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dude what up what up what up what up is the volume we're here we're here now yeah we're here now don't mind him this is live let's let the earners welcome to the eyl house where anything can happen yes yep let's get this going hope everybody is having a joyous month the year is flying by we are almost in may it's crazy it's tourist season shout out to all my tourists out there happy birthday if today's your birthday we ran into a lot of birthdays last night yeah yeah yeah shout out to everybody that was out there you know the networking event yeah everybody that pulled up on us that was love um we gotta talk about that that was that was that was that was overwhelming we appreciate that we are going up to that we're going to talk about that in a minute i just put the bad signal out there to just let people know what's going on and um we're gonna get this conversation going we're not gonna waste any time no time wasted we are we are performing at an extremely high level out here in california we have been uh having some legendary content just done probably the best content that we've done in a very long period of time um so can't wait for you guys to see it all marcus was good you got so you got the video yeah no no doubt bro we are getting the job done we getting a job done out here in california for sure let's see if our wall street trapper is here shout out to everybody in l.a man really really really am enjoying myself i really am enjoying myself and everybody all of us are enjoying ourselves out here it's uh i think it's not it's not damaged yeah i'm just checking because i can't see you here i think it's big trap this is this is always going about it yeah and make sure everybody make sure that you check out um our show with john henry the wealth principles tomorrow it is the last of the series so that is six o'clock eastern standard time and um that is live on youtube so shout out to our boy john henry um great dude and uh make sure you check it out tomorrow at six o'clock eastern standard time yeah i think the pdfs expired or they're gonna expire um after tomorrow so make sure that you've downloaded all the pdfs for all of the sessions man they were incredible first one was incredible second one topped that one in my opinion and the third one was even more i mean the limited series has been incredible to say the least and i know john said if y'all want to see him back please request him back and so i i got a good feeling that that's going to happen there's a lot of wealth inside of that young man's brain yeah for sure and um once again uh make sure you check that out make sure you check out our episode with e40 and we had a legendary market mondays on monday um with mike novogratz which is a bitcoin billionaire so if you're interested in cryptocurrency if you're interested in bitcoin ethereum litecoin xrp all of the above make sure you check that episode out it was a billion dollars worth of information for sure um so yeah that was that was dope so what wait what we what we're gonna do here today is we are going to go over investing and um you know we realized obviously we have market mondays which is you know huge within itself we don't have to tell you about market mondays i'm assuming most of you guys are already it watching at the very least i've heard of market mondays with every single week shout out to ian um every week we go over investing we go over stocks we go over all kinds of different stuff but um you know a lot of times information can fly at such a high speed that um you know it might go over some people's heads and what we want to do is make sure that everybody has the same access to the information so every now and then we have to reset the room as they say on clubhouse and um you know yeah there's new people there's new people that come into the fold and even even if you're not new even if you are you know if you've been investing um you know there's this there's always something that you can learn that you uh you know may not have known so this is what we want to do just kind of bring it back to the to the essence the essence and um go through some fundamentals as far as you know how to choose a stock um evaluating companies uh even talking about you know the process of actually purchasing stock or brokerage apps um you know things like that nation custodial accounts if you want to open it for you for your child and uh you know we'll talk about we'll break everything down and hopefully as easy to understand terms as possible and then we will answer questions and um hopefully you know we provide enough information so now you feel comfortable going out there and um investing and making some money because that's ultimately you know the most important thing that you know you go out there you make some money and um you're able to actually leave a legacy and have some money in your pocket that seems to be the common theme we speak to people is that they're overwhelmed because they've actually applied the information and so i'm joyous because i find great pleasure in somebody else winning like we don't we're not selfish with information we're not selfish with the the tools that we're using to get the information and apply it so i'm always overwhelmed when people tell us that they heard something and now they're making money in the stock market when 12 months ago they had no idea what it was and so again we realized that there are some people that are still new every day there's a new person that joins and so it's always good to to refresh our skills and learn something at the same time so i'm looking forward to it i got some questions for the good brother big track yeah for sure and um while we're waiting for trap let's talk about some things that have been happening amazon you want to talk about that well he's here actually we don't we don't have to even talk about amazon because he's here oh we're gonna talk about it tomorrow hopefully i'm gonna go live tomorrow that's what if if if the news breaks that there's a split i'm going live tomorrow troy is a heavy investor in amazon and he was telling me he's telling me last week to get involved bro he told me to get involved in amazon and i wasn't a believer and we'll see how this thing plays see how he treats me let's see how this thing plays see how you treat me there's rumors of a stock split what's up bro what's up beloved it's all good how y'all doing man i love y'all that was good glorious glorious glorious ernest what's good trapped in the building yeah everybody ernest what's poppin you feelin me what are you doin we're done we're done that's a fact first and foremost man congratulations man you know it's been a whirlwind for you i know going on a breakfast club almost 2 million views on your breakfast club interview filthy um you know pushing the culture forward and becoming a superstar um at the same time congratulations on all your success that you have been able to achieve but more importantly congratulations congratulations on being able to educate and uplift so many different people man we had a networking event yesterday and uh you know a bunch of people came up to us like yo you saved my life wall street trapper's episode i started with his episode episode 44. i found wall street traffic through our indonesia i got that at least 25 times so you have a tremendous impact in the streets and the in the culture um and in the world so congratulations on your on your success uh many many blessings and continued success in the future and we are very proud of your ascension yeah what what what's the motto man wall street looks like us now right austria looks like us now bro you already know what we doing man got wall street calling you personally man you different and but you know but the dope part is when they call i call my brother that's a fact you know what i'm saying and when they call me i call my brothers like i i put i put y'all on a voice recall so y'all get hit you know but more than anything man like everybody on rashad you know i appreciate that brother you know i always said man ain't no wall street trap without eyl man i was doing my thing but there's not one thing that y'all do that y'all don't say trap trap i don't care what interview y'all got coming is trap you won't come to this interview if i'm not able to come it's trap come get on the line right quick i'm about to throw your name out there you get this you know what i'm saying and so that's the type of brotherhood and that's the type of thing that i love being a part of the impact to the people is amazing right it's amazing i love being able to impact people and i love being able to say that i'm an only child bro you know what i'm saying so i grew up all all my brothers who i called brothers we was on some gangster stuff together you know what i'm saying so now for for my for me not to have to risk my life no more for me not have to risk my freedom no more that's the real gangster stuff so my brothers helped me be better as a man my brothers helped me um you know learn how to do business better um learn how to be more impactful learn i watch my brothers put their families together watch my brothers build the business and be impactful to the world and bring me on that journey so man like with everything that i'm getting y'all went on a breakfast club before me you know what i'm saying so when y'all went y'all was so impactful rashad throws the wall street trapping name out there that wind up getting a clip in my mind it was already prepared for me you know what i'm saying so when y'all went in the room y'all kicked the door down i just followed up and hopefully my follow-up open the door for somebody else right so even though i'm doing my thing as an individual entity everything that i do and everything that y'all do always help us tie back in because we all on the same journey brussels man just you know i'm gonna give y'all the same name i love y'all i appreciate y'all man and the only reason i'm not at least because i had my daughter and we just had [Laughter] each one each one man so let's jump into this but before we start we just want to welcome everybody um and if you're not familiar with what's going on here we're going to talk about um stock market i don't even want to say for beginners because it's not just for beginners but just the basis you know a lot of times we talk very high level and it might go over people's heads so we want to just kind of once i get myself again reset the room and um you know bring it back to the core essence of it and uh what we what we're doing here is once a month we have what's called open enrollment so eyl university is our private school so we have a public school which is earn your leisure and that's um you know it's free it's free information which i think nobody has given more free information than us um on instagram every single day on youtube every single day on podcast outlets all over from everything from real estate to trucking to everything um but some people just need more of a community feeling more of a private education so we created eyeliner university and our goal for our university is to really have the largest online educational platform in the year in the world and um with that you know it's weekly webinar so we do this every single week what is zoom classes and and people actually get to ask questions they get their questions answered as opposed to just watching a podcast so we have a hundred of those archived um we have monthly financial planning calls with me um we have bi-weekly real estate calls the mg the mortgage guy once again we're soon and it you know gets questions and things that nature we have a home buyers blueprint ngo mortgage guys home buys movement 15 hours of content everything needs to know about buying home we have a facebook group with over 6 000 people um and inside that facebook group is actually 20 infinity groups people actually network and build with each other there's crypto clubs and stock clubs everything can i tell you something really quickly about the infinity groups young man walked up to me yesterday i'm not going to mention his name but came up to me and said i want to talk to you about my accountability group and that was something that we had started early on we broke into the book club said i was homeless 12 months ago i got in my accountability group not only am i living my best life but i'm actually teaching people how to learn the stock market i said this is incredible like this is incredible like that's the type of life-changing information that's happening well one real quick because i want to get to his stocks but real quick you bring up another gentleman came to me he said you know it's so crazy because like when ian said like if you ask that for five thousand dollars and they're gonna kill you they say i'm gonna pray for you he said like last year i spent three months in jail because i couldn't come with fifteen hundred dollars worth of um bail money and no no none of my family and friends had fifteen hundred dollars so i just spent three months in jail he said i got out and i tapped into and now i got my my stock account he said i got i'm about to buy my first multi-family home yeah and all of that so financial literacy is like the deaf band no this is crazy that that story is crazy hey trap there was a gentleman who actually showed me a cash app that you sent him i think seven months ago you and mg sent him a cash app and he said that moment was the first time he realized somebody believed in him and so he put it into an investment account and now he's investing with a group of friends like i'm talking about these testimonies don't just happen i mean it's incredible they literally show me like i ain't going to say your name your government but it was there you