How to Redevelop Old Industrial Property into TOD | Vanilla Cities Skylines | Verde Beach Ep. 59

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[Music] hello welcome back to city planner plays where we are building the city of verde beach and in the previous episode maggie myrtle and her husband mike helped linus lewis redevelop the lewis lumber company as a result of a comp plan amendment and linus desire to redevelop his property or not redevelop but expand onto this site which was no longer in conformance with the comprehensive plan so through a land swap and a little bit of payment to linus maggie has acquired all of this land that used to house the lewis lumber company and this is an excellent piece of property she acknowledges that there are some shortcomings but she believes that she can resolve those so she's approached verde beach and said i think that we should just completely wipe away all of this right-of-way and start fresh she wants a vacation to the extreme with the exception of river street and the city probably denied her they said vacating right away which is giving the right away to a developer is a very difficult process particularly when you're giving it to them so they can make money on it that's very difficult to justify and the citizens of verde beach will come out with their pitchforks so they have said that they are not willing to do most of her request but they are willing to do a couple of things number one right here on greenhouse row this street is no longer necessary and they are willing to vacate that they are also willing to take some of these multi-use paths and vacate those in favor of actual streets so there are a couple places where they're okay with that and one of the things that maggie was very concerned about is that we still have the loading of this cargo harbor or cargo terminal over here and they have said that as long as she agrees to participate financially they will help her resolve this issue now the resolution will not be to her liking but we'll get to that later but it will be helpful but before we get to all that i want to give a brief shout out to today's video sponsor nordvpn hey man did you hear that our mayor is doing something wild he's cooking thanksgiving dinner for everyone in verde beach get out of town no for real he's doing at the national forest get out of town i gotta get out of town this place is gonna burn okay man just make sure that you're safe on the internet while you're away by using nordvpn nordvpn provides you with a fast and secure internet connection wherever you are with over 5000 servers in 60 countries across the globe and you can use nordvpn on almost any device out there whether you're using windows mac os linux android or ios but it's not just about security using nordvpn you'll be able to access region lock content from around the world this is super helpful for me when i want to watch my favorite shows in europe and the uk man i'm so glad to get out of verde beach i think things are going to be different in clearwater county and i'm going to have a safe secure fast and fun internet browsing experience while i'm away and you can too by going to city planner and using code city planner at checkout which will get you a highly discounted two-year plan with an additional one month free at checkout once again that's city planner okay so maggie wants to create a transit oriented development so in addition to this she also wants some transit in the area and verde beach has agreed to extend transit here that's where we're going to start but before we do that i want to look at her right away and make sure that we're all upgraded because it's really going to have a profound impact on where we have our transit stations so we're going to extend this let's have all of our snap twos on and because she wants to maximize her developable land we're gonna make sure that all of her connections are absolutely maxing out what she can which he can develop after the fact we're gonna zoom in here because we are going to be very careful with this one there we go so there's our connection we've made smaller block sizes but more of this is developable and right here we're going to we're going to replace this path with a road we'll mirror that over here as well and extend this road through we're not going to connect actually we will connect right here and then we'll send this on down so the city is also okay with replacing some of the aging city city buildings in this area so the police and fire so we'll be taking a look at those as well because some of these are no longer in a very good place so also we'll get rid of this right away right here we're going to need to do something to extend this out and make this a better a better connection otherwise it's pretty isolated in this particular area okay so looking at our transit she has said that it's absolutely necessary to have a transit oriented development you have to have a high capacity transit and at this point in the game the easiest transit options that there will be will be either rail which will be very difficult because at that point you're you're going to need to condemn a whole bunch of property elevate this and go over not very likely or you could make a connection to the metro which kind of just ends right here so that'll be considerably easier and that's the route that she's going to go even though it's very expensive so we are going to add one station right here and then it's going to turn the corner and she'll have another station right here so these are the only areas where maggie is going to be allowed to have high density development now i mentioned that because maggie wanted high density everywhere and the city probably rejected that they said that that doesn't fit with the comprehensive plan that they just adopted nor would it really fit in with the character of the existing built environment so that's a very big concern when you're redeveloping is you want to have some sort of logical transition between the existing and proposed future uses so coming in here and having a bunch of high-rises that's not going to fit in very well with the character of what has existed in this area now for over a hundred years so rather than trying to do something completely different they're striking a nice compromise and that compromise is allowing some density making sure that it's