FAR: Lone Sails (FULL GAME)

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welcome everybody to fire loan sales a game that came out quite a while ago actually and i meant to play it when it did i even bought it and just never downloaded it it was around the time when i played what's the name of that game is it the final station i played that and then this looked kind of similar to it so i thought hey i'll play this one as well i really love the final station they have nothing to do with each other by the way uh but this just looked really cool i bought this basically because of the art style alone just the sort of imagery that was in it looked really cool and i wanted to try it out and see what it was all about and i feel like now it's just why not i haven't done sort of a standalone single video of an entire game in a really long time and had that sort of vibe and chill sort of atmosphere where we just get through the entire thing in one go and you just spend an afternoon watching basically a three hour movie uh so i'm excited i think the game is pretty short it's only like three hours from what i've seen and i don't really know a whole lot else about it other than that so kick back relax get a couple of snacks get a drink whatever and let's just uh play the game i really do love this art style it's gorgeous oh no the me oh god i'm cute uh we lost somebody dad brother husband father all of the above god it looks so cool because the trailer really impressed me i like these minimalistic kind of games v [Music] why is v the button what okay i have a post box apparently hey look at my house you want some mail what does this do huge we have a bunch of pictures of people oh let's go to the roof what a cool little shack imagine sleeping up here though that's kind of terrifying x oh we can zoom in so that's me i look like a little fireman i really don't like that it's v i'm gonna miss click a lot of the time oh i float what's down here can i carry this pram no all right i don't know if this is like a chill relaxing sort of nice atmosphere game it kind of sounds like it so far but some of the imagery looked really depressing maybe it gets a lot more hardcore as we go [Music] wow look at those clouds they look like they're painted i mean they probably are but really cool i'm like the only piece of color in this entire world hello mr siegel you're pretty colorful too actually nice if any of you live by a coastal town this just looks so familiar i think i also like this sort of style as well like this sort of fog and everything rolling in and the the depth of the 2d so many games are getting so good at this now that it it reminds me of insight which is like one of my top 10 favorite games ever probably in my top five actually and any games where i can get that sort of atmosphere more of i'll take where am i going there it is my ship wait there's something here uh uh what am i doing okay look at all that that belongs to this oh my god uh okay we can go up and down what's this i have no idea oh there's water in it okay i need to get energy how do i get energy hey oh i see you put these here and then you you give energy to your your train okay and then what does this do steam got it oh that's my break oh away we go cool so i have to manage all these little systems oh god oh let's go off across the coast we go i'm running out of energy rapidly oh i gotta vent the steam every now and then it gives me a little boost but i also got to turn my engine back on every time i do it [Music] cute i'm getting journey vibes from this isn't that cool i can press x to see myself oh the steam the steam keep it going lads okay i have one more box that i can put in oh god am i gonna have to like really manage my fuel [Music] nice steam am i doing this right i don't know i haven't even been paying attention to what's around me god it's so pretty i wish i could zoom out as well can i no okay boost it vents the steam out but it also gives me like a jolt what a crazy looking car train just got one giant wheel in the front uh-oh [Music] lads i'm running out of power bucks boxes boxes hold on we have to maximize our distance oh don't crush them get the most out of the fuel we have and then we can stop cool awesome um i guess i could keep them up here how do i ah neat god this is so cute look at the size of that wheel on this thing where do i get my sail so far i'm i'm far lone wheels i saw in the the screenshots that you get like a big sail for the top of your your locomotive yeah i guess it is kind of like a train right it's going in one direction like left or right as trains do you know a two-dimensional space that we live in but i also have steam in it so it's like steam engine okay you go in how much is that like half all right we'll use up some of this oh god oh big shot at i use some of some of this so i get i maximize my fuel i love that the music goes with the the engine i won't keep it fully pressed in i don't want to go max speed maybe i'll use too much this is so chill i wish this thing was faster though [Music] and we're going up a hill so steam nice give her that extra trottle cool i'm so efficient oh god boxes boxes okay i didn't actually mean to break but wait can i get out the front ah what does this do oh we're gonna have to winch ourselves at some point man that's so cool looking [Music] i'm a big fan of fog just in general a big fan of the weather a big fan of i guess i think it's because of the atmosphere it sets and i think that that atmosphere for me like that vibe was said playing silent hill that whole game is about fog when i was a kid that was very impressionable on me i'll leave you there but i won't use you yet oh it's okay i'm now what's that thing on the top oh can i change buttons i'd like that to be f or something it's so much easier to hit than v leave all you guys here are you guys ready are you ready we're getting ready to go again okay this is last stop if you're not on the train now you're gonna be left behind have you done your pee let's go give us that sweet melodic music again or not oh downhill oh this is bad am i going in the water hit the naz it's all about family tom does this thing float i don't think it does oh god i'm actually inundated with boxes now oh hold on hold on hold on hold on okay we're not we're not really losing any momentum here because i want to try and like maximize my fuel so that you can like travel with it especially freewheeling oh god i have too many now am i conserving these way too much let's put one in not that one oh god it's all gone wrong nice fill it up why does it sound like sprite i have hooks down here as well yeah can i have like a bigger storage or something this this doesn't really seem like enough what i should do is okay plan plan are you with me are you feeling me are you picking up what i'm putting down which just so happens to be boxes no oh god see this now i'm worried that that's going to happen okay just put these but this here and this here so then when i really run out of fuel i can just dump both at the same time instead of letting it run to half we can let it run to zero now i know damn well that i am going to hit that button by mistake and i should actually put some of these down here instead i have hooks up top i can be so efficient with this nice nice got it and away we go oh god we're going backwards all right just push her all the way in max out that throttle it's slow going but we'll get there give it a bit of a nitrous boost vin diesel would be so proud of me oh god i'm being backfired i'm being shot ah it takes a lot of fuel to get up that is it a wall turns out this is actually just attack on titan oh yeah maximum speed let's go i probably shouldn't do that though in case i need to stop like now halt halt i don't know if it was worth stopping for one box i can't even get under oh god okay move a little bit there you go there you go wait can i actually just set this thing to leave without me i guess it can't get too far because it would uh okay i put you up here so i can't accidentally do anything with you all right full throttle i guess it would run out of fuel and the steam would build up and all that kind of stuff oh the thing in the bottom on the top left is a for stopping fires i guess i'm gonna get set on fire at some point and the thing in the top is a wind flag because i get sails got it oh i actually think these are no it is a wall i thought it was a big lump of a boat so what's going on in this world it seems whoa oh hold on hold on i shouldn't have done that i shouldn't have done that i feel like i just wasted a whole bunch there was something up there i think i can actually get up there wait can i maybe not it feels like post-apocalyptic this world oh oh i can go up there oh awesome i can actually leave peace out this is my