COMMUNICATION: 4Cs of 21st Century Learning Series

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[Music] hello and uh good afternoon satinglad to learn more know to continue to learn and learn and relearn things okay now so for this afternoon um i'm glad to um to say this will be the final no the final installment for our september series it was supposed to be uh supposedly last uh it was saturday but it got moved because of um the problems with uh with pld you know so and uh we didn't want that okay but of course uh time ago those are the things that we are that's out of our control sabine as a earlier webinar there are things that we cannot control and uh those are the things that we have to manage you know to uh to maintain our wellness okay so um before time start uh of course i just like to recap so we finished um uh the the other uh seas of the forces of 21st century learning so we've had collaboration uh critical thinking and creativity so this afternoon we'll be taking on the last one which is uh communication and before we do that okay uh maybe um i'll be giving some reminders first now before we proceed with um with our um our webinar for today my usual reminders okay for our teachers no um so the first one is um again evaluation link not always a question of many teachers okay evaluation link will be given at the end of the webinar okay and after answering the evaluation your certificates will be sent via email in five to seven days so teachers let's not forget it's not your registration that will be used to generate your uh certificates instead it will be your evaluation okay so please do take note of that of course expect the certificates in five to seven days okay so please do give us time especially right now no we will have uh overlapping events all right so we went in the morning we had the event uh yesterday and we're going to an event now so there are three events that we will be producing and generating certificates okay and um so um before we have our speaker i'd like to give a short introduction um to our speaker today which are actually a very close um actually a mentor for new into uh into being a google innovator and recently a google trainer so this is um the person i've been looking up to as a model for um training others then and mentoring other interests [Music] things about communication tips and ways to improve communication in a distance learning modality so uh we have uh today uh mr john gary garcia an edtech coach and a consultant google for education certified innovator and google's for education certified trainer as well as a microsoft office user specialist and uh actually just uh recently um rasel um was given the title a geg mentor um i think in the asia pacific okay so um mr sergey as i call him so much canada to share about um his expertise in the field of um applying technology and education okay and that's what we're going to have today know how how do we maintain or develop communication despite the distance that we're having i think um for the most part it's actually the most um this is the period okay we're in we actually need communication because of the distance that exists us but again um there's also that realization that uh uh given the distance it's even harder now to communicate but as we mentioned um so many times okay technology could always be a tool for us to use okay to um augment um or help ascii um still develop the skills of 21st century okay so um vita critical thinking creativity or collaboration and now communication okay that could still be addressed amidst the pandemic okay so that's now all welcome our speaker for today who will be uh sharing with us uh today ideas uh tips about um communication as a critical component of 21st century learning okay so welcome and good afternoon um sir gary for allowing us or uh giving us your time we know you're so busy uh actually um let me just share to the our audience today uh there's like a back-to-back meeting that sergeant had to attend but um she uh he will be um spending uh some of his time with us today and we are so thankful now sergey um maybe just to um maximize our time and um so us not to um so that our audience also could interact with you more uh i will be giving you the floor now um for your um talk okay thank you sir gary thank you thank you thank you franco thank you everyone for joining us about communications of four seasons um i am an educator but i am not a linguistic english or any specific language you know i teach technology but then i realized when when uh dealing with people it's important for us to convey our message so india english so by the way um so i'm an educator as mentioned earlier uh thank you sir franco i did not put in my sliding geg mentor geg mentor for apa thank you um now later on maybe after this webinar you can you may want to ask some questions uh you can email me at gary at you can also get in touch or connect with me using twitter jay gary garcia or you may also watch uh or learn from me by uh subscribing to my youtube channel at edtech and beyond my youtube channel is not very um not no editing i did not do any editing in my video raw video so okay but what i'm saying here is that you'll content now so our topic is the forces of the 21st century classroom and um this is the last series so in the beginning about critical thinking creativity and collaboration now we will focus more on communication i'm not i'm not very sure if you were given the background come back um there's a standard being provided by iste so ist is this the international society for technology in education so they give us a standard this is according to study by by corporate world by the education sector by the government uh google conducted this together with google they conducted a study so this is the result of the study so according to the study as teachers we have to produce a stand uh students who are empowered learners uh good digital citizens knowledge constructor innovative designer computational thinker uh creative communicator and global collaborators so these are the things these are the qualities of students that we have to produce if there are standards for students there are also standards for teachers and these are oops sorry i okay question of bhagavan so these are for uh for students so maybe i'll just give the link for for