RMS Queen Mary - The Ship with a Heart and a Soul

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[Music] the video you are about to see is it about my loving girlfriend the R and s Queen Mary it is the only ship I know that has a heart and a soul and she is like a band-aid she keeps throwing you back and after using this video you will understand why I feel like [Music] Long Beach California the beautiful city located right at the heart of Southern California is well known by ocean liner enthusiasts and maritime historians around the world on the morning of December 9th 1967 history was written here what a historic day one of the finest ocean liners ever built the RMS Queen Mary steams in the Long Beach Harbor she's greeted by hundreds of thousands of spectators on the shore and thousands of small boats on the water after crossing the Atlantic 1001 times she is now arriving at her last and final port today 50 years later she can still be seen and she's become a symbol of Long Beach she is in the heart of so many people and serves now as a museum and floating hotel permanently moored she's still raising and falling with the tide in her time she was a flagship of the Cunard Line Britain's first liner which exceeded 1,000 feet in length she's taller than the Eiffel Tower as Cunard proudly announced in the 1936 book of comparisons more than 10 million rivets have been used during the construction and she's got 2,000 portholes her engines produce the unbelievable force of 160,000 horsepower which made her one of the fastest ships ever built but let's step aboard the still going strong old lady hi my name is will kane on behalf of the rest of the crew and staff i want to welcome you aboard [Music] you [Music] another day in Long Beach is slowly coming to an end pictures of an ocean liner that shaped the history of the scene the Queen Mary is the last survivor of the Golden Age of ocean liners a legend and a masterpiece of fine craftsmanship she transported more than 2.5 million passengers and 800,000 troops during her 31 years at sea since she was launched in 1934 she's always attracted people from all over the world today she isn't sailing anymore and the smoke coming out of her funnels has disappeared but the excitement for the Queen Mary is still present one and a half million visitors come to see this historic liner each year to walk on her decks is a very special experience it's a voyage back to a time where the only way to cross the Atlantic was by ocean liner the atmosphere on board lets you almost think you're on a passage over the Atlantic [Music] John Brown shipyard in Clydebank Scotland in December 1930 more than 3,000 Scottish craftsmen began their work on a very special project job number five three for a new ship that should be bigger and faster than any other ship yet builds work progressed fast but stopped just months before the expected launch because of the Great Depression all workers were laid off and for 27 months the rusting hull was Clydebank sad picture of the Great Depression eventually the British government decided to support - not if they merged with the White Star Line and on the 3rd of April 1934 the workers returned to finish job by 3/4 finest the ship was ready for the launch more than 200,000 spectators witnessed the historic event on the 26th of September 1934 His Majesty King George the fifth and Queen Mary greeted the crowd on this rainy day then Her Majesty Queen Mary launched the new ship [Applause] tons of hard soap will use to grease the slipway and 2,350 tons of drank Jane should control the ship once it was in the water the launch was a success and the event was live radio broadcasting to the nation the Queen Mary has 12 decks and was divided into three classes cabin tourist and third after the Second World War classes were renamed into first cabin and tourist let's have a look at the former first class rooms of today the first class dining room is not only the largest room on board the Queen Mary but also one of the largest rooms ever built on a ship the room is three decks in height and travels the entire 118 feet width of the home it offered enough space to seat all 815 first-class passengers in one sitting the two bronzed grill doors were created by Walter and Donald Gilbert and the tapestry light painting by mr. Philip Conrad shows scenes of the Old English country life the biggest attraction on board was the decorative map of mr. McDonald Gill a little crystal model of the Queen Mary indicated the position of the ship and the two tracks represented the summer and winter route after the Second World War the Queen Elizabeth was added and the two models showed the position of each ship on the Atlantic the Art Deco lights at the pillars created special lighting room and nice ambience the most famous people ate and celebrated in this room royalties celebrities and movie stars it truly is an amazing space she was called the ship of beautiful woods 56 different words were used on board the Queen Mary and it even shows in the long almost endless corridors and stairways beautiful wooden paneling the ship is built with an arch of bow shape it's referred to as shear to deck construction and gives the vessel extra strength and flexibility when traveling across the waves we're on a deck in the hotel portion of the ship we have 346 rooms in our hotel today they have all been created from the first-class Suites and the first-class staterooms there are no second-class or third-class staterooms left aboard the ship today when she first set sail in 1936 they were so sure that she was going to be a smooth ride because of her size that they did not install any interior hand railings well she ended up becoming nicknamed the rolling mary because the way she rolled