logical and targeted and here you see now we've got our metro line [Music] we'll redo this add our stops there and just just so you guys have an aware awareness of where this goes so this white line will now extend all the way over here and this goes over to the gambi district and over to the good old institute for conservation and from there you can get pretty much anywhere you can get to the government district you can get to downtown you can go to pyrotechnic you can go anywhere so this is honestly a very good connection but beyond this the city is also looking for bus connections and that actually makes me think that i might call a bit of a mulligan and we have a really nice metro inner city bus terminal and i think i think it was a missed opportunity i could have placed this actually i'm gonna go back on that so the size of this building is going to mean less developable land for maggie which she is absolutely not in for so i want to look and see how much different the land is the land sizes are it looks like they're all about the same so at that point we might as well have the larger terminal so this is a very important part of the the development and we actually created this problem ourselves by adding the road where we did so here's what we're gonna do mulligan mulligan mulligan mulligan mulligan mulligan underground mulligan and then we'll have that right here and i am going to reconstruct this this is not the height of realism this is me trying to make the perfect rail line and recognizing that i can only do that if i make some pretty unreasonable things happen look at this i can't get rid of that that is one of the issues i'm wondering if i extend this out maybe i can make it oh i made a huge mistake i deleted this first i should never have done that let me see if i can fix this quickly and then i'll cut right back interestingly as soon as i said i was going to cut away it moved into the correct location so sometimes you just got to be patient i wasn't patient enough so we can work on our roadway right-of-way at this point and we still want to make our same connections we're just going to do it in a way that's more convoluted so that is going to be our goal we'll extend this one past where it was and then here we're just going to angle this down right away then we'll use our curved road tool make that connection nice and clean and now we've maximized our developable land we'll do the exact same thing here there we go that's ugly we're not no that's that's that's too much i can't do it i cannot do that you know i think i might just hate the way that this road looks but you know what maggie hates it too she's not very excited to have to have this inner city bus terminal but she must have it because it's something that the city is required if they're going to participate in the reconfiguration of this cargo line so what we're going to do we can't move this this is going to be very difficult to to move very expensive but we do have one bridge span here and we can create one more as long as maggie's willing to participate 50 in this so we are gonna pause this no we're not we'll just let this not work we'll just let it we'll let it go and this is the bit of right-of-way that the city is going to be okay vacating so what we're going to do is we'll come up to this bridge this will be our transition that is really a difficult height transition i do not like it at all let's see if we can improve this by raising things up here maybe we can get this to ground level and make this look a little bit more rational because it looks pretty bad right now there we go that's that's a little better you can see that the slope on this now at least it has a natural progression and now we can taper this down a bit oh yeah yeah that's that's the stuff right there that is the stuff that's still very steep but as far as vanilla goes i don't think you get you're gonna get much better without oh no we can get much better we can do it we can do it we're going to try interesting it's just a little bit too low here so i think if i come over and just pop it up pop it up and then i convert this to a one way it's not enough pop pop pop still not enough oh that that's bugging me there we go so it's just playing with it a bit to make it work right this is a significantly better slope you can see that this just works a lot better we are going to improve this and fix our one ways but that's not a now problem that's a that's a in a minute problem so what we're going to do now is i want to make the connection over here and the most logical place i can think of is right here we'll connect up to factory street and send this around so i want only angle on because this will allow me i'm going to bump this up one and get this as close to the highway as i can i will extend across get over here and at that point we are gonna begin our descent and here's where i'll actually care about road length a little bit so i'm gonna turn guidelines on as well i'd really love to be able to connect up with this road over here it's going to be ugly but i want it to work so we'll use our curved road tool we'll get our guideline well there's a lot of them over here so i think it's about right here and then we'll bring that back around and you can see that that is just horrible but we can figure this out the exact same way that we figure out the the last one so even if that means we do something really ugly like this come back over here we will plateau this and extend this up this way it's a little better but we could do even better so let's raise this up a couple of taps tap tap tap oh and we're not going to be able to do any better not without a bit of pain so i'm going to extend this a bit further drop it down like right about here is where i can start the pain there we go so that works all right what doesn't work is now we have all of these lumpies and bumpies on our trail so we've got a couple of things we can try to to remedy this by by smoothing this out my guess is that's not so bad i like that um i think that we are going to be able to work with this i was very concerned that we weren't going to be able to but we can we can we can make this work so we're just gonna need to reconstruct a bit of this and it's funny they're telling me that i can use my curved road tool so i can come over here make that connection slingshot no i can't they're saying