Expectations, Standards, Instrument and Preparations for Online Class Observations

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[Music] so and welcome to our uh session for today you know on expectations uh standards instrument and preparation for online observations okay um let's just make a type start uh i'd like to first ask no uh please do check my audio and my uh i know uh video if my video is clear um you can clearly see me and you can clearly hear me okay so please do confirm now if i have audi already yeah i'll be waiting in the live chat teachers for this session this is actually you know uh was set as uh a complete walkthrough on uh google slides session for today uh to give you a walkthrough on google slides or how to use google slides but just last week no uh during our webinar i think that was uh like our last saturday webinar during the lightning talks uh madame is the audience nothing or community and express named continue definitely there's some there's something you know um and you'll be see that will be uh knowing them this year classroom observations um i'd like to um honor you know by doing our usual shout out now let's uh do a very very quick shout out for our um so let's let's do a very quick shout out to miss uh please put your name okay if you're not using your uh official name it's uh user account please put your name yes greetings i could uh greet you properly so we have uh miss jen ferrer from the gupan pangasinan delts from santa rosa laguna christine canales from sdo masbate kimberly fernandez from uh national high school sd o passing from dolores quezon miss leilani amigo mary woods uh certified google certified educator from our training from kts training missina selis from ilo city miss evelyn mariano sdo olangapo miss jennifer castro from mountain province miss liberty carrion from north hills village elementary school the rest of the shout out later we'll be greeting you again later teachers know so parallel maximize nathaniel rasnad for today at massa so we'll be uh of course we're going to have an input from our uh our speaker for today but at the same time we'll be ha we'll be having a longer open discussions i'll also be sharing my ideas about classroom observations online online classroom observations teachers uh please do conference online classroom observations classroom observations or online classroom observations observations um national high school paul gonzalbo from lobo batangas uh from san lorenzo ruby's national high school chad sampaga from capital of the philippines masumbate yen let me first introduce to you our speaker for today for online class observations actually we're supposed to have two speakers for today but unfortunately one of the speakers had a conflict in schedule so he will be able to join us today but hopefully we'll be uh able to invite him again next time okay so okay so um uh it is my pleasure teachers to introduce to you today our speaker um okay our speaker for today uh mr angelo [Music] is the principal two of uh vignan city okay vignan city uh senior high school san antonio campus in the division of binyan city uh laguna he is the national top nature of the 2018 principles test so he served the department of educational education central office as a project development officer in the human resource development division hrdd of the bureau of human resource and organizational development the hrod he was one of the focal persons handling the results base performance management system so teachers know the rpms he's one of the the focal persons that developed the rpms now that were be used for the online classroom observation he is a graduate of the philippine normal university in manila with a degree of bachelor of science in mathematics for teachers in 2007 he is a mass he's a master of arts in mathematics education graduate of pnu manila and university of perpetual health system laguna also he was a former uh mayor wreck some scholar in 2016 the qualification of our speaker for today mr who is a trainer and a facilitator in virus seminars and workshops in mathematics education human resource development and assessment uh 2015 and uh the outstanding high school principal of depth at binyan city in 2020 so teachers know uh our speaker for today is actually very very a very very busy person okay um perro he i don't know he accommodated us and uh he um i don't know willingly and it was enthusiastically uh agreed to spend his time to be with us today um expectations uh standards uh instruments and preparation for online class observations so let's all welcome our speaker for today um just to discuss all the things that you'll have to discuss for today um so and sort of like an overview and the rest of our viewers this afternoon i hope that you are fine and okay about online classroom observations so if i present in the next hour your expectations standards instrument and preparation for online class observations sir from kona bank will tackle observations for those who are uh adopting the printed modular distance learning actually originally hindi question is a presentation but when you mentioned that earlier our viewers know we'll have um a glimpse of all the facets of online classroom observation for rpms of school year 2020 2021. so you [Applause] angelo i'll be giving you the floor now uh for you to uh to start know your presentation um and for your sharing for this afternoon okay so we'd love to share enjoy and uh have a nice afternoon good luck to all of us and uh hopefully uh definitely angelo okay thank you sir francois so by this time uh again i'm sergiello and i'm from the division of minion city i'm currently a principal too of a stand alone senior high school in our division and and as mentioned by sir francophanina i'm one i was one of the focal persons for the results-based performance management system in the department of education modifications for rpms 2020 2021 now that we are facing a great pandemic now we are okay and fine as we um watch this uh webinar this afternoon as i mentioned kanina expectations standards instrument and preparation for online class observations so synapse will tackle modifications on the rpms but this afternoon will focus primarily on the modifications on how a teacher will be observed for uh for this school year 2020 2021 so expectations standards instrument your preparation um slides [Applause] bits of information about how to prepare for online class observations together with sir franco so kaninas i prepared only for the online class observation meaning if you are watching right now and you're familiar with the guidelines for classroom observation for the for the alternative classroom observation for school year 2020 2021 american that long options or modes for classroom observation at isa on your online observations originally i no no my presentation will revolve on option one or mode number one but uh since i i don't know i was triggered also to share more information about classroom observation so miami i apologize for alternative classroom observation okay so first uh let's start this discussion with uh the definition of class observation or in