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[Music] deep within the recesses of your mind you find a familiar place maybe a familiar face where that place was was long forgotten never to be dredged up again you promised you would never go back to the year that was 1998. [Music] i was eight years old in 1998 so not a whole lot happened i probably was just eating sand and running into trees over and over again but i'll go back there and go back into the back rooms if i have to this is a game that showed up on steam it's early access still uh it looks really really cool like in the backroom stuff really think it's cool cane pixels on youtube robin show them a little taste cane all right that's enough we reacted to his backrooms video it has over 30 million views now pioneering a new wave of horror on youtube very exciting to see very impressed by him uh so i want to play more games kind of around this scenario uh no jump scare mode do i look like a little baby to you no but we'll see what happens let's play the tape you can zoom in with the right mouse button i've played a video game before you can press f near a wall to paint on it okay never mind i haven't played anything like that before why am i painting on walls oh god oh it's a baby the fear of commitment come on man do something cool i want to be famous right says the guy filming the ground oh yeah is he just gonna fall through the ground because that's the thing that's most interesting about the back rooms nice there's the skateboard oh thank god i have this come on do something sick do a flip i want the cockroaches to like jump on it and do a kickflip oh my god it's it's detecting my voice guys that's my kryptonite it said i could press f against the wall to spray on it so is the thing with the back room is that where you get into it is not always where you get out of it i'm not too well versed in the the lore of it because he fell down through here couldn't you just like jump back up through it or is the portal one way who knows i have a hundred paint or something all right i'm not afraid of this hello hello dude you're away cam ooh inventory you're a wake ham for someone who just fell through earth okay you found an angle-head pocket flashlight don't mind if i yes okay there we go now we're seeing the world for what it truly is an abysmal mess okay it's six from uh little nightmares i made new friends his name i think was lee or liam don't remember terrible friend i am playing at his house but it's cold down here in the basement i wonder when he will let me go oh whoops maybe it's like uh georgie you'll float too you'll float too are you georgie oh i have i have flashlight level does it does it recharge on its own okay throw the plates whoa sick shoes okay i'm i need to get into this what are we doing where are we going all right neat i have the strength of ten grown men make sure you keep filming this though the world's gonna want it documented hold shift to run running for a long period of time makes you run out of stamina of running also makes noise okay so you anticipated that streamers would play this or youtubers or something right because otherwise there's no reason you would have a microphone reception oh my god even my even my whispers are loud even if i just have a tiny little whisper i'm still so goddamn loud look i can't help it i'm an irishman it's what we do oh crowbar yeah baby a flashlight for your or a battery for your flashlight okay i thought it was a shotgun show okay easy peasy so far i'm not even worried about it all right we got the crowbar so now i can open up this right guys you think this is funny i don't think anyone's helping you they're slick how do i equip it it can be used to remove oh i just use it okay got it got it i'm smart i play video games it's my job okay it's fine to run out of batteries for my camera as well your dirty footprints leave a trail this can be used as an advantage to see why are my feet so dirty who dirtied up my feet excuse me someone put dirt on my feet oh [ __ ] my pants door's locked and needs a key in order to open okay easy i don't like all this swaying you're doing hello it feels like you're gonna fall over you got vertigo i'm gonna get motion sick from this oh god go in the tiny hole the radio i'm hearing oh i hate when games are like here you can hide in this by the way because that just means that i'm gonna have to run away from something ew what is wrong with that kid's face little timmy when he was younger and his favorite jacket after eating his favorite lunch fried chicken so happy love you jimmy uh timmy's the devil have you had a child that looked like that that is someone's child that's a real picture of a child oh the virgin mary please save me save me from whatever hellish landscape i'm in uh no thanks what was that some eye shadow guys this is it funny get out of this you will be much quicker on this every day is like day when you have a tricycle get on it and just speed your way through the back rooms oh and i'll catch you then you know your inventory by pressing tab or pressing one to quickly open the main okay okay whoa i whoa there is a there's a thing there's uh things are happening are you a mannequin please tell me you're a mannequin you're a mannequin right well actually i don't know if that's better or worse mannequin hello mannequin mannequin with the tutus oh lots of mannequins oh christ oh dude video