The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Cities Skylines, Part 2 | Detailing, Density, & Curves (Vanilla)

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[Music] hello welcome back to city planner plays where we are creating the ultimate beginner's guide to city skylines by creating the city of trutoria so when we last left off we had the start of a small city with a population of approximately 5 000 and today we're going to take the population up to 10 000 and go over things like detailing policies and transit amongst other things so why don't we take a brief refresher on where we were so if we take a look we currently have we're working our way towards big town we have busy town unlocked which gives us a couple of policies and it gives us highways if we wanted to go that route we can upgrade some roads and i believe that we have transit now buses so we're going to take a look at that what i want to start out with is talking about roads a little bit so we currently have these dirt roads and i think that we're in a spot with our budget that we could take care of it now in fact let's take a look i think we had a loan why don't we pay back our loan so we have a very good budget situation so you can go in here and click on the upgrade road option and just start upgrading roads if that's what you choose to do in fact why don't we just go ahead and upgrade a number of these roads at this point the benefit of doing that is first of all happiness people would rather drive on a paved all-weather road than uh than a dirt road the other benefit is noise i mean this will reduce the noise and i think that if we take a look at this you can start to see this a bit if we add these in the noise will go down so it's ever so slight in between the dirt and the roads that just have that are just paved now if you wanted to really take it to the next level you could add a two-lane road with trees and that will more dramatically reduce the sound now the thing to be aware of it doesn't really matter in the game but it just aesthetic aesthetically and in reality um if you add in a road with trees you lose parking now i don't love that part of the game but it is it is one of the realities that we have you can see that it narrows it up now that's not a problem the game doesn't really factor parking in but if you want to have a really active looking street with parking you're going to want to make sure that you don't put in trees even though with trees you get the benefit of the sound mitigation so just something to be aware of also when you're upgrading roads if you just hold on the left button left mouse button and just move around it will automatically upgrade those roads it it this actually works in the same way when you're deleting one type of facility like let's say i just wanted to get rid of trees if i hold down i can go through and it'll only delete trees it won't delete the power lines won't delete my roads won't delete buildings just trees so just tips and tricks to be aware of so we've upgraded all the roads over here and we only have a couple of options for our two lane roads we have this regular two-lane road we have the the two-lane road with a grass median and this again won't have parking and then with trees so these do have different costs in different up up upkeep amounts so you might want to be judicious with where you're using these and all of these are dramatically more than the two lane gravel road that we had in fact if you look this two-lane road with trees costs three times more than the gravel road so just know that as you're doing this you are creating an additional expense but generally in city skylines when you increase the expense you increase the desirability and uh ultimately what that's going to lead to is your buildings leveling up and that will end up offsetting the additional cost of the building so i guess you don't have to be worried about it all that much i wouldn't be anyway and generally not but it's something to be aware of [Music] so speaking of things to be aware of there's one dirt road that i cannot upgrade here and this happens from time to time you'll end up in a situation where for whatever reason this dirt road is just a little bit smaller than the paved road and it won't allow you to place it it's just one of those unfortunate things in the game so there are two ways that you could deal with this you could turn off the road length and just cul-de-sac it there i mean that's that's fine that's not going to really impact traffic you are going to need to zone re-zone this to make sure that you have it and sometimes when you upgrade the the when you upgrade zoning you're you're when you upgrade roads your zoning will break anyway so it's it's a good policy to just go and look at these roads particularly when you're going from a dirt road to a paved road just to make sure that because you get areas like this where it just de-zoned ever so slightly and you're not gonna be able to maximize your density there so something to be aware of uh the other thing you could do here is just curve this road in i'm going to leave it as a cul-de-sac like that not a big deal i don't ever think that this is going to have a great deal of traffic and right now our traffic flow is excellent anyway so i am going to go down the main street and maybe i don't want parking down the main drag you can see that i get parking right here before the freeway entryway and i don't i don't really want that so we're going to make this an attractive gateway to the community we'll have a tree-lined street this will have another benefit we talked about the noise and this is because commercial zoning uh is noisier uh it's more active it req it creates more noise see i'm gonna go through here and add in the tree-lined street now on the four-lane road you still do get parking so something to be aware of there as well um so not a huge deal but it does create a benefit and what that will ultimately do is mean that the buildings in close proximity will level up quicker so it's a good thing you can see some of that happening right here as we've made that change so speaking of leveling up another way that you can level up your buildings by things other than just placing parks and schools are looking at your policies so there are certain things that can improve things uh right here for instance parks and recreation increases your parks budget by 20 and increases the land value around the parks and plazas so we can add that and it's going to just improve the land values which will ultimately result in those buildings leveling up there are also other policies here that could be helpful um let's say you had a garbage problem you could put the pep ban on or recycling um you just need to be aware of exactly what these policies do so read the fine print um so recycling for instance uh with this it's it's it says it's a slight investment doesn't exactly explain how it works but it says slightly reduced garbage slightly reduced tax income if you've got a lot of money maybe this policy makes sense but why don't we turn on our garbage accumulation we can see that right now our processing status is low we've only got a landfill um we are creating 135 136 000 units a week we put that policy