Jim Jones, Styles P, 19 Keys, & Kenny Burns on Crypto, Health, & Technology

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this episode is sponsored by greenwood my graduates from my school being forbes backdrop backdrop backdrop [Applause] this is amazing to see julia i need some footage of this four thousand people here for financial literacy come here little come here little everybody's frozen up we're going through the backwoods pit so we can see everybody behind us because without them there's no invest fest there's no us so shout out to everybody behind us we love you love that's a big fat that's a big fat we love y'all this this is amazing man this is amazing i don't even know what to say but i'm just truly humble sometimes in life you just gotta soak in the moment we decided to do this eight weeks ago we funded this out of our own pocket and hey hold on don't breeze over there he was about to breeze over that i want y'all to look around there's not one sponsor here everything you see is powered by earn your leisure clap it up for that [Applause] and and every everybody that's working is a black company from the security company to the av company to our event planner talk about that we we didn't make no mistakes about this right we look outside i said that's us we look in this room that's us you look at production say it louder you look at earn your leisure you look at mg the mortgage guy that's us we date this [ __ ] right look i told y'all we came into the game not asking no favors not begging no pardon demanding the respect we got it now it's ours so without without further ado this is something that i'm extremely extremely excited about if you watch during your leisure from the beginning you know it's a unique situation because it's a gumbo of business investing and culture we grew up on sports we grew up on music and we learned business we learned investing but we always blended that together fashion all of that was always woven in the threads of earning alicia so this panel is one of the most eclectic panels i think ever put together it's going to be a game it's going we're going to have a lot of fun so first and foremost let's let's get into this conversation kenny i want to start with you because we it's a home game for you we're in atlanta you are mr atlanta you've been here for over 20 something years you know used to see this size gathering for freaknick things of that nature i would imagine that you would have never seen thoughts you see 4 000 black people here for financial literacy in your city so before we even start we're going to talk about a lot of things but how have you seen the transition and just the movement and the wave of financial literacy you are in the financial literacy capital for black america in atlanta so what's what's what's your thoughts on how this is emerged in front of your eyes first of all give yourselves a round of applause because you want the information um [Music] i curse but don't take the curse words away from actual information but this [ __ ] just said freak nick that dates me like a [ __ ] but i was here when freak nick was popping as an 18 year old college student uh at morris brown college uh i ran the auc on the party side you know brought the greatest ever jay-z big pot snoop and when i came here the the flag was being planted in the soil the face records that came dallas austin's uh jermaine dupree were all producing records crisscross did four million records and hip-hop had never been done before tlc all these groups were representing a culture that would become a billion multi-billion dollar uh you know business and seeing this it not only warms my heart because this is where it happened for me but it warms my heart because what we believed in then became an actuality it became a real thing if you look across the globe the south has been producing some of the biggest hits in the last 20 years in music they've welcomed industry here like film they've welcomed you know tech square here now we have an actual technology hub for startup companies and it just warms my heart so i want to salute you guys because i was already fans just of the humans but to see all these [ __ ] i'm like damn congratulations [Music] jim styles i'ma throw it to you now y'all been in this game the music industry for three decades almost three decades right mid 90s make some noise for that make some noise for that for real [Music] and you came up in an era where it was a lot of bottles popping a lot of champagne being spilled a lot of frivolous spending there's a shift happening we can see it in this room i'm wondering from your perspective are you seeing a shift in the industry from artists obviously i know you guys are entrepreneurs but the artist i'm from your generation and the younger artists are you seeing a shift from that lifestyle to more of that entrepreneurial business mindset jim's mike needs the diamonds affected the frequency for the most part i see uh a lot of the artists being way more conscious about business you hear them talk about real estate you hit them told by all the nft is going and you hear people talking about they got uh food chain stores like it's just it's a lot of consciousness about business are they really really adamant about doing it are they really executing and attacking i i don't see that much that as much as they're talking about if that makes sense okay style that's kind of a 50 50 answer for me um i feel like this generation of rappers make tons of more money and that's what the purpose of every game is for the generation coming behind us to make more than we did um i think our generation set the standard as far as your um jay-z's puffs 50s dip sets people who show you that if you're gonna do music also do other things like if you look at all the richest guys in the industry they do more than music and most of them are very rich from things other than music so i think the young people understand that i think this one as jim said when i think when you end it and you're kind of young the flash and pop sort of distracts you but i think a lot of them do have great heads on their shoulders they um negotiate pretty good deals i think they just have to do less stupid [ __ ] [Laughter] 19 let me let me ask you this um you have become a superstar online and a mentor of sorts um kyrie irving i know kevin durant absent i know you're good friends with jimmy um so how have you seen as far as you played two sides of the coin part of you know in the conscious world but you're also in you know the economic world as well so how has social media changed the pendulum where now a lot of artists and ball players are maybe looking at you know people that's on social media that are in the activist lane in the financial literacy chain for mentorship because they previously were not provided that mentorship from you know other people in their area or their business managers or their agent they could relate to somebody like you more than they can relate to their agent or their business manager first of all peace to the family are everybody doing today let me give some noise man this is this is a new stage for me so everybody's here is a little more used to speaking on stage and especially with a mic so i got to warm up my vocals by introducing myself as 19 keys my name is jabril for art muhammad um and i think that's important to say because there wasn't a time where every stage would allow for dangerous conversation speakers are truth i tell people all the time if you want to compete with me you got to speak more truth to me it ain't about the money ain't about the cars anything about how many followers is about whatever the truth is and for the most part what i'm seeing is black men becoming more fearless and wanting to expand beyond the illusion that they built themselves as and environment is stronger than nature so in order to change your environment you got to be around the right people you got to have somebody who can tell you something other than the people who you are insulated with and what i do is i provide a new consciousness for people a new perspective a new way of looking at things in the thought leaders are the new leaders that run the world you understand me because specifically you becoming responsible for the