JANUARY SERIES | Adaptive Education: Assessments in the Virtual Learning Environment

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[Music] yes [Music] all right [Music] is yes [Music] uh [Music] [Music] this body [Music] this is [Music] is yes [Music] dj from this party [Music] this [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] hey diane good morning good morning uh sir jamie uh january uh hopefully our teachers are uh i don't know well awake now uh also i know it's a it's a morning it's a saturday atlanta and i know our teachers are tired and exhausted for so many ways in so many ways we thank you uh for being with us today and um today uh sir jambino uh will be um our um um we'll be looking at uh assessments okay so um um not so much assessment pero seguro when do you know if your assessment is um appropriate is the right one [Applause] if if it tests really what you intended to test so uh heavily accordion [Applause] goals okay now well yeah to begin with once you have those goals your assessment the path heavily anchored on that and that is the only time number 11 type of assessment i say otherwise you might you might be testing other things [Music] more learning modality you know how do we ensure for example assessments that actually measure learning for example the students are online for example okay so how do we go about that how do we design assessments that uh will uh yield uh results to measure learning or to help um improvement in student learning despite our step up and young pagus our assessments into our new setup or uh norm or shift to education okay so you guys are um but i'm starting just like always no uh let's just first give our usual reminders to our uh okay they're going to uh get their certificates because that's usually uh one of our questions or the one of the questions i think i got okay so for today teachers don't forget that this webinar will have an evaluation link at the end of the training or the the session okay so that's going to be around 11 45 to 12 p.m that's supposedly what time we're going to finish and after answering the evaluation your certificates will be sent to you by email in five to seven days okay so um emails no no need for um websites or um um google drive so please do not forget not to make sure or to check before clicking that submit button in our google form evaluation later okay go go go say jump whenever you answer the evaluation links we ask for certain personal information like your full name email address [Music] [Applause] i would like to believe that those are also properly disposed right after deep company we're we're protecting your data privacy at all times okay um now uh our session for the day is free foreign uh i have always been seeing no uh redirection or nearly direct video nathan to another website please do not follow those websites because our our videos are always free to be uh replayed are reviewed in our youtube channel that's all i think uh facebook facebook page okay website teachers okay that's more so well [Music] already starting a live chat good morning sir jim boy fernandez for the data privacy and salaam and served before um very important very important for all of us if i'm not mistaken good morning from cebu institute of technology university hello hello no no no no man [Music] actually we've been giving another request already so excited watching from santa rosa laguna excited to learn from the seminar doctor was wow so former student dr soto so we're excited um any dr bro [Music] good morning everyone watching from bagumbayan central elementary school bagumbayan sultan kudarat division [Music] [Music] box that in itself is uh i know a separate webinar chat box so yeah active share learn okay a uh thank you thank you for good morning for watching from sdo pacific city santa lucia high school um time to uh introduce our speaker for today sure sure again glasses don't fail me now so i under kagafi is my honor to present to you to introduce to you our speaker for this morning who will be talking about adaptive education assessments in the virtual learning environment so she graduated with an abbse with major in natural science at saint scholasticas college she acquired her ma in science and math education at the philippine normal university and her phd in research and evaluation at the university of the philippines she was a former or she was a faculty member of savior's school and ateneo de manila university and has served in different various positions she has authored and coordinated textbooks in mathematics science language and even let review books in various occasions she has served as a resource speaker facilitator of workshops on educational leadership tests and measurement educational research mathematics art of questioning science processes and strategies she has also actively engaged in different national and international educational conferences as a presenter and speaker good morning and very happy to be with you today i hope that uh he'll be choppy because i'm receiving some much happiness in the in the audio but anyway i'm very happy to be with you today and i saw from the chat box that our reach is not not only national but international as well so we have some people from china and other places joining taking care of my grandchildren i have retired from the ateneo because my husband got sick and he passed away last year he had cancer of the bile duct so now i'm keeping myself busy with i have twin grandsons who were born last august 25 a month after my husband passed away so i've retired from the ateneo because i wanted to be with my husband on a 24 7 kind of thing and i think it was a very good decision because he passed away three months after he was diagnosed with cancer but anyway so i'm basically doing my apostolate yes the university of san agustin to give us talk last december center for educational measurement which i which all which always invites you when it comes to research and assessments also contacted me and saying mom let's do some podcast or some webinars about assessment so i think um that will be my advocacy in my spare time to teach and share my experiences with teachers when it comes to assessment research and other forms of elimination yes and we're glad not to be part of this uh advocacy event so um again now we we can now start um so uh we'd love for today and we'll be at the background and to also participate in your discussion for today and okay so for this morning uh we have uh more or less two hours we'll start with the review of what assessment is all about because i was you know we think we know assessment but when you look at the curriculum that education students go through there's only one course in assessment an assessment is a very important and integral part of the teaching learning process so we would like to review uh what we know about assessment and maybe try to rethink our assessment in the virtual learning environment okay so um before uh the pandemic uh the lockdown started uh i was teaching at the ateneo and i did a very short survey an informal survey of what people think about assessment so i i asked parents i asked students next slide please i ask students i ask parents and also i ask teachers and what did the parents say about assessment so i just gave them a a completion kind of thing so the assessment is and they have to complete it and most of the parents said next slide please that assessment is tests and examinations because siguro from the past and from what their theirs their children say from their own experiences and from the experiences narrated by their children assessment is uh seen as just composed of tests and examinations and i think basically that's what our concept of assessment is all about what about the students the students were also asked um these are high school and college students which received that question assessment is and many of them said tests and examinations