on let's see what it does speed this up that's that's a pretty significant decrease so about 30 000 units a week less in terms of our how much is this costing us we can go into our budget under policies it's actually not costing us anything that's interesting so something to be aware of you you want to take a look at your policies because they are very important i'm just flipping through here quickly see if it's hidden somewhere yeah no no cost to that so we have definitely made an improvement in the city uh really by doing just just implementing a policy so there are some other policies that can be really useful um free public transportation if you have a transit network that could be a good one this is a policy heavy traffic ban if you wanted a residential area that didn't have any uh truck traffic going through it like let's say for garnet heights i didn't want truck traffic going through there i could click on this district and now you'll see that the district policies up here change to garnet heights you could ban heavy traffic there like click out of there it goes back to the general city policy so this is how this operates now what this will do is trucks won't be able to operate within this neighborhood oh we missed water let's get to take care of that so this is not a problem in garnett heights because if we look at our zoning you know we the district doesn't go over to this road so the zoning on this road is commercial everywhere else is residential so there is no need for truck traffic here this might be a good policy to have here but if we were to add it to holly park for instance there is a commercial note right in the center which means that these businesses would not receive goods and they would eventually go out of business as a result if you to apply it in the industrial area it would completely kill it so we don't want that we that's why you don't want to apply it to the entire city so as you can tell as we've just been going through and implementing some policies we've had some increases in population and those increases are due to buildings leveling up and density improving as a result so let's continue to go down that path let's not zone anything yet let's just continue to make the city better by improving services so we're gonna we're gonna use a little bit of eminent domain here in our industrial area and add in our bus depot it's not the kind of use you want to live next to but it's one that's definitely needed so this is a diesel bus depot and now that we've placed that we have the ability to create bus routes so an important thing to think about with bus routes is that you want connectivity so people could transfer between them and what i'm going to do is create routes that meet on our main street so i want to make sure that we get to all of our areas so i like to space things you know three to four blocks apart i would go four and now that i've created one route i want to create another one now i've spaced this route you know barely significantly apart from these neighborhoods and the thought is if you were here you'd have the ability to walk to either side of this route to get to a bus so you don't need them everywhere so this is a little bit close i might back this up and just adjust these so you can still adjust the routes slightly and i actually wanted to get this down to main street so we're going to bring that down this will be our transit corridor that could cause problems we will find out maybe we won't put everything on main maybe we'll make some things main adjacent but this will do the trick for us i want to make two more routes so one last thing this is a couplet i do have buses on both sides and the stops are placed in a way that you'd be able to to go on one side of the road to get in one direction and the other side of the road for the other there's another route and then we're gonna have one more here and i might have some overlap here um just thinking about this it'll it'll still provide those transfer opportunities but still separate things out a little bit so we're not overwhelming any one street so we've quickly made this will look as though it's six bus routes what i want to do is go through and name these now so i understand so i'm going to name this the industrial route i'm kind of curious i'd like to name these in a way that's logical so i know that this is counterclockwise i'm going to name this industry counterclockwise gotta remember hit return otherwise it won't take it clockwise bus route 2 will be we'll make this west side counterclockwise and then west side clockwise this one will be south side or east side counterclockwise and east then clockwise so i can go through and change the colors now i want them to line up so i'm just gonna grab these different routes change the color up and i inadvertently made one i can delete that right here so i'm just trying to change the colors and for industry why don't we go with yellow there we go and now it'll be very easy to tell where our routes are so we're going at a good clip with our speed so we can actually see some of these routes picking up passengers so if you click on this eyeglass right here you'll be able to see utilization by stop and if you click on these it'll actually take you to each of the stops and this is important because if you see any stops getting overwhelmed like this one right here this particular stop downtown you can transfer between these routes by just walking a block and that's what's happening so as a result you see that the number of passengers here is starting to go beyond a buses capacity right now it's okay this is a short route so these two buses should be able to take most of the passengers but in reality and in the game you never want to leave people behind in the game they'll pull a car out of their pockets as before says that and uh they will go into their pocket car and leave so we don't we don't want that to happen um it one thing that people will sometimes do to cheese the game a bit is they'll increase this just beyond 100 percent to get that extra bus so i'm at 110 and i get five buses on this route and um that will be a great help so remember all these buses are coming from here so that's another thing to keep in mind so the buses cost money and they cost a lot and you're not going to make that up in revenue buses don't make money they they provide a service just like a park a park doesn't make money it provides a service but it does improve land values that's how it makes money and you can see that we've gone from six thousand a week now to eight thousand and that's because we are again improving land values which is what transit does in close proximity because you're giving people another way to get around you're reducing traffic you're reducing noise and that's a good thing still at 93 i would expect nothing else we've got a really small town so i like where we started things out but i want to spread my wings so if we click on this little uh this little uh icon right here of the skyline we can now buy a tile we unlocked the ability to do this when we were leveling the city up so there's a couple routes you could go some people would go here and cross the river and do something over there and have a twin city you can certainly