Hottest Tech ETF, Social Security, Investment Lessons from Rap

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-F.Book u/Joe Jaxson

-instaGram u/BlackPope


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/prtj1617 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2021 đź—«︎ replies
be back what up though like we never left what up though shout out to detroit yes yeah we back another glorious monday the only way happy september my first time being on september happens december 6 happy labor day to everybody out there a lot of people a lot of hard work has been done over the past decade century so shout out to everybody that has put in work to make our country our culture better labor day what does that even mean you ever seen the origin of that and the story of it no that's a very interesting story what's that what's the origin it was built by it was based on african americans um that's like the whole history lesson i was reading about earlier today what does that mean no i thought we're getting into it what's up i forgot to bring my brother in ladies and gentlemen there you go yes let me put the bad call out that we are live right now the market is closed but market mondays is open that's a fact no days off that's a fact when you're hustling earners what's up i see y'all piling in what's going on youtube what's up guys ernest what's up ew what's up planes what's up i'll see you i guess i missed the memo on the hat what's going on smoking on top five what's that compound what's that that's some of the brothers we met um at invest fest they got a uh a workout facility in l.a so shout out to you yeah shout out to them shout out to them shout out to them shout out to everybody hey i'm just supporting so shout out to everybody that was invest at invest fast and everybody i woke up this weekend like damn we need to have another one this weekend a lot of people was missing it a lot of people still still charged up off of that experience man so shout out to everybody that had merged i got a lot of merch from investors so shout out to everybody once again that was that i had to get another piece of luggage to bring it back shout out to y'all yeah shout out to the painters and all that yeah yeah don't we gotta get that the joint that grace yeah yeah you got to get that to us yeah yeah shout out to the city of philadelphia the city of brotherly love we had a show with the good brothers from dope shows shout out to steph and jermaine man they're doing some amazing things in the concert uh area uh out in philly and uh they brought us out um to do a live show so shout out to everybody that showed up we had an amazing conversation we learned some things it was crazy we obviously we had just come off invest fest and they have been in this space so we just asked some questions based on our experience of being in the the large event field for the first time and so it was dope we learned a lot so shout out to them and shout out to all the earners that ran up on us uh we went to made in america that was crazy shout out to shari bryant first and foremost uh for allowing us to get those passes and lindsey shout out to you uh for being connected and big shout out to my boy reginald he reginald shout out to you uh he is an earner who uh walked up on us and it got emotional man and um it was it was one of those moments in life where you're like wow you can actually feel and see the impact that you're making so ian shout out to you he mentioned your name um it was a moment so reginald hopefully hopefully you're watching i know he's a student um he's probably recovering from made in america but hopefully he gets to see this man shout out to you bro yeah shout out to everybody in philadelphia man that was dope experience for a shot of the dojo movie shout out to stefan jamir yeah that was dope you know it felt like rappers man but this is the first time usually we promote our own shows we do our own events but this is the first time that promoters actually um you know brought us in and uh yeah it's like a wrap we'll play by them to get on the ground floor yeah i drew but that's smart yeah i felt like i was talking to him 500 and wall street draft but the other day i'm like i feel like this could be like a whole new genre of like you know events where it's like just like you bring a rapper in just like you bring a comedian in if you're a promoter you know what i mean you can you can bring ian dunlap into your city if the bag is right you can bring wall street traffic into your city and i think that is dope too because now what it does is that it it expands the the reach of how we look at financial literacy i mean like when we do shows now it's like all right this is entertainment mixed with education people are going to come out we could you know it's like expand learning yeah you know it's the whole thing so shout out to them really really good good dudes we're going to put that podcast out um shout out to dope show shout out to my man spurgo came through to support us we also went to his store in north philly pay trend shout out to my brother walo 267 that clip via a couple legendary yeah yeah moment of silence yeah wallow different man he came in to our dressing room i felt like a rap concert we got a dressing room with you know fish and rice and you know we was just chilling he came in i mean i thought he was just going to say what's up and he ended up giving us a ted talk 20 minutes um it's on our youtube channel and he just was he had to get a lot of things off of his chest man but wallow man just one of the great speakers of our generation um stay tuned just powerful yeah i told troy earlier i think wala would be e.t for this generation that's a fact we had a spirited conversation didn't we again yeah yeah yeah shout out to marquise shout out to our boy martial um yeah the plug of all plugs shout out to the city of philadelphia period man shout out to mitchell ness we got so much love in philly everywhere we went north philly center city everywhere we went everybody was just like showing us love e.y.l what's going on which i need to die so it was all love in philadelphia we was out there for four days my first time in philly in three years definitely will be back i just i can't even shout everybody out because i'm gonna forget but shout out to philly man we really really enjoyed ourselves shout out to the good people at roc nation for holding us down at uh made in america definitely did some research and development there um and it was it was a dope experience so yeah we we love to travel and um hopefully you know we'll be traveling to a lot more cities in the coming months coming year uh some cities that we definitely have to travel to that we have not been to oakland absolutely toronto canada london um i need to just meet out cause i i want to say what well yeah but coming soon man if we haven't if we haven't been to your city yet and we will come to your city soon thank you for your support we love you we love you we love you yeah yeah and while we're here real quick just want to say rest in peace to michael k williams yes brilliant artist brilliant actor and uh from what it looks in the past for just watching his career just an amazing uh man so rest in peace and uh you know love and support out to his family yeah yeah definitely definitely shout out to him um the wire legendary everybody knows about that boardwalk empire yeah boardwalk empire human country humanitarian he did a lot of work in the community he was a um on the ground like you know activists on the ground trying to stop gang violence trying to stop you know young men from going to jail killing each other um very very active in the community so definitely a sad day you know none of us are in control of how long we stay on this earth so we have to make sure that we make the most of the time that we have here it's not we cannot take it for granted you never know when you your number is gonna be called and uh the most important thing when you pass away is what people have um thought about you and the impact that you left on other people's lives so you know that's something to think about i'm sure he left a huge impact on millions of people's lives and that's something that we all strive to do so yeah yes rest in peace absolutely and as a community i want us to do better about this one thing when a person passed please don't ask what happened a family member like shout out to family you know cory was tight with him like man i was crying even texting corey like yo sorry like mike has some incredible [ __ ] in the works and lovecraft was great but it's like i want you guys to be my i know we all may want to but at the end of the day when someone is gone it does not matter why you don't get those moments back that's why we tell you every week please call somebody you love please you never know um but be mindful and tasteful um because he has family and friends and associates and people he's worked with that are watching just be mindful exactly yeah so i love the condolences out to family friends and and all the lives that he impacted again and uh he truly will be missed um so yeah all right all right um so this week or earn elisha we have a big big week um so it's called another one tomorrow tomorrow the podcast will ryan leslie and hill harper he can give you a snippet from invest fest we're gonna put that out and that is a jam-packed session of gems like an hour straight of gems talking about crypto talking about stock investing talking about hedge fund strategies ryan leslie out you got you got this is market monday so obviously you guys are familiar with um hill harper he's been on a couple times but if you're not familiar with ryan leslie oh my oh man you're going to be in for a very very good treat can i say how proud of you i was man i appreciate it yeah that's the first first episode that i um was only one person i did that by myself yo it was crazy we was like the whole time we was backstage and obviously y'all know i wasn't feeling well and i was trying to get shady ready and he was like not coming like yo bro i gotta listen to my body he was like damn so i got to watch him go up there man i was just proud to watch him go and kill and see how it turned out i was like this is incredible like i get why everybody is like you know i love running legion because i'm watching it like a fan like yo my brother is killing right now so shout out to you man you killed it appreciate it man i'm not going single [Laughter] yeah i'm not gonna go single man but um yeah so that comes out tomorrow at eight o'clock eastern standard time on youtube and all podcast outlets and then wednesday we got a dope class about boat rentals oh that's going to be crazy man that's something that for ewl university how to make six figures and boat ranchers you know we were thinking about getting a boat we spent we were spending a lot of time in miami at one point interesting and um you know at one point we were doing a lot of yachts and we were thinking about like the other end the other end of that you know what you think it's really it's it's a lucrative space if you do it correctly because everybody says boats are a bad investment it's like throwing money in a hole but especially a place like miami where people are going spinning 3000 to anywhere from like 10 000 depending on the size of the yacht for a day for a boat somebody owns those boats so i mean you can kind of do the math on that if you want that if you're on that side of it it could actually be a profitable business so the boat industry is something that we actually thought about and uh we might who knows we might have might end up with a birthday party next year so we need to talk about that oh yeah yeah very very important yeah so our brother rashad going brussels uh with the class it's gonna be dope yeah yeah yeah so all right um let me do announcements real quick and then we will die yeah yeah good uh stock club call tonight of course at 9 00 p.m of course your own stock club joining crypto um for those who didn't get a chance to get merch if you've been a member for longer than a year send me a message at iana joint rep panda and when i do my next order i'll get that out to you guys for free and then the trading room will be back uh we'll make an announcement next monday so maybe we can talk about the information thing but earners real quick uh as far as eyel university obviously tomorrow we got the real estate club side fire chat we got the wall street uh gossip club meeting and then on friday shout out to my brother alistair who ran up on me uh at invest fest he got something really playing he wants to sit down with us it's going to be crazy so earnest on the chain that's going to happen on friday eight and then we got a book club on sunday uh but before we go any further this episode of market mondays is brought to you by allied financial allies an option if you're looking to bank or invest ally financial is a leading digital financial service company with passionate customer service and innovative financial solutions they are relentlessly focused on doing it right and being a trusted financial service provider to both customers and communities so get with ally to make the most of your money so you can save invest and spend on the things that matter to you shout out to the good team at a lot shout out to our folks at united masters as well those are people over there absolutely all right and i'll disclaim it do your own research our content is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only it's very important to do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances you should take independent financial advice from a professional in connection with or independently research and verify any information that you find on our show and wish to rely upon whether for the purpose of making an investment decision or otherwise please do your own research this is a message brought to you by the good folks at earning legion and good brother ian dunlap aka two pops two two stock shakur aka tradova aka the master investor thank you i appreciate you my dog 4283 for ally if it gets there it'd be good uh be a good entry i'm not just saying that because they are a sponsor you guys know i've been with them for like 11 years now 4283 would not be a bad spot for a long-term hold so let's go try to start with value