but a few of them said the following next slide please assessment is a form of punishment and and i said uh why why is that so i had to follow up the question and say what is that why is it perceived as a form of punishment maybe because in the past in the elementary or high school or even in the college uh years when they're unruly or not paying attention the teacher says okay you did not do your homework you're very noisy you get a whole sheet of paper we're going to have a test so they look at assessment as a form of punishment so between uh saying i'm going to give a five item quiz and uh maybe read 20 pages of a book they'd rather do the reading of the 20 pages than take the five item quiz because they have that in their system that assessment is a form of punishment what about teachers teachers were also asked and teachers said varied answers because the ones that i asked um so this is a class since you did not do your assignment will have a test so maybe i don't know if you're guilty of that as a teacher or or you had that experience as a student okay so let's go to what teachers say about assessment so the teachers that i uh surveyed are my students and therefore they're more serious okay so they say assessment is a way of diagnosing students strengths and weaknesses which is correct we do assessment because we want to find out what is it that they know and what is it that they already know so that i can move on what is it that they still need to be able to do or need to be able to know so that we can achieve the objective result so that's one of the common answers of the teachers what are the other answers of the teachers they said it's a way of monitoring students academic progress and i was very happy with that answer because um [Music] more recently there was a lot of attention given to what we call formative assessment and this is really about monitoring whether students are progressing so we're not talking about academic excellence here we're talking about academic progress and therefore when we remove the word excellence academic excellence it the pressure on the part of the students and also on the part of the teachers kind of is minimized because when you say academic excellence i don't know no more room for error no more room for movement but when you say academic progress there's always room for improvement and that that also means that mistakes will be there but mistakes are okay because we will try to learn from our mistakes and i like this because in the past after when i was a student and we do our recitation and you give a wrong answer the teacher always says okay who can help cornelia or who can help franco and therefore it it's it's it becomes um a little bit traumatic for students to be evaluated and to be helped by by the classmates or by colleagues because it seems to say you do not have the ability you do not have the capacity to do the objective that i have said for today and so on so when we say academic progress it's i think it's much better to to talk of academic progress than academic excellence because as we said academic progress seems to be achievable it's looking at the academics in bite-sized pieces instead of the ideal of excellence where there is no room for error or no room for um mistakes okay so this is another answer of the teachers another one is they also said well um administrators look at the results of exams and tests to find out if teachers are effective so if the students are able especially if the school has a departmental kind of exams where the individual teacher does not know what will come out in the test then it is good to look at the results of the test to find out what are the skills that teachers have been emphasizing and what are the skills the teachers have overlooked and therefore have have not been tackled have not been talked about in the classroom so determining whether the teacher is effective is also one reason why we do assessment and that's why it's also stressful for the teachers when you talk of assessment they'd rather do activities activities rather than evaluation and assessment okay some other teachers say well it's a way of assigning or giving greed because we want to we want to inform our public the parents the students the community at large the kind of education that we're giving our students so it's a way of assigning or giving grades that's and the last one i think is it's a way of reporting to school administrators if the class or the teacher is effective similar to the other one if the teacher is effective and the next one is it's reporting to the public if the school is effective which is why many schools universities and the tertiary the higher education institutes usually they have a large a lot of carpoolings on the walls of their campuses that say 100 passing in the whatever it is the left congratulations and so on or top one our bar top notcher or number one in the cpa board exams because it is saying to the public that the school is doing what it's supposed to do which is to educate which is to train their students to become useful citizens outside of the four walls of the classroom so that's what you call uh the halo effect you want to show all these accomplishments to your public as a result of the assessment to tell them that you are affecting that you are a good school and therefore you send your students to us because we are a good school we are efficient we are effective and we will do wonders with your children okay and then of course uh one or two mention this assessment is a classroom management strategy and i i thought when i was a young teacher and i was at saver school did i use tests to discipline the class and i think yes i think in my younger days um i did that when the class is unruly you have all boys 40 screaming moving boys they all look alike they're all maputi chinito mataba and you don't know who's causing the noise then you say okay i'm going to give a quiz everybody keeps quiet especially if it's a math quiz or maybe a science quiz where it's very technical and they cannot you know they can they cannot block their way through the tests okay so it's sometimes used as a classroom management strategy which uh sana hinde okay so if you do not behave i will give a test that's what teacher says so block in 2014 uh black and his associates is the american educator who did a meta-analysis of all kinds of research regarding evaluation and testing and huey and his team wanted to find out do tests improve achievement and he said that one of his one of his greatest findings is that formative assessment is the one that improves achievement it's not something so we'll talk about formative and summative later of course you know already what it is but we will talk about it more lengthy so he says that assessment is integral to the teaching learning process but its role has always been distorted because uh because you know when you use it as a management classroom management strategy you use it as a purity thing you use it to assign grades and stop there and do not look at what else can be done with the data that we have at hand so so now it's especially now that we're doing more virtual and digital teaching learning the concepts or the things that we have known about assessment needs to be need to be examined so close in last year wrote an article about the thinking assessment in the virtual classroom and he said you will have to retake the closed book closed note assessments that we are very familiar with and then of course we will have to receive individual assessment as against team assessment or group assessment or maybe diet or triad or quad quarter assessment and then different forms of feedback in the past um our feedback will consist mostly of in the lower grades they have all this uh all this uh well done uh good job and so on and they have all these stump pads which they put on the children's hands or even in their foreheads they have all the stars