do that you could go out here towards the mountain interesting idea you could go here so you can have full access to this highway and build on both sides what i want to do though is expand my reach along the coast and open up access to this shoreline and you can see it'll give you some stats about this area it's 48 water it does have a couple connections but not rail we can see right here it's mostly buildable area same thing here even more it's got that highway connection so these these matter it also tells you what resources are available so if you're going and want to produce a certain resource which is maybe not as important now as it is as it is when you have industries dlc this one right here for instance has access to every industry this it's really fertile land and mostly mostly forests still we're gonna go for it because that's that's what i'm interested in the unfortunate thing about this area is that we've been polluting it and there's not going to be a great way to rid yourself of this pollution in the base game in the vanilla game you the only outlet options you have are a drain pipe and a bigger pipe so it purifies 85 of the water but you're still polluting the water uh it just it kind of is what it is unfortunately so i do want to go through here and think about this road a little bit more and you can see that there are some lumpies along the side here and that's because we didn't respect our topography so when we built this we just built a straight road with little care to how things looked and as a result we have a pretty significant slope here so what if we wanted to respect our topography a little bit what if we wanted to think about that and factor that into our build we should so let's do it so if you click on your road you might think oh no now i can't see what i was doing you can go up here into your info views and then click on terrain heights with the road selected now you can see both at the same time so i use this all the time because then i can go in here i can get my road length now i know i have five units here and come down and i use my freeform tool a lot people will differ on their opinions about what tools you should be using this is just the one i like using so i'm going to go through here and you can see i'm flipping back and forth between these trying to make a nice connection so what if you wanted to make a really nice slope here well we could use our landscaping tools go into our slope terrain tool if you look at this it says create a slope on the terrain from the current height to the desired height click on this with the secondary mouse button to set the slope location and then the primary uh height to adjust it so functionally what that means i'm going to click the brush strength up make this a bit wider so it's the width of our road let's say i want it to come down to this height with a real gradual slope right mouse click here then i'll come here bring that down what you can see it's doing is it's creating a nice created path for us to come down and now when we go into our road tools and our terrain you can see that there's a graded path for us and now i just need to follow that path and i've got a real gentle slope down that's great and now it's got a smooth sailing from here and what i think i want to do is come down right here and then we'll figure out what we're going to do from here so we meandered we still got a bit of bumpiness over here and that's easy to fix too what we'll do is we'll go into our level terrain we'll get a medium sized brush again we're going to right mouse click to grab the height and go along the side that has our bumpies we're going to pull it back a bit and then we'll go over to our softened terrain and do the exact same thing in that area and what that's going to do is it's going to take that extra soil and work it in smooth it out so now it's a nice gentle slope much better i like that a lot so there are a couple things we could do here we could say you know i'm really interested in maintaining a grid so let's say you wanted to do that you wanted to continue the same building pattern that you had you just want that grid to conform with what you've been doing but we use our road guidelines and our freeform tool and what you can do is you'll see that it's it's snapping and as i get to these little blue nodes i can snap you just gotta be patient with it but you can do some great things so one of the ways that you could do it is you could go up here and you could say i know i'm going out 11. so on all of the bends i'm gonna go out 11 and you could just use your free form tool without giving it a ton of thought and then just go through and make your connections that's one way i do that sometimes it is very helpful to do that sometimes and you see you just get a real nice connection there then but you can you can continue to do it with you know by hand if you wanted to that is certainly an approach but i think a combination of the two is probably the best approach [Music] and sometimes you gotta pick a different side when you when you start on one side of the road versus the other you can get that perfect angle and now what you'll see is that we've got a a you're kind of a winding grid and that can make a really nice aesthetic if you're going for aesthetics they can also help you wrap around a mountain base if you want to keep a nice grid so something to keep in mind and now the other side is significantly easier in fact i'm going to turn off road guidelines while i just connect these up we're going to watch these angles because we're going to want to keep it at a 90. and now here's where it gets a little more interesting so i do notice that we're having some trash collection issues and we do not have the ability to use an incineration plant yet so we're going to need to add another landfill or our entire city will start burning down i want to keep this fairly close so again we're going to eminent domain some industrial and use this we can empty those in the future so i'm not overly concerned but it's something to be aware of okay so now i want to go through and make some targeted connections i'm going to try to work this in so i can freeform it without the road guidelines or i could try to include them to make some targeted connections so i'm going to start on this end click our first click and then when i get my road guideline take it as far back as i can to try to make it a smooth connection it's not going to be perfect you don't have to move it and that's okay but it's still not bad it's not bad and i'll do the same thing over here this is a large block length what i'd like to do is break it up just a bit so we're going to add in a block here and then we'll come through and make our connection and now it kind of feels like it's at least there's some logic behind it you can see that i didn't maybe hit this note exactly where i should have maybe i wanted to go to this one instead it's not the end of the world it will add a little bit of uniqueness to this area and i'm okay with it so i'm going to again bring this up another 10. we're building probably way more than we need to but just for demonstration purposes we'll continue now you can see that things are getting a bit wonky here uh something