Module Making: Designing and Creating MELC-compliant Modules

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[Music] yes good afternoon I'm a gap ie I and I mean I mean um Mikasa Lita starting life comments I see friends from Batangas the Korean high school thanks nurse a gripe with Han na excite her from going sir Angelo I mean I even see places that I've never been to and thanks to technology now i but not in Silla dear viewers I know it's a weekend I know you've had a long week and sauna it is our wish that in the next hour or so Megiddo Nam sulit your hoo-ha nominal commenting commenting on us I know we can so just in case you've forgotten why you are here in this particular dive stream come upon caca pie and our goal is for today and next Saturday hopefully Matt aluminum intel with regards module making and the genome as a module making we want to be able to design and create modules that are M DLC compliant that's not we are faced with javed 19 + depois de na Kulemin you might begin at in semester giant a and of course you needn't where the sobre sobre might begin at inside us a coupon amendment irene on orders and so i'm very excited very thankful to or my two friends over here for having invited me this afternoon I hope you two are excited can upon see the Oriental Mindoro a thank you very much for watching my smartest boo city unfortunately dinkum Obama gets admin places but please please know that we are very excited and we are grateful that you decided to join us this afternoon yeah thank you sir Franco I thank you jumping for that introduction of our webinar for today so let's now meet prior speakers and moderators Peabody so we have this a Joseph Angelo scientist from the selenium ski a graduate of a film and what the visual communication na hibi diliman right now currently holds an arts publication pardonable plus al Green's midnight information literacy feature in the night school in the same school and of course yours truly from paalakollu P admin from Xavier school as a lecturer at Ateneo de Manila University and of course we also have here my co-teacher from Xavier school sir Angelo Mariani a Master of Arts in education faculty of Saviour school and upon learning leader sacrified teacher and Google's are defined and ok Authority so I think just to contextualize knew we were coming from key I think but we were going to operate you today in this webinar is a perspective from the teachers so although some of us already have administrative position so we also know that the respected but what we want to offer a now is a more but that's all eyes perspective from teachers point of view Baga I'm glad that part elegant we approach many some peach emoji linking each before the time and start some reminders lumpy so we know that let's not forget that this is a two-part webinar ok so we have a part one on July 4 this today so we'll explore module designs concepts and principles k while on part which is on July 11 2020 that's going to be a workshop in a demo workshop of module making yeah and that's how we're going to divide the the webinar key so now we have certificate for each stage if you better expect for part one no need to register by two so you are considering registering Amazon because simply a family can do the evaluation at the end of five okay but the first part is a whole different story we're going to go to details later on somebody might is about the Eastern Connecticut cleaning or receiving of certificates please take notes of this code this K ki s 0 7 0 4 2 0 2 0 you need that for your evaluation form okay so please I write up write that down take that take note of it will be asking that in the evaluation form later on so that we just make sure it confirm that you seen watch really participated in the webinar okay now fill out the evaluation obsess about 30 minutes after this webinar links will be available at our codify teacher support soon after this webinar after 30 minutes go to our page can search by your facebook gaga by teacher support okay there are 10 portals for evaluation links to chunk the evaluations that we can process them listening or this year it k if you can access one part i simply go to another portal and repeat okay okay and then only until next day or until Sunday give me ready to answer webinar related questions certificates will be sent by email and the please double check your email your if your email is wrong okay will not be able to send your certificate so as it will be processed in prep seventies we are a very small perfect now beginner page and okay so we will be managing a lot of certificate diversity and also please static know that to reserve your question so it's not lost within the thread we know that there's so many comments coming in so please say them towards the end so we could actually impacting them I said for the blue career guidance we have sir Frank oh yes very quickly love I have been scanning the live comments I wanna hear got by Yuma codes and the reminders that were mentioned earlier by a family in phenomena namaha yes we also have a slide for you yeah I'm a mama next to sharing the rating thank you very much to manage a shared experience adding a mid-weight saw us again for everyone's use a so-called open early on so we have backward all parts for this webinar first part revisiting online distance learning will be taken care of sorry jumpy understanding modularity and an EFC incurred officer Angelo and yours truly will be taking care of and then identifying module components and design principles and then after that you spend in 20 minutes for the open or room or the Q&A okay so let's not really so much of our webinar now it's let's now proceed to the first speakers yeah thank you thank you very much Franco column I am guest [Music] by sir Franco I have been asked to share with you one of parts for this afternoon how about your introduction I will set everything up come on a man young issue share say Indonesia Angela later and then after Cesar Franco he ll a facto human are concepts and principles that you need to understand but remain in any new at miss McGrath spending your money long presentation later I think readiness is self and I also hope that you already once again later if the projectile it Naumann your code that you need to remember and please enjoy your afternoon I am yes good afternoon I mean some Balam happens about this as a campus in ring Emilia will eat and be Santos at per meter kilometer high 18 on Franco at Angelo dial the beginning La Boca Raton of the Hardee's in new sir Paris 18 module being King yeah so far as a part one in a bad scenario introduction very own foundation of everything else that my other two colleagues will discuss rebellion partner ba ba McNamee to Penang Goa or personally behead koto Deena go I'd like to share within my wise hoonigan quality education and I'd like to believe that every teacher regardless public private comm preschool teacher or graduate school teacher Google nothing happens to be able to give quality education and this endeavor attendee new attempt about a diamond it's all just part of all of us wanting quality education for our learners i neva seguro now more than ever mental health I could just imagine how stressed everyone is Neelam guru Fatima Ghulam Muhammad Ali's government officials - will officinalis so it's day and everything else goes with it it's stressful already for everyone so Mahalo can focused on mental is not in Kahala mutiny mental health and we'd like to think this way we are able to help maintain good mental health finally when I was about brainstorming with Sir Franco vaca Ponyo young Kaka by he said tell agasa gusto for money have a and to be able to help teachers who will eventually help others so my hope is after this talk quick I think the adapter Islam Cedeno Selita I'm Shannon I'm a gap I surrender mama Cosma so those are my wife's ok let's first discuss concepts even on a bad guy in Hollywood guy named Ben Apatow guru school officials Ghulam even these terms are all over social media and very very possible that in the gamut at insula interchangeably or malunion congenita etc my goal here is to just simplify things so we here or I'd like to very briefly discuss with you what online learning is and then we'll also discuss remote learning that was young online distance learning and me Monica Havana Boulder and England did learn about