JANUARY SERIES | Starting 2021 Strong: A Learning Experience on Teacher Wellbeing

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[Music] and [Music] um now for webinars we stopped um uh our saturday webinars uh since last november november we've been struck by so many typhoons here rather than like um recovery excited to opt out and um staff first our saturday webinar and that uh we're back now for uh our saturday webinars and we'll be having another uh january series so we'll be having uh uh four episodes okay um from here on january uh nine and then we'll be having uh january 16 23 and of course on the 30th um saturdays okay so we'll be starting off with no um which is uh starting 21 20 21 strong a learning experience on teacher well uh well-being okay um and i think very very apparent the most important component so uh that's the reason why we decided no um to start off our january series and of our year 2021 okay we decided to uh to foster on um uh teacher well-being right because um again okay um are our stress no are not in a full condition may hit upon your education to actually uh move forward changes um education important to take um to take care of our teachers okay and of course no in this regard no uh what we'll be looking at would be understanding teacher well-being so that we could also take care of ourselves [Music] a proper mental emotional or even spiritual and physical uh actually no our speaker for today would also invite us to be more physically active for today um we won't be able to do what we have to do now especially um in in our online classes in designing our modules or implementing our modules responses questions what stresses you out okay so um again so this will be our first episode starting 2021 strong a learning experience on teacher will well-being right and so before we start uh teachers um of course no let's give some reminders for all of us okay but i also still want to give reminders before we start our webinar for today but we're clear no with our expectations and all the things that we have to take note of okay okay so before i introduce our um our speaker today so uh summary webinar so um well evaluation link will be given at the end of the training all right so um we're going to be looking for the webinar the evaluation for this webinar able to receive your um your um for this webinar yes certificates for this uh webinar um you need to be able to accomplish the evaluation link okay so we're ending that later after this webinar towards the end of this webinar okay and then of course after answering the evaluation your certificates will be sent to you via email teachers no in five to seven days no so we run a different course in terms of distributing your your certificates we don't ask you to pick it or download it from a website or a google drive okay we send it to your emails okay so please do wait for your for your certificates in your emails that's the reason why teachers please make sure that your your names no your um your names and your emails they are clearly and correctly uh encoded in the evaluation form okay because that will that will be what we're going to use now uh for our certificates now so if your for example your emails are wrong your certificates will never reach you okay if your names are wrong in your evaluation link it will also appear in your certificates okay so please um take note of that okay and of course my cpd points so you can still use it for your um your self-paced or self-directed trainings or a professional development okay i think that will merit at least one cpd points if approved by prc okay so that should be should be that teachers know um some of the are the remainders that for today okay so so uh i think we can uh we're speaker for today who when i met her okay um for this session because precisely um right now we need um that kind of energy all right and of a passion you you'll feel it teachers know i don't think yeah that g of our speaker for today pero lang um just to uh give you ground note uh to uh by the way um um the founder and uh of um which you will be uh using later on what malayan the ui is so uh some background from uh for our speaker for today uh she is uh an ebook writer for southeast asian ministers of education organization regional center of educational innovation and technology um serve as education officer at unicef philippines also serve um various institutions for consultancy at unicef philippines uh the asia foundation philippines also a learning action cell project officer a once a teacher development team basic education sector transformation program a consultant as well for monitoring and evaluation at quality education design company also serve as a consultant and trainer for quality education design company and also serve as a project lead for community organizing and fundraising at love to teach incorporated and teachers know if we're going to talk about her um credentials it will take us like uh another webinar just to do that okay so we just um pick and uh simply um highlighted some of the important um um things that we um uh we want to know and we need to know about our speaker for today well seguro the point here is that uh our speaker is not someone new in the education okay she's a teacher um she was actually a teacher in um in the school i was i'm working at right now no uh but no um i think i would say uh but not me okay later school but anyway uh and in terms of um like perspective no um our speaker for today is more of like a global perspective because um she's working not only in the philippines but also um beyond so experiences are very rich okay that's why if you look at the title of our webinar for today it's really based on the learning experience on teacher well-being right although of course about teacher well-being i think for the most