can't actually have them and so did mg man so yeah salute to you yeah it's a whole vibe man so all of that is at ewl university um including our private events now too we had a we had a private networking event yesterday in l.a which we're referring to and uh i mean it was so crazy man we had 19 keys there we had him 500 there alex with energy there our boy shiggy um we had miss business we had a tear blair mike rasheed so just to be able to be in that kind of room with all those kind of people and that when that was only for ewow university members so you know we just keep building this community man shout out to everybody that came shout out to oakland the bay area's in there have you heard yeah appreciate you shout out to my boys from crenshaw that was in there and it's just a vibe man so this is an open enrollment long story short and you get to see it for yourself and if you're interested um the price right now 699 is extremely undervalued that's an understatement um that is 48 hours we are raising the price because we are investing in infrastructure we have an employee we're getting more employees um we're hiring more professors and we're just expanding the program so it's 6.99 annual uh and that's good until friday 12 a.m eastern standard time for 48 hours i'll put the link if you're interested i would love to see you on the other side so trap let's get into this my brother stock investing 101 um you would like to start or would you like to meet me to kind of profit for you no it's it's it's cool with me man i want can i do uh 10 scholarships at 500 bro count me bro gotcha on me gotcha appreciate that 10 of them hear me appreciate that turn up so we'll do that man um i don't know how we gonna do it though [Laughter] we got people in here we got people in here we'll have we'll have somebody uh take some names yeah we'll get to that we'll do it at the end yeah all right um so so we talk about um stocks 101 man we talking about understanding that is so we understand that we put our money in a bank right and the bank gives us nothing on that right and so for me investing in the stock market was a way for me to say how do i do two things one gain ownership in businesses that i know and love and two make my money grow for me right so let's talk about just from the beginning right let's one of the questions people often ask me is like trap like what are the best brokerage that comes like let's just start them right because you can't even invest in the market if you don't have a account right so let's start that and here's one of the things that i learned on the journey like many of many of our people really never even had bank accounts like not even bank accounts right so we let's start with let's just have a brokerage account and so one of the things people ask is like what are the best ones to have so let's start there right so of course a lot of people will go with the tdm i mean we'll go with the robin hoods or the m1 finances right and these are good these are cool but they they don't offer a lot of other things that you would need to get in the game and learn a lot of things so even if you went on robin hood you'll see that it's missing over 1 000 stocks right that you can't be a part of like one of my favorites that i own is lvmh or you can get it under lvmui um i can't hear you say it son rashad oh not good all right and you can't even get it on robin hood right um so i preferably now i'm not an advocate for none of these i'm not getting paid for these um but i like td ameritrade i like td ameritrade because they give you so many different tools so many updates so many so many updated information so much updated information also what happens with robinhood is if you may not notice it but if you looked at td ameritrade and you looked at robinhood the prices would be different so robin hood has a lag and they get paid for that right they're getting paid for that split right and what happens is you're buying it at a higher price on robin hood than you would on a td ameritrade on an e-trade where you're getting those real time results right and so that's what robinhood is actually making money at so you think it's free but you're paying for it you're paying for it with everything that every time you buy something you're paying for that right and so that's something that people don't even much know um so i will always tell people again make the switch over to td ameritrade e-trade charles schwab fidelity right because of because of that fact the one the real-time trades or the real-time investments but also more access to information like you can go on t ameritrade and you can when you buy a company excuse me y'all i mean you hear that but like when you buy a company immediately you start getting reports of that company everything that company does they immediately just start sending you reports on what that company is doing right so now you don't have to look for when an earnest report is you're automatically going to get into it as soon as that company has a voting situation you're automatically going to get that information right and i want you to understand something too like we're not just buying stocks we're actually buying part ownership in the company uh like let's understand that we're not just buying stocks we're not just buying a piece of paper uh a digital people we're actually buying part ownership in a business where we're entitled to profits and assets that that company have like we're entitled to that right also what i don't like about the robin hood is anytime i'm dealing with my money i want to be able to talk to somebody i don't have to email you because you don't understand the frustration that you don't understand my concern for what i got going on right and again i'm not saying like don't do robin hood at all i'm just saying there are better avenues when you want to take this series like me i don't take my money for fake and i don't take my money to play with you know what i'm saying so i'm gonna be with somebody if i have an issue i can get on the phone and call td ameritrade i can get on the phone and call eatray i can get on the phone and call shaw swab and talk to somebody about something that's going on whereas a robin hood you got to email somebody and that's kind of not my strong point um so that's let's understand that first second thing is but you get paid two ways when you're investing in the stocks the two ways you get paid is one through cohort cash which is dividends now every company doesn't pay dividends out right every company doesn't pay dividends out but a dividend is now a portion of the profit that a company now pays to you right so let's talk about that for a second before we even go a little further right so this is how the dividend is paid out and we'll just use eyel as a company right so eyl is a public company we're going to speak that into the future i am going to be talking about i like that i like this i need to be right here right so we got uil as a public traded company right so eyl you know we understand how ey we start understanding one of the things is understand how eyl makes money right so once we understand how eyo makes money right we want to be a part of that we want to see are they profitable are they not profitable if they aren't profitable we want to see how long will they be profitable so that's one of the things about having was called the earnings report or earnings statement right so the company comes in and the company eyl tells us look y'all we not profitable right now but we'll be profitable in three to five years we'll be profitable and uh we'll be profitable and they give us a time span on when we're going to be profitable right and so when they do that now we can say okay since you're not profitable what is the expectations on how you're going to become profit right so no company can pay dividends if they're not going to be profitable right so this we gonna do if eyu was profitable and they said okay we're going to pay everybody who invested in our business these dividends right so let's say in this quarter three months eyl says we're going to declare a dividend of 50 cent per share right so now what happens is let's say they made a hundred thousand dollars this quarter they take fifty thousand dollars and say yo fifty thousand dollars we're gonna pay bills with right we got fifty thousand dollars remaining we're gonna take thirty twenty thousand dollars and put that up to the side that's we gonna use that to acquire other businesses acquire you know make other investments right and we're going to take the 30 000 and break that down and pay that to our investor that makes sense to everybody so now what we're doing now is we're going to take that 50 cent and pay that to every investor which equals two dollars a year or you hit a term per share or you'll hit a term annually so eyl would pay two dollars annually per share or they'll pay 50 per share per quarter if y'all feel what i'm saying right now just so far just say we travel if that makes sense to y'all yo did we give them fair warning that trapping attire was required is we trapping good come on there we go now we talking baking soda [Laughter] tire you ain't telling them in advance i had to tell them bad that's my bad i thought i was with the like the trappers be already no we already know but god i'm with the earnest so they gotta get introduced to me exactly exactly look and some of the tubas they're not really familiar so i got to let them know in advance trap and try it is acquire earners y'all know how this works don't play yourself reward yourself get ready my bad my bad i i'll be i i gotta start coming back because it's been a while since i've been that's what it is that's what it is it's been a while like i've been letting my bros like go crazy they ain't going crazy so i just been like okay like so listen let me see this movie even further you're like so let me say that this is this is this is clutch right so i'm not a financial advisor right everything that i say is for education and entertainment purposes on right know that in order to be a great investor you must learn how to mitigate the risk you must understand the pros and cons that comes with investing right i am not a financial advisor but i know i'm by the name of rashad one part of the releasing family he can take the glory i can only take you to the trap now we're trapping now we trapped and it's been a minute right so uh let's talk about that when it comes to dividends right so let's just get to that part first remember there's two ways that we can get paid right first rate is through dividends right so we understand that dividends is the cohort cash that every that not every kind of a dividend paying companies paid to their investors right so here's the thing every company doesn't pay dividends y'all every company doesn't pay dividends but just because the company doesn't pay dividends doesn't mean it's not a great company think about your facebook think about your amazons think about your googles think about your teslas think about your netflix we can go on and so forth what happens is when a company doesn't pay dividends what they'll do is instead of paying that cohort cash to you as an investor they take that money pour it back into the business and then you get the reward of seeing your equity grow in the business right i see a question what makes a company decide whether or not they pay dividends let me answer that question if y'all don't mind so what happens is a company will get to a certain state a certain level where they feel like yo our growth isn't as much as it was early on right so amazon has so much growth in it it probably wouldn't pay a dividend for the next 10 20 years right 10 years or something like that right but apple has been around so long they still have growth right and they feel like yo you know what we want to reward our investors for this now what you'll see is two of the things i look for just to get y'all in this and i want to take your law when we looking at dividends when look i look at two things one is the payout ratio meaning how much are they paying out of a profit to us right for me i would like a company to be paying me anywhere between 50 and 65 well trap why not more than that because i'm not a greedy investor right because they pay me 75 of their profit then now they can't grow the business like i want and so i would rather take my money a little bit in the dividend but more in the growth because as long as we see growth as long as they're adding value to the business the share price is going to continuously increase at a good pace does that make sense to everybody yep we trapping all right cool all right so that's where the decision comes in right it's saying okay if we were growing at 15 20 30 if we were going at 60 a year and our growth rate has scaled down to about 20 okay let's start paying some dividends because we want to reward people for being with us right and we don't want them to feel like they got to go somewhere else right so dividends one is a great style of investing but it's also a way for uh companies to reward you for believing in them so let's say we go back to eyl eil is gonna be the reference we're gonna always use right so what happens is right now yeah will be what i would call a young book right this is a this is in a while back i broke down how i look at companies right so eil would be a young buck they new to the game they got a whole lot of potential yo right they're gonna make some mistakes along the way but that's what happens in the group process right so what happens is this though they're not gonna pass no dividends right now because they're taking every dollar that they make to reinvest into the business and so because they're reinvesting into the business they can still grow at a rapid