and good job and so on so usually that's a form of feedback that they give in the lower grades in the elementary they have maybe still stars but your feedback will be the when you return the test paper or when you return the sit work or when you return the homework that the students have submitted to you and usually the feedback will be very good excellent well done and so on so now they're saying our feedback will have to be not only immediate but it has also to be specific so you don't just say well done what is well done what did the student what did the student do that's very good and what is it that the student needs to do better so it has to be very specific to the task and that is um more so more important in the virtual classroom because you are not there face to face and you do not really see what the student is doing your student might be under the table or going to the bathroom and so on and suddenly he's not on the screen anymore so the the feedback will have to be more specific and we have to be more contingent to the task okay so we'll talk about that later as we go along and then of course your different assessment delivery tools so it used to be just paper and pencil and sometimes the once in a while um project or maybe experiment that we asked our students to do in science they call it the investigatory project or investigator problem solving and so on okay so let's go back to your close book and close note assessment because um because you have two two basic kinds of tests you have your formative test and you have your summative tests and your formative tests are your homework set work the ones which we call fixing the skills the activities that we give our students so that they can fix the skills they can master the skills and therefore these are low stakes because the students know they are not going to be graded and if they will be graded they know that it is not a big part of their grade and so on so you're so they're saying now that we have to do more formative tests and to be able to do formative tests well and maybe even summative later we will have first to develop or establish a culture of honesty in in the classroom or in the in our virtual classroom to so you will have to explain to your students that um this activity will be will tell me how much you know and how much you still don't know and so on or maybe there's a grade you say five out of five or six out of ten but you would have to tell them that if it's formative usually it's not supposed to be included in the grid because it's still formatting it's still in the developmental process you're still teaching and the students are still learning and therefore they're still in the process of achieving the objective and therefore it is not a summative kind of thing you do not maybe you grade it but you do not record it or you do not include it in their final assessment okay and therefore when you explain that to the students that this is for me to find out what is it that you know and what is it that you still need to know and to develop uh a culture in your virtual classroom of i don't need to cheat i don't need to look this up to answer teachers questions i don't need to buy a book i don't need to download anything so that you will first publish a culture of i don't need to cheat and later on i don't want to cheat and you can only do this if you will explain it to the students and show them that the formative things that you're asking them to do the formative assessments that you're asking them to do the activities that you're asking them to do whether it's synchronous or asynchronous is part of the learning process and therefore if you give a grade or you give a number it will still not impact on the final grade that they will have for the summative assessment and hopefully through the days with the weeks they will see the value to that and they will not need to you know to they can ask they can download but they know that they're doing it because they want to learn it's not because they want to give the correct answer to the item the teacher gave okay so these two are very different things so and we know for a fact that we want to trust our students but if you're not there the opportunity for for doing other things will be present and therefore bakada culture is important the culture of honesty is important and therefore that's why you will have to say to emphasize academic progress rather than academic excellence it's i think it's part of uh and then to to emphasize the importance of effort rather than talent i always tell this as a math teacher many parents come to me and say oh mom and i want to dissuade you from saying that because it's a reading they are skill subjects and skill subjects can be learned and if it can it's just like basketball basketball so we will have to maybe praise effort even in our feedback praise effort rather than the grade that you did very well in this because you you exerted a lot of effort not because you are truly intelligent that is the talent model as opposed to the effort model an effort is a great equalizer so your development of the culture in your virtual classroom you will have to talk about effort being valued more than talent is a god-given thing it's fatalistic if you're good in math you would say in math but if you say that's fatalistic parents say you're ready not to accept 75 and 76 but when you can do better if you if you just exert a little bit more of yourself okay so that's part of the development of the culture of honesty in the classroom so that you can you can focus on the formative activities and the formative assessments that you give your students and know that they will do the activities because they want to learn because they want to progress not because they want to get a good dream okay and that might be difficult it will take a long time but i think it bears uh repeating in your class or in your virtual class that you value effort more than you value talent okay so that's the first one so close book and close note assessment they can always google they can always ask their mom or their dad or whoever is the adult in the in the in the surroundings so in maybe and therefore maybe instead of individual assessments we will have to also everything aside from individual assessment backup wedding team pair dial so that you will have less things to check or maybe a group okay so then also when you do uh individual assessment we're very used to that but when you do group assessment or team assessment the the question is am i giving the appropriate grade to boy a to student a of team one or two student b of team one how do i know what grade to give each individual student because each individual student contributes differently to the task okay so we will talk about that so you will have to think uh aside from teacher evaluation or teacher assigning of grades you will have to include self-evaluation when it comes to your activities and also spear evaluation and then you combine all three to validate each other to validate one another whether the grade that you're you think of giving is the appropriate way based on the self-evaluation and the peer evaluation of the tv okay we'll talk about that more in detail as we go along so the forms of feedback as we said they're saying when you say excellent very good awesome fascinating wonderful etc they're nice to hear but if that's the only one that you're saying the students stop listening to it because it does not mean anything but so your feedback must be more specific so you say for example after reading their paragraphs or so or their expos expository essay then you say the conventions of the language are good you have good subject verb agreement good tenses good use of the mechanics punctuation cell application etc but maybe you can develop the idea further by the by putting more details by putting more support and so on so your feedback should be more specific and it is doable