Edpuzzle + G-class Integration: Creating Interactive Video Lessons

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] okay uh hello good afternoon teachers um before time star teachers um can you please let me know know if my audio and my video is clear we've been having problems with pldt uh as usual excuse me teachers please do let me know in the live chat teachers uh if um the audio is clear uh you can see me clearly uh neglect although we're expecting teachers know uh that there would be a little bit of plug all throughout the stream for today um because of pldt concerns no actually prior to uh this uh before i opened the stream today you know five minutes before i open the stream my signal has been fluctuating you know uh even earlier now so please do let us know um later don't um don't leave the stream we'll be back okay so yeah from our live chat now um regarding my audio and my video uh quality so i hope that it remains the same all throughout our stream um so that um today okay so teachers welcome to our skills training series number 12. okay uh commentaries i think uh live starting live chat completely for always being with us today now being uh with us no uh and uh always being brave uh in uh and learning uh learning and relearning things that on the points uh which is which demands so much upskilling uh new tools new applications new approaches in education okay so hi louis congratulations sir louis completed uh seven eleven eleven skills training number twelve the ponies and congratulations for always being with us now sir louis completed 11 skills training um this is already his twelve no okay sir brendan brendan um skills training i available now you can visit anytime although probably teachers know uh viewing certification ends after three days so past skills training series but i hope you still uh try to visit them and try to learn we have um like so many tools that we have um covered already from g suite tools uh to uh photo editing um trading series i already processed the certificate no um the one last saturday the technology integration is up for processing today so today when i'm in the procession uh young technology integration certificate yeah yes i will be giving certificates for today teachers uh background start now let's uh do our very usual and quick uh shout out to all of you know please type in your um your school your uh your name um if you're not using your uh your actual names and your profiles and we'll do a quick shout out before we start with our session for today and while we're waiting for um you know we're waiting for you we have a very special guest in the live chat okay someone that will be joining as soon as a member know of my teacher support excited but i won't yet not disclose her name but soon you will um you will meet her as a a member no agape teacher support so we'll be uh introducing her to you soon okay but she's in the live chat right now now uh no teachers now so do let's uh do a quick shout out um [Music] uh we have uh from um sir um sir rents dave g calzada sanchez from citu uh pao mendoza from ika we also have sokichi's teacher henley from citu cebu uh rent's dave khalsa from masad sadwell elementary school glen francia from cebu see you in our gc lev a level two training all right um cheryl dulhau from great minds leadership academy from tagbilaran okay okay so teachers know for today uh what we're going to have is um a session on creating interactive video lessons okay so two things about video editing video editing teachers it requires so much technical skills now for example applications mobile editing tools our jobs no deserve much more um opportunities like this so uh we will see about the teachers we will uh do our best now no promises yet but we will always do our best for all of you teachers okay yeah okay so teachers um let's now proceed with uh our session for today let me first um introduce to you um our um our speaker for today um of course um okay so first time by teacher support teachers our speaker for today uh we'll be having uh mr alvin reclosado a faculty of saver school certified coach one of the few teachers know uh bagolum certification that is a certified coach filipinas okay so ed pass a level two certification is something worthy that's all welcome our speaker for today uh mr alwyn uh franco i'd like to remind everyone um to um to please make sure to answer the evaluation link towards the end of the session will you be sharing your presentation or will i be sharing your presentation sorry i'll be sharing it okay yeah okay presentation okay so teachers we're ready good luck teachers enjoy good luck sir alvin i'll be at the background if you need me anytime hello teachers good afternoon before i start my presentation i'd like to give a shout out to my former co-teachers from saint louis school center from baguio city i have seen a while ago on coordinator tapas for today i will be your ed puzzle coach so let's make any video our lesson so for the flow of our discussion today then how are we going to integrate it with the google classroom aside from google classroom ramadin uh lms spreading integrate um ed puzzle then finally this is an ambitious part of my talk which is ed puzzle and the samar model whenever we are having a meeting not only with my co-teachers actually better son different pages i have students in my class who are falling behind what can i do especially in this online setup nasa next i can tell if all of my students understood the lesson once again going back to the present context that we have pandemic out of some of my students need more time to understand a new topic in letting my students understand a new topic at their own pace and i will be discussing this one that or the response to this one further later my students are virtu visual learners who love youtube so palagina we begin on youtube videos for us to satisfy our visual learners or we can do better i want to use a youtube video but it's too long page well i'm having a conversation with one of my colleagues let us make any video your lesson i would like to tell you my journey with ed puzzle so seguro within this so until one day um so she introduced this one shout out to miki thank you aside from this they will take a picture of their their output or not and now as long as there is a wi-fi as long as there is a mobile device ed puzzle is easily accessible to our students so now what is ed puzzle let us now focus on the actual definition of what a puzzle is we say that if we choose any video from youtube so somehow we can embed our own assessment questions and track the students progress and yes ed apostle is very powerful in this sense we give our students video lessons and if we give our students video lessons and most of the time we get them from youtube why not turn this video into a more interactive one where in your student can interact with the lesson where in your student can interact with the video from youtube at the same time the sagot napoleon questions i am sure just like me teachers apostle will be your new best friend why is it that i am claiming that ed puzzle as a teacher will be your new best friend so let me tell you some of the ideas that i have learned from ed puzzle so your students watch the video at their own pace so for example i have this open-ended question and then in this video per day the student can rewatch the video what type of triangles does the pythagorean theorem apply to so there is this element wherein the students can easily re-watch to get the answer to this question he can do watch that part then he can give the answer already next you hold every student accountable so just like a while ago when