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[Music] welcome back to another episode of the ransom gem show my name is matt garland nmls number eight seven zero zero better known as mg the mortgage guy and my name is kiana watson broker extraordinaire here in the metro atlanta area license number three one seven five seven six broker extraordinaire yes love it love it and i'm pam browncourtney.com coming all the way from little rock arkansas also known as the lady that owns her own subdivision 51 homes built them from the ground up and i'm here to tell you it's doable oh that's how you kick that's how you introduce yourself i like that pam sorry so let's start with the first question right um when did you fall in love with real estate wow good question when did i fall in love with real estate uh 16 i was 16 and i first loved first boyfriend and i was girl from the hood straight from the hood just a poor girl and he was middle class he was middle class and his mom and him had money and i started dating him and going over there and i said well yeah i get all this money from she says i have a real estate i own a motel i own houses i own condos i own property so i was like okay i'm gonna figure this out that was it that was it that was that's all it takes that was it that was really it was like i don't know how it all works i don't know what she's doing but i know they got a new cadillac every year i know they had dinner at six o'clock two parents he had to be home because they were gonna mom at the front of the table dad at the table and he had to be homely kids i was like what kind of family is this i'm over the hood you know we hoping the lights are on yeah but she's i said how did you do this and she said real estate she said i got a full-time job i'm a manager at teletype but i make my money for real estate i thought oh i'm in i'm gonna figure this out wow that's it and that was it that was it so what was your first deal my first deal was uh i thought i wanted to i saved my money working my butt all and i started volunteering for her you got to remember that that's where i really learned let's check that gym that's that's it don't forget that i'm dating her sign and then i'm watching her so uh i started volunteering i said hey you want me to drive you cause she's a little bit older kind of like me and i said you're going to pick up vince's stuff i can drive you and she was like sure how old were you at i was 16 16 16 to 17. so and she was older she was more like 59 60ish and she was just wonderful going to pick up rents and great tenants so i said i'll drive you and then next thing i know it went from you driving to her child saying hey i can file those receipts for you she was like would you like to start following me just volunteering helping out and she said you know what i like what you're doing i'm gonna show you what i know she said thanks for helping me and you you know you're just asking you're not charging and i'm gonna help you out so sometimes i tell people you know everybody's always looking for to get paid the real payment is in knowledge can we say that the real payment is not every time we hear a gym i want you guys to say gym yeah because this right here is a gym to me it happens so often so many people come in you know especially someone that's kind of established themselves and well can i meet you for coffee and pick your brain always asking how they can take something from you and you was like you were so young and you saw an opportunity to say let me come from a position of value and just insert myself into this person's life because i see value in them and therefore they gave you back values oh that is a generosity everlasting value everlasting value yeah i tell people all the time you know when you when you invest into your knowledge you know that's an infinite return on your investment that'll happen right you can't never lose that information you know so i think that's huge that at a young age of 16 years old you understand understood your assignment oh yeah your assignment was you had to learn you got to learn yeah and you got to be pliable that's what if i could get that through the next to this generation because that's why i'm here i mean i'm here to make sure that you all understand one it's durable but it's only doable if you use the right ingredient and part of the writing gradient is being pliable what's pliable for me being willing to learn being willing to listen i assure you that this talented woman sitting here if you're coming out of real estate school or getting into a little state and trying to get started and you say hey can you give me some information it kind of helped me get started you think she's not going to say yeah go this route or do this or do that i i can't imagine that you don't say get out my face no right i never say get out my face i actually try to that's why i try to do things in bulk like i go online but see people take it too far it's like i go live i'm like i'm gonna share everything i know i share as much as i can and like well i want to have a one-on-one just sit down i'm gonna give you some coffee but i want to know how you making this much money and real estate i'm like all right now we can't do that no but there's but there is always a way like i always say follow the you there is always clues success leaves clues absolutely and if you just watch someone long enough and you keep up with them long enough you'll find clues you know even with me i might have an online training but there is one girl i swear she told me she said i watch every single one of your videos i watch all your lives i took notes and now she's she never she never paid for a class but she literally was like just from watching you i elevated my real estate business sometimes success leaves clues and you just got to pay attention oh absolutely you know yeah super super gym i agree with that yeah so from 16 you started you know being an intern basically really yeah when did you do your first deal when i saved enough money to buy a car and i was all excited and i told her because i was thinking her son pointed him you know and i said i saved enough money i'm gonna get a new car and she was like okay that sounds good and i said you didn't sound excited like i wanted you to i didn't see that excitement she said if you were smart you would buy an apartment i said what i don't have enough money by an apartment buy a house five people buy duplex buy a triflex i said i don't know how to do that she said listen to me she said if you want to get a new car get a piece of property where that piece of property is going to pay your cardinals and i said i don't know how to do that she said i'll show you how to do that so she said are you interested i said if it's going to leave me to put all you in yes ma'am so she taught me to get my first piece of coffee and i bought my first piece of property which was a raggedy house in the hood and i couldn't find a duplex or triplex so i'm real creative my mind is creative so this was way back in the day she said you really needed a piece of property that was going to allow you to have several people paying you rent i said okay so i knew some guys because i'm from the hood hey gotten out of jail so i talked to my friend who was a probation officer and i said can we get them in my house and then each one of them have their own room and they all can pay me so now i got three different rents coming in and she was like yeah you have to make some modifications but we can do that so now i had three felons staying there one residential house this was before airbnb this is it for all of that and so i had three rents coming in and so that was my first piece of property so they paid the rent they paid my cardinal and they gave me extra money so that i had it for expenses and i was hooked and you were sold out of there it was like a drug fight still and i still have that house i still have that house and i have a tenant in it right now paying me eleven hundred dollars and it's been paid off probably 20 years man do you sell any of your properties do that have you sold any of your properties that you purchased i've sold a few but only because i've been married to my husband about 28 years and he's like okay we're getting older you know i'm 60 and you'll soon be 60 and we don't have any children and our attorneys and accountants are saying okay now you you we it's time for us to talk about uh transferring your assets where are they going you don't have any children so now i've started selling a piece here or a piece there because you know but none of us get to take it with us absolutely none of them might as well enjoy it while you have it and share it with other people so yeah i'm starting to sell some problems wow that's amazing that is the main 20-something years still on the property from your first deal absolutely that's your baby yeah well it's kind of my baby the real baby for me is that making sure that people understand that in real estate it's not an overnight success like i told you i was uh it's 16 in my 20s so and i'm almost 60 now it's been a progress it's i mean it's been a process that allowed me to get to this project so and i know right now with instant real estate everybody everything is instant you know instagram and his everything don't take it and he said don't get up there live now you telling the whole truth number two it's not instant but it's doable that's what if i could get you if i could get your audience to understand that the only challenge that i think a lot of people have is the fear of starting if that's it um you got it why do you think people have that fair start because i think uh i think it's across uh culture lines but especially for us as african americans because you're scared we've been scared scared scared now we got to