London and I promised Hindi nothing much don't be bigger than you discussion at Anita because I am sure that in the class months you may have attended already several webinars about these four or each of these four it's like an online learning basically when we say online learning or online education we're talking about education that this internet-based in a gamete nothing you Kappa merely hang internet reminiscently caesarian if you're using the internet inside the classroom exactly next remote learning so my focus idents a term remote because um it implies physical separation you Miguel well as a classroom means an act right in guro well as a classroom physically Makaha vallecula means and say okay Motown's means an abandoned city and quite possibly even countries so remote learning hindi chaya Lanham online attendance effectors Jerome's worksheets massacres so we didn't belong hindi online during remote learning but we will acknowledge that perhaps online learning during remote learning or the use of online or internet based education chain remote learning is the easiest most efficient I can imagine even at online distance learning cognition ternoon learning in online learning so Internet based education employed because of physical separation hi and I'm the blended learning at Oleum noonim in the map in the color on am I think government in Assam in Alana's sagessa Munna monkey learning Munna Thai or online learning that I online distance learning and then put where did not and let's go back to the classroom Indians I mean II along the dare they not until vaccine is made available so basically blended learning Clint combination of internet based education in traditional classroom interactions but seen any nothing combination it can be one after the other operated in among alternating hey me Mohammad Hamid in Utah Limbaugh on human malaria you mean a BIA dealer my minimum 20 everyday open the Asura classroom or school so my DS that you attend the the traditional classroom and then there are this and it's remote learning I at the end of the day I totally don't have a Canaan why assume let's say no to stress now that you know what those concepts means you go to help in educating the others better home they use it interchangeably what time ago know what I am Admiral I look down on other people's let's all say no to stress and belong to my name's in today Saturday we wish to present to you a certain framework that will hopefully help you in crafting your modules for the upcoming school year and this framework is the adaptive design learning framework I doesn't hurt able to share with you the five principles behind this adaptive design learning I mean super nothing is going to be adaptability and do not smile and they were adaptive I will discuss that further later second asynchronous over synchronous third we have active and interactive learning tournament in Navarre go sadden forest we have the three C's of online learning and finally we have modularity say eventually now we go into the 12 crafting of your modules when we say adaptability we mean it in both design and delivery person igniting adaptability tapa flexible I am mad becau but mainieri AHA just but in Deena didn't achieve gusto nothing or you never see not and when we were planning in an AHA just right better on bottom-line it or is we want all of the learners to be able to catch up hiya Sammy Nani knotting Cali him no learner left behind I and this is despite his or her limitations limitations would include access computers access to Internet where you may access the internet or even a minim lajas in the Maroma video I will have my headset etc so the the module that should be crafted for these learners should be adaptable my gyeom adjust because again bottom line no learner left behind uh while you ah a lot of internet silicon even grade level next good year hi so you think oh nothing mahira by on o possibly BA possibly next a synchronous in toppling diamond but pronounced and then a synchronous we favor asynchronous or synchronous delivery of learnings delivery of lessons Cocina logical tidelands adding on importance of imitation stunk up in a knot in adding one time and especially if you work in a school that is outside of the city animate elegant limitations i and it would be unfair to the learners even the teachers in fact if you require them to do synchronous in examining synchronous sabi sabi KO so even if you beat your own parents in 40 minutes size and class video conferencing that's mr. lieutenant min a class video conferencing related cetera upon an alum come my name internet number well Anna or in a disconnection well Anna so our modules should save or asynchronous activities when we say asynchronous a team activities that are well planned so much so now Papa New Guinea last a learner kya Neelam in navigate even less and more in their own pace in my budget at my beliefs Kagura mariko-chan must MA it would take their time I better patio Scylla Mahara think it's a booster nothing much it not ok to talk I so learner education process Pina Malaga you ever come again learner seen on Kalama equipped gym teacher right now this one is really nothing new young active and interactive learning and even before Cole flipped at all I in the employ in the Telugu nothing at all a hint hang up the not in Telugu citing activity plans 11 whatever your lesson is it should engage the students a lemon a people Scylla debacle on may interaction among them Atmos bikini maha bua young learning if it is student-centered of course there will be times when they are not a venom lecture but you have to give them the chance meaning to find meaning to apply whatever it is that they learn for that day and cannot attend attend the technology is not the point aha Elena then or interactive journey ok Jana Gana mana interactive namaha website Cindy all right una una allen column to the math and teachers she Mahalo and computer para mugging interactive yo this one more I look at make use of the top board and because of how you present it because of the teacher himself or herself the lesson is interactive at the same time time already completed under me computer ambition internet but still it's not interactive finding over in my engage you my students right so simply put put yourselves in the shoes of the learners panna cotta tonka bean bag - element to toe how do you think will they interpret this information are they interested even I'm sorry student sent three sister from online earning very interesting you have content coach and community again just like the previous concept this is not anything new but you will notice that because we will now be employing online learning must exciting Jack must must Nikita must my beliefs about content America I'm agenda the hell online learning tie off and Thomas eating with the suhasi buzz information is everywhere information is readily available gone are the times and you need to memorize so many things even remove our pineap-- in a Lumumba and he analyzed the information that is available to you right in awhile ago young Peter mahalik apparent because teacher now act as coach you guide the learners towards with it you guide them towards the best way to use the content to apply it in their lives etc in the picture you see a young man in an older man fishing now which reminds us of you so behind give a man a fish and he will be fooled for a day or he'll be satisfied for a day paired up but I'm cool not in supported over line you have to teach that person how to fish better on his own Yanina does that diminish the role of the teacher of the coach no in fact it amplifies the role of the teacher quarantined in ago and I mean it is a kaga by maluna bajo if after today or after next Saturday in the canary diamond Maduro I say all of you then fake indignation I Nick branch out at mature road in Omaha kaguro Nino in deep so bronze a hundred ok then that would not have diminished me or us but that would have amplified the effect of what we want to happen and finally community high at all let's look at this in two parts everything that we learn or everything that we want our students to learn um should be used or they should be able to use it to improve whatever community they are meet the family the button guy I three the globe the same time I'm having this online living you have access to the enacted to to the global community