distance too short now so let's turn off all of the guidelines maybe even angle we'll work this back around and now road guidelines and we have fixed our connection over here it's not lumpy or bumpy we're out of control we're not covering up the road and what you you can see that we've done here is we've basically taken this and extended it to the other side of the highway and we probably should have similar treatments over here with bridging i think we're just going to let it go in this particular instance we've at least found a way to separate this isolate this from our district and we had that little test in the previous episode trees as a buffer and we are absolutely doing that that's not even a question there's going to be no development on this road on semper verde on this side because the real concern here is keeping the noise from our new development so let's take a look we are going to landscape this until we don't have noise we have basically added a small forest right here which you know we know how that uh we we know that this could be a problem we're gonna cross our fingers and hope for the best but we we know how things go so uh we'll we'll see how this all turns out this is seemed to put down some traffic issues so i'm a bit i'm curious all right 83 that's not great that's that's that's fine i was hoping for better but that's okay we'll uh we've got some things to do so i noticed a couple of things in the previous episode that we need to fix now because they're causing issues so number one we have this set to fill this really should be balanced at this point these are the plastics that help this industry you'll see that there's nothing in here and one of the reasons for that is rather than prioritizing making sure that this is full it is taking all of these and just loading it up for itself in this building and that is not what the game plan was or at all what we wanted to do so we're gonna do something else i'm gonna move this temporarily and i'm gonna place a road behind this let's look at our terrain though to make sure this is this is okay looks like we're all right and we're gonna put that there and i'm gonna relocate this building onto this road so a little mulligan there but this will allow a connection directly into here to occur so they should be able to leave this building load this up and then leave and while we're here looking uh we've we've clearly got something to do and they still do not have enough plastics so that's that's a concern and one other thing i noticed is we used to have a building for our unique factory goods we no longer have that which is a problem so we're going to need to add another factory or another uh another warehouse over here so let's do that right now it doesn't need to be huge and we're probably going to need a road for this because i don't actually we could fit one of these in or you could just sneak that back here so this will be for our unique factory products and this will be set to empty so everything else in here i believe we have set to balanced balanced oh actually we have our paper set to empty we're going to set this to balance because now we're using that both here at the furniture factory and here at the printing press so we want to make sure that we are preserving that we we don't want to export all of that as a finished good so this should resolve our issues hopefully we didn't have any issues with paper but we've had plastics issues so hopefully this solves our problems curious i'm gonna let this run for a minute and see so interesting we see resolution here but the this this resolution didn't come the way i was hoping so rather than pulling from this building right here and let's see where this is even going at skipping over these it's actually pulling from other buildings which is interesting i think it might have been pulling directly from the oil industry that said it is full i might just i'm thinking that there would be value in adding one more of these over here so what we're going to do is right here backfill this with one more warehouse in an effort to try to resolve this issue so put that right in the middle and then we've got some lumpies and bumpies that we need to contend with there we go nice and smooth and then we've got to set this again to balanced and we'll set this for plastics that should get us loaded up over here at least they're both functioning at this point that is ultimately the goal that's that's what we need happening all right so back over here there are a number of rights of way that i want to take a look at at this point so number one the city has decided to take a look at daffodil street at keller house and create a collector connection into here and make this maple and lewis way a collector couplet now to do this we're going to need to use a bit of eminent domain so we're going to use that on the fashionable fashion shop and potentially the fashionable fashionable fashion shop apparently they're operating across daffodil we'll see if that works hopefully we can maintain this but i'm not hopeful i'm not hopeful oh we're taking out one of the fashionable fashion shops but not both it's okay maybe maybe they just had too many of them they didn't they didn't need that much high fashion i mean verde beach i assume it's a fashionable place but even we have our limits here and then what we're gonna do is use one ways to try to make our connections so this is vanilla so there are limitations to how good we can make this look but we can do our best that's not so bad i think the bigger concern is that you know you can make a u-turn here but you know if you really are that committed to the u-turn then go for it at that point it doesn't matter if we restrict it or not you're gonna do it anyway so you might as well knock yourself out and i was going to make this couplet extend further down but we really can't so we have a couple of dirt roads left in here we've got that one and we've got these ones over here and those are gone at this point we're not gonna do that anymore this is gonna be another bit of right-of-way that verde beach is okay letting go of it no longer serves the same function that it did before it it shows a a remnant to the past if they wanted anything it'd probably be a connection back here and clearly maggie is gonna fight that tooth and nail i am seeing another weird lumpy bumpy right here so