now we can see if our students are watching we can also see and monitor if our students are answering the questions so just like this for example this is from my actual ed puzzle account so i have students one two three four and five student one didn't student one didn't watch the video never so dito pedicon i can send him a message through our lms and ask what's happening how come he didn't watch the video then we have student 2 and student 3 take note student 2 50 video and then we have student 4 say student 4 now answered 50 of the questions and then napana union 100 young video i know 909 a.m and then similarly with student 5 he was able to answer 50 percent of the questions he ended at 906. so i have a tracker so nothing that this students are watching so siguro dito i can do something about this one if most of my students are not getting what i am expecting them to get or learn from the video and then they won't be able to skip ahead or open other tabs is the blue so you see a blue circle there with the teardrop i tried pressing that one pero on la la bass on my right side if you can see there locked so a student cannot skip the video so hindi shaman panorama and then pretend that i was able to finish it no they cannot do it or if a student would go to another tab hindi uh matutulo and this will be your new best friend because you'll get 100 student participation how is this since you can monitor the progress of your students and if you are doing this synchronously makikita young progress among student real time so you can communicate with them or if you are going to give this a synchronously predimula masabihin or call the attention of this students who were not able to watch the video first you can ask them why then you can discuss it with them comments video [Music] and for us to start learning more about ed puzzles so that ed puzzle will become our new best friend when can we use add puzzle we can use edpuzzle in class when we give a homework or review so in class if for example we are in a face-to-face set up already or whenever we are having our in session or synchronous sessions via different platforms spreading zoom creating google me spreading uh microsoft teams so we can do we can give them individual work and it could it could also work for listening comprehension this one this will complement your lesson for example you want to demonstrate a math problem then you can assign a homework predict video until he gets the mastery we can introduce grammar and vocabulary among others and we can prepare for class discussion so usually when we give homeworks in a traditional setup we give them for example read your book or read your module pero minsan there are parts in that module for example or there are parts in that book then what we can do is that we can help them we can assist them if we give them a homework through a puzzle because the questions that we may be having or lifted from the book we can give it or we can put it in the video already and take note teachers when we give when we use ed puzzle as a homework see to it that this is not your main discussion what we can do is that this could be part of your lesson or to complement your lesson hindi punatin next session no what we can do is after letting the students watch the video then we can address certain problems because edpos will also have analytics and then we can now proceed for a better discussion the following meeting or you have an assessment coming or quiz next week prepared among them they can use a puzzle through by reviewing the key unit concepts exam study guides or you can give your classroom or lab rules so that is how we can use or when to use and puzzle so technically all throughout the lesson we can key in or use at puzzle you want edpuzzle to introduce your lesson you want an apostle to serve as a review for your students you want to help your students who are struggling then let us complement our lesson with the video lesson from puzzle so those are just some of the ways wherein we can use ed puzzle in our classroom teachers must creative ways so students watch the video individually in a classic mode and they work independently and at their own pace and it is perfect for rotation stations in a puzzle so usually personally what i use is that if i have a one or two minute video i see to it that i give two to three minutes allowance per video on one minute video or two minutes just like a while ago i used ed puzzle in my class for a recall before the long tests of my students i gave a one minute and 30 seconds video but i gave them five minutes to watch the video bucket this is the idea that we are letting them do it in their own pace so that they can go back to certain questions they can go back to certain ideas while they do the review or i gave some sometimes i give ed puzzle videos as a homework to my students so this is actually one of the best ways for us to use edpuzzle because they can watch individually and they can watch at their own pace if it is six minutes don't expect your students to finish it in six minutes you are giving putting their questions so in six minutes meron two five six ten questions so in my case since i'm teaching math i also put there some mathematical questions so hindi copy expected my students gonna after six minutes tap that is the beauty of ed puzzle that the students can learn at their own pace we cannot expect that yet we are letting them work individually in live mode the pro you project the video in front of the class and then if they have a device then they can use this device in real time and then you get live feedback to spark in class discussion unfortunately now with the limitations that we have i haven't tried the live mode yet because our students uh zoom when i am when i will be presenting in zoom hindi so this is better if maybe your uh your streaming platform can do this can work on this then it is fine you can use live mode but this is more advisable for face-to-face learning and we can do this through ed puzzle as well then what are the types of classes that you can create minsani is nothing i'll work with open class first students don't need an account if your students are in grade school and they don't have an email yet or if your students don't really have an email guide high school necessarily because we cannot expect everyone upon an email we can still use a puzzle for them they don't need an account and we still see their progress one video at a time and if you want to give a quick practice you can do this and um i've seen one of the comments uh by teacher support salvinia i want to learn ed puzzle because i'll be using it for my demonstration yes teacher you can really use edpuzzle for your demonstration and i'm so sure that if you're able to execute and puzzle appropriately then your demon demo will be perfect the next atapuyo mask account school so students need to log in or sign up when we're talking about the classic class and then we can track the progress of the students across all videos classic class it is across all videos so if for example you give six videos already so ed puzzle has a data analytics so if your students watch all of your videos or didn't watch at all and at puzzle is really perfect if you cannot live without videos in your lesson so if in this online setup and straight minsan for example science there are a lot of videos from national geographic videos on youtube uh videos than nasa and puzzle community whether you will use it as a classic class or open class and teachers don't reinvent the wheel and save time so what am i trying to say we can share we have use a ready-made lesson from another teacher if we believe is good