February Series | Lightning Talks: Experiences, Practices and Stories in Distance Learning

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[Music] yes uh yes today we have a lots of uh i don't know uh sharing that will happen today yeah we decided to be a little bit earlier than usual paramount time is really more on a very free flowing uh engaging discussion yes we'll be uh tapping norden's experiences uh audience no so please uh just like uh always uh do uh enlight no do uh engage so i think live chat no um teachers just like always um do uh do indulge us i think um yes so teachers um let me um greet you know uh please do type in our chat box your name your schools your places and we'll uh document very quick shout out because we'll be receiving much of the time starting a session for today so we have here from bang uh central elementary school bangnat north district cersei priyan arenas from balete sur san carlos city division miss myra ramos from sd la union hi miss clarissa guzman good morning paul miss jenna saris from eloilo city yeah okay mr ass pastor manipur from always now for always always from uh because i think no he's in the best position to actually explain to us importance and excited succession okay i am you all know how sir franco in most of the seven it's uh the the webinars always insist on sir angelo we were never ahead of you we never take on the no we never take on the role of leading you to wherever yeah uh it all comes full circle are now taking over our screens and sharing with you their actual stories sharing with you their uh best practices sharing with you your experiences dang school nila especially when it comes to distance learning so uh their experiences will apply to everyone else no definitely not uh i don't think or i'm not sure if they've realized it already but to share to our uh viewers pero they will end up realizing after this two-hour webinar from everyone from each other and from the very active comment section that we have so napo naming of us hearing more from our represented from luzon uh down to visayas down to mindanao representatives ever so really we didn't have to listen and hear from our teachers who are actually on the ground no teaching experiencing the distance training to actually able to understand it and hopefully this could become um a start say jumbino as we mentioned i know um and who knows we'll be uh seeing them again uh in a full length webinar now so for today uh of their future webinar talks with gaga by teacher support yes okay so um um we can already with our first set now we'll be having three sets of um speakers uh for today sets of three yes three sets of three yes don't forget teachers uh you'll also be receiving a certificate of achievement after this webinar okay so please make sure that you answer our evaluation link that will be given towards the end and also expect we'll be going a little bit over time today now because of the so many speakers we're going to have for today and uh no no offer oh the many offerings we're going to give today okay let's have our first set of um speakers for today again okay uh so uh dear kagapai and to continue our february series we have lightning talks experiences practices and stories in distance learning and for our first set first set palomb we're promising you three we already have three speakers three shaders for the first set we have problem from saint anthony elementary school in uh memorial state college of agriculture and technology and we will end the first set with a gentleman from zapatera national high school cebu q and a with the three of them let's start our first set of presenters for this morning to serve franco and the rest of the organizers and to our viewers or participants in this lightning talks thank you for joining us this morning i am glad to become part of this lightning talks where i'll be sharing to you some of the perhaps best practices in this educational restrictions all right without any further ado i'm going to proceed with my presentation titled teaching life science effectively through computer aided instruction or simply the guide this is actually the offshoot of my master's thesis where in in terms of its application there is a really big contribution especially in this time of of pandemic wherein we opt to embrace the demands of the computers of the industrial revolution 4.0 in we integrate information communication technology in our instruction all right allow me to give you a simple mems because this is a trend in this for the millennials as they say so if you were asked on who what do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested if you're going to revisit our conventional way of teaching basically the answer would be a teacher we teachers are good in talking but oftentimes when people's we're no longer interested in our discussion that means there is something in our discussion so what is the requirement to have at least an intervention for them to not get bored in this because in the in my study i am my concern is all about in science field in the field of science so so in this regards computer-aided instruction is a need for us to integrate in our instruction but it is necessary for us to be guided that technology will never replace great teachers embrace it because though there are so many educational platforms nanak sila basangayun's industria but we must not be replaced by this technology because teachers we teachers are still the best in terms of delivering the education that our children that the students need in order to combat the demands of the of the of the centuries that may come but technology in hands of great teachers is transformational this is the reason why we teachers must be transformational we must be an agent of transformation that means we're going to transform our students into the best version of their selves to give you an idea of what my presentation is all about where in i have made mention that it was actually taken from it was actually based from a master's thesis on the integration of computer aided instruction to lesson development we hope to utilize learning management system we utilize google google classroom the moodle and so many platforms just to deliver the lesson because it is a need it is highly interesting especially in the field of science to integrate computer aided instruction just like simulations and other technologically developed platform that will enhance the students conceptual understanding and it might master the learning competences stipulate the most essential learning competences that that is needed for them to master now the focus of the sky in my in the lesson is that focusing on these three lessons about structures and functional cells photosynthesis energy flow and the utilization of energy since these topics are difficult to understand in during the traditional during the conventional way of teaching how much more today specially to the science teachers structures and functions of cells of course the the flow of the light dependent in independent reaction under photosynthesis and most especially on the cellular respiration how are we going to explain the in details the processes the pathways in glycolysis citric acid cycle the electron transport chain and with this with integration of course with integration of chi in this lesson wherein this is actually prepared as as the result of a master's thesis wherein i am sharing this to you that computer-aided instruction really increases the conceptual understanding of the students and at the same time they were able to master the learning uh the learning competencies and it might be that after studying our students after studying life sciences we could not explain the situation the conditions of our students actually even in our conventional way of teaching that is why it would be good if we integrate computer-aided instruction as what i what i've practiced in teaching the following topics and our students would eventually seek for help and in terms of seeking for help it's difficult to extend help specially that we are bombarded with perhaps with a different different school activities we are going to prepare mojos in the coming weeks or and perhaps in the case of the prior public schools they printed the prepared the ready-made modules but we know that the public school teachers you are not confined with with a prescribed prepared lesson plan keep on printing but they are required to prepare learning activity sheets were in this would enrich the students who failed in a certain topics that the students failed to master the learning competences in the prepared modules prepare and perhaps in terms of preparation it might be a step i'm encouraging those teachers just like what we did that in order to at least ask for the learning competencies in the preparation of the learning activity sheets magandana we integrate if possible the certain computer-aided instructions especially in in science-related field but i'm also encouraging in in other fields just like in english in filipino and other languages field that computer-aided instruction is also perhaps the a good way of enriching our students mastery in the lesson this is how actually the teachers feel after lessons are done we are but parang feeling nothing i this it was a successful endeavor indeed right after we we printed the modules we delivered the modules in terms of the retrieval of modules the posting of the learning materials and activities in in the learning management system the question is is there an assurance that our students were able to really master were able to in to digest the content that we were able to prepare that we that we posted in our learning management system that is actually the question what is the assurance that they were able to learn the things that we wanted them to learn to give you some of the rundown of the result of based from the studies of biorestoration the effectiveness of computer-aided instruction on students conceptual understanding and life science these are some of the computer-aided instruction utilized in the discussion of the topics being made mentioned a while ago in the structural function of cells in the photosynthesis the light dependent and independent reaction the cellular respiration the conversion of energy we have to embrace really the realities that we have to accommodate the demands of the technologies especially that under that these topics requires highly technical terms for our students to master my hit up and still not master it all and in the development of our lessons i would encourage our fellow educators our fellow teachers especially in the private schools and public schools to integrate these things at their own pace because our students are learning independently so integrating these things again the sakanilan feeling looking into the the content of the topics that we wanted them to that we wanted them to embrace that we wanted them to learn and perhaps students are enthusiastic enough to look into this because this is interactive in terms of interactivity the use of narrate order features present in this computer-aided instruction in the sky packages and finally what would