Retooling for Distance Learning: Subject-Specific Tools, Strategies and Approaches

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[Music] hiya good morning sir angelo good day good morning good morning [Music] what we have in store for you this morning is something big and something that we have been planning for something that you have been clamoring for so don't worry we will try our very best to make it worth your while [Music] omaga is of course still part of our october series which is on managing distance learning ensuring sustainability and effectiveness it is so major the project today is so major that we need the extra time evaluation forms what you really need what you'd like to see [Music] so while we have been presenting to you all the usual webinars the difference of this one is that it is subject specific simultaneously webinars of sort and title adding activity this morning i retooling for distance learning subject specific tools approaches and strategies for distance learning we're very very excited very very nervous then and we hope that you are just as excited it was meant to premiere on october 24th we'll be having 10 speakers sir jambi for today total 11 in one webinars imagine teachers uh coordinating all of those things uh we're going to embrace the the experience no we're going to embrace the this new this new format this um uh challenge for all of us how to deliver this to our uh to our uh our teachers okay and hopefully they get um something one or two no from this webinar that will run from here on until uh 12 noon this after this uh this our control will happen school year this year amidst all the unexpected things that will happen good morning in putting up how we'll be able to give this subject specific but uh this is something that uh we felt and you yourselves will be going but uh rest assured that we have prepared and tried their best to really give something that would be worth your time having a research championship so hopefully you'll be enjoying and uh i know uh we try our best to really give you the speakers the best speakers the guest speakers later but uh the uh tools approaches and strategies parameters for distance learning yes indeed correct thank you sir sir um jumbo siguro we can run through with our schedule for this so that our teachers already know how uh what's going to happen for uh this morning i am correct correct because uh yeah i'm sure in the promising ninja we're starting uh earlier than usual today i am 8 30 live we will be staying with you until 9 30. and mind you dear agape that is just the first part of our activity this morning so 8 30 po hangar 9 30 that is the main session and we of course have uh a guest for you a very important guest for you and then at 9 30 to 10 a.m and uh will give you a chance to navigate and navigate our kts page because from 10 to 11 a.m videos with their time and expertise and teachers this morning so young 10 to 11 po these are recorded videos already is a playlist [Music] fashion all of these videos will be made available for you replay videos so 10 to 11 yen viewing demonstration basically our teachers will be sharing with you so far what they have been doing ideas from what they have been doing so far this school year and then exciting part the the most challenging parts aguero i'm sure sir will agree 11 to 12 pm for the last hour of our activity this morning we will give you the chance to actually interact with our speakers so later on [Music] um links to various meetings google meet um and you get to interact with the teachers whose videos video demonstrations with your sharings you viewed from 10 to 11. and when we say interact with we made it clear to our uh guest teachers they're not present this morning to be the source of all information from your own experiences in store for all of us so it's like a three and a half hour webinar times times ten times eleven eleven that's a very very exciting i am good luck for manga the main session is actually also our command center so this link knows where you're watching right now whether you're watching in our group where you're watching in our page in our youtube channel uh all of um is the command centers so you could ask the question and we will help you get to your uh your for example viewing demonstration or your meet the speaker session okay uh for the viewing demonstration um so it's um all in youtube okay and um it's a youtube playlist by again i mentioned um you just have to choose your subject so jumbie doesn't submit the speakers as of now um zoom meeting okay so uh please now for for our agape make sure that we have a zoom account or a zoom app okay where we can um uh meet the speakers later on because they see viewing demonstration the youtube channel uh recorded videos while you're viewing the demonstration you'll not be able to interact with the speaker okay so my question uh please do take note of it and then by 11 o'clock you can now ask the speakers the questions you have for them okay and lastly where do they get um the evaluation link yes seven we'll also be running uh giving you some reminders about our november uh series november activities plus our december yes exciting in december that um and then of course after that we'll be giving you your evaluation link okay so inappropriate uh go in and after that of course just like always will be uh sending your certificates via your email in five to seven days okay so um important nothing reminders you go to jambi um any um other reminders maybe for our audience okay so uh so we can now proceed now with our keynote address for today uh so let me first introduce to all of you our keynote uh keynote speaker um who generously shared his time to provide us with um sort of like a survey not not necessarily the survey of uh like asking questions but it's a survey of uh what's going on in the ongoing distance learning so where we are right now okay um possibly where should we be heading uh for distance learning okay so let me first introduce to you our um uh keynote speaker for today so our keynote speaker for today is mr exxon ryan you um he is the assistant principal for academics of junior high school at savory school okay so basically what what mr x and ryan you uh would be talking about of course definitely as you would already know the context would be our school a savior school okay so much of the sharing will be contextualized in our experiences okay but of course mr excellent ryan you also would attempt to provide us with a more um holistic view of what's going on in the current