rpms we call that classroom observation so based on the republic act 10 533 or what we know the k-12 law classroom observation is one gauge in ensuring quality teaching uh observation is really one gauge in ensuring now also based on the rpms manual of 2018 a classroom observation is a process of providing feedback to a teacher's classroom practice so after the class observation i know that you are a no no you are being um you are being advised uh technically assisted by your observer during a post conference also feedback can come from the teacher himself or herself now also classroom observation encourages teachers to reflect and develop self-awareness about their own practice aligned rpms and school year 2019 and 2019 2020 regular and consistent constant reflection amongst ourselves and also with our peers and colleagues with our superiors develop themselves awareness your current for these reflections and lastly not based on the rpms manual classroom observation provides evidence of actual teachers performance their strengths and areas of improvement so after the class observations for the classroom observations for the actual teacher performance but aside from that numerical qualitative data also from observation strengths positive and good points known as in our own classroom practices and also uh i don't know parama balance possible in the areas of improvement uh we are geared towards quality teaching and um [Applause] [Music] classroom observation now um i will i don't know briefly discuss the rationale for the development of the standards-based classroom observation tool so we know that starting school year 2018 2019 introduce ptsd or the philippine professional standards for teachers online rpms standards nato so my baguette is standards for teachers human resource systems is a human resource system is not in i am rpms resource based performance management system so on ppsd now it encompasses the teacher quality requirement of k-12 so uh young philippine professional standards for teachers are based on debit order number 42 no series of 2017 and nationally so it encompasses the teacher quality requirements of k-12 and that also includes the classroom the teachers classroom practices philippine professional standards for teachers now to assess these classroom practices so for example to identify the strengths and areas areas for improvement as i mentioned kanina a classroom observation tool has been developed uh based on the new set of professional standards so your classroom observation tool forms observation tool i i don't know that was uh accurately came up with professional classroom practices leading towards the accurate and accurate provision and development of professional development programs and targeted at the specific needs of teachers young classroom practices using the classroom observation tools professional development programs now uh aside from classroom observation i want to define online classes the presentation will focus more on online classroom observation which is one of the three options for alternative class observation observations and we'll focus on that later on we'll try to uh discuss the other two alternative class observation options now again i know online classes no or again these are part of distance learning so anub online classes so distance learning is an educational process where students receive instruction through online classes so uh and nailed the online classes being one of the uh no no the modalities the learning delivery modalities in a distance learning so that that is not starting if not all as adapted implement long distance learning modalities so may it be online may it be another modular distance learning so your name a distance learning modality so i highlighted online classes but aside from that students can receive instruction through video recordings video conferencing or any other audio visual technology medium it enables people to receive education without having to be physically present in a classroom so parashant distance learning remote learning is the online distance learning wherein we do online classes subcategories four components of uh of an online class so first is the synchronous learning uh wherein it's an online or business education that happens in real time so i don't know online class observation option or mode for alternative classroom observation for this type of online classes synchronous real time you're learning trading mac observe and observer snap and uh also synchronously in the online platform now uh aside from happening in real time it is i don't know it is being made often with a set class schedule and required log in times now meanwhile asynchronous learning online asynchronous naman does not require real-time interaction so instead content is available online for students to access when it best suits their schedules and assignments are completed to deadlines the learners are inside a google classroom or a schoology or any other learning management system inside those learning management systems pero hindisha real-time virtual and no no virtual uh meeting a real time then with the you know the teacher and the learners there so online asynchronous i hindi i now also other programs now or other online online classes can also use a hybrid learning model which includes a blend of both formats of pedichang um pure online synchronous painting pure online asynchronous for padding blended online synthesis and online asynchronous so your new online class is not in but again uh focusing more on the option number one or the or the online observation yan lang ai para online simple news learn online class or online classes description online classroom observation so uh so online classes gonna go to wrong teacher practicing pronus so again as i mentioned there are three modes or options for alternative class observation and uh the first one is the online observation so originally you know focusing on happen but we'll go over option number two and option number three a little later so you call it observation uh will adopt online synchronous learning regardless of the number of classes and learners so observation applies hello teachers uh um so we'll wait for his connection to be re-established uh for the meantime teachers um maybe you have questions already okay okay teachers again if you have questions uh maybe you could already send that question to uh your concerns okay um um observation period okay so uh do let's do it first no um again um announcement uh while we're waiting for uh sir angela to go back to our stream problems uh internet connection so my events no um for our next um saturdays no so teachers um on um on saturday we'll be having um um we'll be having a session with google trainers okay so we have three google trainers now to discuss with us um different um different uh uh use of google for education tools fireman maximized punatino gamete and google for education tools and so we'll have uh sir daryl s mercado for uh who will discuss about us google sheets and then miss andrea de guzman who will be discussing to us a work-life balance so how to use google for education tools and