generations to come so when somebody tap in with me i think they tapping in number one a bridge a bridge between streets and a bridge to that higher consciousness right but also i want to make sure that i deliver it in a manner it makes people comfortable enough to tap in right throughout the years either you got the conscious side who broke right the poor righteous teacher but when i came in the game it was more so how do we turn this into the rich and righteous to where you could have your higher morals decency and number one the high value was based on your character not your dollar amount so i think with the lack of masculinity that exists i represent masculinity in everything that i do and i'ma always do that so those that want to get tapped in and the environment is not representing those values and especially not only that we do real business you understand me so i can talk in many different fashions industries and skill sets and i can teach people how to think like a free man because some people are high value slaves and when you want to think free you have to go to somebody who's free [Laughter] [Applause] that's why we have 19 keys on the plane he's different kenny kenny let me ask you this bro a lot allow me to introduce myself you see my [ __ ] outfit i didn't came to play [Laughter] yo k.b i'm glad that you did that because that's why i wanted to actually go there with you everybody up here is extremely authentic and has never really buzzed on who they are even in our interactions since we've known each other can you talk about the power of leveraging your authenticity say it one more time leveraging the power of your authenticity yeah i think you can't really get nothing in life unless you show up your you know your authentic self i don't think you know we could get some money we can get some relationships we can attain some things but until you really match your product and your purpose which equals your true authenticity you will not get the benefits or the fruits of your labor and i i honestly i've been getting money for a long time and i didn't meet my purpose and my product until the pandemic and and a lot of people in here that know me and have heard of me have followed me know i only build and inspire and speak truth but when i say me product meet purpose it's talking about literally nothing impure in the way in your journey going forward now we all lie to ourselves daily about some [ __ ] we need or we think we need and we got to get these mirrors i'll reach under your chair right now get the mirrors from under your chair look down i'm just playing but we all we all have to face the truth and until you can tell yourself the [ __ ] truth in your career in your relationship and whatever you're trying to accomplish you will not reap the benefits without being authentic and i think a lot of times it gets lost because this generation is the most powerful generation ever what you have with this [ __ ] right here you could do anything you want to do and the problem is you can also be who you want to be which don't necessarily tie into the actual use so i don't want that to go over nobody's head but that's called authenticity let's let's get into this yes let's get into this nft crypto conversation jim um you came on our show and he's talked about capo coin um so why is it important for artists you're an artist that came up in an era where it was cash cash rules everything around me right now cash is almost obsolete and we're in a crypto world we're moving towards the crypto digital space so why is it important specifically for artists to adapt to the new world as far as cryptocurrency and nfts um there's a lot of pros for for the artist or the people of influence um when i got into it i really didn't understand the power of crypto and where it was going and i met a great dude by the name of noel from zap theory and started explaining everything from me from nft to where the crypto was going and this was the reason why i created my own coin which is capital coin because i've been watching what bitcoin been doing i've been watching what ethereum been doing but the one that struck me the most i believe was dogecoin because of how mark cuban went about it and actually using it as a social as social currency as opposed to just people cashing in so now anything that his uh basketball stadium you can if you have dogecoin you could go in there and purchase t-shirts pranks pause pretzels [Laughter] no glitzies jim so with that with that being said i just i decided uh we decided to create the capricorn uh our own social currency which was uh powered by the community um meaning that we're hey ernest did you know that the black community has 2.7 trillion dollars of spending power are you ready to see what you can do when you combine and recirculate our resources to expand the pool of black excellence i know i'm ready and that's why we've partnered with greenwood the in demand black owned digital banking platform greenwood's namesake was founded in 1906 built from the brilliance of black dreamers looking to create a self-sufficient community in the greenwood district of tulsa oklahoma aka black wall street today greenwood is a digital banking platform with the mission to strengthen the black dollar using the same community reinforcement strategies of the original greenwood district and it's powered by a best-in-class mobile app that allows you to bank from anywhere so earners if you're ready to build a new legacy of black economic achievement go to bankgreenwood.com eyl and sign up to be a part of the new greenwood community that's bankgreenwood.com uil don't wait don't hesitate head over there now so many mom and pop stores within our community barber shops nail salons bodegas restaurants i'm trying to have these places in all our communities now except capricorn as currency where you can pay for whatever item you would like to in that store and what else yeah clap it up for that man come on but um i know i know everybody like a good discount so capital coin wherever anybody uses capital coin it will come with maybe a 10 discount already built in at any one of the stores that will accept this as payment so what you were saying about the artist is so now say a meek mill did a coin and all the stores in philly end up started accepting the meek mill coin and say a young thug did a young thug did a coin in atlanta and all the clock stores in atlanta started so now we starting to control a narrative when it comes to our own currency and buying our own things and things like that because we have our own money and as it gets deeper and deeper pretty soon we won't have to use the actual dollar because everybody will have their own currency just like jamaica just like china just like all these countries out here that's how i'm thinking about it but you have people like mark cuban that's actually doing it because of the support system once again now it says you can't do nothing without a strong support system so here we are in the midst of the culture the most powerful group of individuals ever to put money out there but it's hard when dealing with my comrades inside of this industry support the same way they would support the dogecoin the same way they report support the bitcoin the same way they would support the ethereum not knowing that we have more power than all of those platforms yeah right right so that's interesting why do you think that is right because it'd be easy for us to support your music right your comrades support your music but when it comes to something that is innovative that can change the generation of finances for families forever why isn't the support there from the artist standpoint i mean we stuck in a game where everybody's for they self it's not too much real camaraderie or sportsmanship with inside this game so it's hard to get other artists to actually support and promote something that you're doing that doesn't have no benefits for them everybody has their own ulterior motive but it's funny because i could name 10 people and if they was the post capital coin we will all be swimming in money that fast because it's all about the wave and the rush when it comes to the cryptocurrencies when it comes to the nfts and all these things it's about the support system