new house is this the thing i use can i pick this up oh i can it's actually just a ball of paper how much fuel do you give me can i burn you nice that was like a box it's like little inferno i'm burning stuff to just keep myself going maybe there actually is a post-apocalyptic nature to this as well wait what's in the crane there's a button on it must push cute oh is this my sale sale is that right hell yeah set sail nice we've got wind on our side now as well so we can actually go wow dude that's so cool whoa desert power lake and dune again i'm completely ruining the mood of this game i'm so sorry wow oh god is that doing damage uh set course for the open sand get out of the way [ __ ] seagulls i hate them i hate them in real life as well they're smelly and they're loud up speed bump oh no problem at all for the sail train ah see wouldn't it be cool if it like zoomed way out as i like get across the desert to show me the vastness of it oh piano can i play that do i got talent skills [Music] this is a very desolate like depressing world [Music] what happened maybe it's like a climate change kind of game sort of like a mad max scenario because this train vehicle thing that i'm on seems very pieced together [Music] whoa big boat man this game's cool i didn't realize i was going to be so involved with me micromanaging the train normally i hate that kind of stuff but it's actually really fun in this as long as it doesn't get too complicated uh oh oh oh should we stop should we stop i'm sorry i'm sorry oh god oh god what do i do fire fire there's a fire let me up i need to put out the fire oh god me engines oh christ whoops oh something took damage my engine took damage right next to where the fuel line is there's like a bar that's gone down a little bit wait what do i do oh it's still trying to go oh what do i do should i take down the sails yeah take those down for now so efficient all right don't go anywhere oh there's stairs here a bell oh that's scary i didn't put the handbrake on oh rookie mistake i don't have my license this is all new to me oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i just fell into the void i can't go back whoa that actually fell really far damn okay there's some stuff i can pick up underneath that flap but i can't get under it from here it's kind of annoying whoa that is a massive ship in the background okay got a briefcase got some notes gonna write down don't do that again watch out for things that you can crash into i'm assuming i can fix my my my sail train okay let's put the sails back up nice desert power praise the maker shy hulud and the spice that's left behind it's kind of nice without the engine it's so peaceful so are these like ships that crashed or is this well it's it feels like this is where water used to be and it just dried out are we on like a a really crappy earth like far in the future fair loan sales [Music] oh lordy easy does or no easy does or no this is given to me by my by my dad i think my dad brother husband son god almighty that's a massive ship yeah see i wish i could zoom out i have a feeling we're gonna crash into something else again it's it's coming oh it's coming oh here it is oh god my sale my sale my sale my sale ow okay the sale can't actually hit it i hit i hit a big steel plate instead oh my poor poor engine it's sparking now okay i'll put the handbrake on this time i'll be smart about it i'm so sorry bessie i'm so sorry but i've got num num fuel num num fuel you like that i'll fill you up soon whoa that's what i was saying cool [Music] oh i need fuel so what i'm wondering is are these boats here and this was like land or is this i guess they would have to be because there's all of this stuff is built here or is that built after too early to be asking questions we'll get answers eventually what does that do it's like a sluice gate in a canal you ever see those where it like puts the boat in blocks it off behind it fills the water in so the boat rises and then goes on we used to have a canal near my house where i grew up so i would always stay by and watch the boats going through the canal oh a light wait but that didn't rise my thing did it ah man maybe i could get wings for my sail train later i keep wanting to say soul train wait no that's not right wait nailed it did it [Music] wait can i float it helps to have a jacket the size of you oh i'm so sorry on i can't put up my sail now because it'll get smashed i can put up a light though put it up in my bedroom cute are you hanging in there engine i hope so i've kind of messed you up they are nom nom fuel fuel good num num oh god it's it's it's failing on me get through the gate we just need to get a little bit further and then i can let the sail up there you go there you go we're in the clear we have no wind we have wind desert power let's go excellent can i combine them go extra fast no because if i crash into anything i'm going to take the whole nose off this thing oh we're out of wind god damn it the engine doesn't sound too good right now i've hurt you i'm so sorry just blow off some steam just vented oh box uh we can let that one go by i want to keep my momentum that i've got going my engine's not going to make it i'm gonna put one of these barrels in nope one of these barrels in is this is a barrel like a full it should be right oh yeah it is hell yeah oh there's stuff coming up okay i actually do want to pick these up i just didn't maximize my distance oh those are some dark clouds coming in oh wait i'm taking the sail down the wind's blowing the other way this is hard for my sail come down thank you okay back into where we go we're in for some rough waters folks boost over that hill they're just chugging along oh good stuff good stuff good stuff hold on hold on hold on [Music] slam on the brakes oh it's getting very dark oh that's scary very very dark we can make it it's fine we can do this we just need to believe the little thomas the tank engine oh it's getting very windy and the wind is completely blown against my sails so we're not putting those up for a while it's okay we just need to get out past this storm so far it's been all flat land we can do this the little engine that could oh and rain why must you insult me so the sound is nice though and never mind never mind it's actually quite scary oh god what is happening you can do it little one everybody believe believe hey you got this okay open land open flatland easy it's just like going across denmark not a hill to be seen oh lord lightning oh lord lane it's okay we're not the tallest structure in the vicinity it'll hit near us but it won't hit us no okay okay it's hitting a little too near us oh wait break break break we got some fuel ah glad the wind the rain get inside that is the storms are brewing i'm i'm a person of these lands i know when the storms are brewing and that's the storm get back inside lord above heaven's the besties as an empath i can tell that there's a storm coming it's okay just make a cup of tea and hope that it passes it's like when your power goes out in your house you it's not a whole lot he can do about it just write it out oh god now we're the tallest structure in the vicinity though just don't put up the sails ah damn my sails they're on fire pick up the thing oh lord no [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] they're being damaged you think the rain would do something are we good oh lord my poor sail train we got to get you to save harbors buddy okay just as long as that doesn't happen again i thought we'd be fine as long as i didn't put the sail up oh we're good the wind is calming down the stairs are forming the stars have always been there some of those stars are actually probably dead in real life you know because it takes so long for the light to get here kind of thing hold on i i actually have way too much fuel whoa how peaceful damn this game's cool sad that i didn't play it sooner but i'm glad we're playing it now okay fill you up nom nom slurp slurp glub glub just me and my sail train out in the wilderness it's like a giant bike a giant bike with an engine i like those big clunky heavy metal sounds they're some of my favorite sounds in anything because they just have such a like heft to them i like sounds that you know that when you hear them something much bigger than you as around i think that's why i like giant monsters and giant monster sounds it's like a sound that you know when you hear it something much larger than you as a round and something that can kill you something that you should have respect for so it's kind of like deep like a clunk that you can kind of like feel in your heart when you when you hear it maybe that's why i like drums because the bass drum in a drum kit is like that especially if you hear it at a concert mic'd up that's the one that