rate y'all with me so now check this out when the company does pay dividends here's the pro to it when a company does pay dividends what happens is anytime you see a a market correction or com stock price is falling dividend paying companies don't fall as much as everybody else i like to use this analogy you ever got a butt whipping from your mama before but then you said you know what i know i'm about to get his ass open i'm gonna go put another pair of pants on i mean if i ever did that i'm gonna go put another pair of pants on so you put another pair of shorts on you put another pair of pants on right quick and that kind of take the blow away right or so you thought until she started hitting you on your wrist and my back like damn i ain't had no protection for that right so that's what happened with dividends so most often what happens is when the company pays dividends because they're paying a dividend because they have that cash for that they often don't take the same hit as it would if it wasn't paying one does that make sense to everyone does that make sense is that is that we we're locking in right here we travel and dividends are are not guaranteed at any point in time right 100 so again at dividends so we looking at this so now we tap into something else while we just talking about dividends right one of the things we want to look at is a track record and this is why we don't want you this is why that other one made sense about the payout ratio right so what happens is this a company that has and this will get a little bit into like finance what i get into with it but we want to be invested in businesses with great financials with businesses with a lot with cash on debt positive cash flow positive cash on deck and i want to go to people here because we won't we won't keep it in that 101 sector but the reason why we want that is because in hard times what we don't want them to do is cut it see during a pandemic a lot of companies did two things they cut the dividend or they suspended the dividend the reason being was because they didn't have enough cash to withstand one they didn't know how long the pandemic was going to happen so they didn't have they didn't have enough cash reserves to say okay i can still pay my dividends and take care of my business financially one of the two things got to happen i got to cut this dividend so i can make sure the company stay afloat or imma take on more debt to stay afloat you never want those two things to happen so you saw companies like exxon you saw companies you know cutting a dividend pausing a dividend airline businesses cruise ship businesses cutting their dividend and freezing them because they couldn't do it they couldn't burn 60 million dollars a day because nobody was flying and still pay you a dividend not knowing this was going to take another year year and some change right so they cut it or they freezed it or whatever you don't want that you want a company that's in a good financial state that can continuously pay you that dividend and so some of the companies you'll look at was called like dividend aristocrats dividend kings dividend challenges right these are companies that have paid dividends for 10 years 25 years and 30 years plus but we don't want i won't go too far down the line with that right but that's right yep real quick when a company suspends us dividend is there usually a time frame when they can pick it back up they can't so it's now it's up to them like when we get our finances back on track what does the future look like is the industry picking back up right you start seeing things like that so now they got to make a hard decision they got to make that financial decision and that's not a decision you want to have to worry about right so if you're going to pick a company so let's even say this right i want y'all to know this before i get into the other way when you're looking at dividing and playing companies you want to look at what's called that dividend yield right so let me tell you what the yield is the yield is simply the portion of the stock price that's being paid out to you in cash so the company's dividend yield is seven percent you take seven percent of that stock price and you'll know exactly what you're getting as a dividend right so if apple is 200 and some dollars and their dividend is 1.9 percent and you take that 1.9 percent and that will give you what they paying you as a dividend make sense to everybody that's a fact and let me just reset the room real quick um for anybody that has just joined we were talking about stocks how to get involved in stocks how to start investing in stocks at the ground level and um you know it was crazy i don't know if you saw market mondays on monday when uh mike novogratz when he was on and uh you know he's a bitcoin billionaire and he's billionaire as a fact he's a whale and there's only like three whales in america him and the winklevon's twins so he's like he's you know he's kind of an elite guy and he was watching what we were saying what ian was talking about and he was like i was shocked he was like i'm surprised that you guys giving this much information information away for free this is a guy that ran a hedge fund that runs an investment firm now that that um is worth six billion dollars and me as a financial advisor like i tell people this all the time like trap you know he um he always he always says that i appreciate that as far as like i'm a financial advisor and he's not but i can personally tell you that i've been a financial advisor for 12 years and he knows probably more than 95 percent of my colleagues about about stocks so i say that to say you know sometimes we take things for granted but this is you know i went to college i have a college degree i'm a financial advisor and a lot of this stuff he teaches me a lot like you know so this level of education even though it's basic for today as far as the conversation is not basic um right so just just you know just keep that in mind so if you can like the video on youtube that would greatly be appreciative appreciate it uh because that does help with the algorithm so if you could just take a moment to like the video and hopefully you guys have your notepads out and you're taking some notes um so yeah sorry about that trap but oh man that's you know i always i always when you say that i'll always be like damn you know what i'm saying because it's what we do you know like we live it we we we kind of take it for granted like when you hit me you're like we got to go back to the basics like we always have that conversation like we got to go back to the basics because when we fail to realize that we're getting new people in every day all day and i'm gonna just be real i was talking to the guy today i'm not gonna say the name on wall street who i called y'all with and he said something to me man he said we are now in a time and first he was like he told me the same thing he was like i've been following you for a while and i'm impressed at how much information you give away he was like i'm impressed he was like i know people on wall street don't want you to be saying that like real talk man been on wall street 40 years he's like i know people on wall street don't want that to be said because what happens is that puts certain people down jobs you know what i'm saying so when i hear a shot i say that often i just be like damn because so many people coming in and i still learn i still learn every day i'm learning more i'm learning from different people i'm learning from different books i'm just in i'm in my brain um and so this comes out ethically this is our everyday conversation so for people to get this man i truly want that's what travel attire require really means it means bring your opinion your pad yo like bring that and if if you're above this level that's cool this is a refresher for you you know what i'm saying that's how i always feel like if this if you pass this it's a refresher because once you gain so much knowledge sometimes you forget the basics you know we call that a review in the education field hey somebody somebody's asking what a share is and so really quickly and this is something that we deal with with our students a share is a piece of ownership in the company and so the best we like to explain it is thing of a pie of pizza that pie gets cut into eight slices ten slices a million slices each piece is a part of ownership and so the more slices you buy the more ownership you have in that pie and so that that's what it shares i see some people in this in the zoom uh the earners are asking what a share is that's what i'm saying i want to ask you a question because we talk about etfs a lot on market monday they talk about etfs a lot uh but people might they still might not fully understand what the etf is so um can you talk about where to eat what the etf is all right cool let me say this first shot before we do that and the second way you get paid through a stock is through equity the first way is dividend the second with the second is equity so equity is if you're invested in a business that probably doesn't pay dividends but that simply is saying is if you put ten dollars in and the stock goes up to 15 you now have five dollars in equity right if it goes up to a hundred now you have ninety dollars in equity in it now here's the thing the only way you can get that money is by selling it the only way you get that money is by selling it i want you all to think long term when we talk about you gotta ask yourself am i a trader or am i an investor somebody say don't forget to talk about all the types and stop losses that's cool but as an investor i want you to think long term and sometimes those things are null and void right when you think an investor we not worrying about like stop losses as an investor as a trader we're talking different we're talking investing here so we talking buy a company hold it as the company grows we grow at some point we sell take profits and then reinvest that's what we talking right so that is that doesn't make sense family uh limit orders market all the stop loss but right now we just talking buy and hold long-term midterm investing we we don't need them to do that right not right now not right now great point though so i want you all to know that when it comes to stocks you get paid two ways one is through dividends the next way is through equity the dope part about dividends is you get paid two times you get paid through dividends and you get paid through equity um so one and before i move to the etf that were shot actually some people asked when are dividends normally paid so they're paid depending on the company they can normally it's every three months which is every quarter right so you'll you'll pay quarterly some companies pay once a year some people like disney pay every six months semi-annually so you have to figure out in as easy go to the company and they'll tell you how they pay their dividends out and then and then some companies actually can pay a special dividend but that's a whole nother thing so just to let y'all know that right quick um so i asked me to talk about ets um and so for me um i personally feel that um as a beginner investor etfs are a great way to start um i personally own two etfs now um and so it's not just limited to beginner investors right so what happens is let's let's think about it like this let's see and this is the best way that i always learned how to talk about it so let's say you walked into the grocery store and you wanted to buy a bag of chips right but you didn't know exactly what bag of chips you wanted to buy but we also know that in a bag of chip aisle there's pretzels popcorn crackers uh just wafers cookies all that is in a bag of chipotle right so let's think about this each bag of chips are each pretzel each cookie represented a company right so each cookie each each cookie brand each pretzel brand each popcorn brand each bag of chip brand they all represented a different company but they all are on the bag of chipotle right the etf is saying i don't know which cookie cracker popcorn potato chip i want but i know i want one of them so imma just buy the whole aisle that's the etl that's the etl a etf is simply saying i want to buy in a certain sector of the market but i don't know which company i want so i get this sector now different ets can be for the same sector but have different companies inside of it right so you can buy a marijuana etf mj but it may have coron chronos it may have uh canopy group it may have yeah them but then you may get yolo it may have it may not have uh canopy growth it may have gw it may have um iipr you know it may have different ones but it's still different marijuana etfs right so that everybody understand that's exactly what the etf is it gives you the option to be inside of a sector that you like and if you don't know exactly which company you have or which company like you want to go with you still want to research it you can go there one of the ecs i personally got in was one called prnt i told troy about it a while back right it's a 3d printing etf i was still learning the companies in there i was still doing research on the companies in there but i bought the etfs i was like yo this is a hot industry that's going to be around for a long this is the this is where we're headed at so i bought the etf until i'm able to break down and understand all of those companies the dope part about it etf is this they almost automatically do all the research for you so they've already put the best companies in there the best performing companies they've already done it now the dope part about it etf is also this they will change those companies out once a year depending on the performance or what they'll do is they'll say this company is performing well this