and how many people are actually pushing it and how many people of notoriety are actually pushing it is no different than a richard milley watch jay z rocker richie miller watch every one of these rappers need a richard millie watch it's that simple in the game for us and it would be no different with cryptocurrency once we on once we explain to our people how important cryptocurrency is for the future because the dollar is about to be no more so the power we have in rap music is there the camaraderie is not and that's what we're working on right now yeah you brought up a good point yeah that's a fact on market mondays you said that on early you said that where it was like um we control all of these situations it's like even doge a lot of that was spurred by our community it became really big and then rappers start rapping about it and all that and then it goes up how about this when whenever elon musk says something all these rappers and people think that he is the god or my office said it let's just go jump on it but he's just using us because he know we're the wave right right whatever he could put whatever he can use us to put our finger on and he know that he's going to win we are the majority we we make the money and we you understand what i'm saying so we need to understand our power so that we can build our own community up because if i have a coin if stat has a coin if kenny burns have a coin 19 have a coin like we can't lose we need to we need to invest in ourself a little bit more invest fest yourself [Applause] just real quick so and i agree with your point but one could look at it and say if you have a coin you have a coin you have a coin and you have a coin can we get further as individuals or can we come together united for one what would your thoughts be on that well it's no different than the currencies that's around the country now and i'm not saying everybody can have a coin it's not going to work that like that way but people of influence can have a coin people that have a support system people that have people that believe in them and follow them can have a coin and them coins can run cohesive with each other there's no one calling better than other coins now your coin might be worth a dollar my coin might be worth two cents but it's no different than when you get dollars from jamaica it's still currency my god you know i want to say something on that too yeah i just want to add that i think the overarching to what you're saying is just lack of support in general because if you are the first i don't know any other rappers that jumped out there with a currency why would they not support that in a way but you know this whole business and they might not say it but 95 percent of these people are suckers and don't give a [ __ ] about each other it's sad though because these same rap and i'm not point nobody i'm just talking about the rap game in general they'll text you like yo post my album up for me yo they'll text you like post this birthday yo throw this picture up for me but i can't text them and tell them you'll throw this capo coin up for me they like what's the business jack how's it coming back yeah [Music] you heard but at the same time though when it comes to the blockchain we can eliminate every single issue that we got right because even if all of us got a coin that's just a smart contract that filters into each other so as my coin go up yours go up so the biggest issue that we got in our community is trust and agreement we can't create cooperation america was funded by families who put together trust and treaties that's what america operates off if you take away the treaties and the trust that america was founded off of america don't have a leg to stand on so at the end of the day any issue that we have is based on us not looking for the solutions because the solutions exist so we can talk about the problems till we blow in the face but at the end of the day the white boys is running all the institutions they had owning all the platforms and they working together so the the thing that we need to ask is for all of those who are in agreement right who who want to come together for a common denominator how come we those who speak about the solution is not working together so really it's more so about all right let's say if all of the leaders of the culture right now decided to come together and you want to do fractional ownership of something or you want to have a a ownership of a coin together you can easily turn that into a billion dollars it's very simple a coin is based on tokenomics right so if you teach people to tokenomics how do you hypothesize let's just push the math on that girl so let's go knowledge wisdom and understand it but beyond that the math on the tokenomics um that comes from this white psychologist by the name of b.f skinner and what he wanted to do was tokenize behavior right good behavior through incentivization so created what he called a token economy right have increments of value that people can distinguish for their behavior right if i give you an a that's a good grade that makes you want to study right you go to uh chuck e cheese they have coins you utilize those to play the games you get a reward it's the same thing in cryptocurrency right so let's say we go to chicago and we say we want to incentivize the neighborhood to decrease crime so we make everybody in that neighborhood a coin holder and if the crime decreases by 30 then they get a flood of tokens so we would increase we would incentivize good behavior in that neighborhood so tokenomics is the study of understanding the ecosystem of how these tokens get distributed and how they're going to work in a broader economics so for us when it comes to hip-hop when it comes to any part of the culture how do we move in agreement and that's simply utilizing the blockchain to create wealth and to create a trustless system because i don't have to trust you about a uh something wrong in that contract you know somebody go get uh jealous over here envious or greedy no whatever we agree to in the smart contract it's gonna operate without the man and his vices so if we all come together and decide that the smart contract is we're gonna build wealth and for every city has their own coin right you got an oakland coin where i'm from you know what i'm talking about uh yeah yeah yeah yeah we got we got a new york coin we can break it down to burroughs i know how y'all do you understand me uh chicago atlanta wherever we want to go and if you support that city you understand me or you visit that city of course you want to own that coin and then each coin could have different uh incentives on why you will own it the same thing could happen with nfts and every single thing that we do the conversation just needs to be all right let's sit down have a partnership agreement today and it don't take nothing but 24 hours to create a coin so you also got to be careful out there but at the same time it's like the only excuse that we have is the excuses we keep making could you could you could you could you tell them in layman's term what a small contract is i don't want to lose nobody good question jim so a smart contract is essentially an automated way for you to utilize the blockchain right so let's say if me and jim jones create an agreement right um every time somebody buys his his cryptocurrency or his nft and we get into nfts later but each one is backed by a smart contract to say that every time you sell it a royalty goes to me and the royalty goes to you we can decide what percentage that's going to be or not we can say 10 percent go to styles right we can say 20 gonna go to the audience whoever's a holder of it but the smart contract says that whatever we program into it it will automate without us so whatever we agree at that moment and we press the button on no one can change it so therefore i don't have to trust you we just trust the agreement that we came up with and let it run automatically and then everybody else do their jobs on how we do the marketing the branding and we're selling it and that's that's for infinity right the smart contract is for infinity once you press it right yeah so with the smart contract that goes for cryptocurrency the way that you actually build it out with the