be the best thing that i could share these from what i have presented randomly based from the result of a master's test it would be best that we have to embrace the challenges though though we have other things to do but then we could we commit that we have to serve that even in our worst day we are still the learner's best hope we have to serve the best that we can do we integrate the best thing that we can in order for the students to learn whatever the situation is the accommodation of the newest intervention in the academ is the best thing that we have to embrace just like this one the integration of computer aided instruction in teaching life science if we try our best as an educators in promoting the best thing that could help sharpen our techniques our methodologies is a need for us to go along with by that i would like to end my my talk according to alvin tuffler that the illiterate of the 21st century will not be those he cannot read and write but those who cannot learn and learn and relearn thank you very much and good morning to each and everyone to all our viewers i am so delighted to be speaking to you all about a digital innovation that is very close to my heart and that is flipped classroom actually i made a study about this last 2018 and was able to present this at southeast asia conference on basic education research pictures with its research titled the effectiveness of technologically enhanced flipped classroom and academic performance of grade six bugles now let's talk about flipped classroom in transformative education so as the topic title implies here as seen in the screen reality shows that we are living in an era of crossroads where in the digital became the new normal and the most obvious crossroads here is that we are witnessing the impact of technology and its transition is happening at full speed so a shift a transformative style of teaching education for the 21st century is very evident now i think most of you who are watching are educators and we all know that educators are very notorious for choosing the us and latest innovation and speaking of that well i can still remember a scenario in 2017 that was in my second year of service in public school so during that time it really feels like something is urging me to go beyond my teaching styles to innovate to think out of the box or and to transform my classroom so after i made a deep study about the concept the process of planning the implementation and evaluation i considered turning my classroom upside down now allow me to share to you the experiences my stories insights from teaching in the frame of lip classroom and i'm sure most of you have heard about it okay so flip classroom or inverted classroom is an example of pedagogy that aligns with the 21st century style of learning that plots into its language during this global pandemic and this popular trend in education is actually a type of blended learning where the lessons are learned at home while the practice is completed in the classroom so this is called flipped classroom because it flips reverses the traditional method so actually my own experience in traditional classroom setup urged me to consider this so back then i was just so sick of the usual pattern we're in after for example after the lesson i am assigning homework to my class only to discover that the pupils are having a difficulty understanding the concept so our whole class period where our just spent by just reviewing the homework so this really triggered me to flip my classroom of course to maximize the class time transforming it into hands-on differentiated and personalized learning experiences so with our current situation with public 19 this has forced teachers and pupils to learn in virtual spaces so this blended approach to online learning through flick classroom allows instructors to integrate synchronous and a synchronous platform so good thing here is there are many available apps platforms structures where pupils can explore the content apply what they have learned and extend their knowledge so we have here google classroom and puzzle and quizzes which are some of those that we can easily use to go with the flow and embrace creating our digital flip classroom by the way teachers you can use whatever platforms you want and i'm really glad that we are always on the go in keeping with the evolution of the platforms in optimizing the use of the available tools that we have now the question here is how do i make this possible so here are the steps in flipping the classroom all right so this is in the context of face to face but same procedures in distance learning so first is it's very important to orient the pupils the parents and your school head about this second create resources for instruction such as an ebook youtube videos powerpoint and handouts third is to manage the flip classroom to make the most of in-class time by making the objectives and expectations at its onset and fourth is the technology integration where you could integrate different platforms for your tools this is also where i learned to create my own materials like video lessons my own ebook powerpoint as my basic materials that are suited and appropriate for the learners in the flip classroom set up and to tell you my experience i also came to a point where i found myself worried with a small amount of nervousness whenever confronted with technology and i'm pretty sure that we are on the same boat on that but what i have learned is or what i have realized is that the more we use the technology the more comfortable we become just like language the more we use it the more fluid we become so teachers when the fear of technology strikes you overcome it by embracing it wholeheartedly then moving on to the next we have here the actual flipping so it is the stage where the pupils will be given access to the said materials in advance so they can review this at their own pace at their own time and if they want to go back and study something again they can next is in class so after students have engaged with the materials they already have an idea so they can work on problems in class as teachers engage them in tasks so here the teaching time is dedicated to the problem-solving activities brainstorming or even games so with the teacher's help and guidance meaningful learning and valuable class time of world so here pupils became independent learners so the pupils guide the pace and style of their learning while the instructors played the role of the guide on the side so flipping the classroom is not merely just giving them advanced materials but also engaging them in flip learning incorporating four pillars into the practice so f in a word flip is the flexible learning environment so it's really unnecessary to create flexible spaces to allow students to differentiate and individualize learning since they are actively involved in knowledge construction next is a learning culture so the flipped classroom is student-centered so students are considered as active learners and teachers as facilitators then i stands for intentional content so the differentiated materials that i made were anchored to the learning targets connected with the content that is very important and pay for the professional educator or lecturer so here is the role of the educator is more demanding as educators should constantly monitor and as is the pupils now let's try to link the bloom's taxonomy to the flip classroom in traditional model remembering and understanding take place when instructors introduce new materials to the students who try to follow students delivery while in flipped classroom new material is introduced to students outside of the class where they work on mastering concepts on their own pace and own time so pupils can already work with the areas from remember up to the apply areas now try to look at apply analyze evaluate and create areas in traditional model so it shows that this is where the pupils do the homework while in flipped classroom the actual class time is where the students and instructors work together on these levels of understanding so linking bloom's taxonomy in my flipped classroom allows me to build foundation to the specific targets i need to enhance or to address and it is actually good to support the pupils to build concept apply evaluate and create new and original works that showcase what they have learned so flipped classroom not just increased students academic engagement but also their satisfaction levels so in flipped classroom the pupils were engaged in more meaningful activities and individualized learning that enhanced their performance now what if few girls don't come prepared so this was the question by panelist way back well of course we don't want in-class disasters to our flipped classroom so having a good classroom management is the key and it can be done by setting learning objectives and expectations as early as possible moreover actually the flip classroom is really a partnership so it's really important to tap the support of the parents in a pre-assessment phase and to make sure that pupils come to class prepared for them to engage themselves in activity fully was really a challenge to us teachers so what i did is i trace records under pre-class work which is also significant in the grade performance and through this they are aware of the consequences in terms of how their lack of preparation affects their breed and okay so building a positive relationship with pupils and parents is one of the key secrets to achieve this because it helps in increasing pupils motivation there is no perfect innovation method and approach and it's natural that we can experience distributes along the way so just like for example the internet connection we can deny the fact that some of the pupils do not have computers or internet connections at home however the drive to pursue our goal should never hinder us to any challenges that comes along so giving equal opportunity to the learners should always be the number one priority so printed materials or printed copies or materials in a city can be a way to solve that problem and though it was very hard at first because of the preparations it costs to teachers i was relieved to see students taking ownership for their own learning and you know what i think it is one of the best things i ever did in my teaching career so this dared me to be more to do more believe more for the students i serve and actually teachers i was really happy because of an increasing number of teachers who are using flip classroom so to tell you honestly i was a bit hesitant way back 2018 because flip classroom are mostly used in higher level but still i push to try it to my grade six pupils so teachers if it excites you and screws you at the same time it probably means you should do it and this brings you courage and love to your end war so don't be afraid to think of ways to improve yourself and your method in teaching your pupils so keep learning if it works then better so as they say variety is the spice of light that gives it all its flavor so let us all continue having a powerful fade in the future and heart of planting and nurturing seeds that will grow and shape tomorrow