distance learning modality so since all of us are now are in a distance learning modality what's what's going on okay so are we doing it right uh what are we doing wrong things like that and um some maybe suggestions on um where to go or how to go there all right so that's uh what we're going to see from mr exxon mr hughes uh talk for this morning okay so i think we're ready sir jambi and uh sergiello uh so we'll um give the floor now to mr exxon ryan you okay good morning teachers it is an honor to be speaking in front of you today to share my experience as an educator and as someone who's coming from xavier school so just to introduce myself briefly i am exxon and i'm currently the junior high school assistant principal for academics in xavier school san juan and so most of the experience that i will be sharing with you will be based of course my experience in xavier school and my exposure to jesuit education and so regardless of the background that you're coming from whether you're from the public school or from a different private school i hope that my sharing today will give you some insights about education as a whole and hopefully you can apply these to your experience as a teacher or as an administrator or a leader in your school so let me begin my sharing today is entitled striving for excellence during a pandemic of course the term excel here is because of the program that we have for savior school this school year before that let me begin by sharing with you some questions that perhaps you can ask some of the things that maybe we are considering or thinking about right now are these questions so which do you think is the biggest problem among all of these perhaps a number of you are thinking that really students feel anxious and uncertain about the things that are happening also parents are at a loss as to what exactly is their role given this online education and at the same time the teachers are also at a loss what are we supposed to do when the students are at home how do we teach them do we also play the role of parents or parents play the role of teachers so in a sense with this pandemic a lot of the things that we were used to for the past how many years are really not applicable anymore and so we find ourselves in a very very different landscape of education what to do how to go about it and so we thought what are the important characteristics of online distance learning for online education there are a lot of terms used for this i will not spend time discussing the differences of these terms today rather we just like to talk about what are some of the characteristics at least from our perspective in xavier school the characteristics of online distance learning and i'd like to share this with you by sharing with you some of the characteristics of excel save your school e-learning as we call it based on our reflection about education for the past how many years and about education in this context of a pandemic we thought that these are the important characteristics of excel or of online distance learning in the savior school context and perhaps in the context that you might find yourselves in as well we thought that first education online education should be structured it should be flexible it should be balanced it should be safe and secure it should be collaborative and supportive and of course relevant so i will try to go through each one and provide some examples that we are doing in xavier to help us understand what these characteristics mean first structured it is very important to provide a predictable learning environment for our students that will provide them routines a general schedule to follow so that they will be able to focus and manage their tasks well in savior high school for instance we have two types of blocks we have a 100 minute learning block and a 50-minute learning block note that we as much as possible limit the synchronous sessions synchronous meaning that the students and the teachers are all together in one zoom classroom where they conduct a lesson an activity or even an assessment so as much as possible we limit synchronous sessions why is that we believe that synchronous sessions if prolonged will not be as engaging anymore however we cannot have very very short classes and still hope to be productive and so if you look at the rest of the schedule there's also a lot of time for students to work asynchronously meaning the teacher prepares activities that will make the students learn the subject matter not necessarily with the teacher but these activities will help the student or the students learn the subject matter so structured it is structured enough to know for the students to know that they have a schedule to follow so it's very important so that the students will have a routine and will be able to manage next flexible yes it is structured but it is also flexible enough to accommodate the context of the students and their families especially in this pandemic not all students have the same context not all families have the same context and i'm sure that you also experience that with your students some families have better situations than others some students maybe have their own rooms and can therefore study more comfortably some students share rooms or spaces with other members of their family and so all of these contexts need to be taken into consideration that's why even as we determine a certain structure we'd still like to make this online education flexible enough to accommodate the context of the students and we see that mainly through some adjustments in the grading and the assessments that we provide so they're a little bit simplified not too rigorous yet we still demand some rigor we still demand standards from the students for example in xavier we normally have a letter grade system from a plus a b plus b c d and the failing mark of f but given the context this year we thought that it is important to simplify it so that students can really focus on the essentials and the focus will be in moving forward learning the best that they can and move forward in this experience and so from the seven levels of the letter grades that we have we reduce them to three pain levels with distinction pass and insufficient evidence which is essentially the failing one so again we still have a certain rigor that we are expecting of the students and yet it won't it's very accommodating of the situation that they have the challenges in terms of internet for example in terms of managing their own time when the teachers are not there so all of these