Indian Elham Arabi more such last room I'm wedding to Muslim sale or a freedom of the lumen ninel alumina women a classy moon and a happily good family would say AHA do no more but you have everyone in the world well as access to Internet one more try the modularity we propose that when we prepare or developer boats we believe that the crafting of modules is really the best way or the best thing that we can do Sapna is number one it is the most convenient in yet they say hey you exhibition from they are interchangeable depending on the context and everything else and everything will still get to that creator goal it is also efficient and it is also effective in diplomacy Adam is it discuss in efficiency and effectiveness of modularity Cassini the discus was acted Franco it arena is quite convenient thank you sir John B for that particular revisiting of the online distance learning at the same time maganda Malala Paquita you adaptive design learning as a framework support wanna adding module especially looking into the adaptability a synchronous over synchronous active and interactive learning the three C's and the modularity we have to consider that at the end of the day we have really to shift because of what is happening in this time and we have to shift from lessons to our modules and that would help us understand and which vector our students so the next part hitting the nominated I don't know ready I think I win we already have the MPL sees the most essential learning competencies it's actually a way for us to look into our content dignity not in no content yachting curriculum at pignon attend come and open attend reading again the hinge I think Moodle admin engage Samara Baca to continue our discussion on motion leaking I will be discussing with you the important oddities and module pacing in engagement we are living in a vocal world Google stands for volatile with unstable challenges uncertain with unknown outcomes complex with many interconnected parts and ambiguous with lack of clarity this is the world that we are living in sadly we are also affected by the corona virus pandemic and this adds to the uncertain anxiety and an easiness of people including educators but we know for a fact that we have to continue educating our students according to UNESCO reiterating the sustainable development goals a few end education cannot wait if you learn if learning stops we will lose human capital and the reality is that we have to have to ensure the inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all despite the pandemic despite the kind of world that we are living in and so our Department of Education promotes sulo and open Eden which focuses on the quality of education that we have to give even in this time of undead and one of that program is focusing on mel0nz : 2 more essential learning competencies that is why it is important for us to undergo content auditing in order for us to decongest our curriculum I think about it our curriculum is overloaded one of the peaks and look into D congesting and auditing our content is by looking at what Larry innesford suggests the power standards the power Sanders focuses on prioritizing our content there are four things that he have mentioned first is endurance the third one thing the elastic content beyond one grade level and this concepts and skills are the ones needed in life is leverage which crossed over application with the content area and other content areas which will help us have the interdisciplinary connections third the readiness before the next level disgustin contain the prerequisite and concepts and skills and students need as they enter the new grade level or course of study the last one is also on the assessment which takes turn items required by the state national provincial college and career but I think about it I added final criterion which is relevance because in this day and age it's good to look into what is relevant to our situation if you compare that to what depth it have done with the most essential learning competencies you can see that the end focuses on the essential and the desirable we also look into the interconnectedness of topics focusing also on the prerequisite knowledge and skills importance what ESS and also to contextualize what is happening to our situation today with our students with our teachers with everyone that is experiencing this pandemic and also the world and relate those competencies to their context to where they are so if this is the process and done they look in to complement sees they try to retain if that competence is already with endurance endurance is one of the things that they have been looking into especially as the focus if it is something that the students will be able to use in life not just learn it in one please dear Anita for the other competencies they try to merge for cluster them if there are space that should not be taken into because miss admission because of our limited tape and also remove and drop or they also rephrase in order for a new with the needed competencies of students in their document in the rationality it is advantageous for students to learn the concepts and skills in the MPL sees through meaningful entities and scenarios relate the world to them and within the context of the students own Empire we have to take into consideration that this and PLC's are guides for obstacle activities relatable scenarios and within the context of our own students it would be useless if we eat something that we will not see the relevance oh so as we prepare to look into the most essential learning competencies there's a move for us to modularity from lessons to modules why because if we are doing more just one we can have the flexibility of learning for our students second we will we can group those particular competencies into meaningful chunks and lastly access people and have checkpoints or feedbacks not only as a summative means to check understand we act again but also within a lesson and in creating modules we have that flexibility we have that capability to put into checkpoints which are important the modularity but I think about it when we eat muchos there's certain things that we have to consider first is as discussed a while ago my surgeon synchronous and asynchronous which is more focused on the synchronous hideous second is the importance of understanding teaching time versus the learning time and of course class group and individual activities first on synchronous and asynchronous activities we have to consider that in this time in each in this kind of cell all we have strength the balance of synchronous because at the end of the day we have to think about the height of our splits maybe not all of them have the same capacity to have inter or because of their connection or also because form if we move towards more synchronous it will also lead to unhealthy dice and for our students and our teachers but here I'll try to suggest some synchronous activities and look into as well as synchronous activities synchronous activities they sort of diminish that can be done with the group or are done with example of which are major conferences trance collaboration and online assessments something about it I also put some materials some applications that we can utilize do in an order to have this particular activities so for video conferencing to meet through WebEx faced by Microsoft and there are many the discussion forums threads Google classroom and then click we read see some collaboration was was fun Google suits and online online assessments they go for visits these are definitely stat you can do together as glass or even in loop words during last night a synchronous activities these are activities that can be done by the individual away from the school group or away from the mountain time with the teacher some of them are recorded videos discussion boards scheduled quizzes and even collaboration for recorded video if we record our video our presentation through either those rights PowerPoint keynote and other applications we can post it too if we have a learning management system we can post it there and then the students watch it on their own time they if for example they have lacking internet they can go back heal your dysfunctional in order for them to understand discussion board those will be done outside the pass hours scheduled quizzes which can be a way for