and then you give the students a chance to redo their work academic progress and when they you give it when they give it back to you then you look at whether they were able to follow the feedback that you gave so feedback to be effective must be as we said immediate i know i know this is a problem because we have a lot of things to do as teachers i used to i remember when i was um the assistant headmaster in the ateneo were 350 teachers in the grade school so i go around on weekend on a friday afternoon and i see the teachers packing up their things and putting all the bundled test papers uh essay papers paragraphs papa and then a lot of problems to be solved and so on and putting them in their bags and the monday morning when they come back and they say mom hindi i know you know we teachers we are always optimistic we always say you don't see it but it's in your laptop it's in your hard drive and so on all the things are in your hard drive so then you you can have more time and it will take you more time to give more specific and more contingent feedback to your students so as we said feedback be effective must be immediate so sana when the students submit their work able to give feedback one or two days after sana but i know that there are still a lot of things that we need to attend to so it must be immediate and the other one is must be specific so it must tell the student what they're good at must tell the students what they need to improve on not only study harder or do better or fail and so on so the feedback must be more specific and so that it will be more effective okay so these are the assessment delivery tools we'll just go through them very quickly because i know you are more techie than i am i'm a boomer and i'm just a tourist when it comes to technology i just go there and i really need to go to it okay so so your assessment delivery tools will be maybe hard or soft copies of whatever so as much as possible we try to capitalize on digital resources because there's a lot of them around a lot of platforms a lot of learning management systems but when you look at your assessment i hope that it will be authentic okay when when we say authentic what do we mean we mean we focus on objectives that are valued outside of the four roles of the classroom okay as a math teacher and as a former math coordinator i tell my teachers you focus on problem solving i say that's what's important but when i look at the tests that they do poorest computations put in and they only have maybe two or three problems to solve and so they're we're only giving lip service to the importance of problem solving which is really the more important objective or goal of math education but when you look at the test it's all computations and one or two problems to solve so certainly what is it telling our students it's telling the students it's not true that problem solving is important computation is still important but computation can be done by a computer it can be done by your calculator all your cell phones all your smartphones and calculators in them it can be done by that and therefore becomes important if the math teachers will explain why this algorithm works and therefore nothing because we are the ones who develop these machines and so on so we will have to look at your tests that you give your students the summative tests that you give your students a formative test that you give your students if you're saying problem solving is the goal of math education you should have a lot of problems to solve and that is why when i look at the grade 3 grade 4 grade 5 lesson plans of the masters they're all about long division for four months all about long division you tell me i'm 68 years old i never had to do long division except when i was in grade 3 grade 4 and grade 5 but outside that was when i was 9 10 and 11 years old after that i did not need to do long division in my adult life i never needed to do long division but teachers spend a lot of time asking the students to do loan dedication but is that authentic so that's what we mean by authenticity it's a skill that you develop so that they will be productive and useful citizens in the world outside of the virtual classroom so make it authentic so another one will be many teachers and i see this because i checked their lesson plans i checked their exams and so on many of the teachers use their experience as the context of their tests indiana inauthentic as far as the students are concerned the lower grades but as far as our students are concerned they're no longer authentic they're no longer useful that's not their context it's not their reality um also lowering this back lowering acetylene write the figure that is related to the following dinner plate oh the answer key of the teacher is circle what did some of the students write square oblong why because now your dinner plates they frequent tokyo tokyo or whatever japanese restaurant there is and the plates are not usually square are not usually round they can be of different shapes so that's what i mean by authenticity you do not use your context as the context for the activities and also as the context for the tests because the students will find it difficult because they cannot relate to it okay so you will have to use their experiences and so context so that it will be meaningful okay so that's what my authenticity so you will we will use the students environment and the students experiences so it's a fishing village to tell them that there is a whole wide world outside that's very different from this village but to use it in your test they will not be able to relate to it okay saying and then of course um more collaboration and i think that's already expected they collaborate with their classmates they collaborate with the teacher they collaborate with the adult at home or their their their tutor if they they're still a tutor a virtual tutor or something okay so these are both for formative and summative tools okay let's go to so your so as we said we will not go very deeply into the different delivery assessment tools because you're more at home with it than i am okay so let's just let me just emphasize that um when we do uh assessment your assessment must be aligned with your objectives i read the curriculum and that your assessment must be aligned with your strategies or methodologies with the experiences that the student you may the students go through in the class okay so that there will be more learning that will take place okay next slide please so that's our goal that they will be they will have a job after school that companies will hire them because they have the necessary and important skills for the 21st century okay so we have the same goal the home as well as the school that's my grandson okay let's please forgive me okay let's just review the properties of assessment okay so we have validity that's uh one of the most important properties of a good assessment instrument okay so it's i think um i don't know if it's from or the other one who mentioned validity but what is validity it is when you measure what you're supposed to measure okay so when you look at the validity you're looking at the results of the tests okay when you're looking at the properties of assessment usually you look at the assessment results you do not maybe you will look at the questions later but you first look at the assessment results you find out how they were not able to answer this okay so maybe because maybe because it was not taught okay so validity what are the factors that affect the liberty teaching learning process okay what's the objective of the teacher for giving the test if test tomorrow without any discussion without any input for her from her or from me there's a test after the a new a new material what will be the what will be the the skills that will be tested history a social studies class read uh chapter five test tomorrow so during the test what what is a