happened and now instead of having our nice clean blocks this block happened and that's creating some problems for us so i'm just gonna fudge it a bit there yeah it's not gonna work in fact i might just go and fix that block because of all the problems it's giving us and this can cut this can happen with the road guidelines when you have the road guidelines on it will sometimes create blocks that are awkward sizes so i'm just going to change that node and that should fix everything up for me we're going you can see i have my road guidelines completely off at this point because i just care about the geometry of the street and making square connections and that that fixed it for me now here i'm actually i'm gonna need those road guidelines because otherwise it'll create this craziness right here and that's because i need to line up right here at that node and then go straight and you can tell that because these blocks are straight these ones kind of have an interesting uh turn to them so so now i have a situation where it's a weird block and what i can do with my road guidelines on is pull this in just a bit and then pull it over and make my own connection now i have an interesting block here i think i might actually remove this and we're going to make a homemade park here in a bit so why don't we get some water pipes underneath here and grow our city and i'm going to fix these pipes that are not underneath the road that is not where they should be so i'm looping those for the sake of redundancy in reality you would try to do that as often as you can for natural disaster purposes or to be able to shut off a water line not necessary i just like doing it same thing with putting the pipes underneath the roads i i do it for me the game doesn't really care so you know it's one of those things so now we're going to continue our zoning pattern i want to continue to have main street be a street full of commercial uses so i'm gonna have to switch between my tools now that i've used curved roads because otherwise i will zone things on that meaning to zone so we're gonna go through and be really careful with this there we go that is nice so now i i think i'm gonna fill the rest in with residential uses and i could go through and i could use this paintbrush tool if i felt really good about myself and maybe i do feel confident in my abilities we go we got a bit of urban agriculture here this is going to cause some pollution potentially something to be aware of we might not want to have that there we could look at some of our unique buildings and i have these all unlocked i'm going to get that fixed for the next one that is not what you would see necessarily you have to unlock these but i'm using an account that has these unlocked unfortunately so something to be aware of you could use that as a spacer though you could use just the normal park as a spacer so we could have a basketball court here for instance maybe that's our spacer but i'm going to save some of these amenities for the park that we're going to create over here we're just going gonna add a couple of these parks in here so we've got a basketball court and this is a place with some benches now i want to add a small playground is here as well and now we can go through here and even though we don't have parks park life enabled we can still make this a park so i like to go through and have all of my statues except for my angles off i think generally you'd want to try to figure out where people might want to get through the park and might use it as a cut through i didn't necessarily do that here i just kind of created a park that i think looks kind of neat and we don't have fences or anything like that with the regular dlc or with a regular vanilla game but that's okay you could add things like rocks to jazz it up a bit maybe you have a big a big boulder here um i think we're gonna go pretty tame with this one and rather than doing all of that we're just going to add some trees so we're going to ring around the outside [Music] and it's interesting you can get really finicky with this and kind of go back and forth and make it work kind of on the lot line sometimes the tree will disappear you can't win them all but you can win some now you see that we've created a small park here now i like to go through and i will add in some different foliage through here so let's say i wanted to add a couple of large trees and then you could layer that with some smaller trees of a different color and then go through and just keep mixing it up a bit you can have clusters of trees you could i mean you you have really any any option that you want but i like to to mix it up and when you add these trees it makes these assets feel a little bit more integrated now we've just created a bit of atmosphere this is an interesting place now and it does feel like it's one place connected by paths and it's a place you want to go to you can see people walking through here because it's an interesting place to go this will also increase our land values eventually as things begin to level up around here because we have three parks here so it's a net positive for our city now we are going to be in a a little bit of a tougher spot because we have smith square here which is our egg zone maybe we'll improve this by shrinking up smith square a bit using a bit of eminent domain or rezoning it's probably more likely we're just gonna add a commercial buffer around here to hide some of this in the center now i don't know how reasonable it would be in general to have a little agricultural district right in the center of the city i know that there are some places that do it there's definitely urban agriculture but you know this is pretty intense it's not very spread out maybe maybe that would be how we would want to approach this would be to spread it out if we were gonna have a big agriculture district in the city you can see some good foot traffic through here and i'm pleased with how it's turning out so our biggest needs at this point are commercial and residential and that's a couple of things so we've got a whole bunch of commercial our residential already zoned so it's factoring that in we're basically out of commercial and we are definitely out of industrial in fact we've been eating into it so what i might do is utilize some of this land as an industrial zone i'd considered using this as a park but i might use this as a park instead so i'm going to take this i'm going to draw a large zoning district over the top of it so i don't want franklin park we'll make it franklin wood products now go in here and apply the farming specialization this is one of the cleaner industries that you can have so i'm okay having this closer to some of these uh residential areas i think we are still gonna provide some separation though so let's turn off our road guidelines and we'll only keep on but we'll keep on just our grid and angle and uh that'll do the trick i'm going to pull this beyond where i need it to be because i can always delete some of this we have an old factory here i feel like that's kind of a neat thing to to save or it's an old it looks like an old farmstead so why don't we why don't we maintain that then we'll make biffa proud and save a rock so we'll pull this