the standards for teachers now um let's go back to basic what is the what is communication so um communication let's go back to the definition of communication so basically communication is imparting or exchanging of information by speaking writing or using some other medium so successful conveying or sharing of ideas or feelings so that's basically communication when you're able to impart your ideas your feelings or you were able to uh relay the message properly so young ebooks have been on speaking writing and other medium and young sharing of ideas and feelings so this definition is by us from this from oxford english section 9 okay so uh let's start with the parts of communication you know uh bucket mahalo personal communication because let me go back to this one the definition when you say communication it involves at least the following you know we have the sender we have the message and we but it may sound simple but communication is actually a very complex subject a very complex subject it means a transmission of the message from the sender to the recipient can be affected by a huge range of things so this includes our emotion our cultural situation the medium that we use to communicate and even our location ideas on acting feelings so the complexities is why good communication skills are considered so desirable by employees or around by employees around the world so communication is very essential so it has to be accurate has to be effective when imparting our ideas and feelings you know so let us now continue with the parts of communication no mention attention ascender message sender i don't see any reaction from my audience i don't see any the reaction is the feedback that will be defeat my feedback now let me explain it further so when you say sender the sender encodes the message so it usually is in a mixture of words so it can be verbal it can be non-verbal communication and then it is transmitted in some way for example in a speech or writing and the recipient decodes it so of course there are there may be more than one recipient the complexity of communication means that each one each one of you and my audience who are watching right now may receive a slight different message so two people may uh read very different uh may read very different things into the choice of words and or body so it is impossible that neither of them will have the same understanding as the sender so in face-to-face communication the roles of sender of the sender and recipient are not this thing so there are two rows will uh it will pass and uh it will pass back and forward between two people talking you know so proceed now so next one when transmitting a message we as i mentioned earlier um i encode the message using a medium so the message it can be verbal it can be it can be written it can be non-verbal and it can be the use of uh images last time but nothing you know i think if they talk about creativity so it's also important for us to be creative because whatever we use which is our medium will affect our message so it will now depend on our medium and how i decode as a sender you message for paramount in the hand no recipient so the codes the message so the center factor uh communication so factors recipient so communicate communication is simply the of transferring information from one place or a person or a group or group to another so transmission of the message from sender to recipient can be affected by a huge range of things categories when you say categories of communication it can be verbal or spoken or in writing non-verbal or visualization you know pakistan verbal face to face it also affects the way we say written communication includes letters spreading email pointing social media you might post nothing's uh facebook or twitter so it also affects combinations uh verbal written and non-verbal multi-visualization eternal use of graphs logos pictures recipient when you write things down it has to be better if it's [Music] communication basically is to transfer the transfer of message with mutual understanding or intimidating recipient young according the way i want them to understand it receiver [Music] [Music] you are asked to repeat what was communicated to you and also young to get the feedback on so let's talk now about this barriers in communication miscommunication let me give you the list another one is the emotional barrier you know sometimes it's difficult for people to express themselves you need the magalink's words so sorry so lack of attention or interest or destructions or irrelevance to the receivers attention interest or other destruction you know difference in perception and point of view or viewpoint okay no so yeah another thing is um uh physical disabilities okay because of physical disabilities meaning the speech of a person so physical disabilities another one is physical barriers to non-verbal communication so not not being able to get you know non-verbal cues movements another one is language um [Music] we have to adapt to the different uh uh culture and how they use the english word you know so language barrier or the language differences and then marine time another barrier is the expectations and also the cultural differences because our movements for example when you visit another country uh it will depend on how you behave on that particular country um now how to be an effective communicator um so understand you should understand the audience understand their audience so as an as a communicator to be an effective communicator or if you can say that you are an effective communicator if you material when we speak you know it holds their message so you emphasize your message or you you explain further you know encodes the message to reduce misunderstanding so yeah and send out feedback correct any confusion so it basically and when we when we try to impart something we have to make sure nah before we impart something for the time of practice reducing misunderstanding we practice or and then let's say metal yeah you could you i instant savage right now we seek out feedback so how do we seek out feedback by asking the audience or young target audience not there and then you have to correct if there are misunderstanding right away para money now before before you you part ways when we talk about communication no and technological barriers