The Power of Poles AND Bohemians

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all right so this is a really special game and i think because it's a special game i'm gonna tweak the colors because i think it could be bad for wait what am i doing oh god what have i done i've did it the wrong way okay this is fine this is fine we're gonna leave it like this and we're gonna stick to this i made a mistake but i'm not gonna re-record this because i'm a professional content creator um i saw this 1v1 last week and i almost lost my mind thankfully i was able to keep it together and plan this for the games of the week okay uh in the blue we have kangen and kangen is playing as the poles right polls are recent introduction to the game and they were introduced alongside the bohemians now a good content creator would remember the name of the expansion it was like dawn of the dukes or maybe that was another one i forget but whatever that expansion was named we have a showdown between the two most recent sieves to our game in age of empires 2. so they are in many ways the least explored civilizations and i think they have like these bonuses which people are starting to figure out are very strong so kangen in the blue and then here in the red we have kingston uh kangan is a player from denmark uh hasn't had like a long competitive career in terms of playing and advancing very far in tourneys but he did uh notably like play in some big qualifiers back in 2015. i'm good friends with a guy now and he plays around 2k1 2k2 level and then kingston you probably have heard of a little bit less he's also around that same level and kingston is a younger mexican player a very nice guy he once double castle war wagons me on arena and i forgot to put it on youtube so he's good he's good okay uh he's playing bohemians so uh map is arabia which very much matters if it was a more closed map it would change how this sift matchup would play out but man oh man am i excited okay um so let's briefly talk about some of the relevant bonuses with the sieves because i think the devs have done such a great job with them uh so much better than some of the other introductions they did anyways and the polls have a uh have a unique farm bonus where if they build their farms around their unique mill building the full work they get 10 of the farm's food after the farm is complete so that can be really strong they also have a unique unit in the obook which is quite good they have the other eco bonus excuse me or if they mine stone they also get some gold with that which is unique to them and then the other thing which is a big deal is the uh the stable technologies so you have shizulata uh a name i've completely butchered where your knights cost 60 less gold and then lethargy something lethal lecithin or the other one uh we'll see if it's even researched sorry the freaking poles man and their technologies have got me but uh it gives their hussars some trample damage uh then for bohemians they're uh pointy boys their their pike line does extra bonus damage so they absolutely shred that nightline and then they get chemistry available in castleage which can be very strong for their crossbows also can lead to them making hand cannons and their mining upgrades are free there are other things but at this point you guys are probably thinking about skipping ahead or something i know you guys are right but stick around trust me this is going to be good because it's an open map and in many ways like these bonuses can't really be utilized unless they have a little bit of success offensively so yeah it's something privileges but i don't know how to pronounce the polish word so yeah lecithin is definitely like i used to work at a supplement store for many many years i worked at a supplement store and uh lecithin was like a very popular thing there so that's the only reason that was in my brain like this this is taking a really weird turn but i'm pretty sure that product helps mothers produce more breast milk so i don't know if we just got demonetized but now everyone is more informed on what lecithin does um wow okay look at this kangen he likes to do this stuff okay kangen likes to do the little hey i saw your barracks boop and hit it type of a thing and i hate it it gets in my head because you like to think that they don't know what you're up to and they just weren't paying attention but then he'll hit the barracks and let you know that that he's aware uh he also is very creative in how open or closed he plays and i think he's different player to player but you'll notice here that with this map generation he's just decided let's give up my gold for now because i don't freaking need gold with poles because if i need gold i can just go over to the stone and take that and i think what this is going to be is a pure eco approach which is actually pretty creative right because if you're abe oh never mind there's the barracks okay i take back some of what i said he's just playing very passive here okay and might still go for scouts kingston is in the awkward spot where he's been trying to scout the enemy but he couldn't find the enemy anywhere and then he probably tried to click over here but his scout wouldn't path because of the walls so he now sees the barracks so he knows the opponent will make some military and back at home uh he's gonna wall up a little bit but he's playing this more more standard-ish i guess but holy walls man yeah he's gonna wall a lot as well if your opponent's going to wall and make military you have to know eventually they're going to be able to get over to your base so the best thing you can do is probably just wall up and interesting kingston decides to go for men in arms anyways i guess you could debate on this i think if you can't afford to get mad at arms and the wood upgrade that you should get the wood upgrade and not get mad at arms i think that's my take on that but oh he lost the veal over here oh that's bad man that's bad if you you basically made army and the opponent didn't yet and the person who made less army than you ended up killing a villager oof that's a tilter right there at great awareness from kangan right scout's very weak he's gonna run home and he's gonna be making some scouts now because he's walled like this and because his berries are on the back he can start to make his first couple farms around the full work so he's gonna get horse car before he completes the farm and then you get 10 of the farm's food