I Was Married.. | My Divorce Story | Corey Jones

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i can't believe this i can't believe i'm really about to talk about this right now this is crazy man oh my gosh [Music] welcome everybody as you can see this is a different type of video for my channel the mood is kind of different i want to set the mood for this video because this is a story um a time in my life that i've really never talked about ever and i just want to be transparent with you all i want to be transparent people that follow me that support me you know family friends everything like that that you know this story is something that i withheld to myself for so long um and you know some people know and then some people don't the people that do know know and the people that don't don't and you know you kind of make assumptions nobody ever knew the full story of what happened if you've been a subscriber and supporting me since forever so since the start of this channel that will be 2017. you probably already knew that i was with this one woman at one time at one point in my life she was in some of my vlogs and things like that videos and i took those down from my channel and you know it was a abrupt ending to those type of vlogs it was abrupt ending to you know you seeing me around her and things like that um if you're new here you probably don't even know because i don't have any pictures up i don't have any videos up or anything i kind of try to erase that that side of my life you know i want to be transparent here so in 2017 um i got married i got married to [Music] this girl that i've been with throughout college you know i'm saying mostly through college um and we was together for a while you know went through college together a little bit of our adulthood as well and you know decided to jump the broom and be bonded forever you know what i'm saying everything felt right everything felt like you know it was the right thing to do the next step to do um you know since we've been together for a good little minute um you know people kind of looked up to us as that black couple in school and that couple that just stood through everything you know i'm saying so with that being said you know we decided to get married you know um honestly was that the best move at the time it felt like it you know um but you know sometimes you can't let time determine what's truly going on or what's truly there um but yeah we decided to get married and you know take that step towards our lives moved from an apartment into a couple of homes i know some of you all probably seen in some of my old vlogs we moved from a house to another house but we was renting just trying to find a home that we liked it liked to rent until we bought a home but we ended up renting a home and um of course that was in the town that my alma mater is in so if you know you know so we you know moved in together everything is going good and you know um you know once we got married there was before we got married there really was never no hiccups or anything like that at least that i didn't suspect there was no type of um any there wasn't really any red flags to me you know i was saying um i think the only red flag that was in me was like i was like yo you know we've been born and raised here went to school here we really need to move from this state in order to be prosperous you know in order to make a name for ourselves build build wealth and and all that good stuff now granted um i was saying that because there wasn't many opportunity in i must say there wasn't many opportunities in south carolina for anyone recently graduating and i was a management major hospitality management major started off in the hotel industry worked front desk became assistant director rooms very shortly after that still wasn't paying that much you know working at the university of south carolina as an admissions counselor and i started off making twenty eight thousand dollars guys twenty eight thousand dollars a whopping twenty eight thousand dollars there and that was a struggle because i loved the job and i loved what i did there but it wasn't enough to provide for me and her even though she had a job but it was still kind of like a little bit of a struggle so i think that kind of helped play into what happened in the marriage maybe but those are conversations that you don't really have um beforehand you're kind of just going through life together and if someone is for you they're gonna be for you no matter what your salary is no matter this and that the connection that y'all have really you know um should be strong enough to look past that but anyway let's fast forward so yeah um we ended up getting married you know um in october of 2017. jumped the broom everything went well um and it was good you know what i'm saying but uh let's fast forward to the beginning of 2018. so not even a year not even barely six months in um you know it was around mother's day and you know her family came to the house we grilled a couple of my family members and friends came to the house we grilled out had a good time and you know it was just a good vibe you know i'm saying being around friends family you're in your home nice day outside sunny there's not a care in the world right now at least for me and i always looked at her as a person that i can trust i always looked at her as someone that i wouldn't have to worry about someone that had my best interest at heart always had the utmost respect for her because like i knew that she cared for me that's that's that's how i truly felt but fast forward throughout that day you know family was still there and then it's getting down to the evening you know i'm outside grilling with her dad and stuff like that we're having a good time chopping it up shooting a breeze you know things that family do and um as the day went on her family decided to stay tonight with us and we was going to go to breakfast in the morning um so the night is winding down everyone is going to bed me and her go to bed and you know at this point i'm exhausted it's like probably 11 30 p.m exhausted been grilling been cooking been socializing all day just tired so she was falling asleep