part of the year it's also one of the most talked about uh topics for webinars now for teachers perro uh what we will be focusing on right now um in this session would be a learning experience it means it's the more practical you know what we what our our speaker actually um um experienced for herself you know uh collecting data uh researching about teacher well-being etc okay so those are the things that we'll be um looking at uh today okay so um um [Music] let's not um further delay you know uh our speaker is already uh ready uh and to meet all of you and i'm glad no uh to interest all of you our speaker for today miss uh raquel carbieto or i simply call her teacher rocks name on the teachers um [Music] um responses and conversations so good morning yes good morning but it's my first time actually it's your first um first episode it's my first time to do stream yards so i know i'm also excited thank you for inviting me yes okay let us introduce to us first for teachers and for educators i'm still in the process of uh legalizing it also but um it's um for me it's a movement but it started actually even before 2020 now there was a portal for me it took nah to be there for teachers and later on i'll share more about my context but the past decade i've been hearing stories of teachers and i've been working with teachers and after a lot of different experiences and adventures what came to me was really um being a space for teachers um to discover their best self it's like [Music] system actually internationally even research is if teachers are supported and you really take care of literatures the quality of education will really improve so that's where malayan comes in now it's how can we empower teachers and work with teachers so that we can be their best what wants to fail their best but there's just so many challenges and there are many different considerations that makes it difficult for them to discover that best health find that sweet spot so union in terms of the things that um i'm doing in malayan duwa so help teachers discover that sweet spots again yes thank you so much for that teacher teacher relax by the way no before thai magana proceed on your background audio from your end i think it's from your mobile phone yeah okay anyway um uh teachers know i think uh very strong in statement and sabine teacher if we take care of our teachers okay it education will improve all right i think teacher i think we have the same um uh we have the same um idea in the teacher rocks no precisely that's also the reason why uh we put up uh kagapa teacher support teacher racks no uh because because we believe now not and empower netanyahu we train them we give them the support now that they needed in order to be equipped with the skills for example in distance learning they will thrive and they will make uh distance learning possible that's why the reason why camera support we put it up in order to uh to help our teachers know equip that in your teachers there's no way that our education will not work okay so um teachers know very much align you direction support okay so this collaboration is actually really meant meant to be you know for for at the start of this year okay rocks no uh what are their usual stressors um from um miss uh sheryl ordo yes i've been missing aura my stressor is usually the pile of papers i know i i don't the releases every friday for the moodles for next week saturday i think uh before the next uh distribution of uh their modules so gennon young yung cycle so imagine just that our teachers know um and our teachers are our classes for example uh teacher jackson reading just between 100 120 per t-shirt sometimes even more island teachers young students ranges from like 200 to 300 students okay so that's like 200 to 300 modules in a given week uh good morning everyone my experience that affect my teacher well-being is when making online examinations and making an interactive lesson for different subjects uh i think teacher rachel last time that we actually conversed we were all thrown into this distance learning modality wherein we have to learn so many things now so far you keep on sharing in our live chat your experiences in teacher well-being what affects you guys will not be our usual discussion type no it will be a workshop type uh very active learning times that our speaker will be will be asking you to stand up to uh to move no because again um it's important not to because teacher well-being is in the first place uh at the holistic taking care of our our bodies now so it's mental physical spiritual emotional um aspect of our well-being so in dealership heading for example okay so teacher rex uh i think we're ready um for your um presentation for today uh i'll be uh at the backstage i'll be giving you the entire floor no um if you need me just simply call out me for me and i'll be going in into the stream um but i'll be giving the floor now to you at the start of our session for today teachers enjoy and uh again um uh let's um um i don't know um try to benefit as much as you can from our great speaker from today and thank you franco so far um good morning again it's my first time to the stream here so i pranked just to say because it's hard for me to multitask so i closed the other one so right now i am not able to read the comments but later on get back to franco trying to ask him okay and so like what he said it will be a myth usually um in malayan giwa if some of you have seen that i do also facebook live we have movement and then a bit of journaling and meditation and then some insights i did a series also about how how to start your school year strong in 2021 let's start it strong that came to me and that's one of the things napalm metaphors i'll be using is white watery art of possibility this white water with learning action sales so how do