Ditching “My Big Fat Fabulous Life” For Health!!

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why are you eating doughnuts why are you just trying to gain weight what the [ __ ] is going on test holiday what are you doing here the following program is rated tv-ma and OC it contains a big pair of nuts directly on your chin it is intended only for mature audiences viewer discretion advised hey what's up beaches what's going on fan it's your boy Papa soul you're back with some more nuts on yo chinny chin chin thank you so much for being here can you smell the salt can you smell the ballbag I think you can i suspect you can which is why you're here well welcome back if you're brand new smash stuff ok that subscribe button for some more daily NOC and of course check all the links below the beard force enormous apparel and also the links for swimmer's XCOM where you could join the swole fam and check out all the programs you can check out all the nutrition the meditation all the amazing [ __ ] over there it's amazing all the stuff swarmers XCOM links down below this post is directly from the swole fam and it's about Whitney Way thore now this person is an American television personality best known for her appearances on the television show my big fat fabulous life and I've covered her stuff a couple times because there is no such thing as a big fat fabulous life when obesity is a major risk factor for preventable disease like diabetes heart disease and cancer metabolic syndrome so much more can't we get off the obesity train can we stop pumping this up as if it's a [ __ ] plus as if it's a goddamn you know notch on your belt it's literally another notch on your belt it's not a good thing ok it's not a good thing to trash your body it's not a good thing to be fat it's good to take care of your health it's good to exercise it's good to eat better it's good to not stuff your [ __ ] face you would think so right you would think so however this post is more about people that follow people like Whitney this is how it affects actual people now this member of the swole fam used to follow Whitney used to be a supporter used to be a fan used to be a customer of Whitney so she writes C J this is kind of a silly post but it's kind of a puzzle piece of my journey when I was in college I found the body positivity movement and I hopped on board because they were showing women with stretch marks I had always had stretch marks and felt insecure about them so naturally I was happy to see other people like me then it became a fad positive movement and I gained a ton of weight thinking I would be fine by indulging whenever I wanted which was frequently I also used to be a really huge fan of the show the one I mentioned my big fat fabulous life and I supported Whitney wholeheartedly I even bought a tank top from there and got this little postcard and she had a picture by the postcard that was signed since then I unfollowed all the fad positive accounts stopped watching the show and gave away the tank top this was the only thing left and I tore it down today and threw it in the trash I never want to be fat again I never want to go into the 200s again I'm changing and I want to be healthier and stronger no more [ __ ] hashtag mow your lawn so a round of applause for CJ good for you now I thought it was funny you said no more [ __ ] well so enormous is fitness without the [ __ ] and the hashtag mow your lawn is pillar number one it's community you mow your [ __ ] lawn who you surround yourself with who you watch what you listen to your community your physical environment the people what goes in your eyeholes what goes in your earholes pretty much our five senses that's your community that's your environment if you're surround yourself with people that are in favor of obesity that are promoting it like it's a good thing what do you think your outcome is going to be how many of you have gained weight because of who you surround yourself with usually when you see obese people they're obese together because what two obese people do they [ __ ] eat and they don't exercise that's why people are usually fat as a family or fat in a group because you have the same habits you know the saying you are the sum or you're the average of the five people you surround yourself with that's absolutely [ __ ] true and the number five is very arbitrary what situations and whom you surround yourself with are going to determine largely your outcome you don't see people that are shredded ripped gym rats that [ __ ] take care of their bodies that really get good sleep XY and Z hanging out with sloppy obese fat [ __ ] because what do they have in common nothing you're literally like clay you're gonna be a mold based on what you surround yourself with and with whom you surround yourself and this is a prime example of where this fat acceptance movement went wrong and how it affects people so CJ says when she was in college that she found the body positivity movement and she hopped on board because of the stretch marks and I think that's totally fine I have stretch marks most women have stretch marks most people have stretch marks so you know hashtag stretch marks drop in the comment below do you have stretched more cougar most people have stretch marks it's like having a mole or a freckle it's literally superficial and does that mean you're a good person does that mean you're out of shape does that mean you're unhealthy does that mean you're gonna have diabetes of course not it's a [ __ ] stretch mark you can lose a lot of weight and still have stretch marks you can gain a lot of muscle like I did and I have stretch marks on my arms and my armpits the chest the usual places thighs I'm Neath my hips glutes because I gained a lot of muscle in a shorter period of time and your skin stretches and sometimes it can't stretch fast enough and you get