When lies cause nothing but pain

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Alright, we're checking out the only game where the more you lie, the more everyone around you dies. It's Perfect Lie. Hello, Fairy God-liar. Oh, you are, like, really making my nose explode out of my face, aren't you? Walking down the hallway at school. No big deal. $500 laying on the ground. Take it, throw it away. I like how there's no option to do the right thing. It doesn't say give it back or like bring it to lost and found. It's just use it as kindling or take it. I'm taking the money. It's $500 that better actually show up in my wallet in the game. What is this? What is happening? What am I? I'm walking toward a disembodied torso and head. It's going to change my haircut. Oooh... I can have violent red hair. You got it! Oh, yeah. Now I look like a human Pokémon. I like it. Now it's time to age up five months and become an even more potent liar than I already am. Am I going to get any taller? I already notice I am way bigger than all of the other children in the school. Sleeping in bed, fully clothed because that's how we roll. Got to turn off the alarm 30 minutes later. Is it- Is today a school day? Not that it really matters. Ah, yes, I'm late for school. There's my mother, who I- All right, Google translate-ica Hold on. Here I can. Oh, my God. So real quick, everyone. Does anyone right now see what's wrong with this scene? When you see it, you'll understand why I screamed in fear. No? No one? Does no one notice that there is a random severed hand sitting on the side of the screen. Why is a floating, disembodied arm in my room? You know what? I do have a stomach ache. It's from eating the rest of the person that was attached to that hand last night. Oh, God. Oh, it- Poor child, take some rest? I'll put that rest right next to the $500 I found in school. Alright, go ahead and, uh, crane kick my way off the bed over here so I could- Tap to celebrate? Okay, oh yeah. Oh, I see. I've kicked over that. Wow. The water really spreads. How much water was in this glass? It's like a dimensional portal. I love how it's not even empty. It's still holding an entire ocean's worth of glass. Clean the carpet? Can I clean it in, like, a certain line? Oh, you actually can. I would have known that. I would have made, like, a like a Y for yeet or something. That's good enough. I like how he cleans the carpet. Like 1/10 of the way- What happened to the new carpet? Uhhhhh.... The carpet was thirsty?!? Dad, come on. This is one of those newfangled carpets, all right? You're supposed to water it, obviously. How dumb is my dad? $50. To be fair, I am rich. I'll try "This is just a new design". I don't think it does. It looks wet. All right. I've got $10,000 in my. I don't know what this is. It's not really a bank. Five more months go by. Think I'm gonna upgrade my hideout. I like how it's a hideout. This place, it looks like. Like who could miss it? It's not really well hidden. I want to upgrade the home. Oh, I got a fence now. It's not actually tall enough to keep me from falling and dying, but, hey, it's something. All right, brand new play area. You know, a bigger play area. You know what? The best play area? I have a rock climbing wall now. Okay, put some lighting on the house, a gigantic pool and a Christmas tree and a staircase and hedge- like a hedge maze in here. And another fence. I literally think I just spent more money on, like, my fake tree house than my parents spent on their actual house. Well, maybe I can get something better to roll around on. This looks like it could kill me. All right, Yeet Cliff. Onward, tap to eat candies. Okay. All right. Oh, yeah. Tastes like sweet diabetes. Why does my bed keep levitating in and out of the area? I don't really know what's happening over here. Who ate all the candies? The doge ate it. A bird flew in and ate it. Don't you ever throw your dog under the bus? There's birds everywhere. *yelling* The window is closed. You're grounded. I just took one for the team dog. You better not forget that. Please, please wash the dishes while I'm gone. I don't know if I want to do that. Play video games. I love that my mom is just moonwalking on the side over here. Never mind. She completely froze. She broke down. My mom ran out a ram. Someone help. Time to make some money on YouTube playing video games. Oh, my God. What happened to my thumbs? They forgot to grow up, right? How does this game market after, like, jump over the mushrooms or eat them? Wow. I- My- My vertical is incredible. Yeahhhh- AHHH My leg!!! Wow, because I failed in my game? I was watching a movie, I was doing homework. I love how the movie is the one with the monocle. This is worth more in like in life. I never got anywhere doing homework. I was watching a movie. I'm going to get grounded and I do the dishes for whole week. For whole week, you say? How about homework? I was doing homework. Now my mom should know- Wow, son, I am proud of you. My mother should know me by now. I haven't done homework in like seven years. I dab on the homework, I dab on it. Why is my dad just looking at this random painting? He's like, Oh, yes, a nice abstract art of a werther's original. Out of the way, children. I'm here to run people over and answer questions. What