EXPLOSIVE DRONE ARMY! - Nimbatus Gameplay

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hey everybody Hamlet's welcome back to Nimbus so the game releases on Steam today though we thrown another video up because you guys enjoy the last one so much we're gonna try something a little bit different today we're gonna go through the main game that have been playing for a little bit of time I've been playing a little bit off-camera going through some of your guys's comments and seeing some very very interesting things now our mission today is to destroy the transmitter so let's do it where do you use a new drone that I built off-camera and this is going to be interesting we're gonna edit this guy up now there is a comment that almost every comment related to and it was these things it was using it was using batteries so if I use these batteries check this out if I have four of these batteries in the game we have HP of 500 or 500 times four is 2000 with a recharge of 5 times 4 which is 20 now check that out mm recharge 20 of the large battery that's right some of those items got released differently and they remade the solar panel so if you play this game before the solar panel is now a large batteries just four times bigger than the small battery same goes with the fuel tanks the large fuel tank is four times bigger than that twice as big as this and it's just the same exact thing now there is something new there is something very new and very interesting it is a new factory part literally it's a factory and it allows us to create things so what I'm gonna do today I've got a little test flight you guys wanted me to build up something that kind of worked around like all four axis like this so this is what we're gonna try we're gonna try using this I like it I like it a lot I've also gone back and gun into the weapons workshop and bought a couple things so I have a little bit of tak speed and weapon damage for my blaster and it should work out pretty good now I do need to make a couple shields in here so let's plop four of these in I think that'll be good and right there and right there and we're gonna bind those to shift so now I can have a shield that covers everything up very nice so the next thing I'm going to do is we're going to create a little drone so we're drone is gonna have a drone as I say attached to 20 parts to a single part may cause instability and that's around the center part my thing pretty sure I have everything attached to the center so let's build this up now we're gonna have a bombing drone so what I want to do we're gonna use TNT on this thing and we can go out a little bit let's do that and we're gonna do a little TNT I always like TNT on bombs like this a bomb drones and we're gonna put a battery and a small little fuel tank on it cuz these things aren't gonna last very long we'll put one there we'll put one here and then this one's gonna be tied to a is that right and then this will be D I think so it'll turn and then we could put like a little a little blaster on the front or a drill or a spike let's do spikes does that sounds fun we'll do a little spikes on the front so we just have ourselves you know what if we had a drill we don't need this so I'm gonna change it up and we're gonna put a drill on the front this will be fun this will be really fun so we have a bobbin bombing drill it's gonna drill through the planet and then explode with the TNT that's on it so these are be activated with most zero nope let's go most one that's my right-click and then this thing I don't know how this would work but I am gonna have buying these two Q and E actually it should be Q there this one should be e and then this one can be like I don't know control left control so let's try this out let's just do a quick little test okay that'll work and then we can decouple it yes and then Q oh and then there goes he and then Bob wait that didn't work yes oh that's awesome oh that was too close too close for comfort win we've lost some we've lost some projectiles EEP we're doing down abort mission abort mission send in the troops but broom button send in the troops we turn it around turn it around drilling troop drill drill drill drill oh I missed it turn around again turn around and go oh hey we got two of them now oh this is a bad deal oh okay that was fun so we're gonna try this on the the level today you guys also wanted me to put in some of these blocks so we're gonna do that quick all right we've got a little bit of a defensive shield on there we do have that the center of gravity it's a little bit low you can see that little block but we're gonna save it and launch this up now we're gonna try our brand-new level with our little mining zone it's gonna be great I have no idea what to expect but it'll be fun it'll be fun we're not we're gonna try to blast things with with our oh yeah that's perfect okay and then down we have to go down this is like a Borg cube I kind of like it ready oh I want it I want to activate what we need to turn it a bit yeah it's a little bit slow yet - okay no joke it's released though it's super snow cake control is on or in a decoupled Oh No oh no I built something I didn't want to build cuny whoop drilling drilling yes no wrong button wrong button get out of here okay that's not working so hot it was on and I blasted my ownership EEP Wow and then I blew up a big area okay that's not too bad we're all right we're all right cuz those horrible there we go okay turn it turn it yeah drill oh that's so cool that's so cool it's got a little drill and then what happens if we explode it down here oh no bad idea oh man this is not too good not too good okay that was a fun experiment alright or practices alright this looks a little better a little bit better I can turn things so these and these are tied to the turning that way okay this works pretty good it works pretty good a little bit faster let's see if it'll work no okay destroy transmitter going down to the planet I need to go this way yeah that's not exactly how I wanted to do it I was hoping you would drive to the side but it's not whatever turn turn oh yeah I don't know why you guys wanted