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my graduates from my school being forbes back drop back drop my drop back drop all right guys welcome back this is an extremely important episode so um you know it's been a while since we uh talked about on personal credit yeah shout out to him 500 that was a that was a dope classic episode that was a lot of exotic stuff um and he's he's very good at that the legend himself guys high end is a lot of anxiety stuff but um you know we we had one uh basic credit episode and outside of that that's the only credit a minute that we had that was over a year ago and um so now i think it would be a good time to revisit the conversation of you know personal credit how to purchase real estate with credit how to student loans and um you know business credit things of this these nature is like it's like unknown territory yeah you can't have a financial literacy uh platform without fully addressing credit and it's like even stock like think about market mondays we talk about stocks every single week and it's still not enough for people like you understand so credit is something that we just can't talk about one time or even two times we gotta talk about it several different times so we brought the big dog the pig dog himself yeah jose rodriguez also known as the credit dude so if you're not familiar with jose um he's a very dynamic guy he actually used to be in the military he's a veteran you us marine veterans absolutely um so he has a company where he helps people um repair their credit also build business credit he was just informing me they got a lot of stuff that they were rolling out the pipelines um thousands of clients uh nationwide and uh he really probably became known to a lot of people um when he started working with dj envy and caesar both eyl alumnis um when you know they were doing the real estate seminars all over the country and uh they had mg the mortgage guy who's a real estate who else they had up there who's uh alumni who's an ey alumni yeah a lot of the slums who's the eye alumni so and they're a ey alumni so everybody on the whole bill i think this is this is a lot this is the completed this completes decipher long overdue so uh this is the last person from the movement um that actually has not been on the podcast he doesn't work with us before we'll talk about that but he has not been on the podcast yet so this is you know a full completion of that whole crew you know what double battles there too man the amount of love he chose yeah he's a good dude just i mean just the amount of love he shows not only to us but anybody who's involved with it anything somebody's doing that it helps the community he's posting it he's tagging he's in your comments man kudos to you bro for showing love yeah it's free yeah jose's jose is a good dude and just one of those like matt also he just added value um taught two classes for ewing university okay thank you for that and he's also a a professor this year where he's going to teach four classes actually so ewy university you're extremely lucky and um you know he's one of these guys just reposted and never asked to get on the podcast nothing actually on the platform just like yo how can i help and um i don't just love people like that because there's so many people that just ask all the day every day like you're doing this like they're saying you need me time it puts you in an awkward space because it's like you know just let it happen organically yeah so i felt like you know it was it was um it was time and uh i know it's gonna be a classic episode without further ado jose thank you for joining us appreciate it thanks a lot bro i really appreciate you guys having me man it's uh it's an honor to be on here man let me tell you it's uh it's crazy to just be you know with you guys and i look forward to learning and growing and and just getting a good conversation going man let's do it so i want to talk about credit obviously that's what we're here for but before we start i think it's interesting to get the backstory because uh everybody has different paths that they follow in life so how did you get into credit coming from the military like did you go to the military out of high school like how did that happen yeah so i joined when i was 17. marines in the marines yeah so i was 17 i had no idea what i was going to do you know i was a good kid growing up up until maybe like sophomore year um you know my dad uh it was a drug addict he's a drug addict still so i didn't really have that like father figure at the house me saying like hey man do your homework do whatever you know my mom is my mom so it's like you know for her it was just like for me with her it was just like yeah i'm just get away with whatever i can and um you know when i decided to go to the military it was like i had no choice barely graduated high school out of like 350 kids i think i was like ranked 310. where part of long island from no so i i'm from long island from bay shore okay and we moved to uh long branch new jersey in 93 to escape my dad you know what i mean and my dad followed us again so it was like you know i'm from long branch i'm in school i don't really know what i'm you know i i didn't know anybody at the time yeah and i had to make a name for myself and and and it was like my character like my funniness you know giving back i was always like that i was always a funny dude and i used that to like mask like all the pain i was going through and everything i was going through at home because nobody really knew that what was going on and when it came down to the military people like yo how's this dude going to go to the military like he's always making jokes so like i went to the marines at 17 all right i joined that 17 two months later i went to the went to the marine so i went in there and what's crazy is before i left to the marines they offered me like these two credit cards you know what i mean like not first premiere but it was like these two cards i had no idea what it was because my parents never told me about credit you know me i had no idea what it was yeah so i got these two credit cards sent to me and i'm like well shoot i'm going to the marines anyway so it's like let me just run it up you know what i mean so i remember i went to the prom i went to here i had like a nice suit i had this went to wildwood so we saw those pictures bro yeah i'm sure you did i'm sure you did you know me so i went crazy i think it was like 400 200 in each credit card you know what i mean and balled out went to the marines came back home and kept getting these calls from these credit card companies i had no idea what it was so it wasn't bad i just was paying them off i paid them off when i came back whatever but then when i went to japan i got you know i went through my duty station i mean my training then i got stationed in japan and i go to apply for a credit card in japan and they're like yeah you denied i'm like what are you even talking about like credit like what are you even saying i'm denied you like hey you got a bankruptcy on your credit report you got a collection from like a supermarket you got these like a repossession these credit cards all this stuff but it was because me my dad had the same name you know what i mean but it took me like six years to figure that part out but how did they just yeah but like obviously i got different social security numbers so how did that so the crazy thing is is you don't need a social security number for something to report on your credit so if you know it's pii is like personal identification information so as long as some stuff matches you're good yeah it's like nine it's like nine things like it's like a box right if all right this checks out this checks out this checks out we're gonna report it so like name maybe the address maybe the phone number right and being my dad same name i'm a junior same address yeah my birthdays are like six seven days apart so a lot of his stuff jumped on my credit um you know what i mean so now it's like i've i'm spending on my i'm in japan i'm 18 19. every weekend i'm going out you know getting drunk doing one of the kids going to the clubs it's like i didn't save any money so it was like now when they didn't say you denied credit to get like a camera i'm like what like i'm just like it just blew my mind that i'm like how do i have this stuff on my credit it's not mine so i just left it alone and then i started fixing it little by little little by little just started learning you know getting ebooks i bought um credit repair for dummies okay you know and i just started looking at stuff you know the military to give you access to the computer so i was going online like after hours and just researching stuff and just figuring out like what is this credit what is it because now i'm like almost 20 still with messed up credit i have no idea what it is so it took me a long time to get my dad stuff off of my credit report but i had thought he stole my identity you know what i mean because to put two and two together like your dad's a drug addict yeah you know what i mean he will really do nothing for you we have the same as i'm like yo this guy stole my identity you know what i mean did he no okay and he didn't have to apologize for him after that oh yeah you you said it to him he denied it yeah i said yeah that's messed up you stole my he's like yo i didn't do that i was like nah that's messed up bro like you stole joe's car he stole steve so and and for the longest time i'm thinking that like my dad you know how they say like oh did they put the electric bill in the kid's name my mom think that this is one of them stories nah so it wasn't that so it wasn't until i started going to credit boot camps right so so so i'm fast forwarded but it wasn't until i figured that what it really was that he didn't steal my identity we just had a similar name yeah so then it took me a long time to get that you know get that taken off um and then next thing you know is my boy from california yo remember you fix your credit can you help me yo i heard you know i heard you got a bankruptcy off i heard you got this off can you help me and that was like two thousand like four or five you know what i mean and that's what started it it was basically because i had a problem with my credit that i fixed it took me like two three years but then everybody in the military was like yo how'd you do it i'm going for my security clearance that's why they needed it yeah when you go for military you know you go for a