can also affect communication especially in this time of online classes and signal for internet connection online very true we answer especially my my greatest challenge when uh conducting classes now was in the class is i cannot really build a relationship with my student because offline hindi marketing reaction it's very important for me when i'm inside the classroom i can see the faces of my students and i can see their reaction when i talk to young online classes because i cannot force my student to to be online all the time because say they have bad internet connection so audrey long so indicator muscle according to them be polite you know when we talk about i serve and when we use uh when we use email make sure that we have number one subject thank you already the recipient what what the email is all about receives like uh so many emails and you're receiving a note object that's one what's that's one very bothering sometimes let me give another example of a post in a google classroom um next example so what can you say about this announcement in google classroom so i think that's a good pm please prepare a rosary starting tomorrow for the month of grocery october i'll be signing up so etunes um take note we are teachers number one we don't shortcut things we have to give clear cut instruction so good pms on a good afternoon or good evening i know that's another observation kodito plus use proper capitalization please capital accordingly as much as possible teachable moment yes we understand the man why some people would opt to shortcut things how to do it properly properly decide on their own to shortcut things to shorten things so if we are in the educational community we have to provide them we're setting a good example we should set a good example so we have to do things properly okay capitalization shortcuts oh uh we are educators now what can you say about this comment in facebook regarding an educational video teachers other teachers are trying to help other teachers by creating instructional video if not instructional video tutorial video and this is a comment uh on one of the uh educational videos this is the worst ad that i've ever seen in seven an example means if you have nothing good to say don't say it at all so now if you're online we would like to uh we would like to teach our students to be a good digital citizen so this is one example of bombast you know to an educator so any internet [Laughter] we have to enrich our vocabulary but in part we cannot give what we don't have so let's enrich our vocabulary for example india this is being very shiny so yeah okay very eager to be very eager to be kimcha so you can you you can visit beat lee slash bank of words but when we give feedback when we would like when when we want to say things uh you can use these words you know let's refrain from using the one on the left x to become an effective communicator okay so number one when sending messages via email let's refrain from human shortcuts not in shortcut um which we'll talk about basically the backgrounder of the content of the email we need to have salutation especially on the first email in social media aside from not refraining from doing shortcuts we have to consider young that will be perceived as who we are whether we like it or not um stands for something so before we post something it must be true and then young h don is is it honorable honorable and then you i don't is is it informative or insightful is it necessary to post that one excited so is it necessary to post these things so okay uh when we're happy we have to take note of the last letter which is letter k but take note there are less fortunate people who doesn't have any starbucks because we have to be sensitive to the needs of others uh you know and so we have to be sensitive on what we post we have to think before we post you know yeah now how can we how let's say so google docs or any digital gmail page in red wavy line at green wavy lines it means so in a simple way you know and then uh built in features now so google docs merengue spelling and grammar indica satisfied on meridian chrome extension for example grammarly so it will check grammarly so it will check all your writings email even it even tells you how your email sounds like yes rambly sounding email if you sound uh if you sound as if you are angry at the recipient it will give you uh it will actually tell you like that because then our kites attacks or kites are [Music] um effective communication and what is communication it's uh in china so you can visit those links so sir if the audience has a question reactions uh or suggestions or even questions from the members of our viewers feel free to type away subbing any serger ideally type incomplete word and improper sentences so the first step is to accept that you're that we're not perfect and we have to improve ourselves so next step is indica perfect so yeah i asked for for feedback coming from my wife to you to check my you know slide school as teachers we are all lifelong learners so we need to improve especially now on dimension challenges uh lord lena and how how do you teach the four c's of 21st century skills we can focus on uh communication i say like you mentioned earlier that these are actually things that you never learned in school but it has been realized that these skills are very important so how can we perhaps teach them to our students now um okay um when it comes to giving instruction we have very simple um when giving instruction be specific you have to be concise number one or overwhelming instruction nothing as a paragraph why make use of numbered list or bulleted list so when we are asking them to to let's say okay how are you feeling today so so let's say it's just in a in a in in bulleted form yes being in bulleted form can you please uh to a specific student not in front of the class because he will not tend to correct them to teach them so yuan but that's one tip that i can give miss lord lena uh in the learners the confidence to express themselves firstly grammar and spelling and et cetera we could have like gone with um this one first and then collaboration critical thinking um this is an important to be able to because this information knowledge for example that in our example collaboration you can't collaborate without communication and collaboration