NFTs, Cryptocurrency, Rules to Investing with 19 Keys

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what's up and we're not even muted i took ourselves you this time what's going on good people let me put it back turn that volume up that's always an issue yup yup now we good you good you good yeah you good what's up looks like the earners there i got the earnest hoodie on today shout out to all the earners see that at the bottom greenberg shout out to the town let's get it let's get it let's go a lot to talk about today big guess shout out to my bro 19 keys let's do it i see a knee in here already big keys yeah he's in here early he's there early shout out to the to the bro greetings and salutations i told you guys man have some patience the market definitely um it's able right looking a lot better than it did last week it's april right hey man you know just a little bit of research a little historical data you know go what you know we're off to a good start this month yeah i know a lot of people are happy shout out to everybody that posted that we historically the nasdaq's best month is april so we're starting off in the right direction let me see if the bro is here not even there let's get it let's get it chat popping all right that thing went out yeah yeah yeah so let's let's get it rocking zam right there yeah that's him so first and foremost let's get it going man greetings and salutations to everybody out there first and foremost we would be remiss if we didn't do this at the start of this show we got to give thoughts and prayers out to the legendary dmx man bro absolutely the great um dmx you know is is a cultural icon but especially for us you know coming from westchester you know we always got he was like new york city's little little brother and got looked over a lot even though it's on the border of new york city he never really got the respect even though we had a lot of legendary acts brand new being and heavy d things of that nature but mary jay mary j a lot of people didn't know that she was even from west chester though but when x came out and um he said school street home of the brain you know that that gave us a sense of pride man and to see and to be able to see him like you know you saw x everybody from that one [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah yeah i got a crazy story if we have enough time i'll tell it but um just to be able to he's a true a true man of the people in fact i ran into him in a barber shop like three times grocery store any like you run into them anywhere right yeah dmx man a true a true a true man of the people man legend um one the most just regular down to earth person that you'll ever meet in life man i'll tell my dmx story at the end if we have enough time but um just this is just one of a kind person so you know it's like i think styles have posted you know say a prayer for x because or swiss he definitely would have said a prayer for you and that's true man so many times on youtube you see him like people just randomly stopping like yo can you pray for me and he says like a five-minute prayer like you know i never seen him say like nah i can't say a prayer he'll say a prayer in a minute for anybody at any occasion um we've seen it with nipsy hustle when he met his his crew at the breakfast club he just every every time he gets to say a prayer says a prayer so say a prayer for x if you can um yeah and god willing god willing he'll be back on his feet man yeah big shout out to everybody that went to uh his uh prayer uh memorial at the at the hospital earlier today um it was a big turnout and rightfully so man this guy means a lot to our community he means a lot to the to the world man to the world and so yeah prayers up to the dog for real yeah for sure for the parents watch your kids it was heartbreaking to hear that story that somebody at 14 years old got him hooked on that and that guy was 30. watch your kids please yeah man x yeah definitely max x had a hard life man but you know he's a fighter so you know yeah we're just going we don't keep him in prayer we're going to keep him in prison for sure so all right um so on a much lighter note welcome back to everybody this is your first time welcome earn your leisure big week for us of course we have grant cardone that's that was a fun one go big connects king go bigger go bigger go bigger man we're going home in this game yeah grant cardone tomorrow that is a legendary episode i listened to it yesterday again funny funny guy man good dude shout out to grand shout out to his whole team that is coming out tomorrow shout out to spec shout out to spectacular shout out to maddie jay um wednesday ewl university the first professor ever andre hatches i give him a letter man yeah he's coming back to teach the class you know he's the king of the modal noble business um and the other one of those businesses that you never would think never really make money doing a couple thousand dollars in it like you know you could definitely supplement your income doing that so he's gonna teach a whole class on on that tomorrow um and then thursday we have a limited four part series podcast new podcast alert oh yeah well new podcast alert wednesday too oh yeah we'll get there thursday john henry and earn your leisure collaboration six o'clock eastern standard time live youtube it's only gonna be four it's like an nft it's only four it was crazy it's like a video you can't unlock the series right you gotta watch the first one to get to the second one you gotta watch the second one get to the third one it's gonna be dope john's our guy for sure for sure so we got a jam pack situation yeah and then wednesday we debuting a podcast yeah new podcast alert man shout out to uh casanova brooks man a good brother if you've been following him you you know how passionate he is about real estate and anything in the entrepreneurial world man and so we joined forces man so dream nation will be debuting this wednesday at 9 00 a.m and we're super excited about that i just got off the phone with him a little bit earlier he's super excited about it man so the network is growing at a rapid pace man we just want to be a place that can you know could be a home for creatives to express their thoughts and get out their ideas and hopefully uh you know teach them a little bit of the game that we know that is a fact ladies and gentlemen so we'll put the link in the bio if you are interested in getting more information about earning a leisure university eyl university as we call it um we're currently running 70 off promo i think that that will run until uh the end of tuesday um because we extended it for the easter holiday and oh happy easter monday to all my jamaicans get your kites out you know how we do oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah for sure so um yes today we have a jam-packed episode we are going to bring on 19 keys and we're going to talk about nfts but you know first we got to talk about the stock market a little bit so we'll pass it off to the good brother ian dunlap um ian what's going on nothing man happy to be here uh our second chat today so looking forward to bringing some good energy sharing some and kudos everybody in red panda kudos to my family everybody on youtube um all the earners and zoom and i'll get into it quickly but um hold long term i keep telling you guys two index two tech there's a way to go everyone's like no it's not true and then it's like einhorn kathy buffett everybody cuz like the whole hole for long term and we keep killing tesla so hold for the long term don't let people trick you out of your spot um trading after dark after this uh snipers for those of you in the trading room we're doing thursday and friday we're doing 90 minutes session now so you get double the time now if you didn't get the email last night i'll send it out tonight after the show and that's it let's rock and roll i want to get right to it so we can uh bring it let me just let me run up the disclaimer before you even start right so do your own research our content is intended to be used it must be used for informational purposes only it is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances you should take independent financial advice from a professional in connection with or independently research and verify any information that you find on our show and wish to rely upon whether for the purpose of making an investment decision or otherwise this is a good word from the good brothers that earn your leisure and the good brother ian dunlap the master investor do your own homework do your own research and when you do that double check your work all right that's a fact all right the floor is yours ian thank you let's get let's get right to the charts okay so let's start at the top and now i'm gonna do tonight how i normally do um any of the trading rooms or any of the dream team calls so i'm just go through like 20 or 30 then we'll bring uh 19 on so he can he can school us um about nfts um but s p 500 let's do quiz time really quick this is s p 500 is the direction of this going up or down everyone type in chat continue to buy and hold so this is the 200-day moving average here you can see this is down last march and look how much we've taken off so two indexes to tech let's also look at dow that would be dia please write these down same movement so the dow and the s p 500 those would be your value or your safety right and then the two tech so let's look at apple moving up gradually and then tesla took off as well please write this down we saw it last week with the hedge fund but the number one reason that most people blow up their accounts is because of leverage we talked about this maybe 12 weeks ago please type in chat leverage if you're going to lose use leverage in your trades and we're going to see more hedge funds blow up this year if you are going to use leverage so for those of you that are doing any derivative derivatives or any uh trading on margin you have to pare down the number of trades that you want to take because the more trade you take is in the favor of the brokerage houses to make money off of you as a result so let's dive through a couple real quick um and i want to question you guys amazing is amg going up or down because once you know direction so 200 day moving average is a great place to start always start with the month chart and then i want you to then go to the weekly chart now i don't like macd or rsi this indicator is called balance of market power balance of market power is a lower study that shows you what the direction of the market is so please type balance of market power in chat please it's like the lumina alumina is sliding down so a decent area will be probably 303 and some change if you can catch it let's look at moderna right so when you're doing your research and troy alba says do your research double check i want you to go check your own areas in which you would get into the market so go to the month week and then let's go look at the day chart okay great so if this is this is the 200 moving average and this is the price type and chat if modern we're looking for entry potentially where could we get in if the 200 day moving average what would our entry be so hopefully you can slow down for a little bit so so yeah if anybody that's not familiar the 200-day moving average is the average of 200 days self-explanatory or 200 candles yeah but so but uh when it gets close to the 200-day moving average that usually is a is a buy signal correct yes because what we don't want to do we don't want to buy at the top so if it's at 189 there's no value of buying that 189 and look if we drop to 108.99 or 108.89 excuse me that is where we can build so people have been talking a lot about value investing a value investing is just another way or a old-school way of saying buying at a discounted price they're like well that buff is a value investor i'm like but if you go actually look at his portfolio in 2020 he was buying in highs so you have to go do the research and see and and pick out your own prices but yes if the price this is the high back here we want to look to get in potentially around that area let's look at what we normally don't talk about he has like a cult it's like [Laughter] they took over yes i love it abg oh this is broadcom inc so the five year month is up what does the balance of market power tell you so if we're seeing green first lesson i'll talk xander green means up red means down do you see more green at the bottom or red that gives you an indication so we're seeing more movement to the upside now let's move to the weekly chart so 298.25 if it drops there and then go to the daily chart everyone who's asking for entries please write this down month week then day so if avgo drops to 403 08 that'd be a good entry to get in and then you can see the previous high was 495 so the probability of it going back up to four uh 95 or 480 is very probable because this is a strong company the only thing that i want you guys to write this down the three most important trading indicators and then we'll let the brother who leads the cult on right um number one is direction so knowing direction so no matter what stock i look at i always go look at the direction of it first even if i'm familiar with it so let's go five your month uh this is accenture as the direction of accenture up or down born businesses make a lot of money and then the great part about these same born businesses you never wake up in a sweat in the middle of the night wondering if you're going to lose all your money so the direction of accenture is up knowing the direction of the stock or future or derivative that you trade is more important than the time frame that you're looking at most traders lose money because they do not know what the true direction is the five year month is going to give you what the real direction is number two the second most important indicator is the selection of trades that you're going to take for the year so for those of you that are trying to beat the s p 500 or another benchmark you need to reverse engineer to see how many you need in order to get to your goal and third your risk to reward ratio you need to risk one minimum to make 10 ideally if you can get to a place where you can risk one to make 25 even if you trade at 15 or 20 you can still be profitable and then let's go look at another company real quick hey matt there's a direction and let's go to since inception like we talked about on um episode 70. so this is the entire history of apply materials inc as the direction up or down so once we go through that go through month then we will go through the weekly chart and zoom in and then we'll go to the daily and stocks that are moving to the upside is what we want we don't want penny stocks that have been falling down and hope that they're going to turn around we want to buy high value businesses that are going to continue to go up and then we can buy them at a dip that is value investing and growth combined in one so two whether user 200 uh moving average to 72 all are great for those you do use the other indicator that we talked about previously before that i said i'll never mention again those will give you better entries but it's a three-part system you want to go the month chart first five your month then look at the weekly then look at the day those will tell you your entries and after that you have nothing else to do but buy and hold i'm going to beg you don't let people trick you out of your spot saying that buy and hold is not for us and it's not fun all the wealth is there and i would ask you if you deviated from that plan last year did the other plan work and didn't make you rich oh well i think that's the only thing we're here to do um so i appreciate you guys so much and let's bring on one of the greatest speakers to ever walk earth uh the legendary 19 keys yeah for sure let's let's let the beat build for a little bit though um before we bring 19 on i just want to talk about something that um we had to speak about crypto oh god let's go what happened yeah you know my crypto account is looking extremely healthy healthier than youtube i gotta apologize i gotta apologize well i said it so that's half the battle you're gonna apologize tron tron is a position that i always held since 2017 i got tron when it was a penny uh-huh how long have you been holding it since 2020 2017. okay did you buy and get locked out or you bought and hold it and now we this is this is part of the story it don't matter no no it is a true story so if you were day one earner you know that this is the story when um uh shoddy and uh and jamal went to wait on a 30-day excursion in asia and i called them like yo y'all gotta come home i think i found something and so that that tron is part of that story and they were like i ain't coming home man tell me what's over the line i'm like nah nah i