April Series | Building Virtual Classes Using Google Sites

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] you know and uh teachers welcome for starting a session for this afternoon [Applause] prior to actually seeing how it works is i can do most of the same exactly the is building virtual classes using google sites naman okay last time last thursday we talked about building virtual classes using google classroom okay so for this time and gaga meeting a google site so but before we do that before time at the introduction speakers for today we have three speakers for today uh and all our google certified educators okay um let's first know um uh i know let's first uh greet our our teachers uh sir jambi to go to magstartai with a very quick shout out for um for our teachers please teachers um type in your names your your locations but i'll start sir jambi with uh the schools of our speakers for today i'd like to do a shout out to the following schools before from these schools teachers know we have from angela city national high school shout out to all our teachers from there um we also have from pandan national high school and uh from upper b mapandan is from shout out to all those schools and for also allowing know your teachers to share their expertise for today uh on one hand for allowing your teachers to know to share with other teachers today pero on the other hand congratulations then teachers reporters will be open for them like for example like this one okay so let's start our shout out with uh of course now from miss april bongai our one of our speakers also by teacher support uh who gave the orient the introduction to edmodo [Applause] [Applause] uh see miss marites cumber good afternoon from nueva esija good afternoon pastor manny always no pastor manny we're always thankful for always having you here at gaga by teacher support webinars okay and then uh good afternoon now good afternoon sdo pampanga and simi cynthia fernandez watching the man yeah support support for uh our speaker for today um michael nessa and also to uh teacher edenel laurel from city my interface april sabina why not for those who have tried the google sites already please put in your google sites uh links no in our live chat but other teachers could actually also visit speaker for this afternoon i have a couple of questions on certificates yes we will have a certificate this afternoon yes so please wait for the evaluation link that will be given at the end of this session answer the evaluation and you will be given your certificates accordingly in five to seven days all right answer jambi um i have the honor no okay i will have three speakers for today um but uh and they will be discussing no um parts of google sites okay um there will be an introduction the first one will be introduction we will also have a demonstration and also uh showing of a an example of a google sites and of course after doing sir jambi we will have a final discussion towards the end okay which is around 1 45 to 2 p.m and hopefully our teacher could still stay because that's the time we're going to answer all your questions 2 4 3 2 3 2 45 3 45 to 4 pm i think final discussion at 3 45 3 45 4 pm because the question is um you like to address to the speakers you might want to keep that question for a while and we'll answer that during the panel discussion towards the end of this program okay correct um jambi uh maybe we could now uh introduce our first speaker for this afternoon share my um our screen and by the way it's an honor for me to uh introduce to you our first speaker for this afternoon again for uh in our continuing april series all about google for education tools our first speaker is from angeles city national high school senior high school department and of course google certified educator level one at maharasamahosa google certified educator level 2 training it is my honor to present to you mr brian esper g go yeah good afternoon uh let's welcome to our stream hello be part of this wonderful webinar yeah so i'm sorry brian said brian if now we were not if we're not mistaken or you'll be the one giving the introduction to the google sites okay so sir brian you will not uh take uh too much of your time anymore and we can now proceed um to your tier session okay again teachers if you have questions for sir brian you can put that in our live chat we will answer that we will all be there we have a massive amount of or a lot of um google certified educators in the in our live chat right now but if you can wait you can also personally address your questions later during the panel discussion towards the end okay so ma maganahapa teachers and enjoy our first session or first part of our session for today good luck sir brian all right good luck thank you pop all right shall i begin pop all right hmm all right good morning uh good afternoon my name is brian aspergo and i will the one who introduced to you now about google sites for education and together with teacher mila and teacher sarah we will present all the information tips techniques as well as step-by-step application with the google sites for education okay objectives of today's webinar is at the end of the course participants should able to understand what is a web page and web page creator preferably for beginners especially for those who have directed experience how to create or design their own web page develop their own web page projects using google sites especially for educational purposes especially right now we are in long distance learning and we need to uh we need to create some uh alternative ways to promote education and that is to create a web page just for educational use and also if you already have your google sites or you already create one you could share your own web page projects to anyone with links including to the presenter like us and others like you for viewing as well as for application and for utilization as a supplementary use for educational purposes now let's begin first before we continue google sites we need first to understand the words as well as some aspects about webpage in order for you to fully understand what this web page is all about in order for you to create a web page or a website with great competency as well as great knowledge and awareness on how to create a a very informative web page now what is a web page let me say a web page i know that some of you are thinking that web page and websites and same words but here are the difference when we say web page it is a document which can be displayed in a web browser such as firefox if you're familiar with that google chrome opera microsoft internet explorer which is very popular or most commonly known or most uh modernly known as edge as well as apple safari it is simply called page now there is we call it the word known as website when we say website it is a collection of web pages which are grouped together and usually connected together in various ways often simply called a site now if you'll be asked what's the difference between the word web page and the website when we say web page it means it's just a single page a single a single uh location when we say website it's a group location or a group webpage that means let me say web page it's just a paper with some information but if you group together with a paper then it is a book so that's why website is a book so the different web pages is just a single paper with an information while a website is a group of pages like a book so that's the difference between the web page or simply the page and website or simply known as site now when we say website builder and that's what we're about to use right now is a software or a program that helps you to build your own website or web page it makes easy like us or for beginners to create your own website with a little effort or coding skills by applying its future such as ready to mid templates pictures also some drug and drug features anyone especially for the beginners like us teachers can create a professional looking design sites with less coding or programming involved that means uh for some we believe that when we create a web page it involves programming but not anymore most of the time because there are already made websites or web page builders or templates that is available for us to promote not just uh providing information but also education as well as for business purposes as well even for commercial use now there are two types of website builder first we call it the online and the offline most popularly online is already available for all of us especially with google sites or other example if you're familiar with wix.com there's also we call it the offline which is are the software programs that you need to purchase or download and install it in your computer you will build your own website and save your files on your computer occasionally with storage devices and when your website is done all you need is to upload it to all your website files to a available web host actually before google site or other online templates available