games are so cool please do not turn around please do not turn around i don't like it i don't like it i don't like it okay they're not turning around that's good oh jesus it's okay it's just my heavy feet you stay right there ma'am oh all of you lovely looking mannequins dude take one with you have a buddy [Music] oh god that is so much worse bring me back to the titties oh god what is wrong with you eww don't you look at me don't you even dare look in my direction a key i forgot i was trying to get a key okay can i dirty oh my god jesus jesus is not going to save you now tiny irishman oh mother of jesus virgin mary okay he's gone cool do i hear tiny child breathing are they manic i don't like you i don't my nerves are camped everything's fine now why are you in the summoning circle i hear breathing oh georgie's down here that tiny child is like five feet away from getting drop kicked i've said it once and i'll say it again i'm not afraid to kick a child especially if it's a ravenous demon baby that's fine that's totally fine that's so unbelievably fine that is so totally unbelievably unequivocally and totally fine that breathing that i'm hearing someone just needs an inhaler was someone there did you see that rewind that back slow motion was there somebody there i need to know what do you know you're going to write it in the comments after this happened you can't help me he most likely was kidnapped his mother made another plea to the killer to release her son saying she just wanted him home so she could cook him his favorite meal spicy fried chicken little timmy's body was found two days later near the logan forest he was found wearing his favorite yellow jacket and blue jean shorts the same clothes he had been wearing at the time of the kidnapping however both of his arms and his head have been detached from his body it is said that little timmy was most likely kidnapped and tortured his severed head was found near his body while his wife was found some distance away an autopsy revealed that he had been knocked unconscious with a blunt object such as a hammer it is also believed that little timmy may have been alive while his arms were severed no i i don't want to hear that anymore i don't want to hear the story of how an 11 year old was decapitated and tortured oh timmy i'm not scared of you anymore i just feel bad for you timmy i can bring you home even though they said they found your body so i don't know what's walking around in here jesus why do i keep yelling for jesus what do we think he's gonna do divine intervention he got crucified even his dad didn't care okay timmy i am a friend i promise [Music] do i want to go through that door all right all right it won't be here why why are bad things happening to good people i've done nice things i upload videos every day well not every day most days for people and you get to watch them for free it's a nice system let's not mess with it timmy i'm an adult and i'm much bigger than you hello don't make a sound it can hear oh [ __ ] lighter huh from a black spray paint gun oh now i can do it oh i get to draw it whoa hell yeah let's go okay it's a it's a little off there was an accident okay you should probably see a doctor though if it looks like this i look as someone who has one the oak they come in all shapes and sizes all different types of people you know who am i to say what it should look like i'm just a little worried about the enlarged testicle here on the left so hey just get a checkup anyway depending on your age you should probably be doing that regardless i miss you i miss you don't make a sound it can hear but no eyes what the hell is this okay um what can i draw what can i draw what can i draw i'm such a terrible artist and i can't think about up of stuff on the spot [Music] look the game doesn't really give you great control over the systems all right ohio oni chan that sounds good whatever moving on you guys suck ruin my artistic and it's a mannequin it's a mannequin it's a mannequin it's not freaking out okay it's just mannequins it's just mannequins that's fine mannequins are cool oh no they're not no they're not what's wrong with you disgusting okay i didn't run out i didn't run out of any paint for some reason oh god should i not be making sounds now got it hello hey i think we're okay for now it's okay everything's fine everything's totally cool [Music] who's that look at your naked body just yeah i'm not scared of you maybe i should be though guys you think this is funny oh jackson peak came out for a second oh no thanks come again we're okay we're good we're good we're good i just have to talk further away from the microphone and then hopefully you can still hear me but i don't peek into the red you know we'll just be cool about that yeah drake liam anyone that's a fake door oh what the [ __ ] do we do [Music] i keep thinking i see stuff but i'm scared this is the [ __ ] radio again oh [ __ ] okay how the hell i got an idea [Music] there we go x marks the spot i know where i've been now i know where i've been and where i'm going i'm not afraid i'm a little afraid timmy oh no no no i'm afraid to scream am i am i okay sorry it's like built up in me i need to let it out every now and then wait i don't see you though where are you what's happening my ex on the wall was [ __ ] useless what was the [ __ ] point i'm going here too look cool yeah we're making progress what the [ __ ] is going