Stock Market Blueprint with Ian Dunlap & Francis Kway

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hey bye good that's all good man can't complain we letting the family in on the tube right now so good hey bye good smell good man that's how he's supposed to sound the guy's back sounding how he's supposed to sound too but up ernest what's going on it's a glorious wednesday no other way no other option youtube just changed their like settings it's kind of weird you can't really okay you change it we live we're good let's get this going what's going on brother not much man same old same old you know had a long day today when i'm looking at some uh some real estate properties with uh my brother j hoop obviously um j whoa [Laughter] some other guys who said that they had the property under contract but our team has the property under contractors it's the whole thing but you know i really say though is you know what we were in the dmv area yeah it was in baltimore so it's a non-unit property that we're looking to convert to the flow francis you looking fresh hey man i'm trying to get like glowing trades from the algorithm working huh yeah you glow different when them trades hitting you don't worry about the drop on monday and you kill on tuesday that's when you're making money both ways and all that stuff that's the important thing yeah yeah yeah man yeah no um yeah welcome gentlemen i know you guys met at invest fest right yeah yeah uh yeah officially yeah but yeah officially we talked about you guys i spoke before then oh yeah okay okay okay okay yeah yeah we don't got number unity in here well we ain't playing them games not at all just for the show if y'all connected it already yeah this is already no this is actually if we talked to ian before we ended up we met chuck uh the first time oh yeah the power of relationships and having a janet because they was there [Laughter] marshawn lynch one yard line my bad king yo yo think about that man like almost a year to the day we got on the phone and it was even the process was like tough we didn't get us because mike was like yo you got to talk to these guys you got to talk to you josh shout out to mike yeah i'm like all right mike i'm like what is it he's like this is company you got to check it out and then we got the conversation and the rest is history but part of the conversation was like can you guys talk to like ian and trap and see if they would like it too i'm like i'll hit them i mean we'll see i'm still interested but it goes to show streamlining everything good teamwork would make the dream work um last year was a crisis so it's different i have to make sure especially coming out and francis i know you understand this too like when algorithms come out everybody black like yo yo this better work cause if it don't work i'm gonna tell everybody on the interwebs that didn't so i wasn't gonna know but now i can i can collaborate in probably more and show more personality and so yeah yeah now and that's just the power of being persistent like we we fell out of communication for a few months but y'all was putting so much value in the community that when jamal came to tell me he was like you got to hit these guys it's like i'm like i know these guys so like that's the power of persistence and just adding value to the community y'all did it at a very high level because the word just kept coming back you got to hear these guys you gotta just give us a genius he's a genius he's a genius and then by the time it was it was a goal i'm not gonna speak for him but when you know you have something great because we can relate to this when people count you out and you know your is fire it's easy to follow up yeah it shouldn't be a pain like when you know you have something that can change lives of people the follow-up process is easy and uh don't be like ian and be stupid and miss out [Laughter] [Music] what's the community called i know we have to cheat and greet what's the official name of the community though because i know they're in here tonight oh yeah chico man yeah that's a squad it's a family um it's just a chico community man um it's all love that you know with our whole team you know the way we operate we just have a whole team of really phenomenal traders and investors that uh really just give it all to the community every day you know just you know educating and and getting the game uh giving the game up as much as possible so yeah shout out to the chico team you gotta be humble shout out to the cheat coders the cheetahs you know i got to earn this red panda family the cheetahs they call them the cheetahs my brother called me he's like yo troy tonight yo the cheetah said they gonna be in there heavy to cheetahs they said they're gonna be in their heavy cheetahs i said all right the panda's gonna red panda gonna be in there that ernest gonna be in there let's let's have a family reunion but we want to welcome everybody um to this i'll explain what this is but first i want to welcome gentlemen um ian of course you you probably know ian i'm assuming that you know ian if you're watching earn your leisure you he's he's with us almost every day at this point um uh you always see on online as far as whether instagram between instagram youtube we'll have you on tik tok now facebook um there's you probably see him at least once a day in between earn your legion's um reach that's a fact that's a fact that's a fact um the master investor shameless plug francis is our guy man so francis we did an episode with him probably about six months ago him and his partner jehu and uh really really young talented brothers out of dc area and you know they they do their thing with the with the stock charts they have a company called um chico so if you if you saw that episode then we also did we did an episode and we did a youtube live with them both of them went crazy everybody you know really really liked it um so we're going to talk about that but first just wanted to kind of just set the room and set the vibe so what we do here is um eyl university every single week uh at this time wednesday at eight o'clock we do a class these classes range from a variety of different topics we do real estate we do um how to start airbnb business we we've done boat rentals recently um toro you name it we just did ebooks last week yeah shout out to ash so yeah it's like it's like it's it's a anything that you can think of we really have covered and what makes it different from the podcast is that it's a more interactive feel where you know we sit they have conversations then it's a question and answer the type of type of uh so what we do once a month is what we call open enrollment please do not copy that you know they're gonna copy it so often imitated yeah never duplicated no never so open open enrollment is a sneak peek into ewl university where it's a class that's open to youtube which is open to the world and you get to see it you get to see it for yourself you get to see you know how it works how it looks you know and then if you're interested in joining then you can join so this is what we do so this month the open enrollment is what we call our group chat call so the group chat call is really more of a intimate conversation about investing it's not really as structured but it's like we talk about our portfolio we talk about some plays we look at some charts and we answer questions and we do that once a month and that has really become extremely extremely popular a lot of people and beneficial yes very beneficial a lot of people made money from these group chat calls um so this month i felt like this was the first time we're doing a group chat open enrollment so i just felt that it would just really be dope to have francis who works with us a lot at ewi university he's come on a lot uh him and his partner j who they've come on a lot and then like i said ian that's family with him every week on mark and monday so yeah he might pop up in a few classes too he popped up popped up in the financial planning class yeah you never know when he's going to pop up so he's he's he's going to shake the room tonight we're going to do this more often like when they put out reservoir dogs and everybody went crazy oh it's good it's going to be it's going to be nice tonight yeah so so yeah so we're gonna get into it but before we start i just want to give you the rundown what ewow university is so it's a online i don't even know how to describe it because university is really not even fitting it's kind of even bigger than that so online community of sorts with over 100 past webinars that you get access to you get access to the private facebook community group you get access to my monthly financial planning calls which i do on one saturday every single month for two hours access to the movie club and a book club with troy access to these calls which we call the group chat holders just once a month access to the home buyers blueprint um mg the mortgage guy is a genius and then we also have 20 infinity groups yeah so that's made after you know a real university also where we have like crypto club where we have the real estate we have earners over 50 we have the campus club parent club like anything it's a lot of people that just come together and these are people just working with themselves and that even is more beneficial than anything i think because now that's a real community where you learn from different instructors but it's always better to actually learn from you we just got like here's your colleagues a party planning committee they're meeting this saturday so i think all the earners in different cities are all going to come together and have an earnest united day it was just going to be dope yeah i can't wait somebody i need that detroit address y'all y'all got to send that to morocco houston i will be there but i'm in detroit i'm gonna get together this week right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah i'm glad you said that detroit detroit michigan um ian dunlap ernie elijah we will be in the building and on friday we're having a networking event um pull up all the information is online you can click the link in our website under the events tab rsvp we want to see everybody want to see the whole entire city come out on friday at six o'clock um so yeah so ewy university by far the biggest um and i'm gonna do something in close your close your your ears i don't want you to hear this um i'm gonna do something that i know he's gonna be extremely disappointed about but we we we are doing a 48-hour flash sale 48 hour 48 hour flash sale um and yes we are we are lowering the price for 48 hours only oh everybody tell them to stop doing that mike mike don't chop this is not the same yeah yeah we can't use fat joe on this one no fat joke advantage of it yeah eyo i don't even want to say what we do this is the first time ever no it's the first time ever we just gonna do something just to kind of just it's for the community give back we just call it that community give that evil university is two thousand dollars um we're doing 65 off and we're doing 700 dollars for 48 hours only i pinned it janet and and that's it i don't want to talk too much about it because that's i don't even want i don't want to have second thoughts on this so all right gentlemen let's let's get into this let's get into this troy yeah yeah you um are becoming a stock market wizards of sorts so i want to start the conversation with some different sites that that you use and then we can just get the guys involved then we can just jump right into it yeah man i'm gonna be very very careful when i'm talking because when i need advice these are the guys that i'm calling so this is kind of cool so like francis and i talk all the time me and ian talk all the time but doing the research is important and so a lot of times i'm trying to pick their brain to find out what they're using and so when i i can add to my arsenal so we've talked about it before when i'm looking for etfs etfdb is a great place for me as a resource right because it's going to tell me the different types of etfs how they're performing what's inside of it and so i always look to that as a strategy to find out if i don't know about a sector this is going to give me a great uh resource to find out what's in the sector now inside of etfdb a couple of things and if you're writing this down put this in your notes when i when i go into the site what i'm looking for a couple of things obviously i won't know what's inside the etf but i also want to know uh the volume so you can go to let's just break it down you want you know what shout out to the screen well yes i don't yeah you can talk to me talk to him too because it's gonna be on position i'm gonna share the screen give me two seconds let me get back to zoom and i'm gonna share my screen on the podcast we gotta talk spicy then other they're gonna be like yo look at all this boys tabs man boy go crazy all right so i'm gonna share my screen thumbs up when you can see it thumbs up ian we can see it on this side yep all right perfect so etfdb here it is right here obviously this is where i stopped uh i heard the news about draftkings yesterday [Laughter] so talk them through the audio so you go to etfs i type in the search so let's go to estimations we talk about that all the time so i go in my search i type in smh and i hit there it is smh etf all right so first i'm looking at all right well here's the price all right so the price for estimates right now if i'm buying it as a share it's 269 i can see that great if i'm looking at it for the option that doesn't really matter too much at this point but i want to know a couple of things i want to know the categories in so here it tells me right the category is technology equities uh it's a large cap so there's big companies inside of here and it's in a sector of it's an asset class of growth so a lot of times we see growth um and that is what i'm looking for i want to see something that accelerates over time now inside of the the next tab is holdings and so when i click there it tells me the companies that are inside and so you can see here we talked about