right off top there it is let's get it you got the floor i do the co-host down um let's do it let's do it um all right so everybody has heard me speak about and all of us speak about um qq for a while but um t q q q is um something that um we i think we have spoke about it before but it's something that's very interesting if you look at his charts because everybody always asks you know what's a good investment things of that nature and um this is one of the hottest etfs on the market right now t q q q um so ian you want to talk about t q q q ht is t q q q i'm asking this question for the public is t q q q the same as q q q what is the difference from t q q from q q q um the difference is triple leverage so i want to be very clear this is not a one that you should have in your primary four but after you have your base of four this is what i call a all-star that you can add so um it's one of the ones that i gave in stock club last year if you guys have done well would it put yes in chat but if you look at the numbers 2013 it was up 140 percent 2015 17 2017 118 2019 134 2020 110 20 21 60 since inception 16 730. so when you guys are like hey i want something that goes to the moon there's usually products in the s p 500 or the q's that will go to the moon that are safe i'm telling you do not buy them at the top it's a horrible investment if you're buying them when the market is at all-time highs but if we crash or let's say china finally takes us over or there's some big fallout from this afghanistan thing or there's another variant that actually shuts the country down and we bottom out tqqq is a good one to add i would probably only do maybe 15 max of my portfolio into it but for those that have been in it in the stock club like some people are up 200 300 in a long-term investment so um do your research on it it is a little bit riskier the drawdown is very heavy so if you catch it at the top it may drop down 55 don't want that wait for a bottom or wait for entry that i'll call here on market mondays but it is a sleeper that most people don't talk about and if the market has an inclination to go up for long periods of time especially over a five or ten year period i don't know why people would prefer to do certain asset classes when you have something like this where you can write it for the long term and get the same kind of returns that you can get from actually trading even for those in the futures program i'm like do t-e-c-l and t-triple q first and then trade because the longer you have your money in the market the better you'll do so that's a hidden gem i don't think enough people are talking about when you say triple leverage anybody that doesn't know what that what what does that mean um so it speeds up it goes triple the speed of a normal let's say qqq but the problem with that if you get into it at the bed at a bad price it will drop three times faster than a normal asset as well so that's why i say i wouldn't do it in my top four but maybe fifth six or seven like if tesla is not giving you the gains that you want i told everybody in stock club like t triple q or t-e-c-l or something that you can add if you want an accelerator so you want your four safe ones and even microsoft and apple up like 21 for the year right then on the back end you want the ones that can go you know to the moon hypothetically for you um at that those fifth of six and then those can both uh bolster your gains in your portfolio yeah when we when we talk about long-term if you look at the five-year performance on it i mean 1374 stupid like you're talking like ridiculous numbers even the three-year performance is up 320 and on the on the one year is 105 and so these are things like these type of percentages are not normal i don't i feel like we've been jaded over the past 12 months with the type of returns we've been seeing these are not average things that are happening and so had you been listening to in market mondays early on like yeah the return is out of this world and they're holding this like if you look at the holdings apple microsoft amazon google facebook tech i mean what else what else would you want yeah it's it's qqq on speed pretty much yeah it's on speed so it um it's like why it's like listening to a podcast accelerator you know you have that option you can listen to it quicker so yeah as you as he said um it's something that obviously qq has done well so this is just going to do even better because it's accelerating but on the downside if it drops it's gonna drop harder another strategy is to actually layer it like if you have the regular qqq and then you could have this also as a portion if you wanted to just risk you know have a little bit more risk involved um that's something that you can do as well so you know you can kind of still play the the fast lane while still staying in the you know the regular lane as well yeah we some things are for freshmen some things are for live man this is more for like a lot of men right like you have a little bit of experience if you're going to be in that one yeah i want to be on the record trading and investing that's considered risk felon please please only do this if you have your core four two index two tech then is your fifth plate like t triple q is like westbrook yeah like it's built it's gonna go yeah it's gonna go speed every possession some games it works some some days it doesn't before those of us that have had it for a period of time like in 2020 in may the price of it was 25 25 29 bucks this is at 151 right now so when people are like well the two tech two index thing does not work i'm like not true like this last two years has proven that but if you look over history if you pair two slower performing stocks or etfs with two faster ones the games are going to be great and then the two slower ones like the s p 500 or dial that would be your hedges anyway so when the market drops you have exposure to everything else so and the second one i mentioned is t e and c o it's too high right now don't touch it now but if it drops that's another one that you can add that is an accelerator so i know everyone thinks that every index and etf is like tim duncan slow now you have some ones that are outperforming a lot of crypto um and those for those either like trading if you want to make money easily and still get the high from trading but have a long-term investment triple q is is a great one yeah yeah yeah that's a gym for sure especially long-term i mean like you know it's it's all it's all of the technology stocks so i mean what's the odds of it really being negative long-term so that's kind of like a cheat code for long-term accelerated growth but other people always say like well i don't have time uh for 20 or 40 percent or 400 so oh man maybe a thousand percent will that make you happy maybe that could definitely that can do some things i could do some damage so yeah that's a gem right there um okay so coming off of last week's episode uh it was crazy because uh you guys you and trab talked about zoom and um very bearish on zoom and then they dropped i think the day after yeah um they had a slight recovery the day after that drop but um zoom and you know you talk about microsoft teams and how microsoft teams is probably a more efficient way to do these um these video conference calls ironically enough we are on zoom so please zoom do not do not cut up keep those keepers here keep us here please like we'll fix you go to teams there yeah don't cut us off yes zoom we love you yes and so but all right so zoom let's double down on this since like i said it was it was very fitting that it fell um the the day after that yeah i mean i think the question was like is it is this the time that zoom is now going to pull back and so we saw it drop 11 and then the after hours was showing that it's going to pull back and it dropped another 14. but is that also a indicator of just the space in general um kids are going back to school right even though covet is still flaring up at least in new york like they're going back to school um people are starting to go back to work so could this be a combination of just that space in general might just be coming down a little bit yeah i mean i'm not sure if the space is coming down i feel like people this is now going to be a part of the everyday work life um i feel like companies are going to have to readjust and obviously having a communication system like zoom or teams or google meet will be a part of their everyday life and even for students now right like in new york they tell these kids there's no snow day right so like if there's no school they're still going to school it's just going to be virtually useless they implemented that yeah this year yeah for some district new york city i know and um some school districts here in western so it's like they're still going to be in school it's just going to be what platform are they going to be choosing whatever platform that is for the for kids is going to be like all right but that might be one to be doing it every single day that's true you're doing it and that's and that's that's kind of why it was a pullback right because the future guidance was like how sustainable is this the numbers have run up so far and those factors that you're saying talk about guidance yeah so future guidance is to say like this is what they've made in this quarter here's what they're looking like for the next few the next quarter right and so if the future guidance is showing that they're not going to be able to keep up with this pace of growth then investors are saying well okay well maybe why should i keep investing at this point so that's very important for people to understand let's have a little breakdown of this so stocks they have earning reports which which you talk about every week at nine o'clock the earnings reports are their earnings for the course for the quarter quarter right uh everybody knows about that but not a lot of people know about the guidance now companies don't have to issue guidance apple like apple doesn't apple hasn't for the last couple quarters it's optional right but a lot of companies issue guidance which which like a kind of projection of what's going on in the future right right how important do you look at guidance uh i look at it for some companies right so apple hasn't released their guidance in a few quarters but we know what apple's coming right where we can see the reports of the things and the innovation that's on its way some companies need to give that guidance because it gives the confidence right all right well we i know you guys have been investing but here's what else we have coming this is the the profit margin that we're making here's a you know our p and p e ratios for the next quarter ian has been frozen oh zoom that's what yo that was the longest ship ever i was like damn they froze they froze i'm sorry we're getting off the topic yes it depends on the company if i'm looking at the future guidance do you i mean how do you view it when you do i mean i know you're not big on earnings but when a company offers his future guidance and doesn't is there pros and cons to it from from your standpoint yeah absolutely i mean the peak of zoom was at 588 the peak of tesla was at 900. does anybody think the zoom was close to half as valuable as tesla no people are going back to work kids are going back to school like xander's back in school physically people are tired of zoom meetings um i think they had a great year 18906 if it gets to that area i'll be happy because uh every environment talked about it you guys should go listen to this episode there is a range that a stock should stay between zoom is a 55 to 193 dollar stock when it got to 588 i'm like i understand same with clorox i understand the utility at the time but can you hold it over time and i always get concerned if a company gets too hot too fast it's like an artist they have a an incredible single and but the album takes five months to come out i'm like he wasn't prepared for this boom so i i love this the ceo i love the founder i love the story how i came up with the idea but the growth was a little bit too rapid wait for 189 and some change and i think it goes to the power of when trapp and i are like you know super excited about a company or or a statement or a thesis you guys can pretty much bet your dollar on it but zone please keep them connected i love you dearly next topic next time that was crazy i had me in the matrix yeah on an ethernet cord i'm like maybe you got like a sponsorship with this coffee company or something held the post that was great the mannequin challenge man look at that next subject um okay let me ask you this so um the top stocks hedge funds are shorting and your thoughts on which ones are good yeah i mean they're saying they want a short tesla and home depot like is great home depot is great um if you look at archer i don't like archer a hell of a lot but i want you guys to realize there's a difference between shorting a stock for a short period say quarter versus it being a bad bet so a lot of times like people were sending me this article and they were like hey are these stocks no longer good i'm like you don't know what the agenda behind the hedge fund is or whether it is to move the market or just to get gains for that quarter to offset whatever previous losses that they have but they have tesla on there i don't like ibm i think ibm has no competitive advantage but when i saw tesla and home depot on there i was like you guys are reaching it's a good trade but there's a difference between a good trade and a good long-term investment i think tesla's still strong of course home depot is still strong we'll be for a long time but most of the ones if you guys actually saw the article half of the companies were were good yeah i think that's extremely important to understand too that you're you can't base your investment philosophy based off of somebody else because you don't know even like when the michael bury news came up that he uh shorted arc you don't know the motives behind that and you don't know the time frame it's like a lot of different things going to play so if you have arc long term even if he shorted it for a quarter or even a year like you know if his if if you have a father one of the things that ryan leslie said um on the episode that comes out tomorrow i'm not gonna