you also um have conversations or learning sessions with teachers so suggestions whatever you learn and if you want to start strong always remember if you don't start alone because when you do things alone to the teachers in your school or your friends but when you share shampoo you're all dear friends so when you are different different issues with other teachers i will just do my own work and i'll i'll be at peace but in fact that's not true an important plan is for working together um in any engagement or in a workshop in a la session again so to who is foreign and sharing very important and for me it's a gift i think right now it's a rare i know for me it's expensive attention because so many people are asking for our attention and i mean notifications and emails and if someone gives attention to something that's valuable more than actually an exchange [Music] if you're going to have your own access and to listen attentively to the person that's sharing and right now like with our session um suggestion for is if you want to close the other apps that you have so usually i say it's also a workshop to listen attentively be open to different perspectives so um i'll be i'm on strength cocaze as a person if i'm a strategist in a in a way that i run different scenarios in my mind so i have problems pero importante paris a teacher malama [Music] so i can share different things and it's up to you whatever you want to get so just be open like better try it give it a shot if you haven't tried it you can't see it it's not going to work stories and others and sorry let me know if i am talking past an excitement so i know um um for me the discover correct along the way i've been to probably like 100 public schools the past 10 years [Music] we create stories and i think what's important is the stories we tell ourselves now instead of focusing on others i think what's important is to actually really reflect on our own stories our own experiences is the best feature so when we share or like when i ask you questions it's really focused on yourself it's helping you um rewrite your story in an empowering way from being a victim to being a survivor [Music] so with that i know i'll continue now so if you agree with this i know you can put it in the comment box i am so i'll just read this um and i want to i choose to start with this every time i do my sessioning because it reminds me of what is important teachers and sobriety i really um admire franco and his team they're sharing so many resources to teachers that would other and it's not saying so i'll just read it um but after that i'll start in the way of love if i speak in the tongues of men and of angels but have not love i am a noisy gong or a clanging symbol and if i have prophetic powers and understand all mysteries and all knowledge and if i have all faith to us to remove mountains that have not love i am nothing if i give away all i have and if i deliver of my body to be burned but have not love i be nothing love is patience and kindness love does not end and then just also so with that allow me to share more about myself in one word um teacher well-being is important it's not an add-on my time [Music] i've had and hearing the stories of teacher and even being a teacher myself it's not a luxury it's actually crucial and important for you to take care of your well-being as a teacher and i got this insight also from this book i know the courage to teach by parker palmer chabinha more than anything more than any lesson make good lessons style my bad lessons still more than that we teach who we are and you know well what does that mean we teach who we are how we are with our students it resonates with them and even with us about who are the teachers we remember do we remember the lessons or do we remember the experience that we've had with them and how they made us feel so i can create those kinds of experiences it would take like another webinar to share more about my experiences you can check out if you want you belong on podcast at all the desired tales so and then you can check out my page also so quickly when i talk about what is malayan gallery malayan value is actually a state of flow i help teachers have that state of love when i was asking for that allows you to move and uh makes things work moved in a i know move in a big way or in a monumental way you say like with him byron he started small but now like he's helping so many teachers so it's really that i'm coming from feeling overwhelmed to feeling like important than your exercises how can we take care of our bodies so that our minds will be clear and will be in a state of love next is in our brain that sometimes it's hard for us to do what is important so on the discover call with myself and when working with teachers to help us clear our messy minds and aside from and this is what i do mindfulness practice and i will just breathe and so but after breathing important is to look at essential questions i think it is so it's really um asking the right questions and reflecting about it next is having a sense of agency in my conversations with teachers i asked them what [Music] [Music] [Music] so it's having a conversation of what can i do anybody can go in my own way to have that sense of agency teacher learning sense of agency you can compromise i might not be able to change how things are in our school but i can do something about my class and how my class room is and what my students um talk about and what we believe in so it helped him stay on last year even if it was difficult don't worry you can say you'll have time also to ask questions so for this session just like any session what did i get from this so what we'll get from this session is um we'll be present to our bodies and what we need to the second thing that we'll do for this morning is we'll take stuff