this on monday these are semi conductors and so tsm is something we always talk about and what i want you to notice is that on the right hand side it says assets and so it tells you that the percentage that this etf has of this asset and so this etf is consistent of 15 of tsm so that's a large percentage right and that makes sense because we said out of all the world's semiconductor producers tsm makes up about 50 of the world's production and so that makes sense that this would be the largest etf now what's interesting is that nvidia is now the number two three months ago or maybe six months ago when we showed you etfdb the video is like the number five uh in terms of percentage of asset but that's moved up obviously we've seen the nvidia's price move up they've had some major announcements and they had a stock split right what they do five to one or four to one thank you five to one believe so yes yeah the four or five no quarter five the one so the stock split is gone nvidia has been running so obviously in etfs you can change your allocation it's one of the things that happens if you're managing etf you can change the percentage of allocations so that's happened and so you see all the companies that we we talk about right we see amd down here uh aslm we actually had somebody call in to talk about that so that's important we watch that next thing i like to look at is this performance so this is easy it tells me what's been happening over the past five years and so you can see it's had a 322 percent return which is absolutely ridiculous right over the past year so 2021 it's had a 58 return but like look over the last month i think last this past month it's been its lowest and i told you in the last month it wouldn't work out i knew it wouldn't work out it pulled back just a little bit but that's okay right because perspective is key right so if we have gotten into these asset classes early into 2020 or early in 2021 we're still up right even if it pulls back two percent like it did me on monday we still have a percentage that is worth being proud of all right so this is etfdb this is one of my sites i'm gonna run through a couple and then i'll let y'all go so but also go back to that um holdings holdings this is also important when a friend of mine a while ago asked me he was like what's better nvidia or amd which one should i buy and i'm like smh the reason why i said that is because you got both so maybe now if you visually can see it it kind of makes it easier what we've been talking about before where now the all-star team analogy that ian speaks about you can actually see like all right this is what is appealing to me with etfs is that you know i don't have to like try to bet on one winning horse you just bet on the whole team and odds are that you know things are going to go in your favor exactly exactly so that's something that's very beneficial especially if you are uncomfortable about investing in stocks if you're new to investing in stocks if you don't know which stock to pick this is why we talk about etfs so much because it gives you a lot more confidence i think yeah and and not to cut you up and it doesn't compromise the rates of return i was kidding about the one month thing but i'm just using that as a skeptic because people always have some level of negative comments no matter what like i put on instagram today if you invest in etf or index funds for you know 40 years and it earns 10 a year then you'll be a millionaire and they like what what etf or index can earn ten percent a year and we just showed you it had three hundred people you've been calling yeah there's about 40 of them [Laughter] exactly yeah so i mean smh vti xlk so that's it right there so like in terms of ball like we always say the the analogy right here goes yeah lebron it goes your a d and here goes your malik monk but imagine if they added lillard as well right exactly and russell and they shared the ball and ruskin actually hit threes which i see he's been working on shout out to russ he working on this game i'll go another one since we always talk about tech and i'll just show you the holdings the same thing right we're looking for those those top two we should be familiar with these top two we also baby yeah there it is right so this is this is this xlk so this is another etf this is technology sector however right and so you look at those top two 21 allocation actually microsoft has actually moved up it wasn't always at 21.46 it's almost it's almost it's almost equal to it so that's 42 percent of this etf is based around apple and microsoft two solid companies that we we're pretty sure that they're not going to go anywhere let me actually and if they do let me ask ian we're all in trouble being that 42 of the etf is in two companies is that too much exposure not if you want to be rich the the real cheat code pun intended is when you have an exceptional amount of data on a company it makes no sense to diversify like when people are like well you shouldn't put all of your eggs into one basket it's like saying hey give me ten scrub players and maybe two good ones no i the big three strategy the big four i want to be equally weighted two index two tech that are most dominant so if apple goes away in two years and and microsoft won't which they you know both will be dominant for another 30 years um i'll replace him with the top two tech at that time but the truth is because of regulation you want to tell people to be diversified so you can't sue for me personally and for my child xander baby i love you go to bed it has freedom now xander is six xander college is paid for xander doesn't have to work until he's 30. from diversifying less and concentrating on companies that are going to kill more but yeah i'm not an advisor so i know wonders name rashad whatever you want to do but as being one of the top investors in my opinion of all time and the greatest of this era please follow the blueprint and you're gonna notice like when me and francis get the vibe we're gonna agree on the same companies the same way that me troy rashad trap do as well but diversification is a trick for those who don't know what to do right you notice when people are are even on the angel side or venture side when they invest in companies they're going to pick a few quality companies and then pour a bunch of money into them they're not going to have a thousand companies that they invest in they're going to put 10 maximum or five and go heavy yeah no i agree with that that point 100 um as far as like you know personally in your personal portfolio and your personal strategies and things like that um you know to the question as far as like whether whether or not like this particular etf is over exposed to apple and microphone microsoft me personally yeah like i look at etfs as the way that i do have some type of diversification right like that's like the whole point of having an etf uh in my portfolio so for me this particular setup um it is a little overexposed to apple and microsoft for an etf now this is my personal portfolio you know what i mean yeah no problem you know what i mean but um as far as the etf goes i like to see a little bit more you know i think that's that's a lot so you know it's almost certainly mostly it's half of the whole almost half of the fund is is just is a big tool you know so it's a little it's a little overexposed for my taste for this particular egg you know yeah but they can always make the adjustments so if apple isn't as hot they can drop the allocation down and make an adjustment same way mid game so if like lebron is cooking we got to let lebron while hitting the three yeah that's the fact you gotta let him play and if you guys go to and look at these you can go see what the all-time returns on them are so that'll be gym number two but if you look at xok from 1998 uh through now 509 return pretty good to never have to look at an investment never have to do any analysis and you know so if you put ten thousand in you'll be up fifty thousand eight hundred and eighty nine dollars yeah pretty smooth and so i got the pac the past five year performance uh five years 245 so again we put in we look at and yes does have a lot of exposure to the top two tech companies but as they innovate and they create we can see the the percentage growth that has happened over the past five years so solid one in our portfolio um i'm gonna go to another thing real quick let me let me go to another one so i know y'all somebody's killing me because i got like 70 tabs open just be patient with me man you know this tab right here francis see it all right so um smi's just closed all the other ones out yeah yeah so zax is something i've been using lately zach's yeah yeah yeah a c k s oh and it's gonna act up so you know what we won't go to this axe let's go to estimas well what is g can you just explain what's that so zack's is another uh site that gives you a lot of the technicals a lot of fundamentals um and it has a rating system and so i like to see that because i don't know every company um but what they do is they put in a sector and they show you the growth that they had over the past year what their future growth looks like what the volume looks like inside of the company now it's acting up right now but that's okay we'll keep going because we got more than one tool and so sms is something one i want to look right when we talk about sms yeah i'm not sure you've seen this one before you seen this uh i don't think so and so smi's is a company as a site that i use when i want to know the earnings right so when we're talking about the earnings report and we use apple all the time because people a lot of people are invested in apple i'm looking at that past performance and so it'll tell me the earnings per share so eps a lot of people see eps all over the place so eps is the earnings per share and it'll show you what it's done for the past couple of quarters right so it goes all the way back to q4 of 2019 q1 of 2020 uh all the way up into q3 2021 and so you can see what the smi is community i think it's over 11 000 analysts in here so it tells you about how many people in here 11 000 analysts are doing their ratings and you can see what the community has said that they thought the earnings per share would be you can see what wall street said and what it actually did right so this is like 1.30 per share what i'd like to see is the revenue i love going to the revenue because it gives me a bet a fundamental idea of how the company's been growing and so if we look at q4 of 2019 compared to q 4 of 2020 right you see there's some similarities right 63 62 billion 63 billion and this is what the estimate is right now for q4 of 2021. right so it's 84. so in the community of analysts they're saying that there's some substantial growth right for it to grow by 20 billion and so when we talk about earnings i know it's not the sale be all but i know some people that's their strategy they like to get into a stock or position right before earnings and it runs up and hopefully they make money but when we're in it long term we like to just see growth in the company because that tells us that's something that's what we want to be in for the long term right apple's one of our long term positions and so when i want to find that the revenue models out this is one of the sites that i use in oh wait wait wait before i go to anything else let's go to the vix and so we talked about the vix on my agent we talked about the vix on monday so i had it up for the year let's go for the three months so the vix is the volatility index and it tells us how the market is moving right and so we can see actually let's do it for the year because we can go back to labs yeah let's go back so we talked about high volatility and i was like hey it tells you how the market is moving so last october we had a pullback at the end at the beginning of september and then i believe there was one at the end of october i said that monday all i have to do is just look at my vix this number has gone up to 42 well 40.28 and so that's heavy volatility and as you can see right there's going to be a substantial drop in the market at this time right but as we get down here we start to see some steadiness some steadiness and then in february we had another drop right because the vix has gone up so we kind of think of it as an inverse when we talked about inverse indexes so to think of the vix in that sense where as we see the vix go up right that means the market is going down and so we see steadiness steady and steadiness and there's a we got down to the 16s and the teens and in we said we like between 10 and 15. yep 10 and 15. so we were down here in june we saw some gains we saw some gains lots of gains all through the summer and then boom we got up to 28 incher day on monday which tells you there's high volatility now i think we pulled back today where are we at like 20. yeah we're 20.87 that's of monday we was going to drop into 20 by next week so so that when i when we spoke about this uh a few weeks ago i said we fell i fell asleep at the wheel now if i'm saying i fell asleep at the wheel that means there's a lot of people that fell asleep at the wheel because i we get i get a lot of calls like troy what we doing what we doing i fell asleep at the well why i should have been watching the vix but sometimes you get caught up in doing so many things and try to study so many companies you forget some of the fundamentals and francis we had this talk the other day we stopped doing some of the things which made us successful that makes it right here it makes us work and so the vix was something that i forgot to look at but i would have known there's a lot of other indicators and i'm sure the fellows will talk about it tonight but this was one of them um another one is bar chart right so etfs is cool if we're talking about multiple companies in one but if we want to look at singular companies again we can look at singular positions and it'll give us the complete rundown now for some of this this look like oh this is too advanced this is too advanced that's okay i'm gonna take you to another site