i was falling asleep but i was kind of tossing and turning a little bit in and out so i think i fell asleep around like 12-ish woke back up around one because i just kept hearing like messages so i was like it's 1 1 am usually she's not texting her girlfriends or anything like that because they got mans and husbands and stuff too they don't be texting like that so i was like but oh well so i kind of turned over a little bit and you know i wanted to try to go back to sleep so i went back to sleep tried to and still hurt it so i kind of turned back over and kind of cuddled her a little bit and then as i was cutting a little bit i kind of saw her phone and then i saw a man's name on there that i've never seen before so i was like 1 30 a.m a man's name i don't even know this don't even sound this don't even sound right but i didn't press the issue right then and there until i kept hearing so now it's like yo like who you texting this late and i could tell that she was kind of startled a little bit because she probably thought i was asleep or in and out of sleep or in a deep sleep so that's what she was like nobody do doom i was like nah who are you texting because i know she would tell me instantly who she texting so um and then she wouldn't tell me so i was like let me see your phone and i don't i've never been this type of guy to go through a phone or nothing like that so i was like let me see your phone because this don't even sound right she was like why she kept questioning why so i just took the phone so i was like boom looked at the phone there was a dude in there and they was just having this conversation look like they was having a conversation throughout the whole entire day and i was looking and i was seeing things like i'mma bring you a plate and this and that and all kinds of stuff and i was like what who is this cat yo like this is crazy so then she got upset because i guess i caught her so i was like yo who is this boom boom boom and this where this way really got me she was like i was going to tell you i was like tell me what what exactly was you going to tell me you know i'm saying so them since family is in the house we decided to go outside because we didn't want to make a ruckus and all this inside since family was staying the night so we went outside talked walked and it's just she was just telling me about the situation this and that this and that and the weird thing about this is i never suspected that any of this would ever happen but i realized once she started hanging out with these new friends of hers all her friends was married but all of them had bad marriages either the wife was cheating on the husband or the husband was cheating on the wife and i was like she shouldn't be hanging with them but i can't control who she hang with like she just got these new group of friends where everybody has something going wrong in their marriages and yet we're newlywed and she's seeing this and that and they're probably influencing her to do this so all kind of stuff like this is going through my head and um it just made me realize like this is crazy that this this is not the end of it but at that moment i was like this is crazy like i really couldn't process anything so after we had a little walk went back in went to sleep woke up that morning and i just had a bad feeling in my gut and we were supposed to go to breakfast with her parents you know saying i didn't feel right going to breakfast had to fake like i was sick because the situation really threw me for a loop you know i'm saying so my mom couldn't make it to the mother's day um cookout so we ended up going to um my mom's spot in summer so i had to fake the funk there had to fake the funk like everything was going good car ride not really talking on the way back talked a little bit about what was going on and then we got back in the home and that's when we really had a conversation later that night where you know like okay what's up what happened who this dude is what's the relationship how y'all know each come to find out i remember about three months before me and her started like going to the gym together things like this and she was telling me about this trainer that had this new program and she was like yo we should go to this camp since we're going to the gym it'll be cool for us to go as a couple boom boom boom i was like all right cool never ended up going but i guess she continued to talk to the trainer so the guy was a trainer and uh and and and so they kind of had a little bit of history and he knew that she was married and of course dudes don't really care like that it's up to the woman to neglect that so i can't even be mad at the dude like i'm mad at the disrespect for him to come at a married woman but i can't be mad at him because he can only do what she allows so at that point i was like boom we newlyweds we got to try to get through this you know i'm saying the old me in this situation would be like nah it's dead right then and there but i was like since we newlyweds and since we just got married and since we since you're supposed to try to work through things i'm gonna try to work with you so i was like look we can get through this but i'm gonna need you to delete this guy off social media i need you to delete the number i'm gonna need for you to lose all connection with this guy if you're not interested this guy if you want to be with this guy and you're interested let me know now and we can talk about all that you know i'm saying and we can move away from each other whatever but let me know so she's like no i could delete him two days later um i remember getting home before her and she's not home yet but her ipad is in the room i'm trying i just got home took a shower about to take a nap and i see her ipad is on my nightstand and then i see this guy the same guy numbered through imessage popping up on the ipad i was like i thought she was i thought she was gonna stop talking to this dude like what's going on so i tap don't open the ipad she was like i'm on the way home don't text me let me text you and at that moment that's when i know i got a problem on my hands you know i'm saying as a man you do not want this problem on your hands