teacher measuring it's not about history but the teacher is mentoring it's about reading comprehension and therefore the test is not valid if you're the reading teacher if you're the reading teacher okay because you're measuring reading skills but if you're the adeline panipunan teacher hey mom i just want to find out if they read the story oh if you want to find out if they read the story maybe not a test maybe you just say summarize the chapter or maybe you say uh write the 10 advantages or the 10 benefits or the 10 contributions of the ming dynasty to civilization or something but to give a test without the teaching is a valid because you might be measuring some other skill that you did not intend to measure okay so that can affect the validity of your test results the directions also affect the validity of your test so for example which is why in all standardized tests it's usually multiple choice but there's always an example so that the students will not misinterpret what the direction says okay so for example i i was observing this class um i think grade one or grade two and that in the and the teacher gave a set work a summative test rather at the end of the period and in the direction she says there box the letter of the correct answer she collected the papers and she narrated it after so after she collected the papers she found that there was a boy who did not write anything on the test paper okay and so she put in along my bachelor so she gave uh she gave the boy uh an emoji in tears tears crying crying because it's is not afraid of the teacher teacher why did you give me a crying figure why did you give me a she was saying i boxed and i boxed but you did not see it okay so maybe the student is more familiar with ring or inserter the correct letter the let the correct answer inside the box maybe he was watching manny pacquiao or something and so he boxed so the teacher gave him another chance no no i met put in a box and she showed an example and so the boy got the paper back and he got perfect he got 10 out of 10. so your directions must be also clear okay don't just say matching time period multiple choice period what are the students supposed to do if it's matching type write the letter draw a line if it's multiple choice and circle under line write the letter write the word i don't know so you will have to be specific also in your directions and and now uh we'll talk about later universal designs of tests what machado maramings in the sabes are directions the shorter and the more direct to the point the better you do not want to confuse the child because it might have impact on the validity of the test so allah i've seen a lot of tests where the teacher writes read the problem carefully think about it logically blah blah blah blah blah blah solve and show your solutions it it took that student maybe half a minute to read read the problem carefully think about it logically just say answer the following problem solve the following problem show your solutions or encircle your final answer or something okay so make it more direct more specific and then the shorter the better if you have a choice between um endeavor and try you say try if you have a choice between examination and test use test because it's simpler it's more direct and the students will already know what it is okay so you do not assume anything especially in the directions because they might they might um they might not understand or they they might be coming from a different background as we said they're context mathematician so your direction will affect the validity of your tests the teaching if you thought at all will affect the validity of your test and of course the content of the test item okay so so you will have to look at the the test results to find out what i get and maybe because they misunderstood your directions or they misunderstood your item but in the final analysis your your test item must measure the objective that you set out to measure at the beginning okay and therefore um you will have to look again at your learning learning objectives or your standards your performance standards and so on so for example very very simple example your objective is to write capital letters for the students will be able to write capital letters but your test is encircle the capital letter for the following letters oh that is not valid because your objective is to write but what are you asking the students too much or to recognize which is more authentic to recognize or to write template to write because that is when they will use capital letters and small letters so you will have to look at your test also does it match my objective our problem uh as an when i was a young teacher i used to teach science in savory school and i looked at you know with teachers we owe our our old lesson plans and our old tests so when i look back at my old test i found that all my tests are about content but i keep on harping about processes science processes are more important because they don't get obsolete and so on but when i look at my tests they're all about content and therefore what does it tell my students processes are not important content is more important okay so you also look at your you will have to make sure that your test items match your objective okay so that's uh for validity the second one is reliability reliability means dependability or consistency of the test results okay so you do the talk of reliability when it comes to formative assessment we talk of these characteristics only for the summative tests okay because in informative assessment you give your students uh an opportunity to do their work because you're talking about academic progress so these properties that we're talking about here are really about properties for properties for summative or for grading when you want to assign a grade because of the examination or the test that you gave your students okay so reliability will be um consistency of the test results okay and usually what will affect reliability when your test is very long it's more reliable when your test is locked now because we're not we're doing more performance object performance tasks and we're doing more authentic tasks your problem with reliability is not on the results of the project but on the way the teachers will look at the rubric okay so the reliability there will be are they interpreting the scoring rubric similarly and therefore this teacher is more generous by nature he gives everybody 50 out of 50. this teacher might be less generous and she or he will give the students 40 out of 50 all the time even if the work is really excellent so the reliability in your in your authentic assessment in your performance based assessment will be on the reliability of the scoring rubric not the reliability of the results because because in performance assessment you give the students a chance to be creative for as long as they're able to show the skills or demonstrate the skills and the product might be different from each other okay so that is reliability so like um iq tests are always unreliable because they're very long like i've taken three or four iq tests in my lifetime and in by the fourth time improving it's still superior it's still the same okay because it's supposed to be reliable in your iq test and you're not able to remember all the items you're only able to remember that there are math there are logical listening there are comprehension items and so on okay so we'll talk about the reliability of your scoring rubric later when we talk about performance assessments okay the third one is fairness your test must be fair and what do we mean by fairness i thought this is again i am embarking again on context okay so when you do a test when you give a test especially a summative test it must be fair it must all students must go through the same conditions okay unless you have special children and so on and therefore what else um there must not