developers so you set the parameters on what you want the actual coin to do or the nft to do and then after that is set and go so we can literally create wealth and make it set and go and it you can get as creative as you want to so the blockchain eliminates excuses and it allows us to create the wealth we've been looking for by utilizing digital assets and a technology that becomes our reparations but none of that happens if you don't stop hating and stop supporting i got so i want to i want to go to a a segment that everyone here has a in-depth investment in and that's health and wellness and i heard you say something earlier okay that you didn't find your purpose until the pandemic besides i want to start with you because i know music is something that has been gifted to you right some people are talented some people are gifted i feel like you've been gifted with music do you feel like now with the juice bar and juices for life and i know you have the supplements and i talked to you backstage about the supplements how they helped my me during my struggle is this now your purpose do you feel like the health and wellness industry is where you're supposed to be and that's what your your life was calling for i want to be very clear on this the health industry is where we're all supposed to be in here the easiest way to knock us all off is food water and miseducation now everything that's been spoken in here um it was a lot of jews in a short amount of time but i'm gonna try to i'm gonna try to go back on something until until we start feeling good about ourselves personally you all have families your first priority has to be you not your wife not your husband not your kids you have to do your best to be the best you so you could be there for them and then that message goes on and then it spreads and then that crab in the barrel mentality [ __ ] leaves yes we all stand up on that energy now i want to give y'all some real life talk because i almost i almost um it touched my soul because the other day i was on a um a group text we was talking some business jim's on a text and i told them my mind's not in a good space because something's happening with one of my other businesses jim hit me on the side boom here p hit this person hit this person hit that he didn't give a [ __ ] about no verses about no money about no chains this is my brother we we go back for years ego and pride is what kills us being in this rat race is what kills us you got to invest in yourself and then because the bigger picture really everybody who's in here you really want to eat so your [ __ ] kids could be okay and if we and him is in a rat race if i want my watch to be bigger than his if i want my lambo to be faster than his how is that helping me or his kid it is not it's not gonna help at all like even in the back it i don't want everybody to be plant-based i am a plant-based person i am not god that is not my call that is not my calling i don't i don't you know i don't tell people what to eat or how to eat but like even as a as a brown king we was in the back yeah i was eating y'all food and i'm like i'm looking at troy and rashad i'm like damn i want to tell them don't eat shrimp you know what i mean because it wasn't us no but who's that i'm gonna give you i wasn't here i love you chef i wanted to tell you no the shrimp was beautiful but this what i want to say is that your health means something to me because one thing we have to do is start looking up what we put in our body as much as what we put on our body just take a little time and say what is this going to do to me what is it going to do for me what is it going to do in the long run what is it going to do in the short run and if my kid is watching me do it what is he going to do like i believe this man helped me because he gets up because he he's full of love joy and he's striving to be a better him every day i'm striving to be a better me every day so we can't in the same spirit trap whether we like it or not all of us in this room white black short tall and different we all connected to a same energy we got to start tapping into that energy and start supporting each other and that's got to be the new wave so when you ask me about health it always used to be for my religious people god is in the family so don't god family hip hop such and such is it's just god health then hip-hop that's it because without what is we can't enjoy everything we all came here to get because we want money i love nice [ __ ] trust me i love it love it love it i love spending i love vacations i love nice cars i love farming i love the [ __ ] but we gotta want to see each other win and then we really getting distracted by the [ __ ] nan i'm doing better than you that's not good bro that's not gonna work we gotta eat good take care of each other love each other spread a good energy we all mentally screwed up one way or the other so let's tap in love each other be kind and we push forward that way so eat good when you that's the fact that let me pop it up for that y'all for real let me just follow up on that as far as uh eating good because a lot of it so this is a financial literacy conference right festival and a lot of us have been miseducated on money right we don't necessarily know have a good relationship with money a lot of us have been miseducated with food also right even growing up it's like you're eating macaroni rice and bread you're like three carbs it's breaking down in your body of sugar and then you you're saying that diabetes is runs in your family no it's like bad diet runs in your family right so that's a fact that's a fact so like you said eating right what's what is eating right because you hear a lot alkaline like what what is eating right i think for that's different from each person in this room i think that it i think you got to start wanting to take care of yourself drink water stop eating as much fried things stop eating white things stop eating processed things and don't just jump into it but just say i ate some [ __ ] yesterday last night let me eat a salad or some fruit now i think it really has to start like that you have to you have to start on a small scale to just say for me personally like i i just always try to think about the kids so i'm like if you ain't here you went here then was you know like we need y'all to look at this room look how this room is packed now if you don't start g-checking what he he's eating he don't start g-checking what you eating and then you're back in the hospital what are you gonna spend the money on hospital bills so it's about saying how do i start feeling good about myself and let me start looking up the things i'm putting in my body let me look it up you know how much your sneakers cost you know how much your hack horse now i'm at your watch course you know where it's from [ __ ] you even got a dog if you got a dog and a dog don't [ __ ] twice in a day you scared the death for your dog you wondering what the hell happened to the dog but did you ask your kid did he [ __ ] twice today a lot of y'all walking your dogs don't know how much your kid's pooping so i think it's making sure you eating things that's making sure when you eat you're using in the bathroom yeah eat use the bathroom eat green stuff drink water eat fruits walk stretch pray use your phone for information we get really lazy when it comes to information for doing good like dog you just looked up everything on the internet with that naked chick that car this and that you could look up with that food do and i think it starts with that just wanting to feel better about yourself make a personal assessment of where you are no one's not that many people are 100 you're going to go back and forth but long as you start making a conscious effort that when you do something bad eat something bad put something bad in your system you start balancing it out we're putting something good in your system i think you'll start feeling emotion and of investigating more food and what it does for you and the benefits of it that's a fact jim it's crazy because you clap it up with that for sure [Applause] when we first met [Music] i i told you what you meant to us on a workout tip like we used to work out even the crazy part is when we were working out we came up with