gotta show you more than i can tell you yeah and um and so tron was one of those those uh i almost had stops one of those coins the altcoins that's when i discovered them that i was i was bullish on bullish john tron's at 13 cents right now um stellar which i also own is up 21 today um xrp which i also own yeah is up 43 today 91 cents this is all we had a crypto class on youtube last month yeah and uh all of these things i said and i said it's just like no different from the stock market you have rotations in the market sometimes yeah bitcoin it's called bitcoin dominance bitcoins like makes up like what sixty seven sixty sixty percent of the and like when bitcoin out of the 50s yeah when bitcoin runs usually all coins kind of you know fall back a little bit but now we're on an altcoin run right now bitcoin is still solid it's 59 000 but everything is running right now to all coins xrp even litecoin is bad back um yeah ethereum i said in ewing university remember a couple weeks ago last month when francis was on yeah he went over charts he said that was a good time i put in i put ten thousand additionally into ethereum yeah ethereum just crossed over two thousand oh and we said finance coin we said finance finance coin i don't know how many times we screen finance coin binance coin right binance is the number one platform to trade crypto internationally obviously we can't do it in the united states unless you got a vpn um and we said look you have to do trading pays and a lot of times you got to trade with a binance um to bitcoin or binance ethereum and so every time finance makes a transaction they make money and so if people are trading in the crypto space and they're using the platform then they're making money finance was at 17 i remember we had conversations it was 12 we watched it go up to 30. finance coin is 365 right now presently 365 march 25th it was at 247 dollars yeah in a week here's the secret for everything hold it for 10 years by investing like i wanted to take all the illusion out of it go look at any period of time damn there any assets that you hold real estate art uh collectible automobiles businesses like if you get to the 10-year mark there's like a 99 chance that you'll be profitable if you get it like at a decent price right you do not have to be like hollow buy and hold all the same thing there's just different tribes saying it different way like diamond hands all the same thing shout out to diamond page you're like yo it's all the same thing hold on you're not going to flip in 13 days there's nothing else to say crypto real estate digital art if we get real estate on mars and we can flip moon rocks 10 years if you can get 22 doors on mars when elon starts to take us up hold for 10 years that's it and can we also talk about microsoft my baby microsoft to the moon microsoft today might have heard this before you might have heard this one before we was a year ago it's called pay attention it's called it's called do your homework write your notes it's called all you write your notes the companies that have the most revenue are going to be the most dominant and expand into the most areas it's no different than what cash money did no different than what rockefeller did it's one of the old the more revenue you have you can acquire more businesses and expand like just hold the top company and i know it's not sexy you don't get the people going you know but man go ahead yeah yeah microsoft tremendous tremendous um it's looking promising yeah i mean look looks promising from from they got the government contract they they talk about that government contract they look like they're going to be joseph biden joseph biden man a few sectors are going to benefit from from this from this new plan that he's putting together and um smh saved my life changed my life changed my life saved my life whatever you want to call it riding that to the moon man yeah semiconductor spaces amd i told you this i told you this before yeah we'll get into that um tsm of course we gotta talk about tsm yeah but uh microsoft is gonna benefit as well we'll talk about that yeah i mean so i was going to go from the gaming standpoint i'll leave you wanting you want to go into the government piece i mean i mean to integrate it's a cloud computer because most for those of you that work in government shout out to you know there's a lot of inefficiency so these relationships have been pre-existing so you guys and we were talking about it during election look at the tech companies and who they advocate and who they spend their dollars with they're always going to vote on both sides so regardless of who in office you're going to see tim cook continued to be in in talks he was a little bit more visible when obama was there less when trump was there still present same with microsoft i could argue that tim cook is probably the most underpaid ceo for how well he's done and microsoft's probably the least value company for how big it is now the government contract i mean that that's a huge deal yeah and use deal for cloud computing yeah and they're taking off in the gaming space too like i envisioned them and i saw somebody say it too i i actually written wrote it down to my notes they're gonna change gaming and they're gonna treat it like netflix and so they're going to treat their platform because they already have subscribers they have over 100 like 70 million people on the xbox platform yep they're going to turn it into the next place of gaming and so they have the user base already you know i mean they have the technology they have the capital microsoft i mean i think last june we were telling how bullish we were on it we still uh we've invested in it for a long time microsoft is 2010 like it's a one bomber it was a terrible company obama was there but you can see the potential yeah they got a new regime change like it's like if the knicks got a great coat like if you know yeah right now shout out to tips shout out to tips yeah but we we will be remiss um speaking of microsoft and i'm glad you brought up joseph biden uh because the ev market is going to take over too if you look at what he's what he's allocating he said he's going to allocate 200 billion with a b to the ev market and over he's over 500 000 charging stations and so people automatically are looking like oh wait tesla and so we saw tesla you know uh jump up today but they had a ridiculous quarter you saw their quarters all-time high in in deliverables in the first quarter in the history of the company they all pace right now to do 850 thousand that's why are you kidding me trying to tell you guys just hold hold quality you want all the sexy ass [ __ ] like the sexy thing is to hold that's where all the money is yeah and so that the crazy part is like if you think about it last year the entire year they delivered 500 000 cars they're on pace to do 850 that's a 70 increase which is ridiculous plus the incentive from the the buying administration is like yo they're trying to increase the tax credit on the evs and so if that passes through i think the tax credit now is like 7 500 they're trying to increase it to 10 000. so it's no stopping there's no stop and so you see i mean now you have a great operator yet yeah look at like look at your your tv right i probably saw that hummer ev commercial 50 times on on saturday it's coming and it can't it's not going to be stopped so it's either get down or lay down but it's going to be tesla it's going to be more than tesla though and then the same way when bitcoin got the institutional backing government deals like this is the same kind of thing there are the well that's gonna help move the market and then all the backing that elon has is what this government deal is gonna give them security for another four or five years to be able to figure it out they actually get a good team it's gonna be game over they asked mr cook about uh his future in the ev market he was kind of shy about it but you know they have to they ain't gonna let this money pass yeah they got it they're gonna attack this industry two industries they're gonna attack either this this one a health care and they might just they might not do both yeah um elon musk also predicted that uh tesla will pass um apple uh he deleted the tweet but he said that that will happen relatively soon too he predicts that tesla will be the most valuable company in the world probably in less than 16 months i mean with the backing that they have and all the funds that are tied because right now the league got pulled off that most investors were not good so that's like tesla is the bitcoin of the etf space so for those that are late on the institutional side tesla is still like a safe investment and if you can get big gains there and have blowout quarters and we talked about it last week like april historically is a great month second quarter is a great quarter so especially with the end of the the quarter being oh shocking uh shaky and then going up now clients are gonna stay and gonna pour more money the fund flows are going to be way higher he has things in his favor but we have to remember the 10 years where he was vilified and was trying to put him out of business too so he's earned his position for sure that's a fact so all right we crossed over 5000 so let's get please like the video on youtube like the video like share let's get let's get our pristine guest in alumni alumni let me get my oprah questions ready he's working he's walking toward his letterman jacket at this point yeah yeah yeah yeah yes yes yes my brother how are you doing man i'm blessed to be every day to achieve man how do god is doing that [Laughter] yes you have very loyal support and youtube they are they are chanting your name well you know um i provide value man and they just reciprocate that's all my relationships are there you have it that's it man that's it so i want to i want to give this introduction so 19 keys of course we had them on the podcast um in the summertime but uh you know everybody's been talking about nfts and ft's and mt's non-stop and um i think that you know we definitely played a part in in helping move that conversation along when we started introducing the nfts a couple people that we had on the podcast i spoke about nfts was uh gary vee uh mark cuban twice um jim jones shout out to jimmy uh but you know before before before you know we spoke to mark cuban before we spoke to gary vee before we spoke to jimmy uh the first person that told us about nfts was 19k so he was in 19 we was in miami with 19 keys and chris cole shout out to chris chris what up we was uh we was having lunch in miami and uh he joined us for us for lunch and we were just having a conversation and he was telling us about like you know nfts and i'm like what's nfts he's explaining it to me and he's like you know it's a digital thing and you know artists can use it and you get the royalties and i'm like all right it's interesting i don't know like not saying it still sounds like it's kind of like a little foreign but it's interesting and then literally right after that like the nft flood growth opened up um so we're going to talk about nfts a lot on the platform but before the first conversation that i wanted to have about nfts i wanted to have a 19k since he was the first person to tell us about nft so first and foremost thank you for joining us brother appreciate it man thank you for having me man that one night that one afternoon in miami [Laughter] it was a lot that was discussed that day and i was hyper excited about it i'll tell anybody that had an ear to listen and had a platform and use it you understand me and so the conversation only made sense that's just how i wrote like i want to provide value and give access wherever i can no i appreciate that brother so all right let's let's jump into it we'll start at the 101 level for people that have might have just heard of nft but they have no idea where the nft is what it what exactly is an nft so nft is an acronym for non-fungible tokens uh um first you know i always say every level of consciousness comes with a new language same thing with every industry that you break into you got to sort of learn the language and the lingo to start understanding it to really interact with it so you really start to get to what is fungible and what is fungibility right and so it's like i would ask the question and i can ask this to you all into the audience as well is gold fungible non-fungi and why well so it can depend so let's say it's 24k gold fungible non-fungible so it's all in the same class so fungible means that you can't duplicate it right it can be fungible means it can be duplicated that's why like nft is non-functional you can't duplicate it right so for my so i always say gold you can't duplicate gold can you you can make fake gold i would say i don't know you duplicate a 24 i mean i guess if it's 24 karat you can you can make another 24 carry but but how can you make another 24 karat gold [Music] when you hear a fungible think of interchangeable that's a quick cliff notes so all right we're back so back in grammar school so but but yeah it is more interchangeable and interchangeable right something you can exchange if you got if somebody says if you go to a dealer and say i want a kilo of gold like this is a kilo of gold it don't matter what dealer you go to as long as it's gold right and let's say he loses yo yo yo bar of gold right and he replaces it with another bargo what's the difference nothing it's the same value right it all comes from the same class right it's the same reason we can take a dollar and it gets exchanged for four quarters right it's interchangeable for the same values when something is unique so let's say that if you took that same goal that saying gold and beyonce wrote her signature on the back of it you can't just replace that because now it's unique so things can go from fungible to non-fungible right and so when things are have not fungibility that's when they are unique assets essentially and they cannot be exchanged for other things where you just make it you can just throw me something forward it's like no i need that same thing right and so that's what gives things value rarity collectibles and things of that nature is the fact that we have the ability um to collect things that other people don't have right and we can easily see the value in that that's the law of supply and demand so and you see the similarities in art so like the mona lisa basquiat because there's not seven thousand of them available they become more exclusive the price of them is higher so there's their relatability there right there keys and then it opens up a lot of door a lot so i also want to as we talk about and i hope the audience can understand it i hope i see a lot of comments saying that that was a good explanation i try to get it to the simplest term so you can understand how you exchange non-fungible fungible things in your life already this is just a digital version of fungible non-fungible assets yeah so i mean that that explanation was pretty clear-cut man appreciate that i just want to know how did you come in contact with nfts like what was your first experience with it who i mean did somebody put you on like how did this come about you know what i was racking my brain to try to figure out when did i exactly come in contact with nfts and i don't know i don't know um i remember my first real discussion with somebody when we're on nft use with my bro idris sandu so he actually pulled up on me and we had a cold conversation about it i'm talking my highest level of degree you understand me and um my first experience i would say with that world was when we met up it was in la and he showed me spatial reality right let's just let's just i want them to know who he is because he's very important okay shout out shout out to first of all i just sand duke is probably one of the most important persons in the tech space and you all are gonna know why right in the future um as he has a lot of great things coming right but i just said do is the one who created the smart store for nifty hustle right nifty hustle and him famously met in the starbucks he also worked on the explorer page for instagram right he taught himself coding i mean you're talking about everybody that's somebody in the tech world has reached out to him for partnership and work and i want to say partnership because he always come from an ownership standpoint you understand me they wanted him to go to mit he turned it down and continued to do his self-education right he did things like ar for uh for beyonce to rihanna to kanye west and anybody that somebody reaches out to him he is like the first superstar black young black man in that tech world you understand me that's just known and he likes to be known as a tech architect so i'm not a genius but he's a tech architect and he's somebody very important