Staying The Night At The Real Conjuring House!

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we've all seen the movies we've all heard the chilling stories okay not to alarm you nurse for a split second i had a body on this camera something happened here that can not be explained jennings brower lonnie marks kyle and myself will be staying the night at the house that started a horror franchise here we are the real life conjuring house jennings kyle how y'all feeling this is y'alls first well technically second ghost hunt because we did the one out in west washington almost at wisconsin i i don't know wisconsin yeah with the squad i don't play with ghosts ghosts are not my thing the haunted spaces and all that stuff i don't do it um typically in films i don't do so well in horror films so i this is it's not making me feel super great so you're here creep and i i'm the same as long i don't watch the movies i don't i don't like scary stories you've never seen the movie the conjuring no have you ever seen a movie conrad no okay so y'all okay this is probably a good thing i did my video absolutely i wouldn't be here tonight about this place you've seen the movie before coming here the only content i was shown was by jake the past two days listen before coming here if i had seen the movie i would not be as the fact okay so well you're here so and we i brought this up in the car this is older than the united states as a country which is kind of crazy to think about yeah absolutely aren't there dead people buried in the backyard yep they found five bodies in the backyard where you going um i'm just gonna start jogging i'm gonna head back all right anyway but we're uh we're staying the night here um it is currently what time what time was it 8 56 8 56 at nine o'clock uh it's getting dark outside we're gonna be here hopefully all of us will be here until sunrise i'm excited content we got some really cool stuff we have [Laughter] night vision camera we've got uh new uh evp recorders corey has been so kind to lend us one of his like higher end evp recorders we also have spirit box and we've also got that fancy camera like the the it's like thermo the thermal but it's also got the uh the 3d but also like the the stick figure body so we're gonna be trying to do a lot of stuff uh we'll see if we can catch something really cool here someone told me once if you're nervous just pretend that you're excited i'm pretending really hard right now so in this room i've seen uh corey has showed us videos where uh books fly off the shelves and this was the original parent get off your phone not on my phone 9-1-1 that's my emergency uber uber please it's not moving cool let's hang out you want to hang out in the parents you want any test stuff i got the night vision okay we can hang out see if we have to close this door though you want to close this door too you have to all right let's close it there's a rock in the bottom of the street prepared so we're going night vision okay oh yep [ __ ] you what i want to say it's gravity but it was closed for long enough it would stay shut pretty for a while if it's up then it's stuck let's reset it might be because the door was shutting the biggest thing we're gonna do because we don't like to fake anything if anything does happen we will try to debunk it instantly because that's that's how you do things um this door might have opened because we closed that one creating a draft which highly logical so let's put this back i'm so happy that we have some logical people here because i'd like to say that as a creative there's a rock there my imagination yeah i kicked it uh my greatest weapon and my greatest enemy all right the door's shut i'm gonna take a seat here uh you want me to hand you the night vision concert sure is everybody ready i don't know how much more ready they can be all right okay here we go ready um this is us in the current library used to be the parent families uh master bedroom this is where their mom and dad slept is there anyone here with us that would like to make their presence known we heard you look her we yeah we heard there's a particular book he liked to knock off the shelf maybe even open the doors it's dark what y'all doing just sitting patiently are you scared i'm staring at the floor why are you staring at the floor are great you are great voice actor i'm just happy to be here i'm keeping myself quiet and limited tonight's to not interfere with the vibes if there's anyone here could you make your presence known for us um i just heard three knocks like a door opening to my right okay now when you open the door it's like catching the ground it's full i heard that to my right that's me that's also me sorry are you good yeah i thought my foot was settled and it wasn't this is insane though i know y'all haven't seen the movie but we're literally sitting you know what i mean you know details can uh be kept you just kind of you know i'll be so excited to watch the footage back i'm gonna come see my partner it'll be really funny after uh we get back is for y'all to watch the conjuring oh yeah this is this is the first and last time i'll be here you've already been here you've already like the house that started it you've seen that it's wild you could go back and like watch and be like oh my gosh why was i there yeah i think for now it's best to just see what the energy feels like now you know and