talk about the real deal now if you bring me i'ma tell you the real deal so we've been scared you're scared to talk out too much because my mom gonna say get your tail over there sit down i ain't nobody that's listening to you so you're scared to talk out you're scared to try something new you don't want to fail like with my subdivision the best example i like to tell people and they said how did you come up with that i mean how did you even think to do 51 houses i said first of all i was scared dreaming it up i was scared when i was dreaming it i was like lord this is this you was just satan what is it the dream was big so i was scared scared dreaming it scared going talking to people about about it because they were like you lost your mind so scared through that process yeah then i'm scared after i find enough people to say okay yeah you can do it but then once i started that now i'm scared i'm a fail you know what i mean come on oh yeah let me tell you the fear of i do it scared all the time people have no idea overcoming fear is like the number one thing to be unsuccessful you have to be you have to walk right into fear and i say like walk right into it be okay with it and just keep pushing past it so i love that you said that because it looks easy so when you so even going back now it's like okay i've already you gotten into real estate before you got to the 51 and you started to just do investment property after investment property how did you start leveraging like most people want to know the steps what were like the steps you took to continue to buy property i was just really open about after i bought the first two pieces of property uh my mind is really creative so i would use a bank loan i use credit card loans i mean i at one point i had 56 credit cards and i was expecting something yeah 56 56 credit cards and uh i i use anything by any means not any means necessary to get it done i collaborated with my girlfriends and friends i was like hey you got a credit card i got a credit card your limit is five thousand your limit is five thousand mile limit and we went through it up there so we got fifty thousand dollars out here i said so that's fifty thousand we come together we can get this piece of property what do you want in return so go down the line and find out what everybody wants in return and then go back and sit out and strategize and say okay we can do this and get everybody what they want let me tell you i just got excited so you just you know what made me so excited about this crowd funding we are so afraid to crowdfund it literally scares us in the fact that you've been doing this for so long and you recognize early on that let me call on some people that can invest with me a lot of us get in our own way because we only want to be the only one it's all our money it's our own project our name on the board and you were like let's just put it together and go but you know that's the gym at the end of the day i think we all have done some type of crowd funding because growing up in the hood if when i went home if the water was off at my house if i'm going next door to see if it's on in chica's house yeah if it's on that lashika's house then she i'm good over there if she went home and her life was out she's gonna come and use our curling wand at our house that's crowdfunding you figuring out how to use you know you have this i have that it's crowdfunding but again we've been do i trust you i'm scared i don't know can i trust you it's like i i think that uh somebody asked me one of my uh people on my live one of my followers said ms cornell you're gonna be investing in this uh fast foster steal this coming there the big test that um y'all got coming in oh yeah investment investors well we got breaking news you know because one of my songs were verified and you're going to be investing in this invest fast you know you always telling us to be cautious and know what we're getting into so you're gonna be investing in that i say you know what i got a question for you you go to work every day and she was like yeah i said you got a good job she said yeah i do and i'm following you i said do you have a 401k she said yeah i put my money in my 401k i said what they doing with it what they doing with where is well it's in the 401k i get it when i retire where is it though you asking me am i going to invest with these people but you don't even know where your money's going i said hey i'm invest with them i say i'm gonna put somebody over there and hopefully they're gonna look me up a few years ago you get your dividend in check i said because i said what you really are doing is you are scared of the unknown but i want you to take that that that scaredness that you have of the unknown over here why you don't have it over there in your 401k you don't have it in your 401k you just assuming you put it in the system and the system's gonna take care of you but you've been taught to believe that these brothers and sisters ain't gonna take care of you i said i ain't with that you gotta do it scared i'm here tonight scared see they didn't expect me to tell you that i got up at four o'clock this morning to get here i'm scared to be here flew in by myself got lost at the airport scared dealing with these young people said lord don't let you mention my name they know i've tried to be honest i'm scared being here with them scared okay gotta leave and go home i'm scared but i'm scared i'm still here you ain't gonna get it unless you do it you have to do it i think we got it what's today wednesday we got we're having a service we haven't done a service on a wednesday right now i was so i was just so i don't know when you said yeah i was like wait a minute not pam and i'm i'm like i'm a real estate group if you guys don't know that like i follow a lot of people that are just doing major things and it every time i see it's you know i'm a woman so especially the women i hate to say especially the women and i because i know we have a little bit more barriers than other than men honestly when it comes to just running our business and being respected in in such that that light so i'm so glad that you are here and i have another good question yes come on so now you've already gone these properties your mindset is right you understand crowdfunding what was the first like give us three easy steps it took you to build this 51 housing community like what did you do that's 51 whole houses i've seen it i'll be on her page every time and then she still she still maintains it she literally was walking into a rental and showed us a leak under the sink i said now a lot of us think we just want to be the boss and sit back and be pretty she is in these rentals i live in my own community that is knock on my door do i have property managers yes but knock on my door um i'm right two doors down from you baby come on my phone is open 24 hours a day and if my staff is not serving you because if you ain't serving you're not gonna be served if you don't understand you're not stuck [Applause] you gotta slow down hold on you said if you ain't serving say that don't don't think you're gonna be served it's not gonna happen it's not gonna [Applause] you gotta serve so one of the things that you gotta at least start with with your mind when you start you said with kevin nicole it's companycovecommunity.com i always like to tell people go to my instagram page my instagram page just pin it right accordingly hit the link in the bio and let google earth take you to it don't trust me hit the link in the bio it says company code via google earth google earth and go live for me it's going to take you straight through it and you're going to see it and walk around through it trust to verify make sure you know what you're getting so we're going to toast it's the receipts for me let me tell you so many people say they're doing major things and i'm telling you that's what made me i'm always um just looking at great things and you share so much so you have the community now how did you find the land like was it all land was there already property there like how did you get started first of all yeah did you have experience never done with building so this was your first time ever developing something no let's keep it real because my husband said make sure you tell the truth okay i love your husband there we go i'm straight from the hood i graduated from little rock central high in 1982 with a 12th doing 12 uh 12th grade education kind of sorta i went 13 years because i did the third grade twice because they said i was slow and they had me in a little bitty bus and that's okay nobody mad at that because i was slow slow to count my money to learn my numbers don't play with me don't come from me but i was on the slow bus and i ain't mad so see you you can't judge people i was on the slow bus because my mother died when i was 12. my mother died when i was 12 from a hysterectomy doctor's first time doing a hysterectomy and she died on an operating table i ain't sad it was what it is but so y'all thought i was slow but i was really just reliving the fact that i don't have my mother here anymore and i don't know how to deal with it that's another story for y'all for mental health i'm gonna let y'all deal with that later because it's real and it's been real for us in the black community okay so did i have any prior experience no products and by the way you a realtor yeah yeah i was a real estate school blog that test [Applause] license twice not pass that test but that's okay i'll call you when i need it let's be clear here come back that real estate agent everybody swears up and down like you know what yeah we do a lot of volume i'm not gonna say that i'm not abundantly blessed but the people that build the property the ones that sell the property look at man please every time