Optimizing Distance Learning Using Zoom, Google Meet and MS Teams Meeting

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okay you you you you good afternoon teachers and again welcome to our webinar for today so for today uh we this is actually a part uh sir john big afternoon um also good afternoon franco afternoons uh uh again today uh we'll take a different role for today uh we will not be the ones uh giving you the input for today i think that's a quite a relief for for both of us but also to help us understand about this topic okay so um sir jambi um may you like in what would you like to introduce to us today and what will be the topic of our webinar for today so just like what sir franco mentioned earlier uh we have a very exciting topic this afternoon we've chosen experts i mean we could have probably given you a presentation ourselves pero ayo natin we invited experts an old girl line up yeah and very exciting and an old girl lineup who will be presenting to us and we're sending actual module printing kit soon okay so select apply i think uh module printing kits projects we'll be looking at the video conferencing tools or to enhance our distance learning or to optimize union title and adding a webinar for today is to optimize distance learning especially in the aspect of uh synchronous sessions all right during the the question and answer yeah excited okay so um yes definitely you know so please teachers if you have questions about our webinar for today please do research them during our question and answer because there's a tendency you know sometimes when we post them right away it gets lost especially [Music] let's reserve it later um around around 3 30 to 3 45 that's going to be the time we're going to have our question and answer okay so actually franco if i may just uh share um again the time that we are having our q a is number one you get to focus on the presentations and number two more often than not eventually massage presentation and then we'll we'll have time later to hopefully uh be able to respond to to uh feature and have your questions answered okay uh and siguro we're getting particularly no uh introducing girl power line of port so we have an coincidence so uh hurry and uh to all our female viewers um so p antopo girl power hashtag girl power okay so maybe we could start by introducing um them so we have um three speakers for today we have miss gonzalez and uh from saver school okay and miss uh mary joy a villarreal science and technology high school and we have miss jessica s adon faculty of assumption antipolo okay so each one of them will be taking on one video conferencing tool okay so and again uh say john we know just like what we always tell our teachers our viewers uh perhaps the best thing that we can offer is that these teachers these speakers are coming from the ground that they're not only experts on their topics or fields but also they're actually practicing it so very important to us today okay so let's now uh with our first um speaker for today uh uh miss jira gina rose gonzalez from saver school um recently um she uh had a viral post on uh about zoom on creating um or navigating in zoom so that actually reached around 3 000 shares via facebook so i think most of our teachers now or we have a lot of teachers now most probably you've heard about or you've seen miss gia gonzalez or um popularly known in our school is there sir zombie as miss monzi is a teacher yes or for your classes to understand how to use zoom right so now let's um move on to the presentation of uh miss gia on good afternoon everyone welcome to satin webinar for today entitled optimizing distance learning okay using different apps so for this afternoon i'll be sharing about zoom my name is guia rose gonzalez i'm from xavier school san juan so i've been teaching for almost six years and i graduated from the university of the philippines dilemma a bachelor of secondary education i'm teaching currently this school year poha started is last march i started with a free account and then um so today um there will be different categories so nato so i'm using loom we might want to check it out after you put zoom in okay [Music] 750 to 800 per month [Music] your [Music] but team participants video for attendance checking very important okay type both and then allowed to join before you say class [Music] [Music] [Music] meeting options mute participants upon foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] okay okay we will proceed with other matters [Music] that's a chat [Music] available is foreign [Music] [Music] it is a chat box anytime so we're going for everyone in the [Music] what's your email again okay so it's privately foreign [Music] when [Music] is [Music] channels messenger grouping or gc so it told me 7 english [Music] meetings [Music] okay so that's another way of utilizing this um zuma okay so let's begin um i'll share and this is um how it will look like a bug cell phone yeah so play store search [Music] um so enable waiting room but then do not allow join before host add to calendar yes okay so now i'm putting options and so on philippines so let's stick to singapore yeah so afternoon okay okay and then after we'll proceed with uh what you're seeing so share screenamental and share screen tables different things zoom so i'll just say hi everyone [Music] [Music] using your ipad okay so that's it there you go ayan so put it in a homework create now meeting using my ipad right now i'm showing you the data consumption of zoom so this is from the facebook account of earthshaker per hour it costs 120 pesos per hour so 27 to 120 one limited to internet new id good okay but if you're using data only 120 pesos per hour but i am using uh and um 999 per month the smart enough 130 