you do not want your woman going behind your back sneaking lying and doing all this and you just got married and trying to work on things with that and i'm willing to give you another chance so when she got home i like i didn't know anything [Music] i like i didn't know anything she got home she took a shower boom boom boom and she said she was going to dinner with one of her friends i said all right go to dinner go dinner one of i don't know if she was with the friend or him i don't know but i already had the intel that i need that they was going to continue to communicate so then when she left i opened the ipad up again and i noticed that they was trying to plan going to the mountains together in north carolina and trying to figure out a way for her to get there and this and that i'm like yo that's when it hit me that's when it hit me man like as a man that's the worst feeling you can ever feel when you've been disrespected lied to betrayed by someone that you love and i never ever felt pain like this a day in my life and still to this day i still haven't felt a pain that i felt when i saw those messages and when i realized she was lying and i never felt that type of pain at that moment i just remember dropping down to the bed and just crying bruh i was crying out of anger upset i didn't know how to feel like i i really didn't know what to do and i didn't want to talk to anybody about it because what happens in your home stays in your home until it's final so i had to deal with this by myself it was just me and her i wasn't talking to nobody about it i was just talking to myself about it co-workers was asking like why do i look this way in that way and i could not explain it because it's like i didn't want to put information out there without things being final you know i'm saying like i'm not that type of dude and that's why it took me so long to make this video or even tell people what happened because for so long since 2017 i've lost followers that was connected to me and her because they think that i did something i've lost some of her friends that was my friends too that think that i did something you know like people automatically assume oh if they divorce or this and that the man did something but in this situation i did not do anything i never physically abused her emotionally abused her i like i've done all i could for this girl with this girl i've never like so for anybody out there that thought i did something you know i'm saying that's that's y'all but i'm telling y'all the story but let's go back so at this moment when she got back she could tell that i was pissed and i was like you know something what's going on i know that you're still talking to this dude this and that we got into a huge argument match whatever so at this moment i decided to try to figure out a way for us to not be in this situation right now it's heating in the house we're arguing we're looking at each other weird i didn't like this phone i was like yo look and this is probably the worst thing that i could ever do in this situation i was like look i'mma get you a hotel room for two three days you go there and you think about everything you know i'm saying you're saying you're sorry you're saying you apologize you're saying that you don't want to talk to this guy you think about it and you think about what you actually want you know i'm saying because i'm not about to have you in this house lying and doing all this and going behind my back i'ma get you a hotel room for two three days i'm saying and you go and you think about everything think about what has happened how this is affecting what we have going on you know what i'm saying and you think about that so two three days come back she come back to the crib i instantly noticed another change she had this look on her face she's very cold she's very like this is a side of her that i've never seen before like it's a whole new person i was like what happened like what's going on and then out of prowling and prying and things like that she just broke out crying and said she invited the dude to her hotel room [Music] and i was like why she was like just to talk just to talk and what happened oh he tried to kiss me blah blah blah but nothing happened okay all right and that was the last straw i was like at this moment we got this is done we done we are done i cannot do this you know i'm saying but i did set up a therapy session for us tried the therapy session that didn't go too well and then eventually she was just like she gonna move out so she moved out the house and as i told you i wasn't making that much so i couldn't afford the payments myself so she moved out and then i was forced to move to charlotte with my sister and commute back and forth every single day from charlotte to columbia south carolina to work every single day while she had the means to you know afford a little apartment or something like that on her own i i couldn't i couldn't afford that at that moment had credit card bills and stuff like that with our name in it and things like that and it it was just crazy so she moved out got her own place and just left me there you know i'm saying we and and i decided like you know that's probably best anyway but it was no hesitation she got her place moved out moved in her apartment and i was commuting back and forth from columbia to charlotte to my sister place staying on the couch and i don't know if y'all remember but i i took like a three-month hiatus from youtube trying to get my life together and then i ended up moving to atlanta because i took on a new job and i stayed with my cousin for a couple of months till i got on my feet save some money and things like that and even though we wasn't together and we decided to separate i was like it just felt so bad in me for i just i just felt like a failure you know and this is the only time in my life while legit felt like a failure like something failed in my life something so big one of the biggest moments being married being in a relationship and trying to build things and then it just failed i legit felt like a failure so when i moved to atlanta he probably asked my cousin like he had like him and his wife and his kid stayed and i