Building My PERFECT CASTLE in Becastled

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hello my friends welcome to a game called be castled i'm blitz and i'm excited to build a castle with you today this game is by the developers that made a game called uh happy room that we played quite a bit on the channel a while back it's about building a castle pretty straightforward we're gonna go on i don't know i'm gonna go on easy mode because well it's one of my first times playing the game all right there it is our brand new world check that out oh great there's a wolf den right here we've got a bunch of trees ooh is this stuff that's sunstone that's basically the currency for the game there's some deer out here we can harvest oh that looks so great let's start we're gonna build our castle beautifully done swing around and we'll place it right next to these trees i like it that's great next up we're going to do is we're going to go into a sawmill we're going to put the sawmill by the trees so i can start hacking down some trees and then i think we're going to drop in a couple houses for our dudes to live in check this sweetness out uh-huh and one right there and another one right here and look people just popped out of the castle they're gonna start building things nicely done oh these are these are good some soldiers to defend our base against the night people all right let's give a couple workers as soon as they spawn in there's one and two and they're gonna start hacking down trees to get the wood we also need to start finding some uh rocks pretty soon there's some sheep we don't have any rocks close by we're gonna have to venture out this way kind of like that maybe we'll build up through here there's some fields in here where we can use i'm just gonna capture that right away we're gonna start getting some uh some fields just like this i like it so we got some dudes that can work in the sawmill we have a couple that'll work here we have 507 population we can also upgrade this once we do get the quarry going on i don't want to get this section too i'm going to do it right away we're just going to expand too fast and then we're gonna get burnt by bad things at night check it out we got our field i'm gonna slap in two workers in there i'm also gonna build some more houses i think as long as they don't get eaten by the wolves look at them go they're little sun people they're just harvesting the trees and replanting them it's amazing working the field looks good i kind of want to attack the wolves but i know if you attack this then a big wolf comes out and tries to eat everything it's not not very nice i'm also going to put in a windmill here just to increase the productivity ah not yet not yet i think it's military time actually get an archery range going on can i put that in real close here okay i'm gonna start building up a couple troops i don't know how many maybe four we have to keep some money to keep them uh trained because we do use money totally and i don't have this built up yet so i just think a couple archers to begin with along with these melee guys should work out okay i need food though need food badly i kind of want to buy this area and then put in a fishing pier i already bought it where's the fishing pier right there come on i just need six more wood give me that six more wood nice i got it okay fish and pier right here that looks great now we are getting close to night time you can tell this ticker comes down about a minute we're gonna get raided by the the night people or yeah i think it's like solar people and moon people we're the solar people which is the good guys i'm hoping that they come from this way so they attack the wolves and then we can remove this once all the wolves are dead but they can come from anywhere we finally broken even on the food production too oh a little bit high nice that's the way i like to be and nighttime is here where are the bad guys at okay where are they coming at there there shouldn't be too many maybe only five tonight which should be very good oh nice they are getting eaten by the wolves what kind of a luck was that i kind of want to take out the wolves oh that's the wrong wolves though okay that's awesome they were taken out by these wolves i kind of want to try it yeah not tonight we need another day sunstone workshops ready to go there's a buttload of trees here too which is awesome i am going to need these rocks as well i'm just going to capture that right away ah stone cory's 300 so expensive and we'll put in two people here they're gonna start getting us at sunstone since we have a lot of time too i'm gonna go take out these wolves oh no wait wait wait wait wait fall back they can't come into my zone can you guys just kill him now like without moving that'd be sweet or not whatever we're going in take him out nice nice nice take oh nice arrow oh there's the big one there's the big one abort mission abort mission okay now fire use your really okay we're gonna do it anyway oh stop stop stop stop stop yeah yeah yeah i need just the archers because they're right here we can take him out are you an archer you are okay now attack it yeah don't move very good very good shoot it dead nice you hit it i saw it get hit take it out take it out don't continue walking after it nice take the big one out too okay you draw the player it'll be funny run away it's a big wolf no i said no no i said no you dummies it's illegal you've come on my land i shall defeat you or not oh balls that was really not good i just ate an archer i hope it tasted good they're expensive can i just attack this thing oh you can that's what he's doing my one archer is saving the day in his own way no you two dorks attack this thing just fire arrows out oh it's on fire arrows hot dang i like fire arrows they're exciting yeah just take out that wolf dead nice we've done no get out of why did you why would you think that's even an okay idea like for real this time dork i might keep these guys around just for defensive purposes for a little bit food production is good the solar production is very nice we're starting to get a little bit of rocks coming in beautifully done i think