certain job you have to have top secret secret you know security clearance and if your credit is dinged up you can't get it earners listen up if you haven't tried gold fuel you are missing out i mean it's america's first black owned energy drink company and it's literally the best energy drink company of all time it has 200 milligrams of natural caffeine which is about 2 cups of coffee it has no sugar no aspartame no preservatives and is packed with electrolytes bcaas and cordyceps mushroom a lot of healthy beverages sacrifice taste and flavor to make something taste healthy goat fuel tastes amazing so click the link down below and use our code eyl 20 to get 20 off right now from one go to the next cheers family yeah credit i don't think people believe i didn't know that if you think about it um credit affects people from jobs like you said credit can um affect every aspect of your life that you don't really even think about um obviously the obvious stuff like you know having somewhere to live and and being able to drive but yeah a lot of a lot of them um employers depending on what kind of job it is you might not get the job if you have a bad credit or bankruptcy even in the financial space if you have um and stuff like that that can hurt you you might not be able to get a securities license right um if you have you know could they look at it like all right if you can't manage your own personal finances how are you gonna be able to manage somebody else's finances so people don't realize and if you think about there's no college course to my knowledge on credit it's definitely not like degrees or credit so it's like when somebody's looking to learn about credit where do they go they go to like youtube or they have to find an entrepreneur like yourself who learned it on the fly and just learned it on their own and that's one of the good things with this but this platform because it's like if you think about the credits one of the most important things that we have in society and not only are there no like they're not teaching you it but you couldn't even if you wanted to pay a college there's no there's no there's nothing you can do you can't go to nyu and say hey i want to major in credit i want to take a undergrad and credit i don't have it and you know why you're not supposed to no because they don't want you to know it in a negative way so it's not some the good thing is not so much the credit score it's the credit data okay and that's what i'm going to be talking to you guys about too is the data because honestly the score doesn't really matter it's the data so that's on there so like if you're trying to get a security clearance for like intelligence or like if you're trying to get promoted let's say you can be a sergeant major or a captain or if you're going to be working in finances in the military and just like you said if you have a repossession on there if you have collections you have late payments like you're more likely to like do something wrong because you're going to be strapped for cash so like if an opportunity presents itself for a contract or for you to take a government credit card and you have problems with your credit you're more than likely to do something if you have something wrong on your credit and that's where yeah so it's like the trustworthiness right okay it actually um people that's why like when they look at your credit it's not like you said it's not really so much of your score like you can be in the financial space and have an 800 credit score hypothetically let's say you had a bankruptcy they don't really care about your credit score it's what you did and people look at your your credit report as like i always tell us like a transcript yep and it's like you're like it's like a record so it's like even like if you're trying to insure jury right if you have negative reports on your credit the insurance company probably won't issue that because it's like you're kind of a flaky person so it's like if you had a bankruptcy or if you didn't pay your bills now you might pull a jury scam yeah and like i'm saying like that that lets me know that you might be the kind of person to pull a jewelry scam because you've already done things in the past it's like a criminal history like if you already rob somebody i don't know if i feel comfortable letting you in my home because you could probably do it again if you do it once you can do it twice exactly exactly trustworthiness yeah this is so much more that goes into credit than just having a good credit score like people was really looking at you like is this a good dude or not yep based off of your credit report the history yeah so that's why you know i tell i always tell people it doesn't really matter what your credit score is because you could have a 720 with a late payment and a repo you ain't getting a mortgage or you ain't getting a good rate but you can have a 300 limit and an authorized user from your mom and have a 750. that person's better than the person with the you know have a lower score i mean than the person with the higher score because it's all about data you know what i mean so now with the military when when you know as i started going in you know just like you said they don't teach it anywhere so then when i got out the military my stepdad now my stepdad um he you know i had to help my mom refinance her house right so my stepdad was like hey your mom's bankruptcy still on here with the smith she has collections from her previous marriage and it was like once again i'm like all right somebody needs my help so i had to figure it out you know this is like 2 000 and like nine and i got my mama's bankruptcy deleted i got everybody's stuff deleted in my my stepdad he was like you should make a business out of this i'm like man no money and credit repair i'm like i'm just helping people out you know what i mean what their people know this stuff and he's like no man i'm an accountant i can maybe refer you some people so i was working for the government at the time i already got the military and this is 2010. so you know what i did an llc and what wasn't there a course on how to create an llc how to do a ein so i messed up setting up my llc messed up setting up my ein and then i started doing credit i started fixing people's credit like legally because now i'm a business you know what i mean and then maybe like a year and a half into it um i quit my full-time job in the government you know i mean i had a job in the government and uh they denied me a promotion because remember uh you know you said i'm a veteran but i'm also a disabled veteran mentally okay you know what i mean so i have ptsd i have anxiety depression a lot of the stuff from my military career because i'm pretty sure if this is the first time you're following me um i'm an open book i got court martial when i was in the marines you know i got everything taken away from me i committed fraud um i followed the crowd as a recruiter and i frauded kids in the military you know what i mean uh kids that couldn't get in legally i frauded them in you know what i mean and when i got caught i got caught you know what i mean i got what does that mean you defrauded it man so let's say if when you join the military right if you can't pass the test i will have somebody take it for you oh okay okay okay so like the college chain scandal typed in right okay obviously i wasn't the only one doing it right but i got caught played guilty got court-martialed guy sent to south carolina was locked up for a little bit and literally lost everything you know i mean when i say everything like lost my military career everything that i had going for me you know from leaving where i had nothing yeah and and then now i'm back to square one now i messed up my credit on my own so that's after you had fixed it from your dad's situation you fixed yourself fixed it and now you're back now i'm back so that's 2007 so i think i went ahead a little bit so now that's 2007. lost everything you know what i mean went to the brig wanted to kill myself when i got out because now i'm like yo if i can't be a marine like what else am i good at i don't know what else i'm good at i don't know how to live i don't know what else to do and it was like i looked at it as like pity me institutionalized a lot of times people think of institutionalizing only as people that go to jail but you could be institutionalized in any institution that's why it's an institutional life in the military as an institution and like you said it's it's a fraternity and it's like you know when you get i don't know the language but they're like dishonorably discharged whatever and it's like a lot of times you like the outcast and it's like you say you're used to you become anything you do for more than 60 days becomes a habit and you do something for years and you get up at five o'clock in the morning you run five miles and you eat and you you become a military man or a military woman and it's like how was that for you to not only leave that but to leave that in that way yeah um how did that like how did you readjust into society it took me that was 2007 it took me 12 years i still had my company you know i still had my business but it wasn't until i met uh ryan stewman the hardcore closer um and a good friend of mine jamon where they helped me get out of that and they showed me that i had more to give than just being a marine because even though i had my credit repair company you know i still i was still fixing people's credit you couldn't get me out of my house so this is 2010 to 2014 four years i'm in my basement i'm not leaving the house so it's like what snapped me out of it was that i had my daughter i had my wife and if i didn't produce what i needed to produce now my daughter is not going to be in essentially living the way that i did without a dad you know what was i going to do i wasn't what was i going to do how was i going to provide for my family so it was like it was a long road where i had to like snap out of it it wasn't easy because i still battle i still i'm still battle ptsd i still battle depression i still battle all that but now i just know how to cope with it now i'm just trying to deal with it so it's like now when i started my company now you know i'm helping people with their credit now i feel like i have a purpose and and it took but it still took me a long time to realize that like what i do for one person i can probably do that for a hundred a thousand ten thousand because they don't teach it in high school unfortunately