gig so imagine every day my zoom meeting support usually on average now is four to five hours you 130 gig pune on hindi actually 20 to 30 gigabytes classes okay so i'll stop sharing this part so my important important details that you need to know about zoom hopefully asynchronous during distance learning so wedding you meet new zealand for first 20 minutes stop smack share the instructions and then you let them work on the tasks um within that day okay so thank you paul for listening that ends our simple walkthrough of zoom so if you have questions please prepare them for pharmaceutical later during our question and answer portion but if you want to reach out to me personally you can connect with me through these um social media apps so first i'm showing you my email by deployment give me a second as a gmail and then you can also message me via facebook instagram if you want to follow me so sometimes i share um tips about zoom okay and also you can follow my youtube account so most of the videos there are travel and then live lessons and then hopefully this time i'd like to end with this bible verse okay i know that most of you are familiar with this there is a time for everything for me to grow okay not just in teaching but also in learning because i believe as teachers we should always be student of life every day okay so that's it for thank you so much and i'll see you all later yes her first time uh going live going into a webinar okay so uh learning and um um familiarizing herself uh format some webinars each of the three that we're going to discuss to the uh cigar very important to uh highlight sir franco now we're doing this not to pit zoom against google me like to present to all of you these three video conferencing tools for your consideration uh bahamas we always want to be as inclusive as uh as possible uh we don't like to focus on just one and uh like give it to our teachers okay but what we're doing is uh to allow our teachers to choose uh which format which tools they're going to use because um in best position to actually choose for example once a week okay so you know mentioning miss monsie earlier now 120 pesos one hour um actually your video conferencing should not last one hour 45 minutes and then the rest of the task for that session or class should be asynchronous um uh again we'll provide you with more options and tools so anything else uh sir jambi to uh add before time moves adding a second um uh speaker all right well this is not necessarily about zoom pero it it got me into thinking i i like how our title is now optimizing distance learning distance learning we're not talking about video conferencing only okay so the these video conferencing tools snap in a percentage tools asynchronous activities and in fact during the module right shops we were encouraging everyone he prioritized nothing prioritizing asynchronous activities okay so i think we have to move on now and uh but first let's meet our um speaker for this session so we have miss mary joy a villarreal uh faculty of akaloka national science and technology high school um uh sharon is a founder and some page which i really suggest to everyone to please visit um a youtube channel teach knowledgey ph available um uh before i started uh giving webinars in our agave support actually i was a speaker in their own facebook page so please uh do do check it out sobring gender input programs and list of uh webinars for the teachers okay so um again let's not keep our audience waiting and let's now proceed to our um second topic for today so good afternoon everyone to all our dear participants i hope that you are all well while you are watching this um webinar session provided by kagapai and thank you so much for attending this webinar even though there are a lot of webinar sessions scheduled during weekdays or weekends you still choose to stay tuned here so for today i'm glad that i have this opportunity to share with you an online platform provided by google so i know that most of you are already familiar with what we call google me i'm glad and i'm excited to share about google meet which is very relevant and useful nowadays especially that most of our transactions are being done through online most of our communications and coordinations are done through different online platforms that's why this topic is very timely so today i will be starting with the basic parts of it and the interface of it then i hope i could share more about the different extensions that we can use so that we can maximize the utilization of this online platform so let's start so when we say google me this is actually a video communication service provided by google so let's try to check this table my gmail.com um limitation on our maximum limit on a 100 participants if you are hosting a meeting a maximum of 100 participants on that meeting well if you are using g suite education or g suite basic ganondon 100 but if you have g suite essentials or g suite business type of account you can invite up to 150 parties in france on the g suite enterprise essentials g suite enterprise or g suite enterprise for education for example punito so a maximum punion a250 an example of this account is um the account that is being used by public school teachers use a deaf ed you know that ph we can actually invite up to 250 participants using our dependent account so um he maximize let's try to maximize the use of it and comparing the time limit procession on google meet again if you are using your personal or non g suite account the maximum number of minutes that you can have is 60 minutes or one hour but this will take effect on october 1 2020. uh hung on september 30 you are still allowed to have a meeting per session uh to have to have 24 hours per session while