ernie's legion shot he was working out he said you want to do a podcast i said yeah he said what we gonna do today i said let me see what jones did i pulled up your workouts and we were doing those for months and so i wonder now how how you feel because i feel like the music is great but you're helping people on in another aspect now what's that feel like to know that you're helping people from a health standpoint staying alive and keeping their spirits up by doing that the vamp life workouts what's that like for you um i mean i i genuinely i genuinely like helping people i genuinely like given so for me to be able to use my platform that people look at and follow and it's doing something for them it makes me smile that's what type of person i am if i could make somebody smile makes myself makes me feel good i've i've been through so much in my life that at this point me giving back is something that puts me in a great mood you know i mean so if me working out every day is helping out the people i'ma keep doing it you know i mean i do it for myself like you said like i want to look good i want to look good for for when i go home for my woman i want i want to feel good i want to look strong when i'm with the youngsters it's just something about being in shape and and eating the right things that what it's funny because somebody's one of my friends said to me www you'd be working out but you'd be eating a lot of [ __ ] man i was getting into the diet and i try to i try to combat that with working out so hard but stiles is right it's about what you put in your body more than anything like working out as they say is 80 diet and for most people the diet is trash so i encourage everybody to start eating right but encourage everybody to work out as much as you can at least i say work out at least four times a week if you all could do that and i don't mean trying to be arnold schwarzenegger that means getting up and walking getting up and jogging playing basketball whatever it is you could do that makes the body move and make that blood move and make that energy move that's what you need to be doing kb no obviously we looking up to you as a big brother we've seen you every day working out is that something that's always been part of your regimen or is that something as you've gotten older you decide i got to take better care of my body is that always been something that you've been into just so y'all know i'll be 49 years old in october and if i didn't eat right or if i didn't work out and take care of myself i wouldn't i wouldn't had his skin i wouldn't be blessed with you know saying the things that i'm blessed with physically and i really want to attribute this to changing the blueprint i saw growing up we all grew up in dysfunction a lot of us here grew up single-parent homes you just saw all the bad things i was talking to uh one of my partners backstage and um we're just talking about you know what i was taught as far as women i'll be married 22 years this october too and so you go through these things in life not really knowing until you have them in front of you which you're supposed to tell your sons how you're supposed to treat your wife and the things that work for you and for me man it's just honestly been about being a better version of myself at every step and you know feeling good is is energy feeling good resonates feeling good makes people around you feel good and i think you know when i show up the reason i get paid like one of these brothers with a hit single when i come hosting a city is because they know they gonna get good energy they're gonna have fun the birthday girl's gonna have the time or her life you know i'm saying it's a thing and so i want to encourage everybody though because just like these two brothers were saying like all these brothers on the stage it really starts with you and nothing is going to come to you if you smell funny because of the [ __ ] you eat or you don't you know what i'm saying like that you think i'm playing keep eating this [ __ ] and and what's matt what's that smell y'all smell that [ __ ] it's this [ __ ] right here he got the onion lotion he wearing that onion lotion again so i just and i'm playing but i'm not i just think it's important for us to realize what's best for us and what's best for us all is living we got to live y'all we can't live we keep doing these things to our body health and wealth 19 i want to ask you about health but before i ask you about wealth i want you we're in 2021 i want you to take us into the future you one of the smartest people i know man i want to talk about augmented reality i want to talk about the microsoft glasses i want to talk about all of that stuff that i love to hear every time that you speak so take us into the year 3000 with all of that you see the headband the crown the crown in the year 3000 if we could pay the picture number one vision is very important right people ask me about the future all the time they say what the future going to be and the moment somebody asks that you asking about another man's plans for your life so the question becomes is what are we going to make the future and that future is going to be created by the minds that live in here today when i give people observations high level observations is about controlling what you see low level observations about being controlled by what you see i want to say one thing about health though how many people in here ever got the itis burns what's going on traditional universities are outdated and don't teach you how to become an entrepreneur they just teach you how to become an employee you go to school for four years and you leave with nothing but debt but here at eyl university our curriculum is much different our university teaches you real world skills that you can use to gain financial freedom right away in traditional universities you learn from professors that have never did what they teach and they teach you how to become an employee at our university we use instructors that are currently successful in specific field that they teach and they teach you how to become an entrepreneur for a limited time only you can join eyl university for 25 off of the annual membership learn about stocks credit real estate crypto and more go to eyluniversity.com right now and sign up to become an earner don't wait don't hesitate head over there now raise your hand the itis you got tired after your eight some people selling it right now wake up everybody the itis is a suffix for inflammatory disease such as arthritis hepatitis so when we get tired after we eat it's literally our body attacking itself telling you that this is not good food i can't process it i don't have the cells within my body to absorb the information for this food so we can properly act to give you life so we do too much living to eat instead of eating to live so if you want to start with a resource start reading how to eat to live by the underboy elijah muhammad now we can get into the vision now we got we go live a little longer i want to say this you know planning for the future is not to be considered an african thing to do right they say there's not too many words in about the near future in the african language but we have many words about the future and the english language right tomorrow the next day many different ways to where we voice ourselves into the future and they say man can do two things about power he can try to take power by space or he can take power by time right the time power is based on creating institutions right the number one institution in the world is the family institution you project an idea in an order a crest in a language into the family and each person born in that family projects those ideas and that power into the future the future for us specifically is black family there is no greater future than us coming together creating our trust our llc's our essential products getting our health together getting our mental health together you understand me getting our energy and then writing down plans on what we want to do to project ourselves into the future now specifically one way that we can do to control our narrative because there's a study that says by 2053 black people in america go have zero percent wealth how many people believe