i work with a developer it's like six figure and i'm not talking i'm talking about multiple six-figure checks being written to them at the closing table one of my developers literally sold a house made four hundred thousand yeah and they looking at my little um [Laughter] plenty of agents that are helped me and i appreciate that the biggest thing with covenant cove people say how did you get started i really started in my mind i started in my mind because my mentor kept saying she said now you want to keep increasing your portfolio keep increasing about that first property then i bought a couple other properties i bought a couple other properties so then i said you know what i want an apartment complex or something like that so i started looking for laying i found this piece of land that was just out in the middle of nowhere how many acres it is ten and a half okay ten and a half acres in the middle of the city and i looked it up i mean beautiful neighborhood on the left beautiful neighborhood on the right beautiful neighborhood in the back beautiful neighborhood i said how is this 10 8 and a half acres sitting here and not developed so i started doing some research and they say i talked to the biggest real estate company developing company in the city who and they said you can't make the work the numbers don't work they said the numbers don't work that's why i'm sitting there they said so i went to my sister who is like my support system she said well i said they said the numbers don't work the numbers don't work she said we'll deal with numbers we deal with she said have you straight face not deluded she said do the numbers work for you i said it worked for me she said all right tim to do it do it she said didn't do it figure it out so that's i made an offer on the land bought the land and they said i'm grateful i bought it bought the land and um after i bought the land now you got to remember i have had no training knowing anything so i bought the land and and then after i bought the land they said well you got to go to the city to get it zoned watch me zone you can't just do that later you gotta go to the city and get your laying zone okay no problem see this one i want y'all to understand you don't deal with the numbers you deal with straight guys why i go to the city fill out the form go before the board and say i'm here to get my property rezoned they said i need to do this and i got it out so i'm here to do that and he's like okay who were your uh engineer your architect and all that i don't know what you thought what y'all don't mind i came from the slow bus they told me just come up here you don't have an architect you don't have no engineers you know anybody else no they just told me to fill out the form and turn it in that's why i tell you gotta do it scared you have to do it scared because if you do it scared god says if you make the first step i'll make the second i went in there i did it scared you know what the city told me we gonna dismiss this and go go find your architect or somebody i walked out the architect that was there representing somebody else said here's my card i'ma hold your hand and help you through this project call me tomorrow and for the what do i have to say i don't bill i don't touch i don't do anything without him he did the whole project for me what tell me god will make a way that is amazing he said i like what you're doing he tell me hold your hand that but that is for us that what am i saying so he already has he's an engineer architect all of that so people say how did you get started now i have a team so now there we go again crowdfunding y'all scared to work with each other well you're not gonna better do it if you don't have a team i couldn't get a company called down without that team so with the crowdfunding and the invest fest all of that stuff that's going on that's your team yeah that's the team okay so what team members do you need to build or develop property so you you had you obviously the ceo you had to purchase the land you had to get an architect who else did you have to hire architects engineers surveyors soil uh soil sampling people but the main thing is when you are cpas bankers investors like people like this the main thing that you do when you get ready to start doing that is uh the best advice i can give you and you don't have to call me because i only have limited slots you say how do you get started look for somebody who has already done it that's it in this day and time see back then we can have instagram and all this look for someone who has done what you are looking for that's why i tell people on my page trust but verify she said she's selling real estate she said look look up her license see she sailing will say okay she is she telling us okay uh i'm gonna call can you help me i need to sell some real estate or i need to buy some you know she does that so you don't have to have all the pieces to the puzzle to get started start with the foundation and the foundation is saying okay you have done this before i always say if you want to be a plumber talk to a plumber if you want to know mortgages what did i tell you on my live i told you i'll call y'all young man don't have me on your stage i sent you a dm and said when you come into arkansas i'm sure did i not don't you sure what i'm trying to say is you you know your your your course is unbelievable yes we buy it your course is unbelievable it's simple it's easy to understand but it's impactful it has a lot of information and when i say simple simple in is delivery my personality uh my husband's a neurologist and epileptology so if you need somebody to do all that stuff go over there i i don't know i like you to bring me something that is simple that i can understand it and it makes sense to me but it's impactful your course is simple enough to understand but impactful enough to change your life there we go you got me hot over here thank you i appreciate that it is what it is it is what it is so when so i say that i shared it to say if you want to get a mortgage there should be no one out here just saying you know miss courtney when i get finished and we're going to take some pictures and hang out i really i'm a dmu because i really want you to help me see if i can get a house you you didn't already taking this course you normally talk to her see you gotta do your part like i told you i was already in front of the city and the engineer saw me doing all i knew so then he came to help me so if you want a house and you haven't even sat down and said with this young lady and say i want a house and she said okay with this you need to feel like this we're going to get you pre-qualified or whatever steps that she has that she's telling you to do if you haven't done that then why are you telling me you want to get a subdivision i'm just asking um never had a lost word one second let me regroup i say this so often i say this so often we gotta take steps you can you everybody wants to just skip the step nobody wants to start with the first humble home that you purchase everybody want to be like i'm jumping from that step to boom luxury house or from that step to boom i own a multi-family apartment like not one or three units i got 10 units yeah it's like but you didn't even you don't even own a unit right you know and sometimes you have to think about you can make mistakes on that one unit and they're not going to be that expensive thank you but if you wait that's your learn that's how you learn get something one unit 200 000 something easy make a couple of mistakes then when you get something a 10 unit or a 20 unit you have already made those mistakes before because that's the best learning experience yes and then you won't make those big expensive mistakes on this huge project because you skipped the process i can tell you everybody can teach you every single thing but if you don't get your hands dirty you ain't gonna have because everybody should you've gotta have experience yeah gotta you gotta just go i gotta jump on that because that was a gym baby let me let me know i gotta recap that because really what you're saying is you're going to make the mistake and when you make the mistake on that small property if you lose that small property you lost a small property it ain't no you know hey some things come and go you understand but if you don't make those mistakes and learn on that small property and you make it on this huge property that you're doing so now you got a bigger loss you lost the whale so would you you lost the whale you lost the whale when you could have just lost a little bit of catfish [Music] that's how i think about it don't be afraid and it's and you know people say well don't be afraid to try get off my page with that food that's what i said on my page get ready for it get off my page yeah and you're gonna be afraid you don't work your butt off i tell y'all every day i'm in my subdivision i'm afraid now people say it's colby going on in arkansas look it up all your people paying rent man i don't learn oh gee oh how much time to go i don't learn so much about food stamps housing rentals assistance what am i saying i got people who have had great jobs paying their rent and everything you don't ever know what's gonna hit and happen so they've been paying me rent for five or six years cover here now they don't have a job so what you gonna do what you gonna do were you prepared for that and even when you were prepared because i had my rents paid i had my rents in an account for 15 months never touched it covers vineyard more than 15 months so i've gone through that reserve so what are you doing now you're gonna put people out well you can't put some people i mean you know you just gotta be prepared you it's in other words it's a lot that goes along with it but at the end of the day it's