they don't teach it in college they don't teach you this stuff where it's like why am i 18 19 in japan just figuring out what credit is and i see that you guys are now starting even educating credit in elementary schools and younger and people need that right you know i mean and and it was a very long road man of where i am today until where i used to be because i i shouldn't be here right now i i literally shouldn't be here but i am and i just love the fact that i'm now able to share my story and help people with more than just credit but everything else yeah so 2010 to 2014 you're in the house yeah obviously you said you're in the basement i'm imagining the depression is setting it up is there a moment that changes the trajectory of like you know what obviously i have my daughter i got to get more clients what gets you out of the basement now well what got me out was uh um the cops got cold on me okay and uh i had broke like a vase over my head and this is like the stuff i dealt with like with the ptsd and what the cop said was you could either go to jail or go to the hospital and it was like a pattern like it was a pattern like all right i got locked up already i went to jail am i going back and it was that click that i was like wait a minute you started your company you quit your job you got a wife you got a daughter like why are you messing everything up you know what i mean so it was like it was that moment where i went to the hospital and i oh and i literally got everything taken away from me again and i kind of like had to reset in like 2014 2015 to where it was like the luckily the guy that arrested me or that took me to the hospital he was military and he was like yo man like what are you doing like what are you doing you know what i mean you have credit you have this knowledge you have this you have you know because he knew the family but he didn't know of me and it wasn't until that i realized that like yo man your purpose is greater than what you think you know what i mean and that's really what snapped me out of it because you know a lot of people not only don't they teach you about credit and business company they don't teach you how to deal with these problems you know the va doesn't the va just wants to give you pills but then also like family you don't want to talk about your health they don't want to talk about what you've been through so it was like i really had no escape no i had no way of to escape what i was going through and that was when jamon and ryan stewman helped me out through that it's honorable man i'm glad we tell you know there's millions of people that suffer from all kinds of um you know anxiety issues and like you said uh post-traumatic stress syndrome and uh depression and a lot of times they feel like they're alone yeah um so whenever they can hear somebody um you know speak openly about it speaking about it they realize hopefully they can realize that they're not alone right and that there's better solutions than you know going down the dark path right and you know like anything we all have battles that we face but um i commend you for um for sharing that i appreciate that of course so all right so now let's get into it let's get into what you are doing today helping um thousands millions of people um with uh credit so i got questions i'm sure troy got questions so i want to start with the first question we were talking off camera as far as real estate yep he was talking about like buying um houses and credit some mistakes that people might make um can you go into that a little bit yeah so so what a lot of people want to learn and they and they ask a lot is like how can i get into real estate without any money like i want to flip houses like i see these people making money and i know i know um the previous guy you had on here you know use one of his student loans to get to get the capital to get the starting finances to to do his thing you know so it's like well what if you don't have a student loan right what if you don't have that so one of the things that i tell people is use your credit use your credit to where if you don't have the money to put money down get your credit to a point first the data right fix your credit right uh get everything you know get on time keep your balances low because if you're going to start handling real estate there's going to be expenses with that you know what i mean there's going to be expenses when it comes to real estate so it's like if you just think that let me just get this credit card and that's it so it's like one of the things that i tell people is is build your credit up to a way where you get it over 700 but you get at least like 20 to 30 000 credit cards on your personal credit okay then what you do is use that as leverage to now when you have an llc and you have a business to get approved for business credit cards so that way you can get those business credit cards pull money from those business credit cards whether it's chase because you know sometimes with your business credit card they give you an option to get a check and to pull money out of so now you can use that as your down payment for your hard money loan or your or your fha you know what i mean so now the funds are sourced it's coming from a credit card you take that credit card you you pull money out of it you put that as a down payment for your hard money or or whatever you know whatever it is you're trying to do and then now once you start philippine or you you know you refinance you take that and just pay the credit card off again and you just do it again it's kind of like the same way where you know he was taking a student loan out and it's the same thing but now you're using your credit where you can literally come out of pocket zero money only expense you might have is maybe fixing your credit and coming up with the credit builder cards and then the annual fees for those credit cards that you're getting for the business credit what's going on earners welcome to eyl university the number one place for business education shall we tell them we'll be bringing yes ewy university already has over a hundred past webinars from all areas of business it includes weekly webinars from industry leaders it includes access to our investment facebook group movie club our book club it also includes access to monthly financial planning calls with yours truly but what has been added has access to mg the mortgage guys home buyers blueprint over 14 hours everything you need to know as far as the home buying process is concerned and also what has been added is access to our monthly group chat call so once a month me troy and the whole team is gonna let you in on our personal plays our portfolio what we're doing and more so all of that we are running for a special promo code of 70 percent off for a limited time only so head to right now and take advantage you know this works don't wait don't hesitate we'll see you on the other side all right so here's the thing now right so if i'm trying to get my own personal line up to 30 000 am i starting with one or two cars or am i trying to get as many cars as possible to get to 30. one how is that going to affect my credit if i have multiple inquiries if i'm getting multiple cards great questions what what what's the method i got to use yup so you're like well which cards do i get which one do i apply for hard inquiry that's one of the things that people always ask right so there's a couple credit cards that we tell people to get you have a 700 credit score with no credit cards nobody's giving you a 5 000 credit card why because your data on your credit report doesn't suffice that not strong enough it's not strong enough so you might have a 720 credit score but if all you have is a 300 capital one card you're not gonna get a ten thousand dollar chase a ten thousand dollar mx or even a mx platinum because your credit card or your credit report doesn't suffice that what do you think people usually do to do that like what do they usually buy to get that those limits the trade lines okay that's why people get trade lines why do you think their credit score goes up the way it does is because of the limits the age yes like just like you said your mom added to authorize for 18 1985 so you get the limit and you get the age yeah so your history is my history is like 33 years right but you couldn't do that with just like you did with a family member you could do it with a family member too you don't have to buy it you don't have to get you don't have to buy or authorize use a trade line from someone that you don't know that got you so now when that bill comes in you pay that balance off in the full now what's that teaching you that when a balance comes in you pay it in full and it's teaching you to not carry a balance because the thing is the magic number to to maximize your credit score to have your balances is one percent so if you have 100 a thousand dollar credit card you want to have one percent on there at all times but you're not at that stage yet at that stage all right so you always got to have some level of of something on your credit it depends if if you're trying to maximize your credit like like my my wife i don't like her having uh having that me i have a little bit but like it depends on your situation like if you're really trying to master the credit card game one percent is the trick so in that category there's there's 30 there's 165 points that you get from it right from that that pie right and people say like oh 30 10 whatever the case is now if you're really trying to maximize your credit score leave it at one percent at all times then you'll get the full value but with credit building we don't want clients to build to leave a balance on them pay it off i had to learn that lesson uh like we told this story before where my my mom uh made me an authorized user for american express so my history goes back to 1985 although i was born in 1982. and so when i would use it she'd be like yo i need the full payment i'm like they don't take partial payments he was like nah america's president so my whole life like up until i was like 25 i was like wait i know they take partial payments but she was like no you got paid in the full every time so it it created that mindset of like yo you use 500 pay [ __ ] well depending on what type of amex it is they don't take a partial payment like you have to pay to answer well hers isn't here so like at 25 i started looking at the status i'm like mom what she was like she was trying to teach me like yo just