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All right. We're checking out the only game where you can become an animal that bites the laws of nature in half: Its Merge Animals. As you can see, merge animals is a game where you spend most of your mornings sitting inside of a vat of toxic waste so that you can become stronger and more- I dunno where to go, left or right... I'm an alligator, so I think I want to do the swimming side. Well, I shouldn't say I'm an alligator and I'm only part alligator. I'm like an alligator appetizer, if you will. Don't want to climb or punch my way through. So I'm also a just horrific looking spider. I can't even say I'm really a spider. I'm just a dude with three arms. Two of them just seem to get in the way all the time. The other two, I kind of liked. I just unlocked the eagle. What does the eagle do besides being incredibly patriotic? I'm not really sure. Flight. Okay. I love how you just basically take, like, a frappuccino of an eagle, and then you inject it into yourself. Annnnd, alright, you get some wings. and then I'm going to grab this rhinoceros because it seems amazing. So now I can fly, and I also deal a lot of damage. Oh, my head left- Oh, never mind. It was replaced with an even better head. This creature's like, Hello, I am the nightmare angel. I want to be your friend. Oh, yes, of course. Just running my way above Saturn makes plenty of sense. See, everyone else has to balance, but not- I'm not swimming. I don't know how well eagles can swim. I don't really. I don't even know if it's a matter of whether or not they can swim. I think it's just, oh, this gets you the blocks that you're going to do. I don't know what this one is. It looks like a strip of bacon, but I love bacon. We're going this way. All right. I think it's just like a is this like a velociraptor next to me or is this supposed to be like a Siberian tiger? I'm not really sure. See, I have two mutations. Everyone else only has one, and I finally get to win. That's right. Get dabbed on by the rhino bird. I'm a gorilla now. I shouldn't say I'm a gorilla. I'm going to be part gorilla. I'm not exactly sure which part of the gorilla I get to be. Survey says armed gorilla. Wait, if I- If I also pick the spider, does he give me three gorilla arms? Tell me it gives me three gorilla arms. Oh no! it gets rid of my gorilla arms. How many of these can I shove into myself? Yeah, go ahead. You go ahead. Yeah, well, whatever. But let's put them all on. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Give me the giraffe head, too, because it's amazing. This is the greatest day of my life. I am the dreaded giraffe-alope! All right, let's do it. These two guys have no idea what they're up against. I'm going to swim just to kind of see make my swimming should be okay. I've got six arms and a tail. Ooh. All right, so we could just fly over this. No problem with the amazing somersault. Right to left. Do I want to unlock the Lego- Why? I would get a Lego from this, but I guess we can go ahead and do it. just punch my way through this because I'm incredibly strong. My decision now in the Olympic pool. Cool. And we have a winner, Lego. Oh, I don't know why I would want this, but whatever. And I like the turtle. Give me the Lego juice jammies. I love how, for some reason, Legos allow you to fly. That makes tons of sense. Okay, so I'm not sure where the shell goes. I imagine on my back makes me a fantastic swimmer. All right, great. Yeah, we get we get the shell, and then let's grab the gorilla arms, and now we can finish it off with the alligator tail. I think you can. I don't know if he gets rid of the shell or not. It's a chance I'm willing to take. Yes. Stick me right in the shell. Never mind. It totally stacks with the shell. I don't even know what to call this. I'm not the only person with a lego head though. I should do a ton of damage though. And I should also climb pretty good as part gorilla. Oh yeah. Gruzzin- Oh no... I don't know why I picked that. Uhhhhhhh.... Is that like a is that like a badminton thingy? I don't know. I'm going to go this way. I want the badminton thing. Okay. So I need to go through the water if I want the badminton thing. So Gruzzin is still somehow like keeping up with me. It must be his bionic legs or something. I'm really not sure. Going to get first though. So whatever the badminton thing was, I think I'm going to claim it. Oh, no, I got me that. All right. Oh, my God. Never mind. I want this. It's like a gargoyle. Uh, go ahead and give me the demon bat serum. Sounds good. So are you allowed to have this here, or does it get rid of the bat wings? Oh, you can stack up. It's definitely a demon bat, though. The only thing I care about is do I still get my tail? Yep. I guess I'll take the rhino head as well. I'm