give too much away but he's a segway he said his he said his investment philosophy is 20 year old that's his that's his investment philosophy 20 year old and we went on and had a very detailed conversation and a lot of the things that he that he said is uh things that we've talked about um on market mondays as far as not having more than a couple different stocks in your portfolio long term only look at it for a 20 year time frame for every investment that he gets in talked about an amazing story with apple stock so um yeah you know he also now go ahead he also said that he was definitely wanted to come on market monday so that's a fact yeah i just want to add real quick before you go in it was like by the time it by the time we get the news or something like every time i feel like when michael barry does something it's like we hear about it eight minutes eight to nine months after he's done it right so if people are reading it and saying oh i want to follow that plan it's like no you're already late to the game he's already done it and probably has made a significant amount on it it's not under down the position yeah right why why would they even make news about it so we got to be very wary and very like cognizant of what we're doing and i think that's what the class is on tomorrow shout out to to uh uh duncan who's teaching our wall street class tomorrow is about finding out your investment strategy like even when we say like yeah it's great it's great information and you can use it and apply it but everybody's gonna have to create their own investment strategy that works for them right find out what you're investing in now um so that's just another thing before you go i'll just say if you guys aren't willing to hold for 20 years you're wasting your time i'm going to be honest like and i know people don't want to hear it but there's a reason that 20-year benchmark is so key and i won't tell ryan's whole story we can probably make the case next to diddy ryan is probably the richest artist to ever be a part of bad boy because of investing but like i could even we talked about it last year five million dollars into apple in 2001 for rockefeller records and cash money would be 2.5 billion i could argue jay and dane would still be friends half a minute that's my decisions and if dame toned down a little bit i get it brother i get it but you know we we got to be kind right got to tame some of the light-skinned fiery energy sometimes right um but the way he was able to navigate and then even with the community like we can be honest like a lot of companies just ripped off ryan's ideas in the tech space or they leveraged them for their own benefit the 20-year period because what whatever age you are now even if you're 50 at 70 you're going to need more money and now because of technology in ai and everything speeding up competitive advantage is going to be harder and harder and harder to come by so you have to have these assets working for you and what i don't want to happen is in 15 years you like damn i should have listened to you was giving us all the game and apple was at 220 now it's at 1400 and now because i i fear because people don't want to work at some point the employers are going to want their revenge and they're going to say well you guys didn't want to work you wouldn't show up you were quitting so we figured out a way how to automate everything i'm going to be honest the first company that figures out a way how to automate marketing social media accounting legal and competitive edge they're going to destroy the planet and it's not that far away it is not that like they have ai copywriters now they are ad posters like we're getting close to where they're going to try and push us out of even needing to apply for jobs so be mindful of that but yeah that company could be here now you never know they could be here now it's it you know i mean that there's companies who have an advantage in that space right if we talk about marketing like who has a bigger advantage in google right now right like their base like if you look at their last quarter they're earning look at what the money came in from advertising [Music] it's ridiculous and they haven't penetrated as deeply as they can like yeah [Music] ladies and gentlemen we have a pause moment if there are women and children that are watching we like 30-year-old tech company you point y'all gonna come you're gonna do the big long segment now we're gonna chop this up mike we got this later appreciate you bro put like some sexy music and i got the lights too yeah we're gonna save that for the markets [Laughter] next topic please oh we're just having fun we're just having fun oh man oh [Laughter] troy so troy troy you was talking about today that you sent me an article an article that was interesting that um everybody knows how i feel about these chip um stocks semiconductors yes yep and um you know been very vocal about a lot of them and but you were saying that a lot of these tech companies you sent the article a lot of these tech companies are starting to explore doing it themselves or at least a portion of it themselves so that's interesting because in my brain that would hurt the industry that's been doing extremely well right smh been on fire um you know the the taiwan semiconductor amd all of these uh have done extremely well for you know the last five ten years so what's what's the deal with that yeah so obviously and even in november i think on market mondays we talked about and it's happened already when apple making their own m1 chip they put it in the new ipads they put it in the new uh macbook so they've made their own chip uh tesla announced that they're gonna be making their own chip the dojo chip baidu which is a the chinese version of google has made their own ship we just put up a post last week about google creating their own chip um and amazon working on something um it's always interesting right and i thought the same thing as you i'm like wait if they start making no chips some of these companies are gonna get pulled back but what they're gonna do they're making their chips but the key is who's manufacturing the chip right because to invest in that is is gonna be the key right because to create a factory that has manufacturing it's like a i think like 15 billion operations like 10 billion yeah and it takes like seven years to do it so they don't have that type of time right right so because business moves every day and so the manufacturing piece is going to be key and so who's the number one manufacturer of the chips tsm right or intel right right now i give the nash to tsm in that category so that's a company obviously with the chip shortage that i've we've said this so many times i love tsm i love tsm when companies need to have manufacturing which is going to be on a high demand since it is a shortage i want to find the person that's manufacturing it so but i i dug a little deeper into the research right and so i keep hearing we keep paying chip shores keep [ __ ] trip tours what is the problem and so i think wall street journal might have been wall street journal i'll put the article in the chat they wrote a very good article explaining what happened and so there's a piece inside of these ships called the substrate right so the subject it's called a substrate right s-u-b-s-t-r-a-t-e so when i'm like yo do your research like i really was reading this all weekend i'm like damn oh i get it and so the substrate is pretty much what connects the chips to communicate with each other and so they've been having a problem producing those and so this is interesting because substrates are something that people don't really invest in even if you look now that the people are producing even in articles like three companies but they're they're all in southeast asia not heavily invested in because it's not a lot of money until now right before it was like we can get these ships it's cool we put it in all our devices it's nothing now there's a shortage you know so now the substrate demand is about to go up and so now even me i'm looking at it like so who makes a substrate so there's like three companies that they list an article uh i think one of them is uh samsung materials it's not actually sales on the company it's like samsung materials i i'll post it the article so we can see it but these are the type of things that we i'm looking into now it's like all right well all right so substrates is what helps the chips communicate that's how that's the piece that's keeping this as a shortage there's a low supply in it right now who's going to be making that and so like that you know what we talked about it with trap last week like when somebody's digging for gold we got to find the shovels i'm looking into those type of things and so now they might be the the piece that becomes in demand but again who's going to manufacture and so if we look at it from that standpoint i still like companies like taiwan semiconductor because they already have the infrastructure to manufacture in your thoughts we shouldn't even do a follow-up you killed that 39 off the bench possessions you killed that i agree a thousand percent that's yeah every all the earnings going crazy detroit teaching yep i have nothing to add might cut all my parts out yeah yeah now i was like seriously so we talk about researching um and i'll try to put it in youtube and i'll try but these are the things that we should be really researching right like we keep hearing strip choices and we you know we love this mage that's major's done a lot for us praising we're gonna thank god for sma but if we keep hearing shortage right then this could hurt our industry hit the industry right or hurt our etf and we don't we don't need that so yeah let's find other ways that we can invest in and make a bad situation or a dim situation right because now it started out by saying it would last half of 22. now this talks that it might last to 2025. what the chip shortage the chip shortage right because the automakers are like listen we can't produce the cards these are hurting they're they're getting killed and if you look at whoever somehow who reported last week was it ford one of the ones reported it was just they took a hit because they don't have the they can't get the chips in the car is fast enough to sell them and so knowing those things we just got to dive a little bit deeper into the research and say all right well this is something that we could look into i'm gonna post the article so everybody can have it as well shout out to wall street journal it was a great article also in every shortage every crisis there's an immense opportunity and a true goal of every company is to have a monopoly so amd tsm still be fine keep your eye on apple and google and see what they come up with also amazon with web services that's why i was telling you guys you got to invest in companies that have a bunch of cash in case if a crisis comes about and these are pla like i put in stock club yesterday notice 2020 health crisis 1920 spanish flu health crisis 1820 what health crisis came about put it in chat 1720 these are changing of the guard i'll leave it at that yeah do your research study every time these economic resets happen they lead to a new wave of companies that normally die off and then some will blossom and do well over the next 40 or 50 years so be prepared so that's why i say go do your research and go when i'll be telling y'all culture hacks for everybody listening by richard conrad go read this book when i tell you guys to go study and when troy said he studies he's every time i call him i brought what you're even looking at once you study what happens over a hundred year business cycle you can almost time oil came in it was a dominant force and dominant resource after something else left these things happen if you go look at those venous cycles and tied all together you'll have your blueprint all the answers are there i promise you that's a book that's a book tip ladies and gentlemen yeah we're going to get you another one in the earners report um youtube please hit the like button 4 100 people on youtube hit the like button don't forget um okay so okay so the most highs for the s p 500 over the last 100 years which is interesting the most was 1995 it was 77 new highs that was hit that year the next was 2017 with 62 the next was 1964 with 62. the next was 1928 with 59 and the next the fifth is 2021 with 54 but we still have three months left so what that means is that we had we have hit record highs in the s p 500 54 times this year and there is still three months left so it's already at number five this is already the number fifth year ever for most highs hit um what do we what do we make of that this is the first time i read some information that scared me um if it matches or surpasses 1929 it comes back to what i say maybe in 23 will have a slight drop um but 27 would be pretty harsh um and if you look at what happened post 1964 and post 1995 95 kind of ushered in that tech wave and then it was great until it wasn't and the crashes were immense so the plan is the same mark off your prices at which you there he goes damn caught him in the matrix but yes so let's go yes yeah you know you know what also has had a number of the nasdaq as well yes so the nasdaq has hit 32 all-time highs and that's something big for us because it's like you know we've always talked about how we invest in tech and we love tech but dean's right like when i hear them say that number i'm like all right we know that not that we know but at some point gravity always tells us something goes up it's going to peel back he's back you back zoom whatever i said i apologize we're not doing okay yes please i owe you a sincere apology my brother now [Laughter] but what were you what were you saying before you before you got disconnected you said that um it was kind of making you a little cautious it makes me nervous because if we reach 1928 levels then it goes right into because if corona doesn't slow down and the quantitative easing is so high and we go up this fast we're going to end up having a hard correction in 27 that's when i think we'll have a really hard crash but 2020 23 could be pretty rocky as well i mean in 1995 that led in the the dot-com wave like 96 was when things started to take off 2000 came and we had a hard crash 2000 2001 and it