from side to side she did not have stabilizers until 1958 but even with stabilizers traveling the North Atlantic in the winter during a storm there were no help she set sail in May of 36 in October of 36 she returned to Southampton to have ambulances waiting at the dock to take passengers to the hospital from injuries that had occurred so immediately the engineers were called back and they came in and installed 20 miles make like hand railings these are still the original bakelite railings they installed in 1936 they were at the first-class shopping center on promenade deck besides shopping it was also a popular meeting place the shop stocked a wide range of products such as tobacco and souvenirs in the former promenade shop clothing in the famous Austin read storm and books and magazines at WH Smith on the starboard side [Music] - beautiful staircases on starboard and port side lead up to the Sun Deck above the former Austin me Charter is a 50 foot long sculpted plaster frieze by Morris Lambert it's entitled sports and speed the shopping area hasn't changed much since 1936 it looks almost the same except the color and the pattern of the floor the Observation Lounge in cocktail bar was a popular gathering place for the first-class passengers the room is semicircular in design and is a wonderful example of the Art Deco style almost everything is original the lighting fixtures the balustrade and the for metal torture ease [Music] the 21 windows at the forward end offered a beautiful view of the bow and the sea however during bad weather when the bow immersed into the rough sea guests rather preferred to look to the other side but the beautiful painting of Alfred r Thompson entitled the Royal Jubilee week [Music] a nice view of the forecastle with the foremast and the large Derrick's for the cargo handling Ralph Rushton is standing at the entrance to the crow's nest which has a height of 130 feet inside the mast there are 110 steps leading to the top the crow's nest had a weather screen a telephone line to the bridge and an electric heater the three funnels were all replaced during the conversion in Long Beach 1968 the Queen Mary had three sirens the one on the middle funnel was removed and is now installed on a Queen Mary - the two other sirens are on the forward funnel the voice of the Queen Mary can be heard 10 miles away [Music] [Music] the wheelhouse was equipped with the most up-to-date equipment of their time it consisted of four engine Telegraph's which were connected to the 40,000 horse power turbines the to manual Helms for steering the ship and an automatic pilot the iron mic which can be seen on the right Captain John treasure Jones was the last captain he brought the Mary to Long Beach the docking bridge is the only place where you can see the ship in full length 1019 point five feet from bow to stern it was used by officers for supervising docking operations [Music] the entrance to the officers quarters [Music] here we're at the captain's cabin in his day room he often entertained royalties celebrities and politicians the captain of the Queen Mary was rarely off-duty as you can see by the telephone next to his bed a walk along the sundeck leads us to the veranda grill located at the stern of the ship Queen Mary's a la carte restaurant and nightclub was quite famous back in the glory days of the ship it was a nice dining alternative to the big restaurants and was available only for first-class passengers with a reservation the rich and famous loved this place as they could eat in privacy the entire decoration and the murals were created by doris in caisson the beautiful balustrade could be lit and the color changed according to the music the room offers a nice view over the decks and the sea it was the place to be seen the first-class smoking lounge this is where first-class passengers would have come after dinner predominantly the gentlemen to smoke their cigars and pipes they can play cards they can gamble there's an american-style walk up there on the corner on the aft bulkhead here a stewards cupboard that had an electric clock plate there and a refrigeration unit underneath so they could serve hors d'oeuvres and things in here if you needed the help of a sewer the woods in here plain brown oak in the corners English Pollard Loeb or Tigers open the forward and half panels this was nicknamed tigers oak because the longer you stare at the panel within the grain of the veneer you begin to see faces of tigers sometimes they're very large sometimes they're very small the two murals are by Edward wodsworth these are egg tempera x' and he had two trademarks at his work ones the Queen Mary coming up over the horizon both the other as he chose to use the International signal code flags to spell out his initials he W also out on the horizon and both so he didn't have to sign his name at the bottom of his work the two carved lime wood panels on the forward bulkhead by James Woodford see themed creatures and mythological beings once again being closed promenade deck was used for strolling and relaxing on deck a preferred place especially during the colder winter crossings a lap around the promenade deck corresponds to a quarter of them this is where first-class passengers would have come to spend their day reading listening to recorded music sometimes there'd be a pianist sometimes late in the afternoon small Orchestra come in and play I think this room is probably the best example of why she was called the ship of beautiful woods the ceiling is nazzer birch the walls are maple bur the columns again are the cherry mahogany or McQuarrie from west africa the eight lighting urns and the three fireplace mantles that you see are all carved from the same block of gold onyx to ensure the same color