me to build this it's not it's not great it's not great at all all right so let's try this instead not not that let's not try that let's try this test plate okay okay that decoupled kyu-ho key Oh turn and right click right click doesn't doesn't work today okay drills work me up oh that's gonna be cool that's gonna be cool if I can get this to work oh I love it and then we can just back down like we did in last in the last video we can spot some new ones in and then make them go under the planet's surface and if they blow up that'll be awesome I totally remember what button it was no middle click hey it's gonna work it's gonna work it's gonna be good okay in do we go you guys said I need the the armor blocks but I'm not gonna do it just to trigger you okay so much faster oh yes we got lasers we got explosions yes I love it okay now now we need to order yourself down to the planet's surface oh wow that guy in the middle was that really okay that's where all of the power goes to interesting all right so now if I D couple it blew up it's not quite right if I make new ones if I spawn new ones now they should go down and if I hit control they're gonna go down now I need to see oh yeah they're definitely going into the planet okay start up some of them are getting stuck on things okay and they don't whoa it'll just middle click to blow them up spawn some new ones we're all up yes this will work now I just need to get better better movement and I've done it I've done it my friends we need to go find that transmitter and destroy it the controls are still it'll walkie so we're just gonna fly around until we can find it here shouldn't be a hard oh there's these things you guys said I have to press see the a seat isn't that working see doesn't do nothing I need to reconfigure the mining probes here I almost feel like I'm a squid oh and then all the power gets strange oh there's a transmitter right there all right Oh doh oh that's not a transmitter get out of my way get out of my way hey that's so far so bad no it's not good okay ready are you ready release the probes up Stace I made extras go and middle-click okay that was good release the probes okay there they go going in and boom that work did that work did I blow things up I hope so I think I did blow em all up Oh explosions and oopsies oh not good we're gonna play oh no we're gonna attacked we're getting attacked okay we blew it up good I wish I can attach the camera or zoom out a little bit oh okay ready get set and a couple and go control oh I did it I blew them up oh you guys can't exploded there's a transmitter oh they're still attacking my other parts all right we got this no Matt can open it up back it up back it up I'm gonna hold down this very nice the transmitter is online get out of my way get out of my life transmitting transmitting coordinates and activate that didn't quite work do it again and decouple yes that was a lot of work for that little bit of fun oh but it was really fun okay now back to the beam bodice alright that was a good one you have to do for now there's gonna be something different here let's see what it is please don't be a snake Oh collect the bile barrels okay find them and bring them to your container to clean the planet how do I do that yes oh I bet I need a magnet I bet I need a magnet don't I okay I got to bring them to that thing right now hey now oh that's the bio barrel right there yeah those are all bile barrels okay ready and your type is come oh that didn't work too well okay now II don't run one cue turning turning turning turning more turning more it worked mission complete okay so I have to pick up these barrels somehow so my good friend magneto here might be a little bit derpy I mean that but that's what I do best is derp hey it attaches to it so oh yeah we're ripping us apart okay now we have to go find those magnetic barrels I don't know we have to get five of them we can do that we have technology we again we can make things work that was good destroy this thing just so I can live a little longer alright and this one so I can lift nope nope nope don't blow the don't blow that barrel up okay got it ready get set attach nice okay could I grab the other one too oh I can oh I can't this is fantastic go go go my little dudes okay ready we have to get up to here and then if we give her the old spin around here let's try that and then I could just go hey that worked great Oh did something right for once I am trying to buy barrels everything shooting at me oh no oh no oh no okay we got the transmitter okay is so far so good nothing's totally bad yet have I lost any parts not yet Wow why can't I find anything here Oh loosen shields shields are going down they've blasted from behind underneath yes yes yes okay it's gone very good oh man I wish I had I wish I had my harvesters set up because there's a lot of red and yellows here there's another barrel I need that in my life I think I'm gonna take this out first good now there's two barrels let's get the farther one away oh I did lose I did lose something hey there we go I lost my ability to turn I've tried some long-range shots here to blow up that thing come on blast it we got - oh yes there goes okay I've got two sitting right there one down here I had to restart because I'm missing too many things but I think this will work I think that'll work and I also did upgrade my magnets a little bit yep okay give me the other one yes uh yeah I'm space your own cleaner guy is Bistro cleaner blitz cleaning up all the space garbage we turn it around and repel it nice to have three barrels through two of five girls in got two more let's see if I can grab a bowl at the same time yeah nope yeah got it got it oh don't crash no no no dodged the bullet oh okay that was cool okay let's get these two back and then we only have a one left if you can count 4 minus 5 is 1 negative 1 but backwards hey 405 I'm gonna go to the left this time so you can grab that one from down there yeah we got a long one here I don't think I'm gonna be able to get this one oh yeah blew up oopsies it wasn't me I didn't blow it up sorry space aliens we wanted a clean bio planet