started a cycle so we got to be very mindful like if we crossed 59 record highs for the year next year could be pretty tough potentially so be careful we want slow and gradual gains not rapid gains so yeah when you got froze i was i was just saying that nasdaq has hit 32 record highs as well and so again i mean i listen to those that type of report where what's some caution right because like you said when we slow and steady it is going to be way better than this type of rapid growth with no type of pullback or slight correction yes okay let's talk about something that we love uh hip-hop music um shout out to drake certified lover boy hit the streets it's heavy in the streets right now shout out to kanye west donda um monumental epic situation how you put together that whole the plan so usually we talk about hip-hop at the tail end of the show but we're going to tie this in with uh business and investing so uh ian you know you're speaking and you were saying that it kind of reminds you of microsoft and apple back in the day people don't know that um they actually had a lot of bad blood um and it was mainly from my understanding i read steve jobs book he steve jobs felt that um bill gates was um kind of a biter like he was biting and he wasn't you know he didn't have the same brain as steve jobs had as far as being an innovator and putting things together and he really had a lot of resentment for microsoft and it was a lot of bad blood they wrote he wrote a letter which actually just got published recently um but there's a lot of lessons as far as the marketing especially on apple's side you got to realize apple was the underdog in the whole situation they wasn't always they wasn't always as big as they are now um but they have one of the probably the next to nike i think you can make an argument apple and nike who has the best marketing and branding and they're kind of neck and neck um and this is something that we have seen with both these gentlemen kanye west and uh drake so how do we take lessons from the kanye west drake situation and apply it to apple microsoft stock market investing yeah the thing is with steve and bill they have a tumultuous relationship but people forget that bill gates saved apple and he has owned 15 of apple for a long period of time one lesson in that i mean we could argue who was a better entrepreneur i always say gates is the better entrepreneur and jobs the better innovator but when you have your competition on the ropes i argue that gate should let apple die because you can save your competition and it can end up being the biggest pain like you would think that apple would be thankful that they saved they got saved by microsoft and gates but it only led tomorrow turmoil as far as drinking kanye i think it's a classic example of when you choose to compete over collaborate things always don't go well and then when you have an artist that is not into the writing process or the actual creative process as much you're going to have somebody pass you up which one which one is not which one is not into the writing process be very mindful that we have a lot kudos to i think everyone knows i'm from the midwest like i listened to power 92 since i was a kid i remember when nobody was rocking with kanye to go get her so like to see where he's grown into but he's not as passionate about the writing process you can tell anymore and i think once you and that's why i always tell everyone focus on your main thing because if not you're going to have someone who wants your edge i know for me even when i did my performance at vs i knew there was going to be a kid to be like hey i want ian spot i have to put on the show to keep my spot because there's some kid who's 22 right now who's gonna get three thousand percent returning by troy let me perform all right so performance has to be tight and returns i think kanye let up on his main thing and focus so much and not get it it will gap yeezy the other brands that he's building but when you then try to go back and compete like how you did with 50 in 2007 against drake which is great marketing on both of their ends um it can put you in a bad position i think the album could have been better but from a stocks perspective when you have a company like nikola or any company that does not focus on one main thing very well it leads to subpar uh results so yeah we had this debate all weekend yeah i mean i i feel like the sound rush it's very it's very it's very comparable when you think about it um because i felt like in the conversation we were having it was just like i feel like kanye has a grip on culture right and on the music side i think drake has a grip on that right because like at the drop of a dime he shifts it right like yo i'm gonna perform in the stadium and not say a word and then i'm just incredible and then i'm gonna do it the next week and then i'm gonna do it in chicago and i'm not gonna say a word and then i'm gonna drop surprise gap releases of my merch right so like from that standpoint he has his thumbprint on culture and he can move it and on the music side i feel like he's envious of that like he wants what drake has as far as music because he once had it he once was that guy and it's kind of like i want to when you think about it's like apple and microsoft like yeah apple's sexy but microsoft always gets the job done yeah it always has a workspace yeah it it dominates in that space and so you could kind of compare it to like the coaches like kanye has that there's no denying it right like there's a reason why the yeezy brand takes off the way it does there's a reason why gap stock has has risen yeah he's a multiplier for sure because he's yeah right even on the album he like references himself to being worth nine billion he had he has that but i think the piece that he wants is that attention having that musical impact and being in the quote-unquote drake era um but it is what it is man there's a sec there's that they both get the job done i think puff went on live today and he was just like yo we both we all won one thing one thing for business lessons for our entrepreneurs i spoke about this with john henry when he we did the um podcast with him the four-part series podcast that he did with him um is that one thing that kanye and drake do that apple and nike do if you really think about it you you've seen a bunch of nike ads you've seen a bunch of apple ads you've never seen them sell anything you really think about it you never any nike ad it's just like culture it's like tiger woods his father michael jordan it's just an iconic it's an iconic moment yeah same thing with apple it's just iconic moments the product becomes so even like when you see drake with these billboards in different cities kanye doing you know what kanye does setting himself on fire um cutting the lights out moving into mercedes-benz stadium it's it's not like my album is 1099 50 off by this album like you know you never really it's just you never see them sell anything it's just bigger than life moments and then the product is going to sell itself right right the products deliver like money probably one of the best rollouts i've seen ever in history but that's what i'm saying i think we both win though right like we all win right because we got to see yay's rollout and drake's roll up and they were both great you see what i'm saying like we can learn from that right like we should celebrate both i think that's the genius like they're not realizing it because i feel like yeah there's a competitive edge there and one person wants to take the other person i think charlemagne said he feels like they're envious of each other i kind of agree with him and yeah there's bad blood there yeah but we can but we get to see the brilliance in the market and it's like oh wow what can we take from this you know what i mean shout out now you're right that's right like they don't sell the product becomes the bible you know what you never see them selling right you don't see them selling anything the music it didn't even matter what how the album sounded they already had it in our brains like this is the biggest moment of this week and maybe of the year it's already sold right shout out to both of them man closing with mark amazing yeah they're both in my top five of all time drake said he's top three they're both in their top five of all time yeah they both are my top five they can't you can't you can't deny either one of them they're both in my top five i think you got big j who i got nas jay-z kanye west drake the fifth one is always tough for me you can go with yeah but you got to put two pockets i'm leaving well you know it's east coast buys right now i gotta go with big bi i gotta go with b.i.g but you i'm not mad at lil wayne in there i'm not mad at you know what i'm saying tupac i'm not a huge eminem fan but i can see an argument being made for eminem old school if you want to go back to rock him that fifth spot is always that's off it's a torso it's a torso that's why mount rushmore was full yeah yeah shout out to both of those gentlemen man shout out to them and shout out to knox no it's not a great album yeah but dropping probably the album of the year that's my album yes we can't forget that i'm old school business owners great rollout but you need a great product that delivers and i always say this i know some of you like bro i text you if the entry stop being fired you won't text or email me had kanye put out like a 808 heart breaks for graduation with that rollout oh he's out of here oh baby million in a week yeah 1.2 million in a week how are people criticizing my top five how is drake and kanye not in your top five come on jadakiss i love i love the locks but come on like how can we put jadakiss over kanye west or drake like we can't we just yeah there's a difference between lyricists and rappers look at their impact on the world look how many records they sold so then maybe it's like the we won't have to see drake until he until he leaves that might be drake the great drake like let's just drake is the goal this run has been longer than most anyone in history not as anyone in history here they they going neck and neck him and jay at this point yeah that's why he's yeah on the album he says if it was a top three you've been sliding into three for a long time yeah top two and maybe not two shout out to both of those guys those are my oh top five okay so let's talk about these chinese chinese hedge funds paying 300 000 for students to beat wall street this is something that's extremely interesting for a lot of different reasons the chinese are very competitive uh people um very very competitive by nature and everybody knows you know china america's dynamic um so investing it should be no surprise that they're trying to become you know the number one in the hedge fund space so yeah let's talk about them paying three hundred thousand dollars for college kids to beat wall street um call me i'll give you the prices we yeah we split that money up that's easy but it goes back to my like i can almost do a documentary on this like china is not playing any games when it comes to being the pre-eminent leader of the world and also too whenever you incentivize something that's what people are going to put all of their attention even on instagram like once it became like based and popularity based and what ended up on the explore page people changed the kind of content they put on ig so if you're going to pay kids out of school 300 000 to beat hedge funds there are going to be a ton of kids over the next 10 years that are going to put a lot of effort into studying the market to then beat us and be able to be better at this than us so and it's one of the products that we have that we're known for is wall street and technology if we lose that it's another uh feather in their cap to then try and defeat us so culturally even us knowing how to invest is for the benefit of us but our biggest competitive threat if we're looking at ourselves as a company china is number two for sure on our ass and in some metrics they've already surpassed us like we have to be able to be better to be able to hold our spot so if we're microsoft and you know apple is china from 2008 you have to be mighty careful this is just one more thing that they're doing to get an edge yeah i think it goes at your point it goes right in in line with what we were talking about last week like how are we going to make sure that we get ahead and then we stay ahead so when we talked about putting a ban on kids playing video games we're going to start very young and now those same kids that we said that you couldn't do when y'all get to school here's the incentive for you but you know you know the crazy thing about it is like uh what is j j electronica one of the greatest lyricists of all time for all you pure hip-hop heads oh my god paul you hip-hop heads that's attacking me in the comments are they batching yeah oh yeah jay electronica is one of my favorites of all that's not debatable we're not having a debate about it um but he says something that was very poignant he said unfamiliarity doesn't breed um something just contempt it doesn't breed um craze discontent something like that and a lot of time we just take things for granted i say that to say china paying 300 000 for kids to beat um hedge funds um we already beat hedge funds we get market monday's uh picks yeah i'll be real and and as kathy and everybody else y'all you just you know i don't want to go on my i am steve jobs ran again but we're watching the moves a lot of these hedge funds are underperforming they like doing you know 20 30 not to say that that's bad but yeah i mean we called mandera months at 45 like zoom all of these like you know i would be interested to see the rate of return of the stocks that we had mentioned on market mondays for free um it probably smoking on top five a vast majority of hedge funds so sometimes you you what you're looking for is right under your nose so uh market mondays man has been a great resource for people that have actually applied the information we gave so many different executives yeah so many different companies so many different funds um so yeah that's something to keep in mind somebody might be watching us in china right now yeah yeah i could just pay us call me 19 years futures market swing trades whatever you need