is this? Personality test? Picking three cards. Okay, what we got? Cell phone, internet. Would you rather live without. Oh, my God. I'm not sure I could survive without either of these. Probably cell phones. What do you see? Where's lemon/lime cotton candy? It's a tree. Would you rather be invisible or able to fly? Able to fly so I could leave Earth. All right. What's my personality? I'm a stealthy thief. You'll be nearly impossible to deter if you decide that a property is worth your time. Nothing can keep you away from your mission. What does this have to do with going to school? Apparently, I went to Ninja school. When do I get to become a teenager? Alright, don't worry. I've been told I'm a I'm a stealthy thief. So grabbing mom's money- Wow, she was literally looking at me and she had no idea that I just did that. Hey, Mom, where did all my money go? Dad stole it. Remember that divorce you wanted? Let me help you get it. Now go beat him to death. Let's check your room first. No, don't check my room. What is this? How come you don't trust your son? Oh, no. Now, let me try again while Mom's playing Candy Crush on her phone until you know she ate her phone. Did you notice that? She just- It just disappeared. Alright, let's try thieves. A thief stole it. Oh, her phone's back. She vomited it out. Great. Now I wasted her time and she's wasting the police. How come I have to escape the cops? Where did the thief go? He ran away. He vanished. He's one of those Hogwarts thieves. He vanished. Okay, like- Like a Naruto thief. Stop checking my room. Why does nobody trust me? Oh, that's why. All right. How about he ran? He ran away. How come I'm answering the questions? Bye. Oh, he just ran straight out of the house. I don't think I'll ever see that cop again. I am going to sleep. Please don't disturb me. If you want to do something without me disturbing you. You should probably not say anything that you're doing. Prank, Mother. See what happens. See what happens when you tell your son what's going on. A brick or a balloon? Brick. Ah, yes. A nice soft brick to lay on. I make sure you lean back as hard as possible. Nothing could go wrong. Now my mother has a concussion. Great pranking always comes in twos, though, Mom. Broken light bulb, red siren. What does this even do? What's she going to jump out the window in fear. Okay, red light bulb. Maybe it's filled with the blood of the innocent. Oh, it's giving her an epileptic seizure. Back in school. Taking a- Well, I would say taking a test, but I'm clearly sleeping. This is how I take my tests. See, I take them subliminally. The teacher's like, All right, let me walk over here. Now, when I was a kid, what the teacher would do is just smash your desk while you were asleep and scare you to death. I was praying I wasn't sleeping. Was doing your project all night. This is the right one, isn't it? Was doing this all night. Wow. Very good. Take some rest. Really? You don't mind I love that the teacher's like, "You know what this class isn't that important anyway. Go ahead. Go to sleep. I don't care." I love that the teacher's like, "You know what this class isn't that important anyway. Go ahead. Go to sleep. I don't care." Oh, I'm stealing his food. I'm just taking his whole sandwich. Where did my lunch go? It ran away. You already ate it. I love how all of the students are reading their non-existent books like man, the budget cuts this year a really bad this kid's typing on a computer that doesn't exist. I'm going to try that. You already ate it. That sounds ridiculous. I have been hungry all day for this. Well, it ain't my fault. All right, I guess I have to pick this one. I want to let you know, kid. The kid with the smaller head always yields the right away to the kid I think your mom forgot to pack lunch. She looked quite busy today. I'm a skilled fabricator now. I like how she just accepts it, and he's just going to go hungry. That food is optional. Hello, Fairy God-yeetus. Are you making my nose even longer? Yep. You sure are. I could murder a human being with this thing now. A hoverboard?!? This isn't like a hoverboard. This is like something out of Iron Man. I am, I am. I'm hovering off the ground. I have the power of science beneath my feet. And I just grew up. Six more months. I need to buy a gift for my GF. I have a GF? Where? I've been spending all of my time stealing from my mother. Well, apparently, and stealing from my father now as well. Yoink to the credit card. What is in your hand? My school I.D., my driver's license. I have to do it. To be fair, I do actually have a car, you know, at eight years old, my driver's license. Remember? Dad, I can drive. You're not old enough for one. I- That is true, but I still have a driver's license. All right, I guess I'll do my school I.D., even though it looks like a visa. See you later. Thanks, Dad. This is why you're poor. Swipe card to the right. Where am I bringing this? Do I have my own card swipe? Just got my girlfriend over here at Gucci bag? Snitche on mom? Who swiped my card? He's sitting there, he's like, what? What happened? It's like a 1200 dollar charge on my card. Mom did it. Mom did it. Oh, I planted the card in her bag. I am destroying my own family. No wonder I'm an only child. There is a flying clock in school. Am I seeing