let's just taper this down and see if we can make this look at least a bit more rational that's that's better we can we can live with that it'd be nice if this bridge segment here we're actually at grade but at some point you can't let perfect be the enemy of good and that's pretty darn good i'm pleased with it so we will leave it let's get all these roads upgraded to at a bare minimum we want the factory roads out of here we'll make sure to maintain our bike facilities i don't think those would go anywhere if anything you might want to see more and truthfully in a new development a developers they're really not going to fight you on stuff like that they're looking at that thinking well that's that's something that will help sell my property so why would i fight that okay so we've got a bit of a mess right here so we've got what we've got here but well we should finish this we've we've got a bigger mess right here and this is going to be messy this is not i don't know that we can fix this [Music] so we're going to relocate this medical clinic that'll be a little bit of a height of realness issue this is a absolutely horrible place to bring that road in but we're going to do it because this is recreation of that old connection of daffodil we'll put a stop sign there and this will now be signalized because this is a collector connection so daffodil has become peter kingsley hi so i remember naming this for kingsley so let's extend this over we are okay with daffodil extending over here and this becoming lewis way right here and maple right here very good we can we can live with this and that becomes daffodil until it gets to here and gets cut off by the rail that's just fine so now you can start to see we've got some weird stuff like this that we just can't really do much about there's a bit of a grade change i wouldn't want to go fast down that like these donut vans apparently they don't really mind hitting the bottom of their car i guess that's a personal choice here we are going to need some signals now this is going to be messy so we can't leave this unsignalized we don't want to prioritize this movement either so i um yeah i'm gonna stop it here we probably honestly need signals at both of these these would be timed together in the game i think you guys know how that's gonna work and i want to try to just make this straight and see if it looks any better that's not gonna let me that's okay that's okay we will deal with that it's just fine so the next thing we're gonna do is move some of these city services and this right here lewisway and maple this this couplet this is going to act as a bit of a main street so we'll just move some of these services over there we'll actually relocate the school we want to get this away from our station because that's where we're going to have our density so we're rebuilding some of these city services along with our new development and now we can upgrade it's dirt road this is gonna be a problem move this water pipe water uh tower because that has caused an issue since episode five so now we are we've finally resolved this uh issue that has plagued us for over 140 years i don't know not 140. but but over 100 years it's it's been a long time all right so i want to look at our terrain now because you can see that we uh we did some things with our terrain here but i don't know that they were all good so we're gonna need to this is the one spot where i think we might make some changes so i am gonna change walnut and river a bit here we're gonna raise this up and i don't think this is outside of the realm of possibilities either we'll raise this up and we are going to reconstruct river street at maggie's dime because it is to her benefit this is something that will directly benefit her development so we're going to bring this down again [Music] another two tiles we'll do two on one side and three on the other oh that is perfect so i just wanted to straighten this out make the coast a bit more predictable and now we can have our collectors stretch all the way down here which is ideal rather than having it stop at some random local street so now i think that we are in in a in a pretty good spot here but she wants some amenities to make this feel a bit more uh important and a bit more special and unique so she has talked to the city and wants to put up key walls and the key wall that we're going to use is this the city uh city key wide so the way that we're going to do this we are going to come over here we're going to grab a height that works for us so i think that'll be right about here and we want to pick two places one where our key will start and one where it'll end so you start to see that our terrains get really high over here so i think we're gonna end it right about here oh wow wow that is hard that is harsh and then over here and i think we're just gonna pull this up yeah we're gonna pull this up this is harsh but it's not nearly as bad as it was and then we're not gonna have a lot of soil to work with we're gonna probably need to steal some from somewhere be that the river floor or some other place i don't know oh we might actually be able to steal it from right here perfect so this is going to be a park paying homage to the past of this district so this is a very important part of the district to the city and truthfully it's an important part of the district to maggie as well but you know it's different there are different reasons why it's important to different people for maggie it's a selling feature so she is clearly looking at this thinking to herself having this great park along the coast i can sell some lots and the city is thinking we are paying homage to our past we're not forgetting about it we are honoring it and making making it a prominent part of our future i guess that can be debated till the end of days so uh we have this we have this setup now we're gonna come right along here it's always difficult to start these and it's really difficult to work with the river running so we're gonna get this moving we're gonna use some of the road guidelines to our benefit [Music] there we go that we might have got a bit too far over here so we'll back this out take this back in and that'll be good enough right there i'm a little bit more concerned about this ending over here i don't know that there's much that i can do one of the challenging things with this