you hear in your you feel in your chest when a band is playing okay i actually have too much stuff we can oh no oh no oh god why you got to hit me with a cartoon car crash sound it makes me feel even worse oh we started off so peaceful and nice i've been butchering my little train oh cool music we got a barrel my barrel just put you in there for now explodes that that sound effective that like that's one of those like water phone things it's like a pipe with a bunch of ridges around you fill it full of water and then you can play it i kind of want one oh i should have kept the barrel [Music] damn it must be something else around here to burn yeah another barrel i didn't want to go all the way back to the train oh crap can i just whoa in he go oh no i'm not there to take care of it thomas oh are you okay wait there's something coming down upgrade what is it is it like a go faster button repair tool yes [Music] it's just like battlefield 3. oh i'm assuming that's okay i did it break it fix it i sure will no no no no come back come back we have stuff that we can pick up back there no god damn it sail train hit the brakes no that's the engine that's the opposite of the brakes oh it went in next to my fire thing okay cool hold on i got to pick up this soft i have no reverse in it like i said it's a train what are you supposed to do let's do a halo tactics would capture the flag and then my team will pick it up and bring it further another light yes just what i wanted wait let's just push them so intelligent you you didn't even think of that your brain didn't even come up with that tactic i did that all my own i've kind of stuffed the camera in a shitty place though we're gonna put this light in my bedroom again um let's actually put it on the the bottom right oh let me see that sound [Music] hoarder oh can i not get it to face the other way oh man that's fine that's fine that's let me through excuse me excuse me gotta pick up all my stuff can i stick them to the no i'm assuming we're gonna have to winch ourselves out of something eventually i think i said that already but shush i don't wanna hear it i don't hear just nice relaxing peaceful time okay let me let me get a little further just a tiny bit further because i want to be able to see what i'm doing look at this mess oh god i'm not happy with this not happy at all at all let's fix my engine oh yeah you can see it being fixed on the right nice fix my i have to fix everything actually oh so peaceful is it working i really damaged that that took forever and uh hold on hold on and this one [Music] nice we're back in business lads let's go good fire cute this is so fun i'm loving this this is a great game i like that it's just me and my train and you guys of course should we hold hands under the stairs what if we what if we held hands in my sail train okay i need to put a barrel into this thing because i feel like okay okay mr box you can stay there sure why not i feel like they're taking up a lot of space [Music] lots of energy it burns through it very quickly this is probably why the environment in this game is dead because too many people are burning fossil fuels in their gigantic sail trains when they could have had sail power the entire time i wish i had sail power i've no there's no wind in me sails anymore okay i don't know if i should be going full speed all the time because then sometimes we pass stuff and i miss it [Music] speed speed lads speed i haven't seen anything in a while oh hold on see this is what i mean hit the gate we can at least wait till we pass like that i really thought i was gonna have to manage my fuel so much better at the start of this game and now i just i just have too much i guess it's more about the experience than it is about micromanaging everything which honestly i appreciate more wow look at all those stairs it's been a while since i've been in a place where there's no light pollution when i lived in the cabins back in ireland i for any of you who don't know i lived in an actual log cabin in ireland for like four years and it was in the middle of nowhere with a forest right next door and i could see so many stars at night time it was awesome okay on we go oh lord radio station hold on can i can i get the button to come back out oh hey at least i can fix it now right fix my problems i just can't fix my own brain up we go oh oh we're going way up oh i didn't sign off for this too high too high hey a little radio the wind is blowing in oh this is my nightmare oh oh wow can i just bring this radio with me oh no it's not going to be so lonely we can listen to the news and the music this is a good song too [Music] i like it a lot that'll definitely keep me less lonely what if i pick up a signal at some point where it's like everybody is dead and they are coming actually don't do that that's scary i don't want that okay away we go again worth it a worthy stop i like that i have like a dial on the right too oh yeah and i got an extra thing for my didn't i no i had those before do i get one more upgrade then oh because it shows on the right that there's like one more slot for another upgrade what could it be maybe i can get a better engine actually that would just replace the one i have maybe i get something for the witch on the back it's been nighttime for a while as it usually is in real life as well oh my music stopped oh maybe i got too far oh i can put up my sail again foolish excellent wait no put it up what are you doing oh oh i didn't push it in far enough that's why so cool oh it's cool being on top seeing the the train thing from the outside morning that's what i need i need a big propeller i know they don't actually propel anything but it'd be cool to have one that is gorgeous who knew you could play with 2d space so much soak it in sunrise is so pretty that lovely pink the music has been awesome so far as well a lot of these like smaller indie games have fantastic soundtracks to them there's houses and stuff around though i wonder if anybody lives in them a bison bye son oh no move move oh thank god i'm not picking that up i like the vibe that we got going on wait unless no i was gonna say can we get out and pet the bison but i don't think we would have been able to look at that house it reminds me of the the coast of england kind of like cliffs the dover-esque the white cliffs there's cliffs down near brighton as well that look exactly like this down by the marina to like the southeast of brighton [Music] what if everybody in this game is dead and i'm the only one left alive the blue isles a fresh start we're actually starting to get color in the game now as well it was all black and white before ah this is gorgeous to look at just the wind yeah there definitely was supposed to be water around here right oh we gonna crash yeah let me let me put down my sail again and use a bit of engine to get there oh let me let me use a lot of engine to get there oh god it's using a lot of fuel give it a boot because i think my sails would have hit the top of that and i want to protect them oh i didn't want to do that i want to kind of just freewheel i probably shouldn't put the throttle all the way in every single time because i think oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh brace for impact oh shh oh okay let me get a oh nope stop no stop i want to go down here let me get one of these put you in fill you up free up some space uh where am i going underneath there okay stay there stay here don't go anywhere i'm not putting the handbrake on but i trust you should i trust it i don't think i should whoa whoa we got a radio back i didn't realize the front of my train had a like an adult holding a kid's hand maybe i did lose my dad and we actually used to do this a lot together and i'm doing it alone oh upgrade finally get to use my winch what does this do [Music] okay i gotta push it forward little i gotta get out over the gap i did it again i i hit full [ __ ] steam it's like i want it to happen it's like i'm excited about it wait do you yeah you can still go on wait it goes on the back what is that suck it up oh do you suck up things as i'm going by nice so now i can suck up objects as i'm flying past them does it stay on forever i don't know if it uses fuel or not let's maybe turn it off cool ah that's so handy music's really hyping me up right now okay we're going we're going to go down this hill i'm not touching anything actually i will put my sails up and go can i make it back can i make it back can i make it back ah ah i'm not gonna make it i'm not gonna make it i'm not gonna make it oh dang it i missed it this stupid pile of books got in my way it's fine there's another one [ __ ] i missed that as well god damn it wait does it use energy this is actually a great way of testing or can i just leave it on forever i