and the same grain the second largest piece of artwork aboard the ship is here on the forward bulkhead this is a sign of unicorns in battle by Alfred J Oakley and Hilbert Bay's the story behind the mural is that in mythology if two unicorns battle should their horns ever touch it would create beautiful music so it went along with the theme of the room in the center of the mural you'll see five cutout panels behind the mural is a projection booth late at night they be able to open those panels and they would show movies on the screens set up on the stage on the opposite side of the room on the 27th of May 1936 the Queen Mary sailed her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York thousands of spectators have come to witness this special event in Britain's history at 4:30 p.m. the ship left the ocean dock in Southampton under command of Commodore Sir Ector Britton [Music] software see a signer after stopping Cherbourg France the new Superliner was on its way to New York vile I everybody hoped the ship would win the blue ribbon Don this voyage that fog prevented and records who [Music] nevertheless the great bunker awaited the Queen Mary sorry to me place designer for you and me by me I'm true whatever you feel answer my please software at sea the swimming-pool offered a nice change on the lawn crossings the fact that it was enclosed made it usable during the whole year the pool has a size of 22 by 35 feet it was filled with seawater but only half way due to the fact the ship was rolling the walls are covered with terracotta tiles and the ceiling provides a beautiful light effect due to the mother-of-pearl inlay here's a glimpse into the 18 dressing boxes which were located to the aft and the swimming pool also includes a Turkish bath which was a popular meeting point [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome to the obturator my name is David main and I was engineer officer on this ship for three years from 1959 to 1961 operating both forward and our three groups and also numbers one and number five boilers the boiler rooms at forward injured have been removed the untrained room propeller shaft tunnel and steering gear can be seen on this tour on this ship there are 27 points in poipoi rooms three stops poised for ancillary steam in one boy room and twenty four main boys in the other four points for the propulsion machine and power the boys consume one of 40 tons of fuel oil for how [Music] that we marry and more propeller shafts the too many shots were triggered by angels in the for danger and a 2 meter run is driven by the engines in the operator each of the agents was taken we're making a total of 160,000 Star Wars Colonel please proceed through the engine room and enjoy the rest of your visit to this region thank you very much the last propeller can be seen in a specially created metal box still attached to its shaft the four bladed manganese bronze propeller is kept in approximately 200,000 gallons of fresh water it weighs 35 tons and measures 18 feet in diameter the RMS Queen Mary today she spent more time in Long Beach than during her active period on the oceans time and other circumstances have taken their toll in April 2016 urban Commons a real estate investment and development firm took over as the Queen Mary's new lease holder with the city of Long Beach providing the initial 23 million dollars for the first phase of repairs some areas of the ship could already be restored and upgraded and in july 2017 work started on the ship's exterior for the first time in over 15 years she should be repainted to match her original color scheme work is still in progress but her hull already shines in new splendour the 9th of December 2017 marked another big event in history the 50th anniversary of the Queen Mary's arrival in Long Beach [Music] good morning ladies and gentlemen and once again welcome to the majestic Queen Mary here in Long Beach California and then really and truly want to thank all of you for coming out and joining us today as we celebrate 50 wonderful years of this beautiful ship call in Long Beach California it's home and it's home for 593 of us that work in this beautiful ship and it's home of heart for millions around the world high above well now convinced with the water cannon salute [Music] the RMS Queen Mary is part of the history of the sea the last ship that can tell about the Golden Age of ocean liners she's given people new life and hope by transporting them to another continent she shortened the second world war by a year as Winston Churchill said and transported more than 800,000 troops hopefully she'll be here for many more generations to come to tell about her rich history she truly is a ship with a heart and a soul [Music] the last captain of the Queen Mary is captain a treasured Jones is the captain that brought her here to Long Beach and when he turned the keys the paperwork over to the city he said she breathed she had character she had personality she was above all else the closest ship ever to be a living man and I think the longer you spend time here the more you begin to understand exactly what he was referring [Music]
Channel: The unofficial Queen Mary Video Channel
Views: 74,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RMS Queen Mary, Southampton, Long Beach, Ship, Ocean Liner, Clydebank, John Brown Shipyard, England, Scotland, Blue Riband, Atlantic, California, Boat, 1930, Queen Mary, Georg V, Los Angeles, Ralph Rushton, Queen Mary Hotel, Job 534, Ship of beautiful woods, Grey Ghost, 534, queen mary ship, queen mary ship documentary, queen mary documentary, long beach sights, history of the sea
Id: diH4yGYnyTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2018
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