immediately when the farm completes i don't think this is that strong and futile i do think it's strong but i don't think it's anything to really freak out about but it ends up getting really strong once you are in castle age because that's where you have a lot of ills and that's where you have the additional farm upgrade and that's where the food count just starts to spike but guys i've been playing with polls and i'm telling you i was wrong on how how and how weak they are i actually think in many situations in particular when they're up against strong cavs sieves not against archers they're very strong and kangen is i'm getting ptsd now the amount of times i've tried to pressure this guy and he's been walled up and then counter-attacking with scouts is way too damn high and it makes me sad for poor kingston but kingston's actually going for the right play here so what you want to do against the scout player is you want to send an archer forward and you always want to have a spear to accompany it just in case the scouts are out and then since you can't break in you want to do stable damage because they have to keep the stable alive and then you basically camp your archer here and it'll eventually kill any repair bills and what this does is it forces the opponent into an archery range so you're going to see kanga and go for a full work so he can just farm more but it normally forces them into an archery range and oof wait what was this oh god this has been such a sloppy game from kingston oh he's moved forward without spearman oh that's really bad oh the villager two oh my lord sorry i exaggerated but that's just that's just not good like and now he's gonna send another one oh god okay trust me gets better okay trust me it gets better believe me when i say that this game is really good uh now you're gonna have kangen with the possibility of running through so all the walls mean nothing and i don't get tilted when i cast other people no i don't get frustrated that's frustrating but i guess like what i was just saying about this archer being here is still going to be the case when it comes to the uh the house but now like you're not able to focus on that quite as much because you've got all this nonsense going on so and konkin sends him two more scouts don't tell me another villa's gonna die oh my lord man the thing is guys at the moment kangan is being incredibly greedy and he's going with scouts against the civilization that does more bonus damage with their spears though it's actually quite risky in a lot of ways but he's played this out so nicely because it's been maximum greed oh my god he's going to kill five i think this is where it ends don't tell me he gets another one oh he's going to go in for that villager kingston don't let it happen kingston don't let it happen oh he sees that one no way no [Laughter] way and then the other one okay i want him to do it now get the other one come on oh god wow okay what a sick feudal age from kangen six villagers killed i would have called the gg already let's just put it that way i think that this game is very over but but because of kangan's greed he's not actually making a counter to this right so now there's a whole bunch of army that you can't really kill because instead of adding skirms you went for the farms he is also mining gold and you could make arguments that the better play would have been mine stone and then just drop towers against the archers i don't know but holy six villagers like i cast a lot of games and i play a lot of games at this level and very rarely do you see 6-0 with eco kd and have that game continue for a while let's actually look at the food collected here let's take a look so gold count's very high for kingston but the food count 1100 more food there for kangen but guys he just towered the gold and now this army is getting really strong this could actually be a big issue here oh no the greed oh no the greed he's on his way to castle age but he doesn't have enough skirms yet he doesn't have fletching yet and now he's lost two villes and this army could break in and all that precious juicy farming eco could be hit as well so that is like this is a great start to the game because we've had one player get punished for for not walling i guess but the other player has got punished for doing damage but not prepping defense going castles this quick is very risky and now the army's in and this is the beauty of arabia as the beauty of open maps and like how complex it is between do you invest into eco do you invest into army and now i think even just the idol time like keep an eye on the idol time here the idol time is probably going to make it so kingston's going to be fine even if he doesn't kill another villager kingston is gonna be fine here because that idol time is insane also skirmishers man they're not so good against man at arms normally man in arms don't have any value at this stage of the game and kingston just walking right through just passing four villagers killed and very rarely do you see villagers killed in this order as well like normally it's like one person kills two villagers the other person kills three the other person gets one and then one and then two and then one but this is six kills in a row and now we've had four kills in a row and it could still be more crazy 30 minutes of tc idol or villager idol time and i guess in castle age congan is going to make a knight or two knights out of the stables but his eco is awful he has he has one farmer next to a full work right now maybe two wow okay so i'll be honest with you guys as i look for these games to to use for content sometimes the games get uh brought to me by ethan otherwise known as deontay for life on discord make sure you send them games if there's really good games uh but other times i'll find the games and i didn't even see the early game and this is actually so amazing and it's six to six with the ville kills surely it's gonna at least be seven here that she she definitely is gonna go down and i don't know maybe one more oh yeah another one holy cow what is happening this is the messiest game ever okay if you were to arrive and you didn't hear my intro you would think wow this is this is low evo legends right now holy crap okay all right we can breathe now so i think hindsight's 20 20 but instead of going for the gold i think if kangan went for the stone and just towered all that out kangan would have won the game already you agree with me on that chat i i