this or am I on drugs? What does this do? What is happening? Oh, I just. I leveled up like an age. I'm like a 13 year old. I'm like a teenager Alight now I have a real group of friends over here. I got to talk to these girls. Talk to cute girl. Which one is that? You couldn't have at least said like the one in the blue dress or something. All right, I guess I'll just make it up as I go along. Hi. Cute girl. Pick up line. Dance for her. Dance how? I gotta dance. Yeah, yeah. Pelvic thrust time. What do you think? That's cute. Where do you stay? Are you kidding me right now? Inside the White House. I mean, technically, my house is white. Like the color, the paint color. In the White House. That's not even in the state. Loser. Oh, apparently we don't live- Ahhhh!!! My eyes!!! Okay. I guess the mansion. Mansion nearby. Wow. Let's go to your mansion. Oh, no. Fake house. What, was there just a mansion laying on the side of the road? What is this mansion? My house is named in me. This is my spare house. Look, this is just a spare, okay? Oh, she is totally cool with that. See, this is where I work out, and this is where I boil the innocent. Hey, no making out in school. Tom is flirting. That is not flirting. Beat him up. Also have to mention something real quick. Look at how gigantic his head is. Mama, I said the kid with the bigger head always gets to call the shots. I mean, technically, I guess I should just let him have her. But that's not happening. I won't have to beat him up. Hey, Tom. Get wrecked! Oh, yeah. Drop kick. Roundhouse kick. He may be dead. We'll never see Tom again. All right, let's see here. I need to buy some new clothing, apparently. Here's a sweet suit I can wear. Yeah. Looks like I took my grandmother's drapes and turned them into a suit and pants. You know what? I like it. I feel like a character out of Mr. Bean. Oh, you know what I'm reminded of? The Kingsmen. That was, like, six years ago. My parents don't have a phone because I keep stealing all of their money. Prank friend. Oh, friend. Art for you. Water. Spider. Always spiders. Spider. That's my trained spider. You better not hurt that spider either when you put your foot in there. That's right, put that shoe inside your mouth. Or it could bite you on the forehead and probably inject you with venom He actually died. He's dead. Also, I'm going to glue his backpack to the table. You got to take the whole thing to school. Don't mind me. Just going to the park with my girlfriend over here. Oh, right. Everything's doing fine so far. Looks like there's quite a few people at the park. I'm going to have to murder a bunch of them so that. What is happening? Where'd this other girl- I have an ex? Who was that girl? I honestly have no clue. My cousin. I don't know if I want to be this close with my cousin. Both of these answers are really bad. Also, my nose is so long. How do I kiss any girls? There's no way I would skewer a human being straight through the head. My nose. Look, it's legitimately wider than her entire skull. I'm going to say my school friend. Your friend? Okay. So I will also kiss my friends from now. I don't. I don't know if that's good. This is weird. I don't like this relationship any more. Hey, the game wants me to pick my cousin. Are you serious? Okay, I'll do it. My cousin. How do you feel about that? Family is always important. I don't know if I feel that. Booty duty? What?!? What is booty duty? Yes. Also, could you say that and Google Translate again? Because listening to you mess up that grammar is hilarious. They remind me of watermelons. Wait. Is that making fun of her? Did I just- Just call her fat? Checking the pants I gifted her? Yes. I spend a lot of money on my friends. She drinking a bottle of wine? How old are these students? This game is so strange. Be safe. We will be back in some time. Is that- Is that my dad? They just don't look like my dad. It looks like a totally different man. Okay, bye. Parents. Maybe. Possibly parents. I really don't know. You know what? Don't come back. Because it scares me that you're completely different people than I remember. Swipe up to kick. Yeet! Oh, God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. That house is on fire. Oh, the entire house is on fire. I am so sorry. That fire here. It was there when I got here. You left the heater on overnight. You did this! O-M-G, I must have forgotten. Are we- Are we- Are we going to leave that there? We're just going to leave that there. The fire is raging and no one cares. Fix fire! Stop the fire! What if I don't want to? I'm going to lie. Our dinner table burns for a long, long time. Like mahogany or something? I don't even know if mahogany burns. They can't stop it. The fire is so strong. I'm a pro con artist now. Thing where you give me an even larger nose. My nose is now one third of my entire body weight. I mean, I guess so. I kind of like the fact that. What is that? What is this? Is that a human hand? It is a bloated human hand. This game is cursed. Okay. See you soon. All right. Got to go see my girlfriend. I'm checking the windowsill integrity. Just wanted some fresh air. Okay, let's spend time together in the garden. Oh, Mom, kids and parents don't actually do anything together. What is this TEPCO's insanity happening over here? What is this? Do you see this? There's this random girl loving her T-pos life. All right. I think I heard someone outside. I think I heard someone outside. I love that she doesn't mind throwing her 15 year old son out to, like, you know, fight the intruder that could be outside. Hi, Dad. "Where are you going?" To meet Grandma? I ate a lot. I'm going for a run. This one has the longer nose. Go ahead. This is so important. I love how he doesn't question the fact that I'm in an entire full suit. Wow your house is fantastic. It's kind of kind of monochrome, though. Like the walls are white, the floor is white, the sheets are white. And if you eat like spaghetti or something in here, you mess the whole room up. I am now going to be 16 years old. 15.8. 