to create workup work life balance and of course i'll be discussing no uh my part will be on building your virtual classes using google tools yeah okay so don't miss the teachers though okay so don't miss it okay um and then teachers for next week uh we'll we're we have three events now lined up for all of you now the first one on tuesday we'll be having a live premiere of um of uh setting up virtual classes okay on four easy steps no uh by my youtube channel on thursday we'll be having a session on using adobe sparks for video creation and our last one on the next saturday as we begin our march series we'll be starting with design thinking so we have an international speaker for our session on next next saturday so um for the start of our march series and again don't forget teachers tonight bago put eye on a schedule for our march series 10 a.m saturday events now so you all apologize i think update session i think march series will be every 2 p.m so okay so i think sir angela is already here no he's already back so we'll just wait for this presentation um to be uploaded once again okay so we'll we'll see i will we'll check okay for the b time teachers um let's uh share you know our ideas our experiences so far some [Applause] modality online classes okay so let's welcome back uh sir uh sir angelo thank you sir franco apologies to all our viewers no major nag this i don't know this alternative classroom observation mode is at the closest not to a face to so again i will focus first with option number one we'll uh go over option number two option number three uh before we end i know this uh number two uh observation of a video lesson that will i know not be considered when mode one is not possible so pagindi lang alternative classroom observation options learning delivery modality at set up nothing in our teaching learning processes school year 2020 2021 and uh uh option number three in a manual observation of a demonstration teaching by the learning action cell considered possible option number and then pack option number three uh again uh number three composible and one at one or antusayo and again this will be up uh this uh modality this mode know or uh option for alternative classroom observation i applicable for those teachers known as a pure modular learning either print or digital radio based instruction and tv based instruction so yeah no no these are modes these are not no no these are not really options where you were in you can choose any of the options the the three alternative class observations are tailored fit to a certain learning delivery modality so i hope that that is clear to all our viewers now as i mentioned expectations and standards atom instruments and resources practical i don't know a tip snapping and also how to prepare for a classroom observation may be online maybe through a video lesson or through a demonstration teaching by the learning action cell so expectation standards instruments and resources but i will focus more on again option number one which is the online observation but you can see also no you can also see some generic principles not applicable in the other alternative class observation modes indicators observe at the same time for an rpms classroom observation so as you can see now these are the seven domains of the philippine professional standards for teachers for the ppst so meron tayong dominguan of philippine professional standards for teachers now seven out of the eleven priority strengths for rpms uh school year 2020 2021 are classroom observable settlements these are the 11 priority strands for this school year's rpms and classroom observable and those are the following ayan 1.1 1.3 1.5 3.2 3.4 4.5 and 5.3 so again these are the seven classroom observable strands out of the 11 for this school year's rpms but out of the seven uh only three will be subject to classroom observation in the context of ppsd seven a class observable for this school year observance and those are astrand 1.1 3.4 and 4.5 again this code snow are the codes for the strands in uh in the philippine professional standards for teachers and i hope that all our viewers no no and are familiar with this three um three indicators that will be subjected to a classroom observation so so these are the classroom observable objectives with cot so unanimous objective number one uh objective number five um and then objective number seven and as you can see in the mapping know your objective number one on synaptics objective only an rpms objective indicator ico indicator number one now objective number five is co2 indicator number two and objective number seven is co2 indicator number three uh indicator 1 in translate into the concept of rpms i'm numbering nothing objective one objective five and objective seven so navigate screen indicators or rpms objectives so for objective number one or co2 indicator number one for proficient that's applied knowledge of content within across curriculum teaching areas curriculum teaching areas but as you can see ibanez for highly proficient teachers um for the benefit of everyone having teachers using the profession tool uh by default no uh guinea gamety and young teachers one two and three in the context of that now for highly proficient yanama yamato is for highly proficient now i think master teachers one to four by default okay so modeling effective applications of content knowledge within an across curriculum teaching areas now for objective number five or co t indicator number two atom scheduled classroom observation for rpms so i'm for proficient planned and delivered teaching strategies that are responsive to the special educational needs of learners in difficult circumstances including those that are listed now for the highly proficient again aligned level i hire because again this is intended for the master teachers so evaluated with colleagues teaching strategies that are responsive to the special educational needs of learners in difficult circumstances so i don't know difficult circumstances maybe we can i don't know we can focus primarily but again because what strategies can we plan and deliver targeting or responding to those uh special educational needs of our learners in difficult circumstances uh example is dependent now uh for the last uh indicator no the third one is a subject not to a classroom observation that's indicator number three or objective number seven this is a familiar um indicator for all our depth and teachers school year 2018 2019 objective number one so for co2 indicator number three that selected develop organize and use appropriate teaching and learning resources including ict to address learning goals sir frank [Applause] in their own classroom observations now for highly proficient again online advised and guided colleagues in the selection organization development and use of appropriate teaching and learning resources including ict to address specific learning goals in our class in our scheduled classroom observation uh in view of the rpms now um can you know um i am now presenting an instrument uh one of our instruments for classroom observation is the co2 rpms rubrics cot or cluster