praying for you amen let's get you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 14,983
Rating: 4.8899999 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: sVV4ViJ9Hr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 15sec (4995 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 13 2014
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