to be known and we often don't highlight figures such as himself right because it doesn't come with the flash of a celebrity and that's what nifty hustle is trying to get people to understand like yo pay attention to him he can do hardware and software he's very rare and he was just he was also so nipsy hustle made him the cto chief technology officer of um all money in and uh that's the first time i got introduced to him i was watching an interview with nipsey and he was talking about like how he wanted to have the um the crenshaw his store and crenshaw yeah all smart all smart stores yeah and with the curve yeah and uh of course we know he was in the um to crypto and all that but yeah the brother was actually like the brains behind a lot of the technical stuff that he was doing yeah and um he really really championed him so you know once again i feel like he's our zuckerberg yeah and and i see a lot of them really they're trying to figure out who he is that that's a great homework assignment hopefully we get the the a chance to we got to highlight him we got to connect with him and get him on and yeah and and really champion him man because he's doing amazing work listen i i ever since i met him i always use black we we've done a few conversations we had a high level conversation on my podcast and until that point we had a great conversation about nft spatial reality and everything and i don't know what happened you understand me but when i went back to go upload that because he was hitting me like when you go uploading i'm like bro i'm gonna get to it i got this diamond right here i'm like i'm holding this you know i'm saying and i went to go upload it and you know it was gone i don't know if zuckerberg took it down some of them tech yeah because it was before it was before the nft thing took mainstream conversation so we would have really blasted it out had been at the forefront of breaking it down on so many different levels that was actually part of the conversation i was like we were talking about your podcast like i just did this fire interview like two weeks yeah oh word you got it oh we have to meet him and then i heard when we did the live the other night i'm like wait you lost it nah no way [Laughter] i want to publicly give you your credit cause i always tell you when we talk in ig um you're one of the one of the best pizzas i've ever heard and one of the hardest working brothers i've ever met so i got a little three-part you know i'm gonna do my little oprah thing so can you walk us through let's go yeah because in order to get to this level that you're at can you walk us through your study habits because every time i hit you you're working on something so that where can they begin investing in nfts and then can you walk us through how you network because everyone i talk to be like yo and you know thanks to the collaboration i got a little bit popular but like yo you know 19. dudes be going crazy shout out to my guy car he was like yo 19 going to be on like so everywhere i go people are clamoring to to your information and like you say you're very resourceful but can you walk us through networking your study habits and then where they actually can invest because i think there's some great lessons even for the business owners that may not be interested in nfts that the networking um and study habits may help them as well yeah um that's a very great question um and shout out to to any and everybody that sees value on the platform you know my platform essentially started off just speaking truth to power you understand me and showing an example of the things that i was doing right the first time i was ever hired to speak i had 500 followers and i was in my own store you understand me just talking about my process of evolution and and my thought process of design you understand me and the students there asked the person that was ahead of the program like yo can you have keys come in here and speak to us and i had a vision already for everything that i do i don't just go in there and say okay i'm gonna collect this money and then that's it right so i went in there with the idea of building a global brand you understand me off of speech which is a lot of audacity to say that this is like go go viral and the world going to care about everything that you got to say but what i understood from the many conversations that i will have with people on a daily basis is that they will nobody ever put it like that like yo you think different things of that nature so i knew that it already had value you understand me because it's not fungible the conversation is not fungible you understand you can't exchange this for anything else because of the pattern of thinking is different because the way i grew up is different right i grew up in oakland california um under a very like militant black muslim paradigm so i seen things different so once i engaged with the digital world the first video i put out went viral right the second third and i learned the lesson i believe it was kevin hart that said something similar he said when you have the fire lit it's easy to keep the fire going then it is to re-light the fire so i decided to make sure that i never stopped you understand me and i just kept going i kept it in motion and i continued to work and build out my plan now when it comes to um networking and my ideas towards research particularly the way i network is i just work right like i'm my type of person that if you meet me you don't know who i am that's okay right i'm gonna let the work speak for itself i'm not going to introduce myself that's up to you to find out if you're in that same world and you care about those things that i care about right and so i do that to people all the time like i'm 19 keys but i'm not about to explain i do this that the third i feel like folks yeah i'm focused on the crab and eventually it's go you will fall into that world and like oh i just met that breath like oh i heard your name i didn't know what you look like you understand me i heard you in conversation i worked for that right i worked to be in the minds of all our people you understand me like that's my target audience is our courtship so i don't ever want to be in a room and there's 10 black people in it and one of them don't know me i need to know at least one out of 10 that let me know that i'm reaching the minds that i target to reach yeah um so that's my networking is putting out the information you understand me being genuine sticking to my values my mission and my vision and people gravitate towards the message and then they tap in people from all ranks and all lives so i hope that answers your first question i know it wasn't like super direct but i'm also a person that'll call people you understand me like i'll call people behind the scenes and just ask them how they doing you understand me like i don't need anything for nobody so it's never like oh i might just try to start a business with somebody or this it's just let me converse because communication lacks in our community right and that communication is how we give each other access to resources and mastermind i've started multiple mastermind organizations right because i started off being a part of organizations when i was younger and i felt that the thing that we was always missing was inclusion like it's what you all practice here pulling up a seat at the table for everybody with great solidarity you understand me which everybody coming together for coming cars which creates unity now we are unified and solid on the same agenda and then we go towards um organization right so then we organize the order and the flow of these things so that we have a hierarchy in the system on how we go build it out and then the system allows us to build an institution and then the institution allows us to build our own world so i think in formulas when it comes to anything that i want to do and the way that i even research is from that same formula base right like i do everything in steps and layers like i got to ask myself the question even preparing for this you know what is the value not just new knowledge because all new knowledge is not valuable right right new knowledge could be hey we're going to be on eil tonight that's new knowledge but that doesn't mean it's valuable to you at this moment or to your life whatsoever which is why a lot of people don't deep dive in things such as digital assets they don't know the value of it until somebody can frame it in a reference to where it's valuable so i like to take concepts of things that people can't understand and conceptualize it without losing so much data yeah i mean with all of the information that allowed me to understand it how can i bring it to the masters where they can understand it simply so even that analogy that i gave earlier was me thinking about how can i condense this down so a third grader can start to understand the idea of nft so i know that i do sort of like deductive reasoning you understand me i think that that's my way of going about things um sometimes is and there's like three different reasonings i i recently just looked up i think it's abductive inductive and deductive and it all talks about your process of going about a hypothesis and then filling in the gaps to see if you're right yeah right so for me i call it being a high level observer i observe first right and then i go get the information to verify my hypothesis right so i'm going to learn language first right i need to know where the nft is i need to look at what is uh fungible and what is fungibility what is non-fungibility right where does that work come from then i need to go look at who are the early thought leaders on this conversation before it became this and who are some of those star leaders and what are some of the sites for those who want to know at home um well in the recent thought leaders i want to shout out lady phoenix lady phoenix is the one who brought people to the platform um she brought people to what's the one with the audio clubhouse right so she don't want to introduce him to this world and they built up the hype for his campaign right wow yeah shout out to lady famous lady finney said wow she's a black woman i believe she's from oakland and she is really like one of the curators of that community right now like she she just had a conversation with a lady who said that is documented in her transaction like she was the first one to produce digital art but she did it on the blockchain rather than as an nft because she was trying to prove the concept of what this thing was to her fellow art buddies and so they're really creating a curation of it you understand me very heavy in this space and that's really the only person i want to shout out in that space um but there's also and just to be quite frank there's a whole courtroom community right like the crypto punks you understand me the maiden match was all these projects within that world if you really want to go to like who's the thought leaders you gotta look at the early creators because they might not had a platform to thought lead but they were the ones who actually pushed the projects out that everybody else is curating the information around so like shout out to the early projects and we got a blockchain so nobody can lie that's the whole point of the blockchain it's all verified you can check transaction history and see who did it and if you ain't that person that handled that transaction then you ain't the early thought leader so the blockchain is a and i'm sure we'll get into that as a great verifiable system to see who did what when and where so um yeah part of my process is finding those early thought leaders because i want to know who shaped the conversation as it is today right and that's important because you lose originality when you don't know whose mind it came from because we start following technical thinking like oh this is nfts how do i interact with them that's not what you're supposed to think you sought to go automatic creators this is nfts all right let me see how i want to use them that's your thought process and when you go back to the early uh um thought leaders on it then you can figure out okay oh everybody's thinking about it like this because this is the person that steered the conversation and it got built off that way of thinking but that doesn't mean that's what it has to be like early probably about three four years ago is when i really started talking about blockchain on my platform because i wanted black people to understand like yo don't you know this thing like called blockchain and cryptocurrency and bitcoin machines are out there and so like i'm heavy and like going hard on artificial intelligence and telling people about neural networks and stuff and yeah you know luckily i have the ability to articulate myself but you still always ahead of your time right when people don't have the time to focus on it's not until it becomes standard so my process is always finding the technology the updates that our people need in order to be ahead in this race because we're behind so my research is finding early thought leaders finding the language then putting it my own language because if i can't interpret it for myself i don't want to be somebody who takes verbatim knowledge and then just recites that that doesn't mean i understand it that's what we learned in school right technical thinking that's just technique it requires no abstract thought no creative application whatsoever so i always knew that when blockchain when our people got with blockchain as well is that we're going to find a creative utility for it and that's when the world has mass adoption it has great penetration and so i think about in roundabout ways and that's why i'm answering this question like that because this is actually how my research works you understand me anytime i have a thought and i need to fill in the gap and i can identify the what then i'm going to research that what you understand me and then it leads me down this rabbit hole until i start to form my own way of thinking and then i no longer have the research i have my own understanding of this world and how i'm going to use it so let me ask you uh a question and then oe and also we found out open c that's a that's a site open c is an easy way yeah but if you're going to do openc you have to get uh a browser uh um first so therefore you have a cryptocurrency wallet attached to it but that's the easiest one for you to be able to meet a nft in like five minutes yeah does does it matter which uh currency while you use or should are we going with ethereum um ethereum right now of course the whole thing about ethereum is the gas prices and they saying that they're working on ways to make that better right and also earth friendly um i know tron is one um there's a few of them my brother idris gave me as well and i'll make sure i pull that up before the end of the program but ethereum is not the only one um and that's an important thing for people to also know and i want everybody to think about this space is that it's not set it's not solid it's just the way we're using the technology right now this is not the gatekeeper this technology this is the early beginning of it so you should take this information and say oh since it's fresh this is how i'm going to use it don't say that this is how you have to engage with it yeah i'm glad you brought up tron okay shout out to youtube six thousand people want to check in um hit the like button if you can um so much i had a question for you uh 19 um so one of the dope things about it for me and you explained this to us when you met it is like especially for creators but really anybody is that you know you get royalties on it ongoing in perpetuity so it's like if you as opposed to like if i'm an artist and i sell a painting no matter how much i sell it for if i sell it for you know a hundred thousand dollars it's a good payday but that's it now i gotta go and make a new painting whereas with the nft you sell for you know 100 000 or whatever it sells for now you set and you set the royalty on it so when we spoke to mark cuban he set his first royalty at 10 and then he kept raising it to like 50 so you could potentially get you know up to like whatever you want but in his case 50 so now if it gets sold again he gets 50 of that and then if he but each time it's selling keep in mind it's selling probably for a higher amount so you might have sold it for two thousand dollars but then when it gets sold again next year for four thousand dollars if you get fifty percent commission tech you get the same amount as the first time that you actually sold it because you sold it for two thousand now when it gets sold for ten thousand and you get five thousand you actually get more from it than you the price that you originally set so you don't actually have to like try to charge a crazy