contexts are taken into consideration after all we'd like to believe that the purpose of education is to help every child flourish no matter what happens in life years down the line we'd like them to think about these years this year for example when kovid struck us as a time when they did not just stop with their education completely but rather despite the challenges moved forward and hopefully even flourished and that's why even with the limited reading system that we have we thought that it is still important to provide some incentives for the students and therefore we still came up with an award system again much simpler than the usual awards but nonetheless something that will hopefully inspire students to be better to still do their best despite the context that they're in but take away we hope that they will get or that they'll bring with them is that yes there are challenges that we're experiencing but if we persevere we still have a fighting chance in fact we can still excel so we still have an award that we hope our students will still aim for next balanced we will not just focus on academics in xavier particularly we believe that formation activities still play an important role in this online set in fact all the more especially after these past how many months of implementing excel we realized that all the more formation activities are important during formation activities it seems to be that students are more lively it seems to give life to our students and even to our teachers when we have when we had our online parties for teachers day and xavier we call it appreciation day students and teachers were inspired you may be familiar with our moon cake activity for chinese filipinos we did it online the parents were very involved and the students were excited so these activities are still important so we still made an effort to still have spiritual growth activities some recollection some reflection and of course health and fitness fitness activities and recreation activities we still offer clubs and committee work for the students to have an outlet so they will not just focus on their academics but also do something worthwhile something that they like something that inspires them which is very important therefore we also put in some guidelines in terms of homework and asynchronous activities so just we just differentiated between homework and asynchronous activity as asynchronous activities that those are the tasks that are assigned during the actual class period and most of the time they will be drew at the end of each class on the other hand homework is given outside of school hours and usually drew the next period or the next time they see each other we also gave a reminder to everyone especially our teachers that when we assign homework it is very important to consider the value of the homework the length of time it takes to accomplish it and the amount of homework that are given to our students why because once again we want them to experience a balanced education not all homework not all academics but also to give them time to do other things to enjoy to be with their families now that they're all at home to spend time with their families so balanced after all jesuit education believes that the intellectual formation of students includes a growing ability to reason reflect reflectively logically and critically and most of this we will learn not just through our academic lessons but through activities that we have outside of class when they interact with others when they have leadership opportunities or even when they talk casually with friends or will teachers so all of those help them to think read reflectively logically and critically safe and secure online distance learning is very challenging as it is and yet there are other concerns that come up such as data privacy and child protection especially with a lot of exploitation that's happening nowadays and so with us in savior school we did we continue to do our best to ensure that students and the teachers are safe and secure in their online classes lately you might have heard about the news of uh zoom bombers people entering zoom class classrooms and disrupting the classes and so we do our best to manage all of these so we try to put in place certain protocols to ensure that the stakeholders our students our teachers and of course their families are safe and that they will not be compromised in this online setup the use of technology is very important and i found this quote very meaningful technology will never replace great teachers but in the hands of great teachers it will be transformative i think all of us right now in whatever context we find ourselves in have experience of have this experience of using technology in whatever form whether it is the use of tv technology radios or computers wi-fi so they're all forms of technology and again technology is not the one that teaches our students it's still the teacher who designs everything and so really the use of technology is dependent on our way or our managing and our use of it so technology will not replace us will not replace great teachers but in fact can be our allies can help us make our education or make education transformative for our students for those of you who are using zoom there are a lot of tips nowadays as to how we can secure our zoom room and these are some examples this can easily be researched online but it's very important that these protocols are set in place so that our teachers and our students will feel safe and secure and therefore can focus on their learning and not worry about other people disrupting their classes or getting their information to use to use elsewhere next collaborative and supportive it's very important that this online education online distance learning is a collaborative effort between and among all the stakeholders of the school so the school the administration the teachers and the home meaning the family the parents teachers and the students students among students teachers among teachers it is very important that we work together and support each other for younger students for example grade school kindergarten really adult supervision is very very important and that's why there's a lot of communication between the school and the home for the older students the support is among them as peers so perhaps in the high school our challenge is to come up with activities that will make them collaborate interact with each other after all being locked up at home for how many months is taking a toll on their mental well-being