company is performing bad but this company is slowing down all right let's use the example earn your leisure has the etf inside of the ecf they got wall street trapper they got mad the mortgage guy they got david shans they got every um you know ash cash the new people everybody is in there now here's the thing everybody will have a different percentage right so they may have i'm gonna be biased to myself they got 40 percent of the etf in wall street trap sounds about right sounds about right going stock going way up [Laughter] forty percent of the each other's in wall street chapter ten percent of each uh fifteen percent of the etf me being mad the mortgage guy so on before until we get to one hundred percent here's the thing they may say man gonna kill me for this [Laughter] so let's say man after marcus god slowed up a little bit he didn't perform as well this year but let's say david shan's like was increased like his way was growing so what el would do is say yo we'll take instead of matt having 20 will take five percent of our position from matt and add it to david shams and so now david shams will go from maybe 10 to 15 and matt will go from 20 to 15 and so that's what they do in etfs they if if one company isn't performing as they expected they'll take position from that company and add it into the into another company inside of the etf so the etf can keep performing well yeah if one per company is just not performing at all then that fund manager would take that company out and replace it with someone else yeah that makes sense to everybody absolutely and real quick so some people are asking where they could find etfs and so is a great site it'll show you exactly what trap is talking about inside of the etf and another thing that people don't realize is the number of sectors so there's 11 sectors on the market and so i'm going to run through them because people always like we talk about technology a lot because yeah we invest in technology companies so energy is a sector materials is a sector industrials consumer discretionary consumer staples healthcare financials information technology telecommunications services utilities and real estate those are the 11 sectors of the market and so if you're familiar with the things you're investing in now or if you're trying to get invested in again we always say we'll start look around you where your money going now your money might be going to one of those 11. it definitely is going to one of those 11. so get familiar with them and etfdb is a great resource to find exactly what they're holding in the allocation percentages and how they perform yeah shout out shout out to matt shout out to matt yo we love that bro right now they said they could feel like mg rant coming no no this that's our brother man that's our brother while y'all talking i'm like that i meant no harm i love how to call it love i love you man that's to go massive no but that's and you know another way honestly just like to be completely honest about it if you really want to just be really lazy about it you can google um top performing etfs in the space so like even if you was looking like biotech like you know ibb like you know um i'm invested in ibb and um i heard about ibb before but let's say i didn't know about ibb i know that you know the coronavirus biotech is a big thing we talked about on market mondays before no matter how you feel about the vaccine or whatever it's an industry and um biotech is here to stay and it's only you know going to get bigger and bigger it looks like so you might be interested in investing in a biotech stock but it might be risky to invest in just one biotech company that you might not know too much about so now the etf is kind of like you know a way to mitigate that risk because you're not investing in one company investing in 20 companies or 25 companies however many companies is actually in the etf so i always tell people that that and index funds we can talk about index funds as well um is the easiest route because that's the hurdle that people have when they get it's like which stock to buy and when to buy it and then it kind of becomes like you know double dutch like you don't know when to get in when they get out i'm just randomly just going to buy tesla because elon musk just tweets about dogecoin something like that like what i'm saying so etf is a good way to ease your way into the stock market um and then another strategy that we use with etfs is um to cherry pick like the top performing so like xlk um you want to talk about that strategy a little bit trap um are we talking about just picking companies from well like so we do some time with the xo so like xok when they have like 20 different stocks inside of it but their top two holdings yeah yeah yeah apple and microsoft right so you know like me personally me personally i'm investing in xlk and i'm invested in apple so apple if apple does 100 xlk might do 20 right because apple only makes up like 10 of the portfolio but if if apple's underperforming xlk could potentially do better than apple so it's a hedge so now instead of putting all my eggs in one basket like all my eggs with just apple i have apple and i have xlk so i i'm hedged so if apple if apple underperforms i got the all-star team which is the etf um but if apple goes crazy then it's gonna go yeah exactly yeah and that you know you know what you can do and i'm glad you said that it was like before i knew of etfdb that's the first thing i did i looked at the companies that i was spending money with and i typed in etf so i literally put amazon etf and i saw which ones were performing best and i said oh wait this spider one is performing okay let's move that route and so when you see again he's invested in apple we both invested in apple and xlk but another one right xly had 23 xl uh amazon allocation i think amazon's not going anywhere right there's a reason why we're using it there's a reason why they're the number two e-commerce business in the world we believed in it all right well we're gonna play the singular position and we're gonna have the etf just for the balance yeah yeah that's and that's always great um and i think rashad talked about it too like knowing um when to get in and when to get out so for me when i'm thinking etfs when i buy etfs and i have the class on it um in my group um so for me what i like to do with etfs you're gonna buy etfs so i personally am not a fan of dollar cost averaging that's just me but when it comes to etfs i think that is a great way to that is one of the ways i do agree with you dollar calls average and with dollar cost averaging is simply saying yours taking every month as you're buying a certain amount of shares in the business no matter what um and so what i like about that the only thing i will say is you never want to buy etf at the 52 we got right you never want to buy anything at a 52 week high and a 52 week high is saying this is the highest this stock has been over the last 52 weeks right so a 52 height anytime you hear that this company that just hit a 52-week high all-time high right you never want to buy a company at its 52-week high always let it come back down a little bit let it get a little pressure off of it let some people sell a little bit and then we buy a little more let me say this and this is some even we got into this we didn't talk about this how stock prices actually move i think that's something before we get into before we get in i mean we got into it already but let's talk about how stock prices actually move right so what happens is this i want you all to know this we personally do not move stock prices we don't have enough money yet right it takes millions and billions of dollars to move a stock price 50 right so what happens is this these huge investors so that's one of the things i study a lot i study they call them whales they call them you know elephants and it's just saying these are people who buy 500 000 or more shares at a time this is how we this is how stock prices move right i don't care if everybody on instagram retail investors start buying one stock that's not going to move it but if a bunch of hedge funds get ready did not do it and let's clear that up they did not do it and it came out showing that they didn't do it there was a lot of money behind that so i don't want you to think that they did that actually came out on cnbc and found out that there was a lot of heads going behind that so what happens is this it takes a lot of big institutions so when we talk about institutions we talking insurance companies we're talking banks we're talking hedge funds we're talking uh pension funds all of these people are the whales these are people buying a whole bunch of shares at one time moving stock prices so we'll go back again so let's say this now we're not going to talk earn your leisure we're going to talk rashaw rashad troy myself matt and every let's say our circle we all billionaires right and so troy says now i'm about to buy this eyl stock because even because he owned the company he can still buy shares of it right so troy says man i'm about to go buy five million dollars at uil stock rashad goes by five million dollars in iran l stock i go by five million dollars of ey l stock macco buys five million dollars eyl stock what do you think going to happen to eyl stock going up way up going up so now what happens is as it goes up now the retail investors start saying yo that's going up i'm about to buy some too so now the retail investors buy it they getting in but you're not moving the stock price up like you think now matt has bought five million shares david shan's bought five everybody in our circle now bought five ten million shares the stock price goes up once the stock price goes up for a certain amount of time troy says you know what i'm about to sell i'm about to sell my five million shares because now his five million shares has turned to 15 million dollars it's time for him to now take this profit and go by this day until he finds something else to do so troy takes his 5 million so when troy takes his 5 million rashad said you know what i'm taking my 5 million too everybody takes their 5 million out now what happens to the stock stock price comes down what happens now is the retail investor if you bought in at the 52 week high you're now stuck holding that bag because you now need richard rashad troy matt trap you need us to get back in it for that stock to go back up like that right so this is one of the ways i'm saying like we're not buying that 52-week highs and we're not following trends we're buying great businesses at good prices and if you aren't able to do that yet then etfs are a great way for you to get in that etf's an index fund but that makes sense to everybody we trapping right now let me know we trapping y'all we trapping are we trapping with the pyrex i want to go to questions but before before we go to questions um can you just talk about in index funds uh yeah we can definitely talk about that so and and just um so i saw some people say where can i get etf everything that we mentioned here today is when when the first thing that that trap spoke about was the brokerage account um so when you set up your brokerage account whether it's with td or whether it's with fidelity or robinhood wherever you set your brokerage account up all of these places um are you can you can buy etf you can buy stock you can buy a lot of mutual funds um and you can buy index funds as well so you can do it all for most reputable brokerage accounts you can do all at the same same place for sure um so uh index funds so let's talk about that right so index funds come in a lot of ways um so but most notably thank you beautiful i love you so much it's my daughter y'all so uh index funds so you think about the s p 500 that's the index thing about the russell 2000 that's the index thing about the qqq of the nasdaq that's an index you think about the dow jones these are indexes right so an index fund typically performs the same way as the index does it mocks that so the s p is up five percent then the s p y or the v o o which are two and they're up five percent if the nash tank is up five percent then that index fund will be up five percent but here's the bill part index funds can also get into like you can get large cap indexes small cap indexes medium cap indexes so what that is so now what happens is you have mega caps which is anything that is 200 billion or better well more than 100 billion or better so any stocks that are worth 100 billion or more your johnson and johnson's your apple these are mega cap stocks and then you have your large caps so these are stocks that are up to 100 billion right so these are large caps so what happens is you can get an index fund with large cap stocks in it so it would just be all stocks worth 100 billion or more you can get a mega cap index fund it'll be just stocks worth uh a hundred billion in that hundred billion or more and the reason why those are index funds as well is because it is just these stocks in this and they are only going to track how these index is doing how these 100 companies how these hundred billion dollar companies are doing how these 200 billion dollar companies are doing so index funds now the thing about the index compared to the etf is this in the index you can have companies from every sector end up that's the difference an index fund i can have it'll have tech stocks it'll have a consumer it'll have somebody from all 11 sectors inside of that index right right so somebody said wouldn't the large cap index be more expensive not at all how much the stock oh this is a great great great great great i'm glad you said that the price of the stocks have nothing to do with the price of the index or the etl the price of the stock has nothing to do with