i got you i got a translator that could come in and speak mandarin right now like we can get this set up so if y'all watching from china right now hit us up info out here in your leisure we'll be sure to oblige oh yes um before we go to questions um apple can sell 1.5 million cards by 2030 electric electric cars by 2030. oh baby nice little partnership with toyota they just want to do everything apple we talked we were talking about that before apple wasn't about it yeah in december they're entering the car space they did it that was doing everything yeah that in healthcare listen can i be honest with you i'll put yes and chat if i can the purpose of having a company is to have no competition so if i build trust plus with predictability plus with a brand you love nah [Music] yeah we spoke about in december when when we we first heard the announcement that they were going to get into it and i think they were supposed to partner with hyundai now that didn't happen but we spoke about the companies that were doing the technologies when we talked about luminar and belladon of companies that were doing the technology that actually has the computer systems around the car again we know apple is going to be innovative we told you how they're coming into healthcare did you see the new apple watch they said it's now going to be able to do blood pressure like we've seen like they're going to continue to innovate and they're going to come into every space that they can and they're not coming to play they're coming to dominate right the same way amazon comes to dominate apple's coming to dominate shout out to ronnie brown i believe she had a bust down apple watch did you notice that shout out yo ryan he's different ronnie a real one who's hanging out with her this weekend the bus damn apple watch very very rare um but not apple i mean it makes perfect sense if you really think about we talked about for a long time that tesla is not a car company it's a tech company and um you know all of the the innovations inside of these new cars they're all technology so apple is the king of tech so it just would make perfect sense for them to get into the card game and i like the fact that they're partnering with a car company they're not like trying to make like the apple car like themselves like they're already saying okay we're going to partner with a company that's already you know familiar with say something yeah it just accelerates the process so yeah um i think that the apple could make a huge huge um because every car has apple play in it already it's not really a far-fetched thing so what does that do to them to that balance sheet when apple gets in the transportation business that's it you're talking about game changers how many trillion we going to in in the if by 2030 i don't even want to say because it's going to sound fraudulent if i say if they get that healthcare and the crazy part apple has not penetrated the workforce enough if they get the workforce healthcare and this car and they go into and okay let's see if they go to healthcare and then build ambulances my god like right that's what i'm saying like 30 years thick i mean all the data that they have on your health is they're going to use it for some reason something right like first you're right it was your heart rate right then it becomes your blood pressure right like you know what i'm saying after like where's that data going where is it being stored what are they going to like what are we going to be using it for so they have the information it's just about what what the lead up is to it now one one last thing before we go to questions this is something that's been making a lot of uh news on social media yeah social security will be insolvent by 2033 and this is so crazy when i was like you know when i was early on in my financial planning business i remember they showed us like it this is the great thing about it everybody's being so acting so surprised by this but if you ever got they don't send it in the mail anymore but remember they used to send your um your social security thing in the mail like what you projected to get they transferred that online but when they used to send it in the mail years ago um if you ever read it like there was like a booklet like if you read the second page it said that um social security is on pace to become insolvent by year 2035 i'm like that like it said it in there um so it was always on pace to be insolvent they never made it a secret they actually put it in the report it's just nobody ever read it no one read it that's all it means it's when it's dope so yeah it's over done so um it was already on pace to be insolvent by 2034 i believe but with corona and all the money that was spent by the government it just kind of accelerated it so now it's 2033. so of course there will probably be some bridges that will be you know how the government works they can just always print up some more money in but as it stands right now social security will be insolvent by 2020 by 2033 so five oh no they moved it up they moved it up whether that gets bridged or whether it gets regardless of the fact you should not be relying on the government for your retirement if you're relying on the government for your retirement you are doing yourself a tremendous disservice this is why we talk about other government sponsored retirement plans that you can use like an ira like a roth ira like a sep ira these are things that you can get you know tax benefits from um government tax benefits from when you you know time to pay your taxes or take the money out in the case of the roth ira but if you are relying on the government to give you a blanket in in retirement then like i said you're gonna be in for a big surprise so what do you guys think about this news of 2033 my grandmother told me in 1999 um we've sold parts of our country that we'll never be able to get back and she told me 99 social security probably run about 2020. so i'm not surprised about that the lesson for everyone here is you cannot depend on any other entity other than yourself for your financial freedom that's it no one cares about your freedom more than you if you've ever been in a hurricane um any disaster area that needed relief blessings and love to everybody in new orleans and when i was here when it happened in houston it's not anyone else's job to take care of you and your family like i hate to say it like most countries entities even the businesses you guys work for they don't care they do not care we saw it last year like how many of you got sick last year half family that was sick and he was like i need two weeks off they're like i'm gonna let you off you have to take care of your financial freedom um because no one else is gonna care about it and then people a lot of people was like well why do i have to keep paying you you gotta realize even when bernie madoff got um not he was running that that thing for 30 years the problem the ponzi scheme is only bad when more people need money than usual so like the whole thing with the ponzi scheme like you put the money in troy puts money in and then i take some money out as long as i as long as i take out a certain amount and there's enough money coming in you can keep that thing going the problem the reason why bernie madoff thing fell apart is that in 2008 when the stock market crashed a lot of people wanted to call for their money and he didn't have enough money at that point in time to cover it and that's when the whole thing fell apart social security more and more people are living now longer yeah so now yeah you're still paying for it but more money is being taken out than what's coming in and it's only so long before that house of cards fall apart so what you're paying for you're not paying for your retirement you're paying for the person that's living in social security right now yeah i think that that's one of the things you told me it's like we used to have this argument like he was like yo why are you working while you're working you're going to live off pension and social security which is not going to be there anymore you can't keep doing this this isn't going to work for you um so why is words from from a decent man you know what else you told me told me get life insurance when i was when i was 26 years old and everybody knows that story so that on that note it makes sense why people get life insurance especially determine coverage which is surprisingly affordable why not pay for each month to protect the ones you love if you're asking yourself this question i want you to check out ladder right ladder makes it impressively fast and easy to get covered you just need a few minutes on a phone or a laptop to apply let the smart algorithms work in real time so you'll find out instantly if you're cutting covered no hidden fees cancel any time and since life insurance costs more as you age now's the time to cross off your list all right so check out ladder today to see if you're instantly approved go to market mondays that's ladder dot com slash market mondays l a d d e r life dot com slash market mondays all right so ladder has sponsored our earnings report it's like nine o'clock so i'm gonna talk about a few companies really quick um because me and trap had a really good conversation we were talking about cyber security he had talked to me about crowdstrike and i was telling him about zscaler ian you up on z scaling zs is the ticker uh they're gonna be reporting on thursday it is a company that i absolutely love if you look at their chart and if you have your computer you got your ipad or your phone next to you right now i suggest you look at that chart as well it is exactly it is a a cloud cyber security service company absolutely incredible if you look at what they've done over the past year um so they will be reporting um on thursday uh a firm which we spoke about last week which is partnering with amazon we'll be reporting in uh shout out to jamal uh play we'll be reporting dave and buses uh my my nephew actually had his birthday party there yesterday um so that's one of those opening up those reopening stocks um that that that we are just keeping an eye on yeah but make sure y'all got zs especially zs especially zs on your watch list please have it on your watch list yes janet can we go to some questions please you kyrie with them segways too yeah that was a great segue that was great janet how are you i'm good how are you guys hi erner janna's got a plan i'm good go ahead now go ahead janet i was gonna say thank you to all the earners that submitted their questions ahead of time making my job a little bit easier i appreciate that i'm trying to run this a little smoother you got it you know doing a great job production on a high level and i didn't call social security a ponzi scheme but if you if you if you got that why are they coming after you today no no i'm just you know you never know i might run for office one day so i got to be very careful please but but if you if you inferred that from what i said then i can't stop you from thinking what you you know i can't stop you from thinking that but president rashad bilal you never know you never know what could happen man senator state senator congressman mayor mayor of new york city wow there's there's a limit here all right so we're going to start up for robert green robert green i'm yourself please we are coming to you hey how y'all doing can you hear me yeah you fine what's going on how are you hey i'm doing pretty good hey first of all thank you i appreciate y'all um ian invest fest man it was awesome i appreciate everything i took away a lot of gems from that so so um but real a quick question i um i'm new to investing i started investing pretty much when the pandemic started so um before that i had an account with td ameritrade didn't know what i was doing uh pandemic i got a account with robin hood first thing i did was was jumped on the the cheapest stuff i could which was airlines cruises and i did all right i'm up like 60 70 percent to maybe 117 but that's great okay language is important that's not good that's great that's great okay cool but after following y'all i found y'all later probably about august so once i found y'all started to learn that maybe that wasn't the best investment you know what i mean there were other things that i could have invested in that were a lot better so at this point now i know that they've they've been going down but i didn't know if i should hold them continue to hold them maybe they may go back um back up to their previous highs that they were in march um maybe by next march or should i just take profit and put them in which ones are in oh man i got um united i'm in delta and i'm in uh um spirit and how much you are on each of those so spirit i'm up 74 74 [Music] delta i'm up 73 and united i'm up i united slow as 49 and then when it comes uh the cruises i had carnival i'm of 117. um royal caribbean 64 and norwegian i'm up 129. and then i had some other ones in there i wanted to give it up to do nothing okay you're up so yeah i know you're looking at some of the tech ones like i could have been up 300 but the returns that you have are amazing like if your lowest one is 47 percent sit tight man do do nothing like delta is going to take a while to get back to this all-time high it may take maybe 18 months but you're good you're good i can't have you sell those and then get into something else no you got another great price okay cool yeah all right i'll hold on to them then no problem all right thank you i appreciate that thank you so much congrats man congrats don't think that 70 or 60 um next we're going to go to corey robinson and meet yourself please hey y'all how's it going good how's going on doing pretty good guys man just want to thank y'all for everything you do and best fest i didn't get a chance to get out there but i watched his replay and it was not but james so i wanted to piggyback off of a futures questions i had off of there you mentioned using price channel um for those who aren't i guess someone new to the game um but what i want to know is can we kind of couple that with our sniper setup as a way to get into the market and would that be beneficial on an hour time frame um i promise that i wouldn't talk about it in public to answer your question is yes but in the sniper group i'll tell you the full answer