such a slow runner though. I'm pretty good at a lot of other things. If I can't swim and climb my way out of problems, I probably don't deserve to be a Floridian. This dude has butterfly wings?!? Are you kidding me? Yeah, we're going to swim our way out of this. Uh-huh! Oh, yeah. Oh, that's the stuff. Oh, he's really fast, though. Okay, so this direction over here is the one we haven't done yet, so. Yeah, we're going to go this way. Here we are. I could probably just fly over that, but I don't see why I'm going to go this way. Maybe it's okay. This is like a long, winding road. Yeah, get wrecked! It's because I'm in front of him, he can't get past me. Where did- How did you get there? But this dude had time to eat ten teenagers before we even got back. Look, it's what I feel like these creatures feast on in order to live Oh, I got, like a- Like a leopard or something! I can finally run faster. Yes. The one thing you never want to skip is the leg day. Oh, right. Go ahead and give me the demon bat wings right in the head. God, perfect. I love it. All right. We'll go ahead and grab the Lego juice. I am running out of body parts to evolve at this point. Might as well throw the shell on there. Why not? Okay, I'm ready to go. If this is- If this is where evolution is going, I feel like Mother Nature should just kill me now. I am so incredibly fast and powerful. Oh, yeah. Okay, so left or right? So we've got swimming and then more swimming. We're making our way out of this. So we're going to keep going. We're going to keep picking the left. All right, let's swim. My swimming should be really good. Oh, it's a backwards treadmill. I didn't even see that that was a thing, but I'm glad I picked the right choice, though. Let me get ahead of this guy. All right. You don't want to deal with the you don't want to deal with the roadblock over there. All right. So we got first place that will unlock something new and exciting. And it is whatever the bacon strip is. I feel like the bacon strip is Optimus Prime. It definitely looks like a piece of Optimus Prime. Oh, and I got a dragonfly. All right, Optimus Prime, what do you- Oh, swimming and climbing. Big time. I would like this injection into my pinky finger, please. There we go. Oooookay.... You know what? Sure. Give me. Give me the new Dragonfly. Why not? Okay, that was. That is very, very close to a place. I do not want to get a shot. Okay. Give me the legs of power. Perfect. Yep. Right into the right into the body. All right. That completely messed. I was going to say right into the buttocks, but not really. Oh, the rhino is quite good at swimming. You know what? Yeah. Give me the rhino head, and then this will max us out. Assuming I can put this on top of the Dragonfly wings. Yes, I am absolutely gorgeous. I hope none of you are playing to win. Oh, they're starting to upgrade, too What kind a tail does this guy have??? It's like- It's like a xenomorph tail. Look's like something out of Alien! I guess it just go around this, then we can just fly over this. I don't know how I have so much- Ooooh! All right, left or right? Let's see. Yeah. Guess we're heading- Guess we're heading to the left. Dodged the bullet there. Climb the wall filled with jelly bellies. Do I want to go into the reverse thing? No, I think I'm just going to punch my way through this. And we got first place. I love how this dudeis just wearing, like, an insect leotard. I don't even know. I shouldn't say I'm a T-Rex. I'm part of a T-Rex. And apparently T-Rex is are good at swimming and running. Which part of the T-Rex do I get? I'm assuming the head. I am correct. This is the derpiest T-Rex I've ever seen. All right, give me the wings. Give me the legs, give me the arms, and we can have our tail. I just suck myself in my own tail. They call me Wrexham's Prime. I'm your worst nightmare. I'm a Tyrannosaurus Rex with a pair of bionic arms. Remember that one weakness that Tyrannosaurus Rex had? Yeah. I basically overcame it with the power of science. Out of the way, Tipikus! Whenever there's a problem, I just punch it. All right, we're still going for this unlock, so we're going to pick left again. Just fly over this My swimming is maxed out anyway, so I should be just fine for the win. Perfect. That guy's head just unmoored. Did you see that? I'm a deer now. You the figure of the deer. I can just beat things with my skull a lot better. All right, whatever. Behold the mighty Venison-a-Tron. That's right. You want to eat me like a beef stick? You're going to end up chipping a tooth. Because part of me is made out of metal and sadness. I'm not that fast. I'm not as fast as I thought I would be as a swimmer. Okay, so we're here. So now we want to go right. Okay. So I don't know why I would want to do either of those things. I could fly over it, but there doesn't seem to be a reason. We're totally climbing. I'm not doing that long, drawn out thing, where I end up in last again. There! Much better idea. All right. What did I get? And survey says I have no clue what that is. And I'm a butterfly now. Butterflies are good at everything. I'd like to Green Day. Butterfly looks fantastic. And, yeah, whatever this is, I really don't know where this goes. I hope it's like a leg or something. Oh, it's my torso. Why does a turtle get a bonus to climbing? I feel like this is a question I shouldn't have to ask, but I am. Look at the thing I have become. Maxed out in every single category. I am the future out of my way. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! Oh, there's nothing that can get in my way! I can climb, I can fly, I can do everything. Well, I guess we need to unlock this now. Whatever it is we're making or may in the right path. Punch my way through here. Watch out for the explosive mine. And there's no one here. I got here alone. Oh, it's my second favorite animal, right next to alligators. Octopus. Give me the tentacles. Yesssss..... Oh, that is just hideous. I love it. I haven't had the Lego had no while. Okay, so to max this out, we need the demon wings for this one instead- We we need we need Satan's wings for this. I don't even need a shell. It is totally pointless. I'm already maxed out, but I need unlock whatever that last thing is. I want to know. Cool. I don't think this is cool. I am an octopus mecha thing with demon wings. All right, so keep going to the right for sure. There we go. And wall or swimming pool? Let's do the swimming pool. So the thing that's behind me is actually pretty fast. I'm kind of surprised. Oh, he's got gecko hands!!! You can better. I can better what? I can grammar better? I don't understand. I still managed to take first. I just couldn't tell what Google Translate was trying to tell me. All right, one more. A genie is not an animal!!! Although I guess neither is a Lego, *laughter* Oh, it's a fantastic flier. Does this is a remove my legs? Does this mean I'm not going to have good legs anymore? It totally removes your legs. Alright, so I need something that could help me run. I can't believe that deer doesn't help you run. It doesn't make any sense... All right, T-Rex for running. Then we can do the Mecha Arms. Oh, yeah. I think we're still going to really get this. Then the mecha body and then the alligator tail. Got it. Okay, now there's two things left alive. Hold on, I can almost max everything- I think I can. Yes, of course. YESSS!!!! *laughter* This is awful. HardSoda? So this is what I'm up against? Alright... We don't need to fight our way through this wall. I don't even actually walk anymore. I just kind of, like, glides now because I don't really have legs. Okay, so for this one, we're going to want to go right again, and that'll give us this unlock. So, right. It is past the wall. I'm kind of slow, actually. Like I'm slower than I think I would be. Maybe. I guess you really want leg day. I didn't come in first, but I think it's still going to give it to me as a consolation prize anyway. Is it going to be like Mecha Legs or something? It looks like it! And I'm a crab! What, I'm like an entire seafood buffet now. I mean, give me the crab because I got to have it. All right. Gigantic crab claws. Great. And then. Give me the legs and the body and this head. Throw some demon wings on this crock pot of insanity. You list the unholy. All right. Ready? Oh, yeah. Oh, my bionic legs are fantastic. We're a little bit slower than this. Than this turtle shell somehow. I'm not exactly sure how that occurred And let's see. Oh, these are all new unlocks, eventually. Is that a mushroom? I'm going to pick right. Fly over the crevasse! Swim through the swimming pool- although it's kind of more like a canal, but whatever. And we're a winner!!! Well, I wasn't sure what I wanted to be when I grew up, but it's a bionic winged crab with a Lego head. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of Merge Animals. Until next time: Stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 4,265,556
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Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, simulator, and this happened, android, merge animals 3d game, merge animals 3d gameplay, merge animals, android games, ios, hack, noob vs pro vs hacker, iphone, best games, noob vs pro, noob, pro, hacker, game, android game, merge animals 3d android, ios games, merge animals 3d ios, mobile game, mobile games, top games, funny, games, merge animals 3d mod, merge animals 3d hack, merge animals 3d apk, merge animals game
Id: oGDsunjSXrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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