enough for my class the questions are uh good enough as well the way it was presented is good enough then i can use it this video i can just copy the video and then i can share it to my class so instead of me doing a video in hindi video because it is a community we are sharing our videos to each other so nothing young even teachers no problem with that you won't have any issue with that next if walapu said video from youtube then there is also a way for us to get a video from youtube and actually most of the videos in edpuzzle are developed with youtube so search any video from youtube and then just copy the link then post it in paste it and add puzzle then you'll get the it puzzle uh you'll get the youtube video already then next you can just annotate and then there give it to your students you can annotate you can edit no problem with that then uploading so when we upload a video siguro if you are the type of teacher that you cannot really find what you want from youtube or you cannot find it in the ed puzzle community then you may record your own video and upload your own teaching videos but this time it is not just you talking just like me right now but in between you can annotate your video and ask your students questions and one of the beauty if you upload your own video that aside from your students listening to you which is more personal if you forgot something you can add your own voice as well in that puzzle as you edit the video in the previews but you edit it through ed puzzle so let's start pictures are you ready to sign up for those who haven't signed up yet so let's let's go are you now ready to sign up for an ed puzzle account so let's get it started so go to edpuzzle.com and then click sign off then click i am a teacher and there are two ways to sign up in edpuzzle it is better if you have your google account and just click sign in with google or you can also sign up with ed puzzle let's try signing up with edpuzzle so type in your name then your last name then your email address then you can make your own password and if you have a referral code just type in your referral code here and then click agree then once you are there you can already go to add puzzle so since i have already my ed puzzle account so i will just exit this one and i'll go to my ed puzzle so i will log in i'm signing in with google so let's check your profile just go to your profile first then click your name then here let's work with the settings support school so you choose the name of the school so i'm working in save your school so i have chosen savior's school so if your school is already part of the ed puzzle community you choose your school but if your school is not yet part of the ed puzzle community and you are the first person to be part of the ed puzzle community then you may write the name of your school or type the name of your school or your my school but if you are not working as a teacher at the moment if you are a private tutor or if you just want to explore ed puzzle with us then type my my school and then okay in your informations once you are done so take on the subject take a look at the my subjects and grade levels that you are teaching so i am teaching grade 7 and grade 8 and i'm teaching math so i have this tool here you can add as many as you want and then click save changes then go back to your email and verify your ed puzzle account so teachers here is the step-by-step process once again go to edpuzzle.com sign up as a teacher connect your school and department and follow the tutorial to create your first video lesson so before putting start menu about setting up with that puzzle you may type them in the chat box so far i have seen one question a while ago in colombo uh if the teacher version and the student version uh sign up for teacher and students are different yes ma'am i'm sorry but yes uh you uh if you have four teachers student so for the teacher you have all of the things that i am discussing now you can do all of the things that i am discussing now and then with there is also a question uh so far if you have a free account yes sir you can do it but free account limited video lessons that's why sir please uh join us until the end of this graduate school april hello then shout out to my uh teachers or professors from school of teacher education in university of baguio they are here shout out to one of my closest friends daphne hello so ayan po so far panopo makaro on free premium account uh sir franco will be addressing that later there's no payment for when you sign up with apostle so there's no payment uh it's free it's actually free with and puzzle so you know number and maybe sir franco can give the link once again because i've been receiving notifications from uh and puzzle that a lot of teachers are signing in through the code that i have given as well uh yes mama lisa you have to sign in as a teacher and teacher iva format or use non-ed puzzle for students and activa for teachers okay let's continue teachers so take note once again if you are not yet working as a teacher if you are a private tutor but you want to use ed puzzle my school and then add new school so when you add new school all you have to do is type my school olet so if i add new school and then type my school your school name will be my school and then your city or your town and then click add school there you have it so so now let's move on with editing and annotation of and puzzle videos so if you have questions teachers please let me know as i progress with my discussion with ed puzzle i am monitoring the live chat as well so uh the next video that i'm going to present now it's time for us to edit and annotate a video so you see here that i am in my ed puzzle home page and for example the topic that i'm going to teach is multiplying decimals so i i'll just click this one and once again one of the beauty of beauty of ed puzzle is we can use videos of other people already this time let us use the video of the version of jeremy wilson so you see here teardrops this are the ideas that are telling us that this there are questions or notes already in this given video or they were already annotated for us so let's go and edit this video so in editing the video you will see here cut voice over and questions just a disclaimer now that when we click voice over if this video is from youtube you cannot use it you can add you cannot add voiceover to this one but instead you can add notes so let's go to cut first take note that this video is 10 minutes and 50 seconds what if i don't need the entire video for for my class and i don't need the introduction as well so the first thing that we can do is we can drag put cover 20 we can drag this part and what if i don't also need the last part i can drag it as well and then i can go to the middle part of the video if i believe that this part is not that important after watching the video i can click add cut and you see now that there is a gap wherein you can drag this parts as well so if you don't need this part of the video then drag it then drag this part as well afterwards we can check the questions if we believe that if you want to add questions or double check the questions then all you have to do is to click and you will now see the question that was given a while ago and this is a multiple choice question you may edit it if you want if you want to add area perimeter if you add another choice here for example um cube or volume you can do that if you don't need it just click this one and then click save or click cancel then next what if you want what if we want to add a note so all we have to do is to go to questions and say for example we want to add a note so we say