students to check that their understanding on their own or some of applications and collaboration so why again to reiterate why we are focused more on a synchronous activities because we don't want to have month but if our students as well as our interests this is the reality if we are always online it will give us that fatigue the tiredness a compared to a one-to-one where a face-to-face that's along with that synchronous activity helps in the gradual release of responsibility because at the end of the day we want our students to own learning in relation to this and when we design our modules most want to consider some time versus learning time so let's differentiate the teaching time it's more of the quantum time that each pass wheel is learning time on the other hand focus on the on mass high but it seems that there's no difference just move for it further quantum time can be synchronous or asynchronous if you have a classroom good but on an on pass time students can learn even without the teacher even if they are not online and even if they're not on stream in E that they don't have the capacity to interact with the teachers or they are online using the internet or using the different applications they can still learn this particular shift needs to happen when we do distance learning remote learning because it shifts the focus from teacher from the teacher towards students and what they want is that our students will be able to learn on their own on themselves and they'll learn and on early the last part the piece that we can consider as we designed our module is doing class group and individual first the reality is we will not have always class this version because we won in remote the signal pivots but even if that is the case we have to consider other insight bloop works and individual work in order for us to make sure that our students will learn things to consider when we try to group our activities to finish first meet them where they are look into their countenance in this day and age it is important to know the context of our students if you want them to really learn we have where they are because if we don't put everything everything that we design will not be appreciated if they were not where are the fondest personas written they can go out for example if we don't have the means to go online class activities will not if for example they have the bandwidth maybe we can have more individual activities and group activities which will not take too much of their bandwidth when sourcing so again it is important for us it is necessary to be flexible in the way we create our module to meet the needs for our students second is inclusion or connection one of the realities that we have experienced is the loss of connection and many of our students are looking for that there was even a survey that focuses on what students would really look forward to connections with the friends because this particular set up can even make them feel that they are alone so when we create our modules our activities please consider adding connection and of course ignition of the different context from ours and the last one is engagement so that we can can give it our furnace in this kind of setup where we only meet them virtually or in nominally if we will not be able to engage them then we will lose them so as we continue our creating preparing our modules let us consider one model and decongest our content to meet the needs of our students to check their context and to help them enjoy in life by preparing them for what is ahead second as we create our modules telescopes more DVDs think of the learning time of the students and consider also the different activities for the students to feel connected with one another and engage with our topic or our lessons thank you very much hi our pictures will have a few minutes here and what we're doing so please do take a break before we proceed or next part of our webinar for the meantime we invite everyone who will join us in an online discussion so we'll be posting on our screen and online discussion please do join us go to double w that meant in that form and the whole will also be shown on top of the screen during the three minutes reasons teachers in divisions sir Franco yeah interactive DVD and I think my own common words know I can delegate to the way maintain it many meters were expecting an infinite ah in a home enhance turkey actually appear it's the biggest its own force study Madame DeLeon you maybe neither you may wanna consider that for your so let's focus on the words still have a busman's I being in either be so because you know more than 500 million and participate so perhaps we just focus on three now get your own preparation I think that was the very first word in a limo bus that was tangent in young time and the other one was content content the university guru luckily had my solution and not in but ba Hoggy Hoggy nominate Oh a type of animal to do an FeO to address those things so una I'm definitely a guru in government we will not be completely ready 100% ready but we have to start anyway okay you know post them in modularity say when when you use modularity it's just a convenient system I remember running over us whether you are able to use time to your advantage and then preparation it's not very connected to what's Angela was mentioning earlier but audit Nathan and I think my competence history Papa hog a commercial Sabine Hanina overloaded naman talaga you curriculum that in some so let's focus on the most who's changed P na kama Holika okay and finally content thanks oh so now that you know that you have to audit now that you place yourselves in the shoes of your learner's hello gonna number your Nana nothing focus at all put in a mental mean Osasuna level TV service operating table is and again are you a demon a modularity allows you to prepare module promote duty and liking before you gonna go ahead and company preparing an entire curriculum for the entire year so given that it's module predict on one module unum we did one individual okay but again subbing in Sumerians means a jump in I mean Teleca would be against ask a favor that's why electives as they are really putting so much effort on helping teachers like asking how educators like us in order to not be get to this thick au pair au secours ending it is that it will not be very easy pero like what are our motto in kaga by teacher support we will we will work with you to tell Owen I'm inking Magilla had a journey online as a sheet metal in education now Segura no apparent attainment again let's now proceed the last part of this part one part of this webinar to continue the store I'm still gonna have one and welcome to our webinar again somewhere amidst element for being with us leaders at first every webinar my mr. lammeter Sir John before listing the concepts of online distance learning I think my little background yet for all of us my room as my position and then it's important and because the mood you see Omar agree would depend on the modality you're going to employ for this year again also what I miss element Angela for giving us an idea about modularity its importance and its connection to other concepts are just engagement student facing etc so I didn't make him importantly when we talk about modules a so he locate that needing modules in relation to distance learning but I think of in modules and how do we design it so we're going to talk about some design principles in creating so first I think 11 but again if I would not I will type in de visite on design principles the module and even before creating modules is that we have to look back again at El Amin come on another module because but understanding so what what what I know what modules are you will be able to create the actual or a better or a working module pasa I learned nothing from fire such an important person and I knew or origin so we know what modules up in Alaska in 1874 now Moodle stole a instruction it just pieces concept all using subject matter a toy basically part aluminum oxygen they ordered students achieve a achieved for accomplish your course key with a well-defined objective ski seguro several DS highlighting highlights at number one it's a package CBC bilko passage said concept on path as Casey resonates with the concept of completeness so come packaged and abandoned do not okay Guney mahealani Longo a