down oh that is not at a 90 yeah it's ugly well it is at a 90 it's just kind of an ugly connection in general and that's because this road length is not perfect because we're connecting to this angle that's okay [Music] and then i want to to show that we have purposefully diverted around here so we'll add that little curve there and i think that's neat i like that now again we'll come up so we went beyond where we needed to go so we'll take that back we'll get a refund and make that connection and i think we'll go one more block and i said we were going to have a space i think we're we we've we haven't done that and that's okay and i might just leave it here and be really cautious about where i'm zoning so we don't need to fill all of this in we can just get some of it and again we're going to take advantage of not inadvertently zoning over this because we can't replace that once it's gone it's gone let's look at our water pipes we can do most of this well we'll just leave that and now we will have our wood industry coming in here you can see this is forest foundation and that's going to start developing here so these are producing goods which means that there's going to be more pressure on this entryway here so someday in the future we're probably going to want to think about another highway entrance into the city and somewhere a ways down the line we're going to want to get to this rail line so that we can directly get goods out of the city by rail that's the most effective way of doing it if at all possible so i'm going to completely well maybe i won't let me let me look at the pollution that we have here so we'll look at pollution we're not really creating pollution with the egg zone what we're creating is noise and that's okay we can deal with noise we're also having a great deal of noise along our new collector shoot inadvertently zoned that or up upgraded that road so let's do some conversion here improve the desirability of that and then i think around this farming district with commercial we're gonna do the same thing the idea being that we want to mitigate some of the noise pollution that we have here maybe not the most realistic thing to see a tree-lined street on a on an egg district but that's okay and then we're going to line this park with tree-lined roads as well make it a really nice place we did break a trail here so i need to fix that so we're in a good spot here i think i'm going to crank the speed up while we start to take a look at some of our city services because this is where your population can stop growing you see that we're getting five ten people a turn we take a look at this we've got a lot of six citizens and that is part of the reason that we're having problems we have availability of some new service buildings so i think i want to build a central hospital the way that we're going to do that i could focus that right on the collector but that would focus all the traffic there and you couldn't make a left into the building so we're actually going to turn this around and focus on the local road behind it it'll get the same access and it'll be a full access coming in here maybe we should have leveled this to be able to not have this lumpy here why don't we do that real quick go through here we're going to smooth this pad out this is a challenging spot to put this because we're on a hillside so it's not going to be perfect but it can be better maybe not we can always hide that with landscaping though uh or zoning so hopefully something develops right there and improves this so now our healthcare capacity is through the roof we're still making plenty of money and we need to take a look at the rest of this our cemetery usage we're okay child health it's okay our elder care is not good so let's take a look at our elder care we have some coverage over here we could do better though so i think we might add another elder care facility and rather than just demolishing everything why don't we just start to build out a bit more of our gribble extend this road over a bit and this is interesting because of the angle of the road it's not going to let us place it so that's something to be aware of too is that can happen particularly if it's inside curve you can miss that so we've added elder care and i want to increase our child health care as well maybe we'll have a little health care campus over here eminent domain again but it's so desirable and you can see our residential demand is shot through the roof at this point i do want to take a look at a few other things though our fire danger is really high unsurprising considering we have one small firehouse it's again work on improving our city services we will again add this this time i think we want to put it right in the corner here why don't we have a police department on the other side again not on the collector but very close to it so we're getting the benefit of the accessibility that the collector provides without clogging it up with vehicles loading onto it so you can see that this has improved our coverage everywhere and those little arrows signify that buildings are leveling up so we're going to start to see this pop so this helps our commercial out we can look at our happiness and we'll start to see our commercial happiness industrial happiness and residential happiness improving over time and that's a good thing that means that our buildings will level up so why don't we look at this area here i think our terrain is fairly flat why don't we make it even flatter so this will sometimes happen a developer will go through and grade a site so we are going to grade a little bit of terrain right by the coast disrespect the topography and i'm doing that for a specific reason so i want to go through here we're going to take this terrain height whoa i use the wrong tool we'll use this terrain height and pull it down here to make a nice gentle slope down and now i just want to have a a new grid that follows the terrain down here so we're just doing something very simple and we'll extend that out down here now it'll it'll it'll create an interesting transition between these areas we might be able to do something a little bit better but this will work too in fact i think we are going to reserve this to do something better later we probably should have our terrain view on just to make sure that we are building these blocks in places that make sense and i'm just putting in some 30 by 10 blocks and what we're going to do is try to line these up so i will come through here with my road guidelines on and then pull these up and now here i can figure out exactly where i made my connections and mirror them again and this is again using those those node points you can see that i've made a nice little wrap around here i like that that looks good we're going to close that off i think we'll figure out more along along this in the future this is a big cul-de-sac so that's a problem we probably shouldn't do that what i think i might do is turn on my resource view and actually use that to create a natural road along the terrain here and then we'll turn that road into here now we have an interesting block to fill in here [Music] and this is how you get interesting block design patterns uh you can you can follow the terrain