that a ring perimeter is the distance around the figure for example we want our students to be reminded of the definition of a perimeter then we have then save then if you notice all of his questions here are multiple choice questions so usually what we can do in the latter part of this one what i usually do is i add an open-ended question and then i'll just say how confident are you with your puppet and then save so after this question then in the last part you will see the question that we have added and then just click finish now the editor of this video as the editor of this video it is now my version and take note a while ago our video is 10 minutes and 50 seconds we were able to cut it and we only have eight minutes and nine seconds so there you have it uh teachers this is for editing and annotating the video the public for those who are teaching in university or higher ed for uh 18 and above so we can use that sir should i ask all my pupils to sign and have an account in ed puzzle then we shall become a community in ed puzzle uh it depends then you may do that but if you're using uh for example you are using lms i will be discussing that further later but for now nasa anupallam and sign up as teachers and then sign up editing and annotating so yes ma'am if your school is not yet listed in the schools uh just add school so you manually add your school so according to mr joseph educato galeng done with my very first video editing yes sir congratulations welcome to the ed puzzle community so so far other questions sessions let's upload the video in add puzzle and then edit the video in add puzzle as well so from your home page go to my content then add content then upload a video so you will see here two options actually you may drag and then choose a file if it is from your computer and then you may just get it from the google drive so i'm choosing an account and in kts folder for example i want to upload add puzzle and google classroom integration i'll click open then you will see here it is uploading once it is done uploading in the interest of time let's move on once it is done uploading go to my content my content you scroll down and you will see here the video that you have uploaded so i'll click it then this is the video if you see there are no teardrops there are no editing that happened yet so i'll click edit so there first you may edit the title so for example you saw a while ago at puzzle and gc only so this so you can save that so i just canceled it because i use it already i have done it already then in cutting video this was shown already in the previous so if you believe that this video is too long for your class you may just open classroom drag drag the sites then if you think that this part is not important then add cut that's it then for questions so for example my question is multiple choice what is this video all about so google classroom and puzzle then i may add a puzzle and google classroom equation and this is the correct answer so i click this one check then save now you see in this part there is a teardrop already so it means that your question is seen in this part of the video then or voiceover from my classes you look then start recording so you you may want to start it in this uh put this video recording in the beginning then start recording and then once you are done recording you click finish now this is the edited video that we had already you can now assign this one share it as preview or assign it immediately in your google classroom so there are teachers that is on uploading and editing your own video so if it is your own video then you can add voice over provided that it is directly uploaded in ed puzzle so my talon papu battalion so so far if it is open-ended question po uh your students will answer your questions uh it is like somewhat wedding essay wedding with the limit uh limited number of characters and then magikita so the referral code will be given by sir from collater so referral code it is hj0f7c that is the referral code that is my referral code uh before i continue cigarette output shout out uh department chairs to save your school miss ida hello thank you for letting me and supporting me in this endeavor and shout out to my mem after the members of my department so me talon so so far i don't see any questions yet so maybe i can continue with the discussion so teachers are you using uh google classroom uh sir giovanni uh yes as long as we are in edpuzzle we can edit using our mobile phones a then you can use it thank you mom remembers yes paul please do try and use it and then after afterwards please let us know improvement acting lesson actually sir uh joseph what i do when i uh make my own uh questions i just post the video so i post the video questions exactly location adding questions unfortunately i haven't seen anything yet numero other way to put our questions so thank you possum they are using google classroom so let us let us now go with integration of ed puzzle and google classroom so as i've been exploring this one as i've been exploring google class as i've been exploring ed puzzle to be honest one of the easiest ways for us to work with edpuzzle and integrate it in a learning management system is through the google classroom so parang mas maganda in partnership at puzzle and google classroom but still we can have partnership or we can have integration with other learning management systems so edpuzzle can have integrations with learning management systems we can set up edpuzzle so that your students can watch right from your lms so as an answer to the question of one of the teachers a while ago some could be integrated with canvas moodle schoology blackboard powerschool and blackboard so this are the some of uh this are the lms the predict integrate and adding uh and puzzle but ibapa integration with google classroom hindi pokemon select lms google classroom from zero to hero using edpuzzle and google classroom so mom if your school once again is not in the list you may do it manually just add your school so let's start with the integration then i will be monitoring the the chat box as well so that i can address some of the questions as we progress with our discussion integrate your edpuzzle account and google classroom so the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to log in log in as a teacher i will log in with my google account now that we are in the page of the add puzzle the next thing that we're going to do is to click my classes and from my classes you will see this plus sign so click that then click connect lms and then click google classroom and see to it that before you do this before connecting your elements situate that the class is already created in the google classroom so the only thing that we're going to do is to click this box and i am adding kts demo class thus for the grade level you choose the grade levels that you are teaching in and in this case i am going to teach click this one then after that the subject i usually click math since i am a math teacher but for this case i will be choosing other once you are done clicking this tool import the class and there you have it you now have your kts demo class from your google classroom and it is now integrated in your ed puzzle account so for ed puzzle and uh google classroom gangnam language uh for v smart i i am not sure if there is an integration already i haven't encountered any integration yet with v smart similarly with ms themes i haven't seen any integration yet with ms themes so what we can do if we want to use edpuzzle then we can let our students join an open class instead of uh migrating it to our integrating it with our with some of our learning