personally think that that would be the way to do it because you don't need to give gold to go castle age in the first place and then you have the towers the army never gets in and you can make some nights or some tc's or whatever 14 villagers have died in this game and normally at 24 minutes you're talking second town center you're talking uh you know all the boomy stuff eco upgrades but now it's not really the case kangen feels like he has to be aggressive and he does because the enemy is going to have army and he does but the enemy doesn't have that much army because he was microing like a nerd so now he's gotta wall out the knights all right we're gonna see one house here and another house on the other side hopefully don't tell me these knights get in okay good timing on the houses we actually do have some range units for kangen but he can use this to hit these units do you have to be creative here if you're kingston as you're just trying to buy time because you want to get crossbow and bod canero and if you get crossbow and bod canary you can shoot the ranged units and then the knights can never break in but oh it's worth losing a bill there oh so good so good so great that's right pull her back pull the weak one back don't lose her now creative impressive dicey awkward insert word get thesaurus out oh god whole okay uh awkward [Laughter] and now this just gets so messy and that's a lot of nights but the knights don't have upgrades yet the knights do not have upgrades yet those upgrades are actually on the way in right now and there's only two range units here so you still can wall out the knights on this side very close game and you could also make it so these units can't pass through here it's still not an impressive number of crossbows but he's getting some hits in before bloodlines and before armor comes in now this is the type of game where you have to go chemistry there are games where you just want to add tc's and you don't think that getting chemistry and cast leads is all that impressive with bohemians but when it gets messy from a thought process point of view you're not going to be able to boom effectively just go for military upgrades and i think even in in like congress point of view right now he's thinking the same on the flip side like let's let's attack all the time because we had a really bad start especially for these two who play a lot if they're anything like me sometimes you're just not in your best shape but you're still playing and you just happen to be skilled um and so you just gotta go crazy all the time and it pays off he dives underneath the tc he's forcing idols let's actually look at home now for congan so this is where the farming eco for pull starts to look really good when these farms recede and he's just gonna stream in nights constantly quick walls over here for kingston and again my point of view here right now is that kingston should probably be dead again because the guy's in a really awkward position he doesn't have chemistry on the way there's knights that are about to have plus two now here's what's tricky about the whole spear thing even though you have the bohemian bonus getting pikeman is really not in the cards with the amount of resources he has and then masking them is just not it's going to be insignificant like um i think you'd need to have like six to eight pikemen for it to be effective and that is quick math like 500 food so since you've already invested into ballistics and you have the crossbows it's probably better to just go 300 food and 200 gold for chemistry and then when you have eight attack on a crossbow and this is such a risky spot to be in right now i think the knight should have dove there but anyways if you have eight attack and a crossbow and these knights only have four pierce armor you can actually start to destroy them and this is where bohemians get really fun to play what else is really good about the sieve is that your mining upgrades are free so you don't really think about it until you play with them a bunch but you you're able to just field so many crossbows but also make hand cannons of course again i feel like knights with plus two should always fight here so i'm very surprised to see that the crossbows are moving out so much and look at the micro there from kangan he pulls away the weak knight starting to see that skill a little more than we did earlier and now chemistry's in now now now if these crossbows can can attack move properly which allows you to like glide away from knights which i think is a little broken but it exists um you're gonna start to see these knights go down a whole lot faster than you normally would if kingston was ethiopians or he was britons i think that he would be in a worse position right now but because he's bohemians with this small army he's able to use the tc and use the crossbows and melt knights so now we have siege but with good micro crossbows can also take out siege and kangen i kind of mentioned at the start of the game he has a tendency to go very defensive or very aggressive he's been very aggressive 18 military which should be the stronger military and i don't know where that monk is going but he's dead that sucks see where this progresses from here now we have two tc's for kingston so he's actually catching up on bills despite losing 16. the kd is 41-42 we now have a siege workshop for kingston he's thinking he'll make his own siege and uh we should point out the gold position so there's a gold and stone here and then the other gold is out here and that's something i believe kingston has scouted no he hasn't excuse me yeah that's gonna be pretty important here because this gold will not last forever all right you ready to see some craziness guys i love this from kangen it feels so unnecessary but he starts rolling in to hit the wood line and look at that kingston even spotted it town watch op where are the knights at the knights are healing up right now i like that if that other monk wouldn't have gone down would have been a whole lot better all right so this is what you can do with chemistry you can move out with a small group and look how fast the counter unit goes down it just melts ah okay good split actually a bunch of those are weak in there players like leery any player who's got extreme micro skill like they can dominate with these chemistry crossbows and yeah maybe going for um maybe going for some pikeman would be exciting but you know what i think would be even better guys i