that [Music] i mean you don't sound too sure about this room but see the way that you create a future is you impression the mind with ideas but if we have an idea to say two by two thousand and fifty-three we're gonna have the same amount of wealth proportionate to our population size then we gotta get realistic well how do we do that well blockchain creates the opportunity for us to bridge the gap between wealth and access is the new wealth right everything that was a liability can now be creatively turned into a business model into an asset right we can become our own banks because in order to talk about the future i don't want to just talk about you know everything that everybody else is doing i want to talk about things that we can do specifically but when we look at what everybody else is doing it gives us an observation on exactly what we can use to do what we need right so when we talk about things like spatial reality you're talking about emerging economies that are people going to be on the consumer end of you're talking about people looking at nfts and saying man i don't know that's a scam people just washing their money because these people are still utilizing the past to dictate their future instead of connecting to the technology and now to create their solutions y'all gonna think about that [ __ ] at home play on like this thing what is spatial reality so i want to make sure that everybody understands the conversations that we have we got to relate the information to on the ground level so everybody can have a clear understanding i want everybody to look up the hololens by microsoft right they're utilizing this technology to where i can take glasses like the one that i have on right now and it can eliminate the need for a phone because i can just press a button on the glasses and all of a sudden the phone pops up not only does the phone pop up in my hand in this spatial reality because it takes up digital space i can move it around right not only i can do that i can press face time right it doesn't take up space but space is the new real estate that's why donald trump created the space force you think he's talking about outer space he's talking about all the space you know what bob then when you're talking about nfts why would they be valuable right because if everybody came in here and this stage had nothing on it but you put on glasses and the only geographical location that we're going to stream this talk was right here on the stage you got to still sit in those chairs but when you see the malls becoming empty now you talking about all right what would they turn into right so spatial reality is something that everybody should look into the same thing with augmented reality right you should have each one of your products also in the augmented reality space because every one of these platforms that's doing the shopping whether shopify or any other ones are preparing to take each product in an augmented reality space we are in one of the greatest shifts that has ever happened in human history everybody been taken off of their normal job their normal 9-5 their normal thinking their normal career path and they were given time to think outside their normal programming and when they did that it set them into some new habits right now one of the biggest products in america or the first greatest product in america was the black body but now the resource of your body is becoming less valuable because they don't need you they're going to put a robot in your place now we're going to get rid of human error and put artificial intelligence into place so if they go do it then we need to do it so that we can build up our own future so when we talk about creating products everybody in here number one we want to talk about a list of things you need you should be studying augmented reality you should be studying generative design because what's happening now is you don't need to be the greatest engineer you need the greatest designer so you can tell the robot what to create tell the artificial intelligence what to create so we need to learn these particular skill sets that will be the most valuable ones in the future because the children now are going to have to create their own job based on the skills and the creative learning that they utilize and without that we're going to be working for everybody else begging for jobs hoping to vote going to filling up the churches in the mars and praying to god for another solution while technology is here oh everything you said just resonated me and it it may sound like he's fantasizing but it's already happening as far as when we look at microsoft we look at facebook right what's it called um the technology with it with the headquarters the oculus of facebook and even remember a couple years ago when facebook created that robot and they had to kill it because the robot um developed his own language with the other robot that they couldn't decode processes and now they're doing their own metaverse yeah so unfortunately a lot of times we get bogged down in our day-to-day life and we're just trying to just survive like we got so many issues with our health our family our kids trying to make enough money that we never really have time to think and that's one of the great things that money provides you it provides you with time to think and this is why when you see people like elon musk and he's talking about space and you see all of these people think about because they have time to think and your mind is is a very powerful thing so these things is happening but we don't even we're not even aware of what's happening and it's literally happening right now so when we talk about spacex and we talk about exploration missions to mars we just look at it like it's like just a good story but like you said these people are already planning your future for you and your children's future for them in the next hundred years so when they actually do have colonies on mars now it's not funny anymore right right we and that's something that we said man if if you don't have an agenda you're going to become a part of somebody else's that's a 500 100 like you said there's to be a shift well this is the biggest shift right now that we've seen in human human right cool you're absolutely right but there's also going to be a separation so for the people that don't get with the technology so they can survive in the times yeah this is where the separation's gonna go this is why donald trump is buying them air rights so we can go higher and keep the people lower and that separation is gonna be terrible so i encourage everybody to start getting with all this technology he's talking about from the metaverse to the nfts to everything that we've been up here talking about because this is the future when there's no when there's no more dollars it's only going to be digital from here on it and kenny burns says something the pandemic what you said that was that that changed your life forever the pandemic i matched my product with my purpose and i did too and that was because my back was against the wall when my back was against the wall i had to think outside the box to figure out how to maintain living the same way i like living without affecting me or my family or having anybody feel it when they shut everything down for rappers right so i'm in the house trying to figure something out end up figuring out how to manipulate three other people's platforms in order for us to be able to record virtually in real time and it's now called quarantine studio which i've done a great deal with aws amazon web services to actually build out the technology that i've figured out in my house and it wasn't about i'm a techie person who's i know how to design i designed some [ __ ] that the techie people end up building that was only out the urgency of me being in my house and during the pandemic so i'm just saying that to get with this technology because it's that serious pretty soon there's going to be no need for anybody in restaurants and supermarkets and bodegas all that's going to be wiped out as you see uh they have amazon supermarkets with no one in there and you can't steal anything because they charging everything to your phone automatically like so this is very serious jim real quick because