it is a very it's got a pretty pretty warm stale feel which i'm not not most likely also don't like that you can see straight to the basement it's the old house that's how my uh grandma's house is straight through i understand what it is i don't like how it is because i feel like there's no separation between the spaces you can't see and like the little slats is just perfect for like something to run by right by look up at you how's the door looking over there like a door it's still shut like what the [ __ ] was that did you hear that what was that did you hear that long yeah that came from over here is jennifer out there his wife what did it sound like to you because you have the microphone it sounded like a lady talking that's awesome that's what it sounded like which is why i was like is she out there open the door um did you hear that yes unfortunately it sounded friendly look outside open the door me yeah um because he's closest to the door you should get up in all pictures you're the star of the show how do you open this uh are we locked don't play that game was that you that just talked god damn it because it's clear okay coast is clear or ghostly the ghost is clear transparent i can see right through it was that you sitting jake no that was probably my foot came from jake's side that yeah shoot that's me swinging the heat thing yeah is that you still okay yeah shutting the door oh the door's opening bro oh i just shot this one okay yeah yo that thing is moving but i did like the same thing happened shout out again that's terrifying okay that's still terrifying could you kindly open the door to my right that i'm pointing at please if you could give it a little push it'll open on its own any where do you guys wanna go next i'm gonna move out here because this is where we heard that you trying to female voice y'all trying to chill on the couch it smells like taco bell i didn't fart okay well i did i left the camera in there didn't you hear me the camera yes if anything happens i'll hear it okay doors open i like to happily assume air pressure yeah no the door didn't open when we opened the door the door opened when we closed the door the door is open how you doing see i wore a hat to cut off half my visions oh my god i'd much rather be here with you guys and experience by walking back to the casting company you're watching we found a couple so what experience do you guys have well step gus was like hey jake how do you feel this is honest question when you ask the questions how what goes through your you're nervous so it's like a mixture because it's like it's weird openly like asking a question to nothing or whatever and you're in front of your and you're in front of people like just randomly like if someone's here can you make a noise and it's one of those like it's one of those like double it's like a double-edged sword because part of you wants something to happen but the other half of you is like please don't happen yeah no i feel that dude because like as soon as as soon as you start getting stuff because i've had it where like you have something and something happens it's kind of like oh okay that happened yeah yeah um like i feel weird doing it you know like it like you do it you do it let's wait a second you do it i thought i heard like some chimes or something you do it ask ask asked some like simple oh god they can knock on the wall or something i'm glad i have this uh light on here yeah you already got if someone is in here with us would you politely knock on the wall or close the door we have some of us keeping an eye on the door to see if it moves a light tap on the wall yeah glad you usually ask the questions it's weird right it's a weird it's a weird feeling it was unsettling a little bit yeah it's like but it's micro unsettling it's it almost it almost makes you i don't know lana you ask next if someone is here listening watching um make some kind of noise we haven't heard yet that was me sorry that was me being thick this is terrible it's stressful so bad the way that's the worst part the waiting is pretty intense like the waiting how are y'all looking at you ask the question and you're kind of like you're sitting you don't want to hear you don't want to hear it you want to but you don't see and that's where i was like hey i'm excited to be here because i'm with the boys i'm excited it's kind of hanging out it's like doing this together it's like it's like cory saying that they wouldn't spend time you know spend the night out to like build character and build uh chemistry you know and it's like and you also like i know this works i mean i don't know if it works but like i've seen people do it just like to let anyone who may be here with us we are nice people we mean no harm uh we just want to simply document the existence of you being here after life i guess is the best way to put it um so all we asked for you know is a slight knock tap footsteps i mean if you can speak to us that would be awesome maybe tap jenny's on the shoulder um all we ask for is a simple sign that you are here i say do you want to use one of the other tools i want to play with the spirit box and i want to go upstairs with it spirit box time i think that'd be fun do you really have an uber on the way yeah i've got five minutes are you serious yeah you're already tapping out i said 15 minutes i thought this was dinner not even 9 30. come on man is