for everyone who's doing deductive reasoning you guys can see me smile but i want to keep it exclusive for investors so i want to come on here because if if i start let me get a whole strategy away so i'll show you yeah friday okay appreciate you thank you no problem you guys should have been there i told you i wasn't bringing you two type two out the car you said you watched on the replay that we watched uh we we got to actually watch invest festival ourselves man i just sat there in amazement man shout out to the production team i said i keep calling him steve mike's like his name is james shout out to james and his hope it doesn't he did incredible man it was incredible i'm like this is this production is out of this world that moving cranes and all that uh yeah there's questions i can't wait to watch it you guys did a great job with a best fest tristan reeves uh i'll meet yourself we're coming to you hello can can you all hear me yes yes you're perfect what's going on well first of all fellas just thank you all so much for the education the applied knowledge i'm using the platform uh it's been life-changing and janet thank you for calling on me ian i had a question for you i've been wanting to ask you this for for weeks regarding blackrock and uh vanguard i want to know your thoughts on this because it seems as though by the end of the decade blackrock and vanguard are gonna own pretty much everything and coincidentally the main holders of each one are each other um i wanted to know uh with what you alluded to a couple weeks ago with china russia and the middle east you think that same strategy is being displayed towards america let's take the black rock and vanguard first um yes blackrock and vanguard they are the two biggest power players in investment space across every category um you're safe if you're there there's a reason why i always said vanguard from the very beginning even when ark was blazing hot look at the percentage of what vanguard owns they'll be safe for another 50 years um the china question can you give it give that to me one more time you had alluded to a few weeks ago um about afghanistan teaming up with in particular to have taliban with china with russia perhaps um talking about world domination things like that do you think that same strategy isn't is in place it's going to be attempted um i'm going to be honest like geopolitical affairs i'm gonna stay away from i'll say that i'm gonna stay awake because i want to be able to move around and do what i want to do and make my vision come true so i don't know you tell me i'm gonna hit you with that you can use body language in deductive reasoning after that but as far as the teaming up strategy there is a reason that things will happen and i know some people like yo you conspiracy theory i'm like go read exactly go read what is they're they're telling you to plan you go read you can put two and two together but yes investing in blackrock and vanguard and when i'm looking at companies i'm trying to see what percentage of blackrock and vanguard is in possession of because that's a safety net i know blackrock and vanguard won't go out of business tomorrow or it's as safe to me as apple or microsoft i've never put this in chat have you ever woke up and worried if apple microsoft was gonna go out of business a lot of y'all worried about art i told i told you they were going to come hey yeah we won't turn this into i told you so but i told you yeah if you look at most technology companies especially the ones that we invested in if you look at who's invested in them there's one name that you're going to see that is a guarantee and that's blackrock so there's a heads up on that yeah being mindful but if those two have them it's a great and then let's say hypothetically in 30 years they sell off or split whoever is the predominant funds that own the majority of everything invest in them invest in them same thing with bitcoin and ethereum i told you guys pick the top two ethereum took off like crazy bitcoin is moving towards all-time highs again if you invest in the top two it's a strategy that works throughout time thank you appreciate it thank you brother thank you yeah we even have a crypto talk huh i said we even talk about crypto bitcoins over 52 000 oh yeah yeah uh talking about nfts too sometime before this month is over because nfc market yeah we're doing that last month nfts was on fire quietly a lot of people haven't been talking about it but nft's on fire yeah keith's put up something today too that was pretty interesting we know how the nba uh was having a uh success with they were using the nba highlights as success the nfl has kind of put like a hold like you can't use a property uh so that's gonna be interesting to see how that plays out um but you know like we said before this this technology and this this the nmt game it's tough to stop it's tough to stop so we're gonna see the crypto club too they gave out nfts to everybody that i saw that i saw that yeah yeah shout out to the crypto club that attended investors no that attended the one of their meetings i saw it on my timeline i'm like damn okay yeah i mean look listen when cuban came on and said this is the only thing i'm really studying and then gary v is going crazy like there is a reason when you have like early adopters that have been known to make money and shifted the market follow what they're doing it's the reason behind it yeah yep yeah they did they both said that for sure yeah oh and that was that was months ago that was months ago so stopping and then a lot of time people thought that nfts was dead because they kind of slumped for a little bit but um if you've been studying this space last month was it was the most profitable month ever for nfts by a long shot um just blew it out the water yeah we had that crypto punk talk about it started as a joke this is something again cuban mentioned to us right she said he put his thing up on crypto punk and he set a price on it and he didn't turn put the percentage and that was it if you go now you look at some of these crypto punks nfts we're talking 300 350 000 yeah at that time in february i think he put us up for 11 and started at 11. we're talking about 350 thousand now thousand yeah it's just a different space um so yeah it's more knowledgeable i've heard that recently did an nft album i wonder how that uh tory lanez put out one and also speaking of nft's uh neo neo dropped his nft at invest fest at the r at the vip night [Music] i spoke to his team about that beforehand they was very excited about that so yeah i think people watch tory lanez and you know what it looks like you know i don't know if it's verified not but he made a million dollars so that he sold a million nfts for one dollar a piece so he made a million dollars um in five minutes um and then you know i don't know how much he has for the commissions for the resales of that but um you know i think that caught a lot of people's attention nice residual and um you know you see a lot of people dropping nfts now so that changes the game so that cuts out all the streaming services right so now happy music that takes a hit like so we got to be very very confident what's happening especially in the music and entertainment space when it comes to entities that's the only thing i think kanye should have did he should have made donda can you imagine yeah we're doing crazy i don't know if he can know because he's still under death definitely released album they said look we ain't waiting no more do you know about that he said he wasn't happy that they released at a certain time but they released the album without his permission nobody owns us though so don c kanye call us yeah virgil call us it's new york fashion week by the way sidebar jam what we got next let's go to edgy eddie bridgette jr i'll meet yourself please oh oh oh i think he loaded oh there he is oh he got his camera oh you guys california what's happening y'all hello area hello we need to come see y'all for real hey man all right l.a it was everything but y'all got to come to the bay bro for real help man bad bro how can i help i got i sold a property i got 20 grand i need to make it i'm not trying to make it pop but i need to make it pop you're trying to make it pop but i mean like because i i want to put 20 in apple i just i don't know like i know they pay a small dividend because i want to use the money to try to put down for a down payment for a home so try to flip flip it yeah but that sounds irresponsible at the same time i'm not trying to flip it over some nonsense you know what i'm saying yeah yeah respectfully but regardless of of reason when you try and flip it puts a lot of pressure on there adds stress that you don't need okay so but what what kind of return somewhere i don't of course more than like maybe five ten twenty percent would be great but you know just a safe growth but not extremely uh uh conservative million dollar question it's working good returns don't draw down too much um if you're gonna do apple and i'm gonna yeah i got you trading has risk so if apple drops back down to uh 128.98 that's when i would put my money in i wouldn't do a dollar before then um a second one i talked about at invest fest vug so victor unanimous god if it gets down to 270 25 i'll put money in there i don't know how long did it take to drop to those levels but you have to wait this is my secret i let everybody burn their money on fire and i'm like great let me pick up some ashes do use my little crystal ball put the money in because when people are not waiting for their exact prices you aren't doing anything else for setting your money on fire now if you have a timeline in which you want to flip here's what happens the money never flips as fast as you need all right but if you give it a year or six months you'll be fine you'll be fine two years is what currently i got sitting in a my profit and credit union account uh okay and i i want to leave it there but it's you know losing it no it's not losing buying power you know what i'm saying yeah if you do apple at that price and you're able to get in you'll be everybody in chat to get a brother some encouragement if apple's done well for you this year put yes in chat i'll put apple in chat put the apple emojis yeah put that emoji up there because even people like it yeah just set a pendant order for that price and you'll be good if you hold it for a year you'll be excellent you'll be excellent thank you once don't don't try to dollar cost nothing like that just drop it in there at once i can't tell you what to do because i'm not your advisor let's try to say i know one by the name of the shop right but if it were me if it were me the prices that i give on here are the prices that i'm waiting for to put my money in okay hello yeah so that's where i will wait and now if you are really scared i don't think it'll come down to this price anytime soon 122.24 i would definitely load the boat but the first price i gave you is where i'm waiting for to put more in for me and xander oh so it's 154 now 128. okay you know you know what so you know what's so crazy about that yeah thank you brother i appreciate it eddie we appreciate you shout out to the i appreciate you bro that was a mark in monday's first yeah yeah um that was interesting i like that yes you never know what's gonna happen now what do we do jen [Laughter] i think that was my fault so i apologize i'm new to this awkward now you know what's so crazy you know what's so crazy um so it's funny that you said that one you said 128 right yeah so i was talking to um shout out to taylor and shout out you might have seen him he was with me at invest fest um he's a he's he's the young man actually i was playing ball with and that video okay yeah yeah that video he felt the way about that he he scored a lot of points it was you know i had to oh you played when you scored yeah i'm not gonna put my score i mean it's your opponent yeah yeah yeah exactly you could just put a shot like but what he did long story short that's my god man that's my guy grew up um he's younger than us and he kind of grew up you know uh under our tutelage so long story short i'm speaking to him today we played ball today and after was we was talking about stocks and um he was saying like you know is can i should i buy apple now and i tell them like now you can't buy now i'm like never buy never buy all-time highs that's like oh so he's like all right well when should i buy so then i broke out my percentage calculator and i was showing him like all right look if it drops under if it goes 20 that's definitely a good time to buy so i think 20 i think is like 125 or something like that and i'm like so you can just round it to 130 i'm like if it gets to like 130 then that's a number that you definitely want to buy at so yeah it's interesting that you said 128 because i literally literally just had this conversation with him earlier today and i told him like if you if it gets to 130 then that's the number that you definitely will want to probably go crazy on so shout out to there's a rule of thumb for everybody investing there's only a few good prices to buy and we talked about a couple weeks ago like you said 25 off 20 off 50 75 like you guys don't even need like i want to learn charts use a calculator for everybody in real estate gets this 50 off you can my dad would say you can build the equity back into it if you get 50 off 20 off deal the all-time high for apple is at 154.98 it's at 150 430 it is a no buy right now nobody's like tim cook wouldn't buy apple right now you have to stop gambling and then mastery of i know some of you don't want to hear it but those of you who did not master your craft for last year at this master losing money wait for the buy areas everybody's going to tell you that they had a blueprint to them money side if i made you money put yes in check i'm not going to lead you wrong you have to hold it for at least a year five years as ideal but if it gets to 120 like that's why i say if trap and i agree like if i said to get in that 160 and you were saying 128 something's wrong everybody should and when you guys are formulating your own prices you should be within two or three dollars of what i'm saying that's when you know you finally have your own crystal ball and you don't need anybody else but you can use the