still doable and how is it doable you got to start taking those small steps you just got to start buy that first home buy that sit with this young lady get the first home if you want it now i'm a big person on multifamily i tell people at the end of the day do what you want to do but i recommend before you buy this single family home i want you to have a duplex or triplex or a quad that's just me because if you lose your job and you got a fourth place you got three other people paying your notes and it's gonna help you have the probability of holding on to that property until you get something now that's just my preference but at the end of the day you do what's best for you and your family man you're certified gym dropper right now i'm gonna hold you up like you're really out here killing this conversation right now and there's just so much information we don't became the audience look we had a lot of people we got never seen us before like we sitting here being quiet but so let's get back to the 51 unit right so you have the 51 unit i'm glad you brought up kovit right you had your reserves and i'm glad you touched on the point that you didn't touch your money too often like i have a t-shirt on that says asset over liability shout out to ey out right all day they're killing the game shout out they're killing the game shout out if you don't know financial literacy if you call me so i don't really know how to get started the first thing i do is send you over to their site who are they again tell them yeah earn your leisure i tell them the two guys they got the little face i said go over there for them i said you could go over there with them for free who are they in indonesia you could go set it in for them for free and they said well i'm learning finance in school i said that's great ain't nothing wrong with that you paying for that and you're probably gonna get more over here for free so go over there to that youtube channel and earn your legion and figure out what the brothers giving for free because see they weren't doing that back in the day when i was there but that's another story all right so go over there and do that something but that's him yeah i'm glad you said all of that because that's a gym but people on the internet a lot of people say oh you can use the rental income to pay for this and pay for that and pay for this but i think it was key that you said you had your money sitting in an account didn't touch it for 15 months because life happens if it wasn't coveted 19 maybe kovat 23 who knows right right anything we got variant we got delta variance who knows who fred and bonnie might come next who knows right so i think it's very important that people have reserves because a lot of times people want to be out here buying real estate and they have they don't have a pot to piss in and they want to be a real estate mogul right so how has um now we're in july august how has um covert affect your business right now as far as with your tenants are they paying on time how's the rental assistance like what's really happened happening in your market right now it's crazy but the one thing that happened is that i i called my investors and i called my bank and i said this is the deal i have 99 percent african americans in my subdivision a middle class and they are renting because they want to rent you say how they rent because they want to win because if you rent in my subdivision and you want to own a home you could be because if i figured out how to own 51 i'm going to show you how to own one so my rule is if you rent for me for two years and you want to own a home you do what i tell you to do i'm gonna pardon you with this young lady she's just gonna make me look good but i'm gonna really work hard i'm gonna partner you with her she's gonna get you a house and it but you gotta do the work so the people in my neighborhood they live there because they want to live there they either have owned a home before or they're at a place in their life where they're doing something different so they want to live in a rental community well they weren't prepared for cobit they you know so they weren't prepared to lose their job well i told my investors and my banker this room i told them it is what it is we're gonna figure out how to pay you all and you know hopefully we'll be on time we don't know what's gonna happen but i can tell you as far as the payments are concerned but i can tell you what's not gonna happen i'm not putting anybody out because they can't pay i ain't doing that i'll lose the community first y'all keep coming repossessive do whatever y'all need to do but i'm not putting people who've been paying me rent for five years and now they lost their job and we can't figure out how to get the rent paid and now because i need the rent to pay the mortgage because i've gone through my reserve so what do i do i got people calling me every day let's go they're losing my property the tenants aren't paying me rent ain't got none what do we do what do we do you you got to be creative you got to figure it out and this might be the storm that you lose you know what what and then it really breaks my heart and they said well you know what i might just sell my thorns on i'm not going to call the name of that vehicle you say you driving what and you didn't have no reserves now i'm not judging what you drive cause i probably got them all in my driveway ain't got no problem with that but i'm saying i'm not going to use my reserve to bow um you see what i'm saying so what's really going on in my market what's going on in my market is i got people having paid i got people that were four months behind five months behind i i got you name it i got it what i don't have is no one who got put out because they wouldn't pay rent now did i have some challenges so you get some people that just want to use the system you'll get that that comes along with anything absolutely that that's if you can that comes along with the process you won't find anything that's perfect you know you you just won't you you just get that be prepared for that when you get hit in the face and you buy that first piece of property and they steal your wash and dry because i've gone into my property i said did y'all want to take my washers hell no you got to take my washer [Laughter] miss connie the movie took about mistake they thought that was not good now don't mess it up and lie now my mama said don't don't keep burying yourself don't do that you took my wife to drive so what am i saying that's gonna come along with it really all i'm trying to tell you is once you get started getting that first house it doesn't mean that she's gonna get you qualified the first time well i told you she know what she was doing girl i told you see there there you go you speaking of negativity in your life you started speaking that negativity in your life you gonna get negativity in your life and she said it didn't work this time but you know what we're gonna keep going and we're gonna try to get it the second time we may have to get it the third time ask my husband i think i'm the seventh or eighth year that he dated but lord he married me might take a moment to get it right it might take a moment i've been married to mama's 29 years old i get it right all right good to know gotta love it so what i took from this is you got to have reserves you know being a landlord is is exciting having someone else pay the mortgage maybe give you some passive income but you have to have reserves and it seems like to me you also have to have a heart you have to have because i mean we i called it i ain't trying to be funny but i called it yeah and it happened like i said it was gonna happen they extended the moratorium again but i keep saying that i'm no genius but i watch the market and not so there are a lot of and it's a it's a double-ended score there are some landlords that truly had reserves ran through reserves and really cannot afford to maintain their personal lifestyles and allow someone to live into a property basically mortgage free rent free so there are like there and then the other side of it there are people that are actively looking for work that cannot find work and now they can't pay and then and but we do have those pockets of people you know there are places like i was watching news the other day in atlanta they have they're they're hot they hiring bus drivers paying them 18 an hour because they're short on people there are companies looking for work yeah and i think the part of it is when you mix in all of this assistance from the government and you mix in all of these all of this happening you're going to always have a good pocket of people taking advantage of the system oh absolutely and then the other side are it's really people that need help yeah that's not a free life how are you able to kind of like distinguish okay these people need help um and there are some government programs that you found in your state that are really helping people and maybe if you can say the name of them it could help someone out here to even start even landlords being proactive and look for their tenant well the most important thing i want yeah that i mean that's amazing that you say hey some people really want to pay their rent and they're just having a hard time yeah that's that's they really do they're not trying to beat this and those are the people you work with and those are the people yeah do you say how do i decide which ones that i'm really working with and everything probably because i manage my own property with my team and i knock on your door and say carolyn don't play with me and when you are hands on like that so that's another thing for you all to remember when your tenants know that you respect them you respect them you respect what they're trying to do i don't care what you