amount because you're thinking about the resale value as well that's a listen we can get into some real creative thought processes here when it comes to the utility of this the secondary sale process of it is amazing because it puts ownership in the hands of the creators you understand me you get to own your digital assets essentially digital ownership is something that should be in everybody's vocabulary um and understanding that like it's going to be for me all about your business model right everybody is saying that this whole thing can be a bubble that's because a lot of these artists right are going to start off but not expand a lot of them going to shrink the value of it is going to become less and less over time you understand me and it definitely will bubble for a lot of different people and that's because they don't have any long-term business models which is what you need for assets like my brother ian just talked about something for 10 years if it doesn't have 10-year growth plan or or value then what is the point of holding in the first place what's the point of buying it unless you just buying it to trade so it just becomes something that you trade very quick to make some money that's the whole reason it's going to be a bubble because people are going to be holding things that's not worth anything so my point of it is once you go in there and this is something that you want to think about as well and i've seen that the luxury space is starting to get into it or think about getting into it gucci's and things of that nature to where they think about having these digital twins right in the digital twins is essentially if i make a shirt like this then i also have or crown let's go to the crowns you know i'm saying then there's also a digital crown that you own as well that's equal to this crown now let's say and i will be doing my nft drops you understand me and let's say that one of my nft drops is an example that i have a digital crown so 3d replication you understand me you buy this beautiful picture of it but it also gives you access to a physical crown as well that only you the person that bought that digital one can actually have so not only is it verifiable that okay how do i know that that one crown that keys made you understand me you have that one it's because here's the transaction for it i also have the digital twin to it right but also you can think that the digital twin doesn't always have to be connected to the physical but if i was to give advice right then i would say always think about creating a physical item that connects to the digital one i believe that the digital twin model is the way to go so it is backed by something yeah think about the dollar the dollar was like the digital asset as it is today you understand me but it used to be backed by something which was gold right actually gave it real value so if i want to have my digital asset i need to have it backed by something so it actually has intrinsic value right so it can never really go down to zero so from that standpoint of thinking i'm creating business models to where when people collect this digital asset it also represent a physical one almost like a certificate you understand me of authenticity even though the digital asset itself has its own value and that's the whole point of the nfts is giving digital assets real value the same way the physical assets happen and an example of that is let's say you have a digital painting right if you got a digital painting and somebody and they've already started creating these things right they got the little apple watches where they have they put the nfts in there i've seen somebody hang up a gallery to where they have the nfts playing in these uh tvs tvs or sideways and you walk into somebody's house here's the digital painting plan the thing about that digital painting is you are the only one who has it and the only one who have that real one so if i walk into his house and i look up there yeah the people a lot of people like this is real i know this is real right then you show me your transaction on the blockchain to be like yo this is real see look at it in my wallet now it gives real value right because i know he bought this from the estate of people and that's the same thing with celebrities getting into it and selling things and you start to understand well how is that valuable that is just digital well think about this imagine if you could own a piece of your favorite celebrity estate right so imagine if malcolm x if you could own a digi he sold a a digital red bow tie right even if he just sold that digital red bow tie and that was the only nft he made it would have value because you now own a piece of malcolm x's life like now you are part of that life experience and the longer things grow the more valuable they become and you're thinking about 10 20 30 40 50 year window this generation is going to be the one who's buying all of the expensive nfts in the future right all of the memorabilia all of the things that are nostalgic to us right now all the like if i put out something and let's say i continue to grow in a 30-year span you don't even know how valuable my nft will be to you yeah so some people are buying it up but they like yo i don't know like what this person may do in the next 30 years this person might die tomorrow it's like he had one like yeah it's like if tupac's versace shirt or biggie's kuji sweater or something like that think about it but i think i think the problem like some people that that's not fully understanding it is because they they still haven't fully brought into the world of virtual yeah reality which is right we're moving towards that's exactly where i was going to go with your keys because that's one of the most interesting things we had at this this afternoon in miami was and i'm glad you brought up the digital twin because we spoke about that when we saw you could buy the sink in the virtual world then like six months later you would actually have the physical shoe i want you to talk about uh nfts in virtual reality world because we had spoken about digital fashion shows and all these type of things like digital museums and paintings talk about that a little bit so all right hold on my sister just texted me she said he's answering all my because she's been asking me about nfts all week that he's answering all my questions with the mind that's that's my goal i'm trying to get all the all the question marks check check um part of the languages of this is understanding that nft is a utility of the blockchain like really that's what nfts is this it's a clever way to use the blockchain right so it opens up a whole new world but you also have to understand augmented reality you have to understand virtual reality and you most definitely have to understand spatial reality right once you start to understand this then it changes the game now i had the unique experience to be part of the one percent in the world who experienced spatial reality thanks to my brother idris right now being able to experience this i now can understand how immersive it is what is space virtual reality what is that what's spatial reality so spatial reality and that's what i'm about to go into with the ar and the vr right so let's say first let's start with vr if it's vr i put on these glasses i'm immersed in this world so i can't walk with some vr glasses on you understand me if i'm playing like a running game because i'm gonna run into something i don't know where i'm going right if it's ar the same way like we had pokemon go and people was able to put their phone and now they can see a little charizard jumping up like oh it puts digital items layered on top of the real world you understand me move around so the uh spatial reality essentially and this is what i had the opportunity of trying was the hololens of microsoft right yeah yeah yeah got out microsoft that's how i know microsoft is ready one player they're gonna take it over to the goddammit literally microsoft is a serious player in the game when i seen them going down i said oh snap they just big discount right now and grab everyone you can right yeah and then and this is where you got to really really understand this space so spatial reality and this is what's going to blow a lot of people's mind when they actually try it because it's going to make regular reality boring it is very addictive you're not going to want to come back to wrath you're only six hours in or easily yeah so think of it like this um i put on these glasses and they look just like this so imagine my glasses look just like this right but now it gives me the opportunity to see these digital assets in real time right so let's say instead of having a phone i now have a digital phone that i can see with my glasses and it moves when my moves i can pick it up just the same way right so it's 3d the same way if you look at minority report they had versions of it as well where you can touch and you can move it that's where we are in the present we call it the future is the present right so now i don't need a phone anymore because i can take my phone and it'll come up just like my real phone with all of the apps and i can facetime somebody right but it no longer takes up space right it's spatial but it doesn't take up any physical space so now i can have all of these things on me but they're not physical they're not carbon so now that replaces the phone and i don't need that anymore right but also think about this the ideas that can come along with it digital architecture i can look outside my window and the architect can build layers on top of the city that only i see you understand me like you can now buy digital assets let's say you got a digital pen that's sitting on your shirt that you bought from uh some luxury company that you really love and when the person should put on the glasses like damn you paid a hundred dollars for that pin the same way it is in gaming all gamers don't have the same exact assets in the game right some people pay a lot of money for it in the armor right so that goes into things like decentraland the central land is a virtual space that is owned by its users you understand me in this space like people can live in it kind of like it sims so you are in this space you have an avatar right and imagine like i don't i want my avatar to dress like me though but let's say a person want one want a crown like a a a real crown on their avatar they gotta buy it from my digital store so that the avatar can now wear it right so it's like not only you can actually wear these digital clothes that kind of go along with who you are you understand me in the me and it could be the same way you walk around with a whole store on you like when the person put on those put on those glasses you got your book floating next to you right and a person get to tap it and they'd be like yeah you want to buy that and then it takes the money out their wallet and it's yours right it it it goes into so many use cases because you can walk into a blank museum you put the glasses on and now you see all the digital art around you right so you see all the stores clearing out now it gives an ability for this space to actually be useful so when you start thinking about that and i had an idea i did a whole uh uh master class on this and i'll share one of the ideas because uh yeah y'all get this free guy no so this is like you see nba top shot right yeah i mean top shot is essentially trading virtual digital cards and you get these moments that you get to play like a real but you get to own it right um and of course all of those won't be valuable in the future because everybody don't care about all of the nba players in the future only certain things are actually valuable when you revisit it over time lebron stuff yeah i mean kobe stuff like all of those top players people really care it has an emotional connection but imagine this and the issue is that the players don't actually they're not getting paid off this right they don't have digital ownership or they digital sales they contracts everybody contracts is different but imagine if and y'all can tell me this might be a good idea at night nba player jogger headers but imagine if lebron is in his backyard kyrie in his backyard or kd and instead of doing top shot they sell you know the blacktop you understand me to where they in the back and they playing a a one-on-one game and instead of selling moments from the nba they selling moms from their backyard wouldn't that be more valuable and they saying that we only gonna sell 10 moments of this right how much would that actually sell for so i want to get people to start thinking in like different creative ways to where you can start owning yourselves and ownership changes in a digital space the same way it's different as it is in the physical space different laws apply different copyright and trademark and different ways that you can actually get around it so like this and that's just that's a 100 million dollar idea i just threw out like that you know don't matter is what you're referring to is the um the microsoft project is that similar to oculus yes it's better but it's better much better so oculus is it yeah like facebook social media social media is still named what we're talking about is 2080. well yeah that's what i'm saying people it might it might this is this is first of all given that 3.0 first of all this is a high level conversation it's like when kanye said the the um the hermes rap what do you say and then behind the scenes with the gov i don't want to go too deep into esoteric but they're funding a lot of the stuff that is coming out go look at black mirror yeah for those of you interested in nft go study the entire history of sotheby's and how they move art the same metrics and laws are going to be applied here and then it's like it's it's my bad end oh no you're good but it's like you got to pay attention to what's going on because um the future is right now and yes this is like even when gary vee like when he comes on a platform he's like this is the only thing i'm focused on in virtual reality that i like and cuban saying studying seven hours there's a reason for it they're not just it's a landscape this is like digital wakanda the problem the problem is that the majority of people it's like a it's like you know the pyramid right like people at the top have the information and then it gets funneled down and it gets trickled down but most people they're not really thinking about the future until it happens most people are just reactionary like they are in it and they're living in it but the conversation now is what's going to happen and what is happening so even if you don't fully understand it it's important to be aware of it because you're going to be moved in that direction whether you want to or not or not it's like like how it gets worse they're going to create more virtual landscapes for us to like for the parents that they were born in the 60s and 70s you see how much your kid is on this they'll be on these lenses nine times more yeah and you will be on them yeah keys i think i heard you say that man some people life happens for them some people life happens to them yeah and if you look at the technology from a standpoint where a two-year-old is able to function on a technology device way more efficient than a 65 year old that tells you something yeah like my yeah yeah now we're just going to say that like we thinking about the children but i promise once y'all try these lenses on you're not going to want to take them off you understand me like and it only because it makes so much sense because you realize that and i was having a conversation they'd be like somebody say well wouldn't people just be sitting there staring their screens that we already do that yes and this is not beautiful architecture yeah like instead of us standing and having to be stationary and look at a screen it adds the layer on top of reality so imagine if you went to egypt i'll give us some more game away right so imagine if you went to egypt and instead of seeing egypt in ruins you see egypt as it was before yes and when you walk around you see the digital architecture they can build out a digital clone of the pyramid instead of letting people go in they can experience walking around it in real time like you can go to empty spaces and build out whole visual of virtual worlds you understand me you can block it out to where a person can't see in there and you actually have privacy like there's there's like so many different ways that you can build around it but going back to like decentralized people are selling digital real estate right now shout out to my brother your next like digital rep like you can connect your deed to your house to an nft and they body nft they bought the house you understand me like people are selling real estate so but at the same time you have