had a room upstairs and i would be in my i would be in that room all the time i didn't want to go out i did not i was just in this state of mind where i just i just felt like a failure man i just felt like a failure and that was that was that man i was like what can i do i'm trying to figure out ways like what can i do to make the situation better but it was nothing that i could do and as a man as a husband you always want to try to do your best to make the situation better but i couldn't figure it out so i tried one more last attempt i was like yo our anniversary is coming up it's like when we first met i want to give one last attempt to this because one thing about me i'm gonna do my best so i know that i didn't give up i didn't give up on the situation i didn't do anything so i was like look for our anniversary we're going to go down to myrtle beach and for that weekend we're just going to vibe we're going to see what's going on you know so i got us a resort at myrtle beach had the room decked out nice or whatever you know had some roses delivered to the room to be there by the time we got there had some caterer catering options and things like that set up so we can go out eat and things like that and i could just tell eventually that that was going to be the last time that we had a trip or a time together something shifted you know i'm saying once that trust is breached once a mistake and once something like that happens it's like hard to come back from that it's it's very hard to come back from that like i'm i'm a big person on respect support trust all that stuff and once that is breached you know you can't really i can't really go back and revert but i tried and i think that's what made me okay with like knowing that i've done all i can in that situation because even though she made a mistake even though this and that happened i still was willing to try to make things work because as a husband as a man you have to try you know what i'm saying no matter what do thick and thin till death do his part you got to try you know i'm saying so i rested comfortably knowing that i tried you know and i tried to give it my best [Music] but um you know and you know people make mistakes you know i'm saying and it's just a mistake that cost us a huge decision of our lives to to be divorced and not be together and you know to this day do we talk every day no do we talk all the time no you know i'm saying if i seen her i'll be cordial but i i can't envision myself wanting to go through something like that again and i don't want anybody to go through that again so um so yeah i think you know after about four years i'm finally comfortable talking about this because for so long i felt it felt like a failure you know i'm saying and of course she mentioned some things that she felt like were paying points for her like she mentioned me once i start my once i started my youtube channel that i wasn't paying her any attention which to me is a little bit skewed a little bit because for one i would include her into my vlogs i would try to include her into different processes of the youtube like granted of course editing takes time and shooting takes time but that's not all day you know what i'm saying i know she mentioned sometimes when shows on i wasn't paying attention to the show i was in my phone but if it's a show that i don't really like i'm in there with you i'm just not paying attention to the show like that but i'm still right next to you now i'm saying like i'm not off in another room watching something else secluded like i'm still in the living room still up under you with you watching the show i'm just on my phone answering the emails or i might bring my laptop down and edit edit on my laptop instead of upstairs or something like that you know so she was bringing up little things like that and i feel like if it was truly a problem then it should have been mentioned instead of going out and doing who knows whatever whoever you know the way my life has been going since that you know once i got on my feet moved to atlanta my life has been skyrocketing you know i'm saying focus more on my youtube became a creator up next in 2019 for youtube has several opportunities with brand partnerships this and that new job new apartment all this like and i would just attest that to god you know i'm saying even through all that i prayed i prayed you know i'm saying like i i kept faith that things would be better for me you know i'm saying and even for her you know i still want things to go well for her i want her to find somebody that she could be happy with and you know i want that for her so i don't have any animosity or any ill will towards her but since that i think sometimes god make you go through things so you can see the other side and so you can be a better you um because honestly i don't know if i would be where i'm at today without going through that situation i'm a better man i make better decisions i'm a successful a young black king guy here you know i'm saying and i can't say back then that i was that you know i was striving for it but now i'm here you know i'm saying like this is everything that i dreamed of i now have and you know it feels good yeah i just wanted to share this story man because i held it in for so long and i was like dang i need to i need to share this story you know and appreciate all y'all for listening and uh thank you thank you thank you all for the support thank you all for rocking with me through all this man it's crazy and i hope none of you all ever have to go through anything like that like i did and yeah that's just that but thank y'all for walking with me and i'll catch y'all in the next video peace [Music] you
Channel: Corey Jones
Views: 312,754
Rating: 4.9127245 out of 5
Keywords: Corey Jones, Black youtubers, Youtube Black, Vlogs, Self Development, I was married, Divorce Story, I am divorced, Divorcee, An untold story, Sharing my divorce story, marriage, Marriage Counseling, Married young, How to make a marriage work, Difficult Marriage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 38sec (1778 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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