non-drinker lanolin Palamon so that when mr. boot you they can actually perform whatever they need to perform a scale kilometers in the matter to 911 you sink the module you're going to design sample didn't I another cream okay so when we develop our mutual scheme second is that marathon will define objectives couple at emoji Saturn are defined by a particular objective so let's see about that but doable you must that's a bit at least opinion aside from that II that modules are basically chunks or building blocks of your subject matter so what you basically do is that we're going to go back to example in our flick obediently when we design things usually per quarter or it's not give up in a plan and I think what I'm gonna go ahead and put here entirely and for those who are teaching in the university's natural course slider per semester again so on difference in NASA modular format can is that you take your subject or you take your course key and you design it in a way to be in smaller units key that could be called or critical a module for example instead of giving an entire subject for entire year entire year or an entire quarter we give them like two to three modules per quarter that eventually Cobras the hardest part or for those were again teaching by semester to three modules per semester or even four it depends it depends on how much a mother or the course could be jumped or could be divided again she could buy like I did nothing mattered I you so transition is behind abutment transition from our what were usually doing before and what we were supposed to do now okay so popularly cannot any improve it or not yet we usually have fresh water and it's squirter has a a unit 1 unit 2 unit 3 or green diamond melanoma lesson plans are less ability or sessions for the daily etcetera okay so good initially it takes required Alicia should we scrap it less if I'd only be the measurement gonna place a modular format I don't think so I think we should build up what we have to be practical about that I say we can all start from scratch game imagine LM not even gonna hear of my development instructional materials in given the time that we have we won't be able to finish it Sabra stressed as a package instead what they suggest is to build up on my behalf this visit you have already Jason had no mana plans Emily units you let Impala keep blooms you and from that curriculum okay try to leave in okay or how you can actually convert those into your module ski so when you show a choice and okay maritime is an important question that we have to answer so pumpkin and Britney is any unit more into your module is of example the left me some uu unit one it can be emotional one before our first conversion will be development unit for a quarter is that how do I teach him anything let them entire gentlemen even I the developer one excellent instructional material before in history in summer usual turn how do I teach in our transition to modularity Indian Patent indicia how to I teach it can say well I tried anything given that we don't a discount of other students and face-to-face interaction just question how do I [Applause] engine stem first question is how do I design so let me students will learn this independent learning package so we have to think in a way that I would you will be consumed by hours to same that is that I also included into greater division your instructional material scheme you meet up with rankings presentation she graciously pleased to revisit them within your land because those could actually be that means more in case so that it could fit into our new mood of learning or move of education so calculated in step kala chana digitized boom online distance learning can or modularized remote learning and study done little Calla adding language is the limiting value is again using a mentor like beginning the monthly instance not about that it's about being practical about it because they know whatever we designed before our working instruction could actually be digitized for example American reservation until short presentation will actually run for the presentation uploaded by YouTube or in your LMS for example if you're using Google classroom and let your students watching us can hear you giving instruction right 170 course we don't recommend reading the back because we don't want our students is looking at the screen watching your video lectures million depending living in some region and then in someone to the point here Stan let's build up on something go mean technically I'm Aaron and I because we really spend on items can sleep and compliance people obstacle important in aside from those things magnetic why do we listen to music we live in space but generally women option when we chilled and only distance learning or distance approaches it's flexible and adaptable it's a 21st century at the end of course it's can allow it allows evaluation innovation in a match instead of evaluation animation so since it's junk another Junction games modeling market equivalent you without affecting the resolution you have in silicon isolate particular problem in one it is myself between the nasal and the one motivating internal team backing from this is where the working super you can click your second etc build up the second is that you skills acquired will actually perform or a politician movie so much very much and it essentially means junk while looking for that same parabola head intersecting that may be a political thinking with represented information processing and all of these things that 21st century [Music] coach present or she managed first until o+ so Muscadet leave the option between [Music] we must buy diamond Allah teaches in order to carry on online distance learning only but we also recognize the India had ago and are said to demand a lot of resources to actually carry out will online distance learning aluminium elements aluminium devices or instant connection center body full of memory computers or disable modality reason for the remote learning design an optimal pattern in your going to hinder students either printed or online the do basically reading communicate by email game or social media amongst you comedian social media and other forms kissed on a dimple enduring presence fellow without her community in example a verified were on reading comedian an LMS or learning management system to bring the students together in one space scheme but first Meredith a mom please just let me help you connect show and more divided esteem our students not in so be here at the time to carry my own online business reading or even you in the implement learning process this time we're actually going to design the by learning process so that it would work for our students so teachers now are the designers we are no longer just a users of learning process and of course McGeehan coach the entire ok we have to be there with for our students to coach them in order to develop independently ringing si Callahan in order to be successfully or to be successful in distance learning right and the first aside from the students or the teachers leave my body rolls the most in snackin dr. lococo parent highlight us upon our important roles among schools key to their teachers and all of their stakeholders so important persistence that they're hidden very strong supporters for the teachers callahan seguro directly to the cleaning ski provision for instruction materials element emergency center luckily they also should have like a very strong our student support caso Merriman like for example places or species where the students could actually call or email they have something to ask about there was something wrong about their mutual aid or the problems of the students even the permission aspect madam darina include among schools number are to support students at because even in their mother who passed by the military situation of the emergency key system stairs masochist emotional distress there's several things example you decide that you were third so I think Canada even table format better regular we standard - the first one seen the reduction in objectives submitting an email you choose our instructional packages well define objectives Allah and Mohammed Omar sergeant a what the module is for what I'd objectives at the mall you sell it big so that they quit later on reflect they have achieved objectives second one