virtual real estate and this virtual real estate matters because on these platforms where it's only so much real estate you understand me become just as valuable as physical real estate and i know some people might think that's not yeah enough to cut you off domains huge they're people that are sold you're not supposed to but instagram accounts i know people that have sold instagram accounts for hundreds of thousands of dollars yes no different so also too like and that's what i keep saying if you guys go look at what microsoft regardless what you think about gates and his involvement in microsoft and then where they're going now with this platform what do you think that would do for the value of the stock and how long people will be on the xbox platform and see that's why i think he left that in the first place because he doesn't want to have his name attached especially while the company is about to take over the whole world yes that's another here they're already talking about he buying all of the physical land now he's trying to own all the virtual land and so like imagine having this world built out where you will buy a billboard space and it's actually worth something because all of the people that go into this virtual land they now going to see your they got to go past your actual virtual real estate to get to wherever they want to as they navigate this virtual space so you also want to think about it in terms of marketing branding right like this this my my brush is the biggest play ever they um shout out to my brother uh a pop darby y'all platform so big people wanted me to shout them out man papa we gotta connect shout out to houston yeah but but to that point though biggest crypto player ever they have like an ai smart contract and they're much better at explaining that to me than i am but i understand the concept of it to where they basically utilize this contract to circulate money and from this one contract they was able to get 1500 people to circulate a million dollars and they didn't have to do nothing but get the people signed up and it works for itself and then they start they were showing me the models when i was doing a master class about how you can build your own virtual galleries and sell them right so they're building an architecting space and then selling that space and people are buying it in real time right now not in five years and 10 years like all of these industries have like less than one percent world penetration still like so it's only like the creatives and the very smart people that actually have time to get into this just like where we're actually gonna be the future of millionaires and billionaires at his face let me let me say this because also all of this stuff is connected when we talk about um cryptocurrency when we talk about nft when we talk about vr ar it's all intertwined because it's like for my understanding if i'm wrong but you have to buy nfts with crypto i heard somebody in the comments saying like the american dollar is going down how that affects the nfts but nfts is actually brought up with crypto from my understanding and mostly it's built on a blockchain most of it is done through ethereum right now actually that's even better too because it's like when we talk about like shout out to bw black world order when we talk about like the new world order in the new world and all that people think it's like some like movie where like russia is going to come and all of that but the new world is already like it's already been here it's happening and all the world is systems and institutions yeah like when people think about the world they think about earth but that's not the world the world is your view it's your habits it's the systems that we live in in the institutions the bank is his own world you understand me like even when you talk about fungibility coming back to the word fungi you talking about a particular kingdom right that makes up his own world of fungus so all of this connects in the cryptocurrency reminds me of just the arcade right when you go to the arcade you have what you had tokens these tokens had value in the arcade to where you can play the games you exchange fiat currency for these new game tokens right the world has become this huge arcade like we go back to ready one player but really it was the initial arcades when we were children and we'd go to chuck e cheese like the world is becoming a big chuck e cheese the only thing you couldn't buy was the pizza scale right and now you buy the pizza that's where we at with it you understand me so it's like and they've been pushing virtual for 30 years it's just now finally getting there yeah yeah we became grown children in the game that was preparedness and now as my brother taught us a little bit about a court like even physics you talk about a simulation right like what is real now like they talking about creating it to where you have stimulation when you touch a digital item in it you can actually physically feel it they got a vest on and things that do sonar and sound like so much is going to change in the world health digitization it's a mad world that's what i talk about if you don't have mad skills you will be left behind mobilization automation digitization studying everything you understand me machine learning study what that means study the internet of things people are still so slow and behind on these terms that's why everybody was so scared of 5g because they didn't understand that it meant everything being connected yes apple iris microsoft hololens healthcare financial when they finally go into fintech and virtual biggest game change like why do you think i've been screaming this [ __ ] for five years nfts and efts hey come on i'm always going over like support and resistance and you notice like in levels and but once you know how to buy one thing you know how to buy everything yes there's one pricing system that's it i don't care pepsi coke whether it's coca-cola real estate digital futures indexes it's all the same thing if it's the top is 10 the bottom is one five is the middle i don't care what it is you have to know how to buy at the same price when you go look if you go look like even with the iphone you guys know microsoft made the first ipad in 94. they had a ipad table no one wanted it for microsoft and then when gates owned 15 of apple that's why steve and him hated each other the technology was then leased over to apple and then steve didn't even want to have it come out and the engineers made him put it out study the history of these companies is fascinating but what if you can watch the finals like you said in egypt or you can watch the finals or the super bowl from your house on hololens through xbox live it's just going to be like 200 bucks a month you're gonna kill you're gonna probably have 400 million people subscribe to xbox live and six years off this go study man let's go study it's bloody star wars you will see the hotties yo be careful they gonna change your name they're gonna change your name to nftein man that's no no that's not just a study of all things very strong emotions yo he got emotional but i ain't seen him like this no i'm and i'll stop here my mom told me a story uh my mom's birthday on 8th grade so y'all can if y'all can wish my mama happy birthday real quick i appreciate that yo happy birthday tomorrow but she told me when my grandma rose got wrestled soul left midway alabama and came to east chicago indiana she sold coat hangers and pop bottles for money we don't really understand as black people i'm talking to us what kind of information we have for those of us that family members served in a war you know how much our grandparents would have sacrificed to have these conversations like it was illegal to have these conversations when they were in the war talk to them it's illegal for those you that have people that served in their 50s and 60s when that male got delivered the male did not get there the only thing they could read is the bible then you'd like yo reading 50 pages too hard how they sacrifice for this but you want to talk and all that [ __ ] and then everybody else go run and get the bag off technology that we make popular twitter stand afloat off us and nobody monetizing off twitter they've been pushing this forever just study we are so powerful when we link like tonight we can run markets but you have to want to put the work in bruh you know this is this has always been the thing like we we we talked about this 2053 wealth prediction and 2073 wealth prediction is that brown community no west 2073 black community no west 2003 and reality of it is is why because we don't own assets right and we would have to all we would have to to be the equivalent of making three to four times as more than a counterpart white family to be considered in the same middle class right and so our goal now is the studying of assets not just the present one but the future one future ones if you can give a person a breakdown and say don't you know that there's only going to be so many bitcoin and just by only 500 that you insure yourself a certain amount of wealth for your family then you start to understand that wait a minute these are industries that even if you're not going to get in on a creative side invest into polka dot invest into rio invest into ethereum invest into the technology that are going to be the assets because clean air and water until we go to mars yeah like anything that is going to be of value every black family should be backed by that everybody in the culture should be backed by that gold it might not perform as much as bitcoin but it will always be valuable land is a non-fungible thing it will always be valuable stocks businesses these are things that we need to make sure that everybody has a portfolio to say well yes i meet the standards of wealth building i have a 2053 plan i have a trust i have my digital assets ladies don't talk to a man ain't got no crypto he can't take care of you in the future [Laughter] that man ain't secure to see if your man can take care of you act if you first got to study and know it and ask them these questions like where should i invest my money in crypto right now oh i don't know about that stuff i ain't playing that so you just got money phones no digital money yeah so because what if i met a guy today who came and put my desk together he said his friend is 28. he's like yo just bought a lambo i'm like what does he do he said he works with service businesses to eliminate 80 of their employees he has four people on the staff he has 993 businesses signed up in three months for a service so if he's doing that what do you think automated man what do you think salesforce is doing with all that data and what do you think square is doing derek grace told y'all see i am i told i mean we don't told you that crazy man the jobs from 99 hadn't recovered from the 2000 crash we haven't recovered and the reason why all of these assets are getting popular here's what nobody's saying the job market is never going to come back to what it was yeah no it's not going to happen and unfortunately i don't care how many jobs reports come back well a lot of these positive a lot of these jobs are never coming back and that's the harsh reality of life go compare the job from 1954 to now don't look at quarter by quarter because you can you can fudge those numbers the people making two dollars an hour and they put them in the jobs report go look at 56 and compare it it's a comparison dollar go look at that listen when it comes to the job market because this is an important topic same thing with education market you understand me they both go get squeezed out because the world is shifting to different institutions right new institutional power new governments new systems new everything which also means that you need a whole new mind right and new skill sets that will be valuable in the future not just in the now because some of the things that you're good at won't matter in the future right even engineering may not even be as important as designing because you're going to collaborate with artificial intelligence to create so when you think about that it's artificial intelligent skill sets that will be valuable regardless of what happens now when it comes to jobs we were born to be job creators not job seekers that's what muhammad yunus talked about shout outs to my brother chris cole put me on that and when i think about that is like we in the future if your child has great creativity imagination and he has certain skill sets so she has certain skill sets they can create their own job why we are in a different industrial revolution right so it's not about how hard you work that's not what's going to be the measurement your effectiveness of value human capital has essentially went down and that's represented in the bond market right and it's been intensive world war ii yeah and then we say okay well when the internet came the smartest people that learned how to use it you understand me that dived into the study and learned the knowledge built the businesses they say okay now you got to work smarter don't work harder right and now we at this point where the smart people then created all the technology so all we got to do is learn how to use it in the most creative ways possible so it goes to the creative worker that's why kanye west supposedly be the most wealthiest black man in american history whether you want to believe it or not the news itself is going to help him propel to those numbers but what is he a creator yeah right so when we look at he went from robert brothers to kanye west why is that out of all people in the history of black america this was a creator so how do you not study the top and see where things are going that kid that was a class clown in school is now a global a celebrity you understand me as a comedian hiring the kids who learn just technical education to take to learn the rules so when new things come they're always asking how do i use it so you have to de-program your way of thinking forget the institutional education and re-learn from the experience model of going out there and getting your degree and experience and interacting with things and say okay go back to the childlike curiosity the child always ask why things have to be this way why can't they be like this how can they can't be like this go back to that way of thinking because by the age four ninety percent of children test highly creative by age nine only four percent of them you understand most of society has no creativity whatsoever they only know how to follow instructions so even if you listen to this right now you're learning this to figure out how to use it in your way i never want to be the one that has to always lead you i only want to teach you how to lead yourselves yeah and i want to say this in closing every recession is a marker and change in society go look at every reset that's why i tell you guys go so i always do the breadcrumb thing if you go study every recession every major one it was a cataclysmic event that changed society and a lot of this stuff is pre-planned yeah planned no i'm not psychic it's just the conversations that i was having with people in evernote at 2012 this was already talked about in 13 and 14. so when this happens and companies are planning because for your own safety you have to stress test if everything even for me i'm like what if ninja trader goes away what if infinity goes away what if td goes away and every contract costs 250 000 to trade but what is my exit plan you have to know when disaster hits whenever recession hit it is a marker in time that there's going to be a changing of the guard and a new plan is being put in place but go study and you'll see the parallels and when you study 87 90 91 94 99 2000 2001.0708 you'll see what the changes are like oil used to be the big thing it cracked and gas prices were high no seven that went away water's becoming big because all the runoff and pollutions and pollutants into our water supply that's going to be one of the biggest commodity water will end up replacing gold and it may wait for tesla please go study every depression every recession is the changing of the guard yeah can we just get a few questions in before 19 you got you got a few more minutes man i got all day for y'all man all right now we got the super episode 11 the night now it's so much in this space that i could yeah it's a lot to cover but i'm here for the people all right let's get a few questions from the public all right let's see what we got let's see what we got uh noah i'm mute yourself you been unmuted what's going on how you doing i'm good how are you how are you all right doing all right man i got index in and nfp hey etf en and nft what's going on we live uh i appreciate y'all uh giving me y'all's time um my initial question was just about my portfolio currently i i feel