16.4. I guess I could buy some new clothing, too. I can be- What is this? What is this? Like a samurai? I don't. I don't know what I am. You know what? Whatever this is, this is. I'm a demon now. I always wanted to be unholy when I grew up. Don't mind me. I'm the leader of the demon crew. Where are you guys going? Clubbing? What happened to my mask? You're under 18. Go home. I mean, I'm, like, two years away, man. Give me a break. Prank coach. All right, let's see here. Coaches coming in to the. Ohhhhh, death. Why is there a candle down here? All right, let me go ahead and put these live wires here. Yeah, that's what happens. That's what happens when you don't give the kids what they want. You die. Hold on. I have to kill them more here. Here's some fire as well. Yeah, go ahead and grab Gordon. Grab the thing right there. Yeah. Now your hand's burning isn't it. Now you've been electrocuted and set on fire. Well done. This game is messed up. All right. Me and the girlfriend Sneaking through the house. they're doing a terrible job. We're headed into the bedroom. Do you know why, Mom? "Who is this girl?" My girlfriend! She's been with me for, like, six years. She's a thief. Why? That's right. Go get her mom. Okay? Okay. Yeah, she's a school project partner. Not like I actually do any school work. Uhhh.... Okay, bye. I'm gonna do projects in- No weddings. What is this? No, I'm already married. I am already married. No way. Who would marry you, loser? Oh, ow, that's- That was actually a really brutal burn. Wait a second. You're with me. Okay, I guess we can, but I don't have any money. See, look at my wallet. "Then I don't want to marry you." Oh, Al. Okay, well, I love my guy Look out, everyone bachelor coming through. What is your favorite thing about me? Oh, this is a totally different girl. I'm going to get slapped in the face so hard. Oh, she's just shooing me away. I thought I was going to get kicked in the head. All right, I guess your eyes. Your eyes. Not like I can see them inside of my demon mask. Let us go to the dance floor, random girl. Oh, wow. This is like two girls that are like a carpe-. What is this dance? Should I be? Should I become a professional dancer? Please do. Yes, but only perform in your bathroom. That girl's jaw is coming out of her mouth. Look at it. Look at it right there. Oh, God. Oh, it's awful. Her entire set of teeth is chilling out outside of her mouth. There's the dance again. You get to see it twice. Become a singer. And let us never speak of this again. No, babe, you are a better singer. You know me so well. I sure do. That's why I have a hot dog growing out of my face. The time has come to finally become an adult. Here we are. Do I look fat? It's just a bad mirror. Blame it on the mirror. "I got worried for nothing." This guy's like, Oh, wow, this kid is a compulsive liar. Yes, I am, good sir. I mean, I can steal it. I left my wallet at home. Oh, no, I left my wallet at home. I can see it in your hand. Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. I can't believe I just left it in my hand like that. What was I thinking? Here's $8,000. Here we are, my girlfriend and I over at the bar. As things always do, a random T-pose girl comes over and loves me. Ow! You just broke my jaw. I guess I really wasn't using it anyway. I know how to make things better by pranking my girlfriend. Of course. Red Chili. Red Chili Flakes. You have a- have a- have a bite of that. I'm gonna replace your water with Drano or lemon juice. There you go, have something to drink. Now wash that down with some citrus. There's the coach seeing him in the hallway. Why did you skip practice today? Do ten pushups. Give him a shock. How am I? I want to do it. But I just tased my own coach. He's dying. He's dead. I killed a man on school property and no one cares. Everyone's just going to leave his dead body there. Legit no one cares. I guess he wasn't a very good coach. Well, my life's kind of caught up with me. And now the school is down. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of Perfect Lie. Until the next time: Stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 4,175,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation games, graystillplays, simulator, and this happened, gameplay, ios, android, pc, gaming, perfect lie gameplay, 3d game, dog life simulator, android games, perfect lie, perfect lie game, teacher games, teacher game, games, new games
Id: NK11y1uzl1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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