offline based software programs website builders is most popularly during that time and if some of you already familiar with some web uh some software such as uh adobe uh dreamweaver which is firmly known also as macromedia dreamweaver as well as microsoft front page if you're familiar with that before it was been canceled those are the very popular website builders that you can create but they are offline that means you don't need to connected online and you can create it offline and you can test it offline as well all you need is to purchase it with a cd or a uniform software that you can purchase it or download it and install it in your computer and you can create your own web page using some several either features such as either drag-and-drop applications template applications or if you're a professional website developer coding which is uh if you're familiar with some other webp web page uh programming languages such as the asp.net the php as well as other software such as the vb.net you can create your own web page without the involvement of internet and there's now we call it the online website builder these are the web-based and run-on provider service which is included now the google site which is now run by google itself well unlike offline website builders you don't need to download or install a software on your computer that means you don't need to go outside walk around and look for the software especially right now in your pandemic crisis you need to stay indoors and make sure that you are safe so that's why it is already available online especially for example if you are now using google sites all you need is just to have an internet connection and use the google site uh there's also others we call the wix as well but right now we're just using the google site and unlike offline website build others just like what i said you don't need to download just look for it and use it all you need is a browser and an internet connection just make sure you have a stable internet connection and one very good example just like i said is the google sites which you will learn a lot later on now what is the difference between web designing and web programming some of you thinking that web designing is the same as web programming but there are some difference as well specifically not just towards itself but also the application when we say web designing it focuses on both the aesthetic portion of the website and its usability web designers use virus design programs such as adobe photoshop and microsoft paint to create images layout designs and other visual elements of the website that is web designing focus entirely more on graphics more on graphics and less coding or most of the time no coding this is more on adding pictures or videos only or if you are expert in creating pictures vector graphics designs especially for those who are using adobe illustrator it focuses entirely most of the time on graphics rather than using algorithms or coding such as asp and php that means web designing is more on beginner and more artistic approach rather than more on expert or professional when it comes in coding most of the beginners especially for those who are first time in creating web page great rely or focus on web designing especially when it comes to this when it comes in promoting something like a website they focus entirely on pictures itself either make it more interactive looking 3d looking or more simple yet yet eye-catching for the viewers especially for us educators we're supposed to create a web page that it has a design that it will be gain attention and interest and from the from our students now there's another word we call it web programming when we say web programming it focus on developing a functioning website websites like i said websites not just a single page but entirely a group of page with built-in programs web developers use html css javascript if you're familiar with this words uh php asp and other programming languages actually this following word this following code our programming languages are the popular programming languages that we use especially based on my experience to create a web page to create a program that brings to life the design of a web page after this is more on coding okay or creating a web page through programming okay for those who don't understand the word programming or the word program when we say programming it's about creating a programs and when we say program it's creating an instructions that means you are or we are creating an instruction that how the program will work for example if we click a button or if we uh play a games or we ask the robot to come with us that's we call program so that means this is more on professional applications when i was in kamsa uh when i was in college uh degree as well as my master's degree we are already involved with this web programming it's more on using programming languages so that's why we say web programming and this involves not just application html or scss but also with the application of php and asp and also some software that involves web programming such as microsoft visual basic.net as well as adobe dreamweaver now why we create a website especially right now not just for educators but also for some people who want to show something now here are the reason why we create a website first of all a website is a very powerful tool for communication this is similar with the the reason why we need some handheld devices this includes the smartphones the tablets and the power notebooks some sort like that it's a very powerful communication tool this is because it's a combination of both texts and graphics because we create a website to share some information uh to share some things that we want for example we want to commercialize something we want to teach something or we want to share some information to educate someone a website is a unique way to connect with the world and similar to the first reason it's a powerful tool for communication and you want to connect the world to communicate with them for example you want to share some information from other countries from philippines to united states or from from philippines to korea or to england or to canada we will we can share this uh information you want by creating a website this is similar also there is also the reason why uh mark zuckerberg created facebook to share information with the world using facebook a website offers different possibilities you can do all right you can know what different possibilities different possibilities and how you're going to communicate that's why it might be involved with to educate to commercialize to sell something to promote something or to advertise something a website provides a mass media communication uh that means uh you can communicate with them using uh by sharing your own pictures or your own video when we say mass media will involve with applications of some graphics preferably with the use of sounds and videos so you can also upload your videos that you uploaded in your websites and share it with the with the world example if you're a tick talker or you want to share some instructional videos to the world then a website can help you to provide your media based information to the world a website develops our own skills and creativity when we create our websites not only we educate but we're becoming something more especially for us teachers we create a website that means we're now involved now with more than just an educational field but also a field related to computer science and information technology that means you are now becoming uh like a computer professional and as also computer professional because we created a web page to educate that means we're now becoming an educator that means we're now uh discovering our different potentials not just being a computer but also as a teacher and even for you teachers when you learn to use google sites and you create your own uh website that promotes education that means that that only you're not an educator now but also you have no potential and you gain skills and experience in becoming a professional computer a web computer based website developer so this is one of the advent and one of the advantage where you create a website as a teacher not only you be not become a teacher or an educator but also this time now you are gaining now skills and you're now becoming now as a computer professional in terms of creating a web page so good luck and enjoy when you're about to use google site later on okay here are the importance of educational websites especially right now educational websites can be a supplementary tool for us teachers to promote education with our learners especially right now during covet crisis or pandemic crisis they need to stay indoors and if they have access now in the internet now this will help them to uh to continue learning or for us to promote continuous teaching for our educators it promotes learning resources for students using a website it will provide a continuous or promote continuous