that is what we use for students but again it gives you the performance right we can see how apple has performed let's see if it's tweaking oh nice ad i get some key levels for vixx i haven't even given these on market mondays for the year let's do it yeah you want to do that yeah 39.90 34 49 28 18 and 24 36. so if it gets to any of those levels the world is going to panic if it's a quality company and i'm sure when francis pulls up the algorithm at a show as well but those are good times to buy some of the best companies on the earth so if you look in may it went to 28.95 this week we went to so when it went to 2818 and you would have saw that while everyone else was panicking you should have been thinking it's time for me to load up and look what happened tuesday wednesday right big scale is over we're starting to move back to the upside and the thing about the thing about the vix also man is that you know you can profit from the vic spikes right when the market is when the market is fearful you know you can use it as an indicator for you know when you might want to look at getting back in buying the dip things like that but you also can play the vix etf which is the vxx right and uh when you play the vxx with options you know as on as a short-term hedge even if you traditionally trade with a stock portfolio um you can catch short term uh pops in the vix which the vix is notorious for these you know short one day two day pops when the market has something uh that shakes it up in this case you know the uh evergrand uh situation with china and the fear that came out of china with the um the defaults that's happening in the real estate market out there that's what kind of caused this this kind of fearful moment that we had in the in the uh s p it caused that vic spike you can make a good amount of money you know a lot of times you know you can catch a good 100 percent 200 percent 50 60 70 percent pop while the rest of the market is bleeding to death uh just by kind of trading the vix back and forth absolutely and tied to that for those of you on the feature side so you can also trade the vix feature so just like you told you you can do vxx so whenever i always say there's no such thing as a bad market only bad entries into it so if you do the vx acts like he's telling you about and you're still holding long term and when the market tanks you ride vxx up and the vix future whatever money you lost as a result of the drop you're going to offset that probably by two yeah so i'm telling you tonight going to be special but vxx and vic's future together when the market goes down if you do it four times in a year any losses that you end up having um on any huge listing when trump was in office and that man used to send out them tweets at like 12 o'clock one o'clock at night i can't lie i listen for the volatility i cannot lie you know you can make crowd mountain make a kill when you're up two in the morning trading uh vix futures or even uh ds minis you know we traded he has minis and catch puts on the ears minis and make a killing you know you wake up the morning your portfolio may be hit you know good 10 15 percent of what not but you know 15 20 000 on it but you love it mm-hmm yeah yeah yeah i mean yeah yeah that got crazy man i'm gonna give them one more the end i'll let you talk about that because there's one that you i'm gonna talk about two more actually because the research doesn't stop after that was something that you said on market mondays but i wrote in my notes and since you said it i was like man this is crazy so i'll let you talk about that but i'll tell you the last place i go when i'm done with my research that's the site that this young these two uh gentlemen created called the cheat code and so after i do what i researched and i let them talk about it and i actually show what what what we why i use it but um i look at it and i use it as my final tool okay like let's see i'm looking at this chart it's giving me indicators um but i'll let you talk about your hypercharge like if you guys ever looked at all this financial data and you like i don't know what the hell they're talking about they have really easy so hyper charts made the graphs on revenue and data simple enough that like a third grader can read it so if you want to go look up apple microsoft amd you can see really and even for those who don't like crypto you can see it and it's really easy like if you compare um apple versus tesla apple versus microsoft apple versus any company that you love it will tell you which ones are doing better in terms of revenue profit etc and it gives you a quick breakdown of how they're doing in comparison so if you if you any of you feel confused hyper charts is a easy place for you to know how much money a company is making how they're doing a comparison and if you want to compare five or six companies against each other it'll tell you in 30 seconds which one uh you should probably lean on and invest in long term so if i look at like apple really quick at the annual they're at 36.4 percent annual growth 347 in um annual revenue and then their increase has been like 25 in some of the key revenue segments and then for those who love crypto you go to bitcoin the analysis is there pr is pretty amazing um and you'll love the analysis that you do so if you've ever been confused about anything that we've talked about or you get on cnbc and you're not clear hyper charts is absolutely yeah and one of the things i love is that they kind of put things in bar charts for you and explain it very detailed this is the revenue this is where the revenue is coming from right so if it was apple it could have been from wearables it could have been iphone it could have been ipad it could have been a mac but it shows you literally from a company standpoint the total gross and what that singular thing did to uh a tribute to the growth of the company yeah and this is something we hear like do your research be a lot that's a common question it's like what does that mean do your research so just spent about a half an hour just giving you different um tools that you can actually research and it's like anything you're not going to learn everything at one time but the more you familiarize yourself and you know get you know enthralled with the information then it's going to become like a second nature and you know obviously you can tell that troy spends a lot of time with this and troy doesn't have a financial background so he was a teacher um yeah he was a public school teacher so i say that to say very blue that's like one of the most blue collar jobs that you can have so if he can do it um then any i'm not saying that in a disrespectful way no no it's serious but no it's real it's real when the show started yeah that's why i keep telling people they need to ask you more questions you you're a monster now i mean that's it so these are just like some of the the technical sites that we use for the but there's a lot of reading that goes involved into it so like i tell people every i read all morning all day i the other day i could i was waiting for ian to get up pause for to send him the article i'll stay up pause just for entertainment i've learned the segway game come on yeah yeah you did you did a great job on the audio message earlier too shout out to you but no seriously i was like wait it's 7 30. i got some news i got to share with them i was like damn i'll wait till 8 30 because i know he's an hour behind so i sent it to him at 8 30 even though it was 7 30 there and he gave me the old baby we got this tonight you can text me anytime you know i'm looking but it's inspiring too because just to be honest if i'm around you guys and seeing everything that's growing and then i can't talk to francis and then be like not know my stuff but like listen what he said trump volatility e-minis i've been telling you guys pair long-term investing with futures with the algorithm it is the cheat code like pun intended i'm telling you and me and him we didn't plan this even when cuban came on market monday she's like hey i trade futures to the hedge like one system be able to manage and master everything in investing you never have to worry about money man listen like you you hit it on the head man because you know a lot of people you know they look at they get comfortable in one way of trading or one way of investing or whatnot and uh you know there's this big concept of you know fundamentals versus technicals short-term versus long-term et cetera et cetera and i tell people all the time like you have to know how to do both this is just like how bruce lee talked about you know being like water and being able to be fluid right the market is never the same you know when we talk about fat joe's saying yesterday's price not today's price yesterday's market is not today's market right like the market is constantly in the state of flux in the state of change and so you have to be able to adapt to it and take what it's giving you at any point in time in order to grow your portfolio we're not in this to uh you know to feed our egos and feed ourselves and tell us tell ourselves like yo you know uh this is the only right way to do it whatever it is like we're in this to make money right we're in this to grow our portfolios as individuals as and as a culture so you know you have to be able to equip yourself to be able to participate in the market in both ways and and futures is an amazing way to do that um you know to be able to protect your because it's damn near around the clock right the worst thing about trading you know stocks and options is you wake up your subject when that market closes you subject to whatever happens until the market opens and if if something happens unexpected you did everything right you did your due diligence pick the right thing and then all of a sudden at the middle of the night you know china is doing something crazy and the market crashes and now your your portfolio's down you have to be able to be able to take advantage of the action you know overnight and protect yourself so you're 100 on that man i mean it's something that i feel like everybody and to rashad's point none of the stuff that we talk about here trading investing futures all this none of it is complex it's not really anything that that the average person can't master you know what i mean it's nothing that takes rocket science or a six-year degree to figure out you know it's just about dedicating yourself to learning learning the uh material you know what i mean so how many times how many hours a day do you spend looking at the market now like recently as a recently only i probably said probably about a maybe an hour to a day honestly i'm not i'm really what about when you were learning because i know you got the algorithm oh yeah when i was when i was yeah what i mean when you're studying it you know when you're sunday this is around the clock i mean damn near you know you up two three in the morning some nights just studying and preparing for the next day you know um one of my biggest biggest uh platforms i like to use for to understand market knowledge which i like to break things down into fundamentals technicals and market knowledge right mark and i was just understanding what's happening in the market in the economy uh is a site called seeking alpha s-e-e-k-i-n-g a-l-p-h-a and seeking alpha is an amazing resource to understand what's happening in the market in all different aspects um and i'll be up there man let me be like 2 three in the morning i'm just reading through articles on companies and on on the market as a whole in the economy and uh you know you have to you just have to do that you know when you get into the game man i mean you know it's nothing complicated but you do have to dedicate the time to it so absolutely yeah secret seeking alpha and i'm gonna put this in the chat and i'll put i'm gonna text it to shy so you can put it in youtube so these are the publications that i read every morning seeking alpha is on the list and so a lot of people ask me like what's the research what are you reading i'm literally gonna copy this put this in the chat and then i'm gonna text the shot you don't put it in youtube and that's every morning if you want a dedication if you want to learn and like i just had a thirst for learning so i said i gotta i gotta catch up because there's a lot of people ahead in this game so i put literally just now shout out to everybody that's all our earners those are my publications that's my homework every single morning before the market opens on top of what you just saw that we go through and so i'm just texting you you can put it in youtube 3 000 people on the check-in on youtube we appreciate you hit the like button oh man on a on a wednesday it's crazy about going up both wednesdays don't copy uh man please don't copy um all right so before we get to questions and before i want to definitely have francis um look at some charts but before that i just want to ask some uh you guys some some some general questions about investing um how important is support and resistance um we talk about we talk about that a lot but people still might not fully understand what what that is and why and why it's important yeah real real quick before you do that i put it in the chat cause somebody if you're erner can you put those articles you sent me this whole thing i know that's why i'm telling them if somebody could just copy and paste it and put it in youtube so our tubas can get it as well oh yeah you want to start uh yeah i mean so i'll say that support and resistance i mean is obviously crucial to technical technical analysis it's it's really the core of what it is that we do with technicals right like we really want to understand where you know a stock is going to have some resistance you know on a technical level where maybe a good point where that stock may be looking at reversing or maybe a good place to take some profit off the table and things of that nature and at support uh you know places where we might want to look at averaging down you know a lot of times if you if you're not using support and resistance you're basically