like i'm over extended in the etf so i have like eight etfs right now me two that's the easy answer for two what are the best two out of the eight that you have um probably you gotta go research go go look at the five year period and do the comparative analysis yeah which ones are performing if you don't have two kids go for the ones that are most aggressive no okay most aggressive yeah i was about to say that that's gonna lead me into my second question um i'm so i'm 24 and just what you guys have been talking about gets my mind going so fast i want to get into everything how can i capitalize but not overextend my means and finances in when it comes to getting into like nfts and stocks and i'm right now i'm in a position where i want to invest in everything you have kids no i got a girlfriend yes okay i'mma let keys take i'm gonna tell you when i was 24 what i wish somebody told me whoever yeah i hope it worked whoever you would know oh you can turn 34 may not beat up every dollar you can into the market and then the digital assets but even if you like bitcoin the thing that i hated about bitcoin my stuff got stolen right because if i had those coins back then it may not be the market mondays i may be in dubai but take 50 of your money if you can and literally invest it until you get about 32 or 33. life will be different life should be very different for you but i'll let keys take over the nft part um i would say when it comes to the projects you have to research to figure out what is actually going to be the artists and the projects themselves and understand why would this have long-term value like don't just go and buy everything that everybody else is buying because you can spread or i mean you can go take a model where you take some of your capital you just spread it across projects that are popular right like so like you can go afford you a crypto punk sort of made of maps which is like these first ones that's going to have value because they connected to the history of it then go jump into those or when you can follow the market and win like celebrities such as snoop and weekend and you understand me uh uh paul logan all these people start dropping stuff then do it in that manner but figure out what is the reason that you're buying it does it have any real longevity you understand me doesn't have real-time uh uh value based on the actual plan of the project right and look at all these things from 10 20 years because the reason you're buying this is so that it stores value in the future not just now like i want to buy these digital paintings and my child owns a digital basket not for me none of this stuff would be for me you understand me if i'm my ass that i'll catch a flip and i go up to 3 million best believe nft keys just sell it that's for sure but like my brother just broke down like just think about your portfolio go in there with a plan before you do anything nobody just go in there and just rush and be like i'm buy buy buy because i heard about it excitement leads away to mine so you first want to come with a plan and then just stick to your plan whatever your reasoning and your logic is understand me for it follow that logic unless you figure like okay the hypothesis is not working figure out somebody else has a better one i'm sure that over the years myself ian eyl you understand me will be teaching in this space on ways that you can get in as we continue to learn and grow so here's your marketplace right now to learn the space then execute but don't go in there half cut or something that's something that's nostalgic too like that's how i look at nxt because it's still just the space is still new um so we're not really sure how the future's gonna play out but in my brain my educated guess is something that's nostalgic is always gonna live forever so it's like if michael jackson had an nft of his you know what i'm saying shoes or his you know 25th year anniversary yeah yeah like i said if if it's like if if if biggie smalls had an nft of his coochie sweater that's something that that's not the style of beetles or like listen there we go had a picture of the dining room table where we first started and yeah 20 years from now eyl is like you know the biggest media company in the world like that's nostalgic [Laughter] this is some more free game y'all ready right now take the pins out relax take a breath in you understand you can make this your whole investment thesis when nft keys drop you better get in that's it and this is what i do with everything you won't even know that you bought gold it's just that it's going to have extremely more valuable than when you bought it not because i'm waiting on the market it's because i'm going to make sure it's more valuable based on the business model that i plan around you put behind it right so it's a different one i'm making sure that i control the market i'm not waiting on outside variables to make this value i'll i'll give y'all i'll wait to the end of the episode yeah let me let me ask you this real quick so when wu tang put out the album sold it for a million and shkreli bought it oh man so would you have had the physical value of the album be higher or the nft the end well i think they would have both been about this thing the way the market is right now wu tang was just ahead of the time one for one that if if right now said that i only have one album drake could put out a 50 million album then he can put out a 50 million he can put out a verdict and nobody else here except the owner it doesn't matter for five million he's fine right same thing i talked to i talked to a lot of different people i talked to jim jones about this talk to my brother about this like the music space they have so much because all of those raps we didn't get to hear because they didn't make the album now has so much more value now you understand me those those pins and pads that little wayne threw away and he started freestyling if he still had them they wouldn't be worth millions and that's why i would never put my notes on billions of dollars like it is basically the garage sale of the world it's like it's like art too where it's like you go home like if you got a dope house whatever and it's like yo i'm showing off my drake verbs that nobody else in the world has it's great when you said that it made me thinking like if not only if he actually sold his book of rhymes like he had the book of rhyme series right so imagine what that looks like to a collector like especially us and for context for those of you who kept seeing me post all those esoteric posts right go look at all the information that nikola tesla went and got the kinetic scrolls from and recreated the technology here and then when he had a little bit of competition from edison edison sent the people to his house to go get all the scrolls then they deemed tesla's crazy and then all that money went into ge and kanye that's a fact excellent this is a dirty game you have to go study history so for those of you that want to be game changers you have to remember who you're looking at and i'm gonna be even in the hedge fund space i hear madison move to more hedge funds than i ever do in our space they know our science and i hit you way better than we do autumn sumerian text huh go ask ackman if you ever run across them hi bill if what he knows about sumerian science and then if you understand the equatorial uh circumference of the earth how that ties into how many days the market is going to be up and if you divide that by 30 like i was just throwing it yeah just talk about that oh man can we get a couple more questions oh man i see some beautiful building piece of the gods go study fibonacci next time come on man lisa we're coming to you i'll meet yourself you've been unmuted lisa oh oh oh that's not the this is the time i'm coming to you i saw you i'm muted yourself go ahead nehemiah what's going on yo what's going on i appreciate it appreciate it appreciate it come here i'm at gym right now but i made two nfts last week i'm just trying to see how i'm getting sold right now so i know about the gas speed uh it's cheaper than minimum on the weekend so i missed that little window last sunday but the prices for taxing on weekdays like 180 ethereum i'm just trying to see what's the best way to get them listed and sold out to pub what kind of nft did you make what is this oh it was two pictures like i've done one of this little flower i took in barbados and another one let's say god name dan uh benzene that famous poker player he was still going to stack the money and diamond chessboard it was pretty sick so photograph and one was art oh both photographs i just you know took me turned into nfts on open soup so one thing that we talked about here and i believe in is connected into a physical item have you sold physical um art before or for uh photography uh no i have so why would you think somebody could buy the digital art hey i was trying to give a shot to that that's what i meant but go study sotheby's like for those do you want to make anything anywhere related and go look at where the origin of the business started and how they migrated into that space keys how how much of a role does social equity play in this right because like you said like nehemiah is a perfect example of somebody saying you know what i see everybody else is doing it i'm gonna take my shot but he hasn't even sold art in the real world right so talk about the importance of social equity in the space so it's very important especially right now why it's fresh those are the people who are going to expand more because it's easier to see they value over time number one and they already have value like let's say um i mean you can pick out any celebrity from that you've already named you understand me like you got to have some hype around what you're pushing in the first place people have to believe that the fear of missing out is very real you understand me the scarcity model really works in this space i i was on there when uh i believe his name was a cool um hopefully i don't get the artist wrong but uh he was on clubhouse that was pushing him he had maybe like 10 minutes or so and he sold like almost a million dollars worth the nfts they came on they spread i think tyra banks have reposted it a bunch of different people in this small window of time saying that this baseball player got into art he had a story that went along with it which gave his value he has social value you understand me you had all these people that was backing it and now people like yo i don't know much about this space but i don't want to miss out on this possible opportunity right so fomo played a lot into that but the social value piece is like it's a reason why when you look at who has a million followers in the world who has half a million followers in the world who has 100 000 followers in the world you can see where all of the attention flows right there those are all the people who have the ability to sell something right now of value because at least one percent of the audience care you understand me and so if you have a million followers throughout the history of time you are in the one percent there's never been a time where a million people knew about just one person unless they were kings you understand me and pharaohs and presidents so you really have to understand the influence that comes along with this like i talked about it last time like don't look at these as social media influences these are influential people and influential people like politicians they can move the people that's what makes them incredibly valuable right so when we think about that if you have social equity right now and you have to build that up number one it's the model if you take the garyvee model he says that i'm going to be a thought leader in this space right i'm going to find what's popping i'm going to find what's hot and i want to attach my name to it so i have documentation in that era i can always go back to and say that i was a futurist that was hot on this tape there's always people before that but if you have a higher platform then you can push it and then you can be the one who attaches they name in that space so nehemiah if i was you first i would have talked about it the people that you're trying to sell it to that you know people that always buy your products first family and friends you understand me and then the outside audience but they don't even know why it's valuable they like why should i buy this digital picture you have to tell me why it's important you have to put something behind it of value now i might buy a derrick grace a digital board game i might buy a a a a chris cole stock coin that he's going to teach me with it i might buy a bnx digital real estate money card that he's going to give me a lesson or something i might buy a uh uh uh uh um uh jake taylor jacobs family blueprint because it's going to come with a real physical one that's attached to it you understand these are people who've already helped people who believe in them they look at them as important figures and they will if we talking esoteric they can create what they call thought forms they can create rituals they can create like old town country or what's that thing on netflix where the guy has to cook like creating courts right creates the culture right and the things inside that court becomes valuable you have these court-like personalities that people believe in anything attached to them has the same value of that belief by extension of connection so you first have to go on the journey of producing value or it's not that your business is not successful it might be a business model that's not successful so figure out a creative way partnership is very important in this you might not the person they have the social equity might not know how to execute you may be the artist to have the talent get with them you understand me so you like the rock and the slingshot to where now y'all can push that together because y'all came together and y'all work together so i will look at partnerships in this space and collaborations which are going to be huge if you have the talent work with somebody who has the platform work if you have the the value work with somebody that has the social equity so that they can actually push it out there like don't just think about being alone cowboy in the space you understand me i i used to um back in the day i was working with a collective called trap art we would travel around the whole country and we would host artists all like they i'm sure they probably have the biggest collection of underground or undersigned under hyped artists in america right now right and i was thinking about this i'm like yo we used to literally find artists who had never sold a piece of art curated space for them people are in that environment people that have never bought art now buying art people that have never sold or are now selling art because they also have the opportunity to meet the people attach a story to it which gives it more value all i heard was a flower like why what was important about that flower millionaire in the world yep yeah so sales is very important your branding is important your marketing is all important that goes into this this is not just a market you jump in and say it's valuable curate the value around it so people can understand how to interact with what you designed and the co part you can see in the biggest brands always so it comes from all like i went to catholic school so i got a chance to study catholicism at a high level which all mob and drug businesses are dictated off of right so now steve jobs jesus um the bible ipad ipod right apple stores church see what elon elon jesus messianic figure chariot tesla infrastructure those are all his disciples that's why if elon brings in more disciples on the operational scale and tells the story better the upside is is endless endless and you need all of those things to be able to build a brand and cult and also to be able to move your product and get initiatives behind them and do it while you're living because i would hate for some of you to make these nfts and then become more popular post death or posthumously and then someone takes them from you the same way that most artists get their uh creative works stolen like everybody loved basquiat now but they wasn't heralding him and he wasn't as wealthy as he should have been while he was living that that's the fact i mean i've traveled around the world and i've crowned people literally in multiple countries i've crowned queens of countries i've i've traveled crowned celebrities and the questions are always coming to rise like why do people allow you to crown them number one it's an experience right you watch other people go through this experience you want the experience to when you watch sports we have mirror neurons we see what other people do and we imagine with