think going for monks would be the play here bohemian monasteries are only 75 wood and you have a lot of gold i think you should get a few monks to heal up your units which he's actually doing inside the tc which is funny but also to convert knights because when someone is going knights and siege against you if you convert a few of their knights you can immediately use their knights against their siege also that's very satisfying [Laughter] no we've ruined it oh well kingston doesn't really know what the approach is for kangan right now he doesn't know if kangan's booming or not he has to assume that there's still going to be a lot of knights out here but he doesn't know what extent is the enemy going to commit i mean normally at this stage you're going to see the knight player on a second tc at least all right like also since you get good monk upgrades you could even convert the siege there's so many options but are you ready for this are you ready for this okay big shot there it does weaken some of them uh okay crossbows on the hill the microphone kingston and he melts them he melts them the knights can't run up this hill if the knights run up this hill they'll die to these crossbows i think actually i think this is a good fight i don't know who this is a good fight for the crossbows are running away they're hitting and running again with any other sieve i really think the knights dominate here and i also think that if the bohemian player had some monks this would be significantly better but uh you know we've used the word significant a lot over the last five minutes so if you didn't realize that there's been important moments i'll have to use bigger words but somehow man kingston just finds these spots and he can keep chewing away at these nights with the crossbows now let's see two town centers okay the eco is really not balanced well for kangen i think he's about to realize that and these knights and these these monks are still moving around and kingston's got a lot of vital time and i mean this army is so strong here we have a little one for one so kingston needs this area or this area so if like if he town center's here right now that would be really strong right see what's his micro like kingston is deceivingly strong with his crossbow micro and he's doing what a lot of players are doing now and pretty much every high level player should do and they use the attack move to patrol away um basically attack move allows you to fire and move as quickly as if you were just moving without firing that's the best way to explain it um as opposed to like patrol your units reposition a lot attack move your units glide and it's so strong and combine that with chemistry man which is bailing him out time and time again and you're just able to stay in games see the ram takes out a barracks and no spearman i guess this game but it's 25 military for both it's 70 villagers for both it's 95 pop i can do math uh knights did get in here kingston quick walls loses a crossbow but you know at this point kangan's starting to think about the long term i think and maybe a castle right um so here's the thing that is tricky right now for kangen that you you should technically be able wait a second what just happened there i need to rewatch that oh i see okay he got a big shot and then he knew it was weak and he finished it with the crossbows wow that was slick okay um in theory what you should be able to do with the knight army against the crossbow army is use mobility so that's kind of the thought process for kangan is is he tried to run in here he's probably gonna try and loop over to this side he's even getting the relics right now too so he's definitely thinking long term but it's beginning increasingly difficult for him to fight wherever those crossbows are and now you have kingston going fast i don't know if you can call it fast at 41 minutes but you can definitely call it fast imp when it's only two town centers and 40 uh or sorry 74 villes so kangen is like let's not go for defensive castle let's go for a fairy forward castle and you can see he wants to drop the castle right there now fun fact old age of empires your building foundations would give you vision so i think in old age of empires before the definitive edition that would actually tell him the crossbows were on the hill i'm not sure if that applied to castle foundation but yeah here he comes with villes little does he know the opponent's going to be on the way to imp i do think he's making a mistake to try and force the issue when he knows those crossbows are likely on the hill but i guess he doesn't know for certain here come the villagers all right and now he sees it and he should say oh god that's a bad idea but he might have seen the score dip which does happen when someone goes up to him so he might have also thought all the micro from kingston no way that was sick he needed that because it was two mangoes versus one and oh god man what and now look at this army this army is about to be a beastly force and kangan's like well i hope i can build this castle because god knows i can't fight that now i guess the downside here for kingston is he what is not comfortable moving out still because he knows an open field it's a problem so when he has this hill and he's at home he's fine he's just wasting for uh he's just uh waiting for his upgrades okay so he's not going to try and contest the castle which is completely fine because arvales is on the way yet but want to get bracer as well but what you can do and he has a tc over here on these resources is he could actually just drop a castle on his hill and then he can just start to trap that back really sick game like we've for the most part got to see most of the bonuses from the civilizations pay off here and okay this is where the game for for kingston this is where everything matters okay this is your spot you have two and a half minutes what are you gonna do with your army if you move out yes there's a risk that you don't know what's out there but i think that is the play right now i don't think kingston's going to do that so i just want to talk about this you move out with these arbs you try and take map control you have to know you can kill virtually everything and then i think while you're moving out because he wants to make siege right he wants to make bombard cannons i think the the new arbolest protect the bombard cannons that's how i would do it i also have a tendency to be too aggressive and lose all my