What's The Scariest Thing You've Seen In Prison? (Prisoner Stories (r/AskReddit)

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ex-prisoners over debt what is the most disturbing sin you have hurdle witness from a fellow prisoner nsw one of the women I was in with was in for life the reason why she was in was because someone had sold her fake crack so she was going to kill this person she goes to their house cuts the gas line and burns the house down turns out she had the wrong house and had killed an entire family in their sleep six months in Rikers Island New York watched a girl try to drown herself in her cell toilet for two hours just running her head and trying to stand there while the co stood around and laughed when they left she peed on the floor to flood the cell to get their attention again not a prison but my professor works with prisoners she told us she had this client that is recently out of jail telling her that the most enjoyable thing in prison was the group therapy session he said I really love the group therapy because it gave me ideas of other people's emotions when confessing their crimes it taught me the emotions I am supposed to feel when confessing in court again to reduce my sentence next time she was really surprised that a serial killer is that honest she was really spooked at the same time I went to jail for about three weeks because of driving with a suspended license we all slept in these huge rooms with bathroom and living area connected about a week and I hear some guy gets up and used the small microwave that we are given in the living area to make stuff hot like ramen it's not normal for the microwave to be used after lights-out but I figured maybe he had a roll or something he wanted to heat up and munch on before sleeping the guard posted on the far wall never said anything to him or even got up from his seat though I could tell from my bunkie was watching the inmate so the guy comes back to the bed area and walks right past me with his bowl in his hands I close my eyes and try to go to sleep but the silence is shattered by this blood-curdling scream from a couple rows down the guy had filled a bowl with baby oil and heated it till boiling and then poured it on some guy's face in his sleep found out later they had some kind of fight a few days earlier and the baby oil guy was out for revenge burn guy had third-degree burns on his face neck shoulders and share baby oil guy was taken away and we never heard from him again also we lost our microwave so to heat things up we had to use hot water from the sink and just let stuff sit in it forever to heat it up it sucked us to be sure but not as bad as being covered in boiling frickin oil never been to prison but when worked in the I saw a lot of prisoners come in with all sorts of injuries but to really to stand out the first one was the guy who was shanked in the abdomen and his intestines were literally hanging out I remember he was stoned faceand wasn't saying anything just looking straight ahead I'm sure he had been given pain meds but still we slid him on the stretcher and I remember I went to move him up and a bed a little bit and as soon as I started to slide him up he grabbed my arm and said hold up a minute homie that hurts a little bit in the most nonchalant voice I've ever heard the second was a guy who tried to kill himself by stripping naked and just laying on the cold floor for hours the floor was so cold it ended up dropping his core temperature to around 92 degrees Fahrenheit a quiet kid we called Harry Potter because of his glasses he was pretty young and defecate in street smarts and we could never figure out why he was there until we caught the news from a guard that he threw a pot of boiling hot water on his wheelchair-bound grandma because she was being too loud while he watched his favorite TV show out of all the sick crap people were locked up for that one is pretty hard to swallow if you ever get locked up remember to always be respectful of those around you because you never know what kinds of messed up people are in there with you I was in County waiting to catch Jane transported to prison and a crack dealer named t-bone would tell me stories of when he would have crack double you come over late to score arc the crack W would offer to suck his dong for a cookie flat $50 crack rock a t-bone had German Shepherd that he Loveland would talk about constantly t-bone told me any would have them suck the dogs dong for it while he recorded it the crack w apparently did this multiple times he told me when I got out to come over and watch the videos yeah I never did that t-bone was locked up for animal crew see the most disgusting thing I saw and smelled was when I was on lockup this one in May took a coffee bag filled it with three week old pee puke just blood and crap so he gets out for his 1-hour rag and proceeds to place the open part underneath this other guy's cell door and stomps on the bag it sprayed the most disgusting rancid concoction of bodily fluids all over this inmate after his epic display of biological warfare he pulled down his pants and shook his dong at the inmates he just crapped down sat in a drunk tank one night in my freshman year of college I didn't do anything besides be caught guilty of underage drinking a guy that was there when I got there gets up after an hour or so of me coming in he goes over and sits down on the toilet that is in the same small room as the ten of us guys that were there right in front of the window to the officers desk area office and has explosive diarrhea it's horrible breathing through our shirts for two hours new guy comes in and is told from an experienced player that he should try to make himself throw up so that he won't be in as long they release you when you're sober so what's he do put sits drunk head into the toilet bowl rest his face on the seat and passes out it was a gross gross day my ex-boyfriend had to do six months for four duis he was an alcoholic and he told me once he saw a teen stroke 