that space right that's why digital items like if you have a bike physically like your body becomes connected to whatever you connected to you understand me it's like if your car crashed you felt like you felt that even if like it doesn't judge you you felt like oh that was pain that hit you because your body becomes extended to everything you're connected to when we talk about simulation in this digital world there will not be a difference the same way what's in our mind has the same neurons that light up when we think about a thought then when we experience the reality of it because it's already taking place in this digital world it is a real world do not think about these like separate right that's what we start to lose we already cyber connected our memories are in our phones right we're now just taking the ability to take our memories and put them in front of us you understand me it's it's it's amazing what you said about crowdstrike with cyber security cyber security going to be even bigger here and wait till harvard and princeton start selling you all the nfts of your certificates and your degrees yeah go study it's a different story so a hunt stock club 100 pages a day go study all this stuff has been talked about in the 1960s and 70s yeah your key takeaway that i got um create create a cult turn what is it cult turns into culture yeah that's that's actually extremely that's extremely valuable document that's why you guys always see me doing my little throwback in 2001 i was like buying there's value in that because you have proof of concept then you build trust trust leads to follow fellowship or follow ship you guys already did that at uil you built the foundation that's in partnership collaboration you guys have seen this this is business school in real time yeah it's a real case study like when when we look at the top companies in the world they have influencers now for their companies you understand me elon musk is an influencer at the same time he's a billionaire influencer he means the world now his somebody offered to buy one of my tweets you know i got not to to my own horn say it i'll do it for you but but i have some of the greatest quotes in the world right so somebody has sent me 119 quotes of mine in an email and i'm reading through them like these are magnificent right but then i thought about is like being able to buy someone quote like i have a quote that says what you do frequently becomes your frequency right i have one of my first viral videos where i drop it on facebook to this day is still or probably hit a million so i thought about like what's the value of me being able to sell my first viral video you walk in the room and be like oh you bought that from keys bam i love that video you know for a fact that 5 10 20 30 million people have seen it already they liked it it has value already right so like even in that space of content creation and i look at this all this content so the content creators really want to buggle down on this is that all those times that my post went viral or somebody else went viral you didn't get paid for it it wasn't connected to you and they now created platforms right to where you can actually get paid when people watch these not just talking about them being monetized for instagram but them being connected to the blockchain you understand me which allows you to get paid every time somebody else reposts or likes it or watches yeah because we've created content where you may have gotten more views than snl sometimes and you got paid none unless you know how to connect the product to it but not directly from the product you already created which was the content itself which was a transaction for attention so when we think about it in those layers it also adds opportunities to where now your content becomes an opportunity for you to get paid it becomes another asset for your legacy to go into your trust in your estate so when you start thinking about these models think about how all things are going to change you understand not just one thing's changed this is the whole universe the world changes too like what if for you guys what if you pardon me i'll just go to high level like partner with nyu and put all the content in the library inside of nft inside classrooms and nyu now we're talk but and the only reason it's a competitive event is because most people can't create as much content as you already have it's the same model from the record labels and storing content but repurposing in different places that's a lot yeah i mean yeah it's so much like they got the holograms right now right holograms are because and this was something people forgot about it's tupac was the first hologram there's the world scene came out of nowhere these that's going to be crazy in the space i just seen diddy hologram to his son birthday you understand me so if you take so imagine if i do a speech that's already pre-prepared right that the same way when they do those concerts and kevin hart is like nobody can film in here i do a speech super powerful you understand me and i tell the world that this can only be it's going to be released as an nft hologram so now the universities instead of booking me they're booking my hologram that has a 30 minute speech that the children come to an assembly and they all watch right so now i'm on this stage and the moment is done it disappears and i rent this out to somebody else because they can only be at one place at a time so it's like even the idea of having partial ownership renting things you understand we used to do it with blockbuster you have to rent it and you have to bring it back the difference is it was physical it's the same thing we rent things on our tv all the time with movies they're not yours you got temporary we almost own nothing right now yes and digital assets that cost nothing in terms of the service space yes and sell it as convenience yep yeah yeah that's a hell of an idea i'm thinking like i feel like jim starr yeah master investigator this is always this has always been around us right like i feel like we've seen this in star wars right the messages would come out of r2 and it would disappear and be going forever i'm like i'm picturing keys doing that once once again all right go look at like even if you look at enemy estate and look how far big brothers come like we we holding big brother oh yeah yeah yeah go look at any movie they'll tell you what's coming the creator go look in the credits the creative consultants are the people that's already put the infrastructure in go look at all the uh nbc cbs and fox shows when bones is popular and all and how much infrastructure apple paid for people thought that was product placement that was not it was that was not it it went product placement that's a fact they were telling you what was coming go look at limitless the movie and go look at everything that limitless pill shouldn't exist and then awesome that's one of my favorite movies um bradley that was telling you and his clues and in that movie of the foreshadowing and what was going to come even in the market go replay the movie yeah i mean matrix is hitting the play that's probably the greatest example yeah i mean like that's the world we living in and just it's not supposed to don't be scared don't think about black mirror all day and how spooky it is think about it and always filter things from this sense how we're going to use it for our power right the reason that i'm spreading the information is not just because i just want to be in the space i want us to understand it because we're always reacting to everyone else's success yes right then we get in it once it becomes a standard it's always the four stages the revolutionary soon as they hear about it those are the early adopters they jump in they do their research they buy they don't even need to hear much i heard enough i think it's a great idea you understand me the second people they need word of mouth tell me what's going on tell me what was that was that good what was that you was doing right once they hear they're convinced people don't like to be the first people don't like to be the last right then the third one once it's enough for the people that got it word of mouth it starts to spread and become standard you understand me with iphones once everybody had them everybody needed them you understand me and then it's the last group these are the people that have the poverty-based mindset because these are people regardless of what's going on they're never going to interact with it right so you have to ask yourself what group of people are you in how do you normally react to investments and opportunities because bitcoin machines have been in the hood for the last five six years but we wanted to go buy our cigarillos our blunts our liquor and everything else and never asked what the hell was this machine where you could have put money in bought some crypto and became a millionaire so if you present on what's around you then you can be in synchronicity which is finding the meaning and otherwise meaningless the words mean if you don't know the language but the moment you learn the language it increases your ability for opportunities that are around you when you can understand the language being used so learn the language and the last thing i want to say can we just bring somebody on real quick yeah yeah that's a lot going on high level conversation man produced by your leisure brain what's up what's up man what's going on i heard you was listening telling people um first of all who are you i'm nazir i'm the uil kid yeah what's up champ how are you doing orlando i heard you was hoping what stop what stocks are you invested in um i'm invested in tesla i'm invested in amazon um hero hero and more that's a fact that's that's my great that's my son man he was tuned in oh okay yeah that's my son he's tuned in and uh he wanted to graduate you'll win this weekend too yeah i'll see you now man blessings to you your pops and your family bro appreciate you tapping in yeah man yeah congrats on your win i saw you eating eating eating real well man lobster bisque you know i'm like fancy you're dying yeah that's all the investments yeah yeah yeah but he's um you know he's proud of his investments he wants to talk about his investment account all the time that's the way it should be um yeah yeah i'm it's dope that you know he able to have that conversation with him so i wanted to kind of just bring him on just let him talk about that a little bit because you know we talk about investing for our kids a lot but he's 10 years old and he just told you hero's actually uh etf uh a gaming etf um and the reason why i got heroes because he loves video games so much so i just thought that it would be a cool thing for him to actually be invested in some video game companies so um you know he talks about it with his cousins and his friends and things of that nature so you know um i'm glad that he's he has an appreciation of what he has and uh yeah all right not go to bed man wait hold on man everybody subscribe to my youtube channel it's nice to go i'm gonna type it in the comments yeah you see how your dad was gonna do you man i got you man guys that's my username stop typing in the chat so you guys read it okay i got you i got you yeah oh man guess these days all right now you got to go back to school yeah you got to go to bed you got school in the morning man we're going to put it in the chat for you entrepreneurs please uh make the adjustment to being investors as well just like the job market has been under attack over the next 15 years you'll see the entrepreneur class go under attack i know a lot of you like i'm telling you we're going to go to a frictionless kind of ecosystem where there's going to be less communication and it's just going to be more transaction on the investment side so that's why you see go look at how amazon runs their practice like even the first hour like bezos is there not talking literally like going through the memos a lot more corporations because of now they're gonna save on commercial costs because facebook is the only company that's still investing heavily commercial real estate in new york they're going to have an excuse and for those you that are working begin to invest more because they're going to have metrics be so high that they're going to try and push you out because they're trying to literally go to like a classless society where it's like you either are incredibly wealthy or incredibly poor and just that's it that's what we middle of we call it the wolf transfer but it's the rich can't richer report before yeah we just dress it up and make it sound sexy but the reality of it is yes right the the conversation we're having right now is the most important because we're trying to prepare you right and your family for wealth right we can disrupt it but we have to be intentional with our disruption you understand me education which is one thing that we've never valued enough in our communities is the reason that we don't have the same standards of wealth that everybody else has right you you don't have to take these conversations to the asian community right they are already going to be up on it you don't have to be like hey focus on this industry because it's about the ball they already in it you don't have to say hey invest in gold because it's a place to store value they're going to be on it already because they they value education eyl being the number one financial education podcast in the world you understand me is very important that we're able to have this particular conversation with the culture and our people because when education and economics become a part of the culture wealth is sure to follow we didn't know the science of economics the honorable mentions of our concept of science and economics the science of warfare and the science of mating you understand me without that science of mating all that will build to family wealth so we we've been robbed of our opportunities to learn in a correct way but here we are today this is the new school you understand me this is the new university this is these are the new institutions do not look at it as a podcast even calling it a podcast is small this is not exchangeable of somebody else's podcast this is not fungible like yeah yeah and i've said it look at how many in other cultures they didn't begin to share all their secrets like ackman bill simmons at renaissance they've still been quiet so if we are 122 years behind on technological and information infrastructure what do you think they're working on now that they see that we've been talking all our business in public that's why i push it like we we got to catch up fast because this gap is going to get real wide yeah that's what i mean the job market not going to recover to 2026 for sure and then i don't i don't want people to think about a job like that listen one of the things we're doing right now and i know i be i'll be heavy on it and people like be nice about it right um and no i don't want to be you understand me because i wouldn't be shocked by it i need people to really go home and think about it you understand me i want you to be hurt by the fact that he told me like to get that degree in that gym and [Music] like we literally have dozen people firing their jobs sending us they've met my younger brother just sent me a message and said yo i fired my boss i'm in the bw you know how good that makes me feel yeah shout out to the dream team that can decrease the recidivism rate because we can either teach you how to create your own business we can employ people that we can give you skill sets for where you can pay yourself 90 of crimes just because of money so if we can solve the money problem in our communities we are the revolutionary activists you understand me and people just haven't changed the thinking of it in the right manner we're just directly attacking the problem you understand me everybody else brings awareness to the problem we're creating the actual solutions the eyls and the bwos of the world are the solutions that our ancestors hope this generation will produce we just happen to be the zero point the point zero zero zero one percent so it hasn't become standard but the word of mouth is your job to go tell everybody else that hey this is what we should pay attention to and ignore it get get them mad until they're tired of hearing you talk about it you understand me just because they make sure we're executing more than talking because i don't want this to turn to church so i want you guys to like execute and put in the work because that's how value is exchanged and that's why every time i interact with these brothers like it's genuine and that's why you guys like oh man you ask great questions but i'm interested in learning i'm humbly always coming back hey brother what you working on when you do then you then i