observation tool which is based on the ppsd is used to assess all classroom observable indicators um a reminder and caution lungs [Music] so please take note now you download and you use the you know the materials the correct materials for rpms of this full year so yeah so your ladies and generators must use this version of the cot rpms with uh stating this and this notation in the time of govet in the time of the puppet 19 pandemic school year 2020 2021 proficient teachers teachers one two three billy began tainan ratings about what co2 indicator from a rating of three until a rating of seven so uh lowest is three so maritime three my four my five my six my seven the highest is seven so perro concept is proficient highly proficient and distinguished currently in our debit context stages existing teachers for those career stages and those are proficient and highly proficient so you know my channel level style in the continuum of practice for the classroom observation so since the ptsd presents a continuum of practice from level one to level nine and um stages beginning teachers level one to five um continuum of practice unexpected for proficient as i mentioned level three to seven and then for highly proficient at level four to eight and then for our distinguished naval apparently my teachers i level five to nine months those are nine levels like nine levels in the continuum continuum of practice the description for your level is not evident so level two building until level nine which is synthesizing level descriptions then so meaning if you're under level number one which is not evident what is the description of your level of practice in terms of classroom observation evidence the teacher does not demonstrate the indicator pedophage the highest level in the continuum of continuum of practice the teachers strategically applies exceptional knowledge and understanding of the indicator to foster a teaching and learning culture that values informed feedback critical thinking and lifelong learning so that's a level 9 so the teacher uses well-connected pedagogical aspects of the indicator to create an environment that addresses individual and group learning goals during that scheduled classroom observation connection no no no acting content nothing pedagogy parameter indicator then probably no we can categorize our practice into a level seven magnum and highly proficient and highest in your i8 so one level higher note than the highest level for profession you should have uh you should be applying deep knowledge and understanding of the indicator discriminately to contextualize teaching and learning processes within the discipline to meet individual and group learning goals and level 8. expectation 4 the highest level of practice for a master teacher compared to that for of the teacher one two three my expectations in that document so you're adding indicator one two and three which correspond to objective one five and seven respectively indicator this indicator refers to the observable practice of teachers in the classroom so for example indicator number one is applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas a proficient teacher highly proficient teacher peru rating sheet so again proficient level three to seven highly proficient level 14. so it um the language of the indicators is taken from the proficient career stage of the philippine professional standards for teachers now another part of the rubric is the level descriptions descriptions generic descriptions about what indicator is description of practice not application of knowledge of content within across curriculum teaching areas it's a level seven compared to a level seven of the other indicators level descriptions so level descriptions refer to the descriptions of practice for each level okay description now the next part of the rubric is the features of practice so features of practice young level descriptions young features of practice refer to illustrations of specific classroom practices at each particular level but take note that this list of illustrations i hindi exhaustive samples okay and the last part of the rubric is clarification so terms indicator level descriptions of features of practice operational definitions of selected words or phrases used in the rubric so again there are four parts in the rubric sign up on my document in our classroom observation okay now again um indicators corresponding to the three rpms objectives which need classroom observation tool rating sheet or inter observer agreement form because these are again the three uh the three objectives or indicators that will be subjected to a classroom observation so but again that came from strand 1.1 uh of the philippine professional standards for teachers [Applause] objective number one or co2 indicator number one level descriptions level three level four level five level six level seven and i added level eight cassettes for the purpose of presentation teacher for a rating of seven for indicator number one practice reflects this description the teacher applies accurate in-depth and broad knowledge of content and pedagogy that creates a conducive learning environment that enables an in-depth and sophisticated understanding of the teaching and learning process to meet individual or group learning needs within an across curriculum teaching areas integration within the curriculum or within your discipline or within your learning area you in young topic or in your competency sa ano competency for your classroom observation and also that but broad that i integrated across curriculum teaching area so if you're teaching a math uh competency right now pedestal integrate into a science competency or an english competency so that is now making your application of your knowledge of content across curriculum teaching areas so that you integrate across so yeah again accurate in depth and broad and knowledge in applying that in our uh classroom observation rating of set name rating of seven now for the master teachers know and rating of eight alan description amanda i the teacher applies higher level of knowledge of content and pedagogy within an across curriculum teaching areas to empower learners to acquire and apply successful learning strategies to assist in their development as independent learners high level knowledge that but accurate parent in different broadband coming from the level seven perodua patme manifestation and empowerment of learners for them to become independent learners in our classroom observations practices that they little level natto then maybe we can i don't know we can obtain or achieve a level eight in indicator number one now going to indicator number two uh which came from strand 3.4 learners in difficult circumstances again that's the objective our means of verification since if it's classroom observable sociot rating sheet or interrupt server agreement form and the rubric for indicator number two or objective number five for rpm is a tournament so again this is in the document for the cot rpms rubric so level seven for i don't know for proficient this is your highest level you are employing extensive repertoire