after september 30 that is october 1 you can only be allowed to have a maximum of one hour per session and if you are using g6 essentials or g suite enterprise essentials as a type of account then you can actually hold up to 300 hours which will take effect on october 1 as well 24 hours per session so let me share my entire screen so that we can explore the different parts of it yeah so now you you can see now my entire screen so in this meeting i am the only participant so the different parts of a google me are this microphone of course that is for the audio if you want to speak it should look like this but if you want to mute and pano banatin um next one is turning on and turning off the camera so another shortcut node just simply now you option you are presenting yeah so maritime options about when you are asked to present is it the entire screen as of now entire screen one window for example um facebook [Music] the presentation controls the larger portion on your screen and then that and then the participants will just be on the side or you can also choose to see 16 of your participants for example you are more than 10 so 16 participants okay but we know that we also use different platforms and sometimes we would feel limited so there is what we call extensions so let's begin with the google chrome extensions [Music] if you are um meeting them if you are teaching them because they will have the chance to react on what you are saying for example they can react we simply visit google chrome extensions so i'll show you how to do that so search style google chrome web store and google chrome web store okay split google chrome web store and then here on this tab search tab search nothing not on first extension so this one not the options for google me click add to chrome or harimbawa the student treats his or her hand using this icon take note or let's say you will appreciate this more if both the host and then the user are using this extension but i would suggest that if you are having your online classes you would really use this so you go to a part of your orientation then on your online classes that your students must install this not reaction so that it will be easier for you to recognize their reaction or maybe to recognize if they are raising their hand before they can turn on their mic express online class routine will be waiting for the teacher to recognize him or her before he or she can speak on a recognizement and the grace that han young student then that's the time that you will call him or her um microphone or whether in a man um um respond through this emoji so i hope you would um use this extension for your online classes so let me show you an example of an online session where in the participants and also the host have installed an added extension from from web store which we call nod or not reactions and let's see how will they use it okay is there any question from our discussion but enjoy okay we saw that patricia or pat has raised her hand thank you so much for attending our meeting see you next time pat and joy okay you're wavering thank you so much bye okay second extension that we can use to maximize google me is what we call meet attendance [Music] wait for it to be downloaded and installed [Music] what's good thing about meet attendance is that you can monitor not only the name of the participants but even the accounts that they are using the email addresses that they are using and so [Music] [Music] so that meet attendance will generate this the google sheet that would contain the attendance in your meeting so for example attendance let's say for example okay let's say for example nag time stamp [Music] so it's also a good way for a good practice that when you are having your online classes you would set a guideline during your orientation so that your students must use their real name and you have the database of the main account that they are using the email address especially if your school doesn't have the g suite package no um it will be helpful for you and it will also be safe for you as the online teacher to have this monitoring sheet registered email address to avoid some problems in the future because i also have this friend they already started their online classes people almost a month now and they are using online platforms such this and she has encountered a problem a few days ago because um there was an outsider who joined their virtual class and unfortunately big long represent you outside during tapos um the presentation was not good and she's handling high school during that class so lat [Music] um because the link for that meeting was only shared to her students on that particular class so security system so most likely so it's also something like testing the teacher testing the teachers um class routine guidelines classroom management even though we are already in the regular classroom so to avoid future problems such that um i would suggest and i would recommend that you have your monitoring sheet for the attendance using this extension meet attendant especially if you are using google me as your platform for your online classes and you have that database so when they are joining [Music] [Music] online classroom so that is meet attendance then the third extension that we can use to be paired with google meet is what we call the push the top extension and exploring or unmute now here we are using a hotkey which is the space bar to mute and unmute mute and unmute a click icon so space very long table what i'm going to do is i'm not holding any mouse and i am not also using the touch pad of my laptop i'm not going to spacebar now i simply press and then the last extension for google need would be helpful if you have to show if you don't have um dual monitor