and i see this happen all the time especially with newer traders you know they'll they'll base you know what a good price for the stock is based on where the stock was you know when they first saw it right so all the stock used to be 200 and now it's 150 so this must be a great place to buy it not considering anything that has you know whether it's near support or not um and so areas of support and resistances are typically places that we see reversals happen or things of that nature so if you're looking for an entry point or an exit point you want to do so at you know a near supporting resistance now there's a lot of different ways to structure support and resistance um you could do it based on you know previous uh reversal zones uh things of that nature you could do it based off of you know trending support with moving averages um you can do it off of fibonacci levels there's a lot of different support and resistance zones and ways to draft support and resistance and again it's one of those things where you need to know them all right and you need to know which one is the right one to use in a particular moment in time right so if a stock is trending in a clear trend you know i like to use a moving average as a moving support right and a good place for support and if i break past one of my moving averages and i'll pull my fib levels and i look for some retracements right so there's uh there's multiple ways of doing it and as a trader and as an investor you just have to have your arsenal right your tool belt like i like to kind of relate it to and know when it's time to pull out what tool when it's time to pull out your you know ema's when it's time to pull out your smas when it's time to pull out your fib levels and which ones it's time to to look at you know using to identify supportive resistance so it's very critical very critical thing for people to learn um you know like you can't emphasize it enough honestly francis what i know ian loves the 70 72 day what what uh emas do you use i mean i use a pretty standard 20-day 50-day 100-day 200-day moving averages honestly um i typically just draw my i have my ema's on my chart primarily for uh swing trading right i use it for swing trade i use it to time entries during the day time if it's during the daytime you know i might just use a seven day moving average or fourteen just depends on kind of what what time frame i'm looking at so we're just hey you know again disclaimer disclaimer that's strictly for live man not for freshmen yeah i mean well you know it's something that that you it's something that you you learn in in the game the yeah the main thing to do as it can be very overwhelming right there's a lot of things a lot of different ways methodologies and things like that everybody has their thing which you just want to understand is what is an ema how is it used right looking at it on historical charts and on current charts of stocks you're looking at now playing around with it on different time frames and then crafting your own strategy of what is comfortable for you you know what i mean you can't really you know what ian does and what works for ian or what troy does what works for troy may not work for me because i have a different you know style of strategy what might work for the next minute so it's all about understanding the tools yeah and then how you get comfortable using them to craft your strategy but let me ask you this if we were in a swing trade let's just take a random company if it dropped down and we would let's say we were looking at like seven year month and it went down to the 200 would you then get in at the 200 and maybe exit at your 20 it depends i mean so so the i would say that the 200 would be a great place to look for an entry point if i was looking for an entry point on a stock a 200 is always a pretty you know standard place to look for a potential entry but it depends on the reason why that stock went down in the first place right is it a fun is it a fundamental reason or is it a new is it something that happened like you know with facebook something that is a current event that caused it to to do that right um because it could blow right through my 200 and continue dropping on the way down because it just came from a massive run and it's just a type of brand exactly you know i mean like that would be a great time to look for for picking up a stock on the 200 or 100 or something like that because these are events that are outside of the company itself right so lead through the technicals yeah right so i mean you know it just depends on what's happening with that company and if it's a fundamental shift in the company's business model that's causing it like they just lost a massive contract that was half their revenue or something like that it's not gonna save you anyway yeah you know what i mean so there you have it ladies and gentlemen we are gonna go to question but before we go to questions uh francis the chi code let's let's pull this up let's pull this bad boy up all right let's go oh you got you got it real quick you were a disabled screen share oh i got you i got you it says what you saying i want to share a couple retracements real quick okay so y'all both could uh share screens whenever y'all go back and forth with it all right well it's gonna be like mac and brad whoever wants to go first yo get ready y'all it's gonna be great 18 retracement i've never talked about it before in 2036 if you need a percentage base if a company drops 47 or percent that's the areas to get in the stage is yours my brother i'm over a nice shoe tonight now that's it that's a that's a massive one because you know those are different retracement levels than i'm used to so you know i'm excited to hear you know um all right okay oh man we want to look at amazon yeah you know what because since you said let's we're going to come back to sby because that i mean i feel like that's where our conversation left off but let's go to amazon because that's the company we talk about and they just hit their 200-day moving average i got a call from my brother he was panicking like oh my god it is 200 a day i'm like all right bro you should be elated here we go we got something to do here let me go ahead and take off the uh trade level so it's clear uh so we're at amazon right yep yep so i mean with even with amazon right so amazon neared its 200-day moving average right which is this blue line right here right but if you take a look i had already had this these fibonacci levels drawn out on amazon because it's something that we've been looking at for quite some time uh i think you know troy you remember uh when we started talking about it but you know this is a fibonacci level that i drew uh from way back let's see so this was you know what we call a trend based fibonacci level and that trend-based fibonacci level was basically a level that we draw from what is what what is it what is fibonacci okay so fibonacci level fibonacci um is a is a mathematical sequence that essentially happens it occurs in nature it occurs all over in life uh in general and this is a secret yeah exactly plants uh spirals astrology things of that nature and essentially it's uh it's a mathematical formula mathematical pattern and sequence and so the belief system and what we found to be true in stocks is that everything moves in patterns and psychological levels when we think about what stocks do uh when they you know go up or down all we're looking at when we see these candlesticks here going up and down and going green and red we're looking at psychological events if more people buy and more people are positive about a stock than our negative you'll see a bigger candle right there's more volume going in and more people buying and that goes up and so in that light and along that line of logic at certain points at certain levels uh you know on the stock's path and on the sox chart the psychology of the market will come into play so people will essentially look at certain levels and see it as a resistance or see it as a place of support and generally you'll see the stock typically bounce off of those psychological levels and that's essentially what the fibonacci level can represent uh at times and to kind of give an example of that basically you know like i'm saying this is this is a trend-based fibonacci level right which is a fibonacci level that we draw when the stock is trending in a range um and basically you know we draw it from you know bottom point to a top point and to another bottom low point which is here so it gives us these lines here that give us potential areas of interest and so if you look closely this was drawn on this chart i think i want to say about a month or so ago at least i i haven't even looked at amazon for quite some time so this was drawn out a long time ago but if you look here on that bounce that we just had it happens right at this key fibonacci level right here right this is something that the stock literally you know has found some pause and found some support oh what percentage fib is that i don't mean to cut you off i believe this is a two three six okay so this should be the two three six and basically you know this is again in a trend this is our zero line down here uh which is basically our our kind of like you know baseline and then this is our initial 236 and you'll see like throughout the time you know that amazon's trending it will it was kind of treat this level as some type of either support or resistance at some point and right now it's acting as a support level uh and there's a lot of different fibonacci levels that you can draw again it's one of those things where you know it just depends on what the time you know what you're doing at that time you know if i'm looking at only one impulse wave i could pull a fibonacci level only from point this point here to this point here yeah and it'll draw me a set of a set of uh a set of lines here that again and and if you notice here so i drew it from the bottom point of this wick to the bottom point of that wig i get hit my my lines again right and then again coincidentally the same place where i had the fibonacci level from way back that was drawn months ago if i drew my i drew my fibonacci level from this last major wave here and i have again another fibonacci level at the same exact level it was my 236 on the last one and on this one is my 0.5 so again this is a strong fib level and we have some support here so this is kind of how you can use fibonacci levels to identify you know places of potential entry places of potential resistance um and places that you can you know combine with other items decide on whether or not you want to you know exit or enter trade particularly you know we like to use these in our group a lot for uh for day trading um you know getting in and out scalping things of that nature which is uh just quick in and out you know burst of uh you know price action but uh you know overall right now amazon as a whole is just in a consolidation range honestly you know which we had a breakout that we we tried to break out of uh which we talked about i think last time i was on here with you guys uh you know we had this resistance level up here which was pretty critical and it held true even after um even after um it broke out right so i think i think the number was we were trying to get it if it broke past 35 35. so we broke the past 3 500 we tried to make it we came back let me try to zoom in a little bit because i know this can be a little hard to see but we had broken out here had a little mini cup and handle pattern you know uh you know right here we had a nice little breakout came back retested that level of support because the old resistance becomes a new support level right had a had a breakout you know a retest and tried to break it out and then just gapped completely below that thing and failed to break out now again we're back in the same you know range yup trying now to break again that 3 500 level which is now resistance and if you look closely every time we hit this 35 level you see the yellow candle that pops up caution caution candles right can i show you because we're going to show the exact same thing this is why i want to tell people like when we are talking about a stock me trap bonowin troy rashad you're going to see the same breakdown of what's going to happen so i want to give you guys a quick tip can you guys see my screen yeah yeah we good okay so look at this you guys want to know how to not buy the high so he was on daily i'm on a monthly i never want to buy a stock unless it's below the 75 percent range because if it's at 75 and 100 is the top there isn't much room to go so when it started to get up here it started to break down and look how over time amazon is staying in this range from here to here because it has such an amazing year last year it doesn't have as much room to go up unless they split so if you're buying up here at this price around 35 25 he just said 3 500 was a resistance area or an area cannot break above the stock cannot stay above 3 500 confidently it hit the high of 37.73 and then it came down stock club i gave you the entry way to get in but if you can see when you're doing your analysis if you're not buying at a high and this is a 20-day moving average which we talked about if it slides down to that 29.96 area i would be elated that would be a great pokey load up and go crazy so this is what i tell you when you guys are listening to different investors everybody's analysis should be the same and the thesis should be the same all these conflicting and controlling opinions aren't going to do anything but burn holes in your pocket all the great investors see the same thing are looking to get into the same area and love the same companies the ones who don't they cause you to lose money and they're broke themselves g code crystal ball together let's go hey francis can we do something because i think our conversation and since this is our group chat i want to share our conversation because we were watching monday and we were looking at the market and there was questions like uh is this thing gonna be long-term how short