say karma understand karma and it you know it resonates from each other they know i respect them so they respect me when i have tenants that are going to be late i'm not looking for them they've already touched me miss clinton i'm not going to pay to the 15th and i'm like okay no problem i waved all late fees for the last two years no late fees and you have until the 20th to get me paid um you're working with your people i got to work with your people you got to work with your people because they did not expect change they did not expect covert just like i got to drop this though and because i need my people to understand because y'all came here to learn about real estate so i gotta i like to have a little fun and everything because i'm married to somebody who deals with who's on the front line right now and risking his life and we're praying for him every day dealing with people who are dying so i pray every day that my husband comes home to me safe because he's uh i mean he's every day seeing how people that are dying so he's in the real world so y'all came here to learn something that will take you financially to the next level i want you to understand the biggest thing that happened me with me with my real estate with company cole all right she got a pen and paper after you get done you make sure you look at me lady you look me up cause you get my class for free and you get a one-on-one from me soon as i said that there you go as soon as i said that got over my mouth she said okay look straight in my mouth you with me okay what's your name amisha okay i'll miss you my name's pam about courtney look for me when i'm out and i'm gonna be moving real fast so look for me but i got you no i got you okay i know a winner when i see it i got you that doesn't mean nobody else doesn't we don't drink the haterade we drank to celebrate it no haterade okay one of the things that i want you all to understand i know it sounds simple it's major just like covert happened something is always going to happen i did not plan to own a 51 house subdivision i built i developed that subdivision and i was going to rent them i had a plan everything took it to the bank sold it to the bank sold it to some of my investors because the bank said what are you doing that what ain't doing it's too risky the numbers don't work but god does so they i took it to investors i i created something to make it work okay but at the end of the day i did it now you're gonna you're gonna get this i was building 51 houses and i was gonna sell them my plan was only to keep two or three i'm gonna live over there maybe keep a couple you follow so but i went to my people to help them get properties y'all know what that's like y'all know what i mean when i say my people you know we don't have a lot of financial literacy because who won what's the show with the two guys they went around earn your leads you went around so most of us who are our age or a little bit younger we messed up you know we got credit cards we messed up iron legion's starting a whole nother generation when they get to be 16 17 18 dang them they'll be like what you talk about she had a uh her mama had her lights and gas and they named and messed up they didn't earn your legion saying we don't do it that way they're teaching them so much so you're not going to have that group of people doing that well i knew that we have a lot of us who have graduated from college or just got good jobs but you can't go to the bank and get you no money to buy you no house now they'll give them money to go buy you that seventy thousand dollar car but they're not gonna give you the money to go buy you no house they're not gonna do that so you got a 100 000 car parked up at uh apartment complex you paying 800 a month but you love living covering a house like company called community.com where it's 51. all granted countertop stainless steel appliances we maintain everything you everything bricks they made one mistake you can put aside no one i can't myself that's what i said oh yeah but it's gonna be a little bit cheaper pull it down and put what i said i want to be able to say that all my homes are fully bricked pull it down and do what i said that's another story because then they said we're hard to work with but sometimes you got to say what you got to say but i built that subdivision to sell but in 2007 and then what happened i was in the middle of building and all my people that i had got pre-approved look like me and they had c and d paper tell them what they mean bro tell them what that means it was our promise there we go subprime let people know what they had so look so if anybody familiar with the wild cowboy days is what i like to call it cnb paper is basically sub 620 credit scores probably 100 financing and when all when the market crashed that all went away all went away you had no 100 financing no more people wasn't doing fha back then although fha has been around for decades right no one was doing it because you didn't have to right there was so much mortgage money available at that time it was just so much easier just to do a subprime deal 80 20 loans 80 20 is when you have a first and a second mortgage or piggyback mortgage right and you can get 100 finance and plus the sales concession where the seller can pay six percent of your closing costs so people can go into a house with no money down no money down no money what are you saying so i had 20 people already pre-approved everything no money down so bank i figure out how to get the money i'm building and everything market crashes now they lose their money so i don't have no money so they can't buy the houses so what i'm gonna do with them you gotta be willing to pivot you gotta be willing to pivot you gotta be willing to change i'm like what if they what the heck am i going to do when god gives you limits you got to make lemonade you got to figure it out so now that's the part i want y'all to listen cause y'all just drive through company cope and look at him think it's amazing you go home to your husband you said what are you going to do he said oh no that ain't my problem i got a white coat you figured that out that's your stuff okay well you gonna no no you got you and i got me i need all that you don't need your name in life i'm good with dwight i'm good with who i am baby do what you do so i had to figure out what i was going to do now i want to make sure you listen i had to let it sit i almost lost it it set for two years i had seven houses built nobody to sell them to nobody i didn't think to rent them i wasn't sure what to do they sat for two years and i bust my butt scraping to pay the mortgage on them and finally went back to my banker and said hey i know that i can reach these properties if you guys will work with me and then i i went to banks i got some of the banks to agree to get about allow me to do a mortgage on some of them i went to some of my friends and figured out what they wanted i borrowed money from them i borrowed money for credit cards i pieced it together y'all know how we piece a meal together at the house you know how we piece a meal leftovers from yesterday you know and then we add some to it you got to be willing to do whatever it is so i pieced it together well once i pieced it together i said you know what i have dumped all my savings all my 401 that people will do 401 but they're not sure if they should do investments they can do anything and they grow for them you know what i'm saying people don't want to you got it so i dumped all my money into that project and i decided at that time okay i'm gonna make it a rental community i already had 15 rental properties all over town do you know one hill one there i said so now i have a rental community i i'll finish it out and instead of having 15 properties all over the city i would just this will be my new rental portfolio this this will be it so it didn't start out like that so that's what i want you all to understand even when you're buying your first property your second property your deal that goes on with the first person you do i ain't dealing with them folks because they stole from me i know that feeling i hate investing in the investments i don't know what they do i think the earning of legion people what they doing do they really know what they do i feel the same way coming over here with these folks on this side lord i don't know these people these are the first people i've ever met i've been on i have not gone to anywhere to speak for any group like this except for him because he was it was the way he came to me he was respectful he was under i understand your age i understand what's going on i understand the market i promise you do your due diligence check and see what we are check and see she's [ __ ] here and if you don't like what you see call me back and let me know that's what i got first you understand what i'm saying so i did my due diligence and it came to be what it is so i'm just here to tell you you guys that it's not to turn out right the first time you're going to mess up with somebody but it's okay you still have to decide you got to decide for yourself i'm going to do it and you're going to have to do it my husband and i well let me tell the truth when the market failed me out he would comment under that when the market failed when the market fell he said tell the whole truth the market fell and my houses were sitting i probably spent a year on the sofa because it was such a strain on our marriage y'all said did she really say that on national yeah because i i was like you know you're not really working with me and i just don't want to sleep with you i don't want to be bothered i want to do all that he said okay well i don't get that mad at you that i don't want to sleep with my wife so you can get out the bed you can't make me that man that's