paying the full payment full but she was really thinking like yo i want to keep my credit good because i'm letting you use it right valuable lesson you know what i mean so now if you're telling a client now here's the thing if you give somebody a 200 secure credit card then they can use anywhere and they're starting building credit what are they going to do they're going to use it anywhere they're going to max it out and they're going to be like oh my credit score is low then they can't get ahead now they have late payments their credit tool and then it's just it creates a cycle again because they were like yo man i'm stuck at 700. i have nothing negative i pay everything off in four i'm like well what's your highest balance or your highest credit limit they're like 500 all that is a capital one and an amex with a thousand on it i'm like that's why because your limits don't suffice that higher credit score the data on there and it actually helps because a lot of times and this get this happens right you might call the credit card that you have to try to get the increase yep and they may say no no no we're good you're good we've given you what your credit is capable of doing so now you ask me the inquiries people always worry about inquiries so now the thing is if you're trying to get at amex you have a 700 yeah you'll get approved but why not try to maximize your approval if you're trying to get a chase sapphire or a chase inc why not maximize your approval to get the full 20 to 35 000 off the rip versus just getting a 2 000 credit card having to build it all the way up that's the difference so it's like if you're gonna chase if you get a chase credit card with a 700 credit score and only all you have is a thousand dollar limit and they give you 10 grand can you really invest in real estate with that you really can the way you want to you know what i mean so if you're trying to now invest in real estate open up a business do whatever you got to do you're just taking that sitting it on there leaving it and that's it so you do that to because a large part of your credit score is determined on how much credit you have available to you correct and you said that kind of put in perspective i guess i'm a little jaded because i had credit for a long time so i have a higher credit i got a bunch of credit cards but you're saying that average person doesn't even have 5 000 no they don't so then this goes into the business play right because when you were saying we're going to talk about business credit um you were saying that business credit you get a lot more credit off the rip than you would with personal credit correct and that's true too because it's like i have an amex personal credit card and then i have an amex business card that we just opened and um a personal credit i had it for years and i always pay on time perfect history i think my limit is like 15 000 for that amex card the business card out the jump and this is the first business card that we've ever had amex even though technically you said it's not fully but we'll explain that but it's the first business card that we've had amex and out the gate it was a 45 000 limit so that when you tell when you said that like that resonated with me because that was like the exact thing like i mean like i don't have one credit card personal side that has 45 000 limit right and i have excellent credit i have a 801 credit score awesome but we went to the business side and write out the jump it was and it was me using my personal credit yup so it's like they wouldn't give me that on a personal side but they gave me almost three times without any hassle on the business side so all right until then you're saying on the business side once you establish that now it's like all right forty five thousand you can do some damage yep and then you can use that to buy real estate correct yep and it's all like you're using one thing to get this to get that which is the end goal you don't need these credit cards you don't need the business credit card you need the cash that you're getting from the business credit card so you can do what you got to do right you know what i mean so i'm thinking in my mind right we got a lot of people and it's like as soon as you get to college you know or in the marines they they sent you those right before you went off but in college they giving you credit crowds right off the rift is this something that young entrepreneurs could actually take advantage of no i would say as soon as you're 18 if if to let you know i'm trying to change the way that people think of a credit and start applying for credit so if parents start adding their kids at 16 when they're 18 they already have a 750 800. yeah talk about that you know i saw that on instagram yes like 16 yeah can you explain that yep so cause it kind of goes in hand with your question so it's like if if you if you have kids that are that are under 18 and at least 16 you can add them to your credit card just like how i think it would say your grandmother right my mom your mom your mom added you to your card yeah at 18. you got all that history but if she would have added you at 16 when you turned 18 now you have at least two years of an active credit report because this is the thing your credit report doesn't exist until something happens on there your credit report is you're eight years old you don't have a credit report you know what i mean so if you're 16 and your parents had your mom and dad each add you to a credit card that should be the birthday gift hey let me add you to a credit card give it to you start learning how to use it you know what i mean now when you become 18 now you can get your own american express your own thing now you don't need these and what else don't you need trade lines because what a lot of people the reason once again i'm going to talk about trade lines a lot not a big fan you know because people use trade lines because they want the history and the limits so start at a younger age so now when you're 18 you already know not only those trade lines i already got my own credit cards and now you're just starting it to where when you're in college now your parents are going to open up an llc for you open up this do whatever and now you can do use your own credit you don't have to have a co-signer for a car for an apartment for anything and now you you we're changing the trajectory of when people apply but how they apply and more importantly why they apply yeah parents be be responsible that's number one be responsible with your credit cause like you said this could definitely help your children yep so let me ask you this all right so business credit let's get into this um what are the steps i know i wrote down some notes so you you have to have a legit business obviously tax id so explain that this can you explain between business credit personal credit and then i guess there's a hybrid situation like you said amex is technically is not full business credit cause they still use your personal guarantee so what is the difference between like the amex situation where you still got to have a personal guarantee and just full-fledged business credit yep so you know your personal credit you use your social right social security number when you start a business you get you know whether it's an llc a c corp s corp whatever the case is you start a business and you get your tax id now you're actually a business and i want people to understand that because a lot of people think when they have a sole proprietorship but they have a business they really don't because you're still using your social so you have to get a tax id and once you start building business credit um depending on what you're going for you're gonna have to use your personal credit right so there's a difference between co-signing and personal guarantee which you guys spoke about before you know if you're personally guaranteeing something you're using that to kind of like get approved for it right so with a personal guarantee on an american express credit card for instance unless you're like a major corporation like facebook walmart whatever the case is you're not getting american express without using your social even though you have your tax id too now you're using your personal credit as leverage to ultimately get that american express the chase and everything else so the reason why i say it's not true business credit even though it does report to experian business is that you still got to use your personal credit for it which is not bad but in the event that you default like you don't pay and it gets charged off now it gets reported to your personal credit default on the business card it goes back to yeah so if you have an american express and you don't pay it for a certain amount of time and it gets charged off now that business credit card is not going to show up as a late payment it's going to go straight to charge off status and now you're going to go from having a 720 credit score to now having a 20 30 000 charge off american express credit card from the business and to get that off you got to you know you got to pay it you know what i mean you don't wanna evade that debt because now it's tied to your business you know what i mean to get a true business credit card or anything with business credit is by not having to use your social and just by using your tax id and maybe you're done in bradstreet which i know we're gonna we're gonna cover you know what i mean so that's true business credit is not using your your social security number your date of birth your name anything and all you're using is got credit your tax id your ein i mean your address business you know business email business phone number and that's it you know what i mean that's the true business credit but when american express would chase you know those credit cards you're still going to have to use it even though it's still going to report to your business credit got you got you so you spoke about dmv can you explain what it is uh why it's so important and why people especially in business to know their number yep so done in bradstreet is another like i guess you can say social so notice for personal credit all you have is one for business credit there's like multiple things you got to do to establish business card it's not easy so done in bradstreet is kind of like the biggest business credit reporting agency out there and if you're trying to get like a car if you're trying to get like net 30 accounts if you're trying to get things like american express