management systems that i'm happy with [Music] congrats man if you're using schoology then i can also try to assist you with this seguro you can send me a message with this because for or if we still have time later then we can work with your integration with schoology thank you sir lord for the very good comment now saying very comprehensive session thank you for enjoying sir thank you mamdalia very informative and helpful to accounts yes ma'am you can use two accounts but you can use one account at a time only but yes you can still use two accounts but if you're going to use it as for your for your school i suggest you use your dep ed domain account um montereza unfortunately i don't know the price of the premium upgrade but later at the end of this talk sir franco will be letting us know guiding us about the free premium upgrade young referral code the referral code is if you sign up using the referral code since it is a free account you will be given free accounts have limitations so uh space satin videos but if you have your referral code then kappa gi naming and then give it to other teachers as well so even teachers space puzzle but again um sir franco will be letting us know about our premium account free up a premium account upgrade later so okay napo yes sir uh i yes ma'am evelyn i also love khan academy and i'm so happy that i found khan academy in the ed puzzle community for the videos honey long video using different platforms or safanilang devices yes sir you may do that but in integrating or annotating it should be done in ed puzzle so putting in a editing video per se but the annotations uh are to be done should be done in ed puzzle so so far let's continue um mom tony if it is from ed puzzle or if it is from youtube if uh we can use it through a puzzle because i'm a partnership and youtube so we can work with that yes ma'am fedelina we don't need any other apps when we talk about editing and preparing our video lessons for our students thank you very much for all the positive feedback sir john is saying enjoyable go in yes sir i agree so let's continue with this one that's a new uh videos from edpuzzle to google classroom so situate that once you are logged in in add puzzle go to content and then you can choose different videos from the popular channels you have ed puzzle youtube can academy among others so this time i'm choosing youtube in youtube for example i'd like to search for leadership and you can now see a lot of videos about leadership and i'd like to choose this first video that i have seen in here then you can directly assign this one for your students to watch or if you want to ask questions from your students then you may just choose something from the different versions of the video so for this case i have chosen the video up from ellen luther and i can edit the videos or i can edit the questions so first one these are the questions that pamela has added but in my case for example i'd like to add something else so in the last part you have this question then you want to add another question so from questions what we can do is to add this one for example i want to add an open-ended question so let's type our open-ended question what can you say about leadership after watching the video then click save this so you see now that there are two questions here and your students will answer this question then after that let's just click this new then click finish and then we can now click assign and i will be assigning it in kts demo class click assign now let me check my video after posting it in google classroom let's check it in kts so if you can see it immediately just refresh there we have it we now have the ed puzzle video that was posted a while ago so your students can click this and they are already in the ed puzzle video so there are teachers videos based on my experience and exploring integrating with ed puzzle it is so easy to use google classroom uh integrate a lot of things with at puzzle and google classroom but once you were able to set up your in integrating your lms with edpuzzle it is very easy already to work with this different types of videos that we have so let me just check some questions if you have questions say sir joseph educato he said done editing my third video lesson to be used this week in class with my college students third video uh kts so good job sir can i create a presentation using edpuzzle like that of a microsoft powerpoint sir are no arnaldo legaspi i will be addressing this concern later paramus how i wish our instructors from ifugao state university attended this session mom lily beth i believe one of your instructors is with us i'm not sure if she is your teacher uh one of my former instructor dr gallanco is with us she's watching shout out to angelo garcia one of my a friends from savior's school yes mamarona thank you sign up again bff and after this sign up again coach canadian uh you're welcome so connect your google classroom hindi if you're going to add class you can just click uh google classroom and then you'll be able to connect it with google classroom provided that the subjects or the classes that you are going to connect are already made or created in google classroom and then assign post on google classroom narrative uh we see to it that you click as well prevent skipping when you had when you have seen the um locked your video is locked and your students cannot skip the video then that is our best friend i own nothing escape among students nothing so this is a way to sign up assign and post on google classroom aside from the video presentation that i have seen a while ago that i have shown a while ago let's continue and you can your students will just click and watch and learn so when i made the kts when i posted in kts demo class soyunpuangagawinamasajanthan they will just click and then they will be taken to the video and then they will answer the questions that you have posted there or if you want to carry over the questions from the different versions of that video then upon problem and puzzle is a sharing and loving community because sharing is caring let's continue so we sync grades to save your time as well so if you see here the grade of your students you can sync it uh sync it with a google classroom so per student for example you have here uh kelly he didn't watch the video ben didn't watch the video so their scores are zero but kylie got 58 and then conor got 100. so makikita in real time young scores so if we give them some time to watch once again uh just take no teacher we are using technology we are relying with uh how depending on the how fast your internet is or the internet of the student is young student for example so for example two minutes let's give them time my buffer time we are using technology but that's why i'm saying that we have to give extra time to our students so for example you give your video is five minutes what i usually do in my class couple five minutes soon video i give them 10 minutes why once again we want them to learn in their own pace next just like what i've said a while ago this is one of the most ambitious ways for us to take a look at ed puzzle with the use of the sum our model so just to give a brief introduction when we talk about the sum our model this is from dr robin puente dura and i'm not just sure if we are familiar with the sum our model already but some our model offers a lens for examining how technology is adapted in a classroom in short and technology so when we talk about some our model we talk about uh substitution augmentation modification and redefinition for my classmates from advanced info tech last last sem i believe shout out to professor blando