of strategies to create a learner-centered environment that addresses the special educational needs of the individual and group of learners in difficult circumstances okay so merunda the identified special educational needs of your learners in difficult circumstances and for level 8 master teachers know the teacher applies consistently effective strategies for learners in difficult circumstances to encourage them to be successful citizens within the changing local and global environments so mehma big words description level from level seven to level eight but master teacher if you're aspiring for a level 8 that's consistent to applicational strategies and making sure name manifestation the learners are reflecting amongst themselves in the changing local and global environments okay so i think second uh classroom observable indicator now for the third which is the last uh came from strand 4.5 teaching and learning resources including icp that's co2 indicator number three or objective number seven and this is the exact uh rubric now for proficient young three four five six seven that was highly proficient four five six seventeen seven indicator nato patsy teacher integrate now extensive and multi-disciplinary learning resources including ict which are appropriate and aligned with the learning goals again extensive multidisciplinary so resources as long as those are the resources that are appropriate and aligned with the learning goals so that maritime teaching and learning resources and then including ict so la luna option number one or online observation maryland online synchronous classes and applications classroom observation now for level 8 the teacher contextualizes multidisciplinary and interactive learning resources including ict to depend on the learner's understanding so aside from extensive multidisciplinary interactive learning resources comparing to level seven on a well-long synaptic interactive so make sure that your learning resources skype and mania and was appropriate and aligned with the learning goals and that i multidisciplinary and interactive young teaching learning resources now um let's go to i know no parana is a personal expectations and about observations for the entire school year and uh you know our ladies should submit to classroom observation to rating sheets or interrupts uh inter observer agreement forms as mov for objectives that require such so again objective one objective five and objective seven lambo you know you'll negotiate either a co2 rating sheet or an inter observer agreement form as a means of verification now uh sabiko made the lawn required time frame based on the policy for this school year observation now as mentioned by sir franco fanina observation one and that's okay because classical observation one should be done between january and march 2021. now for classroom observation two that should be between april and may 2021 on june 11 based on our current no current school calendar so again i'm adding time frame parasite classroom observation so no i'm presenting the standard opening expectations um aside from this as standards alternative classroom observation processing protocols and let me focus on online observation first options or modes so for synaptic on an observation again applicable for the teachers who are adopting online synchronous classes regardless of the number of classes and learners so i'm protocol nathan illustrative diagram for that protocol some observers i mean i don't know roles in the process he teaches now um as we go over you know as we go forward to the other parts of the process or the protocol um as an online observation the apache observer will meet with a teacher to discuss the schedule and the online platform to be used that is a face-to-face schedule distance learning online business learning decision and whlp or dlp bayan or learning lesson example as part of our duties know us as teachers the observation man and also your instructional materials when you go meeting used as a platform that's the observer observe teacher's lesson using the observation notes form and that is one of the instruments for our classroom survey shot so now after everything no um see observers as a teacher post conference providing feedback a technical advice um observer sky teacher at petty dinner mug began on feedbacks a teacher during the online observation so this uh diagram uh summarizes uh the protocol and processes in an online observation which is option number one or mode number one now let us try to i don't know let i am not imagining i know your animation pero young delivery lesson compared to face to face a teacher and a good delivering lesson in the chosen online platform meaning before the observation maritime observation proper the second one the second phase and then the post observation which is the third phase as i mentioned observation appropriate to the position of the teacher to be observed so again makaiba and rubric knee proficient at sahani highly proficient now uh for the observers again uh before the observation as i mentioned uh item observers to discuss the schedule in the online platform to be used paranam as a teacher trpms rubric appropriate to his or her position based on the indicators and the instructional materials in the actual observation uh on observers nathan ike langley access and online platform at the scheduled online class as i mentioned and use the observation notes form to record comments and observations on the teacher's performance observation notes in that online class and take note again this form no this is the only form to be completed during the actual observation and use this to record comments while observing now the teacher in the actual observation i as i mentioned can you not deliver the lesson in the chosen online platform now for the last phase which is the post observation the observers must do individual rating so however so you need to rate the teacher using the cotrpms rubric appropriate to the teacher's position and again rating should be done individually at the instrument for the uh for the rating sheet um teachers one two three unamong color blue ipad highly proficient so master teachers one to four and please no uh do not bring this form during actual observations for example observer um notes for okay and then refer to your observation notes if you're an observer in rating the teacher observed so it showed an operating sheet and from the past two years so means not observed so observe meaning observer then a demonstration indicator so automatic rating and a3 which is the lowest possible rating so so not observed okay and for the observer still in the post observation again as i mentioned pakmas maraming observers say some observers you need to do your inter observer agreement exercise you will discuss the rating with fellow observers about observers some individual narrating into a final uniform step of rating for the teacher and this form is the inter observer agreement form observers um and uh take note that the grid rating is not an average in the average individual rating observers exercise i um agree into a uniform set of rating without doing