another teachable moment i got it now he said you can't make me that mad that i [Laughter] all you want and i'll be here when you get back you're gonna never make me that mad but i don't know so i want y'all to be prepared gained 60 pounds again 60 pounds i got on so many essentials right now holding it in y'all don't y'all don't know about the waist trainer oh y'all said did she really go there i can't hardly wait for y'all to stop so i can breathe i didn't lost about 35 of it oh you look good adam i was about 35 but i got some more to go what else i gained so much weight doing the process but now it's coming back around but what am i trying to tell you it don't think it's gonna get on here it's gonna be instagram everybody gonna be popping everybody gonna be looking like her that's stuff don't don't do that i don't know how she look like this a couple of my real friends they know like they'll facetime me in the middle of the day it's like yeah we all look the same okay yeah well y'all see those pages like oh like all she's posting is memes today yep i'm working and i can't i couldn't even put a lash on i brushed my hair if i tried lucky i took a on some house shower and i'm sitting there looking stressed out just like y'all picking up the phone yeah i'm trying to hold the deal together one second i understand that you got i get it can you give me a moment like every day is not a glamour day no every day and honestly it's it's good to tell people that i had someone something like you need to start showing people like really and truly like what happens in your day-to-day because it's a lot but even for you you share so much and it's inspiring yeah i think what people want i don't like to just see the end process i don't trust you unless i see the whole process so because she showed her whole process i didn't mind even that he we were talking yesterday and we were talking about social proof you know and how it comes to a point where i was like you know i'm keanu they know i sell houses so i'm just gonna be an influencer and um i started doing a lot of things and it i really took 30 days and i took a step back and i was like you know what if that's what god wanted me to be then that's all i would have been able to do if you get what i'm saying i don't wanna so i'm like let me take a step back here because i'm losing what i truly enjoy i'm losing sight of the whole reason that i enjoy what i do is because maybe at first sight yeah oh she dressed as well she's that but i'm so smart and i know what i'm doing i'm helping so many people not just buy houses but with the agents i bring on teaching them how to sell real estate teaching them how to build their business and changing their faith financial lives and so i took a step back and i came back and i said you know what i don't want to be an influencer no more i might i might be like okay maybe i may influence you to be great but i don't want to be i may not do the ad from the major corporation or things like that i want to get back to i'm selling real estate let me share my knowledge because if i can if the least i can do i do these market updates because i'm already reading them if you guys follow me i'm already reading it i'm super excited about it me and matt still on the phone drink wine talk about the market all the time we are excited about it so i'm sharing it with you all because i want you to be educated not because i'm trying to sway you one way or the other but because if i can sit here and enjoy listening to this information and break it down in small bites so that way you guys can absorb it because i said you don't have to worry we work with anybody wait wait wait wait wait go back come on i tell my time you don't have to say you don't have to worry about working with me i say it on my page all the time you do not have to work with me but you do have to understand yeah what's going on and i think that that's so important that you tell people do you do your due diligence right do your own research but still do it scared you got to do it period you got to do it you got to do it because you would not think that my subdivision end up with houses sitting for two years so you go from a city to two years and see that's why i tell people you have a plan for your life but god always has a larger plan i plan to keep two or three houses live in one and keep a couple that's what i plan to do but god said no see i had this for you way back then i just wanted to see if you was going to keep doing the scare because i'll work with whatever you give me but he if you don't give me nothing to work with i can't walk with it so my plan was just to keep two or three hours god said on my plane to get y'all 51 of them and let you have them all why because i know you're going to be a blessing to all these people because you know you know how to serve you know how to serve i know when i tell you i'm i'm calling the churches they're like uh pastor john miss courtney on the line of y'all hey what's she asking about some more room for some people not to me yeah she said miss jones been going to your church for 40 years and she lost her job and her mama went to your church and her cousin went to your church y'all got any rental system programs over there what y'all got i'm just asking do y'all have any money to help these people do y'all know where they can get some they've been paying their tithes and also oh they're gonna get things for you they've been paying their ties and often and she running a little short and i was just wondering what y'all got let's go we got some we got some and that's fine now can they pay everybody i don't i don't know but really what i put on his mind that you might want to start having somebody over here that understands the system i hired a person doing this two years to do nothing but find out how do we get the utilities paid how do we get uh food stamps card how do we go the food baskets where the pantries uh who pays the rent i didn't know any of that stuff i didn't i did not know that like i got 15 people to live in my neighborhood some of them got asthma some of them got this thing and they were like your husband on the doctor he's gonna sign that phone and say that they can't turn off their utilities i said what phone they can't turn off their utilities because it's somebody in there with asthma so they have to have a light sword and gas on because it's a health issue and they could die could somebody give me the phone so i learned there is a form that you can't turn off certain utilities for people because they'll die if they got a oxygen machine and you turn off the power they did yeah but what am i saying i hired someone doing this challenging time to help me learn all of what's available in that in the system and stuff so you got to be willing to go outside of just what you know if you if you stick with jess with what you know you're going to be where you are today you're going to be where you are except for the book you read the places you go and the people you meet that's why i got up at 4 o'clock this morning scared my sister prayed for me before i came she said sister you going to be all right let me young people going to take care of you i said you sure you don't want to go you sure you don't want to know go by yourself [Laughter] we've had a couple of um shuffles in here okay and i think that i think that i think that matt was just like you know what we're just going to keep the back of the pack still show up i know pam was going to be here but god gave us limits today yeah we're making something we made some lemonade i'm learning is just don't get get comfortable with being uncomfortable basically yeah all day right you got to be uncomfortable because from what you're telling me it sounds like your journey has just been very uncomfortable for you and it's still and it's still uncomfortable today although you've reached a certain point in your real estate career you're still uncomfortable and also you're still learning yes you know for you to be 60 years old there's a lot of people that are your age and older that think they know it all and they look down at us folks who are younger like we don't know nothing but you're still learning right you're still learning from even the younger generation as well so it just sounds like that like you know from what i'm taking from this interview is just always be uncomfortable always be scared never be afraid to continue to learn and just go out there and execute yeah just go out there and execute because those who work their land were having a bundle of food come on now here we go come on come on now we have some time for some questions you guys anybody have a question please get involved um yeah she will she will direct you yeah go over there she you'll be directed for your question i'm going to say pam i'm so glad you are here i know it's uncomfortable i watch all your videos she's like but the good thing about it is what i appreciate about you is because we are in a day and age now in our age where we are used to sharing we're like we're going to put together a course we're going to share intellectual property you come from an era where they don't do that and the fact that you created that because what i think feel like what you understand from it is that's going to be part of your legacy oh it happens you're going to create so many people so many millionaires but just not even that so many people that want to serve based on you sharing your information i'm grateful that you're here absolutely i appreciate the invitation i really do all right so let's go with our first question what's your name where you from and let's get to it my name is sean carter i'm originally from columbia south carolina um i live here in atlanta georgia i'm a transplant like a lot of people in atlanta okay um talking