think i can just leave it on it'll be cool if i could funnel it somewhere i have no wind like if i could set up a system of funnels in my my train that like sucked it up and put it down into a storage area kind of thing neat okay do big sucky big second hell yeah oh big tank oh we gotta get that one i say as i turn it off i don't know how many how many i can hold hell yeah shouldn't be leaving these all lying around this though um i think i actually got to put my sail down god damn it i'm losing momentum now we're going backwards remember how he said it has no reverse i lied gravity is my reverse take a little bit up the hill the blue aisles and then we give you a pooch i want to use this big tank next fill up my entire tank these are some cute little red baron things little houses yeah i have max upgrades now you can see all four are in line with each other there you go keep her going keep her lit keep her lit as the bodies that say i can suck up quite a lot oh it stopped now i think i can suck up three things more than i expected okay oh oh fire fire there's a fire no [ __ ] that was a terrible idea why did i do that i damaged everything as well i mean i should have known it just had a giant fire symbol on it god damn it i'm sorry i'm sorry heal he'll kiss the booboo everybody kiss the boo-boo kiss my train i don't like how that sounded workshop shelter ah the windmills are so cool but i'm not interested in windmills i'm interested in desert power maybe you can strap a windmill to the top of my thing and it'll just spin and then we fly along the desert a lot of my problems would be solved by flying honestly oh you can put the sails up again oh look at this speed we got going nice let's go across the english wilderness i don't know i am such a fan of minimalism and stuff i just love when it's just just the train and like empty environment there's something about the cinematography of that that i've always loved in movies and games tv shows anything it's the like the little thing in the foreground and the massive background aspect i don't know what that if there's a term for that in art like it's not like forced perspective or anything you know what i mean just like seeing the scale of the world and knowing that things are just so much bigger than you like i was saying with um with sound as well oh it's getting dark again we come up to a graveyard oh oh i might need some speed i need some speed oh god it's going to start raining again isn't it do you think when dave dies he goes to the daveyard okay nice uh stick you in you didn't go in stick you in uh are we are we collapsing i've been too busy trying to figure out my train situation here oh sales sales sales take them down take them down take them down take them down please please please they got smack it anyway dang it it's okay i can fix ifix i have way too much [ __ ] in my in my luggage the hell is in here what else is damaged my engine makes sense i am crashing headfirst into everything all the time all right where are we going can i get up on this i could before couldn't he what's happening yeah i can okay glad i actually took the handbrake off because i needed to travel a little bit forward i'm sorry thomas i'm sorry you're gonna you're gonna do a little dinky a little dinky dunk oh that was more than a little dinky that was a smack and a half um do i need anything for energy up here no because that's a hamster wheel hamster power um okay uh uh let's take it off without me how do i get down how do i get down let me out oh god no not that way oh no no thomas come back oh i have no gap oh he's gone it's just gone it's all over i'm here turning a windmill and grinding flour grain into flour to make bread oh [ __ ] oh he could be anywhere by now was that him breaking oh lord what if it's in like two bits like the titanic it's okay i'll bring him a gift oh christ nowhere to be seen thomas oh [ __ ] oh god is that a tornado it says don't stop on the sign i'm trying not to thomas oh god is that gonna come right at me oh it's coming this way isn't it oh no thomas where are you oh [ __ ] there you are there you are oh lord thomas we're gonna have to go quite fast cool oh god i missed it quite fast all right we're gonna get full engine going okay good good good good full steam ahead and we're gonna get full sails oh lord the sheer forces of the tornado are blowing us forward big boost big boost okay i don't got time to pick that up it set my thing on fire last time whoosh [ __ ] yeah we got away attaboy tummy boy i should just have this thing on all the time now then oh oh too fast too fast this oh god i didn't mean to do that what is happening where are we going we're gonna take flight any second full throttle max speed hell yeah no my sails there's no time bonk i didn't actually hurt them that much [Music] yikes that's a big bang a big bang theory come on you said the joke as well as soon as i said that was a big bang in your head you were going our whole universe was in a heart then admitted okay i don't need to do much fixing i don't need to do much fixing yet oh this is a submarine i just realized what we're in oh cool okay definitely the oceans have dissipated so the running theory i was going with but this kind of like clinches it right we've just been going down and down and down and down so a lot of these structures then the houses and everything oh god i'm supposed to be doing something what is this that i'm pushing is this right can i jump over this no that was a cool sound but it usually means something bad's gonna happen oh oh oh oh oh i'm gonna die no i'm not i'm alive i'm a legend i'm awesome let's go thomas the [ __ ] out of here i am using you as an absolute battering ram oh the second half of me is shaking it's fine it's supposed to do that it's fine don't even worry about it it's supposed to do that folks don't even worry i was going to say does that mean all the structures that were built like the houses and everything were built after the water dissipated look at this giant ship because some of them are like at the sea level oh oh it's so bad thomas i'm so sorry i'm just ruining you oh no oh we can't go forward what do we do then okay turn off for a second you go in there fill me up maybe i can use the winch yes don't worry thomas i'm gonna have you out of here in no time [Music] come on every now and then you just gotta kiss your engine what's making those noises is there gonna be like a giant creature that's gonna come out of nowhere and kill me that would actually be dope i'm every game could deal with a giant creature or two oh thomas you're an absolute trooper i don't know how you're surviving any of this okay i gotta get the back wheel over it whatever it was there we go we should be in the clear now oh god we're all kinds of boasted okay you thomas you good we ready to go something's broken something's not right soak up all that stuff shoot hey another light let's put that there uh oh uh oh oh don't lose that momentum don't lose that momentum there we go oh that was a rough one oh it's my wheel that's broken oh that house is spooky on the left on the right i've lost all sense of direction thomas i'm flustered excellent okay drink up that soup good soup i i have way too many things oh we're going backwards oh god oh god i can't fit through that wait hummus that way keep going i miss my radio maybe i should burn the radio no something's gonna something's gonna come in on a signal at some point i i feel it oh my wheel is so busted let me get up top so i can see it also i want to see this environment oh i have a huge chunk got out of my wheel oh this is cool though i should use sail power so i could look at it more it's like trying to feed a baby and make sure that it's make sure that its nappy's changed as well oh i murdered that thing no slowing down now thomas okay i have to be able to get a better wheel there's no way that this is just my wheel now forever which i i wish i could fix the wheel i don't really have something like that the radio i knew it what i i boosted into it what are they saying can't hear it okay let's just put you in oh crap ah crap i tapped tapped the sail as long as you tap it it takes the handbrake off that's creepy sounding whoa it sounded like stevo wow no way dude that's so cool dude whoa this is very inside feeling oh spooky music it's a whole ass factory in the background we build we build our future it says on the sign yeah how did that go feels like a world that i mean it kind of feels like just a future of our world like we we burned fuels too much there's something to be said for the the burning of absolutely everything in my steam engine to accomplish my goal kind of feels like this world oh cool this world did that as well and the whole world just suffered for it because we just got too greedy we