of course scale and in your experiences or activities to ensure students K so the name on our editing lesson proper monkey pendulum to activity scale Amman engaging activities as element may encourage nothing and no motive is nothing you must students nothing to actually engage to the content of the module see when we divide it to you in in our school we divide our activities into tools either an experience where in the immerse themselves the content they are exposed to the content so it could be like a simple as reading a PDF file or reading material it could be as simple as watching a video or looking at pictures etc so there now wiring and getting getting knowledge or information second is that after getting those information we ask them to take action about it applying whatever they have learned from the module listen this is a two prong approach in creating your DVD steam para osmolal MKC alone and land alone pedina Milan Co Inc again putting Milan incompatible to get a million or parasympathetic of course all of us didn't deter you assessments not in Kalama nothing Mulligan in my assessment scale of course that's the only way to check if they actually learn what they have really what they're supposed to learn key cinema indeed in an assignment earned by a reflection part is a you reflection part with acts will actually serve a lot of things key writer they could reflect on their learning process okay what's wrong but how can they improve key I say it release them in closer to knowing what to improve in themselves so they become successful independent claim status at I'm not oh no Monica it's Angela not a Hollywood star data on hard mode learning and of course we can always be there for them so they have to understand on their own and try to discover what went wrong or what went right whether he does I assume on positive things do some module denominator of course not really going to work forget me all modalities pedal Mandarin microphone feedback mechanism thank you my hero is he in Clarendon oxide Amman study coupling to move an arrow in line abandon solution when we go to the part or the workshop on July 11 abandoned be how can we still give feedback mechanism despite it being printed and lastly young additional resources we want I students to explore more little asides of the things that you've actually put in your mutually give them an option if I want to be honest what's in the food well where do I look for you what kind of resources will you ready completely in the newly expanded websites or if you want that which present predicament appendix additional resources for building materials that they can go to work on the game gives them more option especially conducting this is really interesting we'll go deeper into the community understatement part workshop part of this revenue in Atlantic moving [Music] security range and continue this tradition especially the transition [Music] Shigella are not built up innovation something we see in the next exactly so the principle is one moment please I will be engaging in will region actually in work is ready Canella environments part you please about number four is mass with the Iceland engagement very intentionally when you pass the data I'm still moving percent nothing surer than video it captures the students attention more so it's it's been it's very similar to easily let's go fish one example but community appearance I take this definition of a sign this piece of science teachers will be currently mr. Gandhi's for the Internet it is unbelievable definition of what is an intellectually to be wrong about that game included it which is between country example include as well on visualization that rather than just having one in text if we can find an image in a visualization that wants the text is provided in front of us when delicious / digest immerse oneself in plus again instead going to directly are reading the entire index for the first book in like a little entirely thanks very important in the same unliving is also in 21st century skill along balance so if we operate but what I suggest that why not use some complimentary visuals in document in understanding world retention among students in provide the difference at me when you see deep time it's basically allowing our students to go beyond the go beyond content that we represented beyond what the Moodle is intended so we invited a nucleus game text that expand expand their knowledge and understanding of the concept so when we do a deep dive even Anjali temple things one and two additional sources we had an intern component on Judaism in doing so after in presenting them to the information or knowledge individually they could actually also still look for other information in some wedding it will work in different ways in providing different resources one expanded knowledge about the concept segment develop will be of criticizing or comparing information provided in prospective Delisle it's a good time second is that application the real world diesel let's use the context of our students work and context right now the women commute in context about their being in fun things now lap down gentlemen imagine mr. Ellison began why because in two weeks the content becomes much more relatable for students and therefore they can actually buy new ways and more ways to engage in them to most relevant is a is an excellent you learning resistance installation at mr. delicious finally the last one we can also if you recall and thought-provoking questions that goes the end of it present the information something that could ask them to answer somewhere else let's give them that option or let's develop in them that desire to explore more and learn more developing the love for learning principle the basic scheme is we have to remember to structure it work independently he picks up en la Luna for those who are printing building their mood asleep Kappa you moodiness and then as mentioned in the building part when we define a module its complete package except en when the students use it it can actually use it on their own in the middle of a London to tour in La Vie lamina excessive assistance they can actually go to your module perform the task do the assessments and actually learn for the module on their own how do we do that game number one there should be clear instructions based on rewind up and Latin instructions nothing for the activities or the assessments that were clearly defined and again you go back to the position of the students you empathize with the students and see if they're going to understand your instructions game second is that we have to carefully think about developmentally appropriate activities except en Totnes balance' activists and then not too easy for them but not too difficult into corresponding to them easy for example to TC real Maggie needs a super didn't pass anyone I can East and also in she might invite the explore more you can say I'm didn't pasta perform in addition plating difficult kissing bug too difficult for funding and planning I didn't you know my gosh to to agenda mechanical assistance the variance open in invariance but but how do you go about this how to do it and we don't we want our learning scheme to be confident about themselves in doing the the learning themselves scheme security the capacity might be in a zone of optimal development now can honor than careful balance between what the students know already and what the students cannot perform so a lemon and I said it not me and we keep on that balance key but uh there's a right amount of difficulty and challenge to the students case keep moving forward but not forcing anybody right and of course K London for the support independently inclusive you access heavy sources but when we design our mutually I left nothing what kinds of resources are available for students for example some would you'd wanna click work and I'm gonna video sleep or like required can Amana online resources they can open an internet area or Mahina uncle activity among students not an or but a salon device so motive be able to develop independent learning how would it be more become more confident in themselves if they can actually access the resources you're asking them to access so dominating conscious Tyler hey the last one is again a bit of a challenge given I think it's something that we have to really think about I say you