So Scared We Called The COPS (Conjuring Cemetery)

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oh my god what the heck no dude there's two cops here about to go investigate it right now you clean it right what is up fam welcome to another haunted adventure with your boy Omar tonight we are getting ready to explore a haunted cemetery but not your average haunted cemetery if you know anything about me you know that I love haunted places and I don't have very many haunted cemetery videos to begin with anytime I go visit a haunted cemetery I don't know for me it has to be a very very haunted cemetery and that's why I'm going right now in fact this cemetery is considered to be the most haunted place here in the state of Connecticut here with my fiance Tiffany and she's actually really scared she's never been let alone to a cemetery at night she's scared about that and we've been doing a little bit of investigating apparently there's a white lady that has seen walking around the cemeteries in the tombs like the $0.02 she goes like she weaves in and out of them yeah if you know about Ed Warren they're kind of OG paranormal investigators they're one of the first paranormal investigators to be like mainstream and make a name for themselves around the world they have made countless movies about them Anabelle to be one of the most popular ones and the conjuring well they are buried at this cemetery as whoa we're gonna go pay them some respects I kind of feel bad because I've been trying to search for a place where I could buy flowers Lorraine Warren love daisies ed would pick daisies for her every morning when he would go on the walks I know if it was morning or night whenever he did his walks I guess so she loved daisies we're gonna go pay some respects to them I brought my spirit box this is gonna be a great talk to them from the other side that'd be great now ed and Lorraine Warren used to do paranormal investigations at this haunted cemetery it's called the Stepney Cemetery it used to be called a different cemetery at one point it dates back to the early 1700s some of the early settlers are buried here at this Cemetery so there's a great video I hope you're ready for this adventure let's do this [Music] so this Rite Aid is not far from the cemetery where ed and Lorraine Warren are buried but I was talking to one of the women here and by the way I didn't mention this but we do have a fan that's joining us on this adventure and we bought this fan here at the Rite Aid any time we stay at hotels sometimes I don't know I'm the same way I like to listen to fan noise and sometimes hotels are just too quiet and you hear everybody walking the hallways especially some of the haunted hotels we stay I actually bought this fan on clearance it was like their display model it's the only thing they had but while buying this fan I just thought I'd ask and I was like hey did you know Lorraine Warren and the lady's eyes lit up and she was like oh my gosh she used to come in here all the time and I mean I guess there's somebody that they grew up in this town and so did that's Lorraine Warren I'm not sure if she grew up here but she spent a lot of time here and she will come to this Rite Aid a lot now before the Rite Aid was here it was a supermarket oh there she is right there that's the lady I was talking to there she is right there but anyways she was so sad when the rain passed I mean this is such a tight community and everybody knows everybody and she had nothing but sweet things to say about Lorraine Warren she said that she was always dressed really really nice and she was always really sweet I know a lot about Lorraine just from the books that I've read and I feel like I know more about her than Edie she was really a great woman she loved animals I know she was a part of a lot of animal organizations so she left behind a legacy when she left this world I mean so did a but I mean anybody who is a friend to animals is a friend of mine all right let's go we're gonna go to the cemetery right now but I thought I'd share that story of the rite aid worker that had witnessed her coming in here all the time the name of this town's called Monroe and I'll show you the town a little bit more yeah they're really cute it's a really cute tone so I think anybody you talk to in the town me especially such icons in the area though they probably knew the Warrens it's so small that we drove for four hours today just to realize so we ended up exactly where we started it's almost like something was trying not to get us here or something which is crazy but here is the I don't know if you want to call it a city but the town of Monroe where the Warrens lived in a candy store and I bet you they were always around here I mean this was their little town I'm just gonna go ahead look I just pulled out of that Rite Aid right now there's a church on the right-hand side and right on the left here I think this is where we turn this is gonna be where the Simmons dog company yes Wow it's right there and the gates are open whoa all right let's where we gonna park there's somebody right behind what's the matter do a juryman questioning the lady dude it is so dark over there there you see the gates are open there's one thing you don't see a lot of and I mean some very popular cemeteries especially historic cemeteries so that was the original name of the cemetery bird sees plane Noah and James Byrd Jr donated this land for a burial ground over 1,400 men women and children are entered including many of the area's first settlers exactly what all sane the veterans include Revolutionary War war of 1812 Civil War whoa Civil War soldiers here World War one and World War two Korea and Vietnam the oldest surviving tombstone is that of Betsy Sherman 1794 eight five years ten months and 16 days so we have to kind of go into the darkness I don't know what is that did you make that noise no how does not a big noise are welcome that wasn't you don't do that I'm pretty sure he just breathed really have urine on it I could because I'm literally having a heart attack so I don't know I could okay like I was saying before my watch beat into the next hour of midnight we have to go into the