army so i mean do you want to take advice from me maybe not but here he goes with his arms anyways and kangen can see this but again can kangan actually kill that right now no also poles do not get the final armor upgrade on their calf and i think kingston's like he seems very scared about this he's like i don't know about this one boss uh this seems pretty bad oh he's like okay maybe i'll send half maybe i will maybe i won't wait kangan's getting redemption what if he converts these bombard cannons with redemption i'll lose my mind i would never expect the pole player to go redemption i guarantee you he didn't even know that polls got redemption until this very moment because i i didn't know that it's actually pretty expensive right it's it's almost 500 gold that means your monks can convert siege just not what you'd expect from poles i mean if he gets block printing as well this could be really good no way no way because kong kingston won't realize one two he got two of them and then shoot shoot these units here oh god you're kidding me shoot him oh my goodness i feel so bad for kingston at the moment like what a brilliant play from kangan it was definitely worth the investment and now come the cavalier now if you missed it before the castle went down the unique tech was researched so now these these cavalier as the manganese gets killed off these cavalier cost 60 less gold so you have five relics you have full map control if you're kangen and your cavalier dirt cheap but you don't get the final armor upgrade and the enemy can make pyke that has 25 percent extra bonus damage they're 15 minutes in remember how this game started it was back and forth in messi and while kingston hasn't he doesn't have the ability to really move out and he hasn't moved out in like 20 or 30 minutes he's got a crazy army which is only going to get crazier so kangan says let's fight and kangan i think is going to take a good fight but look at this crap guys look at this look at that he wedges the arms in between the barracks which is such a sick play and he has this whole army protected there stacked on two tiles if he didn't do that i think he loses the arms he loses momentum and then he can't get pikemen out that was like like i'm currently casting this on a stream called games of the week that was play the week right there like and i know it's happened before but it's not the first time we've seen that stuff but the timing on that was just impeccable he's also been expanding his eco down here he knows that the poles can raid and then poles have more mobility that he'll drop a castle and he'll start to stonewall that area wouldn't you know it here comes kangen he actually knew that castle was going up because he had vision from the siege workshop he's even making rams there but like the army that is being made by the bohemian player is like terrifying to the poles the thing about poles is that they save a lot of resources and they're mobile but their units are definitely not the strongest in and of themselves i mean there's an argument to be made for their unique unity obook but that's a little situational but bohemians their their pike arb combo is just insane and at this point they don't really have any uniqueness to their arbalest right uh but of course in castle age it's beneficial to get chemistry which helps you throughout the rest of the game so 190 pop for kingston who somehow has more villagers and also has more army than kangen but kangen has the map and kangen has a lot of units he has 55 cavaliers you just never see 55 cavalier in a game where someone's making helps and have that be good for the cavalier player so he's like well shoot all right he's protected the other side i guess i'm just gonna go over here now and here he comes and here come the pikes and and to be honest the pikemen don't have many upgrades yet and they're also fighting uphill so oh and he's trying to leave so yeah that's a really good fight for kangan here come the arbs now and and kingston's like probably not pleased with the fact he has to react so much i told you guys before we hopped into this that i was on uh a call with nilly when i saw this game and it wasn't like it wasn't really an age of empire's call i just wanted to know what was going on with his life you know and just catch up with him granted of course we're are we like age of empires so we talked about age two but yeah i was supposed to be paying attention to nilly and i was like neal you got to see this game this game is nuts he didn't get as excited about it as i have as i was but um to be honest when does he ever right when does when does anyone ever as halvadir is now in so yes some villagers were killed there and good work there from kangan i think he'll probably switch the next raid down to the south though that's tricky yep here it comes good job of switching sides but now you've got alb arb and they're they're stronger than your average health but like at the same time pongan is not giving kingston a chance to breathe he's consistently moving out i agree i really like the choice to go arbalest here cause again the thing about poles is your units themselves aren't necessarily the strongest they do lack the final armor upgrade on their on their arms i think they get thumb ring i forget but uh are blessed is good if you need a counselor to the uh alps he's getting ballistics he's getting a lot of upgrades he's really behind on he doesn't have a single armor upgrade so i think that in the end this is an over extension from kangen i think he has the right idea switch sides with raids and then push up the middle but this is not the time 81 army for kingston and kingston has bombard cannons so kingston can actually start to push now and push this castle and push these buildings and now kangen has invested into an area that might be lost in the near future he's getting block printing though okay so he's going to try and convert the bomber cannons again all right these halves are going to have full armor that's definitely the most important upgrade for melee units you want to get armor first for anything that has to get in close to fight that way they can make it there also i don't know how much damage is done due to the bonus damage with the uh with the bohemian alps but that's just another reason to not prioritize the attack upgrades because most of your attack is already going to be coming in for free essentially arms are being masked big army counts now upwards of 70 for both