teachers let us use the crossroads of digital innovation in equipping ourselves and also our learners in this transformative education so thank you very much this is miss eloise me belen usa [Music] this [Music] hello good morning salad so a topic of my even i'm maximizing learning skills so we all know we have different levels of skills so question now is of all the topics where i chose maximizing learning skills because i consider this three as the framework of my topic this morning it needs problems and curiosity so with regards to needs [Music] what are those problems that hinders the success of my teaching or the topic delivery and curiosity uh experience in facebook free webinars free training just like the agape teacher support uh please spend time for that one because it really helps and as part of the solution of these three needs problems and publicity i'll consider skills okay so skills now as i've said a while ago we have different levels of skills [Music] so with regards to manipulation of computers technical skills [Music] foreign okay with regards to skills so since i attend a series of formal trainings webinars yeah i also conducted webinars and also what i've learned i also share it to my colleagues just like how to manipulate so i share my learnings also so webinars what are those webinars that i've conducted so basic of photoshop crazy so crazy presentation young parang meizu may not zoom out and google drive and also the products of microsoft so with regards to google drive we are in the new normal so here we are adapting printed module and digital so what is intended for digital so uh [Music] i teach the learners for within two days uh [Music] modules and then the other series of folders the intention for that one is for the submission of answer sheets so that's why a series of folders bucket never series or folders of folders by section and then make sure there is an agreed time submit um references or additional materials okay and then with regards also starting microsoft products uh simply learn uh how to use uh powerpoint presentation and excel so with regards to powerpoint presentation it is in connection with crazy so using powerpoint presentation with the concept of crazy presentation so next so in sharing uh the long bargain my colleagues so excel and google forms so excel what i did since we in public school teachers were using dtr and idler so i made a way where in the idler and the dtr is connected generated so meaning after the month no need to write your dtr from day one after the last day because automatic uh connectedness so you're inputting your hitler in a weekly basis so what will happen so i'd like a long input in a weekly basis and then once you try to look up or try to check in your ddr it's already also uh the same time what is written in your idler and for the google forms let's say for example posttest automatic and also automatically generated the score so it's a best way unlike checking manually but the google forms government and google form i'm just all are only referring digital so but at least we're finding way and how to listen our problem so slide mrs lam parasating my teachers so what we did is always for our learners so most of our nights planning most of our mornings explaining most of our afternoons correcting and most of our years encouraging and most of our lives is racing okay and the main reason for the future of our learners so that's my topic for this morning all about okay thank you sir franco and the agape teacher support community god bless once again thank you um [Music] approach by uh by sir alvin and then um we also have a sharing from isla so which is some more generalized no could actually be applied to different subjects different settings no primarily done in the face-to-face set up pero if you look at the teachers no actually on face to face i am clip classroom is the one that saved us distance for a distance learning modality okay um and also also take it into cerebral venus for sharing that i really like what i really like about serbia venus idea is that precisely what agape teacher support is that your skills are only maximized if you're able to share them okay so if it's something that you can share or haven't shared no uh no no no no reduce impact okay nasa teachers um maybe we can entertain some questions no um from the audience if you have questions to serve bueno vides miss eloysa and sir alvin yes connection but he's in the background already anyways when you started uh leaving your classroom what would be perhaps one of the biggest challenge that you encountered all right so thank you sir actually your question is very interesting so actually before we reach the happy ground wherein um the students are taking ownership of their own learning we have to face the challenges we have to consider some encounters and um consider something so one of the biggest challenges um in affiliate classrooms of course the uh the the compute uh the availability of the computers and of course the internet connection so what i did there is i uh in the pre-assessment phase you have to know or you have to uh you have to do something for those pupils who are having a difficulty in internet connection so you can give them printed materials and i have the tools that i use in my flip classroom were already in a cd materials for those who who can afford um journey in that kind of setup oh that's nice miss elisano a low bandwidth versions uh flip class that's very very nicer miss uh actually i have a question for you so when we're talking about skills right now uh what do you think sir benavidez [Music] [Music] [Applause] so usually with regards to interactions among a teacher's uh computer based then and uh teachers um with regards to manipulation it's a simpling let's say for example um a deep understanding using of excel and also um uh even powerpoint presentation [Music] visual idea it serves and actually also one of the points is we have to embrace uh this uh this uh the situation that's the only time we get to really learn from it now major pain and major painstaking at the end of the day teachers when we try to embrace it and we learn to embrace it things will be much much easier and better so jambi any thoughts so i'm i look forward full-blown webinars this morning uh again every again later as we now move on to our set number two for this morning's lightning talks [Laughter] we again have a great set of sharers for this morning we have from ayanka kasama hani sir franco from savior's school san juan mr alvin s reclusado and if i'm not missing against and then we have from universidad de zamboanga from zamboanga city wow michiolin in medina and also from don leon mercado senior memorial national high school san juan batangas section we have miss liberty villanueva lugato take it away hello teachers good morning i am always replacing again and today i will be talking about a whole new world adding the element of fun in learning but oops not word it is word wall so let's talk about word wall but before that i'd like to ask you some questions when you were a kid did you play party hello teachers good morning i am always replacing again and today i will be talking about a whole new world the element of fun in learning but oops not word it is word wall so let's talk about word wall but before that i'd like to ask you some questions when you were a kid did you play patient terror or what about tumban preso luxon clinique luxon vaca these different types of games did you have fun did you enjoy now that we are somewhat more matured somewhat uh in our 20s or 30s 40s perhaps what do you feel when what do you think your children are feeling when they are doing the naruto run in the corridors of your school or outside our houses or for those who are inside their respective houses playing this kind of game doing card games are we saying that we can add this kind of fun in learning and can we do it through games if we say that when we talk about games basically we're talking about human experience do you agree with me human experience in the sense that when we say that we are going to play a game basically we think of someone in mind as well and human experience is that when it is shared because you have someone in mind is that we all agree that there is this element of fun when you were a kid you wanted to go out to play with one of your friends so usually during our time we have shasta time for example they would ask us to sleep from one to two then you cannot go out like something like that and then when it is play time already under it among others with our friends right and that's why we are saying it is something that is shared it is not something that you do on your own because i wonder how can you play patented on your own what about have you tried playing hide and seek alone can you do it so basically when we are talking about games with the shared human experience with the element of one this are things that we do with other people these are things that we do with our friends these are things that we do with our with the people that we love and as we do them we share that experience and let us now translate that into learning and according to karl capp we now call this gamification and when we say gamification we say that gamification allows us to take the elements of fun the elements from games you have your rules you have your set of limitations you have a certain level of freedom yet it is not absolute because you have to follow that rule when you play lange lupa once you know you don't follow the rule then just like now when the kids are calling this the floor is lava and when they say the floor is lava you have to jump to a place higher get out of the floor or when they see the sofa isla get out of the supa there are rules now let us integrate these kinds of rules into our instruction but don't forget fun let's make our games let's make our ideas let's make our teaching more fun and similarly for carl kap if we add this element of fun into our learning then your students will have a better retention and recall the students will be more motivated and students will be more engaged because if this element of fun is within our lesson is embedded in the way we teach or in our activities i'm guaranteeing that your students will be focused on the things that they are supposed to be doing i'll be sharing to you some of the examples that they did using word wall do you want to be a game show host we can use word wall to make a quiz show something like the one that i have now so it is simply not asking my students there what are the elements or what are the things that you could see in a triangle or identify this and that no i tried to gamify it or what about this one as a kid did you play batman or have you seen the movie pixels or i think it's pixelated so something like this it's can you imagine or have you imagined doing this kind of this kind of activity in your class and can you hear can you hear my voice when i'm playing this game and practicing it for our class let's go again let's go can you imagine your students playing this game do you think they will enjoy do you think they will have fun there finally