they all check dun and bradstreet and they give you what's called the duns number so if you want to just create an a duns number you just go to dunn and bradshaw's website it's free doesn't cost you anything you shouldn't be paying anybody to get you a dun and bradstreet number it's free so now what it is is people will report what you're doing to dun and bradstreet because they have to house that information somewhere so that way if you want to get a car if you want to get something in the future and eventually not use a personal guarantee that's what they're going to check you're done in brass your credit report you know what i mean so they're logging the data right they're logging the data so it's like now your american express is not being reported to done in bradstreet though it's being reported to experian business so it's you know there's equifax business experian business and dun and bradstreet just like how i would do three there's experian transunion and equifax so there's three with this one and there's even more but those are the main three you know what i mean so now with dun and bradstreet now you're also given a number that now when you apply for something on a business card put it like what's your duns number and a lot of people don't know that like what what are you even talking about so now they're going to donate brassy's number they got to buy one and then they try to sell them this crazy software that's crazy monitoring and they don't need that you know what i mean so eventually once you start building business credit all you gotta apply for is with your el yo your uh your business name your tax id and your gun and bradstreet and it doesn't get reported anywhere god forbid you default on it you're protecting your personal credit so if i want to get a business credit card without personal guarantee where would i go to for that so it depends on what type of business credit card you're trying to get because a lot of especially if you're in business under two years you're not gonna get it because you haven't built history so you gotta use the personal guarantee right there might be some you know there's like um you know once you start building revenue and you start you can show tax returns and you can show ids like there's some local credit unions that you can get um a business credit card without it um and then there's also like some other business like um like a gas card right so this is one of the things that we tell people is a gas card actually has a lot of value in it because you can get an american i mean a visa or a mastercard business credit card that you don't have to put your social on it yeah you know what i mean and those visa mastercard business credit cards are powerful because yeah it's tied to a gas station but it's a visa mastercard so now what you're doing is you're building your visa mastercard business credit so that way you could eventually get a credit card without it yeah a wise woman spoke to us about gas cards yeah shout out to his business cards are the hidden secret of business credit the hidden secret yup what's that love so you have credit karma or you have credit check total you have um what's the other one my fico right those are credit monitoring sites for your personal credit monitors your business so it houses all three your equifax business your experian business and your um done in bradstreet all in one place it's like 30 a month and the great thing about is once you make your payment they report it to the business credit bureaus right away right away so now as you're paying for credit monitoring you're also building your credit your business credit so it's pretty cool because it's a you know i wish they did that for personal credit so imagine you paying for credit monitoring and it being reported as an on-time payment that's what does and has a lot of educational tools on there it talks about business credit lines of credit funding and it educates and we we tell all of our clients they have to enroll in when they come in our business credit program because it's a great tool to have to help us educate our clients on business credit so we have some ways to increase the credit limit for our personal is there ways also to increase our business limit same way same exact thing the same way and and if and if you have higher limits on the personal side when you come in yeah you're going to start off at the 45 000 the 30 thousands so now when you're getting the limit increase six to eight months later which we recommend now you're getting anywhere to now they're gonna say all right mr customer we're gonna put you at fifty thousand sixty thousand a hundred thousand so imagine you starting off with three credit cards at 45 000 in three years each of those credit cards should be 60 to 80. yeah you know what i mean and then now you just you're just compounding and you're just multiplying your limits so correct me if i'm wrong if we let's say we have a business credit card the more we spend the more we pay off can we then before the six to eight months ask for the increase or should we just wait if it's a new if it's a new credit card that's usually like the the average time frame so that's why i tell people to wait six to eight months use it paid off use it pay it off use it paid off and then you'll get used to every six to eight months asking for a limit increase so that way you'd never stay at that fifteen forty five thousand you're growing because that's what as your business grows so does your expenses so eventually a forty five thousand dollar credit card might not be enough eventually three forty five thousand dollars credit cards might not be you know what i need three hundred thousand and that's how you keep building you keep building you keep building and keep getting credit limit increases so um for the business credit it's equifax uh done in bradstreet and experian not transunion huh transunion is only for personal credit personal credit correct so and it's it's the same theory though where they take those three score it's like an aggregate of those three scores just like on a personal side great question no so it depends on and you notice a lot of the times i'm replying to you i'm saying it depends because it really does depend on the situation because if you're applying for like a vehicle they might only check equifax they might only check experian you know you can get a net 30 account just by checking done in brass street you know what i mean so the great thing that i always tell people is when you're applying for business credit if we don't already know who you're applying with ask them say hey i see you have a business card application on your website who do you check what business credit reporting service do you have or what business credit um credit report do you check when you're approving me because now they might just say we check experian we check that in brass we check equifax and that's good to know because it's very rare that when you apply for a business credit that they check all three it's very very very rare equifax is the least used but nebraska is obviously the most inexperienced the second you know what i mean so but but this is the thing if you don't have your experience in order or you've done a brass reset up you can't get it and then you're gonna wonder why why did i get the client for this account is because you don't have the nebraska and they're not gonna tell you why you would deny this is all commonplace like all you have to do is get on the phone call them and that's it so you idea scott's genius what's net 30 so a net 30 account is pretty much how your your mom was teaching you about the american express so you already had that mindset and that already that mentality that when something comes in it has to be paid within 30 days so that when there's no late payment and that's what net 30 is and net 30 means that when you get your bill it has to be paid within 30 days sometimes they'll give you a net 10 to start off or net 20 but anything with net in front of it just means that the terms that you have of when your credit card has to be paid off or that account that you applied for sometimes they'll give you net 60 you know that 30 but net 30 means if i you know we love them you can buy products shipping stuff whatever the case is and when you get something from them you have 30 days to pay it off and when you pay it off now they're going to report your payment as on time once you go that 30 days it's like the same thing with a credit card they're going to report 31 i mean personal credit 31 days past due 32 days past and that's it so that becomes a negative item correct so like on the personal side in the bench side if we get negative items obviously we got to pay but are there ways to or maneuvers we can do to help clean it or get it off yeah so let's talk about that so done in bradstreet right when you when you register for your dmb number or your duns number i mean you you get access to their website it's free you hear it from me do not pay don't embarrass three anything because you're gonna pay to monitor it but dun in bradstreet gives you like a little portal right where you can go in and change like your name change your address change everything and if there's information on your dun and bradstreet that says you had a late payment all you got to do is click it say paid in terms and they'll delete it and i'm telling you that easy is because in credit repair like in in the personal credit side let me break it down you have the fair credit reporting ad right you have the fair credit billing act the truth and lending act the credit repair organizations that you have all these things that govern credit repair right and business credit you don't have that so it's like when you want to dispute something on your business credit report it's easy dnp but that's also why when you get declined for business credit they don't also tell you that it's not regulated notice when you apply for a personal credit card they say you're declined because your credit score is 72 you know 680 you have negative items you have too many inquiries high balances they tell you why you would decline yeah business credit don't tell you that but you could also use that to your advantage because now when you go undone in bradstreet and you go on there and you fix the information and it says you have things that are paid out of terms which is which is lowering you know you have your payday score well done in bradstreet it goes from zero to 100 whereas your personal