players and i mean that that should just continue here and there's not many castles for tonkin like what you really want in late game is castles and corners he went forward castles he lost one this castle could go down and now he's gonna make another one behind this but look at how kingston's playing kingston's just gonna drop a castle here now i honestly think that this castle is a slight mistake right now i'd prefer it be here because it protects more the wood area this is good if you can get another one here as well that's good as well but there's also that concern of not being able to do any type of counter attacking right now which is hurting kingston especially against the poles because i think the poles can they can last all game other civilizations maybe not so much okay how bonus damage is plus 32 so plus 25 of 32 40 bonus damage for how gotcha a big fight here again that kind of brings me back to prioritize armor upgrades first just in general you want to get that with the melee units and look at this engagement the arboles are working out so well for kangen it was such a good addition but at the same time he just lost that group of cavalier and he has to be careful with his arms because the bomber cannons are here he does get the better trade there i think and certainly cost wise he does because his his cavalier i mean they still cost gold that's actually tricky to figure out who who had the better engagement there but i think whittling down the armed numbers is really important if you have your own arbalest because then it would just be pointy boys and yeah those arms are gone kongan ends up taking a very good fight and he can now back away and i think the most important thing there was time oh big bomber cannon shots though so i know what you're thinking well there's nothing else bohemians can do this game is over now t90 i'm gonna skip ahead to the end or i'm just gonna leave the stream and we're gonna call it quits here because we kind of seen the best of both civilizations kangen has five relics and full map control so this game must be over oh wait a second there's more hoof needs say and i said that correctly i think i think it's like who needs it there we go it sounds more european uh who needs is on the way it's not hoof nice i'm actually very proud of the fact that some people in the community are not saying that correctly and i've actually got that one down thank you ornlu um one minute away now it does take a long time for this thing to research but it upgrades the bombard cannons to bombarded barter cannons they're much stronger and that means they can deal damage to the arms and they can deal more damage to castles and they can continue this crazy push speaking of crazy by the way we now have winged hussar on the way introduced when the poles were brought into the game just like hoof needs it uh lithuanians do get wing tussar as well i think the devs did that for historical accuracy but the polls they're the reason it's here okay they are the reason it's here now there's another unique tech you can get with the polls and you can get the uh the weird one i mentioned earlier that has legacy in it um wait no it's shoot i forget what it's called now but it may it gives your hustars trample damage that one and uh i'm gonna ruin my reputation after i improve my reputation here but look at these who needs they go they're going right in for the castle there's not many arms here and we do also have a winged hustler rate on the left side to pay attention to now keep an eye on the veil count keep an eye on the movement of blue on them on the side but also pay attention to this giant red blob as the arbs hop out of the castle castle's gonna go down and please give me a big juicy hoof needs a hit come on come on boom okay trust me the next one will be better yes he has to respect that now he's got to be careful there's four of them and oh god oh god these things are so sick and i don't think it's super fair to say it's broken just because of the fact that it takes so much time and so many resources to get there bomber cannon is already one of the most expensive units you can make and then you have to upgrade it and it's locked behind chemistry so yeah it's really strong but so are elite war elephants if you get there you know i think something being broken or overpowered often times stems down to the cost so kangen's like new game plan i've got a raid with the wings and we have the stone walls from kingston because he realizes he's exposed there but yeah that's the thought process now it's just raid away as he dives in here and all the micro so good there honestly from both players kangan doesn't lose any more arbs and he gives a good shot to hit the hoof but unfortunately fails i love this castle again i mentioned earlier i think kingston should have made this castle over here if he had a castle here it would be it would have protected that woodline a little more but the important thing for kingston is that he continues to push he probably paused here so he could just take a breather because this has been a marathon and there's little gaps in these walls the good players are going to find those gaps they're going to get in they're going to make you think about your base and um you know what does suck here for the poles is that they lack the final armor upgrade so that those hustlers are not really going to get in as deep as they need to and oh very close they're from kangen but not close enough but this is just so awkward for both players for different reasons like for kangen he has to try and kill this while raiding and for the other player he is to try and pay attention to one very slow expensive army and protect these hoof nietzsche's while also trying to clear up the raids and you can see here like great example of how it can easily get away from you and the hustlers going in there killing two hoof nite is amazing value and for kingston he's got he's kind of vulnerable against arvin skirm if the hoof needs they aren't there right because arvin skirm clears out his arboles and his halves but he needs the hoof nietzsche to stay alive and he doesn't have gold income right now so he's got the pointy boys over here on this goal he can take that gold but you even see hoarding's attack you rarely see on arabia because kanga knows that he needs to keep this these castles up he's to buy as much time as possible this is also where you'll probably see some farms he's probably adding farms yep there