learning experience for the students especially if we create a website that will provide them both interests as well gain their attention to continue their learning it provoke it provides learners with up-to-date or complete learning information when we create a web page we need to make sure that all the information is up to date especially if some of us already stay indoors that means this website will help the students to be up-to-date to any uh happening right now especially that's the reason why there's recall the yahoo news the google news and also there's some news or some streams that has been involved in facebook it helps them or provides them the current or up-to-date information without being stay or left behind it also provides an online communication with students that uh similar also to the reason why we need to create a website because it's a very powerful communication tool which help us to keep in touch with our students as well as the progress of their learning it improves and creates a sophisticated classroom when we create a website we are similarly or almost creating a virtual classroom to our students that means we're creating something interactive that's very exciting and provides a students enjoyable learning experience it improves and creates a sorry it provides students with easy to follow instructions when we create a website it helps the students uh to follow it have some students uh able to follow and easy to learn to some instructions or tasks that we provide to them it makes the students become a critical thinker that means when we create a website it will we it's give us an opportunity to create some tasks assignments or instructions or projects that allows the students to learn something how they will solve something that means they will become a critical thinker that means it will also help them to discover their own full potential as long as all the information that we place in the website will help them to uh that will help them to gain information and learn a lot and it promotes a continuous education which i already said it before website will provide provides a continuous form of learning experience for the students especially during the covet crisis now when we say website template which is actually what you are about to apply it later on with google sites is basically a pre-made web page or collection of web pages of your choice that can be customized or changed with images videos and other style elements to create a website or a complete website that means these are the ready-made uh ready-made materials that will provide us a quick and easy to uh easy to make websites actually it is already made up provided with us it depends what are the available designs and it's up to us these are these are the ready-made videos ready-made images templates uh fonts uh signs and hours and some spacing it's up to you either you want to leave it that way to use it or you want to change it it's up to you but with the little changes involved so that's why they call it website template that means these are the ready-made materials for you to use that will serve you as an additional uh material to create a website easily or will serve also the guide if you want to create your own from scratch now let's begin now to know about what is google site google site is a program or application for google which about we are using right now allows the user like you to create your own website with no or less programming or design skills required that means that google site helps you to create a website especially for beginners especially for example you teacher with no or less involvement with programming or web designing this will help you a lot and google site is under google so make sure you have your own online connection so you could so that in order for you to enjoy how to use google site google site involved less programming that is more unlike drag and drop and it's more and because it has many ready-made templates you can enjoy in creating or using a google site what are the things that we could add in a google site text using text box that means that means that you can write your name your information all the details that you want to place your lesson plan if you want and also that means when you say text there are some uh templates that allows you to use which includes fonts that already read made available but only limited there's also we call pictures and images that you can also add using your google drive or search or you can just simply upload it from your computer you can also add videos using youtube search and also you can embed codes using html or hyper text markup language okay if you're not familiar with hyper text micro blind glitch or html this is a very popular language tool that used to create your own or design your own web page so that's why they call it hypertext markup language it is a designing based language tool now what are the advantages of a google site first of all it's free one of the advantage also we call it the online based template or online based web development tool as long as it is free there are some are during trial uh trial uh trial version and some requires you to use also so we need you need some google account yeah it's up to you which one you want to use but right now we will now use the google services very easy and most of all is free but make sure also you need a google account as well as a fast working internet connection another thing is fast and easy to edit later we will demonstrate to you how to use google site very easy and very fast and later also i'll also to show you also some examples of my google site uh there's no programming or database skills required that means just like what i said it is less less coding involved and more on designing another advantage is ideal for beginners or newbies like us or for teachers who wants to build a website for the first time especially for those who have no experience in programming or creating or building a web page no software installation required unlike other software's such as what i told you like adobe dreamweaver it requires no software installation because it's already now built in in google sites in google because google sites already know part of google as long as you have your own account uh it is already integrated with google apps that means you can also use other tools or other materials that you created with google docs such as google docs google slides and google chess that you can able to add it in google sites creator can access tools anywhere as long as the creator has an access in the internet they can access the sites that they create everywhere with their mobile applications creator has a full control of the web page access and permission that means it's up to you if you create your web page it's up to you who can access it and who can edit it and the function as a basic project manager that means for example you want to build a web page for your company or for your team there are some templates already made available and it's up to you how you will just try to strategize this that will helps you to manage something like you want to manage your own classroom you you uh in terms of promoting a continuous education with your students then google site could be a supplemental tool for you and before okay and before we continue i want to show you some sample of my google sites excuse me all right here it is i'll show you something in google sites all right this is the this is the beginning page of the google sites um sir brian yes the page is not yet shared we can't again okay all right can you see it the pull up uh sir to confirm have you seen it nepal it's showing now yes sir uh we can see it all right here are the web pages that i created uh which it promotes education okay let's begin with computer studies that i created here i'll just simply click it it's very a little bit slow but patience is a virtue so just say what captain america said in marvel cinematic universe patience all right here is the user interface of google sites which i'm showing it right now which later also with my fellow educator will also demonstrate how to use google site with you guys but this is only for uh for some sample showing only all right here it is here's the webpage i created all right uh there's the introductory part and also the pages that i created here it is the uses of computers the types of computers and the parts of the computers and quiz and assignment which they can enable also to answer it also now let's go back to home when i click this also there is this very uninteractive pop-up which allows me or helps me to change the pages now if you i want to publish this i can click this publish and click publish there we go this is the all right now to publish it i'm going to click uh build the publish site it is the published site okay uh sir franco i want to share this link to the viewers also uh can you also help me to share this also because it's also the first time i've used stream yard sir copy i'll place it in there in the in