being generous make it to midnight oh absolutely not it's almost like midnight wow listen listen come on come on i'll dip with you on midnight okay real talk lana hear me out what would it take this is this is content what would it take to get you to stay here till 11 o'clock i'll give you 11. it's 9 30. that's an hour and a half we will make we will make all the content with them right now probably just a couple thousand dollars eleven o'clock i've given my energy i can't i can't cancel this one already she's almost here she's been driving like the past 30 minutes so let's do one last thing here before i have to disappear i did not expect it this quick i don't know i don't understand the expectation was set i don't do ghosts and creepy stuff you were going to leave i didn't know it was going to be in the first like 10 minutes okay we've been here for like an hour so that's a big accomplishment oh we just got started let's just quiet let's just listen around to what we're standing in for a moment here okay how many people have died here a couple a couple okay yeah 14. i don't know has anyone died here yes yeah there was a baby in the house from the very few things that that jake showed me yes a number there was a baby it was killing him you were not a baby there were goodness i would just like to point that out you're also going to emerge suicides good number of suicides all right these dolls still here absorbing watching that one is trapped in a clock lonnie if you stay till 11 i will gladly at that time also go with you you can't leave at 11. i don't want to pull you away for this there's eight more hours it would just be me and kyle we'll let you take a nap what would you take oh they're wiggy boards all over my favorite part about this place is actually that painting with the faceless people you're gonna dip at 9 30. i told you if you guys need snacks or something let me know you should let me take your car really you already got the uber on the way you know what would be great you know what make me make me stay what would really make you stay what would make you i need to stay because if i need a breather i will go sit in the truck for a while it should stay for like another hour if i could use the truck to go that way i could come back and get you guys whenever you needed something hour and a half you can do three makes it eleven makes it eleven i can do 30 minutes you literally just said an hour that's not enough haggling works yes it is you said more i said less that's exactly how haggling works we got canceled she's not here yet she's four minutes away guys we have time left we have four minutes left we have four minutes yeah we've wasted about three of them while standing here oh my goodness you guys have listen you usually do these with two people you have three no no do you see these yeah you see them ouija boards which you want to play you know where you can get those walmart toys r us parker brothers doesn't exist anymore sorry whatever you know what is that oh that's a light that's creepy looks like he's got a face in it do you want him to listen to it do you see the look at the moment because here's the thing here's the thing i will be sitting and we're standing near the skeptic that's a good point the uber's gonna be here in two minutes so what we should do is maybe hold hands what's the deal though check out that heat seeker thing you want to go down in the basement you stay up here you go down i go there's no point why not that's crazy no no here's the thing if i didn't want to stay in the room i even i wouldn't even send the man who enjoys doing these things he might see something before i have to leave this might be the crowd of prompting you need to like draw something out you should grab the heat sticking thing and just go down there by yourself i'll bring the heating thing in here go down there go downstairs i'm gonna bring it in here you should go to the baby in the basement oh uber's here see ya no i'm gonna wait for you come back up no you're not yes i will well okay well my uber [ __ ] you're right i can't do that you guys want to walk with me out there and make fun of me the whole way through not really all right so now it's just jennings myself and kyle i will say this i will stay until something happens that creeps me out to the point where i gotta go if something happens it creeps you out to the point we gotta go we'll i if we may all go i'll just say we'll probably we'll probably all call it we just need to make it because that's we need to make it past the three hour mark of the team from michigan that drove here okay sure three hours yeah okay we're like 45 minutes yeah yeah yeah yeah all right well let's get let's keep going i think i mean i'm having fun i'm gonna take this upstairs and set it by you where's that screen gonna be too bright what does the screen gonna be too bright for upstairs uh if we go black maybe probably yeah i mean it is kind of like oh wait i got this too i don't know you can see on the wall behind you yeah there might be cool feels like sitting there we could like be looking at in case something like popped up the camera's right there on the uh okay oh jake okay not to alarm you nurse for a split second i had a body on this camera remember when it was picking up kyle's body did the stick thing yes jake it was right here in the corner to the basement i'm not even joking i was walking