content creator pack key wall is if you make your connection you do it wrong it's backwards so i think we're just gonna need to to figure this part out we've also got a weird spot right here i'm hoping that i can clean this up with some landscaping yeah easy enough right there not a problem at all so let's shrink this up we're going to steal some water from along our key wall there's some some soil rather because this doesn't really benefit us but it doesn't really benefit us to have soil down here but you know what it really benefits us in our soil column because we're very low right now and i need this if i'm gonna smooth this out along the coast and then we're going to talk about zoning because there's going to be a very unique zoning pattern in this area there we go and we can use our tapering tools to make a nice smooth [Music] connection up here this is not so great over here we're probably gonna need to turn this to make it look a little bit better and that's a little bit better i i don't love it but it's it's significantly better than it was we'll pop this out here and we'll need to use some assets to hide some of the tearing here this is manageable this is doable we can we can work with this over here we're gonna do the exact same thing pull this over get this to line up and taper it back a bit and then the way that we're gonna cover this up is we'll have some rocks or something along that line over here there's it's a little bit more natural looking could still certainly use some work but at least there's some sort of transition it's really tough because it just doesn't want to let me get close enough so i can try different rock assets but we're probably going to have to put a tree there or something to hide that over here we're going to do the exact same thing so we'll go ahead add some of these d some of these rocks over here and then we'll need to go in with our rock assets overlap just a bit try to turn these to make them look a little bit nicer [Music] all right that's that's workable so the last thing we have to do is taper off along the coast so we don't have this ridge and this is going to be really important to making our park look and feel a little bit better so there's a natural transition between [Music] the edge of the coast and our key wall oh yeah i like that that's that's good so we are going to run pads through here and have a couple of pier connections make this feel like it's more of an activated space but before we do that we'll save this for later we want to focus a bit on our zoning get this place moving and i missed the road here so we'll take care of that too there might be a couple of those give it one last once over we're good there i think we're going to extend the right of way here as well and i will preserve our park space before we get the zoning so we'll pull that this back in we do not want to take out any of those trees that are behind the elder care facility that would never happen in a million years those belong to this property we've at least created some more developable lots enhanced the connectivity over here it's still rough this is a very large block but it's better and we've got large blocks back here they're going to have to deal with this this is going to be one of those things that they would love to have this path right here converted into a road the city has absolutely stood their ground here and said no it's not happening so now that we have that in place we are going to make a small we're going to set aside a little bit of land for parks and then we'll zone so this right here is going to be a park dedicated to the lewis family so they have a number of monuments in town including their neighborhood and their company and we are also gonna make this a park as well now we are not gonna build these parks out today i want some inspiration from you guys and what we should call these parks so down in the comments if you have ideas for these two parks names for them that will honor what was here before let me know otherwise i have some ideas but i think that you guys can do even better than me so i want to hear from you what you're thinking and if you come up with some great names i'm gonna put them right in the build all right so i i lied about starting the zoning because i see one more connection that we're gonna make i know that one of the refrains that i've seen from some folks in the comments is i go heavy on connectivity maybe even too heavy maybe but in my opinion you can't have too much connectivity it's just so important so connectivity means that you can get to places if you're a pedestrian or a biker or a car a shorter path means less emissions so this is something that is is absolutely critical when we're thinking about climate change and things of that nature if we if a trip must be made in a vehicle which at this point i'd assume that they're all electric but still i think it's something to think about that you'd want that trip to be made as as quickly as possible with as little delay as possible without making it an unsafe trip for bikes and peds so it's balancing everything it's balancing everything okay so we are going to allow density the maximum density right around these station areas and we're going to pause this because we are going to absolutely destroy lewis shores again and if it gets destroyed this time it's gone so we're also going to relocate this this healthcare facility because right now this is going to start to interfere with our plans for this area and like i mentioned in kind of the constraints for this episode we are okay moving city services so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna consolidate and reconstruct some of these buildings so right around these station areas we're gonna allow maximum density and she wants residential and commercial and office all of it office is probably what we need the least of but we do need a lot of residential and a lot of commercial so for two blocks around here more or less figuring a block is this size we are going to allow high density so let's take a look at our state station we've got one right here so directly next to it to block some of the noise we'll start with commercial right adjacent to it and then some office we are going to make a connection to this pedestrian facility over here we have an opportunity and we should absolutely make it this was something