biometrics what what's your what you created i don't even want you to gloss over it like i know it's like you're humbly speaking like i created quarantine studios but this is the future of music i don't want that to go underrated like what you're creating is the future of music can you explain to them because we got the conversation in the studio jim be humble with the intelligence he'd be humble with it when you was playing him yeah he tapped it when we had the conversation in the studio we left like yo jim about to change music forever can you explain to them exactly what quarantine studios is don't do it you got a patent we ain't going to be losing non-disclosure everything i just want to make sure i love you i could talk about it quarantine studios is a two-part platform the first part of the techie platform where i figured out how to record virtually in real time um anywhere and can have anything on the screen at the same time um so my engineer lives in atlanta i record in new york i was showing styles how to do it the other day i was amazed that's what i'm saying i literally felt like a dumb dumb dumb old man like i was 150. i was looking like what do you do he literally recorded by himself talking to me engineer with somebody else i was like yo that was very genius very very very genius so we uh we were trained we changed the recording process for what artists know it as to how it's going in the future all because when they shut everything down they shut the studios down also so in the urgency of trying to record to make some money through streams and stuff like that this is what popped up out of that so now we got quarantine studios and now artists can do musical artists in africa new independent artists can do music with all around the world with having an engineer on mars as long as they have wi-fi but the thing is now amazon built my technology in the cloud and i don't know if anybody know about cloud technology but the whole cartoon studio is now in the cloud so you don't actually need a computer you just need to have a computer present so for artists and for engineers and producers now you don't need to have a a hard drive to have all your beats on you could just go to a computer download your whole computer off the cloud and then get to work and then put it back in the cloud and now studios can't steal music anymore and and bootleg and do whatever you think because now you there's no one that can crack the code clap it up for this dude man are you kidding me hey you know what's so dope [Laughter] you kidding me jim is really a nerd he's really a nerd child to call new hayes no what's so dope though about music is that number one everything in music has changed already what people notice or not right the distribution channel for music is completely different really the only thing you need for music right now is marketing right because you can take your music right now turn it to nft take the album cover upload it and you can sell it whatever you want to and everybody on the planet will have access to it as long as they got the internet right so you won't even need apple you don't need spotify you don't need nobody that's your distribution right there you just need quarantine studios you can literally make the record quarterly whether it's a book whether it's clothing like we talk about crypto right and everybody talk about buying and investing in crypto but my brother slice shift my mind with it like we don't buy dollars you want to learn how to earn cryptocurrency right and that's the new model that we want to get into because we think too consumer based so one of the goals that i want for everybody number one is to write their own book right and when you write that book you put it on the blockchain the blockchain creates this uh library of existence to where it's on there forever it can't be changed right and your mark in human history is there plus it's a new stream of income so every single product that you got right now can now have a whole new sales channel and i don't look at the technology oh i don't look at the market i look at the technology right so blockchain is like the new internet and i want people to understand that because a whole new stream right for you to be able to create a new income and build wealth is now in existence and everybody is stuck struggling right with the fiat version of just collecting dollars well the dollar's about to die out why don't you just go straight to the crypto let's let's tell them what what let's tell them what we say about crypto crypto is to bank the unbanked and yeah right yeah so crypto is important to the point as we can use crypto as collateral for real estate if any of y'all like real estate so say i got a hundred thousand dollars in crypto and i need to take out fifty thousand dollars to put in real estate to buy this house there are platforms uh such as like celsius i could put my hundred thousand dollars in that crypto platform they're gonna hold it and i'm gonna be able to pull that fifty thousand dollar cash and put it on that house but here's the thing my hundred thousand dollars is still in crypto so bitcoin might go up to a a hundred thousand dollars before the year is over so if my hundred thousand dollars is encrypted that means it's gonna double or triple before the years over so that fifty thousand i just borrowed really is nothing because i just made more money than i borrowed and i'm paying that 50 cent back now i'm just telling you how it works in crypto now you got to be smart about the market because there's a risk in everything but when you win the game you will understand more that's why i encourage everybody to take 100 out and just invest in crypto like just this just invest in it just learn about it get you a crypto wallet uh uh crypto.com or binance or or or one or one of those platforms and just learn about it we have a atm crypto machine at my booth that i'm gonna be out you're gonna come back then i could i could give you a lot of knowledge about how it goes but let's say you have ten thousand dollars in your house sitting in your house that that does nothing for you but accumulate dust or rather eat it right but if you take that same ten thousand dollars and put it in crypto without doing anything you're gonna make seven percent on that dollar every year on whatever you put in like ethereum or a bitcoin so now that ten thousand dollars just made you seven hundred dollars right and that's versus the banks collecting 0.6 interest oh that ten thousand dollars would have made you a ten cent in the bank literally this is that the type of number you have to lose money because of inflation actually break it down and we are in the midst of inflation if you don't see that everything a 50 cent bag of chips doritos is now two dollars everything is going up before our eyes that's why they letting all this money go that's why he was able to get all these ppp loans that's why they doing all this so they want people to hopefully get a chance to understand in this separation this is why we're here today to let you know how important it is they gave us all that money did not trick us but hopefully because they gave the same money to the white people not to say if no white people and i don't want to be but they gave the same money to the white people they handled their money different they didn't go by the dior they didn't go by the trip they didn't go by none of that come on because they understand financial literacy where we stuck at is we in the hood and we want to look good and we never get one up that's why we're here to try to put people on the game so that you can make some money show you a difference in what you think financial wealth is to what financial wealth really is this is why we're here facts jimmy i am so impressed with y'all [ __ ] this [ __ ] is blowing my mind [Applause] one one question before we wrap uh for you is um leveraging your cultural capital so you have been a superstar in a nightlife game for a long time and speaking of liquor brands that's obviously real big in the night life and you talked about before where you promoted other liquor but you never really got anything now but now you got uncle nearest where you're actually an owner in that so what was the mind shift change