of our journey what have we gained and what do we need to let go of now 2021 is my suggestion then about how to create your success safe plan which is similar to him sorry dubai it's part of living but i'm having challenges having difficulties now as long as we are here there really will be challenges so it's not so much of avoiding stress as learning to [Music] um [Music] at the same time teacher raksha uh deep within um i'm always trying to become um at this point in time no uh both us no teacher rocks and i um [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] is we are human and we're part of the world and there's so many things happening in the world weather weather language [Music] i think we are also bound to commit mistakes down the road um so this is a very quick energy routine you can actually check it's a youtube eden it's like an energy practitioner so i usually do this it's called four pumps crossover online then we're living in our brain and then our bodies you forget thaimos is our mid the middle of our chest and zappos this is the third lump so first second third that was below our first zero our broad line up you put your um fingers together and then you tap it like that to the side it will help you um in terms of digestion not just like physical digestion that means something that overwhelms a digesting idea one more you put your right hand on your left shoulder and then you put it down until reaching your right hip i am so we can do it five times just imagining animals shoulders more it's like pulling it down like that so we'll do it five times also five one this one says two three four five and so um just see this in your body and i'm suggesting then you can do it at the back when i've done it with others um reasoning now crossover we have the right brain and left brain and sometimes we're so right brains are so left brain very important is to use both sides so it's like crossing over it's connecting those sides of our brain so when i'm smoothing what i do sometimes i touch my left hand to my right knee to parang and i do it to my students and so i'm teaching you many strategies so you can put your hands flat like this just swimming in the high silicone so we'll do it three times i want them three um it's called uh the eggoski method i actually have a video but um rich discussion at sharing of experiences uh like almost in a personal level no almost in a personal level i think they can attest to it already yeah so teachers just like also explain um [Music] yes yes if it's in case nipple massage i'll let you know teacher relax you can play it now teacher rocks okay yes hello hanging foreign thumbs up up is foreign it will help take this you're in look up audio thank you it gives me energy so um i highly suggest this strong start usually so put your left foot forward so i'll do it sitting down but put your left foot forward and your right foot at the back this is uh and then index the other tank how it's affecting your breathing and voice yes the warming feel it in your body it's if you want to see how it's affecting people put your what you said was it helped you see be like doing this position if for example make some personality just give your absolutely so so hey stop shaking we take care of our bodies holistically know so again while we take care of our minds okay with this webinars with all of these uh discussions important button to keep our our our bodies moving no i thought personally alumni teacher raksian very very active in terms of your uh in terms of movement uh if our bodies uh physically and mentally are well we can do so much more yeah already i'm showing your presentation you may continue already yes thank you for that immediately and i think for people who are doing work that's excellent or going out of themselves telegram physiology or your body and i learned it also from tony robbins i managed to unleash the power within the workshop very important in speciality so i'll share the link later if you want to watch it in terms of well-being so this is a data set i got from one school it's an elementary school a public elementary school um there were 78 teachers and i gave a session for them when i asked what does teacher wealth is teacher well being important so 100 says yes i have another survey for a high school in my last lineup [Music] all teachers agree are we doing something for our well-being if it is important something to ask yourself in the schools so these are i have two questions that i asked then for you any top three things that have helped you in i know sensation in distance learning sorry wrong spelling and have helped you investigation so and so but definitely gadgets have helped teachers webinars also there are as much as my gadgets as webinars right after the webinars is actually in support it's not just the webinars that you're coming for but franco is actually creating a community of features supporting each other with support with communities you become stronger so we need support of continuing support of parents and students and in another school actually support of principal and teacher leaders then [Music] what are the three problems um or challenges for you in teaching at this time a big number said problem with sex lack of student participation in engagement with so something also to be aware of when we talk about support you have a group of teachers so now we know what do we need to talk about what do we need to solve let's figure out how can we improve student participation yeah and so it's important to know our challenges together so when i ask i don't know many well-being practices [Music] that you need [Music] the physical activities helps them um dancing or exercise it helps their well-being plans and things so when i talk about teacher well-being if teachers already know how to take care of their