and you have to use two different windows at the time while you are conducting a meeting we can use this what we call dual less so the fourth extension and the last extension that we will be using for this webinar is dual list yes so search general linear dual list so dual list is used to split the window so for example in all my options and open so that is dual less okay so that's the end of my session today regarding google me i hope that i was able to import something new and may all the sharings that we have now can be applied soon during our distance learning um i'm so grateful to have this opportunity to share with my co-educators and also to some parents and students who are watching now so see you next time of course recorded and unfortunately hindi i think question and answer for today but uh don't worry uh we'll be more than glad to answer your questions i think uh uh both of us okay and i are our google meet users okay so put my questions later for google me uh doing the question answer we'll be answering that for you uh on behalf of uh miss joy for today okay so um one hour and twenty minutes so i think we'll just have to take a short break uh before we move on to our last party resource okay because uh to compete no see video conferencing tool option so that's what would be after the break so maraming salama teachers i will see you in five minutes ok or optimizing distance learning using zoom google meet and ms teams meetings i think our next one is equally powerful because sparsha and what we call the microsoft learning system i believe nama dominguez microsoft 365 this year video conferencing tool okay so many people have only been talking about zoom google me because you [Music] and based on the many things that i've heard very exciting very exciting it on ms teams meeting so i'm excited for this third part of our webinar i think uh speaker [Music] um so for our third part uh viewers okay we're now going to our last uh part of this webinar ms teams meeting and uh we are glad to have um miss just misses jessica and s adon so faculty at assumption antipolo teaching for 15 years so they've been using and we'll be using microsoft 365 for this year okay so exploring an ms teams meeting [Music] jinky adon um i am teaching in assumption antipolo um i've been teaching for 15 years already [Music] [Music] now microsoft 365. so i think two school years back so school year 2018 2019 um um [Music] teams microsoft uh [Music] desktops or laptops microsoft [Music] mac oscar puerto [Music] microsoft teams inside the ms teams and events video conferencing tools microsoft teams meeting before we go to the actual demo let's try to look at the different plans and that microsoft has to offer so at the point www.microsoft.com and then get office 3653 for your entire school so bastapo account [Music] no commitment necessary free account and only difference is that the download absolutely different office apps and the different services through the browser no so outlook excel onenote word powerpoint and then among the different services so let's sign up now start uh by signing in so vega meeting sign in [Music] and then option to download the desktop app and stay better connected [Music] go [Music] [Music] um browser and desktop app so it's a browser option to turn video on or off and then click neon meet now you can of course add subject and so on okay and then click meet now okay and then pass up into ahusa team press team and so instead of clicking meet i am going to choose uh the arrow down option to schedule a meeting so new meetings test meeting [Music] [Music] ago copy until 10 o'clock 30 minutes but you can mention extent now this option does not repeat for the motion going customize [Music] time my costume no so repeat option one day and then end date occurring meetings later we are going to talk about the ms teams meeting and then send it successfully meeting so instead of going inside there um left side and then new meeting and then we drop down option four schedule meeting and then live event meeting schedule meeting same process [Music] um so daily starting 7 25 9 30 to 10 o'clock meeting vito [Music] let's say let's join members nothing no no and so let's join the test meeting at the untest meeting with miss jinky at the point title then my option didn't shut to add new nope on backgrounds uh mike we can test the mic on mute it or unmute it so in this case um [Music] okay now add a room to your meeting to use its sound and video systems and audio of prevent echo when there's already an active mic and speaker in the room go in yeah and then of course the toggle for the camera the mic then my option to share so let's see let's click on that and i have an option to share a desktop to share a specific window mug sharing on white board and then freehand okay so mama nothing began an example so we see here uh different settings you know that we can uh use we have show device settings speakers microphones and then even camera and then we also have the show meeting notes so on show meeting notes is [Music] for the students to answer and then they can also write here or puederin new section let's say per group inputs and then uh this meeting notes section magikita nothing as a view notes tab okay so if i click the view notes tab again turning on live captions so for live captions this is useful especially when you do recordings but um the the system can only recognize of course english no so if you turn on live captions and then you speak in filipino or maybe you sometimes interchange in english or in filipino [Music] so let's be mindful when we do turn turn this on okay next um start recording and start recording option ongoing meeting start recording again so i'm gonna you're recording you're recording