credit goes from 300 to 850. right you're done in brass or you're done your paydex score goes from zero to 100. so now if you have a 70 it could be because you pay something late so all you got to do is go on dmv you know your profile say pay within terms and it'll come off like within a few days so it's business credit repair or business credit repair is very very simple very easy and that's what we teach our clients is how to do that on your own because there's people out there you know taking to the ringer with that and you could just do it on your side it takes five minutes to do it you know i mean learn something new yeah so you were saying um you shouldn't use your home address or your or your personal phone number no why not so if you're a true business right think about it um do you want to expose your personal information if you're if you're setting up a business and you're you know you're you you usually set up a business so you have to use your social you date a birth so it's like why are you not putting your home address on there what you want to do is you want to get like a virtual office have you guys ever heard of regis readers yeah i was going to say regis regis 50 bucks a month now if like me when i created my llc i had my home address on there once i got my virtual office i just changed the address on the state website and with the ein and that's it the thing is i used to have clients over my house because it's public record and when you put your website up and we put everything up if you don't have a virtual office or a business office you're using your personal address for everything and you don't want business clients showing up to your house you also don't want your personal address out there what's what what if you start investing in real estate and now you build it up to a 5-10 dollar portfolio and your personal address is all out there you don't want that you know what i mean so keep everything separate use a virtual office and i guess it's very cheap we use one because i work from home fifty dollars a month and that's it you also said uh register at 4-1-1 yep i was like huh last time i heard about that was mary jane yep you tell me what so 4-1-1 is you know like the white pages online where they pretty much house businesses and their list businesses you could list yourself for free and i actually think the website is called list yourself for or just google 411 listing um but you need a business number for that okay you need a business owner you can't use your cell phone for that is that the ring central thing yep we tell people use ring central yeah you know instead of using your cell phone and getting another sprint account another verizon and having two phones all you gotta do is get ring central for your business and it it gets registered like a true business number so the biggest thing about business credit is building credibility right so imagine if you're a pizzeria that you have your home address and a cell phone as the main number are you going to have credibility there somebody can lend you money like oh this guy wants a pizzeria but he you don't mean so this thing think of the same thing with you trying to get an american express credit card if you're in american express and somebody has their home address for everything and their personal sale their personal email it's all about credibility they're like i don't want to take a risk i don't care if they have an 800 credit score they're using their house for everything they're not a legit business right and and i have a cousin that works at chase and she says all the time people apply with their house and with a p.o box and that gets them decline off the rip because it's a risk it's a risk factor so don't use a home address don't use a po box don't use a usps po box use a home a business address and a business phone number like ring central vonage don't use google voice you don't mean because these companies catch on to they know if it's a true business number or not you know what i mean and that's why you want to use it because it's really just building credibility so now when that company looks up your business they see you're on 401 you have the nebraska you have this you you look like a real business doesn't matter you might have zero dollars in revenue but when they google you you look like a big corporation you look the part right we talked about um with ms business shout out to her leasing a car or buying a car and your company name but a lot of people don't know you can actually do the same thing with like housing like an apartment and you can get an apartment and company name too yep yep and it's um the same like a formal application right correct me if i'm wrong but you fill out your um yeah you're done brad street number your duns number and um it's just like the center like you can put it in in the company name right so when you put in the company name a lot of the times depending on what you're doing like if you're buying and holding then obviously the attorney's going to do that but like if you're doing it to like do a rental property you just kind of like replicate the process you can put it in the business name and now when when it comes to you having a a property it's not on your personal credit and that's the trick like i have a friend of mine he's tapped out he has 10 houses on his personal credit nobody will touch him because he put all the houses in his personal credit instead he should have opened up an llc for each one one two three main street you know 245 main street and put those business little houses on there on the through the llc instead of putting it on his personal credit you think you you should have a put you should have a buy a house your personal name you're gonna even personal house because some people say you should never buy a house in person i know i wish i would have known that trick a long time ago and that's what i'm in the process of doing too i guess it just depends like if you don't ever plan on some people just like don't want to be real estate investors they're like yo i don't want to do it like i just want to buy my house live work my nine to five and that's it you know what i mean but if you're really trying to get into the real estate game then no you don't have to but i know people that still do even though they are in the real estate game so it really just depends if that's the route that you want to take because then you got to like create a lease agreement you got to lease to yourself you know there's a lot of things that that come in with that too yummy i had a question about the personal side um student loan that's a big big thing um so are any tips any hacks yep to help people that might have made some you know late payments or whatever and in fact it's affected their credit which is doing a loan situation yeah so student loans is a website it's called and you notice a lot of things i'm saying i'm telling you you can do it for free because a lot of things out there you can still do for free common theme you know what i mean so allows you to take your student loans and refinance them into one so you saw matt's posted that he said ibr that's an income based rate right right so what a lot of people do is they graduate high school they graduate college they have once one i never went to college so correct me if i'm wrong i'm not sure i i don't know online you know what i mean so it's like you have each semester you get a student loan yeah so even though when you graduate you're making one payment you have 10 loans 15 loans sometimes you know what i mean so if you are looking to better your credit by having student loans in default because you had too many student loans at one time and now you just couldn't keep up with the payments allows you to refinance and consolidate your student loans get it out of bad standing put it in good standing and now that's going to help raise your credit score because now you have a on-time payment with your student loans and now that you know when you file your tax returns they're not taking your money yeah you know what i mean and it's just good standing so ibr is when they're putting it based off of your income yeah a lot of people when they graduate college they go what's called a standard payment plan and that's not good because you could be paying 700 a month well i've seen some one of my friends was paying 1200 right and so now she's like yo that's rent or a student loan right you know what i mean and people look at it like yo i graduated college i'm only making 25 30 000 a year but my student loans are xyz a month i can't afford it so the natural they like i'm not paying it so instead of doing that what you want to do is you can refinance it right away consolidate it and put all those loans into one protect your credit because now if it goes off of your income they can see okay well this person is not making enough money to suffice it based off of it or for their income they're gonna put you at a zero payment now you're protecting your credit and all you got to do is every year show your tax return and they keep you with that zero dollar payment yeah that good ibr income based repayment yep i know one two things about that you know i mean so it's it's good because now when you're going to buy a house your credit's not dinged up from your student loans you know what i mean and and and the last thing on that is is there something if you're in default so there's there's you know you have student loans in good standing in collections and default so if you're in default you can't consolidate because you messed it up too much you went too long without paying you have to do what's called the rehabilitation program for nine months where you pay at least like five to ten dollars a month and and then you get out of that negative standing then you can consolidate but the great thing is once you do rehab they automatically delete all that negatives to all the negative student loan from your credit still known as tricky you got private you got federal it's tricky crazy i got a question about on the personal side as well is it ever a good time to close a card yes wait because most times yeah most times we hear like yo don't close the cards it's going to affect you negatively and so people even though they you know like they've probably charged it up and paid it down to a point like i'm done with this i want to close it and the advice is don't close the card because you need to have open credit yep so it depends on what type of card it is if you have an