the average shakasandi push it up but going average directions into observer agreement and uh step three for both the observers and the teacher during the post observation as i mentioned kanina will do the post conference so please no no the observers will meet with the teacher to discuss the results of the of the observation and both of them or all of them will affects their signatures on the rating sheet or the inter observer agreement for and um parties in the ratings uh indicated in the ratings or in the inter observer agreement form whichever the case applicable okay to summarize ever to summarize the protocol illustrative diagram for an online observation [Music] observation observer only teacher face so we have the pre-observation we have the observation proper and we have the post observation so i don't know slides nothing for the protocol standard standard process standard protocol in doing and on an observation whether you're an observer or you're a teacher okay so i hope that that helps our viewers at this evening now if you're a master teacher you have i don't know you have an additional requirement for you so a highly proficient teacher you need a proof of attendance aside from your co2 rating sheet so if you're uh if you're doing online observation or mode number one what you need to do is to invite your colleagues to sit in your online class so imagine you know visualize nothing no way nasa mode number online platform but aside from that if if you're a master teacher that patment in at least one of your mentee or one of your mentees or your colleagues to sit in your online class online platform and then you have you you internally agree no company so again i'm focusing now more of the online observation at least one of your colleagues or mentees and then attendance afterwards so internally and please note that if you're an observer that i mentioned my young colleagues or mentees and then for mode number three if you're doing a demonstration teaching by a lap uh intended specifically for the demo teaching it can be done either virtually or face to again this this slide no is applicable for master teachers only colleagues as an additional mov for the master teachers aside from the co2 rating sheet they need to provide a proof of attendance now let us summarize no uh i'm done i'm almost done with the presentation uh for this webinar uh pero as i mentioned about slides for mode number two and mode number three for the benefit of everyone so let us let me first summarize no uh what we have discussed in the last hour so for the expectations uh in summary a teacher who will be observed and rated through online observation which is mode number one shall be able to demonstrate the three co2 indicators in the delivery of the lesson so in out in planning our lesson in executing the lesson during an online class and also to do that he or she shall refer to and review the cotrpms rubrics appropriate to his or her position the rubrics contain the description of the levels of classroom practice in relation to the indicator so i again i'm summarizing now what we have discussed uh preview in the previous hour so special observer now in summary the standards a teacher will be observed and rated through online observations shall follow the protocols and processes observers and enroll in the teacher observations observation proper supposed observations and again this is from pre-observation observation proper to post observation and he or she shall be guided by the observer observers in each step of the process master teachers head teachers or school heads in all the phases of the classroom observation and in summary our instruments and resources are the following we have yo pinakito kaninam rubrik the classroom observation tool rpms rubric for proficient and highly proficient teachers we have the cot forms the observation notes form the rating sheets and data observer agreement package so we have modules uh which we can read about what is and to get all of this instruments and resources uh the link for all these materials for rpms 2020 2021 is this link so beat that ly slash rpmsppsd 2020 2021 so you can get there all the materials the instruments the resources the forms the tools that you need in the in your classroom observation for this school year whether you're in online observation or observation of a video lesson or observation of a demo teaching via the learning actions ayan so sir francois i don't know i finished already my original presentation but let me have the fights for the final five minutes to ten minutes now four for the additional for the for option or mode number two and mode number three okay learn on a diagram for online observation but now i'm i'm showing uh all our viewers right now the protocol or the protocols and processes for mode number two which is observation of a video lesson observer in real time with an observer could be in a delivery lesson using a video recording device parasham tutorial video and then again it's a submit nano before the observers view the video lesson so i'm a great parent see observer after viewing the video lesson uh multiple observers interrupt server agreement exercise conference after that internal agreement no confidential schedule of the post conference and notes for mode number two the patent video lesson i met in lesson delivery so sinabinati and mode number messenger facebook messenger so adapt allah delivery in an online asynchronous class so it can be a part of the supplementary materials or one of the learning materials for online asynchronous learning now also a video lesson must be slm based or melt aligned so that i align to our competencies our most essential learning competencies or if this is true for tle or tvl classes nah slm based incompetence is in our school in our current school year so basta slim based or melt a line now a teacher should use any recording device to record herself or himself while teaching a lesson like a tutorial video and it can be stored in a cloud or for example a google drive or any storage device uh he sends observer is sending uploaded to an online classroom or a learning management system now for the last mode which is mode number three observation of a demo teaching via the learning action cell diagram modification see um observer emits a teacher to discuss the schedule of the lack session intended for the teaching so prepare parenthesis lesson plan and instructional materials see teacher idea delivering lesson on the agreed time and location may be a virtual lap or a face-to-face luck session so i did deliver your lesson that was observer while observing while i will record his or her comments in the observation notes for after that mcgregor observer teacher begin to next i don't know some notes for mode number three or option number three uh learning action cell i support mechanism that is established for teachers and school leaders to have access to relevant on-demand technical and administrative advice and guidance which come in many forms including professional learning communities through the learning action cell so yeah maximize national gaming learning action cell