well-being because they wouldn't be in the position where they are right now if not for that uh and how much time it doesn't have to be a lot of time it can be just a short time and you'll find out later when we do mindfulness but it's intentional and purposeful actually we do something not to take care of our well-being but we don't plan it out on the netflix i'm feeling so stressed i'll do something that will make me feel good at the start along i know that this is stressful now going into something stressful how can i take care of myself with the things that you need to do so yeah so what teachers need and say about well-being so actually i want to read the chat box later so for me i want to ask you what does well-being um what is well future well-being for you so i'll give you some 30 if you want like just um some foreign 30 minutes young workout every day and i'm not able to do much no i feel lethargic i my mind is not working very creative ways not to help our teachers how do we uh how do we deliver things like that again i'm physically or uh are physically uh well and of course teacher asks not believe it or not source of uh well-being right now uh it's really uh teacher support no you being here no conducting webinars [Music] can i read some of them teacher rocks yeah and um it's important to see uh teacher well-being is uh doing what makes you happy yeah this is from jackie teacher jackie lou hora [Music] from miss teacher melissa nuestro be optimistic no matter what the circumstances is i do watch key drama yes okay that is is that don't judge yourself then give it to yourself okay of course sometimes you have to watch it last one i always put in mind that i'm not a robot okay uh that i am a human being who has limitations and whoever does not understand that is that i'm i'm not a human being he is a machine okay so uh limitations um and then we'll have to really take a break once in a while okay i know that uh our united in every stand like what attacks me and then um before you know it uh you submit your requirements and then before you know it you have a new deadline already so something like that it's sort of like overwhelming in a way thank you franco hello hello thank you franco for those insights i think feeling i needed but you said what i needed i also treat myself with that but it helped me but i'm hearing you share that help me feel allow myself to to enjoy it and so [Music] [Music] or what compared to making it kind of having integrity with yourself you know what i am after i'll tell you you've worked so hard and i'm going to allow you so you can have they got sweet food if it's parenting myself it's treating yourself as human but also not just treating yourself as humanity it's learning to love ourselves [Music] to give love to yourselves because you deserve all the love that you um that you can have no for all our teachers oh we go outside of ourselves and we realize that there's so much to give and thank you for matter so i'm against scientific about well-being the one that i'm using is actually by dr rick hanson is having 12 pillars of well-being why does well-being matter so i'm not sure i will try to play it but if not i can explain things i will just share the link later that long needs yes it's not a one-way webinar okay so we always emphasized our teachers that our webinars are always a two-way thing that you learn from us we also learn from you because teachers that in teachers sobrang original i can't even compare myself to them in any way close to uh to what they know and how what they have experienced already so sobrang every webinar is a learning experience also for me so i know i know and your your ways of taking care of yourselves um i'm sharing it right now and um and um the floors is yours again okay thank you uncle and um and thank you for the who are watching i will definitely read that because so a few more things inputs before we go on the question where do i come from so it's really it's i know it's a bit different for me your well-being is but first is you need to know what it is who you are in your sn so once you know that part of living when we talk about well-being it's also about feeling but um it's a whole session all together heals people heal people hurt people hurt people and meantime like sometimes you get frustrated with some people because of what they do imagine is and this is our goal eventually once we've healed ourselves in our wounds we can experience excellence but it's not strong because it forces itself on others but that tree is is strong because of its roots because it knows its essence and what is it meant to do a person who is excellent and who is strong is full paul not full of himself but full in a way that it's able to take care of itself or like you're able to take care of yourself so those are i know i said many things already on i will invite you actually to a very quick meditation time check so this is like five minutes so our essence connecting to ourselves and our stories through our breath let me see if i play it if you can hear i i have a poem about this but i don't know if i can share it it's in a like i'm going to say um if i share [Music] breathe in three counts in two counts hold and then three counts up in one two three four one two breathe out one two three one more time in hold out and one time quietly yes by our facebook page materials please make sure to subscribe thank you um but there so so again um i'll ask you to um breathe in and breathe out and um you can put your and when we breathe in imagining like being present to our breath like life feeling our body and when we breathe out but i'm releasing all the thoughts that um come to our mind okay so going after three counts like three times breathe in one two three hold one two breathe out one two in [Music] hold out one more