i mean that's what happens in the real world most of the time maybe not in historic uh cases you don't necessarily have the terrain being respected all the time um you know the other thing we could do is we could mirror this grid and line this up nicely and that might be the best approach here would be to actually try to continue our grid [Music] and maybe we just have a block with some space the other thing we could have that block here [Music] now we just have kind of a wide block and that's fine too so lots of different things that we could do again i like to go through sometimes you can use the um the the the soften terrain tool and get it to be smooth enough again buildings are gonna they're gonna have an impact here as well so maybe it's not the end of the world to make it perfect perfect but it does create a nice effect so the other thing that we could do is we could add some key walls and these operate in the exact same way as some of our other tools but i think it's a little bit easier to use them if the game is paused because things will jump around and you can use the road guidelines to keep things straight now keep in mind that your shoreline has an impact here so that might be something that you need to be aware of so let's say we wanted it to be perfect we'd go over here grab our terrain pull that right up to the side and this is one significant key that would be pretty insane and i have a i have a surplus of soil now so i'm going to bring this down and spread some of the soil out we get to experience the water physics so one of the fun things so i'm just making a shelf here and pushing some of this soil back and i can get rid of some of this then and now i should be able to once the water calms down go back in and build that key wall and hopefully make it pretty straight follow my road guidelines fortunately it caught a level that i didn't want and you see what's happening here is it's a little bit too close to the shore so what we're gonna have to do is pull this out just a little bit push it back ever so slightly we can clean all of this up when we have our keys done there we go so now we've got a nice key wall all the way along here it took some patience it took some undoing and some mulligans we got it now i can go through here and clean it up along the wall and i'm just lowering this beneath the water so we don't have that weird edge and we can view our a very attractive wall so i do like the way that this is pulled out and around so we might mirror that over here let's grab that pull that around here and then soften that in a couple places especially where we've inadvertently graded not near water pipes to make those look wonky as they are sewage pipes all right so we've got this it's all cleaned up and we could go through here and do a number of things we could certainly go through and add in trees and landscaping that would be one way to make this a really special place okay so it takes a bit of time when you're dropping each tree one by one but i love the effect again it looks like our trash collection system system is totally full so we're gonna need to again add another one of these i'm really looking forward to the point in time and we can empty these but we're not there yet so let's get some residential build and let's slow this down because we're not growing at this point we're just using up our trash availability there we go what i want to do is get some zoning in place um what i'm going to do is add in some pedestrian paths through here knowing that this area is too big it's a really long block too you might be thinking no crosswalks here that's a problem and i agree one thing you can do is go through and add in a different type of street and that will add in a crosswalk there for you it's not perfect i could certainly get real finicky and with it and make it perfect but i don't think it's a huge deal so we might just leave it if we wanted to improve the aesthetic we could do that actually not like that that would remove our crosswalks so something to keep in mind we also haven't improved our transit out here we might want to consider that for the time being i'm going to go through and add in a whole bunch of residential we're getting really close to our next milestone and i want to get there i'm going to add in some pockets of commercial into this area just neighborhood serving commercial use is always a good thing to keep in mind and have in your city everyone likes to be able to go the dog groomer in their neighborhood if they can get some groceries those sorts of things so interestingly zoning disappeared from this road and there's not really anything i can do about that i don't think upgrade the road that brought it back okay so one of those weird game bugs you can play around and sometimes get around them there we go that is good so this is going to develop i'm going to speed this up for a second to get to our next population milestone and there we are we get a bunch of stuff this time around so we could buy another area if we wanted to we get taxation policies level five buildings we get metro or subway systems a whole bunch of city policies including industry 4.0 which is a big one we get office zones high density commercial high density residential toll booths university incineration plant thank you and a bunch of metro stations and fishing islands so a lot of good stuff here and we're going to use them so let's get started on that right away so i want to jazz up this coast here um i think let me see if we have anything we can do nothing oh except a couple of assets made their way through whoops we do have our fishing islands so i think that we're going to add those to the ends of a couple of these roads we also have these tropical gardens maybe we'll add some of those as well and as i'm thinking about it this part that we created over here we should add some additional assets in here so we do if we go into our parks tab and you look at this little box of props we do have things like pavilions we could add a classy domed pavilion or some seating we could add a fountain and if we wanted to get into a great deal of detail why don't we turn this to night we can add in some lights all of this available in the vanilla game so there's a lot that you can do a lot of really fun stuff in my opinion i like doing stuff like this i think it it adds another level of immersion to your cities so that was just a minor d2 or something i forgot that i wanted to make sure that we were covering and if this were a real planning project this would be something that working that was considered you know you have to have adequate lighting so that the entire pedestrian path is well lit and safe so we'd certainly want to see that we are having death care issues we are having all sorts of issues and we still do not have crematorium so we need another cemetery we probably should spread this out so this is part of our problem is it's a long ways away from that cemetery so what i think we might do is add one right over here maybe even right here this will serve this whole area well it's also you know a church if you want to add churches to your community that's part of the cemetery asset so kind of a neat little addition there let's speed this up uh there