uh so when we uh this one when we talk about this one we say that substitution as simple as the technology acts as a direct tool substitute with no functional change so for example when we are using powerpoint when we are using powerpoint video adding chalkboard to powerpoint so that is uh substitution but when we say that there is an improvement already with the lesson or our discussion in line with the use of the powerpoint then the students can interact with your powerpoint depend upon means company and powerpoint then that is an augmentation already and based on the sam our model this is enhancement of our way of teaching in line with the sum our model so how are we go how are we integrating technology so usually in the previews i thought angering the technology technology powerpoint okay and then we work with modification and redefinition in line with transforming your use of technology in the classroom wherein in modification technology allows for significant tasks where design and redefinition is on technology allows for the creation of new tasks previously inconceivable now i said a while ago we are we are going to talk about some r model and ed puzzle so always take a look first with bloom survives taxonomy when we are substitute substituting we are in the level of remembering we let our students remember chalkboard augmentation will let our students understand and they can interact with the video or with your they can interact with your technological tool for example the powerpoint when you give them time to solve or apply the lesson then when we talk about modification in line with bloom's revised taxonomy we have in modification and redefinition the level or hots higher order thinking skills so how can we use ed puzzle to work with the sum our model and in line with bloom's revised taxonomy so with edpuzzle students answer questions on a video rather than on a paper so for example you have a formative assessment you have placed your questions it is on the level of substitution but when we talk about augmentation teachers can enhance the video they show in class by adding their own narration in the video to clarify concepts or highlight their points so for example sabi po natin kannina if it is from a youtube video we cannot put in voice over pero what if young article then we can use note and then we can put that link so instead of just letting your students answer your question but if you want them to have a deeper understanding of the lesson then we can add notes as a form of discussion so we are adding we are not just asking questions but we are giving them more information thank you sir sir lord for international level and sharing with sir thank you very much next augmentation uh modification students use edpuzzle to add multiple choice and open-ended questions to a video from the teacher once they have created their own interactive videos students can exchange their videos with their classmates complete classmates video quizzes and provide feedback on the quality of their classmates interactive videos from our students so this is a way for us to modify now the way we do things in class with the help of ed puzzle this time hindi lantay online questions adding students but we give the power to the students to work on a video either you are the one who will let them do the video or i it either you are the one who will provide a video and then your students will add questions based from their understanding of that video or you let your students take their own videos they can express themselves as well they know they can uh in one minute explain everything in one minute thanks to tiktok among others then let them let their classmates answer their questions in from edpuzzle then that is modifying the lesson and finally we want our students really to redefine learning so students and teachers can now share their videos from ed puzzle the interactive videos with other people just like a while ago it is part of the ed puzzle community and if you make your video public then you can share the video to anyone who is part of the ed puzzle community then you can get the data if this is your own video you can get the data if other people will use your video you can collect the data from this and then you will get the understanding the certain level of understanding of people based from your video so once again here is the summary of the sum our model that i have provided with the use of ed puzzle so we are getting a deep dive so for example we start with someone walking on the beach without the use of technology then we have someone started kayaking then someone uh going to the deep dive that definition is going using the submarine already to explore the vastness of the ocean that is and we can do this with ed puzzle let me show you how let me give you an example of how to use ed puzzle with the sum our model so we were talking about modification and redefinition of education in line with the sum our model for technology integration and we are focusing on the application and to the extent of creation for our students that's why we are saying that apostle could lead to transforming education so how are we going to do this so let's go to ed apostle in add puzzle the first thing that we're going to do is to go to my content and then add content and there's this button here which says student project click student project and for example i'd want to continue with the discussion that i had a while ago on leadership this time focusing servant leadership now what is the goal so find a video about servant leadership then instructions a quick video contains questions and notes so the next thing that we're going to do is to click save project then you scroll down from your from my content scroll down so you will now see here servant leadership this was the project that we just created a while ago so let's click that and then click assign we're going to assign it to the kts demo class click click assign then post on google classroom so once it was posted let's go to kts let's just refresh the page now you see here that we have posted a new assignment and you know that this is now video project that we want our students to do through ed puzzle so teachers that example could be for younger learners so seguro depended inside level of difficulty and then depending on their capability already and the presence of technology with them so other schools must advance the for this kind of video now you just ask your students to search it is better for grade school but your expectation for high school or college students it is much higher than this one so it is up to us for on how we're going to use and puzzle and explore at puzzle that's why when i've been posting at uh about this uh talk for tonight or this afternoon rather i've been saying learn and puzzle with me please keep the page in kts alive keep on informing us on how you're going on how you're using ed puzzle so for those who are giving positive feedbacks thank you very much so teachers i hope that maganda so powerpoint with the use of powerpoint with the use of uh keynote if you're using keynote or google slides so this is in line with substitution just like what i've said a while ago next what if we add presentation if we add our uh if we let our students present young and then we let our students present the video and then they ask uh present their uh keynote or powerpoint rather or google slides and then we let them ask questions from our students it is now in the level of augmentation now let's go a little bit higher let's go with the level of modification so to answer the question of sir a while this is also a free app but somewhat registered it is