our chat box here it is here is the the published web page that i want to share with them can you share it also with the other sir franco all right now let's continue okay now i'll just close this also i'll just tap this and let's go back okay go let's go back with our whoops sorry excuse me i pressed the wrong button sorry close share your screen all right now the disadvantage of google site is there are some limited functionality compared to the other website builders due to focus entirely on templates not a really good website for business not enough customization because it's just only a template but it's up to you if you want to add more if you're very creative especially for some vector graphics designers apps only limited to google apps only some apps outside google apps may be inapplicable that means it's best if you use only google apps uh only such as google docs slides and shits the site of url must begin with sites that google that site which is too long for a website and it requires internet connection that means it requires you to use a very fast uh fast working internet that means if you lost your connection that would be a problem now to end this our presentation to my introduction here are the tips in making a website or web page first plan your web page preferably on a piece of paper start with a clear navigation and a brief introduction use the right conversation and clear an eligible text for your own introduction as well as providing information especially for us teachers provide all the relevant information needed especially if you focus on a certain topic that you want to teach as for especially for teachers make sure that if you create a web page not too much extravagant not too much exaggerate make sure it is clear concise yet it it catch the interest and support from your viewers especially from your students and make your homepage a straightforward summary that means all the information are in there complete and concise especially if you are creating a lesson plan specifically for your learners within the specific topic for a specific subject create a landing page for specific topics as well let pictures help your story that means you can add some pictures that will support to your uh to your lessons in providing information to your students include include a trust building information every webpage this includes some step-by-step instructions that allows are easily uh understandable to be followed by your students especially for other viewers as well keep your website up to date that means you always check your website it is up to date supported and related to the current information or current events that means for example if there are some changes of our government administrations some laws some new holidays or events that make sure you the information that you place there is up to date use a straightforward layout that means it must be clear understandable and easy to read and make your website easy to access that means you need to provide also some information that how the viewers especially for students how to access or go to the web page that you create keep the wool page simple as possible no exaggeration just like i said before be creative unique as possible it's a way for you to follow a template but it is best also to show with your viewers especially for your students that you are have a creative skills especially if you have some artistic talent try to research one and place it in your web page consider your target oh just and the goals of your website and oh just needs that means make sure you uh always think about your audience for example you're a teacher make sure you think about your students think about their limited capacity and learning also just in case make sure don't be assuming that your student already know what to do automatically or obviously make sure they really need they really know how to follow your are your lessons by means of providing a step-by-step clear concise instruction and and most and also just like all the things that we created we invented before you share something before you use something apply something or illustrate with somebody else first make sure that you test first the webpage and carefully analyze it for any necessary changes or improvements that means for example that if that before you share it with us with everyone with your students make sure that your web page you created is okay now all the information is there all the necessary layouts already been prepared make sure everything is prepared uh just in case for example you start to create a you start to sharing this with your student but there are some errors or mistakes that will be a problem so before you share it with your web page you need to test it first before you apply it and that's all for our introduction thank you very much for that uh very comprehensive introduction to our google sites okay so we'll be uh saying goodbye first to uh sir brian and we'll um have the no no if you have questions to brian please um take note of it first um we'll have a final discussion later we're in we're going to invite um sir brian back to our stream later on okay for the meantime let's welcome our second speaker for this afternoon okay thank you uh sir um say goodbye first for now okay we'll welcome you back again later for our final discussion okay so uh teachers know uh before i actually know before i um before i uh go to our second speaker for today i'd like to um clarify some things then i'd like to add them to what um sir brian already mentioned to you all this very comprehensive no um all of the things that has been mentioned by sir brian are um a precise and true know about google sites for example um you see google sites okay um some free applications so you can access that um web browser mobile application google sites no so although from google sites can be opened um via mobile okay existing mobile applications okay for google sites okay we build k teachers so if you're going to build you need a laptop or a desktop to do that no parameters build nothing on websites okay and i also agree that what uh sir brian said no um when you build your website always be clear exactly what the website is for okay i know for example my teachers know nothing exactly any subject matter because all of those things should be your priorities more than the tool okay for example website learning goals you can explore portfolio assessments you can explore them building a website for their projects for example instead of submitting a powerpoint presentation you might want to ask them to showcase know their projects or um i don't know to show their skills okay so google sites no and they emphasize about google sites teachers no and actually websites in general is that human media teachers content are embedded in the website embedded teachers when you when you go to the website you can already see for example video you can already see it there okay in a google form you can already see it from there unlike for example the bacha pagnas a google you can see the google document right from the website itself it says um aspect only google sites okay we'll be exploring more know about google sites later but i think um sir brian comprehensively covered um i don't know google sites and websites in general okay somebody salamat sir brian for that okay so let's now proceed to our second speaker for today uh uh it is my honor and my pleasure to introduce to you uh miss mila ibravo from abandoned national high school also a google certified educator level one okay she is a teacher three at a panda national high school mapandan pangasinan she graduated bachelor of science in computer science from the gupa and gupan city she also took up her professional educational unit in the university of pangasinan the gupan city and pass the led last march 2013. she further pursued her postgraduate studies at laissez lyceum northwestern university in gupan city and graduated last april 2017 with a degree of masters in education major in tle currently she is now working on her dissertation for her doctor of philosophy course at colegio da gupa in the gupan city so she is a very busy person and yet um took her time off not to share her expertise her experiences uh in using uh this um design on these tools for distance learning such as google sites so let us welcome to our stream to our live session for today miss mila bravo thank you sir okay welcome to uh kts and um so much of your time okay i'll be um leaving the stream and um giving you the floor now okay uh for you to share um your sesh or to start your session thank you sir okay good afternoon everyone again before we will start these are our objective or these are your expected output after my session okay so start with of course which i will show you how to open your site your google site okay available okay so there are several ways on how to open our google site way on how to open our google site before we will start with our word [Applause] okay so there are several categories of templates that you can