i got it and i did it through world war and according to the manchac world war making learning fun or make learning fun because through word wall we can make interactive activities for the classroom either it is in phase or during this time of pandemic wherein all of us are doing either online distance learning or asynchronous learning so teachers let's move on are you now ready to make your classes more fun and more interactive pictures so let's go and sign up please go to wordwall.net and then click sign up you have two options in signing up you may sign in with google or you may do it manually so that your account will be signed up with word world rather so type in your email address for example i i will use my other email address then i'll make a password then confirm the password then click your location look for your location but we are since this is for the philippine features let's click philippines and then i accept then click sign up now we are ready to make our video so we can uh our activity rather so click create your first activity so you take note you have a lot of options to choose from match up random wheel group sort random cards missing words anagram label diagram and jumble you have a lot of choices so from this you may just choose for example the one that i've shown you a while ago game show then click title so let's say self introduction say what is my name so i am referring to me as a teacher so i'll say albin or so for me this is the correct one so i will click it this is the correct answer and click done so take note that for us to click done there must be at least five questions and then from there you can work with you can share it to your class already but one of the limitations of this one teacher since this is a basic account the one that we are using and the one that i'm using as well is that we can only have five games that is saved in world war but don't worry don't be a cry baby what we're going to do is that i will show you how to work on it i work around in this with this tool since we are using a basic account there is a limitation so we only have maximum of five games we can only create five maximum a maximum of five activities using the basic account for wordworld.net so what we can do to troubleshoot this problem is to go to your previous activity or to your previous game and then you can edit content so as you edit content you can change the the ones that you have made previously and just click done and you have another you can reuse that another kind of activity so you may also change the kind of game that you want so what we're going to do is for example instead of the game show quiz i want open the box i will click open the box and now my activity was streamed if i want quiz it will change to quiz or if i want random wheel it will change the random wheel so all you have to do is spin and then there you have it you embed get the link and send it to your students and that's it we're done so teachers one important note is that for us to be able to share this one we should always go back to embed we go embed click embed so that we'll be able to get the link and we can share it to our students how are we going to share this one you can just simply get the cup you just can simply copy the link and then if you are using facebook messenger to communicate with your students then you post it there if you are using if you are using an lms you just post it there you embed it and all that your students would do is to click the play button and then it's okay they can play already so some of the things that i did or some of the things the uses of this one for me is that before assessment as a form of review recall for these activities or for introduction of the lesson as well so it is a good motivation for the students we can also use this for pre-tests it is not only paper and pen that will work for pre-tests we could gamify all of the things that we are doing provided that they are appropriate provided that they are in line with our objectives and then our lesson will be fun so teachers to end my sharing to you today i will always tell you and please always remember let us make learning fun let us make our lives easier let us make learning fun through world war thank you very much and enjoy your day okay so okay good morning thought okay so um good morning to everyone it's near last time and i'd like to thank first um sir frank and teacher jam for um this opportunity um i'm newly media from university blanca and um my talk about is the importance of an empowered academic support group during the pandemic start stories of perseverance and self-disservice at university so um this is this has been my topic because i really would like to also put um an emphasis on the efforts and um and practices that i have seen with my colleagues and also with my team and i think those in the academic support group are i considered them as some heroes and then i um so it was an opportunity to share with you how important the academic support group or team is and at the same time also have uh so that everyone will have a great appreciation of all these people yeah so a little bit of background um um i have already been in the educational um institution for i think um 17 years now and then um i used to be a high school teacher and afterwards i became a technical educational trainer and then um eventually i was also given an opportunity to become a middle manager so i handle team i handle two teams right now so you isa is for you know ict uh team name and detail so again let's proceed so i'd like to first focus on that next first is very important especially during the pandemic when we had the pandemic last march no what the management that actually some of the middle managers uh first went uh focused into is how to involve the everyone into to becoming uh involved in community so that thing this is idol and obviously there's a lot of um effects uh mental health and emotional uh health net and then everyone doesn't know what will happen so when we when the management at the same time the middle managers thought of why not involve everybody into the communities would feel that um they have an activity and they'll be productive they're depressed so and so what we did was you know uh we went into farming we went into agriculture so you support group naming support group naming in community and extension services focused on this one and then they uh gathered everyone um they plant vegetables and at the same time what we did what they did is also um uh monitored the the seedlings at the same time and there was also a time so what we what the what the academic support group did is they went house to house to bring the seedlings to each of uh of our employees productive yet so we also made an effort academic support support group also made an effort to also help out during that time uh because giving out or helping out other people with spending which will also make them feel good so in a way um good stuff for the for for our spirit and for uh a good positive vibe you know so it's uh it's our way of saying uh let's help each other out we'll just wait and see what will happen so in another what what we did was we saw the opportunity academic support group so an opportunity to involve everyone to equip you know equip and equip nominal academic support group um who can go to school that time so you work first time and so in equipment first aid because we don't know what happens so since there's a pandemic what we did was uh uh we gathered together and then we participated in basic life support so coming basic life support skills so through the part of two partnership with red cross so yeah so next yes we the management also together with the academic support group also thought of donating or helping out in the community in our lcu by during the time this is actually donating um and then for leadership and influence the man i um have included that this because um obviously the management is also part of the academic support but uh school no but uh since i my my boss is a millennial as well so i'm we gather together because we're also um we convinced um supports online or sport group that we tried to brainstorm and then we we all thought of why not gather everyone and then uh young point then we would mean with uh and then online and then we we will teach them how to use um the tools like um google uh google apps and all of this that we are using nowadays i think every one of my knows that so yeah so the leader our leader now is also as a part of the academic support group is also doing something part of my influence and at the same time we also made sure that um the school is also disinfected in time for uh students to um come back here in the school so paragraphy were also hoping during that time about bakasana october but then so what we have here um uh university radio station so actually it is a good advantage in bugging private schools equipment but what uh what we did was we released in this uh usual and i mean when during that time now a lot of pandemic so not brainstorming communication support team para on how to empower at the same time how to provide support to our students and to our community to the parents with what we have with the materials that we have young societal and so we're now holding songs like um we have uh we are also doing um broadcasting no so what is virtual pressure so we have virtual pressures every friday so imaginable topic like social wellness and the financial wellness so inviting and sometimes other industries as well so in a way we're also getting in touch with constantly getting in touch with the industry through this um manner for the management information system support is uh the thing which i need yes um during that time so i we make sure me and my team make sure that all the internet are okay internet connection because i mean support so we cannot do face to face uh since everybody's doing uh teaching online and all doing their paper they're knowing their documents online processing online so that may connect sort so i we ensure that every everyone is connected so very harsh in awakening sometimes there are things that are really beyond our control so but we make sure that the infrastructure is um being maintained and being monitored so we have different campuses i would like to thank you mahami manga admits um um janitor i mean utility personnel who also help us out uh with uh making sure that everything is in place and making sure that every every uh play every place is a clean and maintained so he support group now uh management information system department diamond details so we needed the tapas stuff not work so which is uh we are very thankful for that we're trying to make uh find ways to ensure everyone that kailangan connected palagia we provided support through emails through chats guides and on medium through phone calls so at the same time hindi name in hindi comment stop a plan now when they come back we kept on planning and also we keep on doing things that we usually do to make sure that everything is in place so you and so i also don't like to thank you i'm in human resource department for uh in the admin