is only as effective as your effective communication uh your critical thinking as well would be enhanced by communication ways of uh changing things or innovations innovations and they derive from from this uh from critical thinking creativity communicate which will be beneficial to other people new way of teaching to communicate or i wasn't able to properly uh disseminate it uh young inventor that's the reason why we put this at the last as a mechanism in communication to enhance in other seas of 20 learning and again let's go back teachers to the point of sir gary kanina and siri english tagalog to be an effective communicator maybe i'll just give you the pdf file of my slide parameters very important mental health how we compose things how we communicate with others you know one of the four c's is communication how can this be taught the students of this generation when most of them are so engaged online can it be considered effective too um okay on communication it's what video foreign another thing is when you when they post a video make collaboration uh it can be uh feedback by posting it online hopefully in a in the domain in the industry public because when when the when the person or when a student receive a feedback especially from the teachers am a classmate yeah so they will have different point of views we have to encourage our students to uh give a constructive criticism what do you mean you're not okay you have to express it you have to be more more specific when you say you're not okay are you hungry or uh you didn't understand the topic when we when we make follow-up questions critical thinkers reflect so communication can be taught in different ways um so we can assist him better correct i agree sir announcer and i'd also like to share this with our co-teachers um applications that our students our kids are engaged with at present okay but you know it would actually benefit us to ask ourselves why are they so engaged with this ultimately knowing that would help you improve your communication would help you improve how you communicate to the students at least you are letting them express themselves and then communicate with you and you're learning from them so that's one way you know technology so you're going to have 10 year t-shirts we shouldn't be threatened by that strength what advice what can you give to those who want to have a great communication skills for aside from practicing since for example indian effective or enough advice to become a great communication would have great communication skills um aside from aside from practice i to become an effective communicator you speak to yourself young how do you speak to yourself in front of a mirror language the way you move while you're talking in maneri it also conveys a message so you talk to yourself um you practice in front of a mirror [Music] so you can be better standard and we shouldn't compare ourselves to others [Music] a good communicator you can say by practicing you gain confidence up against your job because important nah develop not in some students know your audience know who you are talking to or going to talk to because uh doing so allows you to um to to gauge know what kind of language when do you use informal or when do you use formal language when speaking when you have to know your audience okay and second aside from knowing your audience know what your context is uh in the speaking or uh in in in that when you're communicating all right so for be casual or informal because again it boils down to um are you sending your message effectively language no you might not be sending your language effectively and on the other then you might not also be sending your message effectively so again we go back to the the core of the idea of communication which is to be able to send your your points clearly to your recipients strategies [Music] um to help other teachers because not everyone knows you know so we cannot assume too much palana uh info let us know if you need help to educate other educators empower other educators yeah it's not called thank you sir gary oh okay uh my question is how can we promote our communication our learners want to learn about the modality um this means i don't know or uh proper capitalization for information good communication we have to explain briefly improve so uh can you expound on a specific word in writing foreign we asked them to expound on something but i'm a promoter good communication skill seller i agree i am nipple actually you uh i'd like to believe that uh the modular modality that most of our public schools will be implementing silver lining and hopefully it will make better writers among our students so hopefully ayan they they become better writers we now have students who are really good in technology and students who are really good in writing and then practice it's not like a specific uh activity but it's more of like an approach to uh to your modules you know doing uh to develop communication is well again we go back to idea communication is about expressing ideas now um so in your activities and activities that allows your students to express the the ideas presented in your lesson so for example for example [Music] rather than for example asking the students about the maps okay maybe you'd like to um to ask them okay to to discuss to their family members the importance of maps cetera for example like that or for um higher students but they come up according to activities that will ask them to share their thoughts ideas in social media the the social media becomes a platform of expression of uh intellectual ideas again um how do we teach the or how do we correct us that's during the course of modular format how do we correct those targaryens punctuations grammatical errors no of the use of language the message of the student for the teachers you we did not mind exactly the message that was sent sometimes it would have been a big importance in punctuation it now hinders the proper expression of the idea saying so be careful on the segue go ahead i agree i just want to agree with you it's good that we correct the wrong spelling but take note another objective [Music] um [Music] how to instill good communication in case of new normal where blended learning has been accessed for instance some students are somewhat shy to talk once they