they need to be with other people their friends for example so in our case for example in xavier we have a learning management system to help us manage our announcements discussions some lecture sessions are also recorded for future reference or for cases where students may be absent we also put our students as much as possible in clusters so that when we assign them group work or some discussion they can interact with their friends and their classmates more freely and of course activities that will help provide peer support and engagement are maximized as much as possible aside from that we set a deadline for 4 pm this is also something to do with structure remember the first one structured but at the same time something supportive so 4 p.m is an important time for everyone basically what it says is that all work as much as possible school work from the students perspective from the teacher's perspective all stop at four o'clock so that they can all manage their time and do other things after four as i said there are clubs and committees and still varsity uh club varsity teams that students are part of so after four they can engage in all those meaningful activities while teachers can also do other things relax rest spend time with family prepare house chores etc and given these opportunities given this challenge of the online setup at the same time we're provided a lot of opportunities for cooperation creative solutions and willingness to learn from others because educators parents and students are sharing a similar experience this is what binds us all together regardless of the context that we have ourselves in somehow what puts us all together is this common experience of the pandemic and being stuck somehow with what we have so we know some have it better than others that's that's a fact but at least the common thing among us is that we are all experiencing something similar and at the same time in fact not just in the philippines but worldwide and so the last one relevant and i think this is something very very important what then do we teach given the limited time that we have how do we manage that in xavier we spent a lot of time decongesting the curriculum so that we will be able to address the 21st century skills more than specific knowledge and skills or just knowledge we'd like to focus more on important skills that students can bring with them even after the school year for the years to come and so something to give us some inspiration i'd like us to watch this short clip about uh from dr anthony fauci he's a very known uh doctor and played an important role in the hovid response of the united states of america he might be familiar with him he gave a speech to some jesuits a jesuit school in the u.s just very recently and talked about what is it that's important for the students to learn to focus on especially during this time of a global pandemic so let's listen to this to you all from bethesda my name is tony fauci and i am director of the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases at the national institutes of health although i am unable to be with you in person today i am delighted to have this opportunity to congratulate the outstanding graduates in the high school class of 2020. currently our lives have been upended by a truly historic global tandem i am profoundly aware that graduating during this time and virtually without your friends classmates and teachers close by is extremely difficult however please join in there we need you to be smart strong and resilient with discipline and empathy we will all get through this together i had the good fortune to graduate from regis high school in 1958 i often say it was the best educational experience i could have imagined i became immersed in the intellectual ruler of the jesuit education importantly certain tenets of the jesuit tradition have sustained me throughout my life and career two of these precision of thought and economy of expression inform how i think how i write and how i communicate with the public every day especially during the present unsettling times just as important however is the jesuit emphasis on social justice and service to others and now is the time if there was one for us to care selflessly about one another and so congratulations on your graduation stay safe and be well as you celebrate this important milestone of your life and wish you all the best in the years ahead so if you notice if you listen to it he did not talk about specific things that you should learn a specific math problem or a specific concept in science rather he focused a lot on what is it that we need to know to be a person to be a good citizen to be a good christian to be a good catholic borrowing words from the president of seattle university another jesuit institution he said that it's very important during this time to make our curriculum relevant it's very important to help our students understand why they're learning certain things he believes that the why of promoting this common good why are we doing all of this why are we learning all of this because we are doing it to help society he says that if we can deepen this understanding of knowing that we're doing this for the common good we can adopt it as a value applicable to so many other dimensions in life so our responsibility now as educators is not just limited to teaching our specific subjects but rather to help our students learn the values that accompany these subjects and these are the ones that they will bring with them after we after we teach them the school year or the year after one important characteristic of jesuit education is imagination and creativity and this aligns very well with the 21st century skills that we need to develop in our students i like i very like it very much when fathers on board put it this way in gestured education the intellect should be guided expanded and enhanced by imagination and he says we are not just about knowing but about effective moving so it's not just about specific lessons specific topics but in his terms he says the aim of education i'd like to believe not just gestured education is to know lovingly and love knowingly it's quite beautiful that way so that when we know and when we do something when we learn something it's not just because we want to know it but we know it because we have a certain purpose why we're not why we need to know that so given that we're living in a time of crisis now i think this is also an opportunity opportunity for us to step beyond our classroom as teachers it is our opportunity