that the city i think would look at and say you know i know that you want every last square inch of this for your development but we need this connectivity so we're going to take it so we'll add in those offices and then we're going to going to allow higher density commercial right along here but we don't want to disrupt any of the any of the trees that are already planted that are purposefully planted not the naturally occurring [Music] and then we'll step down our density here and this will transition into our previous densities and then we'll come back and again we'll have a bit more commercial then some high density residential right here coming right back and we're going to allow that for a couple of blocks now this is high density but we are going to have a height restriction through here and we're not going to zone in the middle of this this uh this boulevard this is just not going to be a developable area and that's about the extent of our high density in this area it's you know roughly i'd say a quarter mile i i'm i'm guesstimating that uh but that's what i would consider the comfortable walking distance to be now you could go further and you could say you know we are going to allow that kind of density a bit further but at a certain point you're just not allowing for reasonable development patterns uh around transit you're just you're you're kind of fudging it and it's not really transit or any development at that point it's just calling it that for the benefit of of having extra density we're not gonna we're not gonna let maggie get away with that so we are going to cut it off there and the same thing here this is a bigger facility and there will be more transit lines in here so we are going to allow more density in this area so we'll have a significant note of commercial got a few offices adjacent i think we're going to carve this up and add a couple of homes through there we'll do the same thing here at a couple of offices mix these in so people could walk to things and then we're not going to allow much development along the shore today but we will allow some of these homes to have excellent views and we're going to take that up to right about here we'll go four tiles out and we will allow some riverside development to occur but we are going to want to level that if we are allowing this so let's go ahead level this there we go and that was just using our our slope terrain tool and just right mouse clicking here and all right sorry left mouse clicking up here coming where we want our curve to be and then right mouse clicking and sloping that up here so it does a very good job of of creating that slope for you hopefully that will help us we can see that it hasn't exactly given us all of our zoning you can just de-zone that and come back in and add the zoning that you're hoping for and that will give you your tiles that you're missing so we fixed that and we're not going to come beyond here this is park and then everything else will allow this a couple blocks back here as well over here approximately and now we need to get really picky and careful with what we're doing and i think that's about what we're going to do for residential in this area now i want to come back over along keller house because we're going to make some changes here as well you can see that there are some weird development things that have happened here over time and we can clean this up a bit and maximize our density so we are going to call some mulligans and apparently some that i shouldn't be calling and we'll have a we'll continue our commercial corridor along here and make sure that we aren't getting stuck with buildings just for the sake of being stuck with buildings and you can see that some of these are are little tiny buildings that develop because of the old roadway network we could leave those this is a game mechanic that i'm going to respond to and call it uh call it okay then i'm i'm taking some of these out and then along here we are gonna for the most part leave this i think we're gonna try to go too deep with commercial just to have some sort of presence along this road and then we'll switch over to some low density residential over here as well at this point it's just filling in some of these lots and i think that we're doing a pretty good job of this we can get rid of some of the power lines that we're not going to need anymore [Music] and again we're going to have more commercial along here to buffer ourselves from all of that freight activity that we have just behind our development much better much better and we are going to lost some residential development along semper verde i think the character is going to change a bit here and that's okay we really have a significant area of shopping and retail over here we're going to be okay with that well actually we won't be we'll continue some offices over here to make sure that the retail is at least in close proximity to something and this will be the dividing line where our character changes i want to add a couple of commercial nodes but for the most part we're done with commercial we've added a ton i'm just going to add a couple of commercial nodes throughout and the effect of this will be that there's places to walk and then along here low density residential we're leaving this briarwood grounds empty we will continue our low density residential pattern right here i am just going to come along here because i can always de-zone this and we should take a look we had we've had this left alone i don't know that that's not an official park it's just a cut through and now we are going to allow some development to occur here and that'll be residential and those will be large lot residential which will be a unique feature for this neighborhood and there we go now along here we had this buffer which we've maintained and we're going to continue to do that and we've had some larger lot residential spreading things out a bit you might even want to mirror some of that some of those development patterns that we had historically and spread out our buildings just a bit we don't need to maximize our density all the time and truthfully maggie might even be interested in some of this so we have successfully zoned everywhere in here i think we need to let this run we're not going to have any special themes in this area we are while this is running though we're going to