the price of the index of the etf apple stock may be that thing may have apple amazon microsoft google and we bought them individually that can easily be a four thousand dollar five thousand dollar etf for index that same index for all those companies in it can cost you fifty dollars ninety two dollars a hundred dollars a hundred and forty dollars so the price of the index has nothing to do the price of the stocks inside of the index have nothing to do with the price of the index itself there you have it so what i want to do is go to questions if we can so let me just um reset the room real quick so anybody that has joined after we originally started so what we're what we're doing here is what's called open enrollment once a month we have an open enrollment so eyl university that's our private education arm to earn your leisure earn your leisure is the podcast it's our youtube channel is our instagram all of that stuff every single day for free free information but some people need a little bit more guidance and more importantly a community so we created eyl university which is quickly becoming the fastest growing online educational platform in the world 8 000 members shout out to all the earners out there and what we do at ewy university we do weekly classes so this is like in an inside look into like a weekly class we do this every wednesday at 8 o'clock um and what makes this different a lot of times people say like what's different from this and youtube was different from this in the podcast um one of the main differences is that it's interactive so we're about to go into the zoom where you don't you know you watch something on youtube you don't get a chance to actually interact with the people that are actually on the podcast so this is part of it another thing is that it's a community um so yesterday we had an event a private event in l.a only for ey university members and we had my bro 19 keys was dead mike rashid uh alex good energy him 500 missed business shiggy atiya blair they were all there with about 100 earners and it was a private it was a private event we are going to do that in atlanta and um hopefully in new york too as long as we can um get that off but if not new york then probably jersey but atlanta is definitely coming soon so that's the community feel but we also have mg the mortgage guy does bi-weekly real estate calls once again is zoom i do monthly financial planning calls that's the only way i'm actually speaking about my financial planning business these days is that um and then we also have mg the mortgage guys home buyers blueprint included inside the package um so that's over 15 hours of home buying every single thing you need to know we have a facebook group with 6 000 members in a facebook group and to me the best part about the whole situation is that there's 20 infinity groups so people get to network with each other so a lot of time people say like i don't have like-minded friends i don't have friends that talk about this stuff because that's really how you really grow is the circle that you're around so there's 20 infinity groups there's a 50 and over club there's a crypto club i think there's even an nft club at this point there's a um stock club real estate club and this is done with the community members networking and building on their own it's value you can't even place a value on that um and we're constantly adding we have our group chat call me troy our boy francis um we go over our personal portfolios go over stock charts once a month so there's so many different resources that we have with that um so this once again this is like a preview of that if you are interested we've pinned the link 65 off of the price that will be changed it'll still be discounted but it's going from 65 off to 50 off so you can do the math on that uh but it's a 48 hours until we until we change to 50 percent off yeah and i know there's a few people that are wondering what will i be behind when i get inside at uil university no you won't be behind everything we've done for the past what how many months almost two years really take 18 months 14 months it's been archived every video that we've ever done when it was just me and rashad uh doing classes and to now we have a a list of professors doing classes it's all there and we have none other than eyl janna who holds orientation so if you're new to it and you feel like you're kind of lost we have an orientation just like any other school would have like a freshman orientation we have an earnest orientation so you can get familiar with how to move around the site how to move around the community is dope did you mention the book club shout out to the book club has become a therapy club yeah there's a lot going on school you know we realized that it's not the institution of school that's the problem it's what they're teaching but if you really look at it school actually has a lot of good things as far as the community they have like mascots they keep people engaged but they're just teaching nonsense so we took the same structure that a school has for a fraction of the price and we're actually teaching something that's really beneficial so yeah we pinned the link eyel and let's get to some questions if we can because this is this is probably the most beneficial part of the whole situation uh who we got let's go let's start down here let's start that here vanessa we coming to you on mute yourself you've been unmuted what's going on vanessa hey y'all how y'all doing today hope y'all doing good um actually surprised y'all clicked on me i was just eating a hot cheeto puff right now so excuse me if i sound a little like i'm lunch in a bit um i love it i love it i love it i love it um so i'm just not getting started into um you know investing and stuff i really want to invest in some etfs are there any ones which i would recommend for like um like if i want to start investing into water commodities yeah actually funny you say that um there is an etf a water etf that we spoke about before um pho yeah that is that is invesco's water resource um so we had we did an episode on on water on that's a really big episode for us shout out to paula mccarthy shout out to paula um and if you look at pho if you look at their chart it's extremely impressive um water is something that is probably the most essential part of life water and air you can't live without it and if you watch that episode you understand that um there's a shortage of clean drinking water which has made the value of water even go up even more this is why um water is being traded on the stock market and that etf is uh booming if you look at their five-year chart their five-year chart is extremely impressive yeah and vesco is um a very good company so yes that is that is a water etf i don't know if anybody else has any others but that is definitely it's crazy and as you were saying it everybody was putting it in the chat so it means that you know our earners have heard the information and now they're replaying and and and giving the information out so that's dope i love that i love that yeah okay i'm definitely looking to pho but when it comes to breaking down an etf and like starting to kind of do your research on specific companies um with those that etf database that y'all just um hooked us up with is that something that you would recommend to like look at to really do your research on yeah i think it's a great starting point for sure um i'm i'm doing it right now as i'm talking to you so it'll give you one of the great spaces you can look at but don't stop there yeah you don't stop there it's a great starting spot because it's going to tell you what's inside of it it's going to tell you how it's performing it's going to tell you it's exception it's going to tell you the expense ratio is going to tell you a history of the company and it's going to tell you how to perform against other uh etfs in its sector and so that's always valuable information but that's not the end-all be-all it's a great starting point to get you familiar with what's inside of the etf that you're invested in okay all right i don't want to um break guidelines or anything but i appreciate y'all's help um shout out to y'all for real y'all really changing lives out here um just wish y'all the best hey thank you vanessa and thank you and and shout out to the flaming hot cheetos that's another benefit at uil university you can still sit at home and eat hot cheetos learn that your own no frisbee [Laughter] hey all right pierre we coming to you hey shout out to paul she's on the check-in shout out to poland shout out to paula yeah yeah she's locked in right now hold on p.a i don't know what's going on not pierre we're gonna have to pass on you bro i don't know i don't know what that message is about uh terence we coming to you i'm yourself you've been on muted what's going on what's up family greetings keynes and queens how y'all doing tonight we're good we're good brother how are you already already man just enjoying this this uh networking man and consuming all this good knowledge you guys sharing with us man greatly appreciate it appreciate you beloved yes sir yes sir well i just wanted to uh highlight wall street and ask them how would you uh go about transferring a robinhood account to like a td ameritrade account because i got both but i was considering doing it in the past but i ain't want to do it and mess up my portfolio because a lot of people was getting locked out when that everybody was doing that on the fiasco with the game stop and all that so i fell back on it and i just um still got all my you know shares whatnot with with robinhood but i'm definitely considering switching it up so i just want to know your take on that nah so what happens is anyone you want like you go to td ameritrade they have a actually uh a breakdown on how you can do it they actually want you to transfer right so there's a sp and everybody has like whether it's td ameritrade fidelity charles swab um you can call me like yo i want i actually had to get like 10 of my trappers they had they wanted to swap over so you just call them and they'll shoot they'll give you a breakdown of what you got to do um in most cases i think t ameritrade they actually cover the feet um okay or for switching over i don't know about y'all swab and fidelity but i think that city ameritrade covers defeat um so you can actually do that yeah i think it it and if it was a fee i don't think it's that much yeah of a fee so it definitely is something i'm gonna um consider doing sooner than later so i really appreciate that bro because they want they want you yeah yeah they want you over there they want you i'm not gonna lie man so i actually had opened up a robin hood uh account but it was just to like show people because it was easy to just take a snapshot on my phone but i was like man i'm not about to do this man um yeah somebody says a 75 feet yeah for sure like yeah it is seven five yeah yeah not that much but they have an actual they'll walk you through what you got to do and they'll switch it all over you won't lose nothing man okay cool cool and um about the thing okay no you got i was just saying uh cause i heard a few earners telling us that that if you switch they waive the 75 dollar fees is that correct yeah that's what i'm saying i didn't think it was i think that's because that's what i remember like i remember my trap was flipping notes switching over and i remember like they waved the feet right right i didn't know who exactly well i told him to ameritrade for sure that's what i started that's too much that's what mine is with so i remember them waving their feet for switching over that's why i said that in the beginning yeah awesome awesome now one last thing i do have crypto currency uh in my portfolio with robin hood but you know td ameritrade don't deal with the crypto from my understanding so what would be your your take on that far as just go ahead and liquidate that because i i know from doing a little research that they were saying that you don't technically own your crypto dealing with robin hood if you're going through purchasing it through the uh account so just don't rock a robin hood right he'd be having some they'd be having something they'd be having too many snacks in the game bro like they'd be the master of the back door you know so i agree i agree back no business like that no pause that's pause let's pause got a pause that's our brother guys here bro what can you do well we're coming to you emmanuel we're coming you don't meet yourself you've been a muted appreciate you guys uh i've been watching you guys every night you came on try to put on all my fam to it too let's go appreciate you bro for sure i paid you some money too i got your first couple steps off your joint too so i got a couple things um i'm a new like this i don't wanna brag or nothing but i'm a newly found six-figure type of dude so i'm trying to figure out what i can do with my money because they don't do nothing for me just sitting there so i got a lot of friends that's been doing a little day trading my pops do some trading but i don't understand what the hell they be talking about so my question is if i'm getting started i got about five to six grand in there already spread out between some bitcoin some apple shares some basic stuff um but what i really want to do i've been listening to ian and i'm listening to you guys i want to structure it so that i can start replacing my income with it what's a good way for me as somebody that doesn't really know too much a safe way for me to get in and how much would it cost to start generating some residual like a hundred dollars a day type of thing so you got to look for a few things right so now i'm you trying to do that you want to get into trade you don't really want to get