to just go beyond the lessons that we teach and help them help our students know that there's really a lot beyond it i think they're seeing that now when they see the news when they look at the context that they're all part of and if we do that right according to fathers on board if we do that right they will actually remember the lessons that we're teaching them now more than ever that story in english that is in the context of this problem that we have right now might stick with them that science experiment that they're doing in the context of this context this expert this uh situation that we have might stick to them might be with them even as they grow old so what is it that we need to teach i think the challenge now is not just to focus on knowledge and skills we're not saying it's not important in fact it is important but i think the important challenge for us is to make it relevant to our students how do we make our teaching relevant to them so that they will know and they will feel that yes i'm learning this and i have a purpose to step beyond what i'm experiencing right now to help others and to make the world a better place given all these challenges that we're experiencing and so what of us teachers it is a very very challenging task it's a very very difficult task that we all find ourselves in so i think we also need to stop and pause for a while and pat ourselves on the back and say we've been doing a good job we've been doing everything that we can was very challenging it is very challenging and we i'm sure we will have encountered a lot more challenges but there's a lot to be thankful for also and so dear teachers on behalf of our students i'd like to also thank you for all the things that you've done and i got this short clip from youtube it's actually i think produced in india um but it i think the message resonates a lot to us so let's just watch this short clip of thanking our teachers thanking us for all that we are doing few [Music] thank you indeed your teachers to us to all of you especially for all that we have been doing you have been doing for our students i as i said it might have been produced for a certain context but i think the message is universal it is a thank you to teachers who are possibly front liners also in this fight against kovid against this pandemic so thank you very much for spending some time to listen to me this morning i hope that you're able to get something and to learn something from this as well thank you keep safe and god bless us all foreign what's going on and um what are the challenges cetera so uh on your own personal experiences insights uh sir jealousy zombie where are we right now are we doing uh good in distance learning or are there things that we have to consider or reconsider in doing distance learning [Laughter] especially like how sir exxon reminded us about um focusing on uh values and i'd like to reiterate puna hindi ito just because we're doing distance learning now actually distance learning online learning we have to be reminded now while we of course would like to be able to teach all the competencies all the content [Music] and i'm sure teachers will agree i'm sure teachers the best my best teacher or the best teachers that i had growing up i young developed in me a thirst for knowledge developed in me love for learning your your mere presence here your attendance uh to learn from you from each other to develop a love for learning and through how to look for it how to be critical about it etc and you'd be surprised explicitly or explicitly uh [Music] i was reading one of the comments yes part of the the part of change is resistance ways of doing things and then all of a sudden a bing advantage are excellent you have to let go of those contexts so i agree with sir jambi so much values uh i i wrote here some term me sir exxon affective knowing it's a good time for us to remind that our to our students and in addition to that franklin sargamby i would also like to focus on the relevance challenging uh when we teach we want to cover everything we want we may make [Music] is to anchor it in relevance how relevant it is to our students and [Music] the comment section okay they're [Music] difficulty situation yes it also provide us with a very unique opportunity no it in well we don't want another pandemic no pero it's sort of like this pandemic um fast track no 21st century set up okay so it's essentially what is 21st century learning so basically is that pandemic uh forced us or pressured us to fast-track uh to approach that 21st century learning set up so may you mean attend because of the pandemic that then for educational mention is amount of knowledge that you uh you possess no you can't compete with a computer that stores more information than you uh it's really more about teaching our students um how to use the information they're getting all right you this pandemic gives us this much opportunity to learn okay so although we're looking forward to mata yes let's all live at the moment let's embrace the changes uh let's look for opportunities to grow because at the end of this pandemic we do that we'll become a much better teacher and educator than we envision ourselves to be so sana embraced a situation with so much humility and willingness and enthusiasm um to view the prepared videos of our teacher guests i think we're giving them until 11. no sir franco to view these uh that should be more than enough for you to view at least one video in a complete uh with the cr break and it uh don't worry because if you want to be able to watch also all of the other videos readily available do you want to be updated after every webinar the only reason why we ask for your email is because we need to be able to send you your [Music] [Music] without the danger of you having to input your um details your information yeah yes for yeah so we'll have to uh also adjust accordingly okay so go sir um jello yeah so franco we really tried our best to look for the speakers for each subject and uh hopefully things speakers guest speakers will really enlighten us with the different subjects so some subjects just again disclaimer some subjects have uh elementary and high schools but uh generally we try our best to really cover uh all subjects that we can so you can still choose any of the subject that you are teaching especially on two to three subjects per uh level so for science book we have senior high school teacher in saber school and then uh for english miss nika santos also from savior's school and it's a filipino salvador i think