paint some new neighborhoods because there are some distinct areas that we have created so this is one and of course instead of making that a neighborhood i made it a park so we'll take that back mulligan and i'm gonna pause this for a moment because there's one thing i remembered that i wanted to do and that is near some of this high density commercial we need to find a way to i guess give a nod to the old development in this area and i thought one way that might be fun to do that would be to add some warehouses so we're gonna add some small warehouses over here so this is not the ideal place to put it we'll put that right here hmm that's in our park that's not gonna work right here kind of in this main street area we'll put one more over here so the idea behind this is it's a you know a loft conversion sort of thing it's not gonna be perfect we can still get this to be useful for us and we will get our commercial goods piped right in here so that will help us it'll fill up these areas in case we run out of goods and that'll be a great benefit to us in the future so at least we've got that going and we've got our transit lines in place things are moving i'm looking forward to these developing so that we can make the shoreline here look a bit more natural because right now it looks pretty manufactured i might just taper this a bit that's a little bit better it's not perfect but it's it's certainly certainly better and we've got this going we we're gonna let this build out for just a moment [Music] okay so we're starting to fill in a bit over here and there's a couple of things that i want to do and so we haven't really really left any space for any civic type uses so i am gonna d-zone a bit over here give ourselves some room and i want to add a post office before i'm no longer able to so we have this main street sort of corridor we'll have our post office here to really solidify this as our main street so we've we've preserved some land for civic uses i think we should also add in a park next to this school and even over here i think well i noticed that we missed the spot of zoning here we're gonna preserve some land for additional civic uses so that's not gonna make that's not gonna make friends with maggie she's not looking at that thinking that's perfect she's thinking i just lost some of my high density but with people it comes the need for services so as we densify and increase our intensity of development here we're going to need more city services and my guess is if we click in here yeah you see that these are not getting served all that well so we're gonna need to do something more whether it's elementary or high school we're gonna need to do something university where our capacity is good there but we need some more connections so where we're going to finish this off is i do want to start building this park a bit i want to make some connections some bus connections over here we are sorely lacking in this area but we're gonna save that for the next one what we're gonna do right now is just create a small city park so let's have a small main gate we'll add that here near aspen street and then we'll have another side gate we're gonna have a couple of those we're gonna use our self-leveling trails to have a meandering path network we'll have our angle but nothing else i do not like what it's doing i want to make sure that i can fix this before we run into some issues down the line [Music] i cannot so i need to move the location of this [Music] oh this is getting rough so we are gonna need to give a lot of thought to this area i can see because it's it's getting it's getting pretty ugly so we might have to hide some of this with landscaping because it's not letting me do much in terms of solving this yeah that's really really a shame the other alternative is we just downgrade this we do not go with self leveling and truthfully it's looking like this is the simpler solution then we're only contending with our main gates looking strange so yeah let's let's back this out a bit [Music] and make this connection and of all the things i really want the main gate to look good it's just not going to cooperate so we might move this over just a bit which stinks because i wanted this to be in a very prominent location and it's not yeah it's just going to be a little ugly we'll put it back where it was which is where i wanted it and we're going to need to do something to make this look a little better it's it's probably i think you guys know what it's going to be it's going to be hiding it with landscaping yeah that is really ugly that makes me sad so that's that's uh an an unfortunate [Music] an unfortunate reality sometimes in this is you just don't get what you want in terms of our in terms of your connections when you don't use the self-leveling pads so we can make a couple more connections over to this shore and this gives us the opportunity to place a couple of park amenities in here and we're not going to have a ton but we could go ahead and add a cafe or two be one on either end if we even have space i mean that's the thing is we don't have a ton of space and then an info booth as well i will see yeah we can get that now that looks oh that looks terrible too yeah we're not going to be able to fit many amenities in here and that's okay this isn't about maxing this out making it become a five-star park it's really about creating an atmosphere and that's our bigger concern so let's worry about that atmosphere now and we want to pay a respect to what was here before which is a lumber industry i think we're gonna have some beech trees along here and really spruce it up and i'm sure these people love that their view was just taken away in fact i wouldn't be surprised to see them in court that said it's public right-of-way so what are you going to do don't price in your the the price of your view if you don't own it [Music] i'm going to add a couple of signature trees through here not many of these are very large we don't want to overdo it and then we'll add in a couple of smaller trees as well and these will be in clusters kind of around our buildings and our entries and then we'll go with some really small stuff just to fill in some of these gaps in a couple of places we don't want to overdo it here either we do want it to feel like a park so part of that is is feeling orderly and organized still allowing