we'll grab this one instead because we only need it five walk got it no oh I found bad aliens bad aliens beep okay that was good oh oh I miss it thanks I'm losing thanks right away right away last laser okay I'm still have I still I can make this I can make it where I probably can't make this work yeah I'm gonna make me blast that oh I got so many bad things happening right now Oh what why did I why am I losing I've restarted a few more times we're not gonna we're not gonna talk about those or you're not even gonna see them because those are edited out but we're gonna go up here we've got it'll s two barrels Oh No well if I came up I can bring it up nope bad thing okay I don't why am I stuck on the flame I just want to drive through the fire and that doesn't hurt us at all for some reason okay here we are Oh Oh over there okay now we got a little gravity we got a little gravity so I'm just gonna drop them right in easy peasy lemon squeezy shoo them away yes the bio barrows have been collected back to the NIMH bonus and now I think I've unlocked another one nice so I can go up to this guy which we unlock from back here before Oh what is this oh that looks cool Jayde's brain planet I must touch it I must touch the giant brain planet woohoo girls that's not nearly as fun so let's travel to this planet yucca and bow barrels why do I have to get collect bile barrels this is dumb let's go through this one and collect pile barrels I mean I have the best ballplayer all collector in the history of Best Buy beware of collectors or something let's go to that I guess the new one cuz it looks cooler alright alright Magneto let's see what we can do down here I have no idea what here we only have five barrels though so let's just see what we can find oh yes this planet looks cool oh no space bugs space bugs and stuff alright alright you want to play this game I will let you I mean you're gonna blow me up I'm just gonna blow up the barrel barrels for Knight are we gonna collect him no says I this thing looks like a plant out of something alive syndrome - oh no well we got the aliens here - come on man don't blow up that bio barrel we need it we need its luscious green goo to bring back to rescue the little native fauna that wants to kill us and flora whatever they are whoop come on give on little barrel yes I've done it the barrel is mine I'm gonna drive by we're gonna do a drive-by a barrel drop beer drop the bio waste right inside of its mouth there it goes there goes in the hole cinderella story we've made it how did I do is I can do got to say that this planet looks awesome I do yeah it does this planet is really cool do you matter hey I still don't have my my collector on I think I have to have a drill in order to kill that thing okay got a little laser on me I want to try to collect that thing without blowing out Oh without blowing up that little laser Oh oh shoot man okay uh-huh now my ship's broken - no it's not we just brillo - uh we need to recharge this shield yeah we're good this is deadly this is probably really bad really bad idea okay I got it though okay we're mostly alive yet we're missing one thruster there's another bio barrel we're gonna go in crap oh I just barely missed it oh okay bring it back down oh no oh yeah I'm totally missing parts I know load up load up okay I got it that's one one more Bioware all we need oh I blew up on my ship no let's try this extraction one more time try to get this thing without blowing up oh it hurts come on oh I forgot about these guys forgot about those oh man we're not good okay fly away fly away fly away we're to let that shield recharge we're gonna go for it again and it just blew it up it just blew up that barrel on its own oh so annoying okay I got another plan it's a good one it's a really good one making it attached I don't know right there haha now I can control you know what I should do actually is this now I'll have two magnets I just need a bear careful that I don't okay attract isn't one and repels - we haven't be careful that we don't blast off the things with these okay and I did want to try changing out and adding one more TNT in here because it wasn't quite it didn't quite have enough power so I think it'll be fun to add another TNT yeah that'll work most to most to no middle most middle mouse click okay and then left control all right so I can spawn these guys and drive them into the base and it'll be glorious also these need to have alpha 1 in - that'll be perfect and ready to go yes this is better this is better what I should do too is replace my negative thrusters here or something else oh well alright we can decouple Oh all right whatever it'll be fine it'll be fine it'll be fine Oh No yeah boom yes that was good oh no no don't pull that one up see this is why I wanted to build it so I didn't have to deal with stuff like that no we're gonna build another one all right and then in control button control yes ha ha ha ha the drone worked flawlessly too bad I blew up the other one ok this was this is good we're all right we're all right and now we need to spot another one and we're gonna go this way I don't know where that's gonna go but it's gonna blow up pretty soon and we're gonna try to go backwards yeah there we go oh it hit it hit that's awesome oh it hit again wait it's attacking it it's attacking it yes ok spawn another one okay turn drill it drill baby drill yes okay we need another one go go go go turn turn turn drill drill drill drill well that's perfect perfect perfect I like this I like this system this drone system is perfect fantastic fern fern - oh that was they have anti-aircraft defense wait why am I so fast now oh no boo boo okay ready and go Oh No Oh No how's bad real bad super bad okay that was not as good as I hoped we got to go find somewhere else Oh missing or missing parts oh no I'm missing I can't actually win right now oh I can't I said that's really sad Sam no I have no more thing go wait dumb bug ugly bugs eat eat shoot that worked aw didn't work I can't all right let's do some systematic dismantling of the bug Empire here whoa dodging no no I didn't I dodged a drug wait ah I'd roll it up