on what the [ __ ] is going on what the [ __ ] is going on what the [ __ ] is going on this is [ __ ] up yeah you [ __ ] said it there jimbo [Music] x marks the wall when all these wall markings around i'll never die door door's good door good in here bad you can just go f yourself wall picture everything feels the same can't be real uh it sure feels real done in there jimbo oh come on man [Music] all right we put another one there you put one there but one there then you're gonna know where you're going right turn your flashlight off because you're just wasting the battery now it's safe to talk out loud here so i'm just going to get it out of the way blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah okay i'll go back to quiet now oh should i be putting stuff like that down should i be like putting arrows and [ __ ] i've just been putting x's oh i didn't know we were in like an arrow situation i have been put into x's [Music] jesus christ was that a cockroach ew spray them spray them i'm not allowed to [Music] kill them kill everybody hey monster if there's anybody you want to kill don't take me all i'm going to do is [ __ ] myself and then no one's going to be happy about that kill these guys this place is [ __ ] up i need to get out of here right now okay okay okay we'll do this and then we'll go why can't i okay we put x's here that's a no-go door a no-godow no that's a big no no unless what's in here is worse this is a bad idea this is a really bad idea this is a supremely [ __ ] bad idea look even in real life i don't want to go near children that are screaming like that oh that's a bad door but why that's what i've been asking you stupid son of a [Music] that's all i do is [ __ ] cry all the time i get whatever i want if i cried all the time as well but why i've been asking that why indeed why am i here why is anything this is gonna go well i this is fine [Music] how i better stay quiet i better stay quiet i need to control my breathing it's now enabled what do you mean it's now enabled i've been being i've been quiet this whole [ __ ] time for nothing where'd it go okay what do we do this [ __ ] sucks why is he attracted by that why isn't he chasing that what [Music] huh oh yeah cool yeah that makes sense oh [ __ ] so i have to collect things and put it on the mannequin okay oh it's coming it's coming [Music] it's so close it's so [ __ ] close i didn't know it was going to be one of these games i didn't know i had to be quiet wow walk my life okay cool yeah sure okay look at the floor this time instead of walking across so many breakable things what what what what what what what [Music] she turned her head she turned her [ __ ] head okay was that one of the things uh yeah on the right oh god we're gonna be here forever it's gonna be the year 2000 by the time i get out here did you all turn around is there more of you there's more of you and you turned around oh my god you suck you suck and you need to be burned i feel like it's right outside there's nowhere to hide in here though what do i do can i save [ __ ] okay he's over there somewhere is the thing like timmy but he's all like [Music] do i need a flamingo i need the jacket i need a hat i need a backpack a picture or something and a toy car i don't think any of that's here oh my god this stinks this [ __ ] stinks what oh my god that sounded like it was in my [ __ ] head why why oh god it's so loud it sounds like it's in my room it sounds like it's in my head why would you do that i it sounded like it bounced up here it sounded like he was bouncing on my head don't do this to me don't no no there we go i see you i see you ice sometimes what sometimes the things you see in the shadows are more than just shadows just just [ __ ] off and die just [ __ ] off and die could you can i go through this nope all right i guess i'll die then i'm not afraid of you i'm not afraid i was a little afraid a little a little pee came out but not a lot not a lot not enough to shame myself just a little bit it always sounds like it's so close [Music] i can't see anything who is that huh who was it who wants to go toe to toe with jacka boy and get kicked in the face why would you do that why would you do that to me why would you do that at the most random [ __ ] time cool i got a battery well he's coming oh he running he's running for it now oh hidden here just in case the thing i got wasn't even for the [ __ ] thing it was just a battery i don't care about batteries when was the last time i used my bloody light i don't use the light because it'll attract him i should shut up oh that's very close i think he's leaving that's good there was no glass there was no glass on the ground what do you mean what do you mean gonna have to be really quiet he is right outside that door oh i can hear him squelch i can hear him squelch this might be one of the quietest videos i've ever made okay bye bye now bye-bye okay he's going away it's all cause i made a sound i hate this i i hate it oh surprising i was just about to say i can get out of this you scumbag you scumbag of a video game i don't even care what is that is that a body medicine no escape just kill yourself great advice thank you oh i really want to be able to find the things i want to be able to find the backpack and the picture and all of that stuff i don't want to be here i just made a sound i mean i made a sound and attracted him know he's running away is