this meeting be sure to let everyone know that they are being recorded and then the privacy policy so we can just dismiss that okay and then the students will also get a notice okay that the teacher has started the recording and you will know that the recording is ongoing so we will just um as we continue on with our um discussion of the different parts so turn off incoming videos yeah turn which is good now when you start the meeting okay so next katabhipunang adding more options i and raise your hand so you yeah so if i will let my students raise their hands as well oh yeah so uh see margot grace nanghan and and then of course you can just lower the hand after if nakalimu so now let's see the grace so let's say in a grace hansi francine based on who raised their hands first francine francine tapos the grace now if you notice here maritime options for the teacher to remove the participant and then to make the participant an attendee or for example so let's say margot unmutes herself yeah yeah [Music] and teacher not to do that but the problem is if the setup is like this no i'm student [Music] [Music] so what we can do there is to make the students as an attendee yeah so let's try to look at the view of francine now since attending atlantis the teacher just has to again click and then make a press enter is or three dots and then meeting options so test meeting with miss and so on meeting options who can bypass the lobby papaya pumaso okay can present no so right now the facebook only me um after manage permissions metadata download attendance list so if i download the attendance list okay so download do nothing attendance this nothing happens so let me open it using excel and this would be a great way for you to organize you know to see who goes into your class what time they go uh what if they [Music] um another attendance listener so it would be very good for us to see that as well um presentation so when a presentation is shared at the point of view nothing uh the teacher is here and the new students the presentation is inside the ms themes and then we focus so you can allow the students to do that but you can also click this so if this is clicked again private viewing is disabled so the participants need to stay put you know and wait for the presenter to move the presentation so again student a presenter mode okay so again so slide one of those line two of two kappa then the students can freely go back and forth on a slide and then may option lampucilla to go back to the um to where the presenter currently is okay so stop presenting uh press the stop presenting yeah now company francine so this time that's a team snesha again difference kanina [Music] unclick or click the i no and then also to stop presenting um co-teachers presentation [Music] union um beauty and also warning then when you make students presenters for the let's say um an officer is a presenter in case students now link to the ms forms so once they click it and then they answer it um immediately so actually i shared to them [Music] and then a new common scores and so on and then but the even substantiation so the feedback is immediate no even if um you are not with them [Music] and then um [Music] so we go here stop the recording and then are you sure you want to stop so once the recording is saved automatically it will be processed and saved in the microsoft stream now and it will be made available in lake punyan available known in young class so foreign just one reminder please be the last one to leave okay um so we go to the participants and then remove participant so here we see the meeting is no longer ongoing and then you even get to answer the quality of the call meetings again just make sure that you um inform the students that they are being recorded using ms teams meeting um a great time and meeting through the options ms teams or through the calendar attendance using by downloading an excel file also to how to present powerpoint and to give access to the students to go back and forth slides or not to give access to the students and then also how to record you know who gets to record your manga presenters students hindi puss in the sharing unnecessary files or also muting or removing their co uh their classmates from the meeting and then uh lastly is how to use uh ms forms to add polls now um actually maraming marami papong features an ms teams meeting meran papushan live so i hope i was able to show you how effective or how we can optimize distance learning using ms teams meeting thank you for listening okay so thank you salamat uh to our speakers no uh and again uh based on the comments appreciate and i think uh more and more people now are having more options for this um online distance learning so let's now welcome our sir zombie uh also miss uh pinky and of course miss monsie with us okay so teachers okay again we apologize we can't have miss joy right now uh during our q a so features um um we now open the the live chat uh for your questions so please do type in your questions and we'll be uh posting it and answering them here while we're waiting for questions now miss muanzi and uh miss uh um [Music] now i'm adding um uh i think video conferencing pool in terms of accessibility in different devices so for example mobile phone which will be the number one device now many students and teachers will it be fully accessible or miranda messenger mobile phone won't be a problem because they don't monitor the activities of their classmates it's actually a t-shirt that will uh it will um it will matter from mobile or laptop view mode laptop provides more students in one screen okay so if you're managing your classes and you want to see what they're doing in your gigging siguro small location um about uh ms teams um my