calculator just 20 off 25 off 30 off and nowhere to be able to get in and that's for any product and i always i always go about a 10 20 30 strategy i think i spoke about this on my financial planning call um so if something at an all-time high you take ten percent off like in that scenario that would be that would be a decent a decent buy point twenty percent off is a is a really good five point thirty percent off is an exceptional buy point so the thing that people say is like all right it's kind of risky because what if it doesn't hit that 20 and then i'm waiting forever and then i never get a chance of what you can also do is dollar cost into it you can dollar cost down so you can say okay i got uh let's say i have ten thousand nine thousand dollars to invest right so i put three thousand in when it hits ten percent so that way i'm still in um now if it goes down even further to 15 or 20 i got another 3 000 i'm gonna put in and then if i get really lucky and it goes down to 30 then i can put the other three percent 3 000 in so that way i'm not waiting if you if you have bad anxiety because that's something that people was like well i'm just gonna be keep waiting forever and it's never gonna hit this number or you can get in early and lose all your money that's an option i'm gonna be real with y'all it's not anxiety you want to gamble if i am let's say i'm a competitor if i want you to lose the more trades you take and the worst price you get you'll never beat me i'll i tell you guys my actual blueprint this isn't like the remix version your inability to wait is what's going to cost you your future and your freedom you got some like energy i brought on stage something you told me like man i heard you on market mondays seeing you in person but yeah you really lived there y'all was out partying and i'm texting some of y'all like man these slides going to be fire on sunday you're seeing me do it live like if you will not wait for the best price you are actively choosing to say i want to be broke i want my kids to be broke i want my family to be broke you know everything about everyone when travis scott's coming out you guys knew the whole rollout for donda before kanye how do you not know this i love kanye i love drake then brother's not gonna make you no money though talk to him being real that's what i'll say most important to the coach i'm not saying it for ego part of his marketing my wwf thing right but in 20 years okay tell me this and from 2001 to 2005 which album made you and your family money don't worry i'll wait shout out to kat williams i know if you execute on the prices that i gave in five or ten years you should have me at every christmas and every barbecue cookout you guys have for the next five years choose to master this corporations have mastered how to take our attention off things that don't matter to make us fans of other people that will never pay us whose benefit is that for it's up to you do what you want to do that was a message brought to you by two stock shakur we thank you my brother yo speaking of apple real quick i'm not sure if y'all saw this but it was the 10-year anniversary of tim cook being the ceo yeah were you aware of this man you know did you see what he was awarded today did you see this so he he was awarded five million shares and actually he was awarded five million shares and sold the five million shares for a grand total of 750 million dollars congratulations on 10 years tim 7.50 and i can argue even with that he's still probably the most underpaid ceo for the value that he's brought to one company 750 to 2 trillion that's a big difference so you got a point there my god and everyone's like well he cash out is this me in the end listen if you got 750 million you're cashing out too somebody offered me 750 mark i'm going to sell it without even talking to you hey bro what a wire information hey check's coming we'll make another one [Laughter] trading tuesday's coming soon so like you have to know when to get out he's put in enough work and then the prior time that he was there next to steve not being hurt like he's done a great job and you know i said he was the greatest all the time like bezos probably the greatest but number two yeah tim cook uh the last 50 years probably is the second best ceo of of all time hands down yeah smoking on top yes trading tuesdays don't nobody take my idea because i'm all right michael please go trademark that tomorrow i know y'all gonna be treating tuesdays man i was inspired by you king be inspired but don't steal well let me executive producer or something but don't y'all be still instilling we got blue pandas coming out next week with no apology hello at all no apology chill chill trapping tuesdays that's our brothers sure shout out to my god yeah trap my guy i know that don't do that no apology um are we taking one more jim what are we doing we taking one more yeah it's up to you guys let's do it let's do it right derek love i mute yourself please and don't turn your camera on i'm just i won't can you guys can you guys hear me okay yeah we hear you perfect derek what's going on what's up this is crazy i didn't never thought i was gonna get selected that's what's up yo thank you all for everything thank you for what i do um ian my question is for you man so listen i i feel like you guys give out these great clues these great hints every week and i always feel like i'm a step behind because it's like all right don't do this if you don't have your two two stocks you know your two etfs what you guys were just talking about today uh tqcl and it's like i'm not where i need to be yet but am i going to miss that you know miss that boat so to speak so i guess what would you say to people that are kind of just getting on but you guys are dropping these gyms how should they approach how should they kind of tackle that um t-e-c-o i'll just give you the price for it give me one second um i would only do 20 of the money that you have i would i would touch it at 56.46 i would not touch it a penny before and so you're gonna cry and then after that um i would get one index if you're afraid and one tech and start small vug is a great one um my brother mentioned splg that one is good but it's not in the vanguard ecosystem so vug i like and then just buy there you guys don't need 20 like if you just build upon one what happens is you see the one work and then you you'll call back i'm like hey man that worked when should i get into the next um just focus on two for right now i would probably ten percent of your portfolio on tcl and then get apple after that you'll be golden the most important and for everyone the most important thing is just to buy quality some of you want to like write a dissertation on why stocks should go up or down none of that matters even for all of you that have masters and phds i commend you how much of the work that you did when you were writing your thesis didn't matter once you graduated or made you less money the only thing is it's about executing and the thing that i fear from 2020 to 2060 this is going to be the era of investors because they're going to find a way to dwindle these jobs around it's the reason why i keep saying this this isn't like something that i heard from you know on twitter like plea i'm begging you guys like you're gonna have to start buying because even if i'm gonna be the job market gonna be cut ahead by 2040. i'll say that that's from someone i was told who runs a major tech company and sold it three or four years ago job market's gonna be cut in half and derek tomorrow we have a meeting called fomo anonymous run by the wall street gossip club and we'll be talking about strategies so you can figure out your investment strategy and what works best for you so that you're not like on these calls getting confused and feel like you should do this or do that like you have to know what works for you so you're a segway queen as well thank you guys appreciate that i appreciate that yo we're working on things over there at uil university y'all talking about new segways fire that's a fact another glorious market mondays um definitely gotta thank you guys for tuning tuning in to market mondays even though it's a holiday you took your education more important than celebration and that is something like i said i'm not even sure what is celebrating labor day what what is what does that even mean um [Music] well it i'm going to say the whole historical thing i was reading um based on it was it was it was based on african americans in dc um for what i was reading and it was based from them actually building the capital it was a hard labor thing for them it was celebrated against african americans at first and then became something that was taken and turned into thank you for the hard work for our country um don't thank me for hard work just give me a check man they ain't give me 40 acres in the mule when you get it that's an equity as a fact i'm cool on all the celebration we celebrating we still we don't got nothing to celebrate labor day just meant to me that school's about to start man so in that light i want to shout out to every all the teachers that are back in school i know some people started back week uh last week um and i know a lot of kids are going back to school this week and atlanta started weeks in new york tri-state tri-state tri-state home first i got to take a you know we take care of other places but homecome first so i wanted to say my prayers up to everybody on a successful school year i know we're still battling covid and i know it's tough and the circumstances that you made through last year were incredible so kudos to all the teachers and all the principals and all the staff that are in these school buildings uh we appreciate you wholeheartedly we thank you for what you do for our children um and for yourselves too taking care of yourselves because a lot of the times we forget that y'all have families and you dedicate so much of your time to our children that sometimes your kids get the shorter than the stick and so i want to tell you i appreciate you i thank you and that is the reason why i got my uh lucky charms kicks up every time i wore those to school my kindergarten class will go crazy so in light of that i thank y'all and uh happy school year to older educators shout out to my new new rochelle family my trinity trinity family uh my bronx educators love his love um y'all know i always got y'all as long as there's people who have intent to help children i will always be a part of school so love is love y'all yep oh troy's so sweet you are you're not going to be playing with either but you you nice yeah you're nice i love his love for real though it's not easy it's not an easy job damn you're not going to say it too like damn bro like y'all can't say shout outs we letting you have your have your moment i'm just saying to them they love y'all too oh yeah get paid enough like honestly and i'm not just catering to the audience on some derrick jackson type stuff but teachers are not clear enough and we really maybe we need to do something for like teacher appreciation to like build a portfolio for them because all the work that they do and extra supplies like parents you have to realize like these people are molding your child's brain and they're going to spend more time with them than you are like and for the pay that they get and some of your kids kind of bad too so yeah we got to figure out a way to get teachers uh paid a lot more than what they're getting paid honestly shout out to all the teachers out there man y'all y'all definitely play a major part he's gonna pay this team as doctors and lawyers yeah childhood teachers man my mom is educated so i definitely appreciate um teachers and the work that they do and uh shout out to all the kids going back to school it was my least favorite part of the year uh september was the most hated month for me going back to school i hated that i hated that at the end of summer going back to school it was just a very it was a buzz kill but but if they were paid more like doctor i could make the case and i you know i want to go my kanye written but if teachers would pay like doctors and lawyers the competitive edge that china has on us would not be there yeah you have to choose when you invest your dollars first like because why would teachers have passion or drive to teach your kids if they're getting paid a minimum and they're seeing ronnie with the mixtape make three times the amount of money and then disorder mistake like she told me i could never be nothing like you weren't doing your homework bro what you what you think they got paid a hundred grand a year the outcome would be different the outcome would be dramatically different so yeah my my boy shout out to uh he's actually a ui alum uil university alum my boy dream hustle cold out in chicago he had put up a post if y'all check if y'all follow him on instagram he put a post in the difference between the education system in finland and america and so one of the things was that the teachers are paid the same as doctors and lawyers and most students never take standardized tests and they have the highest ranked students in the world as opposed to us where the teachers have paid little to it you know we know the salaries here it depends on each state but not much and the emphasis on taking standardized tests is at an all-time high uh and i think we're like the number 20 or 23 rank as far as uh student rankings and achievements so we gotta make some changes we gotta make some changes but you know we're gonna support our teachers the best way we can yeah shout out to all the teachers out there um and yeah shout out once again shout out to the good people of roc nation for having us uh at made in america it was a very eye-opening experience my first musical festival i've been into essence fest before but i haven't been to like residence halls it's a music festival but it's kind of a combination of different things this is the first festival i've been through like that like rolling a loud coachella stuff like that so what was the biggest takeaway you had from it you know i got to do my oprah real quick um well the one you can give not the yeah because you know that they'd be they'd be just taking ideas left and right but their corporate sponsorships was crazy like coinbase built the whole ferris wheel and