use online huh some students are somewhat tried to talk [Music] we have four weeks no so you're uh leaving me demanding for parasites people put out nothing or to talk to an individual student so just go give time for each student at least at least two students every meeting good communication skills uh yeah we know when our teacher really cares for us she doesn't have to say it explicitly the little things the teachers do the the extra mile that he or she goes young student mismo would develop a love or learning would himself try to make himself better so nothing valuable happening develop a relationship with your students they're going to be opening uh uh the deployment of modules this monday um final message paul um let's acknowledge that we are not perfect that's the only way we can thank you [Laughter] this afternoon we know it's uh it has been this is a rescheduled um um webinar so marami salamat for being with us still uh today [Music] foreign we communicate to express not 21st century learnings uh some 21st century setup no um so it's a grocery jumping up before time again uh let's just sum up everything can say uh this is now the end of our september series and forces with collaboration very important um that we are going to work with with others okay so we developed our students the ability to work with others because again as we mentioned in that session um well in a time time to um to acquire all the knowledge and perhaps all the skills know uh and you can need had collaborated with each other yes working with others will uh will will will allow our students to to success to succeed more you know to succeed more in a 21st century employment area or um in employment no um so after is only um spreading because there are less or critical thinkers in our society thinking um on on on the production of information and knowledge so as we produce information and knowledge we also have to be critical on the purpose the the the idea within that uh knowledge no okay and of course uh we went to creativity sir john b we are inviting everyone to always um to look at things in a different angle okay so like and i mentioned last night it's not just about going out of the box because that's just again one perspective by going out of the box the perspective from the inside the box and going outside of the box is just two perspectives what we want is actually a 360 perspective of things now um of um declining mediocrity among our students mediocre students now um a society that's progressive and competent against our neighbors no sir japan young korea they're very progressive countries simply because they they always look at things differently for example unusual products [Music] of japan showing us nah they're not always com compliant no well we don't want no man in balance no of course we don't want them on deviant people now always uh going against the flow or la lunasa rules and policies in society nothing but we want our people who are willing to go um go against the flow of for example ideas and uh willing to sacrifice them their time to uh to push for these ideas and uh make this come true or help our society so this guru and putting up very important this idea of creativity it's not just about art sergeant we verified that already uh our session last uh last couple of uh saturday two thousand days ago that it's not just about creativity it's not just about uh creative expression in the arts okay uh the creativity in the 21st century learning is about um uh looking at ideas uh in different ways uh and trying to produce something new out of it okay so being invention or innovation okay and uh of course in las vegas communication so we ended up with um the ability to express ideas i think um societal um responsibility you know um as part of this foreign uh whatever we produce know in a collaborative setup whatever we produce uh in in creation of new knowledge and uh all the innovations and inventions we ought to uh to share that to other people and uh we can only share these things you know if we are able to communicate properly or express these ideas properly and plus again on the other hand ideas grew more or develop further through proper communication that can contribute to the development of these ideas okay so imposter jambi we wrap up our september series yes our 21st century learning series catch up monday all right so we'll be giving away some leather mats for those who are uh in this sense you know uh our uh leather and apparently computers we're giving away some uh for somebody [Music] five seconds uh we will put that uh definitely you know in our lineup um uh of our webinars not technical um trainings you know for taking care of your laptop's computers online distance learning so we'll do that zombie uh for sure yeah and sir franco is a comment a gentleman was asking about evaluation link now so we would like to remind you our dear viewers number one evaluation link will be given at the end of the webinar and number two after answering the evaluation which would be our basis for preparing your certificates kindly expect your certificates to be sent to your email uh within five to seven days so make sure the input email name we've had countless experiences in the past link one more thing that we need to remember about communication especially in uh the social media um in the time of social media uh prudence and prudence would mean indeed there's no there really is no harm in correcting someone else how do you correct that person or what words do you use to correct that person descending by [Music] when we deal with our students when we deal with our co-teachers things are expressed at the right time with the proper words we can communicate better with each other success evaluation link should be more than providing things the consistency of of assistance to our teachers for our teachers always know that we're here and we will always be in assistance to uh to to you to all of you again happy teachers congratulations and i will see you again uh next time yes thank you dear teachers you're doing a great job you
Channel: Franco Nicolo Addun
Views: 9,685
Rating: 4.9640288 out of 5
Id: 9kG18pOtFOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 35sec (7055 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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