darkness Jill right as we entered into the gate we heard like a what was that it was almost it didn't take us very long to find a warned final resting place and there's Warren's ferial right there Sunday Monday always she was born on your birthday you can see that a lot of people have put flowers here oh look right here oh there's a cat right there she loved animals look I was trying to tell you this Sunday Monday always you know what that means it's a song and it was their song do we have a song playlist this is facts so Tiffany and I have a Spotify playlist with over I don't know how many songs are on that playlist get together you're gonna be okay compared to her I think this is for both this is hers oh no nevermind okay this is all right he's buried here she's very here oh what's this a look Michael it's a sign yes what is bad well I heard I hear something like like a forklift or something like a truck backing up I heard somebody shouting right now over there there's nothing back there we're gonna explore the cemetery a little bit walk around and I'm gonna come back here and do some EVPs with my spirit box and we're gonna be really quiet to let me know if you see or hear anything here at the step new cemetery this was probably one of the warrants favorite places to explore pretty sure they came here at night too you're so cool what's that straight ahead what is that doesn't that look like a figure I don't know what it is I have been scared this like this much in a while over there we're hearing like a strange coming from these woods I don't want to be like too close you can't even read some of these oh wow look at this they're completely knocked over the best three not that one we go when I'm going possibly go check it out somebody's name is Beavis here lady and white what's your story we came here to visit you to the point where my food can you call for nope shine your light in there not even kidding but it's not it's not happening anymore Oh so that's an enforcer that city so much kissing alright keep going we need some people like we're not there without nails like our lights are helping them I didn't realize how big this cemetery is we actually got lucky I don't think I've been to a cemetery the bolt I think we could call somebody but this is a popular cemetery so this type of stuff would have groups like my death and got lost in the dark or something I don't know it could be someone's house as we drove down that road you know how far we drove before we could actually talk yeah it's all woods in there what's that little house over there oh my god what the hell dude this is it sounds like somebody is screaming for dear life right now in these woods what's crazy though is when we first got in what did it sound like it sound like a woman what was that a gunshot all right let's go all right this isn't good right now there's a car right by our car I swear there's a car right behind our car you don't see it and it's parked right behind our car right when I turn my camera off there was like I mean he was like oh that car is gone it was a car right behind our car and it's gone now you seen it right wait what's my car what yo there was legit a car right behind my car you seen it right I first we talk to ourselves like this is this is good maybe it's the cops we can let them know who do we call yeah let's call let's call right now let's ride down that road okay look you need to call while we're doing this we've never been here before it's pretty scary emergency but this is I mean isn't it religiously though what if it's like we just like hurt somebody like being murdered yes it was like let's go over there I just don't know anything bad to happen into us though lock the door yeah here give it to you I was worried about us being right there I didn't want somebody to run out Atlas I mean I don't know it seems kind of far away the craziest thing too is that the entire time we were walking I felt like it was like following it I felt like somebody was following me like running behind did you see me almost I didn't care here I'm gonna call the Monroe Police Department hi there I'm here at the Stepney cemetery and we heard like it sounded like somebody being murdered in the woods right next door to it and we heard some gunshots somebody screaming I mean it it sounded like somebody is in a deal of pain in the woods I have no idea but I just thought I'd call just do my due diligence yeah we heard two gunshots but I mean first it was a lot of screaming going on it sounded like a woman screaming first and then there's a man and he's still screaming outside right now and it's in it's mainly a man it's mainly a man I didn't even hear a woman I just heard a man the entire time yeah I mean they're just screaming bloody oh right no yeah I could still hear them on the opposite side of the cemetery it's coming from back in the in the why I know somebody's it's stuck back there I don't know nowhere look we got we got scared and we're sitting in the car yeah we're sitting in the car outside of it but as we were even coming to the car you could still hear the man screaming no no just weird we're two gunshots the police officer wants us to like wait he can call us and we can like meet him right here yeah whole looks on my own there right there you feel safe or leaving go ahead of me oh look there's a police officer right here well he got here quick yes did you dispatch one already I think so I was really fast thank you oh there's there's two cops here they're about to go investigate it right now do they want us to leave I mean didn't tell us - I really hope that there's nobody dying in those woods that's you know what if we legit just got clickbait to go and it was like a freakin some kind of ghost or something there's war soldiers here world war one world war two oh we got click invaded by some ghost I would much rather do you click muted by some ghost in someone really lose a life back there because that was God that was the that sound was awful I'm gonna go check you know oh there's three cops here you know there really must have not had much to do tonight dude they pulled up oh she heard it yeah the phone yeah on FaceTime and she was listening to it