focusing on arts and then uh see mr peter uyenko sapi inamantusa for mathematics we have miss jaja castillo for cle valley's education uh elementary um we have mr noel banauis and for high school we have mr lance torres and then for social science or aralympanipunan for high school we have mr rj maramag and for green school miss roda morales santos and then for tle we have miss cello carlos do you know sir thomas disclaimer we tried our best to get as many speakers as we can get logistics wise some of our limitations you weren't able to get all of the representations no um so teachers know please just do maybe of the demonstrations available for you today um is company applicable you may want to view some other subjects i think you'll learn definitely principles of teaching uh in general no not just uh in a very subject specific although again our sub our speakers for today are really speaking from their experiences for in teaching their subject areas okay so um we can now um send them uh to the playlist no um and go ahead sorry jambi to um for some reminders hi so we're on to part two nepal hang gang 11 o'clock you have that time to view our subject specific demonstrations slash access youtube playlist using the link above 2. choose the subject area you wish to watch and you are unable to find your specific subject guides after watching wait for the zoom links or google meeting links for the meet the speaker part part i think 11 to 12 session in our teacher support page so when in doubt support page all the links will be made available for you there or the anoda the headquarters you know i think main video will be there to support you there's a facebook page in command center you know so uh to answer your questions you can send them send us a a live chat okay via facebook or by youtube our youtube channel um so it will help you navigate now um to your uh to this partner 11 to 10 to 11 the viewing demonstration so um sir jambi um sir jello uh i think we can now um um leave or send our audience now to uh the youtube playlist okay so thank you teachers good luck and uh enjoy your viewing time with the demonstrations from the subject specific areas [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] um [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh um foreign so [Music] [Music] [Music] is okay is yes yes it's is already this is [Music] um [Music] [Music] fish [Music] thank you [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] um foreign okay [Music] now [Music] um six [Music] this [Music] um is yes oh [Music] um don't fish [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] uh yes [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] uh oh [Music] okay [Music] [Music] wow [Music] foreign [Music] yes [Music] [Music] is okay [Music] [Music] hey souls kids is [Music] hey [Music] [Music] uh [Music] next [Music] [Music] [Music] pictures [Music] snapchat [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] is uh [Music] um [Music] shhh [Music] next is six um [Music] hey it's been amazing h is this is [Music] yes don't fish [Music] hey [Music] up [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] bye [Music] oh oh [Music] me um [Music] uh uh foreign yes [Music] give me [Music] is is [Music] um [Music] hey okay he's [Music] yes uh [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] hey kick me [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] uh is yes [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] souls oh is [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] um [Music] don't fish [Music] uh [Music] me [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] please [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] me foreign [Music] hey [Music] is please [Music] yes [Music] [Music] assistants [Music] [Music] uh don't finish [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] blue [Music] cool [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] multiple three shhh [Music] sorry is yes is [Music] hey [Music] my name is okay [Music] um [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] cheers [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] channel [Music] [Music] oh [Music] myself [Music] [Music] wow [Music] um great is [Music] okay is [Music] hey is is [Music] is um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] did [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] my [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] uh [Music] [Music] what [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] teachers will be sending you to your uh session with the speakers so you'll be able to answer some questions so um and of course discussion so jumping reminders for them on how they should proceed no to the meet the speaker session uh the third and last part of our major activity for today is your chance to well not just meet but actually interact with our speakers it's not like a one-way uh meeting so the speakers will not be just extending her or his talk about his subject uh it's more like really a discussion so like what sir jambi said now please do indulge you know share your experiences because definitely you know maramites are jumping definitely malama time teachers must reach paying experience compared to others not compared to us so please do um do provide your own experiences so we do invite you to also share know uh during the conversation so it's more clearly like um a conversation sorry i was talking to one of our teacher guests earlier after an acting session the other members of ka agape would benefit from him or her so invite nathan and maybe we can have a part two of uh this session this time from actual agape making my strong desire and i see the value tell again it's like a a force a full circle no um we've trained you we've uh imparted knowledge to you now it's time for you to also give back to the community to be an actual kagapai society bank teachers now so uh secretary will um will um post some materials um publications uh in our page on how you can apply you know to become a speaker in in kts awesome we will be opening up and also an opportunity to become their platforms and hopefully for example youtube channel facebook page then we'll support them now we'll we'll um we'll let um the world know our teachers see what they have they say sometimes to show so we'll we'll give them a platform thank you for this great idea you can grow your your your contents um you can show up to the world experiences sharing of experiences let's say it's sort of like um understanding certain situations no