time being aware of our breath in [Music] ourselves in our breath breathing in again um intentionally and if you want you can close your eyes or you can like look like in breathe in one two three hold one two breathe out one two things two more times in hold out and one last time in hold out so um i would usually actually do a meditation now in terms of time check and usually inviting teachers and it's just five minutes to a gathering league so to get we'll try it without music first for now but so i'll ask you to wherever you are right now and like sit comfortably and so um i call this gathering please and meeting ourselves so we'll um go back to your breath again but you can put your hand wherever you feel comfortable like on your left side so breathing in hold and breathing out and slowly you can close your eyes you can go um quiet quietly in one spot imagine yourself in your favorite place wherever it may be it could be the beach or like your your room um by the mountains and you feel safe it could be like um by the river and then if there are thoughts just distract you breathe in holds and brings out and if you want you can choose a word any words that will allow you to go to that place like for me i say now and then i imagine my my special place my secret space where i feel i am safe once you you you feel yourself in that safe space and you sit down constantly think of one person close to you it could be a best friend your husband or wife your mother or father someone that you feel very safe with and or it could even be yourself um and nothing is your friend is looking at you your wife your husband your mom is look at this person in the eye and share share about your experiences for 2020 and thrive last year [Music] and in that meditative speech if it's hard for you and there are things distracting you just go back to your best in your words imagine you are back in your sacred space in your gathering foreign [Music] just imagine just being able to share your experiences with this first one that you love what are the things you discovered last year [Music] you can see there breathing in and breathing out when you get distracted just allowing yourself to be present to your stories you [Music] oh [Music] if it's easier for you you can even write it down close your eyes you can write down these experiences or you can breathe into it so slowly imagine yourself um wrapping up [Music] to that person that you imagined being with thank you for listening and imagine this person just tapping you giving you words of affirmation like any form of love whether it can be i know how [Music] foreign so um and then you can go back to this this is um like you can go back to this experience so imagine wrapping up maybe like um and saying goodbye to this person for now thank you for these stories these insights that i have and if you want you can say that word again that brought you to this place as a signal that okay my time for now is up for this place again and i need to come back to this um youtuber to this to this session so let's read into it he counts again see you get breathing in breathing out in holds out one last time being aware of your body bringing yourself in the present breathe in hold and do that and so you can open your eyes if it was closed or for those who are writing you can just continue writing if there were thoughts that came into your mind so and it helped me so you and so up to you i don't know like if you had difficulty or not but you can do this practice on your own then whether you can append a spot or ifland but um there's so many things happening around us like so many things uh expected of us like some other teachers not then you know lesson plan uh checking of assessments detail and then uh online class detail collection of modules distribution of mojos here and there and damage is simply sovereign damage so this kind of exercise teachers know it helps us to settle down um so that we get don't get lost uh to this overwhelming um responsibilities that we have okay uh and siguro teacher raps no more than um it's also sort of like it grounds you to where you are and where you want to be sometimes about how that meditative uh exercise that you gave them um it's sort of like healing them i'm getting the word nagina uh teacher um teacher lyle i think um the answer miss jackie teacher jackie simple meditation is healing me sometimes five minutes like five minutes to settle down okay very very important it will do miracles teachers no uh let's let's try to do that that is i'll be creating now it's a it's a meditative poetry actually if i am three minutes three to four minutes of meditation so i already have one connected this coming monday actually i'll be posting another one episode about anger again meditation wedding spotify or online you can look look for that video media platforms and we'll send it to our teachers now to our facebook group they can check out your resources for our teachers so again teacher miss rex [Music] three points i have three points first is the rest i don't have any time to rest your well-being mahalaka but how much time i mean does it have to be like one hour two hours sometimes yes there is not five minutes [Music] sometimes we don't if we don't have enough luxury to rest so much let's just be let's choose to take care of ourselves by being mindful of our breath and spending that five minutes of this being in our bodies what is one that you've uncovered it from 2020 because it was a very difficult year and for you to survive it there was something in you that was stretched what are your top three wins of 2020 so i will just go through it quickly so write it down and i'll write it in the chat box i think the teacher is the second one and this is what also important is what are my top three mistakes this 2020 so it's how you