for a bit of variation to make it feel like it has some connection to the natural environment and that's one of the problems you can have with parks sometimes is there's just so much order that it feels sterile and you're gonna get a bit of that here especially with how we're gonna finish which it's verde beach how else we're gonna finish okay and let's check out that bump and have a quick city tour [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so i tricked you a little bit there or maybe i didn't but i actually do want to look at this because i want to try to cover this up a little bit it's very ugly and i hate it so we're just going to add some of our foliage back here and since this is a denser area anyway it won't hurt a bit and now when we come in here into the middle of this building you can see the bump but it's not quite so bad and yeah this this feels good like this not a lot of activity here we're going to need to work on that this will improve with time though right now you know we've got to acknowledge the elephant in the room which is there's a lot of land here that's not developed so until this develops we're not going to see all that much much activity so i'm going to finish the districting we do not have names yet but if you have some ideas and again these names should honor the lumber company please let me know in the comments i will take good names that are are well received by the community and honor the lewis lumber company and are appropriate so uh you know those are the constraints but i feel like those are pretty liberal you can you got a lot of freedom there okay so the districts that we need new names for we've got oh i did not mean to make this oh i did this is one big district here oh no no no that was not supposed to be one district let me fix this okay so willow heights wood heights vermont heights empire heights or empire hills and uh the the popul poplar district we need new names so that and briarwood grounds and spruce gardens so if you have any great ideas for names let me know i do want to take a look at a couple of different things before we cut out first of all noise you know this is commercial boy this is loud this is really loud we've got transit we've got people but the nice thing is when we look at our zoning it looks like we're safe with our zoning and that's just being thoughtful these might have some issues we might need to add a bit of landscaping in here in the future we'll definitely need some water pipes underneath river street because we don't have those and truthfully you might see these streets get reconstructed before this development occurs to upgrade the water pipes anyway because i would assume that these are all cast iron and or or even some lead pipes and maybe they're upgraded to pvc or whatever the technology is in 2139 so it's probably something so space-age i can't even imagine what it would be so good progress here so our traffic 83 i'm curious yeah we've got some backing up here here not backing up but we've got we've got some traffic so here we're gonna just see some congestion for a while and that's gonna be as people move in this is gonna be incredibly congested this will improve a bit with time but for the time being it's going to be a mess so i'm not overly concerned about that and what i am concerned about a bit let's look at transit 134 it's not great not first not for a subway but it's also not built out and then over here we've got a station 96 that's even worse and this area is building out so that's that's concerning it it'll get better as things level up and i also want to look at our property values i certainly didn't want to gentrify this entire area but it's almost inevitable with the proximity to louis garden city if we take a look garden cities 88 that's just gonna bleed over everywhere so right here 58 that's still pretty high wood heights is old 73 willow heights is close to the older development 66 67 louis shores is our old low income area and that will not be impacted so that's 60. it's not going to be impacted now but that will the inevitable reality of this density and the two tods will be that this gentrifies and that's kind of one of those sad realities of the world um that you know planners really need to focus on there's a lot of there's a lot of trouble with that there's not there's not a lot that you can do besides empowering the neighborhood asking them what kinds of housing options they want there are some programs that you can try to put together to to to have workforce housing freezing the amount of of uh you know income that you generate on a sale that sort of thing but that really only happens in very very high end areas this is not a very very high end area so my guess is you'd see some of this naturally start to appreciate and the city would do its best to try to maintain the values that are there and maintain the residents that are there we'll see if it happens but especially after briarwood grounds is developed and where we have spruce gardens briarwood grounds and then lewis shores in between the two of them low density in between two major transit hubs with a view of the water that's just even though you can see the the factories it's it's still an excellent location so i don't know how inevitable it is so with that i'm i hope that you enjoyed this episode uh i wanna give one more thank you to today's video sponsor nordvpn again the link is in the description if you want to check that out if you like this episode please hit the like button if you aren't subscribed please consider doing so and i will see you in the next one take care bye bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: City Planner Plays
Views: 91,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, city planner plays, cities:skylines, verde beach, verde beach cities skylines, cities: skylines, unmodded cities skylines, city skylines, cities skylines redevelopment, cities skylines transition to high density, cities skylines transit oriented development, cities skylines transit tips, cities skylines transit dlc, cities skylines mass transit, cities skylines metro station, cities skylines metro layout, cities skylines metro system
Id: 7XEXUpzsmOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 23sec (3683 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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