into investing if you're trying to just start generating money asap right so one of the things i would do is say and i'll tell everybody this like when you heard troy say the beginning like wall street looks like us now right so there's unlimited things that you can do one of the things what i would say because you're a six-figure earner salute to that and be thankful for that right just yeah one of the things you want to start doing is learning the fundamentals so you can start having your money work for you first and foremost right and because once you learn fundamentals now while you're learning the fundamentals then you can try to get it then you can get into trading i have no problem with people day trading i have no problem with people getting into options i'm probably any of that but i think you should learn the fundamentals of buy and hold first and then start getting into that trading thing and when it comes to generating money it's not solely up to you right everybody is different so i can tell you some days i've opened my options account and i've made sixty thousand dollars right and some days i've opened it up and i've made 1400 right and so it depends on the actual trade you're making it depends on the position you have it also depends on how much you have in there right so every everything is not a cookie-cutter answer and i don't want i don't want to feel like i could just give you one answer that'll fit that i will say start with buying holes start with understanding that you see your passes and trading like why you got your money working for you doing that let's say you got 10 you say you got six thousand dollars right that's the number you said take four thousand and put in buy and hold and then take the two thousand learn how to trade with gotcha and that'll help me because what happens is you understand that the 2000 um that's your learning money right and take your time learn it understand as you go i will tell you this when you get into trading be patient don't rush and don't take what's there don't make it out what you want it to be take what's there one of the things that happened with people with this options uh they start saying this is what i think it's going to be this now i'll take was there and move from that one yeah i learned that with the dogecoin over the last week at 35 and then i know i know i know i had a homeboy that invested in it november 20th and he bought it a million dollar 1.1 million tokens for four thousand dollars sold it two weeks later because he had lost like 500 in it so he missed out on like 300 grand so i know how important that money is and like i said that four grand that i just had playing around with i could have made a move like that so is is there anything that you could suggest as like a basic read or like a basic knowledge point i should go to that would enhance my knowledge on that and give me like a good foundation on what on trading or on investing on both like what you were talking about what as far as like um i know people say you got to be able to recharge you got to know when to get in and get out is there like a a basic structure you could kind of watch for that or something you could do to kind of mimic that you know you first hang up two things uh eyl does a group chat i was in there one day when they have people not explaining charts they do all that and wall street traffic community bro like i'm just wondering we teach at all you know what i'm saying so that's gonna always be my go to like my brother's over here they have a whole i was in there one day where they had the guys and they were breaking charging down one of the things eyl is good at is saying yo i don't know it all so they bring people in a teacher right so that's what they agreed at i even followed the structure like i got somebody coming to teach crypto right well not like that's one of the things you do like i'm great at what i'm great at but i don't got to be green at everything so i bring people in who are great i follow my brother's structure so that's what you can do like they have an idea um they bring i don't know i forgot the dude's name they come in they show you reading they do the whole and they make it easy for you so joining eyl bro come for me to wall street trapping my commitment we talk about fundamentals we break down how to learn a company how to read the company how to understand uncommon how to buy that discount price you don't got to go nowhere appreciate you guys appreciate you appreciate you yeah shout out to our boys uh uh francis and jehu yeah i couldn't think of any name man those those guys are special shout out to them they've been blessing us the last couple of months with that cheat code um technical analysis it's serious there's no doubt i gotta come down to dc2 man show us some love man i mean we touched the floor we even have to dribble the ball we put we put wall street trapper on stage man that was your first public speaking my first that was my first one that big i hadn't missed something like 30 people but that was the verse on that scale man then y'all left me to talk to 80 people by myself because we had to do like four episodes somebody saw that look that's why i ain't trip on it so i look back there's 80 people i'm like crazy now the lounge shout out that was at that event that was dope man we went to find out i worked so hard that i fell asleep during the basketball game i was tired a lot of love with dc that was a vibe that was dope definitely got to go to uh what that pop was that what's up us boys and poets favorite spot in dc gotta go south side shout out to south i live there by that big chair yes sir [Laughter] shout out shout out to you emmanuel shout out to dc man all right let's see what we got let's see what we got let's go to adrian we coming to you i mean yourself you better mute it what's going on adrian wow yeah uh yo thank y'all so much food for choosing me man um um can you all hear me yeah are you perfect oh okay um uh first of all i just got like a little quick praise report with regard to him 500 he was on the show um last month and um i was able to raise my credit score like a hundred points by just following um you know his process so i just thank you all so much for all the stuff that y'all bringing to the game shout out to mark shout out to my boy him 500. him not them he was with us last night at our networking event for ewing university one of the most dangerous men on the internet that boys yeah boys different man no doubt no doubt um yo when y'all come to atlanta i'm like five hours away but i'll drive and definitely make the trip so if y'all come to atlanta please let me know i will definitely be up there um i'm gonna get straight to my my question uh i'm gonna call you guys i'm i'm in gainesville florida well i said you ain't cause new orleans six hours all right cool yeah um but uh trap um i uh i made a terrible mistake and i got into coinbase as soon as they opened at like just under 400 and um now i think it's like just under 300 so i lost my shirt um but uh you said um because i followed you on instagram you were saying that um you should never get uh you should never uh buy stock in a company um as soon as they as soon as the ipo hits and um what i was trying to find out is um what would you recomm like with regards to coinbase do you think that it's ever going to get like back up to that 400. all right i'm glad you said that man cause i saw some people saying something and i want to address this right quick so i don't buy ipos or directly as soon as they come to the market um just because i feel like i need to get about four quarters of information from them um i bought roadblocks my daughter has her own account that i put money in um and i bought it for her because she literally woke up one day because i watched cnbc so much and she was like daddy can i own roadblocks like i run disney and i was like of course you can so i bought up some shares but it's for her um and it wasn't no big deal um it was just to make a smile but i typically myself don't buy them in ipo phase or direct listen i think one day i'm gonna do a post on the difference between the two um you didn't lose your money so i want you to understand that the only way you lose your money is if you sell it right now so let's let's let's understand that if you buy a stock and the price goes down what's up beautiful okay i need to tone it down a little bit same person why are you telling people about my portfolio exactly like turn that down a little bit right um boss has support don't lose that's the fact all right you don't lose money in a stock when you when the stock price goes down your equity decreases but you don't lose money you only lose money when you sell it because now you've locked in the loss right that's why i buy who was so dope so what i would typically do if i was you and one of the reasons again why i don't just buy other people without the gates because first when you're buying an ipo one of the things are direct list one of the things that's happening is the people who who invested early on this becomes an exit strategy for them right unless they're in they have what's called a lockout phase where they got to keep it six months or maybe a year or maybe two years depending on what their lockout phase is right so you got to figure that out um so that's normally when they're getting out for me after three to four quarters i now have an idea of one how the business made money i've now let all the big investors you know do what they're gonna do um you know what i'm saying they're gonna be in for the long term whatever i can i can now i can now develop my game plan on that for you i will have to ask you how do you feel about column b's now what i do know is when i i'm i'm thinking about investing in it but i'm gonna give it a year i'm gonna lie um they put out great numbers before the ipo like they put out great no i mean before they die before they hit the market on direct listing they put out great numbers so if you go look back and look at how the company's been performing um before they became public they actually did great numbers so now you're saying okay what happens now is because they're on the market now public they now have to open up the doors to everything they're doing and they also have to give us all the information and so this we build our strategy on so for you if you bought into coinbase do you believe in it yeah i do yeah i do i i think i i mean it's the biggest company you know in the crypto space so i i just assumed that it would eventually you know take over just because of the name recognition 100 so one of the things before you buy a company so i'm gonna tell y'all this right quick i always give myself i always have these rules right but i'm gonna just give you all three things one like actually so why am i at this business what what what attracted me here right two do i understand how do they make money three do i see ten year growth potential because if i can't own a company for ten years and see it growing i'm gonna pick i won't spend ten minutes watching right so the next thing for you to do is say okay you bought it at how much uh it was 3.98 3.98 what is that right now uh 299. buy some more right now so now what's going to happen is this is going to have you and i'm only saying if you believe in it so what happens is if you bought it at 390 something and you buy that 299 right now you'll now bring your cost basis down which is the cost that you bought it at you'll bring it down from 298 i mean 390 something to about 250 right so so now you'll see profits you'll now be into profit at 250 instead of wait until it gets i mean at 350 instead of waiting till it gets to 300. you feel what i'm saying and so what i like to do is with me when i buy a company i always do what's called that's not dollar cost averaging y'all that's called averaging down but all the costs averaging is something completely different so averaging down is what i love to do i buy i figure out what a business is worth and then i find prices at which i'll buy it again right and so so you bought it at three something so i'll have three ways i look at it if i bought it at 350 or 390 something what are the next two prices i'll buy some more so if i bought it at 390 my next price may be 350 or 325 and then my next price may be 275. you feel what i'm saying so now what happens is if it goes down i'm now bringing my cost basis down with right so now i'm no longer i can i don't got gotta wait to 3.98 to see profit i'll now from 398 to 350 i'll probably bring my cost basis down to about another 10 15 that adds up right so you find prices that average down that um but i don't i don't i don't buy ipos out the gate for myself like that because i know there's a few exceptions to the rules and a lot of times it's the smaller companies that you don't even hear about that just take off after ipo right the bigger companies people getting out of there they make any money they're getting out of there so but because you're there you believe in that's why i say do you believe in it if you believe in it you start buying averaging down and then once you figure that price to average down that you okay i'ma let it take off once it takes off you don't start buying more until you reevaluate the company a year later i evaluate every company every six months yeah that that's extremely shout out to my boy mike rashid who's in the youtube chat is he good cake yeah yeah that's right what's good that's my god man we got it i'll put the link over my he was like trapped you coming i was like yeah when i got my thought i was like um and that's crazy it's doing numbers man i just i the first day it was like 4 000 views and i didn't check it and i looked two days ago and it's been out for four days and we got 177 000 