will it be uh are we gonna go back to the upside so can we pull the spy chart up again because there was a key indicator that you showed me while we were on the phone that i think i need people to see can you go over that one with them yeah and i'm gonna and and even on the sp y right um i definitely wanna want to so let's tell what spy is though so i'll let you go the sby what's up sp why is the etf for the s p 500 right s p 500 being the um the uh um index in which we have 500 companies that essentially are supposed to represent the united states economy essentially the stock market as a whole right uh so this is basically you know one of the most common indexes index funds uh to look at now the way i see what's happening right now and what i want to caution everybody uh and what i want everybody to really start paying a lot of attention to and understanding is how our economy works how the federal reserve works and how our stock market actually works what is keeping the stock market up what what is putting you know where the money is coming from and things of that nature and it all has a lot to do with the fed so when we hear things about the fed federal reserve having um you know meetings and things like that and whatnot and we have no idea why it's impacting the market you gotta gotta start paying attention to these things um the interest rates um the united states dollar as in as a as a whole uh you know if the dollar is gaining strength that typically does not bode well for um for assets like gold silver uh stocks things of that nature because the stronger the dollar is the more it's worth which means the less dollars it takes to buy something like a company or a piece of gold or oil or whatever it may be and so those things will get cheaper um right now we're in a very interesting time period because the government is looking at a potential shutdown in on october the first there's something called a debt ceiling and essentially how much um you know how much money can be put out there um essentially um you know by the federal reserve and by the you know united states government and things of that nature and if the debt ceiling does not get raised it's going to be a problem and so there's a couple of different upcoming catalysts that can cause something called a black swan event in the market which is when the market will unexpectedly dropped and the last black swan event we had was back here during covid right we had um sorry guys i got this super laptop i can't use my mouse i've got to use a mouse pad so i gotta keep on swinging this down but this is the last black swan event we had which was obviously a massive massive uh crash that came that came out of nowhere right and people will say that these things come out of nowhere but the truth of the matter is somebody somewhere knows what's going on before you do right and uh and typically you'll start to see things happen in the market in which uh you know we will brush off as a potential little blip right but could really be big money trying to you know exit or do whatever they may be trying to do so we have to pay attention to these things at all times um the vix is again another great indicator for this but uh i say all that to say right now the way we are on the market kind of like what ian was just talking about with uh being you know uh uh you know within that 75-100 range you know a lot of companies right now are significantly overbought or significantly overvalued and things of that nature and i don't even want to say overvalued because on a fundamental note you know things can be overvalued based fundamentally but i mean overbought in the sense of they've just you know for the past year so just been running and running like crazy running like crazy right and so there comes a time where the you know the market goes in cycles and so we just always have to be on guard i'm not saying that you know the market is necessarily going to just flush or anything like that but what i am saying is we're going to slide again though i said it monday we'll slide back hard yeah it's just it's natural so if you look here um you know we have these points in time right where you know and this is on the weekly chart so each one of these bars that's very disturbing i mean it should it shouldn't be this it shouldn't be disturbing because you know at the end of the day depending um it could be it could be an opportunity right great it's always a great opportunity because if i can get you a brownstone in brooklyn right now for 25 off you don't want it most people going to back up the truck most people keep buying these assets not doing the research you're not listening to market mondays i listen to francis then you pay but that's how you learn make one mistake rashad you got a conservative portfolio that's killing it now i'm just saying as far as you know people you know nobody wants to lose money and i feel like you know i mean we're saying it for a long time at the stock market it has to come down so when you look at these charts and um you don't even have to be able to read the chart all you got to do is just be able to follow patterns remember in like second second grade um when you just had to do like pattern thing i'm sure you help your son out with the homework and francis also like you uh like so they'll give you like a thing where it's just follow the pattern so you don't necessarily have to um be able to recharge to follow this pattern and this one is a much higher climb up so now it's going to have a drop you can just see it at some point it's going to happen yeah and then that's what so this is what we were looking at so that that indicated so friends i'll let you talk about because some people are looking at this i'm sure on youtube and they're like what is this rainbow i'm looking at i'll let you explain what that is but can we get to the indicator that we we said that this was gonna we we saw a pullback coming yeah so it's uh basically down here with the cc squeeze and cc swing uh we designed these and added a couple things here to give us a frame of reference for when things are overbought and oversold um because you know one of the main questions that a typical investor would have is when do i when you know when do i pull money out when do i you know buy the dip et cetera et cetera right and so we put multiple ways there's a lot of ways to skin a cat and so we put multiple kind of things in here to give us an idea of just warning signs things that are just saying hey we could be a near top right uh so one of those things if you look here is like the we have these uh overbought cell signals so the red cloud here in the cc squeeze and the green cloud represent overbought and oversold levels um and so when we have our bars you know nearing the top of the red range uh these little red dots kind of give us a hey this could be a potential top point and you can see we kind of had one the last time here over at uh this was coveted uh the covid crash in february um we had another little one right here right came a little late um and you know they don't necessarily mean a whole lot on their own right like you know we have we have another one right here at the beginning of this uh this dip down right here um but when you when you look at them in conjunction with other items that are you know that your chart is looking at not just with chico but even in your own technical analysis when you have that skill set right um it starts to paint a different type of picture and then here in the cca swing the same thing this red line right here uh indicates a overbought level this green line down here indicates a um a oversold level and this white line right here represents a kind of like return to normalcy or zero level and so as we start to get break past the red level it starts to get highlighted with this green and that tells us that hey you know you want to be on being in a caution zone in a cautionary mindset here you know you want to start switching from just bye bye bye bye bye to hey maybe this is too damn high probably the price is too long maybe this is time to start selling covered you know selling covered calls or selling calls against your stock or if you don't want to sell your stock if you're holding stock or maybe this is time to start looking for some potential put opportunities to to you know ride the wave down on some companies that are overbought because in times like this this is when overbought companies are going to start coming back down to value and so that's the opportunity for us to make money on stocks coming down so here you know again we were up here in this range back in january 2018 uh we had a nice little pullback here to the 50 ema which is a nice healthy pullback shortly after we were in you know we got a little overbought sell signal we had a yellow caution candle then a sell signal followed that back here on october 18 and this brought us down to our 200 ema which is a great place to look at you know picking up stocks like we just talked about um and then again here we touched our overbought level and shortly after here comes the covid crash in which we got all the way down to our green reversal bands here which is a if you get to your green reversal bands on a weekly you you can sell your house and and some pay full fee because you know that's that's that's the area that not financial advice right but you know in general you know this is an area that is just very overbought and it's a great place to look at entering so now here we are again we find ourselves here in september well well well above our overbought level with the overbought sell signal with the sell signal on the weekly with the yellow caution candle so all these things start to line up so there is a potential for a nice healthy pullback to our 50 ema level right which is what i'm particularly looking forward to um and or it could it could just we could just tap this 20 and bounce off of it or whatnot so but the point of matter is we don't know what's going to happen so the main thing to do more prices you're a 50 yet uh my 50 is over here for about 405. so i mean that that's extremely important and um it's a higher level education higher level education which you guys are getting tonight um friends it's not to cut you off but i definitely want to try to get some questions before we wrap i know for sure for sure um i know you can go all night super jumbo with fibonacci you guys can put the fibonacci over the squeeze and the cci at the bottom and it'll tell you when the volume is subsided and when it gets to the 50 you can start to get prepared for your move on the buy side and sell sides so yo 100 higher higher level education uh before we go not out of before we go let me just run this whole situation down eyel university this is the open enrollment um we do these group chat calls once a month and we do classes every single week so this is to give you guys a and peek into the window of owl university if you want to join get this kind of education and more um flash sale never happen again 48 hours only 65 percent off it will never happen again never um also in the in the bio of this video in the description of this video are links to red panda stock club the infamous red panda star club if you are looking to get your stock portfolio at the highest level possible the best buy-in all of that in about and also the cheat code algo hello eylcc we have the cheapest price for the cheat code 500 off eyl special gonna kill all these deals y'all better take it after we make two or three announcements hey charlotte don't let them do no more deal running up y'all better take advantage you should have seen the chance right now you're like are you sure ah okay let's see who we got let's go to some questions it's been a minute let's see let's see uh leon we coming to you i'm yourself you've been on muted what's going on what's up what's going on uh all right i want to know what y'all thought about uh stash uh i don't think i hear y'all talk about that a lot or any just buying stocks on stash yeah to actually buy stocks like like if you should buy stocks on stash i mean i think it is you know look but everything is you know to me me personally if something is better than nothing right um stash is cool it's like a you know kind of like as an oppose an alternative to just putting it in a savings account right um is something you can set and forget but you should definitely have a core portfolio on a decent brokerage like td ameritrade or e-trade or something like tastyworks it's a new one um something that you can you could do a lot more with right stash is just cool for just you know yeah i got td too also yeah so i think it's cool yeah i think stash also it rounds up the um the change right yeah is that yeah i think so yeah and you can also i think set like recurring money to come out your account like 5.10 or something like that yeah yeah shout out to robin hood stay tuned oh you never know no yeah they they announced their crypto while really no wallet that's gonna be big that's big that shook the room up yeah yeah yeah that's gonna be big i i didn't i didn't send that to you you know i figured you see that when you wake up yeah yeah yeah i was like i appreciate you yeah yeah yes sir oh man let's see who we got uh shay we coming to you i'm mute yourself you've been on muted what's going on hello how's everyone doing how are you how are you good so i've been following um i guess you guys for a while in regards to like the stocks but i have a question some of these um indicators i guess not like the vix and stuff like that but i guess your technical analysis can this be applied to like cryptocurrency as well to an extension that's crazy it's crazy that's so crazy that's very weird actually that you asked that question because i was just thinking in my brain like yeah we need to get a chance to i'll talk about crypto and i wanted to talk about crypto and i wanted to actually have them go over crypto chart but we don't do that but oh yeah oh so that so that's that's actually crazy what i was just about to say well for the interest of time if we could do it quickly um yeah but yes yeah