la luna's um online distance learners distance learning well by the way um informatica audience now and sometimes it would require them to enter the passcode if that uh happens teachers punta pocaiden is a master list code where you can use it to enter your zoom links okay so hopefully you'll enjoy your discussion information and entertainment session with speakers yes there's a facebook page it's actually our first very exciting activity for december yes teachers know so bring in the december hopefully we surprise you hopefully we bring joy to you um um please be aware no teachers no um us we have always committed no we never asked anything in return okay video setup will be making this public um after the webinar will be able to watch it watching no say zombie uh good enough for one day of beats watching [Music] my general principles that applies to all other subjects and how they conduct their subjects uh distance learning so baha they can pick up know one or two manga you might find a way to apply it in your subject like in science in social sciences so you have quinara you have english teachers uh getting to observe the classes of say the math teachers and vice versa it will help you become better at what you do how the other teachers how the other subjects do it the whole time for example um if you're a math teacher you can't quite understand students [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] last friday sir franco param benefit concert dunsan kts page i was involved in that benefit concert young and don't worry you made sure in hindi magicking conflicts and i'd like to think it was successful i personally know him of the time hindi no [Laughter] we can ignore no so as much as possible we we become we really is we become a venue we become an a group or an organization that assists in any way that we can number teachers teachers know uh so please um if you are available now you can leave this um this main session and you can go now to your uh zoom room and visit your speakers parapo you can join the discussion uh ask questions to your speakers uh yes we enjoy your uh spending time with us object i'd like to take this opportunity long to respond to the concern of one of our attendees i it has been a long time since we required registration in uh our webinar so well upon registration now where links and immediately thereafter the evaluation links will also be made available so i think agape teacher support page franco we have partners watching from saint mary's university nueva viscaya we also have partners from uh [Music] that you are able to watch more than just one video expertise and knowledge non teachers of other competencies tapus napoba and webinar on m webinar on creating authentic assessment but i am available franco for team replay but if not for your participation if not for the things that you place in the evaluation may i inquire how can i join the zoom meeting um snap in in fact we also placed all the individual links of the um speakers there just in case hindi gumanayong bit.lisa to the best of our ability excited to watch other videos yes page foreign good morning paul good morning rachel miss or sir rachel thank you so much mommy casantos so great you just go to the session created by uh miss nika my link very very unique name thank you thank you very much franco how many people there are in this particular stream again meet the speaker's session um how to join the zoom meeting yes check check sir franco we hear you uh or you can also just type directly in your browser's bit dot lee slash retooling meet up and links to the zoom meetings ongoing ongoing team and ap but there are about 20 people in the zoo meetings or anyone interested to join that particular meeting by teacher support page [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you can find it here you know i think master lisp when you go to that it will bring you to a google document it has all the links okay for all the zoom meetings or you can simply go to our facebook page click the link there per subject and it will bring you to the zoom meetings um uh zoom meeting [Laughter] uh [Music] is [Music] [Music] um combination um for november okay and i think the marathon special um um segment after this uh uh we had a really good run last sunday last thursday with uh canva for uh education team philippines um perry young last session jambi was on canva 101 child design principles sobring down 19 will specifically uh delve on the canva for education package so it's a name templates on our presentations templates on assessments templates on uh portfolios etc for that so very very specific uh targeted young education for teachers okay and uh of course we also have um the availability of our speaker uh demanded that we uh transfer this okay by the way um our teachers will be surprised no who will be the speaker for this one okay so uh yes i don't know authentic assessment yeah [Music] to talk about project-based learning frameworks in terms of like um professional fisner that again accommodated us uh enthusiastically okay wait yes that what prompted your facebook story yes [Laughter] anyway say zombie uh going back that's the reason why we have to collaborate with other subjects english teachers and uh communication teachers and so yeah thursday for our our skills training uh number nine to serve john b imagine that number nine static skills training seriousness absolutely skills training we'll be having a photoshop so you wanna who are looking to advance their or at least introduce themselves into use into the use of photoshop for module making culvert designs et cetera instructional materials which is a sustainable alternative to zoom and google meet so jump indicator explorer significant data usage like um there was this viral post no by a science teacher from i think pampanga discord class video conferencing calls using discord and for the entire one hour like 60 mb for entire duration of one hour um so we'll be having a speaker for that um uh who who already used no discord for uh online classes about discord [Music] if you think about it how can a game okay uh motivate a student or a kid to stay for like 12 hours or sometimes 24 hours level of engagement educators [Music] instructions etc okay so sorry zombie uh moving on november 21 yes uh design thinking uh session okay this is 21st century uh learning frameworks no so and um we also have uh the use of after effects video editing uh especially and we will also try to provide you with alternatives not to uh video editing nanowrimo time