use of course since we are educators education section or category so i would choose class just click go and then a mini [Music] [Music] so let's say for example since uh grade 8 [Applause] hey a so just click it and then upload from your computer so let's say for example after we will create our logo we can create and use our favicon hello itself it's our favorite icon okay so so analytics and announcement banner okay and then scroll down then of your [Music] uh [Music] you can make use of anything and then the last one is i'd like to choose and then capital i go for capital okay so that is how are we going to customize our fun color fun and then the color of our tip the next task is our menus type [Music] then i would like to change into side menu so when i click this menu [Music] and then let's see what's the difference between these four header types let's start with the title [Music] but when it is in the state of title only hidden then it's only title only um images k-pop so then what is our next task next us is andu and redo [Music] so as you can see one two three that long choices and then of course our most popular and most accessible napati nothing committed is our phones our android phones and okay so automatically preview automatic adjust you adding google sites and adding gaga [Music] is just a matter of designing design at the same time of course when designing your site always consider your audience and then the purpose of the reason why you are designing a site okay so that is how are we going to preview our google site and then images in headers so guys [Applause] is so let's see how are we going to add uh images in our large banner magazine then you can exceed and then you can select image then padding if i don't available at once but now i hope to choose this and then just click on the image and then select automatically nanjang pusha next one is how to edit our fourth notes of course deserved okay so that is how are we going to edit our fourth notes then when you click on this that is one section of your site when you click again in this part that is another a section in your site again in this part i another section so these are your section so your website or your google sites compose of sections so now that you know how or what are the the section sites of your google site and then duplicate [Music] get going nothing okay so let's say for example this is our section one of our section so in order for you to modify or to change the background of this section once highlighted [Music] [Applause] in order for you to modify or edit the selected section so since i want to change the background of this section i would click the palette here purple pusha but i can change into image or then select [Music] how are we going to change our background of our section google site then what about halimbawa ayoko [Music] se so in order for you to delete this is atop duplicate [Music] remember that in order for you to make this tools work you should select first the section or the object that you want to modify so this time i would like to duplicate this section so i selected it and then duplicate okay but then i'm realizing okay so i deleted the duplicate i would like to put this section in the upper part of my slide because it is so in order for you to move or drag the section again your number one rule nothing in order for us to modify a specific section you should select so after i selected parameters let's try i would like to move this in the most upper part of it so that is how we're going to move a section in your google site next what is our next it's time for us to edit our template that is [Music] so just select and then then you can make choose of whatever you want no fun naga mutant and i would like to use amarante and then i would like to make it as a and then of course if you want to make it bold underline and then this is the fun color if you want to modify further the color of your text then click letter agenda my underline so let's say for example okay every time that you select an object in your google site automatically all the tools that is applicable in that object is magic overview i want to make it center then and then let's say for example that's overview so e of exploratory courses open obvious needed okay so that's it that is how are you going to edit your template these are what we call our placeholder this are object in order for us to determine the places or the proper or the exact location of an object that you want to insert okay so let's say for example i would like to insert an image select let's say for example then that's it you sign once you click it you select and then po people click pujan just click and then copy paste so let's say for example i will link this into the out other page now acting website website so just click it and then apply so uh link schedule and then apply so once nana click click and then scheduled so that is inserting links in our website what about adding it adding and then edit and then replace images actually say for example if that is from our computer [Music] precise okay let's say for example [Music] [Music] insert again monitor them [Music] i so if you want to delete this section since it okay so some knowledge basic knowledge about creating our google site and we'll um get back to you later for our panel discussion let us now welcome our last speaker for today for this session who will be sharing again other parts other functionalities need google sites milan so for our third speaker for um for today teachers okay we have okay uh yet another google certified um educator okay so i'm um proud to present to you okay um our speaker our third speaker for today okay miss sarah jane c longassa from upper bikuta national high school missara jaina longassa graduated laude with a degree of bachelor of technological education at negros oriental state university the magetti city negros oriental she pursued her graduate studies at technological university of the philippines manila and completed the academic requirements of master of techno technology education she is currently working on her thesis she's a teacher too at upper bikuta national high school and also the school ict coordinator okay she has been awarded the suwarang guru in the division of tagging city and also one of the most outstanding teachers in taguig city for her dedication and her work she is also a google certified educator level one let us welcome to our stream at our live session today miss sarah jane and gaza hi misara because you're the last speaker for today but teachers um will definitely learn more no um about google sites from our last speaker so miss sarah i won't take so much of the time you're gonna you know have the floor not to start your session let us stop first okay add your presentation good luck me sarah thank you paul sir franco so continuation of discussion for me actually we divided the outlines i already included people partying [Music] [Music] from 120 to 125p about some more procedures on how to modify what is the size so as concentration so number one [Music] so we will be discussing the following topic so first is super create pages and some pages so for pages here's a belongside site it is actually a dragon dragon draft unlike with some other example of editing or html editing software notepad or you know yes you need to code for if you have little knowledge about html coding pointy pusha deep high level worries is provided that for your fighting knowledge people's are right fine so for the first topic we will be discussing about cr8 pages and sub pages so if we're going to take a look at the site so i'm going to view first browse and my navigation attenuation so as of now i am teaching uh grade nine from topic to nominees computer system services and so home for puja [Music] the navigation then we have the sub pages for lesson for example so if we will be in create and create sub pages and here we will click pages the right size then as you can see we have here pages so you i think that's uh you'll first open an access or in the halabus fuchsia so that's the main page then for the sub page on that one page so since we already have the initial idea against the previous muscatine so it's easy for us to create other pages or to duplicate so if you have your leftovers how much mobility phone numbers duplicate now page so all you have to do is to click or duplicate or you can also click add sub page so if we're going to click to click so nasa webinar outlines in examples [Music] page anger now i think webinar outlines several ways to create a gigging subpage [Music] the title or at least to if the or muscle business push on my recognize so let's say uh that is a page one for example number four so we have the sub page finder puja if we're going to create or duplicate the page must modulus pull on duplication since if you already created your home page so must all you have to do is to modify the content so how are you going to create or duplicate the page for this who shot the tree that you select