burned too much and then oh dope it says a lot as well that when i i was going by the wind turbines and the wind turbines are there but there wasn't that many of them so maybe that's like a sign that they tried but it didn't work oh the smoke in the factory turned on oh yeah now you can see the sign better [Music] does that look like a train on it kind of looks like a giant version of my train [Music] or maybe it's a boat actually looks like a boat that's on like its masts or like on its building blocks you know when you see all those uh rafters [Music] this is so cool looking i heard a who's there whoa [ __ ] awesome okay i just have way too many things oh wrong thing oh wrong thing oh wrong thing um we can actually just drive by and pick them up i don't think they're saying who's there but it kind of sounds like it wait how am i supposed to get through this i had to claim a bunch of stuff i'm just gonna crash through everything yep that's exactly what i'm gonna do bang bang crash crash i'm so sorry thomas oh lord we build our future and i tear it down very quickly sorry sorry i'm sorry to everybody in this situation the building my train i'm just sorry i'm just sorry to everybody involved this is a terrible situation for all of us oh [ __ ] hell i am ruining society maybe i'm the reason this is an apocalypse i just drove my train train through the world and crashed it all and away we go oh god am i oh fire fire fire there's a fire fire everybody all hands on deck am i on the water i don't understand what just happened 42 the answer to life the universe and everything did i have i put 42 things into that so far oh my god i'm making a steamboat what no way that's awesome it's like an old-timey steamboat okay surely i don't have to sit in this and just go along forever at least there's some water left the earth hasn't completely dried up maybe this is just to get me across a little thing wow i'm strong the little size me and i'm able to paddle this whole thing across the water the legs of steel somebody ate their heater picks this morning i feel like i could have put like a back wheel into it or something and then turn on my engine and use that to get across or at least put my sail up it feels like a very inefficient method of getting across never mind we made it how do we get out let me out nice i'm back thomas did you miss me you better have oh oh don't miss it don't miss it don't miss it don't miss it don't miss it don't miss it yeah sokisoki oh steam steam steam steam wait i shouldn't do full throttle i'm a feeling i'm about to smack into something on the right again thomas is going to have to get surgery to fix this giant broken nose that i've given him over and over again the button way up top bonk stay there thomas don't move okay good giant train i'll be back i know you're sad it looks like he has an eye that's like half closed with the fuel tank oh that door sounded like me being wheezy without my inhalers okay that does that i don't think i was supposed to do that oh maybe it was and i can't hit those yes i can oh my god i actually get to see the front of it new wheels new wheels huh huh ah that's not right yes new wheels baby huh what does this one do okay i can't do that one okay huh it's like i can do the one on the left but not the one on the right oh maybe i just have to do it quick because one goes faster than the other or not okay i can figure this out i have a brain oh wait they go on that oh because i have to take the wheels off i thought they were just going to be added on as like an extra rim that makes a lot more sense i knew i had to get new wheels oh bye thank you for your service you were very helpful i will admit i thought there was just one giant wheel in the middle of my train and now i'm realizing that every time i stood outside and i could see the wheel on the side of course there was two i don't know why i just assumed there was one oh do you think these wheels are gonna be way faster i i will not win the best time for the greatest pit stop you know how they're doing formula one and to do it in like 1.7 seconds or something i'm i'm i'm way off the record cool sound oh looking good thomas look at those brand new spiffy new wheels it's like when you get your braces off finally oh makes me feel tight-chested listening to that oh anybody else with like queasy asthma issues feeling that as well i can't even pin my right oh did my engine upgrade as well i didn't mean to do that oh brand new thomas you're gonna be so fast and sexy everyone's gonna be so jealous of you suck it all up oh we're so quick so speedy do the wheels float that's an upgrade damn we're in the swamp now why do you pop back out unless i see that steam filling up i don't want to hear about it just stay locked in nice nice nice doing great doing great lads doing good doing good now suck up all the emboys i'll take this out nice yeah never-ending supply now we're cranking it excellent progress we seem to be getting lower though like every time we're going somewhere we seem to be going lower and lower and lower right like cumulatively it feels like it's all progressively been getting more downhill oh i'm on another boat okay handbrake what else is broken this thing well not broken but damaged hey no we'll give some loaves to the sail as well do not stick that to the propane tank you will blow it up and kill us all wait what do i do okay stop this you know what i do first i go take a pee this is going to be your your break section i feel like we're about halfway through the game this is your intermission so everybody go take a break get a snack have a pee and we'll be right back i don't really know am i jumping out over that ah stinky stinky like where do i go from here all the other places have seemed so obvious i'll just go way back bye thomas i'll see you later oh that's cool looking though isn't it um oh of course i haven't used them in so long that i forgot i had them the sails you can even hear the wind it's telling me it's calling me it's pushing me forward or at least it's about to put up the sails and everything goes moving desert power you look so good thomas you look so good in the wind floating along is there anything thomas can't do land sea air maybe or we're using the power of air we're just not in it i love the light on the the engine good music [Music] that's a good soundtrack it's time to clear up a little bit oh and away we go wait i want to stay up there actually it looks nice time to take these new wheels for a test drive sorry i love that pink sky a little bit ominous [Music] so pretty this i like this just just this so peaceful [Music] getting really strong journey vibes from time to time although that's just me anytime i hear like a cello now [Music] such rich bass [Music] absolutely gorgeous there's a lot of water here actually it's not very deep but i'd love to know what we're working towards as well like what are we what are we aiming to do what are we traveling to do what's going to be at the end [Music] what is this [Music] that looks like the thing that was in the the picture we build our future oh it's massive makes my thing look so tiny what is it it's not really a boat it's got like big metal legs on it oh i was gonna say stuff to pick up but i kind of have a lot i mean sure why not oh our wind is turning on us i got dark very quickly oh lord okay out i go i guess hold on how much i'll fix this uh let me through let me through huh whoa wait what i can't go any further how do i fix you god it's cool looking i think it really is wait is there pictures on it hold on let me turn this off for a sec it's distracting me my monkey brain can't handle a lot of things going on at once um where can i hang this light i don't even need light anywhere burn the light turn the light into fuel yeah a bit of a waste whatever can i let the sails push me back uh hold on maybe i actually have to ram it a couple of times because it's showing like little pinwheels as well that i think is telling me to go back maybe i don't know i could be completely wrong i just want to know what happens if i do ram it because i don't see any other way of doing anything here there's not really anything back there let's give it a try let's put down the sails and do it so we actually just have nothing but engine power that i'm just actually supposed to winch something but i want to try this i want to use thomas's power go i knew it ah thomas you're on fire [ __ ] i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'll make it better i kiss it better i kiss it better good we're safe now we're fine we're fine now ram it thomas ram it hit the nas herman or no henry henriksen and sons i think that's what i decide on that i'm a real train now all i need is like carriages on the back oh no not the [ __ ] storm again [Music] why is