teachers uh are now producing video lessons okay and of course in last night i would be on communicating distance learning so you uh this is the only communication device or platform that you are uh using okay usa i think that's also why we have a lot more people but indeed actually oh i um zombie okay that's why we put up the meeting kasingha sometimes young intimacy now small group meetings um brings out so much more discussion because compared to for example uh in a large meeting like this um next monday will be our next uh catch [Laughter] [Laughter] begins at around 1 30 a.m at 4 p.m 4 a.m to 4 00 a.m to 3 a.m supportive [Music] unbelievable know that's that's the kind of commitment that you uh wanted teachers of the week oh [Music] um strategies tools approaches ability no young willingness to um to unlearn sir jambi and to learn and relearn things okay is such a like [Music] um yeah catch up monday uh please no please do let us know invite them again and you can like share more maybe um say your piece no um to uh our community i think um teacher of the week full why we started the page in the first place um to create a venue you know to inspire others educational um is [Laughter] first and second were delivered using that five mbps max you know the experience the the the level of stress [Laughter] for engineering students former student school [Laughter] [Music] you proceed no no we have at least 121 people here in our lives now but again numbers um [Music] um is asking for a little bit more balance in terms of uh composition admins can say they realize um [Music] um diversity so soon enough open position application yes or franklin's in a good casa our participants will be brought back to this main session so we could give the final reminders mr zombie while we're waiting um would you like to uh finally indulge us yes yes i enjoy singing i enjoy performing uh this morning last friday who were able to watch young survival mode the benefit concert that i was a part of again we'll have another one in december you might have an odds [Music] [Music] and i'd like to share with you one song that i sang in that concert and parapose i especially i would like to especially dedicate this to yeah again this song is for all of you [Music] there's a place in your heart and i know that it is love and this place is much brighter than tomorrow and if you really try you'll find there's no need to cry in this place you'll feel no hurt or sorrow there are ways to get there if you care enough heal the world make it a better place there are people dying if you care enough [Music] nobody cares for joyful gifting if we try we shall see in this place we cannot feel zero trends stuff exists [Music] to make a better world [Music] make it a better place [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] though it's plain to sing [Music] [Music] there are people dying if you care enough for you and for me [Music] is to just be the best teacher that i can be multiply the things that we can do [Music] they can do their part to heal the world [Music] for us to be able to heal the world let's always make sure that we heal ourselves first and we keep on also um taking care of ourselves you can say we can't give unless we uh um we can give what we don't have okay so um uh a facebook page where we're reaching another milestone um or uh for uh kts uh jambino um uh it's been five months um thank you so much for those who attended the tle slash ict zoo meeting god bless yes uh for sharing uh and again teachers not sorry oh yes oh [Music] yes my certificate is um reminders uh to our um first of all um speakers nothing for today we have a total of um 11 11 speakers for the total of 11 speakers for today um we actually uh also don't uh don't know how we were able to uh put this together in god's uh unagrees no and blessing we were able to push through with this uh weapon and finally uh nagawan okay and hopefully uh sir jumping that our teachers were able to um to uh really benefit now from this uh webinar uh for today uh any uh question uh why do we keep on doing this very heartwarming comments speakers na we will make sure mahara thinks i know it will help to uh keep them going um just like lagging online well two things uh teachers that our services are for free uh you don't um pay anything okay and um you question on why do we keep on doing this why do we pursue no um giving our time um we don't get to be paid here um um happiness uh to be able to give back no um applause for the teachers and we never really uh like lit candles for teachers of your appreciation to all teachers are never sold uh it's always for free for teachers but to use for their classes or for uh distance learning um one of the reasons why we do this and i'd like to think now one of the reasons why you also keep on attending our webinars very very motivated very very inspired because of all of you correct alexa actually more than uh normal teachers regular teachers before we're doing our job kts gave us so much more meaning and we'll continue to honor your teachers very important comment and we have to take note of that okay screenshot [Music] the way it's going to work now it's really for uh self directive so for self directive it will be equivalent to one point [Music] it's time for our participants to do the evaluation and just remind the teachers no when you do the evaluation please take note of your information we use that to generate and distribute your certificates number one your name second your email addresses it will bounce back to us okay so there's that's the only way you will not receive your certificate assessment for today because it is a varied uh webinar because it's not on a particular um because it's just an evaluation and also jumbino evaluation format it's a more um comprehensive so we could get more data because this is a new format that we tried today and we would like to get the the insights of our audience for today to help us improve so that we next time we can further uh we can do another one like this uh hopefully in in the near future okay face to face training okay so um let me just get to my um evaluation link features okay so so jambi yeah so we now beat goodbye teachers uh happy lunch and uh happy weekend for being with us here today at kts webinar thank you you
Channel: Franco Nicolo Addun
Views: 14,672
Rating: 4.9526629 out of 5
Id: aw4Yps6Ui6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 30sec (13470 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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