department for making sure that pakistan is but i'd like to also thank you people behind to pack this the stuff knows these are the people that sabiko and some heroes sometimes but i would like to through this secret opportunity we'd like to thank these people because uh you're during that time did not stop working so uh they worked on the having the university accredited during pandemic time so we had uh we were able to get in uh accreditations during the tenkai pandemic so that's uh one of the silver linings of um our pandemic and we made sure that everyone who certain effort and also our scene that have been working very well uh every month is being recognized so you know how many monthly um monthly employee of the month gathering and then we also we thank them for their efforts okay so i'm also in charge of the technical and vocational um trainings in the university so veronica because face to face so i'd like to share also a little bit of the insights that we prepared as early as december pointing the customer face to face to uh test the uh program so we made sure that everything is in place because obviously you'll test the progress in disappointing online uh harami hand so we started we have a welding class a time we are monitoring right now so thailand safety officer on site yeah and so we also made sure and also i made sure we also made sure that everyone all the faculty are also getting their accounts uh guidance and they go open forum uh personally i think sharing is the best way for them to let out whatever stresses they are experiencing or pressures so we also had um our high school accreditation accreditation so the thing set up and when we we are doing everything online uh mask and obviously but we're also all connected okay so these are the support group also of uh making sure that everything is in place while we are the accreditation is on uh happening so our research demand and development is still also um this is the next stop so we had the pandemic we also opened our a museum to showcase all the things for others uh so yeah and so we gathered everyone and then we also have a young so i'm nearing on the last slide so um on personal advocacy i'd like to share no um [Music] i think last quarter last year what i did was really recalibrate my brain and all of this no so i made sure that i am now very conscious of my energy so i know energy and we need withdrawal and then a deposit go and so those two so these are the things so how do i use my energy and then um of making use of my social media so i what i did was the tricycle them or sometimes i deliver some of the stuff because it goes but it obviously i'm also in a way of apparent making myself feel good because i've seen some of my friends and then of us or everyone has personal problems or issues in life that or challenges that we also encounter maganda is we find still ways to be connected so yeah so celebrate birthday night bye bye come here and the bomba tour by coming and but i did i think this is one of the reasons why while i also got involved with and volunteered with gaga to have this um to be involved in one of uh the electric classes because i really want to um hone myself especially in public speaking and communications and i've been training uh ever since next obviously but i know i still need to learn more and then i um i guess effective because i want to be effective i want to share with other people i think you spirit of volunteerism has been with me since i was in college so i want that to still continue i feel para hindi complete volunteer and i'm very grateful for the opportunity that um sir franco gave me no answer so uh before i end my presentation i'd like to share this quote obviously is um from the president see from the ceo of google so having uh sunder psy technology alone will not improve education but it can be a powerful part of that solution i hope but um teachers are not the only ones doing using the technology but also the academic support group so you're registering your guidance counselor or not then uh student super um uh student disciplinary anatom these people that you see in hindi aside from your teachers are also heroes during the pandemic in our educational landscape so with that i'd like to thank um again for the opportunity good morning hi hello teachers um problem with um one of the videos so we'll um for the meetup teachers if you have questions please do indulge us i think um um chat chat box no okay while i retrieve one of the speakers videos also with the siri zombie by miss yolinto her community is uh very inspiring again [Music] okay but again the inspiration the the idea from miss ulin it's not necessarily about um uh emphasizing what they have or and what others do not have but rather it's a more of i think what i what i got from um is really that idea of uh community how important it is um as we i don't know as we move forward in this pandemic okay and um we'll just uh wait for a while no teachers for this um technical um um difficulty problem okay it's our first time to actually run something like this it's actually very very interesting how uh this is actually going well hey teachers uh if you're having problems uh please do let us know but i hope so far you've been um getting a lot from our speakers from today i think we're ready to share good morning everyone my title is the use of instant and text messaging as support modular distance learning approach actually this study is still unprocessed because i started this just weeks ago when we had a school webinar about making action research this study aimed to identify the impact of text messaging as learning support to modular distance learning approach which we are offering our students in addition it also study the students perception and the use of text messaging and facebook messenger messaging in giving announcements updates and reminders about the subject the participants restarted 45 grade 7 students who are interested in the transition period from their elementary years to their secondary years unlike before our school has a program where in the students were guided in a face-to-face set up so that they can successfully move to the expectations of the high school level but this year is different as we all know everything was shattered delivery of learning became a challenge to us because we as teachers were not used to online learning platforms much more our students not only covered 19 challenges but again in the year 2020 but also the eruption of the of the al volcano that is why from january 12 to march we were not allowed to go to school then after a fortnight of coming back to school we were suddenly interrupted by kobe 19 that all plans have to be cancelled or uh restructured in the beginning we thought it would just last for a month a week or so and then we'll go back to our old normal but from then on up to now we have been writing the history that changes the course of our educational setup this scenario has posted lots of problems and one of which is the digital divide before this pandemic i was one of those teachers who do not allow the use of cell phone inside the classroom actually it was the one of the prohibitions as listed in our agreement with students and parents our students also do not have internet connection that can be enjoyed inside the campus because of the capacity the local provider can give to only teachers were or can be given access to sometimes most of us or only a few of us can connect as well during those times i do not appreciate the use of cell phones inside the classroom but after coming back from a maternity leave this year i was surprised how the pandemic affected the delivery of education though i was one of those who were hands on in crafting our school's learning continuity plan i never realized how hard it was to implement pure modular approach until i saw my students records of written outputs and performance tasks you may shrug shoulders that we are only using text messaging and facebook messaging and support mdl maybe you would laugh at us but what can you expect only 10 among 35 teachers have laptops and broadband wi-fi connection at home 25 have laptops but do not have internet connection because of the area there is it is not it cannot act it's not accessible for them although the global index ranked the philippines 96 all over the world for mobile speed and 100 yet for fixed broadband speeds during 2020 it's still far from uh the regional leader singapore's 229.42 mbps speed for fixed broadband and 64 mbps speed for mobile connection and maybe as i have said this is true in the metro but for some of us in the province it is a totally different scenario the philippines of course as we all know became the texting capital as early as 2000 from then on a subscriber was said to send an average of 600 messages per month in 2019 however text messages sent by filipinos decreased by 40 percent because of the popularity of smartphones and wi-fi and data subscription as tony breidenberg said access everywhere is an issue because not everybody is as fortunate as everybody else and that is true with our students in a survey conducted among my students only 83 percent have their personal computers or personal cell phones while the rest are borrowing from parents or or siblings it is quite upsetting but we have to look at all sorts of solutions so that we would be able to continue education as the mandate of deaf and secretary you know briones education must continue although i would want to use zoom google meat and model thing link multimeter and other applications that i want to integrate with my teaching sessions since i have learned this from attending local and international webinars doing so would only mean that i am maximizing the gap among my students because most of the students are only depending on data subscription so why text and instant messaging text messaging can promote an active learning environment facilitate the building of a learning community provide feedback and increase student motivation looking into our context this is the best thing that we can use because this is most common among us students and teachers and i also found out that there are studies abroad and also in the philippines which talks about the effectiveness of these platforms as a support to learning delivery so based on the survey here are the uh important points that i have gathered so students agree on the following text and instant messages allow the students to get in touch with the teacher right away because of this i have to open my cell phone 24 7. and i see to it that i answered their queries as long or as as as soon as i read them because i know students uh data subscription can end for a period or they may lose connection because of the problem in access number two it is a great way to get quick updates and reminders because as we all know everybody is bringing cell phone everywhere they go so you do not need to be on your computer to get access to subject information it is also helpful for for supporting brief or time sensitive issues number three both are useful to share quick links to websites that are useful for the subject matter but in this case uh sending