be some bias because that will not be fair to people for example um i remember this um many years ago i think two decades ago when i was in my 40s um i forgot my epitaph bayern sent me a letter asking me to write some items in math for uh the not the national achievement test okay so they gave me a table of specifications so i followed it and then i submitted it after one month they wrote me a letter and they said uh dr soto your we have received your paper and they're all good except for we have um two suggestions about two items and so i said oh see what what are they so the first one was about um pork a kilogram of that a kilogram of work costs pesos if i buy two and a half kilos and i paid 500 pesos how much change will i get or something to that effect and so i said osigi what seems to be the problem in this item and they said mom the item is okay but the pork is the one that's not okay and i said because muslim brothers in the south they will not answer that question not because they don't know how to solve it but because there is support and they will feel very dirty about answering something that's about what oh so that's not fair that's not fair as far as we are concerned our muslim brothers okay so you change more to cheek and parama safe or fish okay and so on and the other one is about a pizza it's a box of pizza etc and they said pizza but maybe now they're still not connected to the internet so okay so that's what we mean by fairness that the some people or some of your clients will not feel stressed or different or they're being alluded to when you write your when they read your items okay so that's fairness and that they're given enough the second one is that they're given enough time to learn the content okay in the face-to-face classroom not not skin especially among math teachers they they lecture they show examples they ask the students to go to the board and then towards the end of the period they give a quiz fixing the skill don't give a quiz maybe tomorrow so that they can do their homework you know they have time to incubate they have time to digest the material before you give a summative test okay so i think that's part of fairness that you give them enough time so when you give your students projects or authentic assessments or performance based assessments do you tell them do you give them enough time okay do you find out you have to talk to the other teachers the science teacher has given a project the math teacher is given a project the english teacher is given a project the filipino teacher is given a project the social studies teacher is given a project if in the catholic so the cle teacher has given up a project everybody's giving a project and the student has no time but it's not fair for them okay so that's what we mean by fairness okay is it fair to tell them what the content of the test is going to be about that it lessens the anxiety for the test if they know what the test is all about can you give tests or surprise tests put in the money mastermind you tell them at the start of the year i give surprise quizzes so you have to be ready whether it's virtual or face to face but if you're a very metaphorical person like me i always announce quiz number one tomorrow quiz number two etc then suddenly i give a quiz it becomes a classroom management or a purity of exercise for them and that is not fair okay so you will have to tell them that i give surprise pieces whether it's virtual or in your blended classroom okay next number four is impact what's impact what is the effect of the test on the students okay the effect should be that they will commit because they will know what is it that they can do and what is it that they cannot do and impact also on the teacher because the teacher will know i indicated and therefore maybe i will have to reteach so that is the effect of the test results on the teacher and also on the students and maybe on the guardian because now a lot of the students have their parents up also at home and they're able to monitor their their sons and daughters as well okay and the last one will be the use of resources okay so yeah you're that you give them the opportunity to use resources because um they will be able to answer your questions or to answer your test by using the different resources that are available to them maybe that is your what your test is all about not the content because the content you can always google so these are now the five important properties of summative assessments of examinations or tests that are meant for greetings okay so let's go to the next slide so these are the modern perspectives and classroom assessment i think they have not changed since 2014 even if it's seven years ago so now um there's still um there's a focus on summative assessment we cannot do away with it because we want to tell our parents we want to tell our principal we want to tell our community our public what we are able to accomplish whether we are able to accomplish the goals of the different subjects that we're teaching that we're making the students uh develop the skills that they need to be productive and to be a useful citizens in the world so summative assessment will still be there so your summative assessment will be assessment that you give at the end of a teaching period or a it can be a day it can be a week it can be a quarter it can be a semester or it can be a whole year when you give an achievement test and so on so summative test is sometimes called assessment of learning because you want to find out what tests the students learn not have the students like and then the second one is formative assessment i think you know that that's all for mati from the root word form it the the students are still in the process of learning you're still teaching so it is developmental in nature so as we said we talk of academic progress here and not academic excellence so black has a very often quoted sentence about it he says the difference between formative assessment and summative assessment is similar to a chef and a broth so when the chef tastes the broth or the soup that is formative assessment because he can still do something about it he can add more water add more salt add more condiments or add more spices but then the customer eats the soup that is summative assessment because you cannot do anything about it it's already done okay so that summative information then of course you know what performance based assessment is so it's assessment where the students show a skill demonstrate a skill or when the students do a product so all writing exercises like when you ask them to write a paragraph write an essay write a short story write a play these are all performance based because writing is of writing asks them to apply all the things all the rules all the conventions of the language that they have learned and then also the content so it's performance based okay so it can be a product like when you ask them to do a diorama or a poster or an advertisement about a new product or a song or a program in their computer class or like a one-page newsletter and so on so this is performance-based and then you have authentic assessment we have mentioned that a while ago we'll end after this authentic assessment is when you assess using assess a skill that is similar to what they will need outside of the four walls of the class of your virtual classroom so it's authentic because it is a scale that's needed not only in the virtual classroom but also outside of the classroom okay so all authentic assessments are performance-based but not all performance-based are authentic some of them are make-believe okay so then you have standard base standards-based assessments if you look at the grading system now of deb ed it's standards based so you say proficient approaching proficiency very proficient beginning proficiency and so on so you have a criterion you set a criterion of mastery and when the students reach