then you have now copy off the left one so that will be for the other part of your web page or website the next copy so we will be discussing about managed site pages for included napoleon the starting page so if you're going to move pages it can be rearranged so you can have it outside [Music] again for example uh from one page supply they push on a remove or elaborate or you have another created web page for the pushan illegal within as subpages so that will be on how to manage your web pages or your pages rather so another part of our outline [Music] so we have the ad and edit text that's it um initial content no acting website we have different elements now no image video or many time on image1 so for the text all you have to do if you want to modify the text content that's on my my left one so let's say the supreme content that happens so you want to modify metaphor tile selection is what type perspective that it it is so normally if there is the title so or anu content then we have the heading the subheading and the smaller text so we're in for the normal sex that will be the majority or content for nlp webpage or in a website whether then we have here for the fonts so what type of fonts will be applied so we have also a size it can be uh bold so we have the italic then we have underlined you can also choose for the text color so at the point i think that's color so first you can select so select the text that you want or highlight the text that you want to change the text color then you choose what will be the text to be the text color to be applied then you can also align so if you don't want the text or this portion to be displayed so it can be removed by the pullian so that will be for editing the text so you can also add here link directly so it is not specified for you to create a hyperlink for the window code particularly this assaulting tax portion metal and aside from that so other parts so we have here the section layout so previously in a discussed pusha animal mamilla about the satchels but it's still divided so this is one such one for metal for the construction background or a construction result i do not modify for the section background and if we're going to check the right portion saw here we have the different layouts class you want to add some metal profile layout for image and text just like that so you can add these society it is our placeholder that's unfortunate it can it can be a container wherein you can upload image you can also have your video content you can also add these from the youtube channel you can also add calendar you can also add a mock then here you can have the description at the right side so aside from that layout there are several layouts that you can choose to depend upon the content now i've been a google site in the display so [Music] so for references you are dead you lay out the sauce whereas on layout metal so much maybe or you can choose [Music] so you can have content here the same you want to insert people's subportion networks at the asset sub software this is a placeholder in this way you can insert them or you can also add same command so let's continue pause the next outline so next we will be discussing about the collapsible text so i know that's a collapsible text site can be expanded or by the collapse so i got paul so here in home what is displayed in the website at first so we have here welcome to my website then if we're going to click that then it will display a text as a description of the site then if we're going to click here so yes push are visible and that's if we're going to x5 that will be on how to add collapsible text so you have insert then click then you type the text so you can modify what type what will be the form what will be the style and what will be the font color then you add the text here so i will just copy then you modify the font color here paraphrase then the content here oh that will be our example for collapsible text then next we will be adding image carousel so if you're familiar with carousel so it can be a presentation of images in a slideshow or you can actually have or click the button to proceed to the next image example for that so i have here if i'm going to view then click lesson once i have your example so we have if we're going to click the next button then it will move to the next image then same with the other example so we have then you can also add caption for each image so how are you going to create image carousel so for this page for this gaga click insert top then after that you select image carousel then you can insert images so you just choose to upload select from your device so here i have selected images so let's say for example your app then you select the image to create or to add the text then add you can add the options for each image so this opens that like so for example that yes i'll parse with reverse type for the capture then we have here flashlight so what is the importance of the carousel aside from it makes your site interesting so rather than minimize faith holder length inserts all you have your image carousel then here you can provide a description so on the putting that we netted for the description for the potion of insect noun text so you can choose from the insert tab it can be it now now text box so you can actually drag in the language as a location there and you can move control in your text like when they push on github then you type for the description then also yes you want another and layout so layout actually you can modify as long as if you're going to resize that then you cannot add text at the right side so unless if that's the site then you can have image and size at the same time in the same section so if you push a hash and then you can move the sababa you want instead so that will be for the image carousel then yes we will be discussing about the insert calendar so how are we going to do or insert our calendars if you already have created your calendar so you just click the insert file ahead from the insert tab so you can choose apple print quality natalie insert so you select calendar and you choose if you already created so let's say for example grade nine then insert then you have year at the bottom part so that is after cosine for you less action then after eight so you can have year post announcement or schedule of your classes so for today that is a saturday somebody don't attend a week or month no views so that will be for inserting colin door then next we have add documents documents so um google applications itself i enter connected with the different apps and much better than latino files monap loaded you can choose or you can select from your google drive so for example here in our references i already added [Music] so you can select you can remove also here tatangalenko module then if you want to add or insert documents or select then you choose i already uploaded the file in my google drive if you have documents in your google drive makikita push it directly get a satin a recent file then just select then you can modify the size of your window or so document same thing will follow if you're going to add slides google sheets and google forms for example starting google slides i have already uploaded or inserted i have here powerpoint material that we're going to remove where we will remove this one then you can add slides so you can choose you can create slides using or you can create from google's live or you can upload your powerpoint presentation in your google drive so for example i will be selecting uploaded file for our references so i can drag here at the top or i can remove that [Music] but you can also or it will allow the students to view this one but we need to download the [Music] file [Music] because you can actually also create from google live a google slide directly for you watching presentation dialogue again so for example here at thomas military files and google slides presentation the same and next we have in our outline so we're done with the document so next we have the button button can click to find where it can be navigated from one page to another kanopusha for example i have here created together with the button this is a button and i have here the announcement so how we're going to create the announcement announcements are here from the settings so you can create the announcement banner then you have don't forget to answer the assessment then the color i'm going to change the color i can't play matching unless i'm wrapping announcement banner then if we're going to change also our bag button so say from the insert tab then you select here the button then you type the name so that's the form assessment then you have the link this the form assessment is linked to the given google forms the form for the assessment so it is not necessary to create or have your assessment in google sites but instead you can insert your google form nana for 8. [Music] share with other if you have the same content with other teachers you can actually add people or groups so let's say