are a couple of things i really want added to the city at this point probably the main one is the university so what i think we're going to do is create a university campus in vanilla just add that here go through we're going to create this asset here add this asset here you can slow things down a bit we can make a little campus you don't need to just drop this in and add roads around it you can do more again you could go through and give this area some character let's say you wanted to add in some really interesting trees go in here and put some flowering bushes let's say they want to line their pads with those and then around the outside they want something a little bit more substantial so maybe they go with right here an alder a tree that in my area is unfortunately not super great to plant because we have alder borers which will take that tree down before you know it but they're beautiful trees and we're going to add them here because we don't have that problem now we have a real defined sense of what this place is and it's more attractive it feels like a place like a campus it doesn't need to just you know live live by itself we should even relocate this transit stop we'll put it right in front maybe we'll extend this route out just a bit and share some stops here to add in the ability to transfer this will make an interesting connection here and now we have 117 118 students in there we should take a look at our education system though to make sure we're not underserved and we are this is going to impact our availability to improve our density and you can see that we're having some power issues i think that's all just related to these not connecting and we use the school to make that connection occur probably should have one more over here add that here we're not going to obstruct our road connection high school again we need another high school and we can add that over here as well we'll use eminent domain and again let's see what assets we have we don't have some of the ones i'm used to using but that doesn't mean that we can't do anything we will add in a basketball court again we've got some lumpies and some bumpies and it's looking a little rough a little worse for wear we could try to improve that that that was helpful and we could hide some of this with our landscaping tools if we wanted one of my favorite ways to hide this is to use these grass clumps especially the big ones i think that they look really nice on the hillside you gotta be careful because they're they will cover things up but it just makes it in my opinion look a little bit better looking good and our population's growing and we haven't even added the density that we're going to add so we're going to go to the oldest part of town and increase some density so i like to go through just d-zone this will this will in effect be just like uh a rezoning process so we're just increasing our zoning here now i do want to take a look at our districts right now we're not restricting height at all i don't want that so we're gonna go through and look at our policies and honestly it might be good policy just to have a high-rise ban in general we don't have enough population for that so we're not gonna not gonna be able to do that maybe in the next round but we'll increase some density here and i want to add in our first office so office is interesting it looks or feels like it should be it's a work you know it's a place you go to work it actually that's fulfilling industrial so it's industry or offices so that's something that for the longest time i didn't realize so keep that in mind and then just along this corridor where we have quality transit service this is what i'm gonna do just increase the density now i would love to taper this but i don't have the ability to until i get that policy uh so we're kind of just stuck with what we have right now [Music] i think we actually might de-zone this and add in some offices to act as a buffer so offices generate a very low amount of traffic as opposed to commercial or residential too it's just another thing to keep in mind so it it is a beneficial thing and you can see the density that we're getting here and it's significant we might see some traffic back up here too as people move into the community we don't need to be overly concerned about that it happens we're also seeing some population drop again that is because uh we just designed a bunch of stuff so i do want to adjust the roads our priority road ends and i want to fix that so we're going to do is grab this pull this all the way down and that that way when we go to adjust our junctions huh interesting it's not working the way it's supposed to but in a perfect world this would have fixed this maybe i could fix that by making it not a priority road and then fixing and then re-adding that priority policy but i'm not going to worry about it too much there we go so one thing i am noticing is this is a very long block length might have been nice to add a pedestrian path through here or something along the or another road not the end of the world we can we can live with it just something to be aware of so this is a pretty unnatural development pattern i would think that you know maybe you'd see it development sticking to this area but uh i'm having fun with it so we're gonna keep going with it and you see that there's a great demand for commercial so i think we're gonna continue to increase our density for some of these commercial uses [Music] and i'm just right mouse clicking quickly to d zone and then clicking the left mouse button to zone it quickly and then you can most of the time get that rezoning done before the old building is gone and it just makes it a really seamless transition so there we go that's a nice nice up zoning i could also see there being some heavier zoning along the coast here as well so let's simulate some of that we'll increase our density here we'll get some more density along the water i'm interested in looking at our values so this is going to increase our values because these buildings are worth more so that's something to keep in mind i think we're going to speed it up a minute and see where we end actually we need to do one thing we have our incinerators now so we should get these working as well so these have a very significant radius of impact so i'm going to pull these as far away from the city as i can and we're going to load a whole bunch onto this road so what i'm going to do is start emptying these and these are going to bring the trucks into the incinerators and start emptying that trap or start burning that trash you might actually even need more incinerators than this to be able to handle our garbage collection you see that we're on the edge right now so i'll add a couple of more we've got plenty of money and i just at this point want these gone i'm gonna reclaim that land and we're coming up to some other power plant options that might be a little greener and one thing that we could decide at this point is we want to be a city that doesn't have polluting industry and if we wanted to do that we could certainly go along here and start replacing some of these factories with uh you know office type uses and that would be a way to start to change the city over time and