american express card don't close chase you know a good credit card don't close it even if there's an annual fee because you're getting the rewards and it makes sense to have a chase bank of america p and c those type credit cards the only time i advise people to close a card is if it's those like first premiere credit one milestone cb indigo have you seen those cards no no so these credit cards are like those credit cards where when you were in college or like when you're just getting out the ones that i applied for when i went to the marines they give you pretty much a two or three hundred dollar limit off the jump you don't have to put nothing down but then when you get the card they add a 75 annual fee right to the card right the interest rate is like 30 percent you know it's like 27 right so now you get the card you're like man i got 225 available so you're going to rack it up and the thing is even if you have a zero balance the reason why i suggest to close these cards is because they charge you about 8.25 a month to just have the card and it's a subprime card so why are you gonna have a card that has high interest on it and is charging you every single month to just keep the card open and then when you want to call to make a payment they're going to charge you another 10 so it's like those credit cards are credit cards that are going to put you in a hole and the clients that come to us a lot they have first premier charge offs credit one charge-offs you know cb indigo those really bad high-interest credit cards so we tell clients if you have them pay it down and close them so it's never like really like yes and no it's like let me break it down why yeah that makes sense is there any tips for like people who like that's looking to increase their credit limit it might have a hard even if they have like good credit sometimes credit card companies be like nah you're good like so so one of the reasons why a lot of companies that decline you even though you have good credit you have high balances okay and you might have a lot of inquiries the good thing about inquiries they fall off after two years but they only affect your credit for 12 months so if you're in a predicament just wait just wait it out make sure your balances are under 10 yeah talk about that because most people say 30 you say 10. 10. the reason why i say 10 is because 30 year you'll be looking at 680 700. 10 you'll be over 720. one percent you'll be like him you know what i mean you get that close to that 800. you know what i mean so it's like that's where you want to keep it youtube joining eight hundred people you know what i mean i joined yeah i'm in 800 that's what you want to keep it because yeah i'm not i'm not in this sorry you know i'm gonna get there one day my thing is i didn't have a lot of cr i don't have that long history yeah everything was on my own you know i messed up my credit two or three times filed bankruptcy in like 2013. so it was like a lot of that stuff uh affected me rather like start from scratch you know i got caught into a scheme where i was actually listening to high 97 you know like those credit repair things i called the number i'm like yo i need some help and they're like oh pay this month play this amount for like two years and we'll wave everything and it was like i'm like um should i trust it should i trust it and um they consolidated everything it was like a real thing and i was like i bet and i did it and i was like my credit got killed right but long term obviously that's like that that's like that settlement that manager it was yeah one of those yeah yeah that consolidation thing 97 can change your life can you also say never never co-signed alone never no matter unless it's it's it's your wife that you've been with or your husband for a little bit you just can't trust anybody and it's like that's the thing man you can trust people to marry them you can trust people to do whatever but one of the biggest things that we see with credit is yo my girl left me my husband left me he didn't my husband didn't so unless like unless you i say unless you're crazy like my wife my wife co-signed for me when we were dating for like a year and a half she loved you she loved me thank god i never screwed my wife over when it comes to that and i say she's crazy because a lot of people don't do that and just walk away they just they'll be like like she should have left me at that point like when i say co-signing about a year in she should be like yeah i'm out yeah you want me somebody that's brave huh yeah if anybody asked me for a cold sign solar you good you're good bro you're good your children are you co-signing for children too no because if you teach your kids to have the good credit early you don't you never have to that's that was the thing when you said with this to 16 i don't want people that go over people's head like in two years you can get your child's credit to 700 or better yep um and now they don't need a coach the only reason why people need a coaster this is extremely important because it's like growing up in middle class working class neighborhoods you know coming from just you know not the most fluent financial background you thinking like all right i got a cosign for my kid only reason you got a co-sign for your kid is that your kid needs to be co-signed you didn't prepare if you build them up properly derek grace had a great you know him derek grace yes dg3 yep derek grace good good good guy uh so he uh he had a dope video and he was it was it made me really just think about life differently and he was like you know his delivery is a little harsher than ours but he's a friend of the program but the thing he said was true he was like if you're relying on your kid to get a summer job when they're 16 and then take out student loans like you didn't do something correct yep and i never really thought about it like that because i'm like you know you always think like i you got to get a job but he's like his thing is like you got to build the business and then hire your child and then all of the different things and i'm like that's really true if you really think about it like i was saying like what we're doing now is like it would be a disservice if i'm doing all of this and then telling my son when he's 16 you know you gotta you know saying figure it out and get a job and figure it out on your own right like what's the point of me doing all this and i never thought about it like that and so he said it and i'm like that's actually true and it's the same thing what you said it's like we're just so used to like okay i'm gonna have to co-sign for my kid because i'm gonna have to help but now you should help them before that and if you really think about the grand scheme of things only two years only thing you gotta do is just put them on and just make the payments that's it and now they don't need a co-sign because they have credit history already yep yeah and and and what's crazy is is that you know with minorities you know what i mean and and when i posted that thing on instagram i posted it on facebook and i posted on instagram what's crazy is that a lot of the hispanic and black community didn't know that but when you looked at the white community they did so that's why i want to change the game because it's like that's great on them they're teaching their kids that yeah i once again at 18 i didn't know that at 19 i didn't know that so that as a community we got to do better because if we educate and we change that early we don't not only do we need to co-sign but maybe our kids can help us buy stuff when when they're older you know what i mean it's like if we should change the generation and change the scope of way that people learn and know about credit is gonna break the cycle of bad credit and not only will kids not even need co-signers but they're gonna they're gonna do things that we couldn't do at that age you know what i mean and that's the difference is by getting them to that credit level where it's like not only do they need co-signers but they might not even need to go to cyclists graduate high school go to college do this why not graduate high school with a 800 credit score get into real estate become an investor by the time you're 22 you know you have a big portfolio and your kids and your friends are just graduating college they'll be paying you room and board right yeah you start looking at life differently even like i said i watched that derek grace the first time i watched the clip it was a little funny so i was laughing then i watched it a few more times and i'm like you know he's actually bringing up some good points and it's like because he was like i said his deliveries a little harsh but he was telling the people he was like he can guarantee his kid to probably be millionaires before most people watching the video and i'm thinking like you know financial literacy is life or death because it's like i'm looking at it now like my son has a legit chance to become a millionaire early just based off of investments that i'm making early on for him and i'm like i'm doing a calculation like if i put this much money into an account like by the time he's 18 at least 25 he could really be a millionaire and it's like your mindset like you're not saying like you never really think about stuff like that never like never saying it's like i my kid gotta get a good like you said go to school get all a's go to college get the best paying job you can possibly get but now it's like yo you can actually set your kid up to have 800 credit score have a half a million dollars in a in a trust and you know i'm saying when he comes out you got a business for them to work under and they can you know do real estate invest and they can invest in stocks and it's like the old way of thinking it's just can like not even really relevant anymore right you sound like the plug yeah you sound like the blood to generational wealth [Laughter] shout out to the family pack that's a fact nah i mean it's real though like you said i mean you know um spanish community black community uh for a long time just it wasn't even a thought no yeah it wasn't and that's what that's one of the great things i love about like instagram this whole financial literacy movement is like it's it's it's making people aware and it's opening people's minds and it's like people that i would have never thought was interested in stocks is like you know tweeting and instagraming about stock picks and like looking at their credit score and trying to figure out