i am going to need a couple more people but i'm thinking i'm going to upgrade these houses first it just takes 15 stone now screw it we're going to build a new one if you're wondering why i'm cramming all of the buildings into one area it's so i can build a wall around it also gonna build a well just because i don't want things to light on fire i don't know if they can but usually in games like this you put a well in so things don't light on fire okay speaking of that well we're gonna start it i don't even know where to put it i kind of want some gates in here too so let's drop one here and then we can do another one here as soon as we get a little more wood no no illegal illegal that's my area you little monsters you little monsters yes no that's what are you doing you're on my land no no that was not the time to fight either it's almost nighttime now is not the time your abort mission okay nobody died that's good hopefully we can use those for sci or defensive purposes tonight i don't know where the bad guys are gonna come in at they're down here okay over here they aren't gonna come through um one of these areas so that's fine we'll have to kill him in the morning quick everyone attack yes use your arrows use your swords use the s-words we're gonna do it we're gonna defeat em all beautiful it has been completed we have one i think oh we did okay we're gonna go after these stupid things now oh you monster don't you dare oh wow those are quite the arches right there it's amazing it's quite amazing no no there you go that moon shot maybe they'll kill it maybe these guys need some more practice they're just wasting a bunch of arrows there fine there's three of them together maybe you can hit one of them or not i feel like they're healing faster than we're attacking them here we get them you guys attack here we'll just try it we might be able to clear it out and if we can then we can take over that zone we lost one come on kill the big one come on kill the big one kill nope we lost two that's okay we've got them all they're all dead now uh-oh yes finally it's ours i kind of want this one first though just for the wood purposes now i can put a tower on the corner should i just do it i can't afford that fences it is that's really expensive too there we go all aboard finally we can upgrade our houses now we have plenty of stone i also want to upgrade my sawmill so i can get an additional worker here so how many guys can go up there looks like a lot that's pretty cool an added trebuchet can i have a trebuchet i can't afford it yet but i will hot dang i can have a trebuchet finally the fence is completed it's not very much but it's my fence and i like it i can also slap some archer positions on the top and close the gates that's kind of cool where are you going why do we have more wolves actually i like that wolves that far out are nice okay can i fit the church inside of these walls somewhere oh no why does the church have to be outside the walls yeah we'll put it out here we'll put it in this one so we'll put it up here so we don't have to kill any trees oh they didn't get it in time that's not good hey where's the bad guys coming at i think this means they're coming from over here they are they're gonna destroy everything come on out we gotta open that door come on oh you guys are gonna shoot your arrows there that's really cool and stuff there stop it there you go hey melee guy run away or not whatever okay he's dead we pretty much know that he's a goner now oh wow maybe he's gonna do it oh what in the world why are there more our friend is dead i'll name him steve steve is dead our archers are gonna die in a second how about shooting the guy in the front how's that sound wow that were pretty good they don't like dying i thought they did but they're showing me that they actually don't i'm surprised you back up on your tower can i have a trebuchet now yes yes no why i don't know why but i have a church i'm gonna make some priest dudes in here and then they're gonna start resurrecting my guys there they go look they're waving their pointy sticks they're like we know how to make people oh it's beautiful i'm gonna give them a fountain inside their place because i think they'll like it and a bush somewhere right there they like bushes baked beans my favorite oh this is great this is great we got people back all right but we have a negative happiness which is not great how's our food situation doing uh we're equal i need to go start getting some more food best place to do that is down here maybe i can take the entire squad and then go kill the wolves or i can build up this way and go hunt there's also forest up here which is cool i'm gonna see if i can build a wall or a gate somewhere or not can i turn it no my stuff's too close this is a terrible zone i can't even make food in there but i need to get it to get to the deer is there anything closer i guess these sheep are closer i have to kill the wolves though okay wolf killing time we got plenty of daylight would be a good idea to get some more forest happening in here too i want these guys to take out the wolf den first maybe sometime no okay stay on the edge and then nothing else can spawn beautiful no no no no no no no no no no bad archers bad archers you dummies you're so dumb sometimes now attack them now attack them there you go there you go okay um two died and that guy is walking into the forest let's buy this one and then we're gonna put in another sawmill down here i'm also gonna buy this one and then the wolf the sheep land here then i can put in myself a hunter's hut or farmer's field no farm here we go i'm also one of the workers yeah it's probably because they're very unhappy and i can't get anyone to spawn and my tavern doesn't have any workers in it so we've got that going for us why don't you just not work there for a while and we can give people to that yeah that'll work yay that increased our happiness level slightly we got three in there now and the sheep magically found their way into the pen without anyone working there that was cool plus five happiness that's what i'd like to see i'm also not gonna lie i'm actually kind of