in in so you can all actually create one site then just add your cool here i added my other account as collaborator so mostly in the department seems uh educate course melanoma sila more adhesive accounts for the pony ad that will be a study for within if you're going to change the restriction people are restricted within the department or within the same na that's not organization so that will be for collaborator then how are we going to add the placeholder type of inviting placeholder it serves as the container so what are the objects of our deponetti add so from the insert tab so the same we can upload file we can select image we can insert from our device so you can have from the youtube channel so let's try adding from the youtube channel this will be a video presentation so let's take the topic yes hand tools so i will be searching for hand tools so just select if you already have previous video links so you can directly copy the link then save kuala but then you can browse here from the given result then [Music] system for example support [Music] so you can resize your ip object so which is the video file from the youtube channel you can also upload your video you can also have the link from your google drive connected google drive is not available in your video necessarily here so that will be for adding the placeholder and what else from our outline so we have the dividers we have the chart and the the input icon so for the dividers [Music] it is same with the horizontal line so to give or if yes to emphasize the next exponent so from the upper part so let's say for each left one i want to have or here at the primarking horizontal line i did it so from the upper part which is the banner so if you want to have a division or so you select the next such one so you can add a divider so just uh select from the insert tab then select divider then you can modify here the divider that's a pain writing divider so you can uh change a two color here depends on the theme so next is another divider after now perceptron so that's on how to use divider then next we have some box so how we're going to use mop i already included in one of the page all right in i have here comma if you're going to to select mod then it will give you options so it is a google map you just type the location so i insert the location then after that so let's say for example then select then after that automatically it will be inserted in your page usually to give the rapture and then place your description about about cool file or an open exactly sayings lisa starting mop then we have here mossbox then what else that we forget to discuss so we have here the divisors the mob then how are we going to rename and delete our site so if we're going to have here not the last portion of so how are we going to rename so click or select from your google site so you can have here [Music] created so from the different templates and then if you want to rename the site then you just choose rename then change then rename actually that is only a duplicate of my first site alongside myself [Music] then i created this example out of this site so final push is select the same so you just choose if you can't rename you can also duplicate your site created by the push of any modify so i [Music] then after that so we have here published what are the changes you created in your site so let's say here at the film you know what nothing changes if you don't want to to publish those changes you can select you can assess on what part or what portion of the created revisions for you i think what being a update or a publish so if the one apple changes don't say publish or do inside change ginawa or in edit chat in google site then you can click publish then automatically it will save and the headline changes your updated site just click or view so we have here our precise you updated the connectedness so from one page so we have here's update then another page so we're in you can uh navigate for different pages so there is no yes then for the assessment type in google form the headphone insert is not here the google document you that i inserted or included then sababa a video from the youtube thumbnail then all i also include here powerpoint presentations [Music] for the references then you can also add psua familiar with html coding so you must add so example for the attendance of your s results are some of the items or some of the things that we can perform where we can modify with google site socially on google site and not taken down but as what sir brian said it is limited only here for educational purposes by the push for students they can also have or create their or your output nowadays to them [Music] yeah thank you thank you sarah can you hear me can you check my audio i guess posters so those are the items for the paddington ponga win and um just like any of us teachers know it always will begin with you trying it out okay uh we'll have to test our page now before uh launching it to our students right let's welcome to our stream all of our uh our speakers for today um to join us okay um so for the panel so teachers we are now ready for your questions no specific questions if you want uh by the way teachers analyze um clarify because usually it is when we publish our google site all right click publish in this upper right corner it only means na pina publish online content okay for you to be able to share your uh your website no like what sir brian did kanina you'll have to copy the publish link okay google sites uh copy publish link all right um get into the name of uh whenever you are pub i don't know making revisions editing you'll have to publish your website every time all right or edit very frequently asked question if i make an edit do i have to um reshare my link hindi nepal okay your link will stay the same teachers know that's the same all throughout unless that's the only time you publish link okay but otherwise so uh forever okay now if you have problems about uh very long website link then you might want to use url shorteners like bitly um tiny url okay that's also a good one website url okay um uh teachers uh sir brian miss mila misara valentine question from miss angela elaine hasinto okay okay i think uh this is um like an inquiry okay other usage another usage um google sites based on your experiences seguro how do you use your google sites for your anna as an educator so for usage for non google sites product musa if you are fine site for portfolio submissions and also some of the students actually google sites will actually do well now as a school website but i mean and teachers in the encounter in the google sites in general for their school website so um please do explore and again again i know is sub page section one sub page section two sub pages section three etc and so on and so forth organizational how do you use google sites for your um as an educator actually based on my experience uh i asked my students to create their own web page about social issues or campaigning about some recent events for example i want to share this with the viewers for information dissemination sir brian young all right yes actually all right okay actually this is the project that my students made it's about social issues about drug addictions they created some home page as well as the introductory part which has a mission and vision about the the purpose of this webpage and also some descriptions such as how to prevent drugs what to do where to get the support and where to contact with uh we're gonna uh we can uh use this uh google site uh to create projects for our students uh in terms of promoting something not just for commercialization but also to bring awareness to to the world this is the reason why i said before that uh creating a web page is an effective communication like a text or like a uh video chat this allows us to share an information not just text but also with graphics and designs in order for us to get the attention and the interest of the viewers in order for us to gain support from them especially when it comes for example you want to get an attention for certain issues you want to solve something or you want to promote uh help or support as well as awareness how to resolve things up for students taxonomy levels uh see google sites is a perfect perfect tool for students when you want to view the video it's in the website when you view when you want to view the images it's in the website no combat uh that helps a lot no in managing your uh your website as well okay now last one from miss mila miss mila how do you use your website or your google sites for your as a as an educator yes sir actually as an educator on google site it will serve as a mode of learning which is so this is very important saturn as an educator now i'm not in confinement to utilize since it is free actually online and you want a different platform google sites is one for you know okay as collaborators or as editors pero for example what if the website is not meant to be collaborated upon students nothing