how they can get their first home at a different time man you know it's just how do you feel like when you go on the road like obviously that's before corona but like how has it been for you to actually touch because when y'all seminars be like thousands of people yeah like 2 000 3 000 people so how how is it for you to actually it's like a it's like a rapper like performing for like 3 000 people like and then get feedback and hundreds of people coming up to you asking questions like how has that been for you it was uh it was it was a little like let me see how i can put this it was like why me at first you know what i mean it was like i was nervous but then i was like man like is this real life like is the are these people really listening to me like so whatever i say they're gonna do and listen so it was like it gave me that purpose again remember when i said i was in my basement i didn't know what i wanted to do i was like so me being on the road is like little boy from jersey now i'm in florida i'm in california i'm in detroit i'm in all these different cities so it's like it made me really level up and really get my perfect my game because it allowed me now to help people with things that i didn't know at an early age because we had young you know we had young kids there it wasn't just like 30 year old 35 year olds there were younger kids there yeah you know what i mean so it's like wow like it made me feel good where it's like man i'm gonna be able to change the scope of how people think about credit and that for me that that's like my purpose i was like all right my purpose here is to educate on credit and that's when we changed the name of our company to got credit during the seminars dope slogan you know what i mean we changed it because it was like my wife was like got me like i forgot what it was my daughter said something about milk and some i think it was my wife said i got credit i'm like wait a minute that's what it is like do you got credit like do you have it and by me being able to talk and be here with you guys and talk to all the people that we did we're breaking the cycle and for me like man like there's nothing in this world more besides like being a father a marine and a husband that's more rewarding than that because now i'm changing people's way that they think about credit and it's just it just feels amazing man it just feels so good and it's it's just life changing now my legacy is not gonna be the marine that got court martial got kicked out that got arrested is now the marine that changed thousands of lives across the world that's probably the movie in the making yeah that's the movie in the making man so so how can people contact you um how what kind of services do do you guys offer how can you help the people let the people know what the deal is cool yeah so on credit repair on instagram on youtube i don't really use twitter that much but you know all the platforms uh the credit dude so the credit dude um they can find me on there and what we do is is pretty much we want to educate you first and foremost on what we could do is knowing how to check your credit what your credit score is what a credit report is right how to check you're done in bradstreet we do business credit services we educate you on business credit student loans right like let's say you might have an eviction we help you with that because it's not on your three credit bureaus you know what i mean so anything that revolves around credit if you want to just call us and that you have questions on man i want to raise my limit you can call the office one of the only credit repair companies that you can get a free 30-minute consultation ask anything and we're not going to pitch you on to sign up because that's one thing that's wrong is there's the education is not out there so we want to give it to you for free so if you just go to my instagram you can schedule a call with us if you want the link is in my bio and we would love to not only commit uh connect with you but also educate you on what you should or shouldn't be doing when it comes to your personal your business and listen you know if you're a military marine you're suffering with something we have a non-profit that's being launched next year to help people out with that so stay tuned for that as well because we're very excited that's dope man that's pretty stupid yes i want to ask you a question about how was your experience because you taught two classes for uiu and as i said you're gonna be a professor this year teaching four classes and i watched you and the good thing about ebay because a lot of people say like what's different between this and the podcast is like your presentation on business credit was 20 minutes but the class was like an hour and a half so it was like over an hour and 10 minutes of question and answers and that's the key thing and that's like the ver that because it's like you there's nothing like that one-on-one interaction like and um you know people have like real specific questions and um you know they try to hit guests up after they come on and they dm them it's like a thousand dms it's hard to answer right so what what was your experience how's your experience been with ewy university it's it's been rewarding life-changing because you know you guys obviously are a staple and you you guys have a brand you know what i mean you have you guys made a huge name for yourself so it's like the fact that when when your community and your earners ask me questions and i'm able to reply and i'm able to say this this this or prevent or or do a presentation like it's once again it feels good but the fact that we're educating and we're giving people the answers and like you the community guys have built is is amazing you know what i mean a lot of how we changed our business model is based off of what you guys are doing well you know what i mean so it's like when when when i was able to respond and talk man i was like you know i was like oh man like these guys are coming with the questions that like you know and as i'm answering i'm like all right let me google this right quick let me do this right quick but it's like i'm able to respond but it's just so awesome that you your your earners they have the thirst for knowledge and i think that's what separates you guys and and what why you're earning so special is because they're not just signing up they're signing up and asking a thousand and one questions because that's the shows that they care yeah they care and they they ready to execute man they're ready to execute you get active in the facebook group too so i appreciate the fact of course because that's what i said man we had to start by just saluting you for the amount of love and support that you've always shown for us appreciate it i mean we appreciate you and we saw you put on when we uh we came to the seminar in jersey standing outstanding performance thanks bro yeah yeah yeah i appreciate it for sure it's been a pleasure thank you for joining us and not only you know dropping gyms as far as the credit but sharing your personal story too because like i said i think that that could be even maybe even more valuable to some people than the credit information because um it's always good i always like to get the back stories of people so like whether it's a wall street trapper who went to jail when he was 16 years old for 10 years wow um and came out and it's like it has inspires young men that might have made mistakes or whether it's you know somebody ronnie brown who was a teenage mom and you know now she's a millionaire it's like how many young girls made you know had got pregnant when they were 17 years old and think that their life is over so yeah i was out you know what i was thinking too caesar caesar story like that story you had to make at the door when they were coming together it was like yo quick decision but change his life there's always somebody can relate to somebody's story you know i'm saying that's why we like to tell people's story because and everybody has a story everybody has a story to tell like no matter what your story is everybody has some story to tell and everybody's story can inspire somebody else so appreciate it appreciate it brother thank you um troy housekeeping yeah man shout out to everybody on you know that is our proud to pay program we got some new members some tier five members shout out to thomas jason and elaine welcome to the eyl family you know that you now have access to eylu you know that that great platform that our brother jose uh has been gracious enough to bless us with his services um so looking forward to talking to you and uh shout out to everybody that said all our earners like you said man they are there with the intent to learn but to also execute so shout out to all our earners and uh shout out to everybody that's supporting the merch uh you know how to get that on eyl uh dot com or earn your and i wanna give a quick shout out to this we i don't i don't want people to breeze over this i don't confuse we we got our own our own got credit license plate fitteds man so if you look then we got we got the new york place with the earlier legion on it so shout out to you for busting us with that great um to get credit merch you can't buy that right you can't you can't you can yeah okay okay people want to where do they buy that oh my instagram they can go to link instagram and everything is right there i know before it wasn't you couldn't buy no it was exclusive we just gave it away and i actually think that we're leaning towards that again where instead of people are buying it i think we're going to lean towards just being able to give it away don't worry you can't get the new york play no no no no no that that's i appreciate it that's customized customized earning alicia got credit hats and we got bags um so yeah we appreciate it brother thank you course man thank you guys so much i appreciate it love is love bro man thank you guys for rocking with us see you next week peace peace my graduates from my school being forbes back drop back drop my drop backdrop
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 256,050
Rating: 4.9359283 out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, business, finance, Credit, Business credit, Improve your credit score, Credit score, Credit dude, Child’s credit, Student loans
Id: OM-edTb56mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 48sec (4488 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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