so patty was the witness to what we were hearing and she was hearing it live on FaceTime with two ring so they were really like what if there's like some teenagers that went in other words to try to get to know and they got lost but they were like it sounded like a shotgun and then the worst orchestrates like they dispatched a fourth officer that was undercover and pulled up next to us right now we're gonna try to go see what's going on now I thought that he was saying like we couldn't be in there no because I was like look there's a line that it's open 24/7 and he was like oh you did it cuz I was like is it was it wrong and he was like yeah I mean I wouldn't be in there every night oh yeah that's crazy yep that was like a tough officer he was like you ain't gonna catch me up in there oh look I see all the complex there are someone's house there's someone's house right here and there oh oh wow okay I wonder what's going on maybe maybe they're out that person's house just go through the woods ask if they've heard anything - maybe all the officers there there's like five of them and they're in this little area they're going in the woods right now this is the road right here of the cemetery it's super duper dark we wait about I want to say 20 minutes before we drove by and the cops are still there we're going to make another drive right now [Music] now this road is so dark yo they're still there there's gonna be crazy holders they're still there look they're still there Wow okay our that you think they're in the woods you see any flashlights on it no wood wood look it's like all these woods all these woods and then here's the cemetery and then man there's the cemetery I'm unsure what exactly was going on in those woods maybe what was happening was at that house right there I mean maybe that's why there's a small town chances are the cops kind of know the area and they know when things happen maybe it was maybe it was something domestic that it's happened before in the past and that's why they were at that house or maybe they were at the house to access those woods it's kind of risky to go back because the cop that we spoke with he was kind of annoyed that we were there to begin with at the cemetery because he kept asking us we were on his relay hey we were in the cemetery shows online that it's open 24 hours and he didn't tell us that we couldn't the gates were open the gates were open I mean he just said that he wouldn't be there the time that we were there that's all he said was maybe he's scared but he's not scared to chase somebody no way oh no I don't even know if we caught this lady that people have witnessed at the cemetery including ed and Lorraine Warren I don't know you let me know here in the comments I am gonna do a spirit box session maybe you all do this on another video we have to come back in the morning I am going to be going by the house where ed and Lorraine Warren live in fact it's a museum a closed museum it was one of the first paranormal museums ever and this is where Annabelle yes from the movie well this is her home and I did reach out to some of you guys on Twitter and I said you know hey if anybody can get us in here we did email the person in charge of running though ed and Lorraine Warren Museum and his name is Toni we reached out to him I haven't heard anything back told him that you know hey this is kind of a last-minute thing I'm here in the area which would be willing to give us a private tour and I mean it wouldn't be that long just kind of a little peek so I don't know I don't know if that's gonna happen this might be in the near future I would love to oh there I know some other youtubers have been able to go there now one thing we are gonna do and this is something that's not seen to I mean if you've seen any articles on Norwood I would love to hear so this happens to be a haunted Road and this is happens to be the road where the museum is or Annabelle lives the most haunted doll in the world lives here on this road is it connected I don't know but we're gonna shoot another video on the road and I am going to show you kind of like a little peek of their house before being able to go inside we are on public property which happens to be a road that's right our tax dollars pay for roads so it's cool we're not on private property I love doing investigations on haunted roads and this is gonna be a unique video in case I'm releasing this video and I've already filmed that I'm gonna give you a sneak preview right now yo there's more cops going to the location we need to go back whoa yo we're just chilling here in the parking lot waiting around and did it go it went down that Street didn't it there's cops here look at this this is a de Lorean orange oh this I swear there's top here so yeah that's what went down you know I don't know what happened exactly I'm gonna go ahead and let you go big shout-out to my fiance for joining me on this adventure huh what'd you think of your first cemetery that night I don't know let me know if you heard or saw anything here at the Stepney cemetery aka Ed Lorraine Warren we are gonna come back in the morning I'm gonna try to find some flowers maybe some daisies for Lorraine we're gonna go ahead and let you go that's gonna be a future video make sure you have post notifications on this channel so you can see when I'm releasing these videos also follow me on social media because I do give little sneak previews on my Instagram stories and whatnot I gotta go for now before you leave any keys [Music]
Channel: OmarGoshTV
Views: 2,092,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: annabelle comes home, ed and lorraine warren cemetery, ed and lorraine warren top 10, most haunted, most haunted ever, Annabelle house, Annabelle haunted doll, the most haunted doll, the most haunted cemetery in the world, conjuring, the conjuring, true ghost story, screaming, haunted videos, scary videos, SO Terrifying At The Annabelle Cemetery We Called POLICE, cops called, police called, haunted graveyard, spooky videos, scariest night of my life, annabelle's cemetery
Id: bPU_rjoykEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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