it in uh group chats or in facebook messenger messaging is uh more accessible because the students can access them at once and the teacher can monitor who have read the message file transfer of photos and listening texts short video clips and the like are also done easier in facebook messaging messenger app number four instant messaging allows multiple chat sessions and topics can be discussed back and forth allowing virtual interactions between a number of students and subject teachers students also can read or can back read from the group chat enemies information because answers to personal queries of students are also posted in the group chat students records of written and performance activities show that those who interact with the teacher have improved the records of activities on the other hand those who seldom contact with the teacher have some missing activities and this would uh the effectiveness of this uh action or of this act will be uh found if would be found after two weeks when i have seen the grades of the students who undergo the study okay although i am just using texting and instant messaging i hope that with this action i am minimizing the gap for digital leader individuals who are expected to live learn and work in a society where communication and access to information is done through digital technologies like internet platform social media and mobile devices with my students who own who do not own a personal cell phone i hope that there would be benevolent individuals there or groups who would help me in my cell phone project which means creating educational legacy by providing online network experience i believe by doing so you would be able to touch more lives you would be able we would be able to have a more effective uh uh minimizing of guts among our students for the access to the internet we will be partnering with barangay officials and the ict so that free wi-fi for all would be installed in the locality and we are also looking forward to having tech foreign centers in the barangay so that those who do not have cell phones or tablets can be helped actually i talked to one of the municipal employees who is in charge of this and he said that uh there would be tech for ed centers in our uh area or in our locality so with this thank you for the opportunity god bless everyone let us continue learning from each other thank you by teacher support for the opportunity it is uh a great morning spent with you all will be extending to 12 30 today you know because we webinars [Laughter] um both applicable for instruction and for assessments sorry for word wall you should uh it's uh for us to use it for instruction uh live so for us to be able to use it live okay and paid account so yes and then for and then i just like how are you going to do this through quizzes [Laughter] foreign yes of all the things that you've been doing right now uh what are you looking moving forward anupayong in store for as a support system to your faculty and staff okay you suppose a support system actually um struggle for now is really to for example obviously we're also using google advocacy is kubernetes industrial who you love for the technology as well as an integra to be integrated because it really feels different i know you you also see guru can relate because both you sir zombie i think what your goal is is also my goal in a way for the university and at the same time for our nearby communities here in san blanc so you know and hopefully you know at the same time for all the students partners generation very hyper very outspoken sometimes they might that they need to validate the information [Music] yes moving forward for next year um how do you think uh we should what are the changes in guru or alternative pero do you think it's something that we can like standardize for next year and instant messaging and hindi language so they are willing to have uh a zoom class at least they they are being supported through text and instant messaging instant messaging speakers that we have different contexts now but at the same time at on the same level we are encountering difficulties at a different plane just really respect no and siguro [Music] so actually set of problems and issues here as a private university now is sms is a very very good um on an achievement so not worth emulating for for other depth and uh or public schools experience liberty uh we will be more than glad to help you know um one of these days we might contact you we'll be meeting you back up into london on um creating like a a module or um protocols for the use of uh text messaging for um online before we uh introduce our third set of speakers uh how very excited i am about uh the things that can happen outside our webinar again very excited about the many possibilities because of our lightning talks and again sabine sir franco second set palanquin third set ninety canada we have from university of san carlos cebu city wow uh we have miss jemima nerisse a giro and then we have from panalawan montia an central elementary school lanao del sur or bubong del sur uh farhana and from saint jude catholic school quezon city miss maria ana pauline cruz yes sir exciting let's now proceed with our first speaker for the third set [Music] the pandemic has significantly changed the way we teach it has altered the teaching methods and strategies we used to be so comfortable with and now we are compelled to be adaptive to these rapid changes in our community it has always been our goal to facilitate a meaningful teaching and learning experience and to put our learners at a top priority but setting aside all of our thoughts for our learners let us take this moment to introspect reflect and ask as an educator how am i doing now how does this pandemic affect me personally and professionally i personally describe this pandemic as a quiet time in the process we might have elicited many realizations questions and the like but not all thoughts imply optimism rather we might have developed self-defeating thoughts instead at some point you might have asked are the things i do enough am i making any progress should i consider a paradigm shift do i have enough reasons to stay committed to what i am doing ironically this moment of silence has made us vulnerable it is making us fragile from the inside and things are undeniably overwhelming it is becoming more common to hear people expressing their confusion their doubts and their longing for progress the force of our hearted desires and goals is strongly felt and we are agitated to know what lies in the near future we might have found ourselves writing our modules at the same time questioning why we are doing it we might have found ourselves exhausting our energy and losing the meaning we once understood in the process of pursuing our passion as someone who advocates for mental health and well-being i am calling out my fellow educators to take care of themselves maybe all be reminded that our effectiveness as a teacher relies not simply on our knowledge and skills but also on our well-being how can we deliver our class instructions effectively if we ourselves are no longer at our best how can we continue touching the lives of our learners if we have lost that joy that passion and sense of purpose my fellow educators let us value ourselves as much as we value our learners a person who is able to sustain one's mental health and well-being has the ability to overcome the daily stressors in life work productively sustain meaningful relationships and maximize one's potential this is an ideal teacher let us take care and continue developing the aspects of ourselves it is essential that we engage in activities that allow us to develop our physical intellectual emotional social and spiritual aspects these aspects when they are developed and sustained will allow us to find effective ways to overcome our difficulties be more equipped in dealing with the changes around us and ultimately these are the components that make up a teacher who is effective and inspiring so let's do ourselves a favor because we deserve it as much as everybody else the aspects of ourselves are what makes up a person's holistic development in the process of understanding this concept let us assess ourselves we all know the basics of developing the personal aspects of an individual however sometimes we fail to put that knowledge into action we focus on priorities such as our family our students work and other activities but we have forgotten to take time to uphold our well-being by doing something that enhances our health harness our cognitive skills protect our psychological well-being sustain harmonious relationships and reflect on our actions our well-being is an armor that protects us from the challenging situations of life rest because it is a must we might be chased after deadlines meetings deliberations and other engagements but find time to rest harness your intellectual skills through fun learning activities there are more resources than the textbooks of the students watch that documentary film you have always wanted read that book you have long displayed on your shelf learn that skill you have always desired to equip yourself with express your emotions most especially the negative ones overcome those self-defeating thoughts reflect on how you typically react to situations and find the means to overcome your emotional turmoil then let this be your mantra a positive thought generates a positive feeling and a positive action spend every day meaningfully with your significant others reach out when you need help connect with your colleagues sustain and protect your personal relationships by spending quality time with your loved ones our work is never ending but opportunities may run out time is never earned it is simply spent so use it meaningfully and wisely reassess your plans and goals be evaluative reflect on your values strengthen your intrapersonal relationship remind yourself of what you value the most in life awaken that passion in you teaching is more meaningful when we continue to sustain and develop the different aspects of ourselves i hope that we continue to cheerfully do our daily tasks and joyfully interact with our learners in any way possible i hope that we continue to build ourselves up personally and professionally through faith great perseverance optimism and all other essential values let us continue to inspire one another as we seek for progress and i hope that we will be able to attain that self-fulfillment we have always dreamed of even in times of pandemic and lastly let us be at our best so that our learners will be at their best as well i am jeremiah manneris aero from the university of san carlos in cebu city and i'm grateful for this privilege to be able to share a message to you [Music] dress out there this one is for you how are we going to keep our kindergarten online classes just like a river smooth sailing even if there are some challenges here are some tips how are rules and tone our online classroom rules is the same as our face-to-face classroom rows it has to be firm few and simple establishing these rules are not for us to control our students but to give them equal and fair