sharpen my tools and i come back with some other information then i'll go dig deep that's why i said you if you only are looking at eight companies that can change the world it's impossible to read everything about every article that's been written on that company if you're looking at 25 companies you have to master something like read every app every article on microsoft since 1996. gentlemen gentlemen it helps i know richard you got to go come on man let us come here we was a hot knife dropping bombs yo let's rap breaking news alert i got to have you come on the stock club too i'm sitting here writing notes myself that's how crazy is 19 keys man a legend a true legend of genius uh uil we only give you the finest level of production at the highest quality possible um and uh this is you know brilliant brilliant brilliant conversation man don't let that go over high level high level not eye level high level it's gonna be hard to get this level of information anywhere else on the internet uh 19 keys for the people that i don't know how they don't know who you are but tell them who you are tell them what you got going on tell them how to follow you tell them you know give them the whole run down um i go by 19 keys that number 19 represents r you understand me all numbers are the one through nine always say that you know um we can all be the ones you understand me it ain't just about one person being in that space we work horizontal we are all the ones you understand me and one through nine encompasses all mathematical language so the keys is the knowledge to unlock the mind so when you hear 19 keys you're talking about universal knowledge universal truth to be able to unlock and enlighten a person i got that from masters for art of muhammad now me you can find me on instagram you can find me on youtube you can find me wherever we have bwo which is an acronym either for black world order or bridging wealth opportunities you understand me because we focus on giving people the skill sets to be able to find a boss and get rid of the institutions that never served our best interests and we make sure that our courtship has a checklist on all the things that they need and once they go through this they are the person that knows how to do the things in their family their family is no longer ignorant they know how to set up their blueprint they know how to do all of the things necessary so it was important for me to be a part of that because i grew up in organizations that i seen fail when i was a child because of ego lack of communication power struggle and a multitude of different things so i've spent my adult career putting together organizations and structures of black men and women to finally have that thing that we call unity because we've never seen it work and one thing that's always been missing is this wealth education we hear that wealth is the right thing to do but how do you do it you understand me so last year we created the west standard we had an initiative to give a million dollars worth of bitcoin away our people didn't understand bitcoin enough we couldn't even give it all the way you understand me we did the same thing with silver and we've seen silver sky rocky we we made sure that we come together as black men and say how can we create a conglomerate how can we monopolize on industries why and this is super important because everybody else is doing it these companies are becoming governments they have the same power they just don't have a facebook page you understand me and so once you understand that you say where the hell will we be if they're constantly taking over a new landscape well i'm definitely not going to be one of the ones that's at the bottom looking at everybody at the top continue to complain about oppression you understand me i'ma teach people how to become their own savior through education and they can execute and get the skill sets and i'll leave on this thing this is how it works in our culture and we talked about this last time it started off with motivation we just needed somebody to motivate us a little bit you understand me to yell letters like go get it and that got us going then we said no we need show me how to do it you understand me we seen the people that was we became inspired by people moved so i went from motivation to inspiration then that wasn't enough because you have to continue expanding and grow to nudge people and excite them then it goes to education now you teaching the people what you did and now you found out that the education system messed people up so much it ain't enough to just tell them what they're gonna do or even give them an education now you gotta literally break it down and give them instructions and hold their hand right and even that doesn't become enough eventually for people then it just becomes automation well we're gonna do it for you and that's why the companies that invest into artificial intelligence they have organization and they have systems will win in the world systemize your brilliance and you always have a future i'm 19 keys man i appreciate y'all having me on uil make sure y'all tap into the bwo you understand me fire your job and become a boss i appreciate you brother shout out to keys hey keys i told you my wife fired her job right yeah let's do it yeah shout out to my brother 19 keys man always a pleasure every time we get to link up man nothing but legendary content oh no two great presenters back to back ian one thing i want to learn from you uh and i want to know how you go about is your content creation you have an interesting way that you curate your aesthetics you understand me and i know all of it is intentional look at ian sometime for stock information look at his curation and his design and brand abilities whoever is behind what you do in the thought process that you put it in that's not i wasn't advertising before this see i'm talking about i'm before and before that i want to be a doctor so i put it all together so that's what the testing in the bio order eyl yeah and i'm grouping y'all together uim but y'all y'all have created a brand that is magnificent but more than that the values that's within the brand is what the culture love the most the inclusion the solidarity that y'all practice however y'all grew up it was the right ways because y'all added that into your business model which is why y'all have the success which is why i'm 100 behind y'all anywhere everywhere all of the time because i've waited to see black men build a campaign like this build an institution like this so i want the world to expect it i want them to understand what it is the three four black men that you see up here and everybody that's in our audience i want you to applaud yourself for even being here because you can be somewhere learning nothing but you ain't here to grow and get value so earn your leisure all the flowers in the world you will always be the greatest podcast in the world but i'm waiting on that day where y'all literally are the biggest media company in the world oh soon soon have 7 000 people tonight of a national championship game is not um easy to do and that just goes to show you that you chose education over entertainment and um kudos to you guys for for you know for being witness bear witness bearing with us for um over two hours that's something that was uh you know was an extremely impressive feat and um yeah man love is love man it's just dope for me i got a bunch of different ideas that i'm gonna implement um yeah i'm not gonna listen to you too yeah yeah oh and then and then eyo fashion if if the students want a discount then they can always go to keys um to get a discount on everything we got going at the bwo uh today for being a part of this broadcast there you have it silence but yeah i'll definitely hit you tomorrow so we can talk about the curation and all that too but i appreciate you like and but also too like two great presenters back to back but look at how masterful he is at knowing his information and also be culturally aware of everything that's going on it's not easy what he's doing to be able to talk off the cuff so like i always said a trap in my opinion has the best interview and especially when it comes to the investment thing right and then what you always tell you like the brilliance and to make it flow like to me you like jayla like the group shout out for those of you that are business people go back and study how he presented his information versus how tiffany does it merge them it's very intentional and even like when i come in with my little baptist i grew up in amy to emphasize even when i talk fast that's to get you to go replay because there's something a line before that's really important oh yeah i did all of it make sure y'all go listen back to this on replay obviously it's going to be on audio platforms um shout out to market mondays the podcast itself um yeah i'll be up at midnight tonight which is yeah what's this up so late shout out to my shout out to my niece blessing she asks why i didn't give a [ __ ] shout out to yeah shout out to my niece oh you gonna do your dmx story oh hold on we're gonna do that just let me get out her birthday today's her sixth birthday uh so happy birthday ariel uncle troy loves you yeah right there we got the dmx album too by the way shout out to dark man and unknown man quickly quickly because we definitely over time time right now but you know x axis somebody that you know it's not x is you know he's a man of the people like i said so a couple of years ago um i was in my neighborhood and there was like a it's like this this thing it's called the city center but it's like a movie theater grocery store restaurants a whole bunch of different stuff all in like one complex so i was going in for a party and it was like 11 30 at night so i see somebody like wandering like in in the distance because i'm like driving into the parking lot they're like 200 feet away but they were trying to open the door the door was closed so they came back to me and as they as they was walking back to me i realized it was dmx so like i said it's not uncommon to see dmx so especially like he's from our neighborhood so i was like yo ex but i never knew i didn't know dmx i never spoke to him i never met him ever in my life so it was just me it was like i said it was like 11 30 at night and i'm like yo x what up you're like yo what's good dog i get a ride that's crazy i never met i never met x i never spoke to him i don't know him from nowhere he like yo hater right i'm like yeah hop in that's wild so he tells me that he just um he just left the movie theater um and he he got locked out he's trying to get the valet parking but where he parked his car he couldn't get in so i'm like oh how was the movie he's like it was i did he's like no i was with my um he's like i was with my uh my wife and my uh he's like i put my girlfriend my ex-wife and i'm like he's like no it's not like it's not like that it's not like what you think whatever so so we driving so we drive it like five minutes because i had to which would have really took me like one minute i had to go around the whole block so we had like a five minute conversation he's like yo where you from like oh yeah i remember that back in the day you should go there the bridge so we're just talking randomly hitchhiked he just i just hitchhiked a ride dmx hitchhiking around with me randomly at 11 30 at night and um that was just a dope moment man we spoke you let him drive did you ever drive until i heard what happened no no no so at the end of it so i'm like yo uh i'm like yo we got a pie this is when are you alicia first started i'm like we got a podcast like you know if you're into he's like uh i'll do it he's like what's it about i'm like it's a business show he's like business like i'm probably not the person i'm like nah but you know we talk about a bunch of other stuff he's like i'm actually starting a podcast myself so maybe we can uh you know so he so then this is another like x is crazy x sold like 20 million records so the fact that he gets in the car with a stranger is crazy within itself yeah and then he's like most people would be like i i'm saying like what's your number like you know what i'm saying like he gives me his phone and was like yo put your number in so i'll put my number in and then he's like yo call it so i so you can have my number so i called it i kept i had his number probably still have it like i mean like he like i'm just like who does that like what what is the difference superstar it's just that never happens the perception of him is way different than what he actually is that's why i was so heartbreaking to hear that um so yeah but that's a crazy story man yeah yeah x that was that was the highlight on my year that i met him in a barber shop it was like a crazy story he you know comes in and he's like yo dawg he's like gotta go in front of you i'm like i i guess he's like i'm getting baldy i'm like so am i and uh and that was it that was just the one moment i met him but then after that he kept coming to the barbershop he ended up playing in the pool hall right next door to it so yeah x is a legend and prayers up for him we got the the album up today and uh i got a few more on the way it kind of got lost in transit but yeah prayers up to the dog man and his family definitely i know the first two albums man yeah he has a number of kids so we praying for it for them as well man so shout out to everybody you know i want four shout out to everybody that pulled up today for the prayer memorial yeah you know we gotta we gotta keep him in prayer man um like like shout out to everybody that's going through some mental health for yeah yeah right now yeah i mean that's just struggling with it like it's very real we have something that happened in our family recently it really just brought it close to home and you realize how the the lack of resources you understand me that revolved that to where you don't have too many options right and that's probably one of the biggest issues that we still don't deal with is that we call people that have mental issues and diseases criminals and crazy instead of them actually getting the help that they need society doesn't know how to look at black men and see black men who have issues and who have mental health issues you just lock them all in and say he's crazy he's a criminal you understand me we call them a crazy uncle instead of actually diagnosing it and allow them to get assistance right so you know shout out to everybody that's going through that don't be afraid to talk about it don't be afraid to seek help and seek counsel before it gets worse and worse and worse addiction is something that everybody deals with you understand me so shout out to anybody that's going through that now it may go through it in the future you understand me you're definitely not alone and there are resources but you just got to make sure that you express yourself so it doesn't become a place of depression and it it gets to that worst place you know keys you you you just took my my my role at the end of the show man well said no we say that at the end of every show so um yeah man we encourage everybody like we like we say every week reach out call somebody text somebody one conversation one piece of dialogue could change the trajectory of somebody's life and you never know who that person is and it could be you um so yeah we we encourage you to do that yeah all right guys hey all right and man let's keep a shout out to 11 keys hey you see that [ __ ] that way you see that let's keep them on until 11. you see that [ __ ] right there what should you got up there phones top five the phone pauses i put those up there and out of the national championship the first time i've seen that shoe mike bibby was earning it in 1997. first person in our neighborhood that had it was james what was it um nah steve james steve james him and my and boots meant a lot when it came out that was the first sneaker that cost 180 dollars there was 299. i couldn't understand how sneakers can cost that much that just never i just couldn't understand it hey 97 man arizona might be what it was before penny did so yeah a legend shout out to penny hardaway man without the penny a real legend hey man we love y'all again if y'all want to hear it back uh we playing back four times it'll be out at midnight to to rewind replay youtube's gonna be out right now that's a fact mike you got a whole bunch of clips to clip up boy so love y'all hey keys love his love bro love
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 152,834
Rating: 4.9679341 out of 5
Keywords: Nft, Cryptocurrency, Tech stocks, Vr, Ar, Digital reality, Digital art, Bitcoin, Alt coins, Tron
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 10sec (8290 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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