technical analysis as a whole definitely applies to cryptocurrency definitely so everything that we're talking about right now is not just for stocks it's it's actually for anything i mean forex yep can i be honest if you can chart it you can apply it to business i use it i use fibonacci retracements for my dad and real estate to determine prices where to potentially buy are you serious i'll tell you i'm different i'm different like when to buy a business when to exit when you're in the middle when you're having a black swan event for startups you so use a 72-200 so like in red panda we call shout out to the dream team we call that 191 and aydah two weeks ago go check where cardinal went yesterday i already saw 191 apply it across the board and also to if you get the metrics for your stats for your children that play sports and let's say you want them to go to the league you can chart where the top 100 kids are in the country and chart out where they are and use the 72 200 to know if they're on track to be in that league it's like it's all that's why when he's talking about fibs and mathematical equations it applies to every part of business same with eyl if you can see their chart for their growth that she was like that's the real time hockey stick hockey stick hockey stick use these tools for futures forex shout out to everybody in episode 70 who killed me crypto options use all the indicators in trading a master one you'll be able to kill to nobody be able to tell you anything i promise you and also um speaking of that when we did the um we did the investment group chat called months ago and um francis was on and uh we talked about um ethereum yeah and uh we went went over the chart for ethereum and i think it was like seventeen hundred dollars at the time and um i told i put money in at that and that night i told everybody everybody yeah the indicators yeah everybody in the group chat like yeah i'm gonna put i'm gonna put a substantial amount of money in ethereum tonight and i told mg the mortgage guy that was his first crypto currency purchase and now i believe it's at three thousand dollars yeah it's back over three over three thousand dollars so definitely can work for for um crypto and that's yeah i i love honestly money in myself honestly i'd say man technicals are even more critical in crypto than there is in anything else in in stocks or otherwise right because of stocks we got fundamentals to really going to go off of a lot of other things right with with crypto is primarily almost all technical you know for the most part outside of you know coin supply and things of that nature i mean everything really is technical on the uh on the and so back to this point back to your point earlier this is why you guys have to master everything so when i was like two tattoo index because i don't want the regulators to come after me people's like you don't know about crypto i'm like crypto moves at the same speed as the nasdaq future so when you practice and study every market you're able to pick it up a lot faster they got they have ethereum future bitcoin future so when you are using the same and i'm going to give you guys a super cheat code if your indicator does not work across the board for everything that you can trade your indicator does not work yeah crystal ball works on everything like so you want your indicator and your setup to work across every asset class so let's say they make an nft future an nft etf will you be able to trade with cyberpunks make sure it works across the board you never have to worry about anything yeah and one of one of the key differences when you when you're doing crypto and obviously like francis and uh ian said you it once you know the technicals and you know the charts make sure that you're not looking at the weekly chart because crypto moves so fast that you don't want to be in a weekly chart and basing your decision off that you want to be in the day chart if not the four hour two hour three hour 45 minute so you can get because it just moves so fast right so you can get a bicycle sell signal i know some people are down to the 15 minute to the one minute but that's for yeah you really got to be a little bit fresh man it's not for freshmen but you want to be in those uh charts because the volatility is so fast it moves so quick and we never know what the cause is a lot of times in crypto we could wake up and like wait krypto's down three down bitcoin's down 3000 ethereum's down 2 000. yeah well i mean and here's the thing his thing is that's especially true if you're trading crypto you know especially when you're looking at places to build a long-term portfolio which i think is an amazing strategy for crypto right when you start looking at crypto on a 10-year horizon on a five-year horizon things like that and then you start using your fib levels right your long-term fit levels weekly monthly fib levels as places to because it's the thing crypto will the cycles in crypto are massive you know bitcoin crypto as a whole the entire market will run hundreds of percentages and come fall 70 within a few months or whatever it is and then stable out right so finding a place an entry level to to build a long period of position uh or add to your long-term position at your long-term holes is really a powerful thing to do with crypto so i like to use like the the long-term fib levels so i i i look and say okay uh whatever the crypto asset is the theorem whatever it is has now hit its 72 uh retracement level it's 68 retracement level right and those are places on a long-term horizon on weekly horizon monthly horizon whatnot and that's where i look to start you know adding heavily to to go because you don't want to buy at the tops you don't want to buy when everything's rallying that's the crypto going to break your heart if you do that you know what i mean so he ends up supplied the chat with the number here you go look there you go did you have byl you know say thank got to have something free for free gotta have something that goes with the eyu but youtube you guys got a lot today y'all should have gotten that and card down cardinal 191 shout out to kayla quinn cardinal yeah shout out to her that was february man shout out to told you javante we coming to you i'm mute yourself you've been on muted what's going on javante what's up what's up can you hear me yeah yeah i ain't so loud today i'm on my phone hey uh i just got a quick question uh um in my 401k how many holdings should i have i'm gonna default that to rashad what are you in right now uh just uh i got i only know i have five mutual friends mutual funds i think that's too many and then i got my company company stock what company are you in eaton um what's that what's the stock ticker uh etn i think eaton e-a-t-o here i think it's so i mean rule of thumb for me i never like to have any more than four four positions in a 401k i think i think if if you have four then that's definitely enough um you know i'm real big on the target date fund spoke about that a few different times but the target date fund is like you know 20 40 20 30 20 60 20 55 whatever date you plan on retiring that's kind of like autopilot and then sometimes people want you know a little you can actually just have that as 100 because it's diversified but if you if you want to um have a little bit more you know diversification then you can do like maybe a small cap fund maybe a large cap fund and then if you want to have some of your company stock or maybe you know something like a balanced fund we talk about balance fund a lot where it's uh a mix of between bonds and stocks and that's more of a conservative play but it actually still can give you some decent returns as well but um that's what i would go for the um the target date fund small cap large cap and then the fourth loan maybe a mid cap maybe a balanced fund depending on maybe your company stock depending on you know your situation but i wouldn't necessarily have more than four in my portfolio for well how long have you been with eaton uh seven years but uh i just got hard to stop no i don't know i'm out timeout timeout i just started it you just started oh you worked there but you haven't invested with them no yeah i just did the uh you know the the one that they put you in but i just took advantage of it when i watched the old girl mark in monday i think it was market monday number 42. you need to get back in the crates stephanie no no not at one girl yeah man listen listen that's when i took advantage of my 401k that was an awesome episode somebody said woo in the background yeah she's a she's a she's a fire she's a firecracker oh yeah can i ask one more question what's up hey it can ian give me a uh can y'all give me the uh on c-a-h it's a health care but they haven't reached a high since 2015 but i think it's pretty pretty all the computers sit on yeah but but they have more competition if you want a monopoly in the healthcare space now watch this all the nurses and doctors have you heard of a company called striker and how dominant are they super dominant well yeah yeah that's how i found out yeah cardinal doesn't have the edge that you think i know what you're trying to do but cardinal's going to slide down if you can get it at 38 it wouldn't be bad it'd be a better swing trade like 38 84 and if you can ride it back up to 50 but don't that chart looks dangerous that that charlotte look nice that char looks very very dangerous look yeah 2004. almost they went down to 24. don't you don't want to play with your money like that because the girl that you have she may not be your girl if you're stuck go down 55 percent that's hard to explain baby we're now 60 but you listen to ian and rashad listen you don't want that person in your household brother back yeah all right all right yeah but i was just looking at it because it's something that i could buy every week i know i said i mean i like the fact that you're thinking outside the box talking about it you're looking at something you're thinking like an investor but thank you you can't um just go go with the easy plays don't try to be a super genius and reinvent the wheel here like you look at the chart you know that that chart's not a good chart so josh brown has a great group you don't get extra points for levels of difficulty yeah too many people will want to be like well i called this one when it was at a dollar and it's like well in that interim though i may have gotten 500 percent like shout out to everybody in stock club like modern is up three four five hundred percent there's a certain time you need to do it based on what the growth can be cardinal's not there and then a couple people put in a chat like true tablet if you've been in a hospital cardinal doesn't have the stronghold that it did six or seven years ago so all right thank you for your time keep keep doing what you're doing though uh javonte appreciate you okay i know thank you troy all right boss um toronto canada is heavy on the check-in hey y'all wanna come to toronto i know to the sixth yeah i got you uh let's go to let's go to jonte dante we coming to you on youtube you been on muted what's going on hey how's it going fellas how are you doing it's good how are you doing i have a question so what i did was for my um expenses you know you have to say a year or two years of for your um expenses right so what i did i put them in the market but now since it's about to be a pullback should i take them out well well first off off the rep when we talk about the one year of you talking about your your emergency fund yeah right correct your emergency fund should never be invested it should be separate yeah that should be so we talk about down the financial planning call where you should have a online savings account i personally use capital one you can use whatever ally is a great one um so but you could use anyone but you should never invest your emergency fund because that is for an emergency and anything can happen in stock market code to go down you might not be able to get in time you don't want it you don't want to top your emergency fund in investment so yeah but what companies are you invested in uh right now i just i'm in um f x a i x it's a fidelity um index or etf i'm in another fidelity uh etf um i'm also on amd and servicenow how long have you been in servicenow i just got into service now around march job well done job well done yeah you don't want to gamble with that you have a girl now i would say the ones that are volatile that if you need for emergency i would take those out um the etfs are fine those will be stable but yeah you don't because if you would have got into a bad company it could ruin you but there's a rule of thumb you don't want to have your emergency in there but have you been an amd since march as well no i just got an amd like two months ago yeah oh you know john johnson uh like my personal suggestion to you real quick is is also if you if you're putting your emergency fund into investing and you don't have you know for whatever reason let's say you know you just don't have the funds somewhere else separate or whatnot you know the best thing to do in those times is to spend your time you know learning the market learning the game um taking a small very small amount of capital and practice um you know participating in the market right and keep your emergency fund for for what it's meant to be which is emergencies if it's a matter of not having enough cash to you know to invest right now in the way that you want to try building the skill set of of learning how to trade and learn how to take a little bit of money and turning it into a larger amount of money right because you know i i get it if that's where it's at i don't know your personal situation i know myself i started from the absolute bottom you know thousand dollars two thousand dollars to my name you know what i mean and um you know learning how to how to bounce back from that and learn how to grow something like that it takes skill it takes experience and you're already doing the right thing by being on you know on calls like this and asking questions um but really just you know keep