to them right so some me and some friends of mine we actually have um we're putting together a team that we would actually like to follow in your footsteps actually build a subdivision here in atlanta and i wanted to ask you what was one of your um your biggest learning experiences from building your 51 unit subdivision from a construction perspective or even project management planning finances like what what what was your big hang up the biggest one that's simple the simple it's really simple the numbers do not allow you to have 51 homes over their pants the numbers so in other words when you are doing a project everybody knows measure twice cut once numbers don't lie and when you put the numbers together for the your project that you all are getting ready to start you're gonna run into something they're gonna say you're gonna have to back into this number you're gonna have to go with a cheaper product here you're going to have to do this you can't do all breakfast courtney because these numbers don't light up at that point do not compromise on what is important to you your integrity the numbers did not line up but i have 51 brick homes out there right so you have to figure out what do you do to get what you want don't compromise on your integrity so if the numbers don't line up you say okay they don't line up that way but i got to figure out how do i make them line up without me compromising on my product don't just take what they say don't do that when when the bank told you that the numbers didn't line up what what specifically were they referring to the cops yeah when they said uh real simple you won't know what they black folks are not gonna pay you 14 15 16 1700 a month for rent out there because this is little rock arkansas you can rent a really nice home in little rock in a decent place for eleven hundred dollars they said so how you figure you're going to get that type of rent in that in that zip code i said because i'm selling more than a house i'm selling a service well well not only that most of the people that go in the bank don't have the heart you have so they don't have access to the things that you have access to yeah yeah for sure absolutely you're i mean having a having a giving heart is definitely a blessing and i really appreciate you coming out here because you're a big inspiration and um i definitely didn't know that i thought i knew you owned 51 homes but i didn't know you had your own subdivision i thought you were just an investor you had a huge portfolio but you know to build something up from scratch with you yourself and your team like that's that's just inspiring the street is called courtney i'm paying brown courtney so let google earth take you to my street called courtney it's courtney boulevard you name the street after yourself and your own self-deficiencies absolutely [Laughter] that's a real boss move right now you gotta have old faith you can't because god said he's looking for bold faith amen yeah he looking for boldface he said you bold enough to ask me for it and the scripture said he said he looking two or four every day looking for somebody he can show himself strong with and show himself strong his self in other words something that can be done magical that people say how do you do that they said it wouldn't work because god said he was going to help that's what happened when you partner with god well miss pam i would definitely like if you would be my mentor and miss watts i would like for you to sell the houses and i need i need for um from my man to help me underwrite the mortgages next question hi my name is amaya dara and i am from chicago illinois um so i came out here you flew away here from chicago yeah shot shot shout out to you more juan for you yeah um okay so i have two questions so the first question is all right so i first let me make the statement so i i have a full-time job still i work as a project manager and then i also do real estate so i'm a realtor but i write and so real estate and writing is really one of what i want to focus on i'm working on a series but i feel like sometimes they kind of contradict themselves and i'm like okay can i do it all am i doing too much so it's like i know you said do it scared do it bold um but it's like how do i do i let go of the full-time i know that we need to be financially secure and all this other stuff but do i let the full-time job go so that i can pursue my dreams as a writer and as a realtor to just fully go into that like how do you how do you how do i transition out of this full-time job and then go into what i really want to go to and then sometimes i also question myself because it's like i feel like um television kind of contradicts what god tells us to do so i'm always like okay i'm a christian i holy i fully believe in god and i'm like going into television is that something that would be going against what god says and like because of the things that i would write about and the things that i would portray but it's like i don't know that's a great question i think first of all the very first thing that i would tell you to do is that i am just not a fan of telling people to just quit your job and just go all into it now you get to do what you want to do but you ask me for my opinion so i'm giving it to you i think you should be able to figure out that if i am a mother i'm a wife if i'm a wife and i'm contributing to the household with my husband as a partner or your partner as a partner then you i don't think it's fair on the relationship for you to say oh i'm just not doing this anymore you don't have to figure it out no no i i think you need to sit down and you all need to balance that out and figure out how are you going to take care of yourself you may want to do something part-time remember i told you my mentor had a lot of real estate but she had a full-time job she was a supervisor over 400 employees she is a supervisor over 400 employees and she did real estate on the side and made more money doing real estate than she did her full-time job but she didn't quit it because she enjoyed the benefits the security and she had children so i think you have to weigh it out for what's best for you and your family that's what i think i don't think there's an agreement at all you got to figure out what and you know i like folks telling me everybody ought to be doing it this way no i i grew up with that i grew up in the pentecostal church they told me to wear pants i was going to hell well i guess i'm a busted wide open and i ain't even mad at them i ain't even mad at them they took me as far as they could go and i love them don't talk about my church because i'll get you so you know people i can't be interested in nobody telling me i'm not going to tell you don't do this don't do that evaluate your situation and do what's best for you now as far as you writing and thinking about television and you say ah you know i really want to be i want to be a christian and i want to you know i don't want to thank god and i want to i trust me growing up pentecostal chinese i can shout and speak and tongue and interpret better than all of y'all up in here so i understand that but the older i got i realized it's just about the relationship honey if you full of love you good you covered i don't care who you are what you are straight gay trans i don't give a damn what you are if you full of love then you good with god that's the only thing he said above all things i ask that you do what love so all you got to do is make sure you full of love and you're going to be good with the rest of it that's it thank you for your question i appreciate you look me up dm me i i love to get with you i would love to connect with you okay thank you next question i agree with that 100 000 everything so many people telling people to quit their jobs and i think it's foolish oh they should i bet you got a kind of money unless you've got a ton of money yeah i think you ought to be able to take care of your responsibility i say it all the time don't do it don't jump out the window plan prepare execute that is i say i do consistently yeah one thousand percent i totally agree with you so we got another question what's your name where you from hello can you hear me yeah a little louder so um what's your name where are you from cute oh my name is christy saint c or allen i am from the inland area but i'm from florida originally okay but i've been here for a couple of years i'm a florida realtor but i moved to atlanta wanted my real estate license i look up to you kiana um but i couldn't pass my test i took it three times and i'm okay with that because it just it's not you know god's will for me right now i started my own real estate investing company and i don't have a ton of money to invest i don't have a lot of cash saved up like you did when you started um can you talk about a little bit about seller financing and how i can make those offers to sellers oh absolutely absolutely first of all let me correct you i didn't have a ton of money saved up no ma'am i didn't have a ton of money saved up what i did was i knew i had a product that would work so i knew that i could convince people if i could get them to sit down to see that my product was a good product so concentrate on your product does your product fulfill a need you said well what did you what needed your product fulfilled well i had this next year this generation of people who had gone to hbcus shout out to the hbc i got that hbcu support that t-shirt you know what i'm talking about you probably know that you're like oh come on thank you shout out to them uh i knew i fulfilled the need you had these people who had these great professional jobs but they could go buy a 80 000 car but they had to pay to put park that eighty thousand dollar car in the hood or in a raggedy place so i knew