he oh i'm sweating sweating in the back rooms what oh my god stop i can't handle it anymore i can't i need my cheeks hurt i'm trying to hold in sounds it's so unnatural uh i'm sweating his room is already warm he always sounds so much closer than he is okay good nice okay okay i'm not falling for it i'm getting lost i'm getting so [ __ ] lost okay that's back to the start got it what why why is he following me what [Music] hey [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] this is too much [Music] is that it i didn't get a picture of it all i got was this that doesn't help i see is it four here [Music] yes i'm so lost not again not this time this is where i came in that is cool i hate it i [ __ ] hate it i hate it where do we go huh [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] this game is too much it's too much i i can't i want to be out i want to go home uh you got me you got me you got me yeah you got me you got me yeah you got me what do you think of that you got me do you have the time done not afraid of him okay i can mark this and only a mark that i would be able to understand [Music] i got a syringe okay i can use nice okay is that a shortcut why are the mannequins chasing me and not just him cheap ass jump scares come on man no no it's too cheap no then i'm gonna point this way this way and say no i feel like there was a very methodical way about doing this right from the get-go and i messed it up mainly being don't run around like a madman and mark the things that you've already gotten so you don't go in there again but all of this seems new all the time oh yes yes okay cool [Music] nice yeah yeah yeah [Music] now where did i come from i know you can't see me [Music] he wasn't lying he wasn't lying he was standing right there oh this is a good room this is definitely good this is good news written all over it oh the body went excuse me excuse me coming through hey it's someone's ass [Music] what are you doing just hanging out come on guys let's give him a hand [Music] yeah that looks about right [Music] no no no oh my god why which direction is he coming from left to right definitely that direction yeah i'm over here [ __ ] by which time i will be long gone i got the [ __ ] key code i don't need it again [Music] nice nice not so nice my god just let me have like five seconds i didn't realize they could join together like that i don't know what i missed just go oh god oh jesus am i okay does he stop hmm oh my god it's saving there was a save system i could have died and lost all of that progress that would have been awful oh my god oh my god okay i'm back at the start yes i've most of the things all i need is the picture right one two three four five six one two three four five yes i only need the picture okay the picture should be around here somewhere because there's [Music] stop that there's some places that i didn't go to right in the starting area why are you freaking out with me shut up okay i've been in here give it to me show me picture show me picture [Music] let's go oh god okay so where do i go now how do i get out of here i guess i i should just go back to where all of that stuff was and then see what happens okay back to silent mode wait did the monster stop you can have some [ __ ] jump scare [Music] oh i can feel it i can feel it coming [Music] no stop go away is that it oh be still my beating heart pull me out of the back rooms and never send me back in there again holy [ __ ] [Music] wait this is the start of the game again and we are rolling i didn't just restart did it look at these fools trying to skate come on man do something cool you want to be famous yeah do something cool like falling through the floor and finding the back rooms oh yeah drake wait so what's gonna happen now then is he just not gonna fall huh whoa oh please don't tell me the game just restarts he's not breathing oh nice oh my god [ __ ] let's get out of here get out of here oh he broke his neck did i just die [Applause] that's unfortunate come check out this little wimp what a [ __ ] idiot what's he doing all alone here are we going to see him fall grab the hammer clean him get his bag lock him up get the hammer get the hammer let's go let's lock him up in liam's house have some fun with this little [ __ ] i was playing as him almost a week had passed since the shocking gruesome discovery of little timmy the 11 year old was walking on his way home when he most likely was kidnapped his mother made a public plea oh this is the stuff that was on the radio i heard this already she just wanted him home so she could cook him his favorite meal spicy fried chicken little timmy's body was found two days later near the local forest he was found wearing his favorite yellow jacket and blue jean shorts the same clothes he had been wearing at the time of the kidnapping however both of his arms so i did that me as the skateboarding and guys his severed head was found near his body while his arms were found some distance that's really messed [Music] timmy may have been up while his arms were severed which could explain why his arms were found further from his body little timmy most likely ran around armless for a few minutes calling out for his that is messed up until he passed out from the loss of blood that is the point at which the killers caught up to him and chopped off his head the autopsy also revealed that his last meal had been spicy fried