can i recreate it did it just randomly pick something up dude okay i'm freaking out my body's shivering right now it was right here okay because this is backwards it popped up right here at the door did it go into the basement no it was right here like right here dude i have so much chills right now this is exciting okay hold on sorry you didn't see it i didn't i didn't know i'm i'm i'm hanging out over here who did i just see standing right here at the door to the basement can you show yourself again they're dead not deaf dog what the [ __ ] hang on what do we got there jake it's picking up an announcement on the on your book bag jennings [Music] is there somebody playing around on the chair is on your book bag closer is [ __ ] that [ __ ] there's somebody on that chair in front of us it wasn't doing that earlier whoa whoa [ __ ] me what the [ __ ] all right hold on let's let's let's let's go back in here let's go back home i don't want to move what do you mean go back home and review the footage no okay i'm going in did you watch any of that no where's do you watch any of that so it just it picked you up right now it's not doing anything with the chair yeah it's because it's gone you want to see this [ __ ] do you really want to see dude come on let me see it tomorrow we're driving back are you sure i'm a hunt dude i will leave now if i see it right now okay i don't want him to leave don't show us that's my honest promise if i see something that freaks me out hold on okay we just had something crazy happen on this i don't i don't even know to call the camera but we're gonna go show it to corey and get his opinion since he isn't a legitimate like professional uh investigator so let's go get him how much trust would you put into that 50 50. usually 50 50. i mean the thing is is that there has to be some sort of movement it's it's capturing movement of something there's something there yeah you know what i mean that's what it's there for i mean it's motion it's motion capture that's what they develop video games from and it's obviously you know it'd be one thing if you were there and we were filming you and there was something next to you it could be something that's just like shadowing you or something like that but when there's nothing there and a figure shows up it's really hard to debunk it but i mean like i said it's like a there's no there's no science to what we do everything's theory so it's like it's gonna take a grain of salt because you don't know like i think i think the word i think the most interesting part of it was the fact that it moved yeah because because at first when it was on the book bag i was like okay maybe it's the way the book back's positioned maybe it's it's it's thinking oh here's something right and because of like all the because he has a black book back a bunch of straps um and the different colors zips on maybe like deciphering that's why i was moving but as soon as it went from there to the doorway that's when it's kind of like wait and then from the doorway to the door it's kind of like okay because i wasn't moving you can i was holding it just like yeah because at the moment it's like what do you do because it's like okay if i watch it i think it gives my mind a more clear image to play with which i would rather not have this one i think this i think you would understand what we're getting like it could it could have been just a mess up in the camera because of how your book back's positioned on the chair because when you look at it it almost fits perfectly the size of your book bag so it could be picking up the straps and your zipper and everything i would love to say that my mind would go to that realistic side of making sense of it what turn your head what is that did you get anything right there oh oop wrong way right there and right there that's from this if it's down here it's this because i've pitched what is it it's just like a red like a red mark no don't worry about it yeah i didn't feel anything like people have been scratched here and like you'll feel there's a little bit of irritation i didn't tell anything myself people that are really religious have a hard time accepting this because they want to think this yes there is something after but at the same time why the hell are they just hanging out here and not up you're doing good man let's go do some more let's go you're doing good you're doing good seriously you're doing better than lonnie that's all that matters where's one he already left shut up no for real so finding out i have a red mark on my neck is kind of creepy but you know what i didn't feel it all right so after talking with corey about this we are now going back upstairs excuse me uh we're going to do night vision and see if we can experience i keep burping sorry we can experience the shadow figures that corey was telling us about during our walk here earlier today is there anybody here with us that would like to make their presence known or if the figure from downstairs is still here could you give us a sign could you tap on the wall for us if there's someone here with us we've got a spot on the bed you can come join well join us come take a seat we would just like to talk if you could knock or close a door or maybe even say hello again if there's someone here with us could you make your presence known by knocking on the wall closing a door showing some kind of light anything that