the music doing that is this [ __ ] acid rain what is happening how did that set me on fire hello oh god that's scary okay i gotta fix stuff as i go we gotta get out into the we gotta get out there go and then find another shelter and stop in time or we get absolutely effed by this oh yeah future scary this is what we got to look forward to folks rain that can burn us alive kind of cool actually that music is so creepy let me fill this up first and get ready because there's a barrel down there to grab okay you ready thomas this is gonna hurt this is gonna hurt a lot we're gonna get set on fire a lot probably but you're just gonna have to hang in there and do what you got to do i will try and heal you as best i can as we go why am i not melting that just gets on fire again immediately if i stop okay okay make it make it make it make it you can make it no god god god god what have i done what have i done i'm terrible i've i've asked it i've effed it and safe we're we're okay right thomas we're we're we're doing okay right [ __ ] tell him tell him that we're doing good he he won't believe me that's just a little scratch so scratch we've been through worse hummus we've been through way worse i'm sorry i'm sorry i didn't mean to sound so scary okay heal it kiss it all better everybody kiss it all better nah good job now this is broken everything cool literally everything is broken i mean it makes sense oh keep that torch away from that wait why didn't it suck up that box maybe because i'm full already no i'm not full i should have picked up the box all right slow going at first because we have a bit of cover here and then when we really get motoring we can hit her full speed like that yeah nice smart smart me thanks me everything's getting damaged but it's fine it's fine believe believe everything's on fire all goddammit believe hey the rain's stopping we did it thomas what a duo there's nothing we can't accomplish we're incredible okay down the slop down the slop a little further a little further smack the gate ow well that wasn't what i was hoping for okay i'll heal you a little bit you're hurting thomas you're hurting i know i can feel it as an empath i can tell that there's something wrong uh and the sale cool okay um oh oh i'm scared thomas what's happening you're not thomas you're a fool's thomas okay what do you do [ __ ] all okay what do you do huh maybe back at this button ah crap thomas would never do this to me thomas had a break [Music] me like fire though not when it's inside thomas but here yeah stoke the flames nice nice fuel it up don't i look like a little fireman yes yes where are you going what are you doing i feel like you need to be here or something maybe oh no you don't i can't get back up now what does this do i made a wheel can i carry said wheel yes i can maybe have to stick it on the the thing up here nope i gotta stick it over here never mind never mind false arm that's a red herring a red herring hook you're not supposed to do that uh pro strategy nice and away here we go this is a lot of effort i'm fueling industry here i'm an absolute icon creating energy from everything [Music] thomas you good oh this is a new big train thing is looking good tommy boy let's go okay i don't need more boxes god i even have two boxes up there this is too much thomas you're full as a boss on sunday on the way to bingo full of grannies whoa locked in what am i locked into man i've been traveling for two days it's night time again turn off this because it's the sound is annoying me go thomas go ye titans of industry this stuff is also very specific to my train thing all of the technology that i'm using it's very much like a template for my little machine to fit into uh i should have the thing on whoops now i'll turn it on you're doing well tommy boy flying along be great for a bit of wind though a bit of wind to go a long way some sort of rail yeah suck it up i have no fuel okay this is gonna set you on fire tommy i'm ready this time i'm ready it's a lot of fuel it comes at a cost but that cost is amazing and i badly need to fix this this thing got destroyed oh the thing didn't suck up anything [Music] did i did i not turn it on i don't think i turned it on oh i thought it was going to suck me up for a second what nice all right tommy bye let's go [Music] all right here we go nope turn on again please i've gotten so talented at it so efficient don't see anything though in the dark is that mountain ship cliff morning's here the beautiful beautiful morning after the long night it's always great to see a new morning isn't it thomas whoa [Music] beautiful music [Music] oh wait no no stop that engine stop that engine nonsense we're supposed to be sailing right now wow i'm glad you get these sections every so often we just get to sit back relax and not stress about stuff and just watch how beautiful it is [Music] what am i going across [Music] is it like salt i love the color palette they use in this oh that's not gonna hit us is it uh oh nice nature was like this one's for you did it right as i went by man so cool this is the thumbnail right there this is great i'm having a wonderful time playing this game i hope you guys are too hope that you're you're chilling oh we lost all our color though snow it's snow i was going across i didn't think there would be snow see what you should be doing is that when you're going like this you should have technology that your your wheels are generating electricity for the engine even though it's a steam engine but you know that's so pretty what a cool snow effect this game is drop dead gorgeous everyone talks about like triple a games like how real games are looking and how amazing all these new graphics and everything are but oftentimes i found that it's the indie games that are pushing things artistically more often than not there's very few games that look like this maybe we should head back inside do i have to step out into this uh oh oh okay my thing is not doing a sucky anymore oh it is nice whatever damage may come i fully accept the responsibility i'm gonna go up here just in case i need to take off this oh i shouldn't have done that oh that's wobbly ho ho that's wobbly okay take the sail down oh that seems bad oh that seems real oh that seems real bad hey now we're actually on a rail though is this a turntable turn that off how do i get out anywhere though i want to go up there on the left pick up a box put a box inside no can't do that okay okay put that there put this inside so all the stuff that i put down here i haven't used all game see this efficiency efficiency um yeah how do i get up to that maybe this can do something god the sail is massive isn't it how do i how do i do anything maybe wait hold on maybe turning my engine can actually do something maybe turning the wheels i'll actually oh yeah i didn't need the sail i didn't need the sail that was a mistake i made a mistake go back down this goes down quick okay did it nice oh because that was weighing us down got it ah do i have to use my water that's neat cool sweet now i'm trapped in here all of this thomas okay i feel like i feel like that's not the first time this has happened in this game uh that the developers are probably aware of i should go this way oh it's all broken thomas i'm sorry i stuck you in the wall what was i supposed to do i was pushing the other thing forward grab that there there you go grab the winch oh i think cuz i i kind of broke everything i i fell down i broke the game i completely broke the game can i can i go back to where i was all right better this time it didn't uh completely break which i feel like is always a good thing when stuff doesn't completely get destroyed you usually go in the right direction in a video game i do have to move some stuff around in here though because these are all blocking that button you know it's it's kind of useless to have it like that nice oh actually maybe that's why things were kind of broken because they were constantly pressing that button i like my storage now though looks a lot neater yeah all right not broken at all anymore nice i don't know what this is supposed to be doing fair enough whoa there's a barrel in the sky in the top left the physics kind of messed up it got sucked into my oh i can't get past this now oh lord my beautiful beautiful craftsmanship all ruined the the barrel got sucked into this thing but didn't get oh there it is nice okay i have too many things let's just do this and away here we go oh the sale the sale the sale oh i thought we were actually going to buy into something okay we're fine we're fine false alarm false freak out it was it was it was a test it was a drill yeah i'm actually on a railway line now for the first time cool so dope stuff snowing i don't like it when we pick up max speed like this though