views his community is insane heavily respected and just a good dude man we're gonna be doing a lot of stuff for mike so shout out to let's watch yeah just watch yeah yeah that's a fact oh it's called legends only that's a fact um but um by buying down is something like what you just explained is something that is extremely powerful and um i actually did that recently with an option um and you can do this like what he's explaining you can do regular stock you can do options you can do anything and i was i had an option call i think it was a it was 1 40 um one yeah january 23rd march 20th march march 23. it was a 140 march 20 march 23 call for apple and i was down pretty bad i was down um 40 i was down like 40 and um i put i put a substantial amount of money in because looking at the charts understanding that apple i you know we felt it was kind of going to go on a run with earnings and everything i'm like i'm already down 40 percent so i put a substantial amount of money in the minute i put that in it brought me back it brought me to down eight percent instantly um and now i'm up 22 so that's a 60 swing swing so it's like all right you take a shot you might miss the first shot move in a little bit get closer to the basket like i said like so don't look look the reason he did that is because he believes in the company right like if you don't believe in the company you're not gonna do that yeah don't just do that with anything like if you down you got x y and z paper nail company and you down sixty percent and you're thinking you're going you're gonna just now you're gonna be down ninety percent when it keeps going like be careful strictly for live man don't don't play yourself and think like okay you definitely gotta believe in the business you definitely gotta that's that's one of the most important things with anything with investing i you gotta believe in the business that's the only thing i'm keeping from panicking right if you don't if you guess if you're doing guesswork every time it drops you're gonna panic you're gonna sell your shirt if you believe it yo i'm telling y'all we don't bend down big money and be like how you feel bro man i'm good i ain't tripping on it's it's because we believe in the like no whether it's long term buying whole whether it's midterm whether it's options because we do the research and the homework that eliminates the panic that eliminates the pain now rashad is just a pessimistic guy no i'm about to say he'd be trying to make me panic i'm like nah bro we good come on it yo you know the moon is about it's about to come out it's it's no way it's down like nobody was up 120 yesterday that's what i was always taught to my man tomorrow you always said like you know kill the deal i'm always taught to kill the deal meaning if something is brought to me i'm trying to figure out what how can how doesn't it make sense what how it can go wrong i'm a i'm a defensive player so once once you play defenses once she once you once you realize once you realize all of the things once you realize all the things that can go wrong now you're in a position to actually make a decision but everybody's different some people is more like troy's more offensive like he he he takes more risk um but you know to me i think i think a good defense is the best offense and um i'm just not trying to lose no money that's the number one rule of investing i'm not sure in the in the traffic community looking at the inverse of every situation and looking at the inverse simply means how do i understand the downside like i gotta understand the downside to whether it's buy and hold whether it's options whether i need to understand the downside because once i if i don't know if i don't know the dangers of this then i'm really investing in a blind so when i invest in a company i want to look at what lawsuits they had again them why people left the company what the people who work for the company saying i need to know the bad side of it too so now stuff doesn't just throw me off you we got to understand that but because we were talking one to one yeah yeah future innovations you know if they offer guidance to work yeah you want to know that these are the things you gotta you gotta look into it all it all plays a sport it plays a part in your research it's crazy listen as i'm talking to y'all the guy really texted me just now and i was on the phone for them two hours man and he literally told me he's saying right now man you hitting it right i guess so he's watching he's like man you hitting it right on the head it's crazy so i told him to watch him right there um but one of the things we talked about today was when we talked about how there was this great opportunity for the playing field to be level so i don't care if crypto nfts i don't care what's coming i want y'all to know that the stock market will not go anywhere right it will not go anywhere because too many people's billions of dollars is tied to it right these other ads these will be other asset classes that just it's like this the burger that's the fries that's the high seed that's the apple pie you want some nuggets too that's what these things are you can make money with them as well but the market isn't going anywhere what happens is now these other asset classes present greater opportunities for us the thing that's going to hinder a lot of people is going to break a lot of people is because they're doing more guesswork than research you're going to do more guesswork than research people often ask me what trap if you waited a year for chipotle why you missed all those gains i was like i ain't tripping because when i did get it at 425 it ran up to 15 and i was good 1500 i was good yeah i mean you had a price target i had a price i had a price on it what i want to get it at like you can't guess your way to wealth you know and the objective for us is to help no matter which avenue we take in the objective for us is to help you all build wealth and it's not because we've read it in a book it's because we're literally telling y'all will work for us i'm being real with y'all like the stock market changed my life the podcasting game and investing changed eyl's life real estate change matt the mortgage guy's life right so the information that you're getting from people is of two things learned and experience knowledge it's learned knowledge and then there's experience knowledge the two together is is your most dangerous weapon because some things can't be taught you got to be they got to be experienced right i didn't know how i was going to react and so i was down 150 000. and then i learned how to react being down 150 000 down i called troy like yo what are we doing huh what i said man i'm right with you a lot a lot of this stuff a lot of this stuff you know like you say you don't appreciate until you actually are in that position to be down 150 000 in one day when ian talks about having 60 months of reserves fact it sounds crazy um i'm liquid over 60 months and i don't i don't feel safe but look what that mark cuban said if you got a million you ain't no extras you're walking on eggshells yeah you're walking it's crazy crazy that we say that we talking to a billion dollar man and you listening to somebody say if you got a million you want eggshells you feel me like and that's the mindset that tells you that the world is shifting to a different place this is showing us that one streaming income is now death real talk like you're you're literally bloody meat in a jungle right and the only thing that can save you is financial literacy yeah with a company 26 trillion dollars in debt yo it's a wonder why the man says with one million dollars you're walking on eggshells so we need y'all to take this information we need y'all to take this knowledge it's the reason why uil doing what they doing it's not for popularity yo i can promise you you're like i'm gonna be one i'm the i'm from the streets for real i had to learn how to get on camera yo i hate doing i hate doing it i had to learn how to do it so popularity is not the thing notoriety is not the thing what makes us feel better is saying yo we can take the information and knowledge and feed our people y'all that's dangerous because nobody else ain't gonna teach us but us liberty man told me this today he said to me bro what you're teaching wall street does not want people to know that yeah right so when my brother called me and said trap can you do an intro to um stocks for us bro man i said that's a no-brainer we can do that it's cool bruh so i want y'all to take that information and don't just take it yo apply it use it when him 500 come teach y'all about credit use it when derek gracie teach you all about you know gold and whatever use it when i come teach all about stocks use it when rashad has a financial uh planning class use that you know why who knows how to financial plan i chose the hell don't i had to ask him bro i need you to show me how to i don't even i know i don't know that part right when troy is bringing out an assessment i need that troy you're a teacher like the knowledge is here for us to use use it i'm not sure what else to say i just want to do one for the friends also i want one thing i haven't spoke about is that we actually have a collaboration that we did um with trap it's the only collaboration that we've ever done in earning alicia history right um yeah the family pack and it's uh written that is a fact we collaborated wall street trapper and legion collaborated this we did this last year and it's been rave reviews for anybody that has it um where we actually i did 50 trapped at 50 i walk it's like a literally walk through of like how to look at a life insurance illustration how to properly set up a life insurance policy how to actually overfund the life insurance policy college savings custodial accounts trap talked about gold he talked about we talked about etfs like actually how to like the websites that we use personally like interactive it's like a screen share situation um all top performing stocks um precious metals it's so much stuff like it's that reads no it's a college it's a college class i forgot to mention that but uh we also collaborated on that so if you're interested in that i'm gonna put the link for that i'm gonna pin that in youtube um and we have fun and we have fun doing it tell them trap so first of all we shot him starved me i had to go in that basement troy house for 72 hours i couldn't eat so i just want to make that be known right the last day we fed you maybe the last day maybe the last day saturday for three days couldn't leave right now pick up troy kids everything but we did do another thing too as we broke down i actually show you all how jp morgan and the rockefeller set up their family trust um we talked about it's a powerful one too and we walked through that whole thing i talk about a couple of trusts rashad talks about some trust like yo like that's a dangerous body of work that we put together troy has some assessments on that that's crazy i think it's literally 42 modules y'all 42 miles we got busy now we got busy we got busy i felt like it was an album move yeah we were throwing them up i mean i just recalled like we were just drawing up the tracks like how we gonna place the tracks i'm watching the book it was crazy i felt like i felt like swiss it's a classic album i just pinned it if you're interested in checking it out it's trapping with um that is an extremely extremely impressive body of work and it was dope to work with you on that so yeah so let's let's get one more question if we can let's go to grayling gray then we're coming to you on mute yourself you've been on munit what's going on yo i'm so glad you guys are meeting me man i first off want to say uh uh ewl um thank you so much man um you know just just seeing you guys i'm 24 right now well actually i just turned 25 um and seeing you know what you guys do uh for the community command you 100 um so uh i i wanted to go back to something that um and also wall street chopper i appreciate you too as well because i'm um just starting to learn about stocks i'm in real estate right now in charlotte um and also getting into crypto and kind of redoing my finances right now i got rid of my car note um and bought a car outright to get some more money back into my um you know my savings or what i save every month so i'm kind of diversifying um so i'm starting to like i said invest in crypto real estate um and then from a stock aspect um you know starting out what do you think you know a percentage should be for you know myself you know just starting out from investing because i know rashad you say all the time uh you know your portfolio is about 10 um of crypto so i was just trying to see you know from a stock aspect what do you think you know wall street trapper um you know what that should be so how much of your portfolio should be in crypto i'm sorry i was texting my mind oh no uh in in stock so i right now i'm doing about 10 in crypto um and then you know i'm saving uh you know a good amount too um and then i just bought a whole life insurance policy too so so it depends on the investor himself um again i'm not a financial advisor everything that i said it's for entertainment education purpose on right right man chris that's involved right i know the financial father my man rashad he can take the glory i can only take it to the trap house you feel all right so what i do think is um one thing you have to do is identify your goals right that's important identify what are your goals what do you want each asset class to do for you um that's important because every asset class performs different depending on the economy depending on the market cycles everything performs different so the one thing you have to do is say what is what are my goals like what