where it's like all right people's using me and my venues and what i'm promoting to sell liquor as opposed to just being a brand ambassador i want to be a owner uh i know we're talking about crypto but i think social currency is the most important currency that exists i have uh been blessed to be around culture since what i think is the golden era of hip-hop and i've seen many forms i've seen many people come and go and i've seen many things happen for me i didn't know what i wanted to do i just kept moving forward and as i moved forward i stayed open to receive see trial and error is a [ __ ] and i think it's the best teacher because all of us have learned so much from trial and error and when i got into the spirits world i didn't hold back ideas i gave them away for free because in my mind i create something new tomorrow and as i adopted that formula honestly it worked best for me because as i put you know great goose you know gregor's came to me yo yo man puff got all these flavors we got lapua laurence can you help us we're gonna give you atlanta and if you do atlanta right we'll give you a million dollars to do whatever you want when a 478 percent in the market they put a million dollars on my american express i sponsored drake's two i was just doing things to get it you know get in the game but what i saw was how much they really needed me and that in tune put the battery in my back and help me identify my superpowers but i want to tell y'all we don't have the answers as far as oh we knew when it hit we just kept going but we knew that we couldn't be like our forefathers and mothers with the stingy crab in the barrel mentality we have to be open to receive and i think a lot of even when i say i'm proud of jimmy i'm proud of jimmy i seen this guy from a knucklehead to a father husband businessman like i seen his growth and to even see him in crypto that's some old other [ __ ] that we wouldn't grow up thinking we'd be doing am i lying this is not fabricated this is something we wouldn't have thought of so for me y'all and i want to shout out uncle nearest the fastest growing independently owned american whiskey in u.s history founded blo by a black woman we are doing 250 000 cases this year with no support from my from from from you would think like every club i've ever hosted in my life or every rapper that i gave got money it ain't hello it's not there but look how god works because as long as you are walking in your purpose you will get everything you came for i promise you that i am a living breathing example but you also the one most important thing i said that you have to do is stay open to receive you cannot be jaded by something that is not in your control you cannot you cannot do that to yourself you are shorting yourself and your dreams by doing that but i i just think that you have to continue ladies and gentlemen and i know they're gonna get on me for this one but i had to say it because i know we're ending soon coming here is the right thing because these brothers are legit take the information and use it how you would use it there's a lot of pyramid schemes in this game that you guys are in and that you want to be in i want to encourage you to follow your gut follow your truth because like my brother said you cannot run from the truth and if you fact check some [ __ ] you're gonna find the answers do not continue to continue to double down on the [ __ ] keep investing in brothers like these thank you thank you that's love my brother appreciate that before we wrap we over time but before we wrap can you talk you just created a platform i believe um can you talk about that yes sir so the platform he talking about is the first black owned crypto and forex exchange flap it up for that please now the reason why this is important is because from everything that we talk about i talk about our relationships with the culture the world specifically our diaspora and it starts off as what i call the slave ship that's our first relationship well we own nothing and we controlled by everything right so many of us get into crypto or forex but we don't control the market whatsoever right and then every next relationship is ownership right where we decide to take control of our problems so that we can own our solutions right and then the next level of that is rulership right well we detach from the problems completely and we just control everything and so what we wanted to do was not just teach people about crypto not just teach people about forex but on the platforms that they own so we calling it the great migration for all of those that are into trading crypto pairs or trading forex now you can trade it but all of the money that's made on the transaction side coming back to somebody who looks like you because you're talking about an industry a billion dollar industry and there's nobody black that's owned how many times we celebrate the first black that is not an accomplishment what's the name of it it's called the wealth standard exchange and the reason that it's called the wealth standard exchange is because we want to make wealth standard instead of it being so revolutionary so once you come to our platform all september we're going to be providing free education we have a whole itinerary where everyone gets to come and learn how to trade you bring other people in and you get paid as long as they're trading we're giving you the signals so we incentivize us to even have better behavior when we actually own the platforms because we don't have to sell the course right so now we can teach a whole new skill set to the culture that they have to build wealth because we see what's happening to the job market we know college is a scam in my humble opinion you understand me and even high school you go to four years without any skill sets that allow you to build wealth so i don't care what age group you are in period if you come over here to us then we will teach you a new skill set so you can start trading in the market making money and putting other people on and you can ensure on the transaction side that that money is coming back to the culture yeah it goes ladies and gentlemen gentlemen gentlemen wow make some noise for these gentlemen but before we go before we go abdullah i i gotta i gotta i gotta do a gift this is our only panel that we hosted today um and this was this was dope for me a dope experience so hold on you know man it's better it's better happy birthday to all the virgos in the [ __ ] building yeah it's better it's better to give than receive so if you've been following my drip report all weekend you know i've been having a custom eyl responsibly [Laughter] so 19 keys is from oakland california talk to me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you gotta show the other side yeah so that's that officially said that's always been one of my favorites that's always been one of my favorite joints right there stop when i think of styles you know he's the hardest so when you think of what sport that is to me is hockey so if you take that out troy can you take that out for him please troy yes sir okay rangers jersey you know you know jim is from manhattan and um you know the knicks we want to do the old school retro we did the retro yeah shout out to my brother brother mike i brought my shout that's that bull guard that's that might be too yeah that's might be right there dawg yeah yeah yeah yeah bro oh black black one yeah oh yeah make sure y'all check this out this is what we got to do as business people all black owned i got all all black on right here this is this is my b black yes yes i know you was just with him the other day something you are the king of atlanta so we did not just the regular atlanta jersey if you really study sports that is the retro atlanta brave color baseball [Applause] [Music] we thank them as always my graduates from my school being forbes backdrop backdrop backdrop [Applause]
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 45,864
Rating: 4.9555378 out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, business, finance, sports, entertainment
Id: RsF7H3hP-C0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 25sec (4225 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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