19 year old boy crying in a corner he walked up to some older prisoner that he had become decent friends with and asked what was wrong he he just got his crap pushed in obligatory not me but somebody I know went to federal prison in Ontario for getting caught with a lot of drugs anyway he told me that they put H addicts in with general population but they're given a small paper cup of methadone each morning at a certain time and they'd sit and share and wait for their bodies to absorb it what some guys would do though was shake in their chairs to try and stave the absorption and when they'd get back to their cells later they'd induce vomiting into a sock inside of a can and use that as a filter then it was for sale yet doing puke is a thing in Canadian prison I did a few years in a state prison and saw and heard a lot of brutal crazy crap but one thing that has never left me was a story a guy told me about his murder case he was babysitting his new girlfriend's baby a few months old and the baby wouldn't stop crying so he put it a pillowcase and slammed it against the wall about 20 times he said he knew the baby was freaked up after the first hit but he just kept going said it was like a bloody pulp sack crap flicked me up also one of the bad ones I saw was a guy get stabbed through the eye with a 10-inch knife dude dropped killed him instantly and he never saw it coming a couple people put him in a laundry cart and the CIO's didn't find him for like ten hours the guy who killed him was 19 and serving an 11 month sentence he said he just wanted to know what it felt like to kill someone they convicted him federal for capital murder and he got like 99 years unfortunately there is a lot of young kids who go in with small sentences and never get out worked at a max security mental health facility guy talked about how he didn't understand why he was having nightmares about boiling lobsters alive this was five minutes after he talked about how he killed his ex-girlfriend cut her up and boiled her head because she was accusing him of cheating oh and how if he could just talk to her parents they would understand because she wasn't a good person I was an administrative isolation and there was the guy across the way who kept smearing his crap on the plexiglass so the ce o--'s couldn't see inside the guards were sick of his crap so one night when he did it the CEO on watch dead the guide to lick his own poop off a glass he did Christmas time in jail may have been Christmas Eve not sure now many years ago the night time around 8 p.m. I guess they had huts which could sleep about 20 guys each I was in the short-timers heart a bunch of long timers started gathering around our heart just outside the chain-link fence massive guys tats on arms and even fingers and all carrying a little something in their fists the group gets up to about 12 guys all standing around silently saying nothing and we are getting pretty nervous then just as it gets dark a couple of little possums crawled down out of one of the trees little as the sugar gliders here's a bunch of the biggest baddest dudes I've ever seen standing around waiting to hand-feed little possums bread and sugar they were very gentle with them my brother told me a story about pre prism when he was in jail he bunked with a drug addict who was seemingly just dope sick as Frick he said he was moaning and groaning all night he tried to tell the COS he needed help but they ignored him left him be then he puked all over himself and the co still wouldn't help him just left him there all Pookie then after a while he started seizing he had two seizures CIO's did nothing they thought he was faking my brother said about an hour later he stopped making noises he was silent so he checked on him he was gray and unresponsive totally slipped away freakin bastards let a technically innocent man die of benzo withdrawal overnight not a prison but GF works as psychologist for inmates guards with held schizophrenic inmates meds for talking back my friend was a former medical assistant at a local prison she told me a pretty gross story that happened a while back one of the inmates a male was getting abused from one of the CEOs the CEO made the inmate give him BJ's and when he tried to tell someone about it nobody believed him so after the end of a bj the inmates saved the semen in his mouth spit it in a napkin and had his family send out the semen to get tested and that's how the CEO was caught it was on the news and everything I'm pretty sure my dad used to be a prison guard he told me that an inmate got assaulted for ratting on someone he said the inmate needed stitches because his butthole was ripped out mom was a co at Hancock State Penitentiary in Georgia here are my favorite three one nicest guy and the place asks my mom if she wants to know what he's in for he told her that he caught his wife cheating so he just went and sat in his recliner to calm down she came out and wouldn't stop apologizing after he told her to leave him alone so he literally cut her face off during a riot inmates are double bunked into solitary confinement for a weekend a young kid presumably a snitch was locked in with a significantly larger and older gangbang and notorious for non consensual intercourse kids spent some time in the hospital you don't need details three mum came upon a man who was stabbed in the skull right before his release six inch shank sticking out of the top of his head he kept calling out for his daughter he didn't make it I am a Canadian however I got caught up in the u.s. federal prison system hospital enter this place my friends is as nasty as it gets a new fish came in and after doing his obligatory time in the Shu he got moved into my unit when he arrived he was asked if he had any contraband with him by some of the other brothers he made a vital mistake by telling them no but later opening up to his cellie that he had some weed in prisoner doesn't take long for the bloc to know what's going on and so that next morning when this guy went to