had a whole activation center where you couldn't come in unless you had a coinbase app um it was it was like they made millions probably just offered a corporate sponsorship so of course j roc nation you know obviously you know it's a lot easier um to have those corporate relationships but it just goes to show that um corporate still needs to connect with the people and they need vessels to connect with the people so um that's definitely something next year for invest fest i feel like we should have strong corporate representation i'm gonna get an ally ally i'm pretty sure yeah yes a strong activation and a variety of other companies um it just makes sense so that was one big takeaway yeah but um yeah it wasn't really it was kind of very similar to it that's fast it's just a lot more people but as far as like the food truck aspects of it um the stage obviously you know their stages is different because it's music so people are standing up where you know you're doing invest fest you can't just have people standing up listening to real estate in stocks you got to kind of have them sitting down so i think the general aspects unless you're in okay i was who was i talking to i was talking to somebody backstage like it was like a cult like are they gonna sit down nah they stood up they set up the whole time they're crazy part i plan to make everybody stand up and they get on their own yeah that was crazy right but value i know for those who are watching who are trying to build a brand in your own area help people get the result first help them get through they'll follow you help them the the brand is that's why even me you guys barely even see me like pump red panda i mean like outside the little cup thing again but red panda is about the community it's not about me help people get the damn result first and they will follow you a lot of you are doing it it's all about me and me the money will come to you if you help them when in advance yeah that would be helpful for you so there have been questions about your suit is this done intentionally to move away from the suits or i was no i'm not yeah i'm going back to i was just rushed like i'm gonna be real like when the michael k thing happened threw me off because i was feeling bad for corey like that's corey's guy so i'm like all right then got preparing for stock club call after you know um you know then after invest fest i mean i put up 82 000 in the first half so i'll be back i got my you know i got my little brick flare new new season yeah new season coming so full full season coming new season of suits soon soon reach yeah um speaking of ally uh our trusty friends over at outlaw this episode of market mondays is brought to you by iloft financial ally is an option if you're looking to bank or invest ally is a leading digital financial service company with passionate customer service and innovative financial solutions they are relentlessly focused on doing it right and being a trusted financial service provider for both customers and communities get with ally to make the most of your money so you can save invest and spend on things that matter to you another market monday's in the books y'all yes markets close the [ __ ] monday's open yes i like that as a fact ladies and gentlemen oh don't forget tomorrow ryan leslie hill harper earn your leisure episode 150 um 150 that's crazy it's going to be that's a good one live that's that's that was live at invest fest um dope dope conversation about stocks crypto uh music business all kinds of stuff man so that's something they got to do a part two with them yeah they uh yeah like i said um uh ryan leslie wants to come on market monday so would be a dope follow-up i'm pretty sure people have questions for him following that episode yeah some of the stuff that he spoke but he spoke a lot about stock market investing so and has some of the best returns of any black person i've ever seen y'all wait till they hear the story out of this one out of this world yeah yeah it's it's one for the books yeah um yeah yeah this is something that you know we have a lot of stuff planned for market mondays can't speak about everything it's called everything's top secret uh we got some stuff coming up yeah we got some stuff coming down the pipeline we got god willing some some very big name guests coming down the pipeline um stay tuned stay tuned and earners we're starting a new book next sunday um the intelligent investor so make sure you guys start reading or join some of our listening parties hey shout out to g shout out to g man we have talks about the the book club man he's executing at a high level um so gee well yeah i mean ernest y'all should know who he is he's my brother like real like he's my older brother a few years apart but um killing the book club man so shout out to him and i want to show a shout out to every single person that was part of market mondays i mean part of invest fest um obviously you know you guys know um ian and wall street trapper but there was a bunch of people that that um was on the stage from 19 keys to i got you i got you keep going chico to mg the mortgage guys yeah yeah keanu water kizzy ronnie brown derek grace um max maxwell i can't name everybody because it's just so many henry john henry michael we got inky johnson to host the panel that was a legendary moment within himself mike simmons uh this guy's worth probably like a couple hundred million dollars hedge fund manager out of atlanta yeah dope dope my brother lenny lenny um yeah lenny williams so it's just you know everybody and they was all gracious with their time they all nobody gave us any hard time that's one of the good things about establishing good relationships and helping so many different people that when you call they answer their phone and it's like what do you need what do you need me to do tiffany must know must know mike she said he's bobby axelrod oh yeah yeah yeah oh yes somebody shout out to paula paula shout out to maddie jay oh yeah man lexie uh lexia so so push man mitch yeah man it was a lie chance save chance cash so yeah you know this is all these are all just relationships and um i just want to you know publicly thank everybody all of those ladies and gentlemen that were gracious enough with their time to come to invest fast cg and i said they're okay and provide um you know the audience with information les brown of course the legend himself jim jones styles kenny burns and nineteen keys yeah fabulous piano watch diana watson yeah keanu watson julian gordon julian gordon cesar pena max maxwell uh i mean so many people yeah it was incredible like everybody was like what was your high business of being okay outside of outside of ian's um magical performance man what was what was your highlight uh like i said for me being here was number one watching you uh do that piano i know i know i know correct i'm not i'm gonna give you the rhythm so watching you watching you do that panel watching uh kenny burns react to jim jones uh i was talking i was talking to kenny yesterday yeah uh ronnie brown and paula's uh that moment of unity amongst women in entrepreneurism was incredible i think my brother john harry lit the stage up quantity honestly was incredible and then yeah and then i watched john put the highlights of his uh his uh panel up on his instagram and then i saw today he put something up with him and she had dialogue backstage which was i was like i hadn't i don't even know about that moment but seeing that dialogue between them was though yeah shout out to you who was in the building yeah um i think there was there was there was a lot of moments man matt having that moment with his birthday trap when he walked past his daughter saying i'm a daddy first incredible uh totally getting up on stage and killing seeing my boys francis from where they came from in last september this like 2020 when we met them to have him up on two panels yeah derek ferguson who watched me in church for 10 years is now coming so everything it was just a bunch of moments bro it was so many it was it was crazy yeah it was crazy what's yours everything was your favorite jim that's like 10 favorites i mean he was going to say everything what was your favorite uh well like i said outside of ian because i'm not just saying that because he's here that definitely was a magical moment to see people standing up with them so i was like what are they doing because i'm backstage so i couldn't really you couldn't really hear that good when you're backstage and um i'm seeing people with their phones out i'm like i just i look like a cult so that was that was ill for me to see shout out that was family i love you all yeah that was dope yeah uh but outside of that i gotta get i'm gonna give ian the mvp i'm gonna give him the mvp but you're the russian judge so thank you if there's the coat if they're the co-mvp i gotta give it to my boy 19 keys man yeah he 19 and he had a panel he didn't have like you know he wasn't a keynote speaker he was on a panel so he had to pick his spot to pick his moments but um man that was a dominating performance yeah he was he was smoking he was on point from start to finish he was you know dressed in full foi guard he made me mad i was so mad he had the crown on and he's just on point man he was just he was just spitting gyms like left and right and just to see like he just it was just a captivating moment so that was definitely a very close mvp of course trapper that was dope too to see trapper just control the crowd like that look like a rapper that's crazy like i spoke to him after that like the first time he had spoken for a large crowd was december 9th 2020 when we brought him to dc to watch him control a crowd of 4 000 plus the way he did it was amazing to watch to see the growth man so like that's the moment dave shannon's i know we ian yep i mean obviously right but i probably had a chance to meet dave davis so yeah man if there was 4 000 people there he made 2 000 people say that they're homeless that was crazy julian gordon did you see that he said if you are renting stand up he said now if you rent where you live stand up now repeat after me i am homeless and two thousand people happened he's a legend he's a legend for even for even pulling something like that at all and presenting for those who are listening you have to give people information that they've never heard or that shocks the hell out of them that is brilliant sorry i didn't know that i can't wait to watch the replay like i bought the replay myself for those like i'm not keeping like i bought the replay for myself to watch it repeat after repeat after me different i am homeless [Laughter] but each panel has 60 minutes um so he did two back-to-back panels so he actually did 120 minutes um but the last panel fabulous is supposed to come at 5 30. a lot of the traffic is bad so f-a-b-o hello traffic just bang the line on 285 that's the fact so long story short fabulous was 90 minutes late and dave shins we had to add 10 minutes to his panel to give him buffer time and then fabulous was another half an hour late so we ended up adding 20 minutes to dave shan's panel without him knowing i would just like put more time on them he said troy tell him 10 more minutes i said bro i went to the shout out to the to the team over at the production i'm like tim moore they looked at me and said you sure i said 10 more so we ended up his panel actually ended up being 80 minutes without him actually knowing what happened and then it's so crazy because as soon as fab walked in he walked like he literally walked in he handled some business real quick couple minutes he walked on the stage like it was a matter of minutes of him walking into the building walking on stage so these are the things that people never actually even know it was a small child and gave a great performance it was great um but nobody even knew that we were waiting for them it was a high level of anxiety y'all know they're sweating bullets oh my gosh i'm like oh my god what are we gonna do but the crazy part is that dave thought he was bugging out because he saw 13 minutes and he watched it go down at three and then it said 14 minutes and he was like oh okay and then it went down to five and then went back up to 15. he's like yo am i bugging out was it yeah but he handed it like a mvp man shout out to david he's a class actor he's a classic classic shout out to him man so but nah but like i said i enjoyed the whole invest fest i enjoyed every single um person and i enjoyed every panel um and every performance uh but 19 keys if i'm if i'm going to be honest he's my second tier in vp he might i told him before he went on because the way trap picked me up i'm like bro you the best speaker out of all of us go up there and dominate he's like you think so i'm like you better than me trap matt troy everybody go kill and he went up there and showed out these gifts showed up amazing he's gifted yeah we're we're watching we're watching somebody special we're watching history um and so to be a part of it is just it's incredible yeah he hasn't even hit his peak yet that's that's the knowledge he knows like in his head like you're different he is different man so yeah so well ladies and gentlemen 22 i'm at a rocket there some i have already been have people asking me for 2022. a couple people have asked me for the keynote um to give keynote addresses so it's gonna be a fun it's gonna be a fun 12 months man it's a a lot of people look listen man all right y'all gonna try and talk about that listen and i ain't even get to bring in jabba walking for stone cold and juicy i'm going to put on a show show next year shout out shout out to everybody that's the fun part this is the fun part yeah shout out to everybody man oh man all right guys it's it's eight o'clock somewhere but it's ten o'clock here in the eastern uh time zone so we love y'all kiss the babies hug somebody call somebody reach out to somebody oh you can buy your tickets for next year also that's a fact and and yeah the uh the replay the replay replays yeah love is love y'all jenna's got planned appreciate it my brother
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 53,585
Rating: 4.9785638 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 32sec (7232 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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