because based on the learning continuity plan of our department based also based on dependent order number 12 series of 2020 pretty natty maximizing our professional learning communities like the la sopa meron tayo mode number three now also this may be the best time to use the luck as an opportunity for the the rate to show performance of the rpms objectives again the teachers are acting as the learners in the demo teaching aside from the demonstration of the objectives pedidinitum again opportunity now for both the ratings and observers to discuss collegially strategies to improve the teaching and learning processes especially in addressing the challenges in learning delivery brought by the pandemic so pedi nothing i don't know after the demo teaching predinati pagusapanyama strategies teachers and also to the demonstration teacher now uh i i believe this is my last slide this is the suggested flow of demonstration teaching by the learning action cell uh this is i don't know my personal suggestion on the flow so virtual or face-to-face snap session siguro you can start off the last session with a presentation of the demo teachers demo teacher for the day so it presents next you can have a brief statement of purpose during this day so people present observer so what's the purpose of the last session and then after that i don't know start now with the demonstration teaching proper until all teachers are done the demo teachers for the day uh with the observation of the observers and then after that new essence session painting after all the demo teaching uh demo teachers collaborative discussion of strategies that were in the future use you can you can cap off no you can end your session with a sharing of personal reflections or insights about the strategies used focusing on the question how can i use it in my classes and in my future classroom observations for the demo teaching so discussion and sharing okay and that ends my session this evening i hope that i have given an even information for all our viewers thank you sir franco sir frank are you here [Applause] difficulties now looking at the comments so again i hope that i have given information to all our teacher viewers right now with whether you're i don't know whether you're in your first class observation at preparing for the second or four for those observations made the online observation or video lesson or the demonstration teaching by the learning actions uh messages of gratitude thank you for and i i have i don't know i have read in the comments nah before i thank you for the enlightenment thank you for sharing your knowledge i ain't necessarily can you hear me teachers can you hear me sir angelo i can hear you sir frankly okay yeah uh very very specific very i know um yuma instruments are very onset uh yuma rubriks so andaming and it's a well well i think well designed rpms um teachers um this is now an open session so please uh do indulge us with your questions if you have questions for uh sir angelina perez as we transition to distance learning this objective number seven i think uh so how will this uh be i don't know be um be addressed by the observers manage your expectations um to the teachers given our well versed for example objective number one about content and pedagogy face to face uh face to face online because of the pandemic or because of the learning profile of our learners in the face-to-face context so online some video lessons i don't know how can a teacher respond to that need so if you the first quarter of the school year in october to december of last year but experienced some other teachers he applied online class slalos online the teachers observers the same challenges online class as compared to a video lesson into a demo teaching via the learn action cell and i and i know our division and regional offices are capacitating them young preparation and teachers young current state now observers i really like what you said when you're talking about objective number seven uh terms etc what i really like what uh sergio said kanina was that resources objective number seven um uh then that much that's actually a much much better um targeting of objective number seven so for this afternoon again orientation but again teachers know um orientation then should help so you put the idea that should also help actually session i think for today is a really more intimate session intelligence new concerns uh about this sorry sir question coming from miss uh beverly joy strategies responding to the special educational needs of learners in difficult circumstances i don't know special educational needs anyway teachers uh if you again know you have questions okay okay teachers for the presentation mr angelo no we'll ask permission to sir louis jacob um who's already in the chat now answering so many of your questions no uh he sent me the the the materials the tools instruments no i will be curating everything and we'll be putting it in our uh in a folder in a google drive folder and we'll be sending the google drive folder link to all of you in the baya agape teacher support page so please know uh we'll be sending that and we'll be linking it through our website and to our facebook page no so we'll be posting it tonight or tomorrow morning tomorrow morning for tonight teachers okay so again to sir louis jacob for giving giving us access uh to the resources okay now teachers um while we're waiting for sir angela not to go back in malama connecticut and problems please do um let us know if you have questions okay um uh concerns know about the rpms or uh the classroom observation i think no again sir angelo no uh he presented everything the the the instruments expectation the standards and then he tackled all modalities now so uh will be observed in an online setup uh you'll be observed in uh in a video lesson observes that was properly addressed by sir angelo as well okay okay guy is this a possibility for the reference and guidance of both the ready and the writers so public documents observers and the teachers are reviewing the rubric pre-observation level of practice indicator uh strategy is not responding to special educational needs of learners in difficult circumstances learning styles learning needs learning difficulties for all our learners with needs because of because of them encountering the pandemic if if you are a teacher making sure that you are you are instructing your students to improvise materials which are not available at their homes science teacher kind of experiment so petting i know no meron um explicit and consistent instructions on how to improvise such materials so i don't know i got your strategy on to respond to the special educational needs of your learners given that there's a pandemic also differentiated instruction uh is also another one method to to know to demonstrate indicator number two the differentiate can output the [Applause] in your online class or in your video lesson or in your demo teaching that's already a demonstration of indicator number two there will be like definitely you know like um judgement judging performance mo etc and sometimes again um for that very