opportunity as well as creating a safe online learning environment remember teachers these rules should be achievable by four to six years old take note also teachers how do you communicate with your students remember the quote it is not what you said and it's how you said it how do you want to sound like ask yourself if this is the clearest way to express your ideas that kids can understand think of what why you are communicating it for is it for giving instructions then it should be short and clear is it for given task then you have to repeat it twice or twice so that kids can understand and do what you want them to do you know you can even sing it out just like in my own classroom whenever i ask them to get their whiteboard i always sing get your whiteboard get your marker and eraser so i actually made that one out of the blue because i personally get word in saying can you please get your whiteboard can you please get your marker remember keep it short clear and easy to remember as well as understand you can use visual cues during virtual classes that matches our instructions just like when you ask them to turn off their microphone or their cameras on i interest if you know where the students are interested in you can use that to keep them engaged in our online class discussions if they like animals you can have an online zoo or jungle filter you can even have your alphabet as animals and who knows they might even give you trivias about the animals that you know or you may not know you also have to check your presentations you have to use eye-catching presentations but not too much focus on the topic and avoid distractions ask yourself to is my font size too small or too big if is my font style the basic lettering or is it calligraphy that they may not even read is the image i added appropriate to their age am i using too many animations is my background overpowering my lesson we use digital media to support our class and we utilize our platforms for fun learning like storytelling or online stories if you want stories that has guided reading you can even access websites like vox and if you want it local there's youtube channel that is by storyteller eminem and adar in the house in storytelling too if you can act it out or voice it out do it here's a line from that one pick me up published by a darn house tahoe by doing this you don't just tell the story but you are practicing showing of emotions and making the story come to life you can use audio books songs and videos and make sure you listen and watch it before you present it to class for online games we have websites like abc yeah that are age appropriate for our kindergarten students we also have song for transitions or if you want to check their attention you can sing hand hand clap your hands arm arm fold your arms arm arm fold your arms there are also different free or paid online resources that we can use during our class but take note of the copyright issues virtual events like halloween and christmas are very fun to do in our online classes too when you give them assignments or tasks make sure that it will boost your creativity and other intelligences and you might even build new interests or enhance what they already have v values as well as kindergarten we can practice positive digital citizenship and netiquette remember teachers whatever you show your students they will imitate it trust me kids understand things that we think they don't but they actually do if you're in a catholic school just like me we integrate our prayers and spiritual belief you know when my students are feeling sad or even happy we pray together i also teach them to be grateful to whatever blessings we receive we can also integrate our own filipino values like baki as well as sharing at helping stories and songs can help us teach values to our students teachers you know this may be big words but it matters to the child it matters i also suggest that if you're going to use words of encouragement try to use more words that are not common one-half is you google it i personally google my words of encouragement and i make it personalized it depends on what the student achieved you can even give rewards a hosa so teachers you have to be careful in giving rewards in this way they are encouraged they are motivated and they will believe in themselves more in the long run they will develop their self-confidence and self-esteem are be ready so teachers let's smile to our students [Music] and we dress appropriately too for our class if you have your uniform you can wear that or if you're going to wear something more comfortable please make sure that you're wearing appropriate appropriate clothes for our class at i personally believe 99 makeup because i must not appreciate namangabata atmos natural expression prepare all the materials that you need whether it's a props you like books or videos at teachers videos now you're not paying attention and you're not listening to them you can even end the class with different ways of saying goodbye like you say see you later alligator bye bye bye butterfly show your best you even if you are in a tiny squirrel square okay at mistakes can happen and that's okay we don't have to be proud of ourselves remember have patience be positive and teach from the heart our kindergarten journey may not always be smooth sailing trust yourself and enjoy the ride on kindergarten online classes so it's it's the best i know it's the best age to start gustantin prepared sila for what they're going to encounter in the future applying everything has are some of the most affected la lunai mangano online teaching they're some of the most affected matanila so very very soon we will share with you uh how you can get uh in touch with them because they're apparently offering [Music] they realize how very important or or how much our eyes are affected online teachings quick sharing on how to care for our eyes four or five maybe even more than eight hours i see a different video screen does that mean we're ready for another video hi miss liberty yes we're ready to post your junk yes go ahead uh and this is another video from the third set enjoypaw we will attempt our very best to fix that um in the meantime sir franco [Applause] okay so um let's um welcome first um our uh the speakers know from the third set uh well um let's welcome miss pao and uh miss uh jimaima okay who shared with us earlier now is uh man you can reset me anyway miss uh miss pao okay actually very personal question for actually i have uh grade one uh kids no uh how do you go about it for me i say the preschool no in early childhood education it's just a very personal very uh italian how do you do that online uh how do you go about it anima challenge is new and uh how are your students reacting to it uh thank you posters a question uh the ideas of your teachers especially and of course i hope personally i always search for online london teachers teachers are very willing and happy and i use individualized many of us are actually suffering in terms of like anxiety depression uh extreme sadness how important do you think uh is well-being uh playing a part in uh in distance learning and um how do we sustain um so anion for them to be able to sustain themselves all throughout two more years if not at least one year at most two more years it's a distance learning modality for that sir when we talk about well-being it's actually the core it's the foundation of each one of us whatever field we are in we always have to take good care of our uh well-being and that is something that i would like to also emphasize every one of us teachers we have always been prioritizing our students our learners and we have been aiming for professional development and sometimes we have forgotten ourselves we have forgotten to take good care of ourselves maybe we could do some activities that will help us in sustaining our mental health because i would have to admit i have no observed and noticed that many people many people are becoming more concerned about the progress of their careers because others are probably being halted um probably some of them stop from working or others are even struggling in surviving in their field and what i would like to advocate most especially in times of pandemic is that our teachers be more aware of the things that they do and i know that sometimes we get too overwhelmed by our thoughts most especially the negative ones and what i would like to emphasize as well is that we need to have a control over those thoughts because probably at some point of our lives we have just found ourselves uh questioning is this still something that i would like to pursue most especially if we are struggling if we are struggling okay and we none of us expected this pandemic to happen probably somewhere already and enjoying the stability of their job but all of a sudden things changed this is a rapid change that none of us is uh prepared for and apart from our advocacy to promote the well-being of our learners before anything else we have to also take good care of ourselves because if we are not okay then we cannot work well if we are not okay then i don't think we will be able to deliver an effective instruction to our students it's actually this they can see it they will be able to feel it if we are not okay okay there are there is like uh uh invisible invisible wave that is coming from us that will be radiating from us towards our students even probably when we are just conducting online classes they would be able to feel it i miss is not okay sir is not okay and one thing we can prevent that from happening is of course to take good care of ourselves we have to make sure that we still we are still aware of what our purpose what our purpose is amidst all these hindrances and even when we don't have that uh physical or personal connection with our students i hope that they we will be able to find a way to sustain that meaningful relationship with them thank you miss jimmy um and mr mayama will be um conversing with you again later i will just finish up the third set with the miss sultan's video okay thank you okay okay global lockdown at educational institutions discuss the new normal with interim guidelines to observe and healthy measures to keep away from the present pandemic coronavirus the current global scale expansion in homeschooling through printed modules and online platforms might at first not be seen quite positively as likely to be effective but typically in our province majority of these parents and learners demand supplemented interventions for the effective continuous delivery of educational learning upon the approval of our school's division focal person the local government unit of bobo in la no del sur another stakeholder is concerned panelawan muntian central elementary school had initiated an outreach mobile support with its theme a tripartite approach for fiestable learning guided with its theme the outreach moba support does not only centralize as the learners alone but also to enlighten their parents and all other stakeholders who have participated in this outreach mobile support [Music] we design our main agenda to educate all participants regarding