am i trying to do there is no cookie cutter approach my portfolio rashad's portfolio troy's portfolio you heard it we all different right shot is more defensive troy's more aggressive so in every investment they make they're going to take different approaches um so i think one of the things you have to figure out is which asset class you want to work most for you the reason why i would tell you stocks is because i'm the stock guy that's what i love to do and when i looked at the most wealthiest people in the world i saw that 60 percent of them um i mean i'm sorry that much 80 of them had 60 of their wealth in stocks so for me i just followed the blueprint that i already saw when i saw that majority of people had their money in stocks i went stocks and when i realized to do who told me that wealthy people the first thing they do is do stocks they own the business then they get into real estate i started stocks i got into stocks i started my business now i'm on pace to try and get a hundred dollars with my brothers you know what i'm saying so to go me with stocks first so my portfolio right now is 90 90 stocks 10 crypto until i get real estate my portfolio will shift but for me i want stocks to do the heavy lifting okay you know so what do you want to do to heavy lifting you know what i'm saying and so for me when i looked at returns and again i am not against real estate let me say that first and foremost when it came to returns stocks were better when it came to being able to leverage more and um real estate became better leveraging more and tax benefits real estate was better so for me i wanted stocks to do the heavy lifting right now and then i'll personally use real estate as a leverage tool and as a tax tool so i understood how i want my portfolio to work for me so that's the way i work it so i hope that helps yeah and so when you say do the heavy lifting so right now i'm looking at stockings more so i'm like in just another vehicle um for a long-term hold essentially and so that's what you mean by you saying the heavy lifting like that's doing most of your heavy lifting from a long-term hold aspect no so what i want to do is everything so when i say heavy lifting i mean whether i'm doing options whether i'm doing mid or long-term investing stocks is my vehicle of choice okay you know what i'm saying so when i say heavy lifting so if i'm doing long-term investing is stocks when i'm doing options mid to you know six months to a year it stocks when i'm you know passive income later on for um dividends like my goal is to generate a million dollars a year by time i'm 50 from dividends right like so i set up a whole dividend portfolio that i'm gonna just be pumping money into forever right and so when i say that i want the heavy lift stocks to do in my heavy lifting also because i don't understand real estate as much just yet you feel what i'm saying like that's why i got a mac that's why i learned from real estate people but even stocks is my go-to so that's going to do majority of the heavy lifting for me real estate will be next and then crypto is a part of it as well but so that's how my that's how my portfolio is going to be set up stocks is going to do majority of the work for me no matter what level i'm on again whether it's options whether it's buying whole whether it's dividends stocks going through the heavy heavy lifting because the returns for me were better like i can get those returns in crypto and in stocks and then options for me better than i would with real estate but with real estate i'm gonna be able to take equity out of this home and go get another piece of property defer that tax you know what i'm saying so now and how to use your portfolio how you again what do you want the heavy lifting to do and what are your goals that's how you build your portfolio the wealth okay yeah and that definitely makes sense yo that was a class just tonight yeah i appreciate you really appreciate it okay okay now do we we haven't set guidelines in a while no but we're not going to do that to you guys but we appreciate you bro yeah for sure appreciate you but yeah 10 um 10 is actually what i have in crypto too in my portfolio but trap i want to thank you man i really appreciate it before we leave just um to let people know so what we're going to do with the scholarship because i was thinking about it and um you know we've done scholarships before but i met three people this weekend that were college students that was at uil university and um we gotta look out for everybody but i feel like you know we got to make sure that we we look out for young people so what i want to do is i want to give 10 10 scholarships away to anybody to to people at hbcu but we're going to do this organized it's not just going to be me your emails so don't even waste your time start putting it in the chat that's what we're not going to do what we are going to do is we are going to connect with somebody at a hbcu um so if you work at a hbcu email email info at earn your leisure if you like work if you're like a professor or an administrator if you can actually you know get us in touch if not we can do the legwork ourselves but you know what we could do what if they are in the hsbcu uh they have the email from their school and so their email will be there no no no no no no no we'll just we'll just do it with one so it's easier like howard university like what i'm saying like we'll just speak 10 students at howard school yeah it shouldn't be that hard because colleges hit us up all the time to speak and stuff like that so we can just pick one school and we can pick 10 students at that school and um we'll give we'll give them scholarships 10 scholarships to college students at hbcu school and uh we'll do it like that for the so once again thank you for that and that is courtesy of mr trap actually we'll match it we'll match it trap trap we'll do 10 we'll do 10. so we'll do 20. we'll do 20 scholarships for hbc um school students but like i said it's going to be organized it's not going to be i go to howard how old are you 47. no disrespect to anybody that goes to hell that's 47. no we're not playing that game um but once again thank you for your time brother if anybody watched this if you are interested in joining ewing university once again we do this every single week we have over a hundred archived classes like this where you get to interact with the professor um and we cover everything from from real estate to credit to legal issues to anything you need you think of we cover but the difference between the podcast youtube and ewy university is that it's a community um once again we have infinity groups where people learn from each other we have a crypto club we have a real estate club we have a stock club um home buyers blueprint is included mg the mortgage guys home buys blueprint um our facebook group private six thousand members we have private events we just had our first private event um yesterday in l.a over 150 earners came out we had my boy 19 keys was there mike rasheed alex good energy him 500 missed business shiggy tia blair us and you got to network um atlanta of course we're going to do something big in atlanta and you know all of our friends live in atlanta so you already know what kind of vlog that's going to be that's just off the road [Laughter] that's off the rip you know all of our friends live in atlanta including mr trap so you did hello you already know how that goes man and you know on and on and on um eyl university if you are interested is is 65 off right now that will go to 50 off in two days so yes yeah time is limited on that and then trapping with ey travel uio is separate from that that is wall street trapper's course who we collaborated on with 50 50 um on that as far as on the production side um but that's our only collaborator that's the only not to say we won't work with other people but if we did work with somebody it just made sense to work with trap our history is like you know it's like kobe it's like kobe and shaq man like you know anytime we get together it's always it's always amazing it's always a magical moment so it just made perfect sense for us to do that if you're interested in that that is pinned on youtube um trapping with so um yeah man uh hope you guys apply this information most importantly that is the most important thing and once again this was done to just bring it back to the basics and you know a lot of times we might you know talk at a fast pace um so sometimes it's just good to have a refresher course even if you are investing sometimes you need to just revisit the basics and um one thing about wall street he he does a great job at making things that's complicated extremely easy to understand somebody ran up on me yesterday from crenshaw and it was like um they was talking they was like going on and on and on about everything and they was like um compound interest they was like uh the eighth wonder of the world the man who uh the man who doesn't the man who understands it will benefit the man that doesn't understand it will pay forever big trap [Laughter] so you know so they tap they tapped in with trap men all over the country man oh man yeah yeah yeah man but um what what would you like to tell the people man i just want to you know i always go on these rants but i ain't going to rant about man i just want to say that this y'all could have been anywhere in the world but y'all chose to be here with us yes sir the best place you can be man between eyel wall street chapel the other people that's putting our great information that's where you need to be at your life financial literacy is gonna say you don't get there all at once because we ain't get we didn't get into the positions we were in overnight um be patient be dedicated keep learning right that's what's going to take us out of here yo like turn your last name to the asset that's a real statement that i live by and what that simply means is how many rich and wealthy families you don't know how they got their money but you just know they wealthy their name was associated with money that didn't happen from one person that happened from one person getting the knowledge that happened for one person getting a game that happened from one person saying yo but i ain't my family about to be poor no more and then once they got it they implemented and they wrote it down one of the things i call them is family sops that we now have to do everything that we do when it comes to investing we have to write that down because we can't just keep it here because if something happens to us today tomorrow we die with the information we write it down we make a blueprint of it i'm just you know right quick i probably have about 60 notebooks y'all i never stop reading i never stop writing everything i do i write it down y'all like write it down put it down so your family can read it so you're dope my daughter can read it give them the knowledge write it down y'all family sops get the knowledge so you can you can get it give it to your kids your kids give it to your kids give it to your cousins give it to your aunties i don't care if they don't want it right now you keep doing it don't get discouraged because they don't want it one thing we do as a people is we learn and once we see somebody doing it okay cool let me train on don't don't don't punish them for not being on it when you first got on it and you ain't learning when i first got it i don't want to do it ah you learned in your time let them learn in their time but keep learning keep applying the information join the earners come be a trapper we're going to keep feeding y'all we're just getting started i totally shot them we not finished until we have the same type of people our people have the same type of energy that they have for us that they have for rappers y'all i told him we ain't finished until that happened and we i'm we gonna keep doing it y'all we're gonna keep being so that's all i gotta say man just keep learning keep implementing the information don't compare your chapter one to somebody else chapter twenty man please don't the fact yeah i will be teaching a financial planning class for the trapper community next month and just kind of work out the dates but uh definitely i'm looking forward i'm looking forward to that for sure yeah man and as i said before man we're here to just build community and uh even with trap is anonymous and eyo we're not here to teach you what to think we're here to teach you how to think and so when you learn that it doesn't stop with you it goes to the community and so i want to encourage everybody i want to encourage everybody we always say that man you learn something you go to your hood and give it right back and so we saw outpouring that last night and so we want to continue that thing going so shout out to all the earners shout out to all the trappers shout out to everybody that that's learning and building and creatively coming together for the common cause of generational wealth man we love y'all you know how this works man reach out call somebody one text one conversation can change the trajectory of somebody's life and we encourage you to do that man we gonna do that we we live by that uh so we're gonna keep doing that yeah so this will be saved on youtube it will be on podcast outlets on friday at five o'clock eastern standard time tap in once again trap appreciate you bro big trash um yeah
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 292,585
Rating: 4.9770088 out of 5
Keywords: Stocks, Stock market, Wall Street trapper, Investing, Index fund, Etf, Stock, Stock investing for beginners, Investment
Id: emdcN_78TEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 17sec (7097 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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