very detailed um i know sorry i know sir angela for your all your answers no so teachers um let me uh entertain some more questions from our audience illustrations more diagrams explanation and uh appreciation uh from another from from from username okay so um i have seen one question so expectation standards and instruments that you presented are only applicable for the for the basic adaptation not for the higher education yes sir um i don't know questions education institutions if they did okay education so meaning from kindergarten to grade 12. okay um in a very practical way um can a teacher can that um if for example during a classroom on online classroom observation naked and technical problems like uh disconnection how would that impact the teachers uh perform or uh dating will will it be taken against them will resetting of of the observation period or a pineapple basically actually there's an explicit statement in the policy for rpms 20 20 20 21. that that for example in an online class that a teacher you teacher miss mononaka experience and technical difficulties during a scheduled classroom observation is it should not be taken against the teacher so meaning uh it can uh pedimakaron interventions no either you reschedule the online pla the on the classroom observation or give the opport the opportunity to the teacher name record online internet connectivity a question from um a teacher louis des santa juana at reflection online observation uh mom lourdes uh depending um um we cannot know we can [Music] under the beginning career stage your career stage number one for which we don't have the tools yet so i don't know indicators can say i i know professions are highly proficient so much apply to our pre-service teachers it might be unfair for the uh the students to be measured and to be assessed with that kind of i don't know of uh standards okay so on the basis and then uh modified not to the levels of the uh in service training sir uh a question from miss leslie obina um sir how do you do observations in early childhood education actually i know the ptsd in the philippine professional standards for teachers i applicable uh in any i don't know in any specialization in any key stage or grade level so meaning uh your model is applies to the entire basic education may be kindergarten primary intermediate junior high or senior high same same policies and guideline style pero sempre kailangan's the observer number one application of knowledge of content within across curriculum teaching areas practice a kindergarten amagua run to a level seven or a level content i accurate in depths early childhood kindergarten expectation for us in your eye so sakinder kaya parinam and nothing magdalee were not accurate that was in-depth no young integration within the curriculum so pedigree integrate non-competencies or i don't i don't i'm not sure about the terminology being used in the kindergarten peripheral integration now competencies within your within your kindergarten class learning integration in my sample in indicator number one sorry thank you very much okay angelo another term inside the rpms inside the system this is not different from a classroom observation or he discussed his school he do self-assessment with other observers i believe um self-assessment uh in the in your in the objectives in the rpms development plan so development plan but not really the raw results of self-assessment exercise so again i i discussed i answered this question into i don't know wrong you have to answer your conception of self-assessment nah self-assessment tool and then your concept and observation so i hope that that is clear no uh uh answers go for that question um so teachers as you go to last two questions potentially over time but i hope that you appreciate our extension for tonight now um so maybe last two questions actually meron is a last question uh this is a major over all young talent generalized unless we have a very specific question yeah uh sir i hope that you're reading the comment section yes teachers now say it question from say joseph or the hermetano it's a it's a generalized uh in a general sense as a concluding statement from you sir uh this question of what greatest inspiration and advice that you may share and give to us to rise up again and to reach our soaring high in this coffee 19 pandemic so i don't know i in the context casino educational system nothing else when we are in the pandemic the educational system is encountering challenges difficulties no or big wins uh in the teaching learning process in this time of the pandemic but we we do we do our things i think responsibility as a teacher pandemic um discuss share brainstorm um give advice pieces of advice to each other difficulties and challenges for that inspiring message so teachers i hope that you were i don't know were you inspired as i was inspired by sir angelo no uh with with about angel and yet uh young grabby young understanding mr angelo topic not important so sir angelo um i think we will be concluding our session with that statement and again we appreciate uh your presence you're sharing you know with uh with our community today uh we'll be sending you know um our certificate of recognition as a form of appreciation for your presence today and again peace sir angelou we can't say more than enough thanks now for for your presence today and for your sharing today you know for the materials will be i think no um these are as you mentioned these are all public materials so teachers materials that was presented by sir angela these are all um available uh publicly no sir uh website but yeah right so sir mirami and uh thank you for gracing my teacher support uh our community uh appreciates your time and your expertise in sharing uh in this afternoon session teachers thank you very much let's give uh sir uh opportunity to be with you know i think uh our teachers will learn a lot from you know uh in different aspects so we'll be in communication busan china you sir angelo thank you paul okay teachers uh let's now uh move um into our last part of our session for today which is the evaluation part so i'll be showing you now um your evaluation form so you may take your teachers yeah all right i just don't forget that um after uh filling out the evaluation form uh please wait for five to seven days now for us to deliver your uh your certificates uh via email okay so we'll be sending them to your emails no need to um access any website google drives etc okay so teachers here's your evaluation link before i say goodbye uh please do check if the link works no um so that um we're sure that it's working before i leave you with this uh evaluation okay so let me know in the chat about features please do try first before i close our stream for tonight you
Channel: Franco Nicolo Addun
Views: 9,517
Rating: 4.9601989 out of 5
Keywords: class observation, RPMS, DEPED, COT, online class observation, modular observation, LAC observation
Id: dDJlC0bsmpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 36sec (8436 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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