recover that makes a difference and how people will remember you not the mistakes that you need but how you were able to recover and in fact the inspiring people that i follow and i learn from my mentors i am drawn to them because they share about their failures and how they recover it inspires me supposedly so very so quickly you can even watch it in my sessions bbc one what do you want to let go of from 2020 like i want to let go of feeling small or i want to let go of my mistakes but i'm not what these setups what they need to still be and i will not engage with this person anymore but in that way start strong or but i'm starting strong it doesn't mean that you're going to start not perfect now a strong start is not a perfect start but it's an encouraging one important to gather what can help us start strong is to start from a place of appreciating what we have our journey our strengths and even our resiliency to overcome 2020. so and that's the question i begin my success safety plan so at the end of the day five minutes of mindfulness for my well-being so does it have to be complicated very simple and third attendance actually i'll end with that the keyword for our time is practice we have all the light we need we just need to put it into practice so acknowledge that then until we become better at managing stress and knowing what to take in and what's not to do [Music] quickly and then i'll share my um link so a way in i got this from the book illumination by marian williamson something to keep in mind also i see in my mind a little ball of golden light i watch this light as it begins to grow larger and larger until now it covers the entire vision of my mind i see within this light a beautiful temple i see a garden that surrounds the temple and a body of water that flows through the garden i see that inside of the temple is slipped by this same golden light and i am here for i have been drawn here by the power and in the presence of god i dedicate my days in my relationships and experience as food may your spirit which is within me so guides my thoughts my feelings and my perceptions of all sins that i might grow into a happier more peaceful more loving human beings illumine my mind illumine my life without lm at the end of the day um and watch out because i'm also working on my website it's malayanggiwa.com thank you very much francophone teachers and i'll definitely read the comments okay no problem teacher i think our teachers appreciate no um very understanding support very worthy and they think no given teacher teacher uh let's all uh give a round of applause to uh teacher rex for sharing her expertise to us um that uh i think important a couple of things from um being forgiving um is saying some strongest points that i got from a teacher for today being forgiving to ourselves no realizing that we have limitations and therefore we really need to um sometimes to take a step back um teachers know you taking a step back it's not always like um like losing grounds okay sometimes uh taking a step back actually gives you more grounds and more understanding what's happening sometimes [Music] uh you young to give it ourselves okay uh that we deserve this little things celebration of small wins it's actually one way of uh reminding myself no matter how small or how big your wins are these are still wins okay so let's celebrate them because like every time we feel it also encourages and motivates us to move further and um be healthier you know overall and it also helps our well-being now personally so again comment section um on our next session um ramming salamat for gracing our um our community and sharing with us your expertise now and sabine teaches what a great way to start the year with uh with this webinar okay uh a strong start indeed teacher will see you uh again soon hopefully soon on our next collaboration uh teachers um i'd like to share long some updates no uh and reminders okay so don't forget um on next saturday i will be having really a massive massive session okay so this is uh entitled no learner left behind no unit design with gradual release of responsibility with miss rita a renowned consultant for education teachers so we'll be seeing you again next saturday hopefully you know it allows for a more practical and better way of developing independent learners uh using our modules okay and of course we have our adapted education assessment in a virtual learning uh environment on january 23 10 am parimp okay so we'll be looking at what what are the most appropriate assessments okay so when we imagine assessments how can we still improve them how can we um um convert them into a distance learning or virtual learning environment uh friendly assessments okay and of course we will be capping off our um our january receive with the uh uh our session on data driven education creating action research and of course education to uh make our education more data action research okay so we'll be having that uh very soon okay yes uh see you mr so again reminders before i give your evaluation link a webinar reminders evaluation link will be given at the end of the training in a while after answering the evaluation via email in five to seven days okay so please techno teachers know your email address because that um uh those will be the data we'll be using to send your certificates okay okay so teachers uh it's now time for your evaluation uh period okay so teachers um please for your evaluation happy lunch teachers and we'll see you again next saturday for our yet no a massive session on for our january series you
Channel: Franco Nicolo Addun
Views: 5,535
Rating: 4.9386973 out of 5
Id: gz-RYS7AUfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 35sec (8375 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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