questions about how to download the oppo ms teams downloading ms teams kapankuba's laptop or the desktop no through the microsoft office of office uh www.office.com uh account microsoft then with the download again take note um now for the cell phone and ipad or tablet you can also download it in play store or in uh app store no available in a mansion mst i think that the three applications are available in play store right yes is it necessary to have a standard platforms in delivering online distance learning so jumbie do you have uh like an answer to this platforms for online distance learning for synchronous sessions okay within a school young primary reason why perhaps it's necessary to have just one uh platform uh it will not create confusion to them they will not have to download more than one application so uh maraming ibapangarisan pero un the patching number one reason casemas convenient if i'm using zoom for science for my synchro sessions uh better if the math teacher and the rest of the subject teachers would also be using the same platform but the student would not require like multiple meeting rooms uh multiple passwords uh usernames for these platforms okay so um foreign [Music] no an email will be sent to the um person being invited param and then um ms teams meeting so possible okay thank you and again office 365 um for us among the three uh teleconferencing or video conferencing tools alimpo and pinaka suited for lower grades how personally teacher uh aniline volapung prescribed a video conferencing tool delegate it's it's uh it's how you approach and use the the tools so for example for lower grades limited or individual tagalog video conferencing uh young class activities also it will be delivered arrangement non-synchronous and asynchronous will matter more than the tool you're going to use okay so uh regardless kung zumpayan or google meet uh and ms teams meeting it's the lesson that will matter more about uh um in addition to that [Music] thank you sir zombie um okay can you use all the extensions uh at the same time yes okay so tell them based on experience uh making careful potential for downloading extensions uh because extensions are basically applications so if you have for example for up extensions in your chrome you're basically running five applications at the same time and we know that's gonna hurt your uh your your speed computer in your home is [Music] [Music] is uh padam before the meeting you can actually set your uh settings already to reduce videos for example about buying your connectivity for the day or use you're using um your mobile data um [Music] some questions during meetings okay so do you have an idea what is the best platform teacher then i graduated from the university of the philippines with a bachelor in secondary education especially yes based on my background i think in terms of again um just like you mentioned in canada uh actually is more important than the the tool you're going to use will matter more than what tools you're going to use um so you know that's the reason why we presented to you the the three video conferencing tool because we believe now uh these these are tools but this will never be your lesson okay so again i think learning learning objectives for our teachers and adding uh melc that we're targeting the uh most essential learning competency that we're targeting for that okay so import personally of course um again you know stan go uh all of these tools are uh are available uh for us to use and it will help us deliver our lessons um online okay so i wanna join um foreign as individual it really depends on how you will deliver the lens and also another thing that important then even if you have video conferencing tools to optimize distance learning it is important to have a balance of the asynchronous sessions it will be very detrimental so really planning a balanced [Music] yes uh and well not necessarily in line with them with the question that was posted at all um our realizations go throughout the q a number one we we've been talking about features of the different video conferencing tools uh you know the best feature will always be the teacher employing teachers thank you and number two i'm actually very excited about i know about these programs about this set up because i have a feeling i have a great feeling now this will open up things not just for this coming school year but in the school years that will follow there are students we from outside of the country are able to attend schools in the philippines so very excited the whole because i have a great feeling don't carry over your best practices um uh new um a dedication and commitment to your um to your job as teachers uh for this uh for our country so um um support page and uh after 30 minutes after this broadcast we'll be ending it in two minutes and you may find evaluation links there are three portals you may choose any of the portals okay so please just enter any portals just one teachers and you'll be done with your evaluation please wait for your certificates for five to seven days um for processing and we'll be sending you your uh e-certificates for this webinar okay so and of course our last language teachers know do not forget next week uh our part two on uh developing in uh engaging and uh interactive activities for distance learning salamat and we'll see you next week pictures bye thank you everyone bye you
Channel: Franco Nicolo Addun
Views: 61,101
Rating: 4.9659286 out of 5
Keywords: Video conferencing tools, zoom, google meet, ms teams meeting, online distance learning
Id: 9d3lJhEuBII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 32sec (9332 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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