chicken really hitting us with the spicy fried chicken at the end kind of like deflating any of the scares liam williams 18 and drake salvatore 19 were both charged for the kidnapping torture and brutal murder of little timmy after police found a vhs recording belonging to paul hart yeah smart film that also 19 after he was admitted to hospital from a skateboarding incident where he died from his injuries just minutes later the vhs footage shows all of them involved with the kidnapping captivity torture and brutal murder of little timmy they stated that they were not that bad to him and also fed him his favorite food before the murder took place both liam and drake received the death sentence for the crime paul hart died from the skateboarding incident oh little timmy when he was younger with his favorite jacket after eating his favorite lunch fried chicken so happy why you guys really love leaning into the spicy fried chicken location where paul hurt one of the killers had the accident some of his blood can still be visible as well as the recipe for spicy fried chicken liam williams 18 drake salvatore 19 paul hart 19. spicy fried chicken not pictured huh okay that was pretty cool this game was developed by ryan a solo developer damn that's even more impressive what a messed up story but that means that he died from the skateboarding accident like he fell over and broke his neck it said and then as all the stuff from the back rooms just it didn't happen or it was like his purgatory dealing with what he did to little timmy and that was timmy like chasing us all the time because he was wearing the red jacket i'm not sure if i like that more than just somebody falling into the back rooms and finding just a random monster because that to me is more scary than i mean the fact that what they did to the kid yeah that's scarier than anything because that's real and probably happens all the time in some parts of the world and is awful [Music] oh we're just going back to the main menu okay um very cool though i like that take on a back rooms sort of game that from a gameplay standpoint i mean like going around and finding stuff to be able to get out it's it's tried and true it's the same as like like slender and all of those types of games um but i think some of it got a little tedious but i think a lot of that was just on me because i i didn't mark where i was going properly and then didn't really realize that i probably should have been doing it when the actual stuff happened because i was too busy being scared and being tense and everything i will say that creature walking around all the time actually had me scared like i feel tense now i feel like i had adrenaline pumping through me for that whole episode and like i need to detense i feel like i'm about to get a headache from like tensing up all the time so in regards to that it did exactly what it was supposed to do um scared me a lot i just wish there was less random ass jump scares out of nowhere because they always feel cheap like a couple here and there like yeah i get it it's it's to incite you to make a sound so if you if a jump scare happens and you actually go then it's like oh i've made a sound and then the monster starts chasing you so i get the mechanic and why it's there i just wish it wasn't so random and so often because it kind of took some of the bite out of it after a while um but then again there were times when i was like i did make a sound again even after it happening a couple of times so sometimes it really really worked and it's an interesting mechanic and having a whole game based around sound like that isn't done very often we've seen it a couple of times for like a few specific little scenarios but having it be one of the main mechanics of the game we haven't seen very often at least i haven't played that kind of stuff on the channel very often so i like that i like someone who's like talking non-stop all the time to have to actually be quiet or you'll get killed in the game it's pretty cool but anyway yeah that was the back rooms 1998 it's still on uh steam for early access i don't know what they'll do if they'll add more to it or they'll just tighten up the mechanics or whatever but for what's there it's still pretty good um even as like an earlier iteration of what it is so i'm excited to see wherever it ends up going so keep an eye on it keep keep following it and see where it ends up after it leaves early access if it ever does there's a lot of games that never actually leave early access um but so far i highly enjoyed it but thank you guys so much for watching let me know what you thought about the game down in the comments below and also click anything in the description because i have a lot of stuff going on and i will link to more scary stuff down there as well so if you want to keep in that zone and you want to keep getting scared and keep that flow going there's plenty of more scary videos and scary games that i've played on the channel go check them out
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 4,058,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, backrooms, the backrooms 1998, microphone, detect microphone, detect speaking, have to be quiet, horror game, scary, scary game
Id: BmorKHLqAm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 38sec (3698 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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