free then for others versions just search the internet this is for uh screencastify we have uh screen automatic marami pong ebong waist company mcgregor video while using the presentation tapos instead of our students now asking questions while they are discussing in their presentation we can ask them to annotate after recording their video they can annotate in ed puzzle so that they can share their outputs to their classmates after so again our students are thinking already so hindi lang tayo needs present that began on paper or nearly as a powerpoint but instead a higher level already uh we have to record our own video and then what you can do is you take a video of you presenting through powerpoint and then from that you upload it in edpuzzle then next young to the highest levels of sum our model on red definition so after all of these things so what if we let our students put their ed puzzle videos to the public just like what i have mentioned a while ago this is now the time that they can gather data and analyze this data so i believe magandang games a senior high school grade 10 or atiman university students for example another example for science para hindi puro mata ang sena sabiko so for example look for climate change related this is videos lower greeters so great school or grade seven and eight then we let them edit and annotate through an apostle so indeed the next after annotating and editing the video they share their videos your for example their classmates they can watch the video together and answer those questions they can read the notes given by the students in that video and you can ask your class to synthesize the videos so business seguro group work it on operation group work so five to six people's gonna working together if they are on the younger age then part of their group activity is to synthesize everything and then segura predianata after gathering all of this synthesizing the videos they can make a video gallery because it says for example your performance class at the end is to showcase this one in a school event so you see now that there is a progression but gathering video but answering questions but it is a little bit more challenging than the usual thing that we are doing and that is the beauty as well of our ed puzzle and the samar model finally last example for with the use of some our model in social science so you ask your students to watch a youtube video about different structures of the government so just like what was mentioned a while ago when you watch a video that is on the level of substitution instead of you talking it is the video talking next we ask our students that after they are watching after they watch the video manola they will now develop a list of questions about the given topic they are writing taking down notes and formulating questions as they watch the video next we ask them from this video they now embed their own questions and their own notes and then they will use use this one in ed puzzle finally the same thing that we are doing this time let us challenge our students to use the power of social media so from edpuzzle they use the link their links from edpuzzle they share in facebook they share in twitter they share in instagram and that is redefining the idea of simply by uh redefining the idea of from substitution from just watching a youtube video into this people now having the power to change or transform their line of thinking so teachers do you have other questions other clarification spoke so explore ed puzzle what i did is i also explored and puzzled so if you want teachers one way for us to validate our knowledge and understanding of ed puzzle i suggest to go to go dot edpuzzle.com online pd profile accounts there is a link there on certification please be certified get certification as well you can be an ed puzzle coach flipped learning teacher you can work on google tools tech integration or learning pbl among others just to inspire you about the ed puzzle and the things that you can use so these are all the badges that i have that i have earned from ed puzzle so it means that is puzzle and it is very useful for so i started actually when how i became a coach i started i was exploring ed puzzle with schoology and then i got an invitation from ed puzzle that i might want to join their the training to become a coach so i just click yes yes and then after i became a coach level one level two how to integrate it in a google classroom actually um bug integrates a google classroom by teacher support in my own case we are using schoology and then on tech integration in one sitting we can what i did for this one and watch the videos 10 to 15 minutes every day so finally you're welcome sir albert for the feedback you're welcome sir yes sir mark hindina put a link on history class hindi apostle every now and then is really very useful and very helpful to us teachers yes i agree sir joseph it really takes practice patience and constant upskilling let's go out explore let's play with ed puzzle in with the use of technology so i believe one of the ways for us to do this is through ed apostle uh ma'am marie yes bo the pd trainings in ed puzzle with badges you can also get certificates for this one they are free for teachers you're welcome poster romel if you have questions po you may ask them as still hindi maliwana you're welcome sir joseph so i will now stop sharing because so seguro before that and again shout foreign sir franco halloween audience no uh and i think now we can clearly see how good the session is no uh we have so far right now we have a live 300 live viewers at the moment now watching us uh all over the philippines okay and sir halloween before segura week before we continue uh with some questions we'd like to invite a special guest with us now right now at the moment and we would like to welcome miss celia alvarez from ed puzzle hello everyone thanks for having me today i was just sneaking uh into your webinar thank you so much uh mr alwyn for uh presenting um the platform today to all teachers in philippines i thought your presentation was amazing and then uh mr franco just invited me to say hi to all the teachers in philippines um i hope you you really enjoy uh at puzzle and the platform and uh is a useful tool uh for all of you yeah uh yeah thank you uh miss elliot we're actually um let's awestruck by your presence right now in our uh in our live stream we didn't expect because uh actually i i don't know because i know how busy miss uh cell alvarez is because of what all of the things that they're doing for ed puzzle because it's not only the philippines they have been serving they've been serving and pastel all over the world so they're very very busy people okay actually um in our conversation with sir alwyn we actually said no how great and excellent the support um of ed pastor if you have a question they will have a reply right away so that's how committed ed passel is and helping us and uh miss ali i hope that you can run through our live chat later and you can see how how appreciated the teachers are uh with your program yes yes yes and again um miscella thank you so much for uh the opportunity to provide our teachers with premium accounts so teachers for those who are not able to listen earlier yes we'll be giving you premium accounts care of ed puzzle care of no us arranged with um miscella alvarez now she's actually live from barcelona right now yes yeah i think it's um late evening in in the philippines yes evening right now it's seven uh seven pm we usually have this training uh five pm to seven pm and we're actually going to meet miss elle later for a post webinar evaluation so uh miss ellia will be seeing