if i provided them with a great place with a two-car garage so you can park your car in your two-car garage i don't have to have a seven nine eighty credit score i look at everybody credit i look at everybody credit you say what's the minimum credit you got to do i'm looking for character baby i'm looking for character i'm looking for characters so if you old you know you owe somebody else i'm not looking for you but i'm looking for characters so you say how do i get started i don't have a ton of money i think you go and do what i mentioned to you earlier you look at those people that are doing something you might need plus there's something you might need you might want to look into wholesaling you might watch what i that's what i'm doing now you might want to partner with some of the people that are doing i've got some people who are really i like to call it making money just passing paper i'm like wait a minute you found the deal get a deal of shamika and shamika gave the deal to harrow and you made seven thousand dollars oh wait a minute why am i husband saying patience we need to be moving paper really so you don't have to have the money to do that so once you get started in the whole selling which you have i think you want to partner with some people who are really successful with that ram i i really i'm a big person on getting with those people who are doing what you want to do i'm not going to be the one to tell you call me i'm going to help you with wholesaling that ain't what i do call me when you want to build your subdivision call me when you want to build some apartment complexion call me when you want to build two or three homes call me when you want to develop but there are a ton of people who are good at wholesaling and that i think you should look at doing your education and getting involved with them thank you if there's anyone here in the room that you know wholesales and is experts with sellers raise their hand definitely my child we got a couple people here okay one we gotta get we gotta go so now you know as soon as they take a break for you to be trying to find okay now who who who was that so you make sure you make that connection there we go own them like white on thank rice guys that's i love that you did that great question great question great question you guys know we are not here just to present we're here to connect and and network so i just want to say this has been a phenomenal episode absolutely but you know we cannot leave without you giving us one rant and one gem about your industry so we're going to start with the rant and end with the gym okay and the rant is the horrible thing right yes the horrible thing the horrible thing y'all know i got to tell you the truth the horrible rant for me is when i go out of my way and i nev and i have a person who really needs a place to stay and i go out of my way and make it work for them and i go to my money to make it work for them and they leave in the middle of the night and don't pay or tear up my property if y'all want supposed to make me cry that breaks my heart because you have to understand you make it harder for the next person so now when it's time for me to help the next person i'm like i got this husband over here his heart ain't like mine my husband say i'm only here to take care of you all this jesus and stuff you got that ain't for me i i'm a husband and i get in the kingdom by being a good husband i i if i take care of my wife i'm good it breaks my heart because i gave you a chance i worked with you and all you have to do is let me know you have a hard time and i work with you so when that occurs it sets us back as a people because then the next person they come they're like i don't want i uh i just did that for ray-ray and they took my stuff i just did that for a little earl i don't wanna do that so that's the one that that's the right does that make sense oh it's gonna break it makes a lot so what's your gym my gym the gym for me is i remember hearing people say you know what you know people say give a man a fish you you you you you what does it give you give a man a fish they eat for the day you eat for the day you teach a man to fish you feed him feed it for a lifetime i say you give a man a fish you what feed them for what they did for the day you teach a man to fish you what eat it for a lifetime you teach a man how to own the whole pond you feeding for generations to come on all 51. [Applause] teach them how to own the pond then you feed him for a lifetime you feed his kids for a lifetime you feed their kids for a lifetime teach them how to own the pond on the whole 51 home community certified gym driver look this was an amazing first of all thank you thank you um thank you this one this was amazing i'm so happy i was persistent i'm so glad you you understood the assignment i understood my assignment with this one and i'm very persistent and um this was amazing um just your heart and you can just tell you speak from your heart and speak from your soul that you're really good people and this was uh i learned a lot from you just in this hour some change that we sat here and spoke together so um thank you but tell the people how to find you your websites your courses whatever you want to tell the people right now thank you thank you for that opportunity and thank you both for having me uh first of all i want to thank you all for coming because if you all didn't come back have no reason to be here have no reason to walk out in my bold faith and be scared and come and hang out with these young people so i thank you all first of all for coming and then second of all i'll go really fast i have to go to who's the young lady in the pink oh shut up sherman okay sherman uh i don't know what y'all got going on here with this plug and had all work but i would get your card because i will be back so that i will speak here at this facility over and over again your customer service the way you took care of me the way you understood my age and working with me trust me you are a gym no and that's how they know that shout out to charlotte yeah i'm paying brown courtney.com check me out trust me verify yeah brother there i like you right there there you go look at him he got that pen he's got that pen pam p a m brown b-r-o-w-n-courtney c-o-u-r-t dot com pam browncourtney.com okay do your homework check me out but go to my link on instagram my instagram name is pam brown courtney pam brown courtney that's gonna tell you everything you know i do a little bit of facebook but my i'm really on instagram and yes i have an introductory course on there that i like to tell people about but the what i really do is i do one-on-ones like this with 27 people 35 people i don't ever go over 50 and we get together and we talk about laying out the plans okay this is what you're trying to do i like those type of sessions now yeah i'll come and speak and do stuff but i like to lay it out you want to own a home where are you you want to own the subdivision let's lay it out and do that so uh if you're interested in going from home ownership i'm hey look me up if you're looking for multi-property call me now what i do want you to know because i want to put it out there i want to be real clear trust me verify when you call me you might say well she put me off on somebody no i'm not putting you off i'm aligning you with somebody who's better than me i'm aligning you with somebody who's better than me i just told you i didn't pass the test she's this girl i really want to be an agent miss courtney tell me who you are again baby don't feel offended if i align you with some other people that i feel are going to be best for you but yes i have an online course i do a little bit one-on-one but i'm really just here to inspire you all to remember do it scared just i don't care do it scared and not just real estate i'm for entrepreneurship period i'm for networking period whatever it is you need to do work on your marriage if it's working on your marriage you want your marriage to work to help or whatever i say girl you need to let him go if you want that man work on your marriage whatever it is that you i never did like him for you girl as soon as i leave him you'll be looking at stop all that figure out what it is that you want and do it scared do it scared because everybody's scared we all scared of something us that have it scared we're gonna lose it the other don't have it scared we ain't gonna never get it us and do have it and ain't got it daddy come over here with these young people they're gonna be talking all over my head lord all right they're gonna ask me to use the computer i'm not real good with that everybody's scared of something so do whatever it is that you want in your life do it scared [Applause] is a phenomenal um i i don't think we can i don't think we have i might have lost the words and i've never had a loss for words this was great so we're gonna sign off um look follow pam yeah get with him thank you and if he wasn't here in the audience man i feel bad for you on youtube but listen to this y'all should have been here at the vip live experience i ain't gonna hold you up this was phenomenal thank you again for coming and um again my name is matt garland nmls number five a700 better known as mg the mortgage guy my name is kiana watson broker extraordinaire here in the metro atlanta area license number 317-576 thank you so much for tuning in to the rants and jim i will see y'all next week [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 10,698
Rating: 4.980392 out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, business, finance, sports, entertainment
Id: ezU-r__eTrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 50sec (4550 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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