that then you say he is already proficient in this skill okay so that's timeline space and then you have the universal test design the universal test designs started we copied it from the field of architecture and engineering in the 19 in 1970 there was an architect by the name of ron mace from north carolina he was in charge of approving building permits in the state of north carolina so he moves from county to county checking on the structural blah blah strength of buildings and whether the buildings follow the guidelines set by the north carolina state and in his trips he noticed that most of the buildings are not accessible to people with disabilities now we call them people who are differently able so this is wrong all buildings must be accessible to everybody so he said it must be universally accessible so it must be universally accessible to all so he suggested he wrote a new set of guidelines so he said there should be ramps for people with wheelchairs and so on and if it's more than if it's five stories and above there should already be an elevator and so on so that is universal universal design in architecture are of buildings and then the different disciplines started to adapt the universal design of things and in education we adopted it by doing it in our test so our tests must be accessible to all kinds of students whether they are your your abled students or your differently abled students okay so this is your universal design and some of the suggestions will be the you should not crowd your test so should it should be 50 percent black and two percent white don't put them all together anyway even if you use so many slides the cost will be the same okay so that's universal test design and then the for directions as i said a while ago make it short make it simple make it direct and the third one is accommodate accommodate the different able students so if you have a student who's visually impaired and you don't give him a test you read the test to him so maybe by changing the procedure but the content of the test is still the same okay so i think it's 11 25. [Music] so we have a break and then we will continue after maybe 15 minutes thank you frank will take it away uh actually dr soto and uh it will be um our time to entertain some of the comments and uh feedback now our questions our audience and actually doctor south if you can see uh very live i think live chat sharing and um personal experiences um so teachers if you have questions or clarifications you might want to ask now uh dr soto about um your your questions okay uh [Music] uh see dr soto is not really presenting anything that we never knew before when we were attending our edu courses but it's it's really nice to just be reminded of these things that was the whole time now parang uh i i feel i know blessed about this webinar it's it's like you were given the chance to sit down for two hours with the most senior member of your i know of your school tapas experiences and questions i think i know no actually puro i know about food phrases like um i think dr soto thank you for this webinar all the teachers doctors for today uh although dr soto we um given our time our time constraint um so we'll see how we can um um for our presentation for today our teacher made assessments for validity and reliability we are preparing at least five summative assessments perfect as i said um are you talking about it really depends on your administrators because everything is new and therefore you need to look at your test items and see whether their body validity okay how can you address the question of validity show to somebody before you give the test to your students actually or maybe in your emoji show somebody so that somebody who's also in that field he or she might have an insight when he goes through your items i mean this one is the directions are not very clear so it's always good to show it to somebody if um i i know you're supposed to submit it to your principal or to your or i don't know now in the digital learning environment if you're still if you still do that and then so have somebody check on the best so that you ensure the validity at least of the content of it but as we said um you really thought of validity in terms of the results okay so you look at the results of your test and find out okay um maybe we'll just wait for um and dr soto your audio is not a clear so far i think there's a connection problem setting curriculums adding instruction etc even measuring vis-a-vis other components of your education to be able to measure validity and reliability okay well yes dr [Music] this webinar in particular gave everyone a chance to reflect yes during the time of the pandemic [Music] for example my google for education tools netanyahu google sites google slides google documents latin can uh facilitate collaborative learning um set uh collaborative learning uh despite uh being on a virtually uh or in a virtual setting as an example if they can begin a document they can edit all together they work on the same essay or they can work on the same slides and maganda for example in history contribution must engage authentic collaborations at a distance learning setup so very very possible uh all the siguro pinakan challenge if um distance by a messenger okay so depending on your modality also decreases your your ability not to facilitate or it makes it harder to facilitate collaborative learning but it's in no way in hindi possible it's always possible give your input give your give things that you do in your schools [Applause] yes yeah we'll just um wait again we'll see so uh sir jambi um maybe we could um um again entertain some more other questions while we're waiting for um sir um does doing item analysis or is it an effective way of assessing the validity and reliability of assessment in this kind of teaching modality authentic learning like providing context providing situation performance based assessments um 11 is a distance learning modality okay okay okay um let's uh invite again let's check oh i think we can hear you clearly [Music] [Music] internet how [Music] [Applause] [Music] um maybe just maybe it it also has something to do with how we perceive assessment with how we perceive tests we use tests or we use quizzes for various reasons imagine are classroom management strategies that we use to a certain extent are greeted most if not many are actually designed to test how much you know how much help you need but how much support you need to a certain extent because of our experience growing up because of our school experience very negative assessments less negative maybe even more positive tests assessments um it's it's the words that we use how we use them how we say them uh when we say them uh okay class um effort to make tests and assessments uh not something to be feared or phone call yes i had a session last thursday and like in some big small teachers we have to change the culture on how uh students per assessment assessments are uh i don't know loaded by uh by judgments for example for example uh you're you're like um you're 20 out of 45 so what does it mean another green student this is a 20 out of 45. so you have to give them as and um something to do after they receive the result so that the test becomes more like having a doctor's auto formative uh because you name the formative assessments no uh helps our students um develop learning more or independent learning okay parent reflection um is let's value effort over talent when it comes to assessment can we highlight that one from the other way around yes correct so we'll have to be consistent in sahaja yogis okay so let's uh give the floor back to uh doctors to continue her discussion um all other teachers know just a heads up maybe we'll be extending a little bit for dr soto to discuss as much as she can for me have a pain discussion although i think dr soto will try to shorten it for us this afternoon dr soto hi dr soto