at the learning process and start with a small very small amount of money and not not playing with your uh emergency fund because it can be you know market can be ruthless you know what i mean but good job for getting into some good ones like yeah you got something you did well and you can dollar cost average to put a little bit of money every single month in um and do it that way as well but john's i appreciate you bro good luck man appreciate you i appreciate you and if amd gets back down to 8502 oh baby that's way down let's get a cup hopefully that doesn't happen yeah come on don't put the energy out there i'll call what my name is my name [Laughter] let's get a couple is that sadie i hope is it sadie yeah you said it correctly i said he was going on you're ready how are you doing good how are you guys doing good i don't have a question about my fidelity um my investment account i think i have like too much there but i don't even always say two texts two indexes but i think i have too much so i have of course apple ark um fidelity real estate i think index fund i have the fx x i have the f z l i'm sorry f z i l x f z r o x i have microsoft i have q q q i have b g t and x l f yeah what i would do just over the last yeah you have too many over the last year i will look at the ones that just by percentage are giving you the best gain keep those and cut the other ones out and it'll cause a lot less stress and then you can reallocate those funds to those four winners okay can you tell me which one you would just cut or obviously look at what's giving me the best returns you said yes because i don't know how long you've been in but you if you look at yours and just go to the last year it would be a click like they're going to stand out like you should be up if you've been in longer than a year probably 40 to 50 if you've been in the for a year probably in the 20 range whichever ones are producing the best you'll be fine um okay but but the fidelity ones are great apple microsoft's of course vgt amazing qqq as well qqq is great if anything i'll probably get rid of arc k but okay go only be biased to the gains that you get in your account okay only be biased to that so whatever's producing that's in the top four keep those and you can cut everything else okay you had xlf too xlf you said right yes i do yeah i think that's a solid one too i'm actually in uh i have a position yeah i was doing very well you you are you bought you have shares of these etfs right is that what you're correct yes okay sure is correct okay yeah yeah actually it's also from iraq should i have this exact same account i mean exact same um hole into my rock as well because all i have is my roth is my apple disney the fidelity index fund the fx aix fc lix and the microsoft and fz rox you're you're great the same ones if you're winning the thing about investing that makes it so difficult like every investment is like having a child and you don't want to learn 14 to 15 different personalities stick with the same ones i don't know we got a comment about sector rotation i'm going to be real sector rotation only applies to hedge funds and if you're an institutional trader it doesn't it in the grand scheme of things it's a thing but that became sexy to get more volume out of us think of sector rotation and the talk because this is always my question if the rotation was the most important thing why did they never tell us when to rotate into it i haven't talked about the top machine learning companies until i started talking about asteroid mining no one was talking about it publicly so be mindful because that's like when it's like when the furniture stores are like hey we're going out of business everything's 80 off it's like well you could have been pricing it lower the entire time they usually take those funds and then go set up shop somewhere else like be careful of those rotation uh comments and then also too yeah you should have the same ones in the same portfolio like i have my family in the same ones that i do across the board and all their accounts that makes it a hell of a lot easier okay perfect thank you so much guys appreciate it thank you thank you appreciate you thank you you have a great portfolio though sadie we appreciate you i think first time i've called it shout out yeah shout out to you have a good night uh let's go let's do one more let's do one more let's see your name we let's do this because this could be jamaican carry anything you there hey what's up guys hey what's going on here are you how are you so uh i just want to thank you guys for all you do as usual um so my co-worker just told me some wildness like he has no like retirement plan nothing he's like 45. so like he's like one of my dudes like i really check with that work look out for so how do i get him into the market because i'm like i listen to you guys and i execute and i'm telling him stuff he's like you're going too fast for me so i'm like i don't know i'll tell you bro like the simplest thing i told him to do was like yo you could even get like a roth ira putting like six grand a year that's gonna be a tax write-off you start there and i guess he's like i don't know if that's like a good like place to put him is he making a lot of money yeah we make six figures you gotta show me gains that's what i i i'm thinking the same thing show them the returns right like don't show them a dream show them the cream and that that's what a lot of like when you show people they're like wait now i'm enticed it's like when you show a kid money it's like well how did you get there how can i get that so it becomes very like oh my gosh you know something i don't know and you're making money well now you need to teach me yeah we were we were discussing options with with front of our site managers and he's like alright you know how francis you're really good with options just dude i was like i'm ian i'm i'm long-term i'm good with that i don't want it i don't need that that fast money as i call it i like the the slow steady growth that's good for me because i don't pay attention that much to the stocks that i can sit and watch it every day so picking good stocks putting the etfs my two index funds i'm good with that for my my site manager he was talking about he made like 72 grand off a chipotle option play or put or something he made and i was like how did you do that he was explaining to me because up until this point i'm like nah i went ian i'm not messing with options i'm just going to stay in my lane and do what i do i'm good with that well let me let me let me say something real quick just on that on that note because i think it's important there's a lot of things with options that you could do that you can fit into your long-term strategy right um if you're a dividend person who likes to get dividends on a consistent basis yeah you can get outsized gains and outsize returns and outsize outside dividend returns creating your own dividend through options right you can sell options contracts you don't have to be the buyer of options contracts most people trade options yes we do use options as a leverage instrument to get outsized returns um and things of that nature so it does seem a little bit more fast money-ish right um but you know you can create your own dividends by selling calls covered calls against your stock portfolio right and just the stock that you hold in your in your portfolio um and you'll see you know much more significant dividend returns than you would um you know just just looking for a typical dividend payout um and very little risk at all uh and so there's there's just so many different things that you can do combining option strategies so i want you to definitely you know take some time and see about you know looking into strategies i think it's a great thing that again going back to the beginning it's not an either or right i look at things like you know you want to you you got to know how to do both how to play in both lanes because again our goal is to get the returns right the market doesn't care about us the hedge funds don't care about us you got to care about yourself so learning all these strategies is really key important now i say that but i also say that you know to the point of your home homeboy at work everything ain't for everybody also right you could show that man a million percent and he might just not feel it real estate might be his thing you know um it's entrepreneurship might be his thing right there's a lot of different ways that people can get into investing in some way shape or form um you know and typically one form investing will eventually lead to the others right because people get addicted to making return without having to go to work for it right so um you know i would say if you really you know are trying if he's really just not not nothing is moving them you know i would i'll just always you know i'll go i always go back to you know you could trade your time for a dollar you know or you could have your dollar make it make a dollar for you and then figuring out i think everybody understands that point like i think everybody understands they don't want to go to work forever right they want to be able to make their money but some people do this is the sad thing about our community because we've been brainwashed not everyone wants to be free that's the thing his literal plan is to work until he dies and i was like are you insane the reality is this right like nothing's going to speak louder than your disappearance [Laughter] everyone who didn't believe in investing in trade when i was talking to him about interesting 13 14 15. bro man i should have listened to you like you're going to have a lot of i always tell the story like i got a family member he taught me talking about it be like you think you're going to be warren buffet i'm like buff it but yes i am going to be saying right so he made that man french it's not they don't believe in you is that they don't think that they're capable but by doing it on your own they're going to wake up because when i'm going to be real when covet hit and everyone i was taking care of probably 15 16 family members and they're like how the hell are you i'm like remember that buffet thing that's what's allowing me to do it that made it click for a lot of people and then covet made a really fine line of relationships have to be quality investments have to be quality the friendships have to be quality it was a wake-up call for people it may not be his time yet he may not want to be in front of me you got to you gotta keep going you gotta keep going it's like i said this to my colleagues the other day like i went back to visit the school and they're looking at me like hey man so you're coming back next year and i'm looking at them in my head like y'all really don't get it yeah i don't get it but it's not meant to be good nothing speaks louder than you not being there anymore so just keep now what you're doing it's called the biggest what too much you went back to visit i was at the dentist it's right up the street but i got people who actually care and actually want the information so they know they have access to me so i'm always gonna show love to the people that i know care about students i'm always gonna do that too much time on a job can have you programmed that's a fact yeah i just put people on to you guys like i was talking to my verizon guy who's trying to sell me new package i was like hey you watch early leisure because you're 25 you need to be buying i was like i went down the list like you need to be getting at etfs you need to get some life insurance you're young it's cheap do that i think he's now he's not he's an hour because i like i stayed on his ass i'm like you're gonna sell me this i'm gonna sell you eil thank you thank you i appreciate that man i appreciate that for sure yeah institutional when people think about becoming institutionalized they just think about being incarcerated well you can become institutionalized the whole institutionalized it doesn't just relate to jail it's any institution it can be the military it can be school it can be jobs a lot of people become institutionalized without even knowing that they're institutionalized and when you do something over and over for your entire life it's hard to break that pattern and you know it's a sad thing but you know unfortunately everybody we know everybody's not going to make it and that's why i kept saying you deserve to be rich you deserve that's was most people first experience actually saying to themselves i deserve to be rich i deserve to be happy i deserve to be wealthy you have to put it in your mind first because we have to look if you're in your 30s you've had from one years old to 29 the world telling you especially if you're black you're not capable unless you hoop or rap or play football to be able to get any money that's a lot of relaxing millions of messages yeah i think you'd be proud of me you know i got an amd in 2015 i put like my first bonus check i put my first voltage checkup of a thousand dollars all of it in the amd and i've held it ever since you different i appreciate you i bet you tell you guys that like the first time i called in but i forgot i was like oh yeah i do have amd um i came in and your work is can you say roughly like cut it in half what percentage are you up for people for inspiration that they need to hear from you for holding on it's up and i don't know because i've never i've looked i've seen the money but it's just like i in my head is like that's not mine that summer's money that's my daughter so i don't really even if you got it at the top amd is that was that three bucks then amd is at 104.38 today yes power of long-term holding let the money work for you like the good brother just said that's her jumpstart money so that's that's hers shout out to you sherry yeah that's incredible yep everybody i deserve to be wealthy in chat please thanks carrie anne thank you guys and thank you for spreading the word shout out to you julian gordon made two thousand people at invest fest stand up and say i am homeless yeah that was hard all right that was a moment that is one