oh crotch crotch okay i think we need a bit more speed i think this is the culmination of everything engine wind all together working in tandem saying screw you nature we're gonna cross this land we're gonna pioneer we're gonna go where no train has ever gone before even though there's tracks here okay i don't want that one i want that one that was a big bonk oh that was heavy metal baby it was kind of cool thomas you're sick what a legend everything is banjaxed though everything got a knock in that one all right where to wait maybe actually i'm just supposed to push this but i keep hearing like a heartbeat wait there's a winch on it i don't see how the winch would help me though right because it's i'm pushing it not pulling it anywhere ah never mind come back oh my god i'm pulling the whole train oh my god i'm so strong holy crap god damn do that again all this time i could have just been pulling the train across the land i didn't have to waste fuel sales risk thomas's health i could have just been sick strong man competition ah i think one of those ones or someone's either side [Music] what's the max jump though [Music] maybe i can actually just do this over and over again make it super fast making our way downtown pulling train with a because i'm so cool i thought that was a giant w on the side but what were you guys building boats oh it's gonna get quick it's gonna get quick here we go speed hold on let them dude hold on okay maybe go a little faster ah what is just the end just like that happy i don't think i'm able to go any further i'm leaving bye oh i can actually go really far from it before when i tried to do this it was like no you have to stop there's there's nowhere to go maybe there's a secret no it stops i have wasted everyone's time i have looked foolish sometimes you got to try it though sometimes you got to see what the what the max capacity of your game is okay we got to lower that but i don't see any way of doing that i think i'm actually faster when i jump okay oh oh okay well bye then i thought we had something i thought we were friends okay god damn it this situation is so annoying i want i want the other one oh god all right thomas this is going this is going to hurt buddy whenever whenever we get ready to use that it's going to hurt you're going to have to be ready for it wait am i going around the tracker straight forward straightforward baby thomas doesn't listen to your rules he makes his own and then burns himself to death in the process all right keep going though don't stop there don't let a little fire stop you when does a little fire stop to anybody don't let fire stop you from accomplishing what you want okay well we might have to let steam stop us ah no we don't damn it's like a whole rail system that you guys were building oh sale power they really were trying to build the future weren't they oh that's that's ice underneath me how did i not realize that until i heard the cracking are we gonna bang that oh oh what are this hold on i need fuel lighting fire give me that which i desire oh go ye titans of industry oh is this one of the big things that i saw that we built you're our future thing the big boat looking thing ouch that's a big crash every time a bit crashy oh yeah i'm going up into it i see a fuel gauge no do i get to drive this thing no i saw a fuel gauge like mine wait where do i go forward nope ah stop stop stop i'm not really sure how i get anywhere here i can't make it go backwards oh my god this thing i mean it's massive it's like a land ship like a big boat with legs there you go like i can get up here but i i can't really go anywhere from here am i missing something really obvious i can get up there but i need to go back oh wait yeah oh i just figured out that i could do this oh yeah i can pull my whole train you'll forgive me for forgetting that because how would anyone think that me the size of the wench itself would be able to pull the whole thing that's crazy you're way too strong you need to be stopped maybe you destroyed the world this is going to close behind me oh maybe not oh my god wait do i not get to use thomas again thomas jen henriksen damn you can see them the process of building it that's my train that's my little sail train is that my dad yo that's my dad and then locomotive v2 it started to get legs on it that seems incredibly inefficient uh this one is more like what we have prototype and then v1 this thing is huge wait why is everyone not here though why can i not go over this hello maybe it's supposed to fall down through these boards or not oh i can use this actually to get out over it what am i saying use your human brain sean oh this is a new engine room [Music] this is so much bigger this is way bigger than a thomas [Music] oh my god holy crap that corridor is the size of my old one oh my god it's burning through a lot of fuel very quickly that's insane oh my god jesus that's incredible oh i'm out of fuel uh uh i actually regret everything uh this is awful this seems really bad you know when the music turns like that that something awful is about to happen thomas thomas we gotta go we we gotta get out of here we we gotta split this place [Music] i'm sorry i left you i'm so i'll never leave you again never ever ever leave you again i'm so sorry thomas wait can i put out the fires though since i'm a little fireman okay i still can't go out through that i have water um huh i don't mean to do that i can't go back up the the door sealed off behind me oh oh i died i didn't even know you could i just fell asleep actually whoops fill her up jacka boy fill her up i think we're near the end anyway so i can just plop these in here we go here we go we're gonna steam boost this one are you guys ready for it boost yes oh oh oh oh no no no no no stop it quench quench quench quench there you go quench quench french quench quench quench no well if you just aimed it down you would have been fine maybe you can actually just get over and hit the button no i'm going to try and quench it again quench quench maybe from here is that doing it am i getting it is it quenched is the fire gone i think the fire is gone i'm doing it it's just not hitting the right space there you go that's what i wanted to do the first time but he didn't float that far you can stop with the scary music thank you it's actually not that bad anymore okay okay okay i see uh i see yep yep yep yep are we doing it oh we doing it look at that look at my [ __ ] brain go my brain is gonna get on fire in a second from how smart it is and that's gonna weigh that down [Music] how the hell do i get back up there again do i have to go all the way through you oh my god look at my brain work oh it's so good okay at least this i thought the whole thing was actually going to go on fire and the whole thing was going to collapse it's like an 8080 uh uh good am i i'm just going to assume good what did i do let me get it moving again oh god we are locomotion baby hell yeah wait can i move listen to its feet can i move thomas out over this or am i just oh god this is a bad idea this is a terrible idea i i'll just leave it there for now i i it actually looks cool there or maybe you can pull it okay good good good good yeah yep this is great yep oh my god it's so slow can i pull it up through that gap i'm right next to the giant engine so this is what they were trying to build all those other times every time i walked by something that was like dilapidated in progress they were just trying to build this i think my camera still recording yeah ah i missed ah dang it this thing is massive though this must be what it felt like to be on the titanic for the first time it's a gigantic piece of machinery how come sometimes you can reach really far and then other times you can't what up with that bro i would like an answer stinky thomas all right here we go here we go tommy boy nice i think it's working it's pulling it's pulling you guys closer together it's like lady and the [ __ ] with the spaghetti and you're both kissing from one end nice oh and those are going into the engine when i do that oh i didn't even pick up on that it's going into like a an energy cell that's why i was able to move it again oh of course so this is what my my thing can run on like lamps and briefcases and this thing needs plutonium cores oh it sounds so cool how much fuel do i get for it though i i hear sounds of filling but it didn't fill up philip god damn is this just a cross like an icy tundra because this thing is not that fast it takes an immense amount of fuel as you can see and it doesn't get very far on that fuel it's like a humvee terrible uh miles to the gallon oh thomas you're better than all of these i got halfway across the planet on thomas i'm just okie sookie ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch oh god i didn't realize i could actually die from the fire in my own cockpit we're good we're good we gooch i assume we get across the plane and then i'm able to get thomas back out that area oh i love that crunch of the snow or the the crunch of the ice and the snow my god this makes my thing look like a toy holy crap i wonder how much how long it took them to build it that's a that's a big bang theory i i had to say it again or else as other people would say it i'm not letting you guys get the joke okay we can do our sales again wherever we we're going better be worth it we've traveled so far why what's happening a volcano go thomas oh we need all the speed we can get holy [ __ ] why why now this is awful keep that speed going holy [ __ ] you realize how fast a pyroclastic flow goes right oh god don't breathe it in it's got shards of pumice pieces in it it'll get into your lungs and destroy it sometimes on fire it's my sale my sales on fire of course it would be did that get it i got it oh my god no thomas what the hell i can fix you i can put you back together oh no oh wait the front still goes this is the worst thing that could have happened to me today do i just go without you no thomas [Music] this is so sad this is like when i lost aggro and shout out to the colossus all over again i think i might actually have to bring it with me no is this just gonna shift to me on my own perspective oh thank god oh thank god thomas i still need you i thought i was gonna be able to go i thought i was gonna like zoom out and be like no you need thomas and then like zoom in on just me and leave thomas behind that would have completely broken my heart maybe i can pull him you've got a winch i mean the sail should be able to keep going right yeah oh yeah of course you just weren't fully extended i just got to hold it now because it has no string left on it oh my god now it really is just a bicycle of all the times a volcano could have erupted wait is that it oh no i gotta balance it oh it can't go too much forward or too much back wow i did not expect us to get here after we rid rode the rid after we rode the highest high of being in a giant metal spider to this [Music] this is the worst [Music] first i lose my dad brother son and then i lose thomas [Music] are these all like graves of other ships from people who've made this same journey are they all like me whoa look at the water [Music] no thomas no oh god i ruined you i'm sorry i can make it better i can make it better i get rid of all the nasty i can make it better thomas i can do it i'm sorry i filled you with so much i gave you so much of my baggage oh god thomas that's sadder than most video game character deaths i'm so upset what now launch it launch the nuke wait do i have to fill it full of something yeah there's so many other like crashed vehicles maybe somebody will come on a boat and collect me wow it's just gonna end isn't it thomas [Music] [Music] god those colors are so pretty it's nighttime [Music] is no one going to answer my beacon gondor needs aid i don't know if i'm supposed to do something or just let it fade out they did come i'm saved wow that was phenomenal that was so fun goodbye old friend [Music] man i didn't think it would have such an emotional ending don schmacker that's a fun name to say wow really really cool game to get so much out of so little i'm very impressed by that i can't believe i didn't play that before i think there's a bunch of different ways you can probably interpret it as well right that like you're just moving on with everybody else because it showed a bunch of other crashed ships at the end or crash trains or whatever you want to call them and then you light the beacon and a boat comes and picks you up a lot of that could be analogous to afterlife sort of symbology because we started off at a grave who know it could have been me in that grave and this is my afterlife and i'm i'm passing on so you go through the journey to the other side and then it's like when you're ready to pass on you you light that beacon and the ship comes and brings you off to to different shores kind of like in lord of the rings when people die they just go to like the gray haven or the elves they don't actually die they just leave middle earth and go to a different realm basically it could be like that it could be more literal that this part of the world is done and everybody's left and they're moving on to something else which is kind of the same thing either way it showed that a lot of people made the same journey a lot of people moved on to something else it's cool that we got to see the finalized version of the the machine because it could also be like a journey through their life right we were seeing all the failed attempts and all the bits and pieces of it being put together and then at the end we finally got to see it realized and then after seeing it realized we just moved on to the next phase of life really cool lots of interpretations i think that you can pull out of that i like the sort of afterlife aspect to it because it starts with death and it moves on it starts with like a grave and moves on then to a different shore and that to me is very afterlifey but i'd love to know what you guys think i'd love to know your interpretations and your analogies because the game's like three years old now i think so there's probably probably been a lot of essays and a lot of theorizing and a lot of kind of like chatter about what all of this actually means so if any of you have like dug deep into it and actually figured out what it's about or maybe the devs have said something about it i'd love to know down in the comments what it all means because i i get my own interpretations out of these things but and sometimes that's what art is supposed to do you're not supposed to get anything beyond what you think out of it the developers will always have a set kind of thing of in their head what it means to them but it means different things to different people and actually saying exactly what it is ruins that so i like that i like the ambiguity of it i got so into that i was so involved and so engaged and the mechanics are so simplified in a lot of ways it's just a resource management of your your train and you try and overcome little puzzles at little stops along the way it was paced so well every time you got like those big long sections across the sand with your sail then other times you had to like get through the rain and it was complicated and then get through a building and oh okamotov is the developer that's fun i did see that they have another one coming out it was announced like seven months ago it was far something far something shores i think there's like a sequel to it coming out uh fair loan sales sequel fire changing tides is the name of it so that trailer came out seven months ago thank you for playing thank you for making it wow what an experience i'm so glad i sat down and did this all in one go as well like i said it's been a while since we've done that with any sort of game and i i got a lot of like journey vibes from this the whole way through because journey is about i i don't really want to spoil it but if any of you have played journey you'll you'll know what i i mean just just a tiny bit of comparison though uh maybe the developers were kind of like inspired by it and made their own game um very very cool such a fun game one of my my favorite games that i've done on the channel now but yeah i hope you guys enjoyed it any of you who watched it the entire way through start to finish you just sat down you went go uh appreciate you you guys are the real ones who are on the channel all the time who watch everything i upload and it really means a lot to me if you watched it in chunks that's just as valid i don't think i would be able to sit down and watch an entire two and a half hour video these days either so um i appreciate you guys as well and even if you just stopped by and you checked out the the episode and you didn't like it that's fair enough as well thank you for really stopping by and for being here um i hope you enjoyed it i had a blast doing this and i can't wait to play something else like this let me know some suggestions any games that are this kind of length with this sort of atmosphere that we can sit down and play in one go because it's super fun to do i like doing this anyway that's going to be it for me thank you guys so much for watching
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 4,548,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, far lone sails, far lone sails full game, full game, walkthrough, playthrough
Id: 5yeFp59CNxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 15sec (8535 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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