will let us know you're here with us anybody else come down with like not a great feeling okay it's just pretty good what happened just went from yeah this is chill to hmm not feeling feeling that chill no more that's why i was checking if everybody was like yeah like and but nobody really wanted to say anything then it would have been like okay yeah then maybe we go lights on because if everybody has a bad feeling that's probably not good but if it's just me it could very well have just been me is there someone here with us is there someone here who maybe doesn't like me it's very impossible very possible if you like for us to leave you can knock on the wall and we'll leave or if you would like for us to say you can knock on the wall and we'll hang out with you so how are you doing i'm good again if there's someone here could you simply knock make some type of noise for us so that we know you're here all right we're gonna try a spirit box i like this angle this looks really cool all right here we go we're gonna see [Music] what's your name if you can hear me what color is my shirt if you can hear me what color is my friend's shirt beside me if you can hear me how many fingers am i holding up you heard that right what's your name how do you feel do you feel weird because i feel like very honestly and i know soon above both you all out i very much don't have much left in me that was cause that was creepy that's that's that's weird and then honestly hearing kyle say that i know kyle's been extremely blunt and honest this whole time that on top of the stuff downstairs i'm i'm i'm i'm at a point where i know if i stay any longer it's not going to be you're going to be like happy about it yeah no if that's how you feel like i mean i don't want to be knowing this this is this is like this is a big deal this is like one of the like oh dude trust me like from for someone like myself who's not got a natural interest in this this is far and beyond how much problem damn that means me and you gotta go six hours by ourselves oh okay i could i could have got a warning there mr jennings here is tapping out and it is 11 30. this was a crazy experience uh i don't know if i had a recording upstairs if i said this but boys i'm honored to say i was able to do this with you guys i was able to say that it would face a very deep rooted childhood fear of mine since i was a little little kid for way longer than i thought i was gonna be able to and that that was definitely the cherry on top okay hear me out hear me out i'm gonna ask you a serious question now okay since you are officially calling it yes would you like to see what we saw yeah yeah i will see you i'll see what you all saw i'm actually in order in order for me to go i will i will see what we see all right sorry they're dead not deaf dog what the [ __ ] hang on what do we got there jake it's picking up an announcement on your book bag jennings is there somebody playing around on the chair whatever is on your book bag it's a little closer is [ __ ] [ __ ] is there somebody on that chair in front of us it looks like it may be identifying the chairs legs [Music] yeah that's it that's definitely the [Laughter] click over for me that's the clip over here that is the click over for me i'm done yeah yeah i was i was like yeah i mean it could be it could be the chair and then it starts moving and you're like no no chairs serious don't move don't do that so you're out yeah yeah give me the camera yeah wait bye bye guys what the [ __ ] was that how did you hear because you got good headphones on it came through the headphones you can't pronounce it i'm getting i'm getting audio from you i'm quick i've got super chills right now what the [ __ ] was that dude i'm not even recording audio [ __ ] i wasn't recording anything i didn't i just i wasn't i thought we were done you know like we were walking in was it that popping up why would that pop up way we step on the floor get it to shift it could pop it up nope no son that's like that was loud the [ __ ] was it i'm getting you on camera that was loud yeah if the camera didn't pick it up it didn't because uh literally i stopped recording when we came through that door and i didn't start back until that happened yeah but this was this is on no it wasn't it wasn't it wasn't recording anything no it's recording oh wait no it is now hit record like as soon as it happened okay so and literally it was like we were right here we're walking back through the house you can see behind me we're walking from um where cory and everyone is is we're walking through heading back towards what is the dining room let me get the camera turning around which is that way and right as we get about here they were just a loud smack thump like something fell i thought i thought you hit your mic like i thought so i thought you like twitched or something but like because i thought it came to the headphones but i heard it like all over okay to give you an idea of what we think it sounded like it sounded like this popping up out right but kyle just tried to push it back in he can't even get it back in it might have i don't know it might have been but like that's like that was loud though it doesn't do anything oh what are we doing we're going to the basement we haven't been to the basement yet it's just me and kyle now but uh we're gone everybody's everyone's gone but we're gonna go check out the