of the most legendary map go to mass page you put the clip up extremely controversial yeah but you gotta talk to people very controversial yeah yeah all around yeah everybody was who was renting stand up he's like repeat after me i am homeless and you just heard people say i am homeless i was like oh and then he went into explaining it but yeah julian gordon julian with the high net worth thing that i posted last week like when becoming a millionaire became a thing in the 1800s that is adjusted for today that's 21 million to 26 million to be classified as rich that's what top nba players get paid between 21 and 40. listen when you when you posted that i saw people i saw people who were i saw people who were sharing it randomly on my facebook page and things that were arguing about how it's not accurate and this that and third i'm like man listen zero to five hundred thousand dollar net worth you're poor it's it just is what it is that is it it's true i gotta check it out i'm gonna check it out i didn't see it i didn't see that post but um listen i uh definitely i've i said for a while 10 million i think that was like mine i've been saying that for a while like 10 million is like in order to have some level of financial security freedom um but yeah that's interesting i'm gonna check that out i'm gonna check it out yeah it was this is what i told you guys my bad truck go ahead now i'm saying there was a clip that shows the the level of wealth from bezos level right and you must level to like down here like you're closer to being broke at one million than you are yes right he had a million he was killed yeah he said i'm working on eggshells i think 19 keys just posted something he said that the top the wealthiest people in top five wealthiest people had uh abundance of 315 billion that they made during the pandemic 315 billion and it's only getting worse it's only getting farther and farther apart the top 300 people in the world have more wealth than than the rest of the 97 percent of the combine 97 this is the scary part they don't factor in the people who are actually the wealthiest in the world one thing i want to say to that point man is this i i want to encourage everybody on you can you know creating getting to the level of wealth that that actually makes a difference is only a matter it's only a decision away you know it's really only you know one company one idea one uh you know solid investment you know multiple obviously one decision on cheat code whatever it may be right for you as an individual we have to have to have to as a culture start to you know close that gap and we're doing it you know what i mean we're doing it that's why we're so big on the public markets and and looking to take companies public and do our thing in that space because that's where that wealth is is really how we trade it every day right we can tap that market and uh i just got to encourage everybody man like you can't you know you can figure it out and we have to figure it out it's our responsibility to do so um as a whole man but shout out to you for proposing that i think that was a real wake-up call for some people to see you know on that on that scale man it's crazy it's humbling it's a humbling situation even for me like my mentor told me like until you're influencing like as much as i feel like we've done for the culture my mentor is like until you have presidents and dignitaries calling you you haven't done yet you're doing what you're supposed to be doing for black people but until you can get policies changed then helping the culture at the same time yeah like it's humbling to see those kind of numbers but going back to medici family i'm gonna keep us on air i'm gonna be good but go do your research keep us on here please please please yes this has been higher education at its finest um this do not take this level of education for granted this was a superb um almost two hour uh deep dive into the stock market looking at charts going over websites i mean it's sometimes when you get a lot of information especially if it's free you don't fully appreciate discrimination um but we have to we have to we have to appreciate the level of information that was given tonight definitely watch the replay it will be on podcasts outlets on friday listen to it just just learn about anything else learn that's extremely important because we are um fighting an uphill battle and if you don't learn to invest you will be broke absolutely not really sure how else to say that um it's important to learn how to invest and it's important to teach your children how to invest um i'll tell this story briefly but um the highlight of my life man yesterday my son was 10 years old he had to write an essay for school about his hero and long story short he said i was his hero but he said it in a capacity where he was articulated very well as far as he gets back to his community and then he's doing financial literacy he's like you know he teaches people financial literacy and he teaches me financial literacy and i have stock and and he tells me with stocks to buy and da da da and you know so sometimes you don't necessarily think that children are paying attention or that they're learning but that was definitely encouraging to me to see him write that because i didn't tell him to write that so for him to write that it means that you know even if i don't think that he's really paying attention he's paying attention so everything that we do our children are paying attention to what we're doing good and bad absolute and bad and they mimic they mimic our behavior children mimic parents behavior good and bad so it's phenomenal like nothing so the fact that he wrote that glowing report man i know you was about to cry that's beautiful though yeah that was definitely one of the highlights of my life man so i say i have to say it's just it's important to teach ourselves but what we teach ourselves is going to teach our children which will teach their children and that's really how we create change that we want in this world and in this country um so thank you guys for rocking with us once again this is uh eyl university um a hundred past webinars private facebook group financial planning calls book club movie club group chat calls like this we do once a month um mg the mortgage guys blueprint and 20 infinity groups the whole institution and we are having a 48 hour flash sale we just decided that randomly um for no particular reason just just because just you know we haven't had a sale in a long time so 48 hour flash sale um 700 and that's that's only for two days and then for the entire year never happen again it'll never happen again for the entire year i'll make sure that yes and i'll say this all information is not created equal i know some there's a lot of places we can get free information from i have no affiliate deal i'm just speaking from the heart if we have made you money please put yes in chat because just because people are talking about it doesn't mean that they're actually living it there's a difference between like just for access to market money everybody say that the investor until 11 a.m great where are you why are you not helped for free we're giving and made people the best business model the brother does it here give in advance and things will go so i'm not saying this to induce you but go look at these comments you see market mondays alone is worth it so i'm just telling y'all i'mma make them raise this price and speaking of market mondays we definitely have some history that we cannot announce but we'll be making history but i won't do so bad yeah we will be making history you know it's all about it's all about setting the bar more bombs than raising the bar more bombs hey wait before you go uh if you are interested in the cheat code uh all of the wonderful information that francis provided tonight it is in the description of this youtube video 500 off of the cheat codes package the cheapest place on the market to get the cheat code which gives you all of the information that he just talked about today and a lot more and you're part of a community and last but not least if you are interested in the world famous stock club um click the link in the description of this video as well if you want to join the stock club which ian provides stock entry prices uh that's on the planet uh yes another community it's okay it's all about communities yeah so yeah it's true now i was just saying it's dope how both of you gentlemen have thank you guys for joining us we appreciate both of you gentlemen um it has been uh great it's a great networking tool uil uh platform that we've built and um yes you get he said yo troy is it time for me to be on monday yet i said i think so many it's called let's talk offline let's go offline very soon hey listen detroit we will be in town friday so make sure you pull up on us bay area next week we'll be we'll be in the bay area so shout out to everybody in the bay area y'all been asking openly with my boy some of these gentlemen might who knows you you might see the cheat code out there with us you might see ian out there and you know what happens when we go to to cali you don't know who we know it's called don't play yourself reward yourself next thursday oakland california we didn't release this information yet but breaking news alert you can sign up the events tab on our website you can rsvp to that our brother 19 keys will be with us and um yeah oakland hello this is my first time actually going to oak i've been in san francisco a few times oakland i never have i never crossed the bridge to go into oakland so i'm looking forward to it hello oakland california we have interviewed e40 keep that in mind hello let's show ozzy pull up yeah we go i mean speaking of mozzie l.a soon come on let's soon come some magic yeah we we got a lot of stuff playing i know people playing what about new york listen to your trust me it's called it's called passions hey this is hey shout out jada stay tuned styles it's called patience shout out i saw styles today in the mall random man random randomly saw him in the mall by himself he was rushing to get some clothes before he got on a flight that's my god man styles always good energy man good good dude right there stop bro shout out to styles man hey francis give uh give jehu a big shout out for us i know he's probably yo yo i mean say what's up man i didn't i knew he was there y'all don't be playing because the work never stops with these two every time i call jay who's in the background shout out to jehu he is amazing he's just as amazing as francis i know friends gives a lot a lot of the credit but yo these guys are just amazing brothers man teamwork just being on the phone with these dudes is always inspirational and they're young brothers too so i i feel obligated to give them a little bit of game and i get some back from them so shout out to jehu uh and francis again shout out to you and your whole community man all your admits to the team man all the everybody yeah everybody keo bucky chrissy tj they are very active in youtube we going with cheaters are we doing that is that official oh yeah i think they made that official a couple months ago yeah all right shout out to all the cheetahs all the cheetahs in the world and the red panda family y'all already know of course yeah that's fantastic we gotta get the trappers and cheetahs earners all link up and um yeah we need to do a big big event that'd be cool as hell man you know you never know noted [Laughter] don't know need for reverse merger new york city new york and you say new york city get ready don't worry don't worry we haven't forgotten we got us hey look we got us we have not forgotten about new york city we got us we just have to practice patience we have to practice patience i mean those are that's that's the alumni list outside of jada but you know you don't know who we know especially when we home big red panda anthem come we're gonna make some magic happen like i got some big god it's good i'll say that i'll leave it at that hey friends that's what i tell you man it's bunker season oh yeah bunker you already know man barge of dome man put your helmet on guard your dome cause it's going good it's gonna get breezy i wanted to say this on record it is about to get stupid it's about to get very very crazy um it's about to get these last few months of the year it's called unprecedented it's called unprecedented yeah i mean it's fourth quarter star players are made in the fourth quarter hey star players are made in the fourth quarter we learned you see that did y'all see that i gave him an alley-oop because i know he's gonna say that i can't you can't buy it y'all been there y'all start styles and jacob yeah y'all killing it reservoir dogs hey yo i love y'all everybody be safe it is wednesday it felt like it could have been monday though shout out to everybody that tuned in over 3 000 on the youtube we got over 400 people that was with us uh in eil university shout out to y'all like you said you can hear the playback on friday love is love call somebody reach out to somebody one conversation one test can change the trajectory of somebody's day of somebody's year of somebody's life please do it we love y'all love is love oakley the chinese economy is tied to our economy so make sure you pay attention to what's happening i ain't telling you quit playing like we're not the greatest we're playing oh i'm gonna wait for cnbc in the morning to tell you who else told you about the woolly mammoth and china he thinks zombies gonna come back the saber-tooth tiger coming next yo hey we've been giving you the cheat code remember crystal ball vibes it's a quick plan oh you're going to see us with hove when we go ipo and they forgot about us ride our wave now i i remember when they were on mondays first reverse motor shoes carefully bunker season we're out more
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 54,754
Rating: 4.9767008 out of 5
Id: mXRtglv8NkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 58sec (7018 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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