you later thank you so much for um for having me these two minutes and being able to say hello to all the teachers in philippines i really hope you enjoyed the pro license if you have any questions you can reach out directly i will be happy to help you all have a nice evening i wish i could say um thank you very much in philippines excuse me my pioneer uh your platform is already a gift for all okay so many things uh miscella and we'll see you later for our posts yeah thank you bye-bye yes what can we say about that before you before you have she was actually watching this so teachers know you see how committed we are in by teacher support we've been um we're committed to connecting you to the world not to uh in a global stage now we want every philippine teacher uh to be as globally competitive as any other teacher no we're not um going to give up on that no we're going to assist you in so many ways yeah and if i saw teachers um seguro it's already overtime teachers know but i hope we do give us more time now because uh sir alwyn uh just really did know so much uh preparation for this and you might have some questions still no uh for sir alwyn so please uh send us some questions we'll entertain maybe two or three questions from you um um for sir alwyn to answer yeah although sir alvin right now know what they have are all thank you okay uh pray uh praises about how excellent your presentation is um how well you have presented a very very organized surname sir alvin may i just comment though what i really like is actually the last part when you apply the some r model and the teachers can actually see exactly how can and they should apply ed puzzle in technology integration okay um for different grade levels i think uh correct i think ed puzzle is good for any level okay it doesn't really matter you know a new level to teach now it's um because the tool itself is open uh you can actually it's something it will uh the the differences no it appropriateness of the tool for each grade level will depend on the materials you're going to use for ed puzzle integration with google classrooms updates the google classroom for this coming year so hindi lanka integrity ed puzzle is does it take much data consumption to use ed puzzle uh to be honest boy it is somewhat like watching a youtube video as well from youtube resource nothing so but uh based on my understanding since it is similar to a youtube video young youtube video and then uh in the end so the consumption is just like the students are watching a youtube video yes and cersei the students can can watch the video on their own pacing actually that already resolved low bandwidth inclusivity we put this schedule on this time because available this uh during this time if we went over time um comprehensive but before we end this discussion seguro and before we uh bid goodbye to you sir no uh we'd like to first present to you um our certificate of recognition yeah okay so this certificate of recognition is awarded to mr alvin s recrossado for sharing his expertise and for his contribution as a guest speaker in the recently concluded training entitled creating interactive videos using edpuzzle awarded on feb 18 2021 signed by yours truly and uh my co-administrators mr jambi santos and sir angelo maliadi again sir sir alwyn we can't thank you enough and i think we will see you again on saturday and we will see you again soon uh in uh in kagawa by teacher support now sir um pictures last time because i will definitely ask her alvin again we will uh find the time to invite sir alvin once again yeah okay so uh as we give final reminders to our teachers now for tonight thank you very much for the certificate thank you very much teachers and let us still learn and continue learning and exploring at puzzle together thank you very much paul bye yeah sir now teachers um while we're at itna teachers i will now be um showing you where we're gonna get um uh premium okay so please uh copy the link okay sorry all right so teachers i'm now showing you the um link now this is the landing page okay for all of you to get your premium upgrade okay so uh but again teachers um it requires that you already have a puzzle account okay so puntalampuhilito teachers um submit that lee kts upgrade okay and you will get your premium accounts kela teachers know uh disclaimer uh forever none of three um premium accounts is okay so teachers i'll give you some time to to copy to access the link right now let me also send that to our live chat for easy access so you can just simply click it teachers um help me um comment this or replicate the comment but uh the rest of our members could actually access the teachers can you please comment if you're able to access this landing 48 hours for the upgrade to uh to uh get in once you are upgraded you can now post into your uh gcs in your facebook send emails to your co-teachers in even in your with you to your school administ administrators that your entire school has been upgraded to ed pascal through you okay upgrade teachers uh video right now okay so teachers i'll give you some ad some time can i give the last two minutes to uh access our landing page yes for me i use our okay we will have a um certificate i'll be showing the evaluation link after this in two minutes okay now teachers number one as requested in the live chat late uh earlier two sessions have been uh i don't know um in a way uh not not yet designed no but uh we're also going to give two other sessions based on your suggestions in the live chat one we're going to invite a deaf ed official okay uh to uh orient us about expectations standards and preparations for the upcoming online classes observations okay second teachers session on using screen recording applications screen recording applications session for that okay sir christopher we will try our best to do that but for now let's just enjoy the ed puzzle up to july 2021 and that's uh we're gonna see about it if they're going to extend teachers um according to sir louis corrada malacas teacher tony ramos welcome to our teachers know well um always always we are always listening to your requests always let us know our page is open uh teachers please do subscribe no uh to my youtube channel para notify pupa uh click the notification bell fire para you will never miss um the live banana live sessions or live streams nothing okay yeah 30 seconds before i show your um um evaluation link yeah and sir christopher we appreciate that phone yeah yeah congratulations and good luck again now uh premium account from uh ed puzzle uh miss vianney my space um now up to your evaluation now teachers um so here's your evaluation you may now evaluate teachers this webinar this will be the basis of your certificates for attending these webinar teachers okay so teachers let me know before i um uh log out from the stream let me know if the link uh works uh for your evaluation yes yes indeed no i agree uh sir christopher yes about working so teachers have a nice evening uh enjoy your dinner um i will see you hope to see you on saturday as we have our lightning talks though we'll be having nine speakers on saturday uh sharing their experiences in distance learning let's all learn from each other because that's the best um measure you know of our experiences and learning from the uh from the shift to dispensary so teachers and this evening for being with us here at gapay teacher support hey sir you
Channel: Franco Nicolo Addun
Views: 20,469
Rating: 4.9298244 out of 5
Id: 0fbqV2bhJFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 38sec (8798 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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