concept feedback mechanism animation to the sir Angela very early but I'd like to emphasize several things about the game and why it's important put in inner module skills once that it validate and it validates and evaluated place or providing treat of mechanism we can set up checkpoints in order to validate the learning process if it's working and evaluate if the motion is working and again being a module and didn't I'm going to snap a chunk in module 8 so we can easily see if it's working ok the field of mechanism also allows us to align and realign learning objective screen I said through feedback mechanism the hidden Atenco gonna go work but now a new module it's a wireless sensor are synchronously approaching their own learning we have to keep unchecking the alignment parallel even if they're on their own tsk and we make sure buddy noting that they're grooving to the direction the learning objectives person and last one support students learning process key when we have a feedback mechanism when we send feedback to our students it actually allows them to to validate their learning get to develop confidence a toppling cannot go back on our Tama propelling cannot go home so that that could actually help our students can continue moving forward with the virtual scale but I didn't know anybody again we have to be there for them to poach them if they're doing right or if they're going to the right direction that we want to bring 7 important principle security no module design system Platinum to keep the components the principles of design ski and all the things we've talked about so far we're going to apply all of this when we do our workshop on July 11 this'll do not me I'll play together with or alongside with the structure provided by an ELC or the most essential learning competence is set by the Cu in identity how do we take all of this key that we planted a into that okay so be ready with a workshop type webinar on July 11 and cigarette along discuss to close this this part of the webinar instead have to remember in a nepali modality the modality may have changed but but the goal of education remains centered on empowering the students k so don't willy type out buddy so when we do our module design while it will entice our students not that we think of them we put them on the center of our planning and designing and creating so that whatever module we're going to create we're sure it's actually going to work for them because we we consider them in the design and creation process okay so thank you so much for having selamat or for listening on this party will now proceed directly to the question and answer so like Thank You teachers okay it's not even diving and in a gang I mean life's at night and then dominican problemas it's something we did not we understand here individual and it's the rain that's causing the audit to to be not audible for all of you K but what we're going to do I promise to all of you is that one we're going to be upload all of these presentations is our recorded presentations so we'll have a different playlist in the YouTube in our YouTube channel you can check that out maybe a little tonight when we upload all of them so since its recorded it's not affected by the ring so it should not it should be audible you can usually should be able to hear them so now let's proceed now with some questions and in taking some questions so please do indulge us packing like a polite number of questions no well an equivalent so my reading the poonam in Marina Gina pukani and elegant along quotes chat box not a question and we'll leave we'll we'll post them and we'll try to answer them as much faster but okay so renaming address Vienna be aware London you have questions about application that will also be answered in our part 2 for the workshop okay so let's pick some questions even re salamat po thank you so much for being with us here at soccer Sobran and impatience no no mala teachers thank you so much sir for being fundamental teachers reality check not in yoga Pacific online distance learning value and current dynamometer class in activities we will encounter unexpected things like this and as teachers we should be be prepared for that and I think that we know man which is a stress coming upon the better Sabeena mean Shigella and the language and si anyway for a summer nothing and we will not give up on this okay so yeah ii mean i novotna mr. Omega PI how I saw questions who think upon the real examine where I mean we're having salamat info hey Cesar well you're looking for questions Nintendo sateen are coming you know that means have any sir Franco of course good I personally I'd like to see you cool Antoninus a blessing in this place just take me to realize now that can happen in fact that will happen that can happen have a bum synchronous mommy aah mommy are you and that's why very important concept adaptability okay so chubby ba base and a girl in Dougal not in Mullen so gallant because flashing interference Angelo in was discussing his fire ants opinion at Cerrejon bidam domion athenaeus include a synchronous activities net you might be the great acquire non video conferencing like this or streaming like this it's save by asana getting banned sadness in telegram Bob Eugen Langen etc okay so paradigm first question of ignatow no panic wobbly defeating the gamma mu qu Angelo aha sir from course at think or no validity I am looking at validity as something anyway now panel a team I ensure acacia for punish women and [Music] working to La Casa I always go to that perspective now at this point we don't know you say Goomba and the Iowa we're all going towards an unknown so that particular we are open to if there are things that we have to change if there are things in Hindi that would work if there are things now Highland palate man for example yeah a synchronous asynchronous car that was wiggling the car no problemo hopefully maritai young a plan and that makes I think the module won't do anything linking invalid they say at this point my here up to be in a violet I say it will work but definitely we don't know if it will work hopefully it will work you know we have been combined revelation a pin until eating a nap in Campania Maggie Ginn okay so mama batta Terrapin and Donna means and like ba ba gua Purina so I think the flexibility of our module should be one of our priorities to make it valid in that particular sense yes sir take me somewhere I miss a llama I am be with sir Angela and - I'm on that P teachers that's like a Nina one of the principles of module making is alignment I so i'ma make sure nothing in the first place no dial it you know I think maybe movement some designing process alignment making assessments no matting a peaceful learning objectives not anything and after we've designed the muchos our next step nothing to validate you you move you're not gonna move work besides to do your feedback mechanism okay one piece of mechanism would be a student feedback or pending human assessments Lamanna students napping I say so jumpy say Angela no assessments for example he didn't work okay laughing field or Amina go I ain't us there's something wrong about your usual no fine so make questionable name valid it in a movie nothing they say that but it should work for the project is the pivot is down to the Cessna hey so next question attend they don't we I think order sent us when we look at the M in any LC circuit and pinna unchallenged nagging I wish we actually parts of I totally get a better overview instabuilder in me yes sir okay I mean sorry sorry may just happiness engine better teachers potential a psychedelic a certain it is that how do we look at the end and how do we fit back in them to go into me take a session play especially for those in the public so much of a lament compliant I semi and C can it actually be mid-june client I have a compliant is an ELC so let me jury requirement opinion okay so you're doing I think guidelines yet no no no no Moo juice not and for our workshop on our next on the second part of this actually compliance naman does not mean kingdom on accordingly adjust so whether ready motion we adjust for as long as the essence is there to do i'm suggestion : tip but just make sure that your modules are aligned any else's but in Moreno Valley distillation you you all the ways well a command I also started to meet the any else's pinnacle at i/o 