basement that's where we're going let's do it you want to go first since you have lighter are you no don't worry okay i'm going first look i'm behind you yeah we can just turn the light on this is where they've left some stuff [Music] and it'll get like knocked over which is pretty creepy and that's the other way around let's go uh to the well room okay oh it's dark in here this is the well room in the basement the reason why we call it the well room is because there is an actual well right there is there anybody down here with us that would like to make their presence known we've got various different devices here to catch you if you want to be seen let's just see something walk into here that that freaked me out because where is he saying look if you're in down here where he said he saw the um they say they see crawlers basically uh like shadow figures on the ground crawling um where do you say to go if we want to do that it wasn't the well room was it or keep your eye on the well room mm-hmm camera always had to go this is spooky though this is spooky is there anybody here with us could you make the football move make it roll even an inch oh this is spooky is there a way to turn the lights off was that switch only for this light i'll go find out here we go i do not like the idea of being left down here oh the light switch is right here leave a foot down so i can still see it you can still see my flight yeah there you go it's i think there's a string light for this other room over here but that's everything down here basically yo yo yo well what what yo yo what yo son what that was it just picked up an anomaly on the um right here can you come back to the barrel the barrel's the other way no the barrel ran for me oh can you come back to the barrel we just saw you oh just like for my friend to see you too so i was at the top of the steps and i had this looking out just just looking and it picked up that like the figure thing and everything if anyone would like to knock the football out of the chair while we were gone uh we would greatly appreciate it uh we're gonna leave the camera down here recording so would greatly appreciate you just knock that football right out here so if you go here and turn back around this is like this spot we always get something which is really weird because i can never hmm breathing awfully hard because i'm freaking out it just froze up don't like that did you see that no it was on top of it before it froze it was on top of it it moved up here lucky for you i was pointing at this whole time is there something here are you what was here earlier playing with our friends back is there someone right here playing on this uh this chest can you show yourself again or maybe make a noise for us i'm trying to see if we can like recreate it and it was just it was just picking up how like just how it looked on camera yeah you know what i mean but it keeps freezing wait do what like if we can like recreate it because it was just something there that made it appear like there was like movement or a figure yeah i got you but i mean we also can debunk that with how many times we've walked past this with this camera and haven't picked up anything yeah because the amount of times we won't buy haven't picked up anything versus the times we've walked by and picked up something was it three times we've picked up something very interesting all right well that was well that was a thing that's just something i can't i can't i don't know how to explain it that's weird all right so we're gonna start packing it up it's been a very long and very interesting night to say the least i'm super excited to get back in i'm not personally gonna check the footage you are a call but it's gonna be cool to see if there was anything caught you know on camera that you know we didn't catch you know in person and as always if you guys see anything in the video make sure you do you know leave a time stamp and all that so we can go back and look but yeah we're gonna start packing it up and get ready um we're probably gonna walk around the house a couple more times um but this is pretty much the end right this is it this is it this is this was insane this is actually insane as the sun rose signaling the end of our overnight ghost hunt at the real conjuring house we are left with more questions than answers what truly happened here almost 50 years ago whether you believe in the paranormal or not you have to accept that something caused the parent family to reach out and ask for help what transpired created a horror universe our stay here was incredible we experienced things we've never experienced before one thing is for certain the real conjuring house in harrisville rhode island is truly terrified [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jake The Viking
Views: 1,692,144
Rating: 4.9397001 out of 5
Keywords: jake the viking, the viking, jtv, ghost hunt, ghost hunting, The Conjuring, the conjuring 2, paranormal activity, supernatural, witchcraft, paranormal, horror, terrifying, ghost, ghost footage, the conjuring house, perron family, jennings brower, lonnie marts, haunting, ghost adventures, horror movies, scary places, the warrens, real, jake the viking ghost hunts
Id: QZVCvXkqMi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 34sec (2614 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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