it'll fulfill the same need look at this just a line of garbage trucks going back and forth back and forth well that is interesting interesting situation but these are emptying relatively quickly i believe so we'll take that as one and look at all of this traffic that we have and this is that vanilla interchange just breaking down so this is certainly something that we're going to need to look at in fact i'm going to buy that tile right now even though it's not necessarily the right the direction i wanted to go because we need to get this working a little bit better so i'm going to pause this for a moment as we change this and i'm not going to do a ton oh we don't have a okay so we don't have the full spectrum of options that we normally have with some of the dlc so i'm going to take this back and just rebuild it so here's what i'm going to do i'll pull this back and then i want to line this up so we're going to go up i'm going to click on this take my elevation step all the way down and i'm gonna go up three because that's what i need to get over the highway and i'm gonna back this up and take this 12 which is the length to get down at the most gentle slope i can get and we're gonna make a basic diamond interchange now i like to use actually what do we do why don't we do something a little better we'll do a park low so we'll go out 10 on either side and what we're going to do is we need to make a connection to both of these directions this yeah this is a mess i'm doing something wrong sometimes when i'm building these interchanges i can get outside of my head [Music] there we go so that looks a little bit a little bit more like what i was hoping for i'm gonna do the exact same thing on this side of the road as well so a little bit tedious but it did the trick i'm interested in seeing how this functions though these are hit or miss with vanilla we've opened up a lot of development land and we see the cueing here is pretty extreme what i might do to fix that is actually look at our junctions and add a stop sign instead the other thing that would help is we have an extra junction here we should really get rid of that and then we'll go over here and again manage our junctions and things are flowing we can always make this ramp a bit longer we do have people coming into the community and we now have the opportunity to make another junction if we needed to so that's another thing to keep in mind the other thing that we could do is make this a roundabout and that would also improve the throughput maybe we'll just take off all signalizations we don't have yield signs which is probably what we prefer it also might be nice to just have one road here coming in rather than having this split but this will do the trick still have 90 traffic flow even with this mess we'll get that fixed in the future but that's not what i'm worried about right now i'm worried about right now is extending out and getting a little bit more population making sure that all of our city services are met we have freed up significant chunk of land at this point and some of this is just coming into the city for the first time people moving in and this is our it's basically the whole city is a big cul-de-sac so we are going to see some issues there so i want to take a look and see if there are any places i can add some targeted residential density and i think i'm just going to continue along the corridors that we've already increased the commercial density and you'll start to see that there are these signs popping up where people are upset about the sound there are things you could do there you could add trees you could improve the the street add street trees certainly this is one thing you could do to improve that and it also makes the city look a bit better to add some trees and even though they're the vanilla trees and i know some people don't like it that's one of the nice things about curved roads is it gives you opportunities to add trees in between it's significantly more difficult on a block with a whole bunch of buildings that are just completely uh completely back to back to one another very easy in a block like this to add in some trees and you can go as wild as you want with this i like to go wild there we go and we are almost at our next population threshold i'm going to speed this up and i just want to keep looking at this and you can see this calm down it's a lot better now now we're at 94 traffic flow our new interchange is working appropriately we could certainly decorate this up a bit if we wanted add in some palm trees do whatever we wanted to jazz it up a bit i like that that that feels better to me but we're about to reach our next threshold 10 000 and what that means is that uh we are at a spot to end this episode uh but i do want to see what we're going to unlock so let's give it just a moment all right now we get level six unique buildings so i think that's our top tier um so these buildings draw in tourists that's awesome uh we also get some more policies including the high-rise ban which i really wanted in high-tech housing which increases the land value along with the residential uh along with the upkeep for the buildings we get train stations cargo train terminals hydro power and so that this is a big big update we also got some more money not that we need it anymore we can buy another tile i'm going to buy this tile just in anticipation of the next one we have a really long city but we need this tile because we need to be able to access our trains so uh this is where we're gonna leave it i think we've made some good progress today reconstructed this interchange built along the water added some policies and made this city interesting in the next one we're going to reach the milestone that will allow us to unlock the water treatment plants continue to improve the city but we'll have a dlc added which is going to change everything so i hope you enjoyed this if you did hit that like button consider subscribing to the channel and hit the notification bell if you want to know when i release these videos i want to give a huge shout out to my patreon supporters you can see their names here they help me create this content and stay motivated and i appreciate them and i appreciate you your like shares and subscribes help grow the reach of the channel and that's a big help i'm gonna leave you with a brief city tour like i always do i will see you in the next one bye [Music] so [Music] you [Music] [Music] uh [Music] foreign [Music] bye
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 306,874
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines beginners guide, cities skylines beginners guide 2021, cities skylines beginner, cities skylines beginner tips, cities skylines beginner layout, cities skylines how to start your city, cities skylines, how to start a city in cities skylines, how to play cities skylines, cities skylines beginners, cities skylines how to start a city, cities skylines tips, cities: skylines, cities skylines xbox one, Cities skylines ps4, cities skylines how to start your city 2021
Id: 2FJV6ivjpOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 20sec (4040 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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