shower he was jumped by a half dozen or so guys they proceeded to fill up shampoo bottles with warm water and soap then stuck them where up his ass in order to get the weed out although this would have definitely cleaned him out it didn't force the weed out one of the brothers then put a rubber glove on and went straight in the guys butthole in order to get the weed out once they got what they were after they proceeded to knock the guy out and hang him up to send the message it was pretty flicked up and there was nothing anybody could do he learned the hard way I was in a cell for a week in Denver City Jail my cellmate was in for the week waiting on a pickup to take him over to ice holding he was older and since he was being held and transferred over an immigration issue he was deemed low-risk it turns out he was a famous Ethiopian torturer who had killed and maimed hundreds of prisoners he was part of the Red Terror and was not a good guy being in 23-hour lockdown with this guy in a cell the size of a walk-in closet was interesting to say the least so I've never been incarcerated however I used to work for our local jail as a medical officer still to this this day I'm traumatized by abscesses the size of golf balls leaking smelly green posts and a girl we like to refer to as Pharmacy vague pharmacy bag was found smoking amphetamines in the booking holding cells and somehow smuggled these pills into gen-pop she entered my clinic with her hands in her uniform and I kept hearing a rustling sound of some sort I promptly called the acting captain in to investigate and had to witness the good doll squad in cough as pharmacy vac did as she was told a rubber glove containing 20 pills a big pipe foils and a lighter fell out she had some more pills under her uniform shirt and in her shoe as well the food was inhumane no identifiable meat plus everything had to be able to be eaten with a spoon because they weren't about to hand out forks and knives from a few days I was sent to a women's prison about five years ago and there was a chicken there that was famous for getting high on my labor sitting an eight-year-old and then killed the kid another one that I found disturbing was a chick who threw her newborn and the trash after she went into labor at home also it was heartbreaking to see mothers getting visits from their young children always tears from both parties because mommy still can't come home a lot of these women were good people who just made stupid mistakes okay anyone that beamed to actual prison probably knows about getting their paperwork checked out it's where you have to show other convicts some type of paperwork from court proving you're there on a legit charge and not for child molestation et Cie . well I was younger and we were joking around with a new kid that had come in whose name was Michael Jackson when someone asked him something along the lines of please tell us you're not in here for hurting kids too and the dumb ass actually says to this up yeah but I already got beat up for it in County so it's all square now sure enough we pull his paper and it's a child abuse charge he left on a stretch of that night I was in jail for a few years when I was younger and saw a grown man being carried by a female CEO repeatedly stabbed in the face while this woman screamed at the top of her lungs for them to stop the blood that was being washed away from her face by her tears still tugs at my heart all she wanted to do was save this man's life it was during one of several race it's at that prison had during the five years I was there another memory that really stood out for me was seeing a black dude get master locks where you get smashed with a lock in a sock an incredibly effective weapon by six black dudes for not standing up against all the cops the previous week when all the races United against the guards I'll never forget seeing his teeth go flying across the floor and the little rattle sound they made also watching a dude get stomped for crapping his pants the guys looked like he was trying to kick field goals with dudes head can't believe that guy lived when I was younger I had a bit of a bad side and ended up in the garage for a 3-year sentence of which I only served 18 months and got out on good behavior my cellmate at the time was we Davey Davey was a quiet man usually but this day he showed me a different side to him a side that I think hadn't been seen from the day Davey made the mistake that put him in here well that day during sunlight a guard who was spectating the tarmac had made Davey feel like a kid with the way he spoke and picked on him in front of the rest of the boys Davey afterwards told me that he was going to turn the bastard into a tea bag I didn't think he was talking sense and thought he would calm down with time not Davey Davey didn't calm down and drop it Davey waited two months and when the guard least expected it Davey attacked the guard from behind when there were no other guards to place by who Davey waited until he crossed the yard and stabbed a rusty old screwdriver in his back he stabbed him 23 times before he was tackled to the ground by another guard I wonder what happened to Davey I was bunked with a guy who also happened to be a pimp and we got to talking and he told me the most flicked up request he's ever gotten by a customer the guy asked if he could lay underneath a glass table and have one of his girls squat over the table and take a crap while he watched probably the most flicked up thing I've heard you have been visited by the Pope Dogo comment four times and he will bless you with lots of good luck if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot
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Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, story, stories, tz reddit, toadfilms, best of, Ex-Prisoners, prisoners, convicted, disturbing, witnessed, heard, behind bard, prison
Id: 3iZEzn_z0Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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