your audio i think your microphone we can still hear you dr soto foreign let's just wait um for doctor soto's audio to come in yeah well upper input dr soto yes i think it has something to do with the earphones dr soto you might want to remove that it's not coming we'll just wait for dr soto signal to stabilize them yeah now if they ever teachers know um if ever this morning's uh session foreign about how this can become her new advocacy especially during her spare time [Applause] you know into distance learning to um technology integration etc during distance training because of the our setup so yeah and um okay we'll sir jambi uh we'll just um see something again and help dr sota in the backstage sure i observed that they copied the answers in the key answers at the end of their modules that is a reality that we in uh that we have to know we we have to face and we have to say look for creative ways look for creative ways to address [Music] [Applause] [Music] last week i'm a game problem okay so jan um alberto youtube channel me dr soto we'll see how we can go about that so um [Music] training other teachers um supervising other teachers and in so many ways no professors etc so um she had served a lot so she's actually enjoying her time already so but then we'll just see many times the doctors actually um venture into uh youtube no um next youtube sensation okay yes yes so we'll sip on a webinar for um for uh parents no uh we will facilitate one gay maybe four for the parents and so but teachers so we'll have to ask for your support facilities we'll have to invite you'll have to invite your parents all teachers although we'd like to invite parents uh education um um [Music] so distance learning modality in terms of like uh use of technology so uh that that shows us what we still need to do okay and that's why we're going to continue this um suggestion on the parents so that will definitely uh be part of our most likely february series not into my imparting february series nathan so we'll see but again teachers we ask for your help for the parents we'll have to ask you to invite your parents to gather your parents um so that we can all help them um [Music] young way of thinking uh the the parents are our partners yes i know we're not on opposing sides yes home school collaboration more than ever we've been trying we've been working on that for the longest time now but since uh small benefit and distance learning now i realized nothing not only about grrr it's about all about responsibility um tips and techniques um on distance learning for their kids managing um online classes okay so we'll just put it all together uh possibly get um three to four speakers now for our parents correct yes i'm sure many of our teacher parents would agree on parenthood whenever you wear your parents yes we will know we'll uh try to facilitate that to offer this to um give some reminders first okay again uh we'll be giving your evaluation link already since um uh we're almost half in a minute to the uh discussion i think i'm in the time input for today okay um so we'll be giving you evaluation link and please make sure to um accomplish it okay uh to be able to receive your certificates okay make sure to uh check your data your names um all the things that you have your emails because that will be used to deliver and to create your um your certificates okay and please do give us around five to seven days okay um things are already also getting busy in some other aspects of our lives say john b and i so please do give us five to seven days to be able to deliver your uh certificates to you okay i will be delivered by your email um so no need to search for websites or download anything we'll be uh sending it directly to your email address okay all right so sir jamie i think we're now ready now um we'll still be entertaining some questions okay um um if needed no but we'll be giving them their evaluation uh link already okay um but before we do that okay we'll just still see uh if uh we can still invite doctors or to back now for something guru and um assessments in a virtual learning environment okay we'll just do a uh interview with dr soto okay i think dr shot is trying to enter using a different device so we'll see about that okay for the meantime teachers uh while we're at it no um here's your evaluation already also sir jambi and i will be staying to discuss other things now uh if [Applause] i have yet to receive my certificate last webinar yes if that's the case for example number one check your spam folder okay because we're sending uh hundreds and thousands of certificates in a given times and usually don't attack tiny gmail as uh spam the gmail uh but uh if for example in putin just send us an email to agape teacher support we usually reply them in one to two days depending on our schedule and we send you directly your certificates if we validate that you indeed provided an evaluation okay so my database as as mentioned by sir jampino we get to have we'd receive your evaluations okay yes okay we'll uh take note of some other suggestion okay um just um send us a message and we'll uh send it to your email okay how to implement skill based subjects so distance learning aye sir louis do check our i know may series webinar on um a specific subject areas okay skill based subjects as distance learning um massive webinar with breakout sessions we didn't even uh can't remember now we pulled it off we did no uh [Music] addre how to respond no you'll have to change how they view assessments they do that there's like my stigma and failings assessment okay how we know that it's i know it's taken on a very negative um feel for us [Applause] it's in yes yourselves how we approach assessment snipe adding copy and paste acting assessments from our traditional setup going to our distance learning setup and as we always reminded you teachers known mr we have to learn all of these things now how we design assessments okay for distance learning because this is our future you know um possibly distance learning is uh the direction we're heading in terms of education might not be full online every time but we're definitely going to see a hybrid um set that combines maybe a face-to-face setup and uh yes i need learning but we've been pushing we've been moving towards distance learning every um decades now uh prior to the pandemic yes it was misari yes concept it was a webinar we gave last i think september when we had uh developing in interactive lessons for distance learning so again tina lampard is adding youtube channel um okay okay um questions okay sister eric uh uh presentation that she prepared for all of us okay yes okay we'll do um we'll uh assist no uh dr soto to um to be able to continue her advocacy okay so um teachers i think we can um safely end here um and we thank you once again for being with us okay uh please do continue if you haven't done your evaluation it's uh http uh slash january series p3 but i mean evaluate so um i think it's working uh safe to say that's working okay we always do check that okay and again the evaluation will last up to monday yeah 8 pm okay we always extensor jambino teaches are busy not all of us in the community are right are here right now no so um we give them opportunity to still evaluate and um watch the replay guess with us and just just in case very specific concerns uh you know what to where to email agape or for the teachers because i keep a sir jumping i keep an account for my students so students lose a personal account artista usually the browser blocks the the i don't know the bitly extension browser um and have a nice lunch and good afternoon to everyone you
Channel: Franco Nicolo Addun
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Id: cP3tFfRiFDM
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Length: 133min 30sec (8010 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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