1900 the revolution he wanted to start lon okay have the any LCS as your goal at the end that was every time you move on to a next part of your module well you can bring him here see Joseph at Papa mythical not William M ELC - eNOS are good or Baja new male past a novel it dooms I sense a Loompa or do things assessment Pelican male amiable in a Cisco based on the MDL sees so Cobham so gonna happen will happen developers in government not in and sample modules of themselves any else assumed Alabama the guides are and not just from the matches at the beginning pero throughout the whole process Foundation and mojo making very quick answer long and well I'm definitely long prescribed number of pages pedophile and saguru in terms of like length movie shot and eating anything you must attend dinner I can we go back to our students the users of new movies for example if it's a great ones too that we don't give them like a hundred page smooth okay so the movie should be developmentally appropriate that in terms plenty so quick and say didn't learn please do like our page ACOG a by teacher support key will be posting all the materials you're going to need for part two because there will be documents will be giving you the templates that we're going to use so that when you do the workshop you actually moving to create module movie in the workshop sorry Google it's a nice material and instead after the part 2 we're going to create what we call a shared folder we're going to pull in all possible resources all the movies are we going to have G from alright on our end as well that piling that go and it'll be sharing it into say Baba Rama GaN Eden and magna carta loom entire again we go back to the point now codify where each other's companion as a pandemic that company so he Nicola Nicola Mohican album Parker I don't share the guerrillas two questions that I know we don't want to prolong it for eternity how are we supposed to Basin energy in the subjects too easy and can be caught for a day or Union McGee challenge net and when we think of muniqi so when you create your building blocks your chunk see envision based on topics you so Kyle and Abhishek on a particular cohesive team for example so what what binds nice topic together thanks for example and a really good example that means a tsunami right now so tsunami right now we divided the year into thirds case we have three term escape so the first term maranatha in the level module based on module Navin is one on nationalism and second is one on conflict so the hat man peace nationalism we put it under one module I say you know making an amine Chungking nah man okay so do not go beyond the topics Casablanca topic but in Kiowa Indian igloo it's a muchos along and mending ties idnum it's a building block that it's that it's fern let's bound by some play a common theme or common characteristics and topics okay Kaneesha poor things yeah number one let's just be careful when we say that the topic is too easy bahaha say it's easy for us it's easy for the teacher that are not necessarily for the students so let's just take that into consideration impossibility name that was if it turns out elegant model a gets Camilla after one session after two sections but I mean among possibilities to make it more meaningful for the learners number one values integration my own political goons happened young good manners in red canyon e-way the monuments on the backs of salat and salam subjects ANOVA integration allegory on Nikita namaste aunty young interconnectivity subject movie their subjects bah-bah-bah Madalena in the analyst a subject more and must maintain Anthony Lane other subjects because of that integration and third a challenge more mana a student in a man okay so each other's mouselina how would you explain this to someone else or how would you if you were the teacher how would you teach this to someone else you'd be surprised maraming mana brilliant idea Samana bata so how how they prefer not approach him certain topics etc so but but now damn it move my lips now it will just make it more meaningful for them yes secure last question at I know so many teachers no we we don't have enough time to actually in taking all the questions but Sakura and I are part two we'll begin with a continuation this forum of in volume but we get to answer most of your questions okay so that's no no no I think I gained the top question atop from really Alice how can make it interactive and engaging considering the inclusive access to resources if now these internet students a few things Sabrina can you define an engagement I can point to Sir John de caminha in the technology in point nothing okay so LM not and I was engaging a particular technology based instruction at an all-male technology integration KLM Marilyn cutting ways to go around it okay without using technology and again I'm singular we can put it into details particular again we go back at idea now when you design your modules by the Cardinal it's a empathizing with your students who entered on aluminum perspective naman students more how will I as a student engaged in this one time okay so whatever you're studying whatever your your bbooing key you put it from the students perspective so you would know if it actually will work where will work or if they would interact or engage with it so you know it's it's not really the technology you have to ask yourself to tournament the tournament they really are engaged but internet or technology in igloos happen parent anon bucket what makes the internet engaging for them so maganda seguro then the subpoena olan meaning that I personally make you tell from Femina there are things like visual yes visual Kassim enduring it so you have to make your less on this one that was a Marin pal malaga malaga see internet feedback yes the correspond signal response is just a civilian car got so Kinnaman young new activity more nod and selena immediate feedback but delivering but technology yes through pero que l'on the technology lung in the you know it's it's the thing they're into today and there are many other things that the students are interested about nowadays so yes you know ii animal your new essence no internet and we can thank you for the comment from one of the viewers known the Fellig enough not know prolong young webinar in a can for today but will will do something about it again it's our first time so we're working yes retain to sort out the issue but we hope that we invite things to you and that we were able to help you and we promise to improve and our next part and and future webinar ski will experience a better will have a better experience for this webinar okay so saguru last another nothing before it before we end some reminders ski [Music] okay so again once again for your certificate request or if you if you want to get your certificate don't forget this code and go to our PHP I got my teacher support to access the the evaluation link see there are multiple open links of these access any of them be ready to answer somewhere in a related question see if we despite the audiobook that the vishwas will still had did help you them to to gain some information certificates will be sent by an email okay so you should receive it by a via email make sure to double check your emails we've got before bound here emails bounced back to us because the emails are wrong so it will be very hard to trace you if it's you entered a wrong email okay list X not forget know our our certificate distribution and generation system runs automatically so we do not get to check if you're in place right or wrong okay awesome tickets will be processed within five to seven days least wait we have a very small part we're a growing community do like our channel Revenue Code Opia revenue color are doing our Facebook page alga by teaching support our wonderful speakers after Angelo has a blog site so Christos do also check man okay okay so and also please do not forget our part two we're going to have the workshop part for the mood unity okay so maraming salamat again teachers and I will see you okay inner page and in our next webinar
Channel: Franco Nicolo Addun
Views: 144,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pUkkzGxxQVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 30sec (7650 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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