these little stretch marks but that's a reason to be body positive being body positive viewer in a fire and you have burns if you have amputations or you were born without a limb disfigurements like things that you can't change that's why you should be body positive but then this kind of [ __ ] gets hijacked by extremists that push it towards being positive and promoting and being proponents of obesity when did loving your body because of stretch marks turn into being fat is okay and it's okay to be morbidly obese it's okay to gain weight it's okay to eat whatever the [ __ ] you want like when did that change over it's like that with many many many social movements once you have a hashtag or a focus all of a sudden it's a tiered system who is more extreme who is more body-positive than you who is more acceptance of being fat than you how fat can you be how righteous are you to be fat it's not good this is what poisons people's minds because you enter this movement like hey I'm accepted I have stretch marks too hey we're similar we got something in common and all of a sudden it starts shifting towards like hey we're getting more stretch marks and you're like whoa I don't want more of them I just want to accept having them the way I are you guys why are you eating donuts why are you trying to gain weight what the [ __ ] is going on test holiday what are you doing here that's where it goes that's where it goes this is how it starts things seem very very innocent it seems accepting hey everyone come on in and then it starts getting a little bit more weaponized once you start promoting death and disease essential that's what you're doing you're promoting people to slowly kill themselves eat more there's no risk of diabetes forty percent of the country is no beast okay it's not a problem we're fine all the crap food in this country all the [ __ ] medicine medication all the stress and depression and that's not a problem that's nothing to do with food eat up you want a doughnut you deserve it you're beautiful just the way you are this is [ __ ] nonsense and I'm really proud of you CJ and you can see look she was a part of that movement she was a customer she was a proponent and now she joined the swoll fan because at the end that last statement - that last sentence no more [ __ ] so enormous Papa so Leo fitness without the [ __ ] [ __ ] it's very simple you just have to start surrounding yourself with better people and then actually build those habits but that takes effort that takes time that takes trial and error you're gonna fail you have to get back up and try again you have to want something better for yourselves and it's so much easier just to eat a [ __ ] bag of Doritos it's so much easier to eat a whole row of Oreo cookies it's so much easier but is it better in the short term you might get that little dopamine kick you might get a little brain gas in the short term but in the long term you're gonna [ __ ] pay for it look around you millions of people are paying for it and thousands of people are dying every [ __ ] month from these exact issues that are preventable that's what's detestable that's what's disgusting people are slipping into such medical debt from preventable issues we have to [ __ ] change this [ __ ] we got to [ __ ] change this [ __ ] we are so worried about so many [ __ ] things but that underlying layer that underlying gunch of garbage [ __ ] food of no exercise of stress and no meditation no hydration poor sleep the list goes on these are things that we can control in our lives on an individual basis and that will spread to our family to our friends to our co-workers it will make such a ripple effect if we just [ __ ] start small and just start executing please just ignore all that [ __ ] so round of applause for CJ I'm so proud of you for joining the soil fam and for taking control your [ __ ] life take control take responsibility because once you do that then you have the power to change you have the power do better and trust me it will make a difference well thank you so much for watching this salty and vinegary ball bag on your chin I hope you enjoyed the video what are your thoughts drop it down below have you ever followed this show have you ever been a part of a body positive movement what are your thoughts about all of this what are your thoughts about stretch marks what are your thoughts about the state of obesity in this country do you say getting better or do you see it getting worse I know what I think and I don't want to bias your opinion what are your thoughts drop it down below and I'll be back real soon for some more nuts on your chin remember if you want to join the swole fam with all Papa soy yo with CJ and you want to absolutely [ __ ] crush it check the link down below for so enormous XCOM programs nutrition training meditation yoga full yoga studio hundreds of yoga and mobility classes and meditation sessions we have [ __ ] content for beginners to advanced male/female it doesn't matter what your goals we got stuff for you dumbbells bands kettlebells it's all inside Seoul enormous X so check the links down below and I'll see you real soon for some more NOC peace but [Music] [Music] no play with you know y'all play your game
Channel: Swolenormous
Views: 48,750
Rating: 4.8944125 out of 5
Keywords: weight loss, weight loss journey, whitney way thore, whitney way thore dancing, whitney way thore dancing before weight gain, whitney way thore cringe, my big fat fabulous life, my big fat fabulous life full episodes, my big fat fabulous life dance battle, weight loss workout, little people, weight loss motivation, how to lose weight fast, weight loss tips, weight loss transformation, body positivity, swolefam, fat acceptance, body positive
Id: kt9nUr8tBds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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