drill it up okay that worked sort of oh we got to well that'll work okay we got we're all right we're all right get out of here should I be able to grab this one I think so let's go in we'll try to grab it right away yeah this is the easy one aground and I'm just gonna back up real close to it there we go so I don't take too much damage and drop off you made it one is in the hole okay now we need four more now I'm not really explored over to the right direction very much I wonder if there's any freebies easy ones that we can grab if we need to be systematic and snipe oh okay you know what I wonder this could be this could be that the attempt of a lifetime right here okay shift there we go turning up that's not working right hey well ad bum okay that'll be good and we'll send another one in okay and control oh that was that's on that's on pace it's on pace right wait okay just need to make better holes in the ground well okay ready you got this you got this little drone I think that's on oh that would have been on turn it up and we'll see what happens blow up right there it's probably a bad idea cuz they can shoot at me yep and I blew up the bio cube I figured I would have oh well that's why I was trying to go through the ground it was a good attempt there are a ton of bugs here I don't like them why I mean why do they want to blow me up from trying to rescue their plant in here blow it up Wow okay we got it we got an easy one we got an easy one except it's a quarter of the way around the planet I can get it oh no bugs everywhere oh okay now if I blow this one up oh nice reactor okay and almost down to energy no bad oh that's just destroyed half my ship I abandon that planet because it was annoying so I'm trying to find Oh what is this oh we got one right here Oh No hey we all just blew itself up Shubin oh no see this is the problem this is the big problem oh no about fire Oh No I blasted my own stings great come on shields hold up there we go there we go okay this is still fine we're still okay we're gonna destroy this one oh wow I really really really need to find these barrels I don't even see any in this map whoa destroy it destroy it yeah I mean we found that one okay let's try this thing yes goodbye transmitter goodbye oh no no no no no no no no no no I got it I got it I got this we got this ah home we go and uh that other thing isn't online I managed to grab one oh just barely moto you okay you okay little buddy get in there get in there yes we have a barrel boom and restart again by the way bTW yeah oh there's a trickle was there one down there did I just find a free one I think I did I think I found a free one oh is that a no it's a rock never mind get out of my way is stupid ground I do want to see you though oh yeah those are just rocks all right that's too bad what else do we have more rocks we got a rock avalanche here I'm going backwards for some reason there's more rocks this planet is full of rocks it's a rocky planet full of rocks okay and then get on my way oh oh oh oh here we go here we go I got this I got this whoa oh you got a sniper up in here buddy is it go oh I blew up the other one though it blew up the pod well then we're gonna have to blow you up oh yes I like my little my mining drill it's awesome Oh No yeah I got an idea oh stop that oh no you missed me you missed me oh oh I got something else what is that I blasted these hello in space oh I'm losing parts okay am I gonna I'm gonna carry this one home now okay now turn around don't know I'm missing things I'm missing things hey back it up back it up back it up well I can't back up right no no I've loaded up I've successfully managed to get a second cargo pod no it's fantastic I also got something else I don't know what it is but I think it might be resources oh yeah 25 red resources nice now I'm stuck inside here okay we're good we're good I did see one more little o box get out of my way ground oh no did I do I didn't destroy myself get out of my way ground okay ready it's setting go over here there's one more box right up here somewhere that right over here maybe right right right somewhere come on where are you there it is okay I need to I needed to do a pass over top there we go it doesn't know about me it doesn't know that I want to steal that box yes don't blow it up don't blow it up that's for sure we need it in our life so that's number two in well it's number three hot diggity dog I'm getting good okay we're a quarter the way around the planet though and I don't see any more except the rocks ho ho found the mother lode okay the problem is now I literally have no turning capabilities Hey they got broken off they got broken up I didn't know I didn't know this place existed so I have to I have to turn literally using my weapons that's kind of exciting since I have bio barrels God my own sides I can't I can't get the bio barrels hid not good okay I think I got this still going out into space though no don't attack my barrels you're smarter than this blitz you got this there it is home sweet home home sweet home bye all rails end in come on my news you can do it you can do it yes yes yes yes we did it that was that was over an hour of me attempting to get these bio barrels back to the new bodice we've had a good adventure this time we've got better things here we got the sumo land we also have this one okay let's go check out what's in here ah too bad I only unlocked this I guess if we unlock that one we could have got both okay let's travel here I'm just gonna see what we've got for the next video we have destroy a transmitter that should be pretty easy to do with our drone army anyway guys that our app it up for today's video bought us hope you've enjoyed our adventure if you did let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 367,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, Nimbatus, Nimbatus - The Space Drone Constructor, nimbatus gameplay, builder, building, spaceship, space ship, october2018, nimbatus part 1, nimbatus ep 1, nimbatus space drone
Id: i_EJEGSYn7c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2018
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