you go so his food count is going to spike i actually get so much food from completing farms with the poles at this stage he's even got some stone there and he has an army that he could toss away a lot a lot um more frequently and that includes the hustlers like the hustlers are actually cheaper than halps long term because helps cost wood to make a star is just the food but oh god the hoof needs a hitting these hustlers go in but you just can't kill this army it's 84 army for kingston as he drops a tc on this gold he hasn't had this entire time and he also gets access to wood oh god i love it this is such a sick game because kangen can raid there's no real easy way for kingston to raid but also kangan can't kill this army and she was just wave after wave after wave after wave of dead hussars as they run in towards the halp skirm combo and now this castle that has hoardings will need to be kept up i just stumbled upon this one man i was just watching some games that i told you is incredible now i really like the idea from kangen to float in hussars i think that he needs to continue to do that that will give him success in the middle too because there's distractions and oh we got both of them he got both the hoof needs this that was huge cause they're not cheap well he there is gold so he'll be able to make more but that's like the second or third time he's been able to take out a wave of bombard cannons remember the first time he converted two he then cleared up four and there he just cleared out two so like that is the key here if you snipe them eventually kingston won't be able to make any more now i think the thought process to raid from kangen is correct but he's also at a spot where he probably might need to ram or something i guess actually he might get lucky he might spot the overchop here and he might get through oh look at that oh my no one can say that top 100 players aren't good players they both realize that and then kingston says you know what let's chop i don't know where he's going actually but i think he wants to chop other wood because he doesn't want to over chop that yeah he noticed it he added the stonewall piece and then kangen i think had already clicked through and they had to re-path all right here come the hussars did he get the unique tech for trample damage by the way does anyone know that i don't recall seeing it but i was very distracted okay good good move from kingston an actually good call from lord in my chat because lord lord uh metzgermeister just said he needs to take the left and i agree with this because this is another avenue for kangen to raid you need to clear this but if you clear this then guess what kangen says i'm gonna go this way now so the second someone sees that that snowball army in a different spot of the map they're gonna make you pay for it okay maybe it's not worth getting the tech now i mean i don't know i feel like i would save up for that for that technology if i'm kangan i think kingston is probably so frustrated with himself just a few houses here and he could have blocked all this off but then i guess his reinforcements are blocked off too so it's really hard to call but yes kingston says you know what let's just clear this because this is super annoying and i need wood and oh oh oh oh here come the hustlers and the house wall will not complete so it's working it's working for kangan and check this out i think we're about to see okay the arb showed up here i think we're about to see a ram push somewhere for kangen he's getting capped ram he does have siege engineers yes he's got 12 plus one on these who need today so yeah siege engineers is in hopefully he'll be able to keep these alive and this is the problem the hustler raids man so yeah albs counts are hustlers but hustlers are more mobile and hustlers can kind of choose when they want to take the fights and when they don't want to take the fights what's what works for kingston in this situation is when he forces fights because he's taking out a crucial area when he's fighting here hongin has to fight because kong and if he loses that castle and all these buildings loses the game that's the key and so i actually i remember watching this game and i was i was torn but i kind of felt like taking the left was a mistake purely from a control standpoint because it allows pongan to have the freedom to do this like kangan can lose a million hussars he's going to have the food income right he doesn't care about losing hustlers he cares about doing damage and controlling the game and so now he's got this hill now he's had time for arms and now look at this this is what happens you you have a hoof nietzsche that's been left alone because you're trying to get everything over here and the enemy has the control now siege ram poles very rarely make sea dram i actually was reminded of the fact they got siege ramp by seeing that technology siege ram would make a whole lot of sense on the barracks here all right a t90 how can i support you without getting money to to zuckerberg uh guys i get 100 of the sub revenue on facebook facebook announced that they're giving a hundred percent of subscriber revenue to uh to their streamers until 2023 just as an fyi i actually had to double check because i wasn't sure if that was the same for everyone like i didn't know if mine was different um like my contract was different but yeah so subscribing on this platform actually gives me 100 which is more than any other platform but i if you i didn't see the rest of that message so if you said how can i support you without giving my hard-earned money um just just like videos and watch videos and enjoy i i can't you don't have to stress if you can justify supporting oh look at the hustlers they killed more hoof needs i wish it was hoof nice because i would say that's not very hoof nice you know like that would be a really horrible joke that i could make and make you all cringe rams are now taking out the barracks there's just so much control for kagan 600 kills for both players guys do bohemians get siege ram i don't know if bohemians get cdram let me look real quick sorry i'm asking a lot of questions here let's look at the resources brought in yeah kangen's had more gold more food more stone this game the kingston's just had these big balls and while kangen's army i think is worse he's just had to buy time but believe me this is going to go on for a lot longer because we have fortified wall fortified wall and he's gonna chop the