the existence of coronavirus and the healthy measures to be safe from such to foster our mental health and psychosocial support for the parents and guardians and how to deal with our learners alongside stimulating them the achievable effective ways to employ modular modality presenting them the fact that learners differs from multiple intelligences that require various teaching approaches educational activities stories and games were intended among preschoolers for the primary level learners and some for the intermediate level ones [Music] in our municipality major challenges around cinematics to be normal the name sum the increasing number of out-of-school youth the negligence of some parents in receiving printed modules and facilitating their learners at home and so is the misconception of every resident regarding this coronavirus some thinks it's fabricated while others get inferior aid [Music] to address these challenges and to formally educate every baron guys in what they should understand of the present situation and how to surpass these challenges our school chose to take a stand through implementing and outreach mobile support through this outreach mobile support we can mitigate the fears and misconceptions about this coronal virus and pacify the concerned residents with factual information that they can utilize to stay safe for everyone this outreach moba support had also paved the way to motivate these learners to continue their education with us we aim to conduct this support at least three times a month by then for as much as we had experienced this outraged moba support requires appealing preparation organized activities in convenient time to ensure a quality support as winston churchill coated we make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give implementing an oms or outreach mobile support with the president pandemic is challenging as teachers we are fully aware of the risks we shall encounter on the field [Music] guru [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in my decade of teaching i have experience and learned that teaching can only be effective when the wisdom of what you learn for inspires and is adopted not only for the learners but for us teachers as well as central elementary school papa me ah very interesting idea it's a mobile um it's an uh no no uh outreach support so in the midst of the pandemic no when movement is actually restricted they still find the way not to um um to do this uh project okay uh despite the list so i'm getting the intention and integrablex miss piranha i have we are now open for your questions okay uh our speakers are ready here no um and um we can uh we can address your concerns yes sir i think there is one question addressed specifically to another missionaries yes sir yeah how can we sustain our mental health our well-being and healthy lifestyle when we are faced with external challenges from our surrounding environment could you give us some tips and suggestions we can manage our own pair of problems are coming from the external yes well when we talk about our problems we can categorize them generally into two we have here uncontrollable situation and what we have the other one is controllable situation when we talk about controllable situation there is something we can do we can take an action to overcome that problem however when we are confronted with an uncontrollable situation that's a more challenging one why because we might not be able to change the situation but what we can change is our reaction to it that is why i always emphasize the relationship between our thoughts our feelings and our behavior because if you condition your minds that i can overcome this i know that i am determined to uh to pursue this thing no matter what amidst all the the challenges i am going through and also the external factors and the uncontrollable situation that i am being confronted with if you know for yourself okay that you can change the way you react and use that as your privilege then i am pretty sure that you will be able to overcome that not immediately but gradually it takes i know it takes a process so uh i have to emphasize the importance of these components thoughts feelings behavior because sometimes the way we perceive things okay will also influence the way we feel about the situation and our action if we think that it is something uncontrollable if you think that i can't do anything about it this is too challenging i don't think i am capable for this well that also affects the way you feel you won't have that that ability to uh overcome that anymore you feel restless you feel hopeless so it's a ripple effect it's a ripple effect so what i'm trying to emphasize if the the situation is uncontrollable then you have to change the way you react to it and it also goes with choice theory meaning if you choose to overcome that then you will a powerfulness statement then if you choose uh then you will know uh [Laughter] insights from our speakers uh things that you i think know if you'd like to share something else no um i don't see other questions now from our audience i think that the presentations were i don't know presentations uh insights questions uh to our speakers i have a question to ms farhana on your mobile and outreach programs um right now or um for the mobile um support uh no b to gather the scores to get the scores from anna from word wall so for us to gather the scores from word what we can activate or turn on the leaderboard enable the uh leaderboard and then uh for this it should be done per class foreign to use one link for all of the classes then or not as far as i know it's a word well you can have maximum of 50 participants and then puyong scores [Music] best practices thoughts reflections etc take away what is what is one more thing that you learned that you want to be able to apply in a month back to your schools because of this experience yeah thank you sir alvin i agree with you sir bueno vides i will commute sir uh sharpen [Music] uh all right so actually very nice sharing of the best practices our own stories actually uh because we can go beyond to our classroom to our own um self-improvement and it makes the part clearer than what we want to our students jolene okay so um you know i think you the thing that i realized really is you coming from various types of speakers that we have is you never lose the passion so you're gonna out as well because new family is also from a remote place in mindanao and um when i go back to our farm you should not eat realization to them as well so you know your importance no collaboration importance not asking help which is i i salute miss liberty for very being very vocal about asking help for so that that takes a lot of guts and courage from one person and i just hope not just believe in yourself never lose that faith in yourself obviously always pray and um ask her from other teachers colleagues if you have that respect very similar and you still can collaborate with other uh people um thank you very much also for the opportunity sir jamie and sir franco yeah thank you miss mr my [Music] we were able to watch your video beautiful video uh you were able to share your experiences there anyway tell uh when we hear from the two other teachers why you want to private chat your message and we will share it for you yeah so for now and say another month well what i can finally say is that as we progress in our career then let's uh consider our uh the different aspects of ourselves and at the same time when we deliver instructions and when we give tasks to our students we also have to think of their well-being as well the different aspects of themselves so meaning as we write our module as we figure out the tasks for them we have to also evaluate is this too hard is this too much or is this something bearable that is one way to sustain very good very good i agree completely and finally let's hear from miss powder i'm bracing myself yeah yet you still have to smile you still have to be as energetic as the kids parama motivate medins we're teaching them to be good citizens of the philippines or if they're to be somewhere else self-centered teachers we also offer our help we also offer ourselves a can we like face our camera speakers i will be taking a snapshot now i will record because this is our first time to hold this many people in this uh in a stream so this is our first time okay so uh in one i'll count one to three teachers uh one two three okay teachers so um uh mr jemima miss pao miss liberty miss eliza this will not be our last definitely uh we'll be contacting you soon again because um i think all of your presentations are worth extending to a full-length webinar so we'll be seeing you soon again and hopefully [Applause] i will be sending this files to you soon but just to show appreciation um so we'd like to present this certificate of recognition to all our speakers for sharing their expertise and their contribution as a guest speaker in the recently concluded webinar entitled lightning talks experiences practices and stories in distance learning awarded on february 20 21 2021 signed by your uh kts administrators uh sir frank nicolopi adam we'll be sending these uh certificate teachers uh to your emails persona um thank you again we apologize to our audience so this is our longest uh perhaps in the webinar for the record but i hope again our um um uh audience uh appreciate uh the the effort put up put in by our speakers for today um so jumping up in the future no matter how small your story is it seems no sayo it's actually something big something relevant something important to others as well so um so i will be inviting um uh speakers for the lighting talks to share um before an actual event change changes by teacher support so every week we'll be having one teacher uh or one person from education to share their experiences practices and stories in distance learning or in education in general yeah all right so um uh final message line is this uh and uh it's it's an add-on to what miss neris was sharing earlier um there are things that we can control there are things that we cannot control and in fact even those that we can supposedly control easier said than done all right uh let's face it hindi ganon kadalingawen something that you can do at yon young today talk to others experiences more to others who knows we will always listen to you listen uh every week it also helps in our well-being company sir francois again thank you so much teachers for always uh being with us now and hopefully we brought you something new we brought you uh something inspiring for today you know and um let's let's keep moving forward okay uh together as your companion is we will always be here walking with you not ahead of you but walking with you side by side uh all throughout this uh this and pandemic uh will always will be there uh with you salaam and have a nice weekend have a nice saturday you
Channel: Franco Nicolo Addun
Views: 41,593
Rating: 4.8595042 out of 5
Id: zOV5j9XKfAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 54sec (12474 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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