concerned about how tonight's gonna go there could be a very large raid happening there they are what do we have looks like archers lots of archers oh well here goes nothing fellas oh go for it oh yeah that worked good yeah nice draw that fire draw that fire shield boys wow wow i think we're all right though seems like my guys can hit archers better than they can hit wolves and we'll be able to resurrect them in the morning unless there's another group nope we're good they're gonna come from down here tonight so one thing i've noticed too is the wood walls are better than the fences and it's only wood so if i get a bunch of guys just deforesting like crazy it's gonna work really well thinking about building i don't even know i kind of watch there was an upgrade button but you can just add the add archers to it pretty cheaply like i can tear down the fence get some materials back and then put up a wall see just like that that's cool these guys have ripped through the forest entirely in a half a day like it's almost gone but i'm building a lot of wood walls which is good for us i also slapped in a gate here so we can defend it against uh enemies when they try to leave and we have that area down here plus that forest area which should be pretty good i could maybe buy this area in the future i could also buy this one with a couple of trees i really want to start up the forestry industry over here though i think that would be a better idea i'm hoping this thing can get built up before night time because it would be quite exciting to rain down death from above oh yes it's ready can i build a trebuchet now oh i can't i can build a tribute shay oh that's my favorite thing in the game i don't even know what it does do i need people up there i feel like i need people no you guys heard where are you going okay maybe i can put you up here oh look at the archers they're going along the top oh that's so cool okay we need we need the they're gonna park themselves on that aren't they wow can i i don't have enough time but i really want to tear down that fence and build a new one i think tomorrow i'm gonna go pop out pow and get like this forest purchased i'm gonna do it right now and then this one too oh i can't can i buy it yeah i definitely need people to cut down wood out here i have a big fascination with cutting down trees right now they deserve it i think oh yeah probably don't go out there now's not a good time to start that foresting problem all right night time everyone inside before you get destroyed by these guys oh balls okay trebuchet do your thing that's not the angle i was thinking they're going to come from no i can't even burn it down where are my soldiers going the tribute shake the tribute go yes i love it already no no no no no no no no that was expensive kill these guys just kill them oh dirty you're gonna you've done the wrong thing hey ron no no no no no no no oh that was perfect just one left yes what a dummy he stood and ran into my trebuchet that was awesome i've done it it also killed all the trees not too excited about that i wanted to make this a forest oh these guys are stuck on a tree that's unfortunate for them okay the trees came back i'm happy for that tear it down down goes the fence can i build another one oh i can can i build another one now i need to oh trebuchets for days i love it okay can i build another tower over here somewhere oh buildings are too close that's unfortunate i could build them out here and extend the wall should i do that i got enough oh i got enough time i could probably do this let's build a wood wall and a wood wall and a wood wall and i don't have enough money i just wanted to build this mainly so i can put trebuchets out here i can tear this one down that's a good idea and then i can build this one that's a gate right here beautiful i'm gonna slap a gate oh oh that's a messed up thing okay so we have a gate out here now i don't know why but there is one and then i put in the towers oh yes oh it's beautiful i don't even care that i'm wasting on my wood building trebuchets and stuff because i need them for science purposes well got good news and i've got bad news good news is i've found more guys to purchase a pikeman yeah attack range and strike but there's like a lot of things here i really need them just for testing um the bad news is well that was every single um building in the game i have built everything i've completed the game i just need to move you guys right over here and then all of you guys up here yes oh okay where are they oh oh oh they're bringing catapults i don't think i didn't sign up for this actually i did it's kind of funny you're gonna try to bring catapults against my base no it's illegal because i have trebuchets everyone knows that trebuchets are better than catapults because you can hurdle a 90 kilogram rock something you guys just drove over my trees okay where is this range at oh balls they're gonna take up my stuff hey where oh where these are all my archers that's good and my pikeman's up here too i don't know why he decided to come up and play can you oh oh yes my archers are in archers are in range oh no goodbye cory it was nice knowing you oh boom okay they're gonna destroy my quarry i don't care though oh oh oh the second trippy shay for the win you just hit my own guys you're the worst trebuchet ever nice okay i don't know about this elsa these guys are kind of oh i don't even need a trebuchet i don't need a trebuchet i've got archers yes no bad illegal illegal maneuvers you're dead oh these guys are big too come on tribute shay smell them smoke them yes yes yes that was awesome oh this game is really really unique i love it a lot and i guess we'll probably play more of it in the future if you like it but as of right now we're kind of out of things to do in this demo and uh i guess we'll see you next time thanks for watching bye you
Channel: Blitz
Views: 554,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, becastled, becastled game, becastled gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 57sec (1137 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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