trees and take the gold because still has gold here to maybe be able to take as well he does have more army as well but he lacks the siege now and i actually think lacking the siege is going to make this awkward because while skirms counts are arbs and while halbs counts are hussars arbs counts are albs and hustars counters sturm so it's like really really weird and awkward to fight this one and normally the double trash army loses having one gold unit combined with a trash unit is normally better and that would be the same if it was the flip side like if you had uh arbless and halb again i'm trying to you know what just just forget about it just forget about it it comes down to hp there as well it cost stars having 100 hp skirmishers very low hp helps very low hp firing rate also matters like garbs fire faster than skirms and oh kongn you are absolute pain look at that he's like you fortified wall that's cute i'm gonna run right through and now as we've seen this many times before kingston has to house while up again and now for the first time i think kingston is starting to think that he could lose this game he can't take his gold on the front he's reacting all the time he now is about to lose a lot of villagers and the difference now is like his vil count isn't pretty on each resource he doesn't have 60 on food anymore he's got 30. he's going to lose a bunch of these bills he has to replenish them then he needs help then he needs skirms and he calls it right after losing the score lead in a one hour and 24 minute long game what a crazy game it was and i do actually think it was over at this stage i think that sometimes players will play on until they're down to 100 pop but you think of the win condition and things that typically happen is you need to have relics in late game and you need to have some type of control with your army movement and there was none of that what a sick game and yeah maybe he did have the trample damage tech it feels like he should have had the trample damage deck at this point obviously if you re-watch this you're going to see if you got it or not like guys that game started off amazing in feudal age with 14 villagers killed amongst the two of them we got to see the bonuses for both civilizations maybe not every single thing but almost everything we got to see the trample damage i think we got to see the cheap cavalier we got to see the farms paying off in the food count we got to see uh the houthi the hell bonus damage the early chemistry sick man that was so good now i think like if you're wondering how does kingston win this game and i'm curious on my viewers perspectives here on on the stream um i believe that the way that kingston wins this game is by sending that whole arb army out early castleage let me let me look real quick now it it's easy to say now i think it still wouldn't have ended the game but it would have helped him get control let me see uh up times 20 okay 43 minutes we go capture age pro 43 minutes okay so right here let's just try and scheme on what would have happened i don't want to do this too long because it's been a really good video and i want to do my standard like blah blah blah blah thing at the end but okay so right here he starts to get arb and so while the logic i think is sound to protect your bombard cannons and push this castle i think if you send this whole army out what does kongen have nothing nothing right if there's 60 arbalest at kangen's base that's enough arboles to take out tc's and there's a three minute time window here so what he was thinking was i don't want to leave my bombard cannons alone but i think what you do is you've got six ranges right you send your arms out they should be on the move already and then all your new arbalest protect the bombard cannons with some house walls also kongen the mvp moves of the game or or decision in the game or how he played the game i guess was when he was trading against the bomber cannons and the first one was so good getting redemption and converting two of the three bomber cannons here to buy himself time was so important i think from a logic standpoint and a mindset standpoint kingston was even scared here right he thinks he's going to be pounced on by knights he might have been but what we do know is that it was only going to be worse later on because when kangen was an imp he was going to have cavalier with the final attack so the best time to use those arbs offensively was start a vimp but guys like if the arbs move out across the map and they end up getting cleared that seems very bad then right so that's what's tricky but my thought is you're going to get some guarantee of damage in either against his army or in or control let's say you kill army but then you lose your army guess what kangan's reacting boom you've already got control now because you're prepping to push forward with the next army like think about how kong and addressed that game with his raids he was forcing reactions constantly moving forward with your army gives you the lead with reactions or pacing the game in theory in theory um yeah gg uh maybe kingston didn't even know that polls don't get the final armor because i think that makes a difference uh quality game quality players i love these guys because like i feel like they'll have the reputations that some of the other players in the scene get just because they're not top 20 but uh happy to bring more games to you from them uh whoa look at that kingston i think he moves his army a lot kangan's like me he uses a lot of hotkeys and he doesn't like click as much goes to show you speed doesn't matter kangan's an old man like me and kangen's like 30 years old and kingston's 21 so maybe that makes sense but yes anyways anyways anyways quality game hope you guys enjoyed i don't think we'll ever see a game between bohemians and poles that shapes up quite like that one you
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 46,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Twitch, Games, Game, Age, of, Empires, Two, Definitive, Edition, AoE, AoE2, AoE2DE, AoE2HD, HD, DE, Age of Empires II, II, Facebook, facebook, face, book, Face, Book, FaceBook, game, games, gaming, Age2, Age4, Age of Empires IV, IV, Four, AoE 2, AoE 4, power, the, poles, polish, and, bohemia, bohemian, bohemains, bohemians
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 50sec (3290 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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