is not entirely comment section okay so uh pantagon comment section for example google form okay go along short response um uh forms a google form that was inserted in teachers are you familiar with padlet um you can visit for example check padlet padlet.com padlet allows you to create walls no or online walls okay where students can post tapos and pedimentation a comment section teacher support yeah okay now teachers uh do you have other questions concerns okay okay um make question sir brian miss mila what's their opinion about this since familiar meeting on google sites as a way to create m-o-o-c uh the families m-o-o-c's i think this is something to do with that anyone promo no miss mila miss sarah or sir brian okay uh once you have enough plug go ahead right for me mlo c stands for massive online open course massive open online course i think it's similar more on providing uh providing education openly with the with students probably but probably it involves uh providing a larger larger information larger courses with the students just like an online course thank you mara missaland for the clarification actually the encounter connection something about um resource resources procurement process actually perfect for moocs okay you can insert videos you can insert your video lessons etc so this is a perfect tool if you'd like to build an mooc uh use google sites um sir joseph okay perfect okay um questions i think um live chat will end our session with a sort message short short message from our speakers for today um a very very short message no on for our community as we will have yet another one more year possibly one more year in distance learning and of course no with everything is happening around us so a message of encouragement may be from our speakers maybe we can start with miss sarah i will just called for from cheryl camber uh as it is stated or actually stated but expectation goes not build your skills not your resume so if you are attending here just for certification then that is not learning so it is much better that if you want them then also perform or do the application one so that you can learn see and thank you [Music] i suggest since we are distance learning we must embrace the chains and open-minded okay uh my final message for this webinar is a great philosopher john deway an educational philosopher said that education is not a preparation for life but education is life it means that even though that there are some restrictions right now still the students need to continue their learning even from the start from this from childhood until they grow up uh learning still continues until they reach their professional level they need to learn more and more just like google's the purpose of google sites as an effective communication tool in creating a website for students uh the education will be part of everybody's life even until they reach a greater age education and just like what i said before like john do you said education is not a preparation life but education is life itself for that uh very inspiring you know um uh messages and again sarah and the chair mila teacher brian i'd like to take this opportunity to recognize your contribution for today's session um i'd like to present these certificates of our recognition to our speakers for today just share my screen okay uh this certificate of recognition the um kagapati support would like to recognize the valuable contribution of uh sir brian esper gigo as a guest speaker in the recently concluded webinar entitled april series all about google for education signed by your administrators yours truly sir uh angela b maliari paola may j mendoza similar certificate will be um given to uh miss mila e bravo and also to miss sarah jane c longassa for being with us today and uh for um your um i don't know uh input and contributions for today so teachers i think for uh from our audience virtual around the papulos for our speakers for today um and many teachers know uh our speakers for today are mostly first timer in terms of webinars like this but they brave it and you see how how excellently they have uh done their another sharing for today that's that's uh i don't know an evidence of the effort of the preparation that they have to do in order to share what they have uh what they have and what they know to all of you today so i hope no no no encourage putin now no because this will not be the last time you're going to be um teacher support because you will become a regular um guest speaker for pi teacher support so again i think you can see our chat box right now is uh uh um teacher mila and teacher brian will see them again here at by teacher support teachers for our certificates um i'd like to remind everyone that we are just at our session or part two of our april series um for the entire april so for uh april 15 and 17 next week teachers it's all about communicating using google for education tools we'll be discussing gmail we'll be discussing google chat if you haven't seen google chat teachers sabrang na pagadang punyan google groups and google me teachers know and all of these teachers will be covering both the technical and the practical applications okay so we will see you again next week for uh another round of um of an exploration of google for education tools it's a teacher sign up because google sites is such a massive massive tool for your certificates okay please make sure to accomplish this evaluation link okay um so this is um part one sorry sorry partner you know uh part two building virtual classes using google for education tools um just go to https colon slash slash bitly slash april series p2 okay now teachers uh do let me know if you um if it works no uh first of all okay there's sometimes problem about selling snap so please do let me know if it works okay and you can actually access the uh form okay and uh if you have other questions i could still stay for a little while okay um to uh entertain some of your questions while you are doing your evaluation thank you sir richard rincey rosilio [Music] okay so please do accomplish the teachers okay for your certificates um give us five to seven days for uh your certificates teachers know um to be sent okay via your through your email okay so downloading anything google drive um your certificates will be directly sent to you via your email okay so please make sure that um your names are correct okay and your emails are correct or else certificates um again if you have other questions i could still answer some of your questions while we're doing the evaluation so when you publish your website um share the link first to your po teachers maybe um to some of your friends if things are working okay sometimes without testing our website um and sometimes the things your certificates to that email teacher awful vargas [Music] sessions celebrating our first year in june we were going to have a massive two-month series a distance learning series about preparation for distance learning uh theories presentation making etc setting up your virtual classes for a two month no that's a 16 session um a series no sobrang uh we're we're going we're preparing for that already okay so uh we'll be inviting a lot of guests now a lot of speakers okay um support to help us because it's going to be like june and july will be sort of like our preparation to our next school year okay for yet another distance uh learning and distance learning school year okay plus again teachers know uh mr holland hollande um a correct misconception we're not preparing you just for dispensing teachers now we're preparing you for the you're the future of education is a face of a setup technology distance learning will become part of our education already possible in the next 10 years or 20 years and in the future will be a hybrid set up like for example for example uh three a face-to-face the other two days uh online tile okay so like example mwf or um face to face uh tuesday and thursdays um online so class in a set of teachers [Music] we will also have our may series and may series nothing teacher snapchat special dinner sime series is more unlike a reflection and evaluation we will be discussing all the things that we've learned we have encountered all our difficulties uh for the entire for the last year of this translating and we're going to build from the may series going to the june july series as we prepare or gear towards uh distance learning for next year and for of course not for 21st century learning um opportunities to grow or sometimes you need to be beginning opportunities to to know these things no filipino teachers okay yeah okay so guys teachers well um we'll see you soon again here at kts maraming maraming salamat [Music] so you
Channel: Franco Nicolo Addun
Views: 20,823
Rating: 4.9280901 out of 5
Keywords: Google Sites, Google for Education, Google Workspace, Google Tools, Distance Learning, Virtual Class
Id: MeAoYQ0Na9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 165min 14sec (9914 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.